Results for 'Ladislav Hejdánek'

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    Postmodernismus a střední Evropa.Ladislav Hejdánek - 2022 - Filosoficky Casopis 70 (3):505-517.
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    Parallel polis, or an independent society in Central and Eastern Europe: an inquiry.Vaclav Benda, Milan Šimečka, Ivan M. Jirous, Jiří Dienstbier, Václav Havel, Ladislav Hejdánek, Jan Šimsa & Paul Wilson - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
  3. Rawlsian Constructivism and the Conception of Human Rights by Ladislav Hejdánek.Matej Cíbik - 2014 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 4 (1-2):41-48.
    In spite of the iron curtain looming large between western academics and their (often politically persecuted and institutionally detached) colleagues in the eastern bloc, some intellectual developments bear striking similarities. This paper analyses one of them: the conception of human rights by Ladislav Hejdánek as opposed to Kantian constructivism, which was developed in the “west” by John Rawls and others. Both Rawls and Hejdánek, who was one of the philosophical heavyweights of Czech dissent, are moved by very similar concerns: (...)
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    Practices of Reason: Fusing the Inferentialist and Scientific Image.Ladislav Koren - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers new insights into the nature of human rational capacities by engaging inferentialism with empirical research in the cognitive sciences. Inferentialism advocates that humans' unique kind of intelligence is discursive and rooted in competencies to make, assess and justify claims. This approach provides a rich source of valuable insights into the nature of our rational capacities, but it is underdeveloped in important respects. For example, little attempt has been made to assess inferentialism considering relevant scientific research on human (...)
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    Scientific procedures.Ladislav Tondl - 1973 - Boston,: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    For a decade, we have admired the incisive and broadly informed works of Ladislav Tondl on the foundations of science. Now it is indeed a pleasure to include this book among the Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. We hope that it will help to deepen the collaborative scholar ship of scientists and philosophers in Czechoslovakia with the English reading scholars of the world. Professor Ladislav Tondl was born in 1924, and completed his higher education at the (...)
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  6. Science as a Vocation By Ladislav Tondl.Ladislav Tondl - 1979 - In Jan Bärmark (ed.), Perspectives in metascience. Göteborg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället. pp. 2--173.
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    (1 other version)Matematika a skúsenosť.Ladislav Kvasz - 2009 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 16 (2):146-182.
    Mathematics is traditionally considered being an apriori discipline consisting of purely analytic propositions. The aim of the present paper is to offer arguments against this entrenched view and to draw attention to the experiential dimension of mathematical knowledge. Following Husserl’s interpretation of physical knowledge as knowledge constituted by the use of instruments, I am trying to interpret mathematical knowledge also as acknowledge based on instrumental experience. This interpretation opens a new view on the role of the logicist program, both in (...)
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  8. Algebraic methods of mathematical logic.Ladislav Rieger - 1967 - New York,: Academic Press.
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    Aristotelova sylogistická logika jako teorie aritmetického typu.Ladislav Kvasz - 2024 - Filosoficky Casopis 72 (1):3-22.
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    The Vienna Arbitration in the Light of International Law and the Facts.Ladislav Deák - 1998 - Human Affairs 8 (2):170-181.
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    Ergodic Axiom: The Ontological Mistakes in Economics.Ladislav Andrášik - 2015 - Creative and Knowledge Society 5 (1):47-65.
    There are several ontological and consequently also methodological mistakes in contemporary mainstream economics. Among them, the so-called ergodic axiom is play significant role. It is understandable that the real economy elaborated as formalized mental model looks like dynamic system on first sight. However, that is right only of dynamical systems in mathematical formalism. Economy that is in our understanding societal and/or collective economy is complex evolving organism. If we imagine such organism in the form of dynamical system that is as (...)
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    Rhythm as a Condition of Research in ¡nterliterary Relations.Ladislav Franek - 1999 - Human Affairs 9 (1):79-85.
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  13. Sousedik unsuccessful criticism.L. Hejdanek - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (4):677-680.
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    (1 other version)Zur geschichte und gegenwärtigen lage der philosophie in der ČSR.L. Hejdánek - 1991 - Studies in East European Thought 42 (3):253-258.
    Official Czech philosophy has been dominated by a mix of Engelsian philosophy of science and positivism, a combination explained in part by the survival of positivism in Czechoslovakia and the failure of analytic philosophy to make inroads into Czech thinking. However, due to Jan Patoka' 's influence in espousing the works of Husserl and Heidegger, there was an anthropologically oriented Marxism although its successes were greater abroad than in Czechoslovakia. A more neopositivistic variant of Marxism also appeared, but it was (...)
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  15. Ideologický boj ve vývoji české filozofie.Ladislav Hrzal - 1983 - Praha: Nakl. Svoboda. Edited by Jakub Netopilík.
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  16. Predication and the semantic conception of truth.Ladislav Koren - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57:103-138.
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  17. The Failure of Communism: A Case for Revolutionary Rationalism and Evolutionary Himanism.Ladislav Kovac - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (8-10):177-196.
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  18. O Piagetovi, Dialektike A Členskom.Ladislav Kvasz - 2001 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 8 (1):56-73.
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    Three identities for ortholattices.Ladislav Beran - 1976 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 17 (2):251-252.
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    Tendencies in the Transformation of the Youth Movement in Slovakia after 1989.Ladislav Macháček - 1996 - Human Affairs 6 (1):63-76.
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    (1 other version)Das problem der formalen logik in der kritik der reinen vernunft.Ladislav Menzel - 1965 - Kant Studien 56 (3-4):396-411.
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    (1 other version)Ordnungsrelationen und mundus sensbilis. Eine auseinandersetzung mit Ernst Cassirer.Ladislav Menzel - 1968 - Kant Studien 59 (1-4):230-239.
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    The direction of time, the philosophy of technology and technology assessment.Ladislav Tondi - 1998 - In Ulrich Dirks & Hans Poser (eds.), Hans Reichenbach, Philosophie Im Umkreis der Physik. De Gruyter. pp. 97-108.
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    Personennamen und vulgärlatein.Ladislav Vidman - 1980 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 124 (1-2):254-265.
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    Belt & Road initiative and Russia: From mistrust towards cooperation.Ladislav Zemánek - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (2):199-211.
    The aim of this article is to analyse relations between China and Russia over the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the context of deepening Sino-Russian relations and the general rise of Eurasia. China and Russia are pivotal non-Western Eurasian powers in political, economic and military terms and the key motors of Eurasian multi-faceted integration. Both countries pursue their own interests and present their own projects and initiatives. Nevertheless, over the last few years, Sino-Russian cooperation has become strategic and is (...)
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  26. Descartovská fyzika vo svetle Husserlovej fenomenológie.Ladislav Kvasz - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 49:213-240.
    [Cartesian physics in the light of Husserl’s phenomenology].
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  27. Galileovská fyzika vo svetle Husserlovej fenomenológie.Ladislav Kvasz - 2000 - Filosoficky Casopis 48:373-399.
    [Galileo's Physics in the Light of the Husserl's Phenomenology].
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  28. Vývin pojmov - ohliadnutie po niekoľkých rokoch.Ladislav Kvasz - 2002 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 9 (2):205-211.
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  29. Formálna epistemológia a spoločenské vedy: odpoveď Markéte Patákovej.Ladislav Kvasz - 2015 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 37 (3):327-360.
    Cieľom článku je upozorniť na niektoré možnosti použitia metód formálnej epistemológie v oblasti sociálnych vied. Ide predovšetkým o teóriu objektácií a teóriu re-prezentácií a s nimi spojené metódy rekonštrukcie potencialít a formálnych aspektov jazyka. V článku sa ďalej snažíme zodpovedať niektoré kritické námietky Markéty Patákovej, ktoré sformulovala na adresu formálnej epistemológie vo svojom texte Predikce v Kvaszově formální epistemologii ve světle historické metody Michela Foucaulta.
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    Rational Actions and the Integration of Knowledge.Ladislav Tondl - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (1):91-110.
    The paper emphasizes the role of knowledge dimensions of an action which could be regarded as rational. Rational action usually results of specific decision — making process including selection, evaluation and acceptance of a preferred alternative. This process should integrate not only various types of knowledge but also the interdisciplinary or interdepartmental knowledge integration. The integration of knowledge may cover various forms, especially integration of knowledge relating to different domains, of different quality, of knowledge connected with different goal-orientations. The paper (...)
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    Cultural intelligence, shared intentionality and human cognitive uniquenes.Ladislav Koreň - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (5):1-22.
    This study critically reflects and assesses a recent debate over the nature of uniquely human cognition. The two standpoints in this debate are advocated by Michael Tomasello and Henrike Moll. Both agree that _shared intentionality_ is a key difference-maker, affording qualitatively new mental processes that support new forms of cooperative sociality and cumulative culture and thoroughly _transform_ human cognition. But Moll argues that Tomasello is infirm in his commitment to the transformative impact of shared intentionality on human cognition, flirting with (...)
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  32. Newtonovská fyzika vo svetle Husserlovej fenomenológie.Ladislav Kvasz - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52:411-440.
    [Newton's physics in the light of Husserl's phenomenology].
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    Have Mercier and Sperber untied the knot of human reasoning?Ladislav Koreň - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (5):849-862.
    Over the last decade, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber have elaborated an influential naturalistic account of human reasoning. Their distinctive hypothesis is that its adaptive rationale – and primary function – is to produce and assess reasons in interpersonal justification and argumentation. In this paper I argue, first, that their characterisation of reasoning as based on metarepresentations threatens to oversophisticate reasoning and faces the problem of vicious regress. Second, I argue that they owe us a coherent account of the cognitive (...)
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    (1 other version)How can A Falsified Theory Remain Corroborated?Ladislav Kvasz - 2004 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 11:263-271.
    Coming from a mathematical background, I was always puzzled by Popper’s view, according to which, after the falsification of a scientific theory its degree of corroboration becomes zero. Most of the scientific theories taught in the physics departments have already been falsified, and what is the point of teaching theories, whose degree of corroboration is zero? The first important observation to make is that not all cases of falsification are the same. In some cases, as for instance in the case (...)
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  35. Philosophy and society-on the philosophical heritage of radl, Emanuel.L. Hejdanek - 1990 - Filosoficky Casopis 38 (1-2):59-86.
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  36. Reflection in politics and the question of a political subject-on the place of philosophy in political life.L. Hejdanek - 1990 - Filosoficky Casopis 38 (6):746-761.
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    Globalization and a Normative Framework of Freedom.Ladislav Hohoš - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (1):42-53.
    Globalization and a Normative Framework of Freedom The author considers the question of whether or even what normative structure of social order is able to encourage the advancement of the measure of positive liberty in the process of globalization. Related to this is the issue of the insufficiency of guarantees provided by orthodox liberalism for human self-determination. The author considers possible scenarios as to the way in which an elite cosmopolitan minority, profiting from globalization and feeling no responsibility for the (...)
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    Boj proti revizionizmu v česloslovenskej filozofii.Ladislav Hrzal & Jakub Netopilik - 1976 - Bratislava: Pravda. Edited by Jakub Netopilík.
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    Mená & predikácia.Ladislav Koreň - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (1):3-25.
    This paper is a polemic response to the essay “The Semantics of Proper Names and Identity Theory of Predication” by L. Novák (SN 1–2/2004). In the first part of the article, the so-called descriptive theories of proper names and Kripke’s challenge to these views are briefly presented. It is pointed out that Novák’s exposition rests upon certain presuppositions in the theories of meaning and mind, which are controversial and which – without further argument – can hardly cast doubt on the (...)
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    Changes of the Pictorial Form and the Development of the Self.Ladislav Kvasz - 2021 - In Vojtěch Kolman & Tereza Matějčková (eds.), Perspectives on the Self: Reflexivity in the Humanities. De Gruyter. pp. 229-256.
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    Descartes Nikétés.Ladislav Kvasz - 2021 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    How Can Abstract Objects of Mathematics Be Known?†.Ladislav Kvasz - 2019 - Philosophia Mathematica 27 (3):316-334.
    The aim of the paper is to answer some arguments raised against mathematical structuralism developed by Michael Resnik. These arguments stress the abstractness of mathematical objects, especially their causal inertness, and conclude that mathematical objects, the structures posited by Resnik included, are inaccessible to human cognition. In the paper I introduce a distinction between abstract and ideal objects and argue that mathematical objects are primarily ideal. I reconstruct some aspects of the instrumental practice of mathematics, such as symbolic manipulations or (...)
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    „Niekoľko poznámok k vzťahu prírodných a spoločenských vied.“.Ladislav Kvasz - 2003 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 10 (2):157-172.
    The aim of the paper is to present a theoretical framework which would make it possible to embed the conflict between the natural and human sciences into a broader historical context. With the help of categories such as paradigmatic disciplines, mixed discipline of the paradigm, metaphorical realm of the paradigm, and elusive realm of the paradigm we describe the dynamics of changes in the classification of scientific disciplines which accompany a scientific revolution. Our approach is thus an alternative to T. (...)
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    On the Role of Language in Scientific Research: Language as Analytic, Expressive, and Explanatory Tool.Ladislav Kvasz - 2021 - In Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (ed.), Language and Scientific Research. Springer Verlag. pp. 93-117.
    The aim of the paper is to analyze how language affects scientific research, from planning experiments and interpreting their results, through constructing models and the testing their predictions, to building theories and justifying their principles. I try to give an overview of the potentialities of language of science. I propose to distinguish six potentialities: analytic, expressive, methodical, integrative, explanatory, and constitutive power of language. I will shortly characterize each of these potentialities and illustrate their contribution to scientific research. Although I (...)
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  45. Science and september 11th: A lesson in relevance.Kov C. Ladislav - 2003 - World Futures 59 (5):319 – 334.
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    (2 other versions)Zu den strukturen der klassischen prädikatenlogik.Ladislav Rieger - 1964 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 10 (9‐12):121-138.
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    Hodnocení a hodnoty: metodologické rozměry hodnocení.Ladislav Tondl - 1999 - Praha: Filosofia.
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  48. Stymulujące funkcje nauki i aktywne społeczeństwo.Ladislav Tondl - 2001 - Prakseologia 141 (141):203-218.
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    What is the thematic structure of science?Ladislav Tondl - 1998 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 29 (2):245-264.
    The paper justifies the concept of “thematic structure” or “order of knowledge” over the traditional “classification of sciences” due to the uncertainty of many classification criteria. The thematic structure of science has, of course, various levels and various dimensions. Arguments against any forms of separating the humanities from sciences in the traditional sense of the term are presented and discussed. Equally unacceptable are attempts at sharp separation of technical disciplines and humanities. The thematic structure of humanities is not created by (...)
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    Mind the Silver Bullet Thinking: A Multilevel Study on the Impact of Manager Trait Mindfulness on Subordinate Objective Job Performance.Ladislav Zalis, Jakub Prochazka & Martin Vaculik - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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