Results for 'Lau Chong-Fuk'

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  1.  22
    Hegels Verwirklichung des Kantischen Autonomiebegriffs.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):192-196.
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    (1 other version)Language and Metaphysics.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2006 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 17:55-74.
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    From the Kantian to the Hegelian Court of Reason.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 337-348.
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  4. The Aristotelian-Kantian and Hegelian Approaches to Categories.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2008 - The Owl of Minerva 40 (1):77-114.
    This paper analyzes and compares the doctrines of categories of Aristotle, Kant and Hegel, each of which is first discussed separately. The paper explains the essential double perspective of the problem, showing how a logico-linguistic analysis of the form of rational discourse serves for them as an important clue to ontological problems. Although Aristotle and Kant’s doctrines differ significantly, they both endorse a kind of isomorphism between language/thought and reality. By contrast, Hegel, who takes a critical attitude toward the capability (...)
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    Kant’s Transcendental-Psychological Approach to Metaphysics.Chong-Fuk Lau - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-22.
    The paper reinterprets Kant’s Copernican revolution as a transcendental-psychological transformation in the approach to metaphysics. It tackles the prevalent scholarly view that Kant’s theory of the faculty of cognition appears incompatible with his broader metaphysical framework of transcendental idealism, primarily due to difficulties in integrating cognitive faculties such as sensibility and understanding within the dichotomy of appearances and things in themselves. The paper proposes that Kant’s transcendental psychology is neither a metaphysical-rational doctrine of the noumenal mind, nor an empirical-naturalized study (...)
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  6. Transcendental Concepts, Transcendental Truths and Objective Validity.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2015 - Kantian Review 20 (3):445-466.
    Kant insists that the use of concepts must be subject to empirical conditions if they are to have objective validity. This article analyses Kants distinction between empirical and transcendental truths. Since transcendental concepts are pure concepts without spatio-temporal content, their objective validity is of the same second-order kind as that of unschematized categories. This characteristic of transcendental concepts implies that the cognitive powers picked out by them are not particular psychological mechanisms, but rather abstract functional structures. Transcendental concepts owe their (...)
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  7. Freedom, Spontaneity and the Noumenal Perspective.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2008 - Kant Studien 99 (3):312-338.
    For Kant, both morality and the possibility of objective knowledge presuppose freedom. His theory of freedom is based on the distinction between phenomena and noumena, concepts which represent two different ways of viewing things. The question, however, is whether it is justified to take the noumenal perspective in addition to the phenomenal one. Isn’t freedom an illusion, if we regard ourselves as free, while in fact we are not? The crux of the problem lies in recognizing that there is no (...)
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    Die Struktur der transzendentalen Deduktion und das Problem des Selbstbewusstseins.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher (eds.), Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 362-371.
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    A Deflationary Approach to Hegel’s Metaphysics.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2016 - In Allegra de Laurentiis (ed.), Hegel and Metaphysics: On Logic and Ontology in the System. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 27-42.
    The paper outlines a deflationary interpretation of Hegel’s metaphysics, as presented in the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. It focuses mainly on the Science of Logic as a theory of categories, which explores the movement of the Concept. The major idea is to read Hegel’s identification of logic and metaphysics as a thesis on deflating metaphysics into logic and semantics. Hegel’s metaphysics, which may better be called logico-metaphysics, does not describe the objective world directly. Rather, as a second-order theory, it (...)
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    Kant’s Epistemological Reorientation of Ontology.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2010 - Kant Yearbook 2 (1):123-146.
    This paper analyzes Kant’s epistemological reorientation of ontology, explaining in what sense Kant’s complex theory of transcendental idealism and empirical realism should be understood as an ontological realism under the framework of epistemological idealism. The paper shows that Kant’s concept of existence is only applicable to empirical objects in the spatiotemporal causal framework. Accordingly, not only things in themselves, but also epistemic conditions such as the transcendental subject and the faculties of sensibility and understanding cannot be said to exist. They (...)
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    Kant’s Transcendental Functionalism.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2014 - Review of Metaphysics 68 (2):371-394.
    This paper develops a new functionalist interpretation of Kant that aims to unify his cognitive psychology with transcendental idealism. It argues that Kant’s faculty of cognition describes neither the phenomenal nor the noumenal mind, but a theoretical construct of the transcendental subject, comparable to the abstract Turing machine. This interpretation can be called “transcendental functionalism,” which determines what functions the mind has to realize if it is to be capable of objective cognition. Transcendental functionalism resolves problems associated with other functionalist (...)
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  12.  26
    Kant’s Negative Noumena as Abstracta.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2022 - In Gregory S. Moss (ed.), The Being of Negation in Post-Kantian Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 33-55.
    This paper takes a fresh look at Kant’s transcendental idealism with a new reading of negative noumena as abstract entities. It shows that the three criteria for abstractness, i.e., non-spatiotemporality, causal inefficacy, and non-indiscernibility, are true of Kant’s negative noumena. Phenomena, by contrast, are concrete entities in space and time, which can be understood as spatiotemporally instantiated noumena. Kant’s distinction between noumena in the positive and negative sense will be reinterpreted as a distinction between non-spatiotemporally instantiated concrete entities and uninstantiated (...)
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    Die Sprachlichkeit Des Wahren Und Hegels Kritik Des »unmittelbaren Wissens«.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2004 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 6 (1):203-208.
  14.  10
    Hegels Urteilskritik: Systematische Untersuchungen zum Grundproblem der spekulativen Logik.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2004 - Munich, Germany: Wilhelm Fink.
    Die Urteilskritik, die in Hegels Lehre vom spekulativen Satz enthalten ist, stellt eine radikale Kritik der traditionellen Auffassung des prädikativen Urteils dar. Sie betrifft nicht nur dessen logische Form, sondern insbesondere dessen ontologische Implikationen. Der Form nach ist das prädikative Urteil für Hegel unfähig, das Wahre angemessen darzustellen. Hegels Konsequenz ist aber gerade nicht, stattdessen eine "spekulative" Sprachform zu erfinden, die der Endlichkeit der natürlichen Sprache enthoben wäre. Er will vielmehr die Sprache durch sich selbst, in einer konsequent kritischen Umgangsweise, (...)
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    The Sovereignty of Reason: Making Sense of Hegel's Philosophy of Objective Spirit.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2011 - Idealistic Studies 41 (3):167-185.
    This paper aims to make better sense of Hegel’s Philosophy of Objective Spirit and defend it against the charge of political conservatism and optimism. I will argue for the left Hegelian position in the theological-philosophical respect, thereby leaving the left-right divide in the social-political respect largely open. I will explain that Hegel’s commitment to the inherent rationality of the state and the course of human history as the progress of freedom does not imply blind optimism, since his thesis is not (...)
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    Hegel’s Critique of Foundationalism and Its Implications for Husserl’s Dream of Rigorous Science.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2019 - In Danilo Manca, Elisa Magrì, Dermot Moran & Alfredo Ferrarin (eds.), Hegel and Phenomenology. Springer Verlag. pp. 61-75.
    Hegel sees philosophy as the only rigorous science that does not have any presupposition, but he rejects the possibility of an absolute foundation for philosophy, instead maintaining that only the system as a whole can be free from all presuppositions. Hegel’s system lays claim to presuppositionlessness, not on the ground of any presuppositionless beginning, but rather as a holistic system of concepts in which inevitable presuppositions are made transparent and comprehended. This paper examines Hegel’s analysis of the concept of immediacy (...)
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    Heige'er xin shi =.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
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    On the Possibility of a Disembodied Mind.Lau Chong-Fuk - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):338-352.
    Even though the Cartesian mind-body dualism has largely been dismissed in contemporary philosophy, the idea that the conscious mind can be a bodiless and non-spatial entity is still held to be possible. This paper examines a series of arguments by Jaegwon Kim, Peter Strawson, and Immanuel Kant against the possibility of a disembodied mind. It is argued that although the concept of a disembodied mind is coherent, it derives from a more fundamental concept in which the mind and the body (...)
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    Chong-Fuk Lau 刘创馥, A New Interpretation of Hegel 黑格尔新释. Beijing北京: The Commercial Press 商务印书馆, 2019. ISBN 978-7-100-17075-8 (pbk). Pp. 281. 36.00 ¥. [REVIEW]Yuqi Xing - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin 44 (1):244-249.
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    Respondenz zum Beitrag von Chong-Fuk Lau.Óscar Cubo - 2015 - In Andreas Speer, Wolfram Hogrebe & Markus Gabriel (eds.), Das Neue Bedürfnis Nach Metaphysik / the New Desire for Metaphysics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 113-118.
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    Lun heng zhu zi suo yin =.D. C. Lau & Chong Wang (eds.) - 1996 - Xianggang: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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    Neuropsychological Consequences for Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumor in Malaysia.Hamidah Alias, Sie Chong D. Lau, Ilse Schuitema & Leo M. J. de Sonneville - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Pak Chong-hong chŏnjip.Chong-Hong Pak & Yoram Kinyom Saophoe - 1980 - Soul: Hyŏngsŏl Ch⁽ulp⁽ansa.
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    Myŏnu Kwak Chong-sŏk ŭi chisik paekkwa Mongŏ.Chong-sŏk Kwak - 2020 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Aurum. Edited by Hong-gŭn Cho.
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    Chen Chong ren sheng gan wu lu.Chong Chen - 2003 - Xian: Shanxi ren min mei shu chu ban she. Edited by Yunlong Chen.
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  26. Pak Chong-hong chŏnjip.Chong-Hong Pak, Kyu-Yong Kim & Chong-Hyon Pak - 1980 - Soul: Hyŏngsŏl Ch⁽ulp⁽ansa.
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  27. Yŏram Pak Chong-hong Paksa.Chong-Hong Pak (ed.) - 1963
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  28. Confronting ethical permissibility in animal research: rejecting a common assumption and extending a principle of justice.Chong Un Choe Smith - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (2):175-185.
    A common assumption in the selection of nonhuman animal subjects for research and the approval of research is that, if the risks of a procedure are too great for humans, and if there is a so-called scientific necessity, then it is permissible to use nonhuman animal subjects. I reject the common assumption as neglecting the central ethical issue of the permissibility of using nonhuman animal subjects and as being inconsistent with the principle of justice used in human subjects research ethics. (...)
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  29. Clarifying the best interests standard: the elaborative and enumerative strategies in public policy-making.Chong Ming Lim, Michael C. Dunn & Jacqueline J. Chin - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (8):542-549.
    One recurring criticism of the best interests standard concerns its vagueness, and thus the inadequate guidance it offers to care providers. The lack of an agreed definition of ‘best interests’, together with the fact that several suggested considerations adopted in legislation or professional guidelines for doctors do not obviously apply across different groups of persons, result in decisions being made in murky waters. In response, bioethicists have attempted to specify the best interests standard, to reduce the indeterminacy surrounding medical decisions. (...)
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  30. Confucius: The Analects.D. C. Lau (ed.) - 1996 - Columbia University Press.
    A record of the words and teachings of Confucius, _The Analects_ is considered the most reliable expression of Confucian thought. However, the original meaning of Confucius's teachings have been filtered and interpreted by the commentaries of Confucianists of later ages, particularly the Neo-Confucianists of the Song dynasty, not altogether without distortion.In this monumental translation by Professor D. C. Lau, an attempt has been made to interpret the sayings as they stand. The corpus of the sayings is taken as an organic (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Mencius.D. C. Lau - 1984 - Penguin Classics. Edited by D. C. Lau.
    Mencius, who lived in the 4th century B.C., is second only to Confucius in importance in the Confucian tradition. The _Mencius_ consists of sayings of Mencius and conversations he had with his contemporaries. When read side by side with the _Analects_, the _Mencius_ throws a great deal of light on the teachings of ConfuciusMencius developed many of the ideas of Confucius and at the same time discussed problems not touched upon by Confucius. He drew out the implications of Confucius' moral (...)
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    Pak Chong-hong chʻŏrhak ŭi chaejomyŏng: Yŏram tʻansin 100-chunyŏn ŭl kinyŏm hayŏ.Chong-Hong Pak (ed.) - 2003 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Chʻŏnji.
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    Toward a Holistic Communication Approach to an Automated Vehicle's Communication With Pedestrians: Combining Vehicle Kinematics With External Human-Machine Interfaces for Differently Sized Automated Vehicles.Merle Lau, Meike Jipp & Michael Oehl - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Future automated vehicles of different sizes will share the same space with other road users, e. g., pedestrians. For a safe interaction, successful communication needs to be ensured, in particular, with vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians. Two possible communication means exist for AVs: vehicle kinematics for implicit communication and external human-machine interfaces for explicit communication. However, the exact interplay is not sufficiently studied yet for pedestrians' interactions with AVs. Additionally, very few other studies focused on the interplay of vehicle (...)
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    Economic Determination in the Last Instance: China's Political- Economic Development Under the Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis.Raymond Lau - 2001 - Historical Materialism 8 (1):215-252.
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    Yuhak ŭi yongmangnon kwa inʼgan haesŏk.Chong-ho Sŏ - 2008 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼguk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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    Lun heng xuan yi.Chong Wang - 1990 - Chengdu: Sichuan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Zhongye Huang & Enlin Chen.
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  37. The Emperor's New Phenomenology? The Empirical Case for Conscious Experience without First-Order Representations.Hakwan Lau & Richard Brown - 2018 - In Adam Pautz & Daniel Stoljar (eds.), Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness. new york: MIT Press.
    We discuss cases where subjects seem to enjoy conscious experience when the relevant first-order perceptual representations are either missing or too weak to account for the experience. Though these cases are originally considered to be theoretical possibilities that may be problematical for the higher-order view of consciousness, careful considerations of actual empirical examples suggest that this strategy may backfire; these cases may cause more trouble for first-order theories instead. Specifically, these cases suggest that (I) recurrent feedback loops to V1 are (...)
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  38. The mnemonic basis of subjective experience.Hakwan Lau, Matthias Michel, Joseph LeDoux & Stephen Fleming - 2022 - Nature Reviews Psychology.
    Conscious experiences involve subjective qualities, such as colours, sounds, smells and emotions. In this Perspective, we argue that these subjective qualities can be understood in terms of their similarity to other experiences. This account highlights the role of memory in conscious experience, even for simple percepts. How an experience feels depends on implicit memory of the relationships between different perceptual representations within the brain. With more complex experiences such as emotions, explicit memories are also recruited. We draw inspiration from work (...)
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    The Foundation of Physicianship.Abraham Fuks, James Brawer & J. Donald Boudreau - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (1):114-126.
    The practice of medicine involves continual change, driven by a constant stream of developments in the understanding of biological structure and function relevant to human diseases, and the parallel improvements in pharmacologic and other technological interventions. This change is also driven by evolving social philosophies, ethical trends, and lifestyles. As products of society, doctors absorb contemporary values and norms. Indeed, it would appear that the ethical norms and standards of medical practice are flexible, and that the characteristics of medical practice (...)
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  40. Yuhŏn Yi Chong-hu Paksa hwagap kinyŏm nonmunjip.Chong-hu Yi (ed.) - 1981 - Taegu-si: Imunsa.
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    A Step Forward: Ethics Education Matters!Cubie L. L. Lau - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4):565-584.
    Ethics education matters! Contrary to some common beliefs that ethical behavior is inborn, this study suggests that education does matter. This paper examines ethics education and its relationship with students’ ethical awareness and moral reasoning. Attitudes Towards Business Ethics Questionnaire and 10 vignettes were deployed as the major measurement instruments. It is hypothesized that students with ethics education will have both a greater ethical awareness and ability to make more ethical decisions. Hypotheses were tested in two undergraduate business courses at (...)
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  42. How to Choose Normative Concepts.Ting Cho Lau - 2024 - Analytic Philosophy 65 (2):145-161.
    Matti Eklund (2017) has argued that ardent realists face a serious dilemma. Ardent realists believe that there is a mind-independent fact as to which normative concepts we are to use. Eklund claims that the ardent realist cannot explain why this is so without plumping in favor of their own normative concepts or changing the topic. The paper first advances the discussion by clarifying two ways of understanding the question of which normative concepts to choose: a theoretical question about which concepts (...)
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  43. Volition and the Function of Consciousness.Hakwan Lau - 2009 - Faith and Philosophy 26 (5):537-552.
    People have intuitively assumed that many acts of volition are not influenced by unconscious information. However, the available evidence suggests that under suitable conditions, unconscious information can influence behavior and the underlying neural mechanisms. One possibility is that stimuli that are consciously perceived tend to yield strong signals in the brain, and this makes us think that consciousness has the function of sending such strong signals. However, if we could create conditions where the stimuli could produce strong signals but not (...)
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  44. Hanʼguk sasangsa: Sŏksan Han Chong-man Paksa hwagap kinyŏm.Chong-man Han & Sæoksan Han Chong-man Paksa Hwagap Kinyæom Nonmunjip Kanhaeng Wiwæonhoe (eds.) - 1991 - Chŏlla-bukto Iri-si: Pogŭpchʻŏ Sŏksan Han Chong-man Paksa Hwagap Kinyŏm Nonmunjip Kanhaeng Wiwŏnhoe.
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  45. Externalism about mental content.Joe Lau - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Externalism with regard to mental content says that in order to have certain types of intentional mental states (e.g. beliefs), it is necessary to be related to the environment in the right way.
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    Relative blindsight in normal observers and the neural correlate of visual consciousness.Hakwan C. Lau & Richard E. Passingham - 2006 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (49):18763-18768.
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    Transforming problematic commemorations through vandalism.Chong-Ming Lim - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (3):414-421.
    ABSTRACT In recent years, progressive activists around the world have fought to remove ‘problematic’ commemorations – typically, monuments commemorating and honoring individuals responsible for injustice, or even unjust events. Many of these problematic commemorations are vandalized before they are eventually removed. In this essay, I consider how the vandalism of problematic commemoration can transform the public honoring of a target, to a public repudiation or humiliation of that target. I discuss four obstacles to realizing the transformative potential of vandalism, and (...)
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    The distribution of handshapes in the established lexicon of Israeli Sign Language.Orit Fuks - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (242):101-122.
    Our study focuses on the perception of the iconicity of handshapes – one of the formational parameters of the sign in signed language. Seventy Hebrew speakers were asked to match handshapes to Hebrew translations of 45 signs, which are specified for one of the handshapes in Israeli Sign Language. The results show that participants reliably match handshapes to corresponding sign translations for highly iconic signs, but are less accurate for less iconic signs. This demonstrates that there is a notable degree (...)
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    Discussions critiques.Chong Wang & Nicolas Zufferey - 1997 - Editions Gallimard.
    Figure originale de la pensée chinoise, Wang Chong passe en revue, dans cet ouvrage, les conceptions de son temps. Alors que dans leur majorité les penseurs chinois se préoccupent en priorité de morale, il se donne un programme d'ordre épistémologique : la lutte contre l'erreur et le mensonge.
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    Visual expectations change subjective experience without changing performance.Lau Møller Andersen, Morten Overgaard & Frank Tong - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 71 (C):59-69.
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