Results for 'Leslie Koren'

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  1.  14
    Morning rituals: ideas and inspiration to get energized.Leslie Koren - 2021 - New York, NY: Artisan, a division of Workman Publishing Co..
    Who doesn't wish they hopped out of bed each feeling energized and ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead? In Morning Rituals, author Leslie Koren is here to help, with practices that will have readers kicking their day off right! This tidy volume offers dozens of invigorating, empowering exercises for the body and spirit: Set an intention for the day. Drink a glass of lemon water. Write morning pages. Do a set of push-ups, or a series of energizing (...)
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  2. Feminist philosophy of religion and the problem of epistemic privilege.Irena Nulman, Dennis Scolnik, David Chitayat, Lesly D. Farkas & Gideon Koren - forthcoming - Heythrop Journal.
  3.  40
    Practices of Reason: Fusing the Inferentialist and Scientific Image.Ladislav Koren - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers new insights into the nature of human rational capacities by engaging inferentialism with empirical research in the cognitive sciences. Inferentialism advocates that humans' unique kind of intelligence is discursive and rooted in competencies to make, assess and justify claims. This approach provides a rich source of valuable insights into the nature of our rational capacities, but it is underdeveloped in important respects. For example, little attempt has been made to assess inferentialism considering relevant scientific research on human (...)
  4.  32
    Contesting algorithms: Restoring the public interest in content filtering by artificial intelligence.Niva Elkin-Koren - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In recent years, artificial intelligence has been deployed by online platforms to prevent the upload of allegedly illegal content or to remove unwarranted expressions. These systems are trained to spot objectionable content and to remove it, block it, or filter it out before it is even uploaded. Artificial intelligence filters offer a robust approach to content moderation which is shaping the public sphere. This dramatic shift in norm setting and law enforcement is potentially game-changing for democracy. Artificial intelligence filters carry (...)
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    Have Mercier and Sperber untied the knot of human reasoning?Ladislav Koreň - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (5):849-862.
    Over the last decade, Hugo Mercier and Dan Sperber have elaborated an influential naturalistic account of human reasoning. Their distinctive hypothesis is that its adaptive rationale – and primary function – is to produce and assess reasons in interpersonal justification and argumentation. In this paper I argue, first, that their characterisation of reasoning as based on metarepresentations threatens to oversophisticate reasoning and faces the problem of vicious regress. Second, I argue that they owe us a coherent account of the cognitive (...)
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  6. Wabi-sabi for artists, designers, poets & philosophers.Leonard Koren - 1994 - Berkeley, Calif.: Stone Bridge Press.
    Originally published: Berkeley, Calif. : Stone Bridge Press, 1994.
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    Can Perelman’s NR be Viewed as an Ethics of Discourse?Roselyne Koren - 2009 - Argumentation 23 (3):421-431.
    The purpose of this paper is to defend and justify the hypothesis that Perelman’s New Rhetoric can enable the French school of Discourse Analysis to readjust its theoretical positions concerning the ethics of discourse. While it is no longer necessary, in the wake of linguists such as Benveniste and Kerbrat-Orecchioni, to point out the founding role of the inscription of subjectivity in language, it is, paradoxically, still necessary to justify the legitimacy of choosing the axiological dimension of discourse and its (...)
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    Musings of a curious aesthete.Leonard Koren - 2020 - Point Reyes, California: Imperfect Publishing. Edited by Marco Koren.
    This is a book about aesthetics that is both a memoir and design critique. Among questions it addresses are: What inspires an aesthetic adventure? What is the best way to respond to ugliness? Is beauty always "good"? What is the crux of an artist's job? Why is "making nothing" beautiful? And what is a "beautiful human being"? The illustrator is Marco Koren, a young Californian artist with a passion for drawing.
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    Cultural intelligence, shared intentionality and human cognitive uniquenes.Ladislav Koreň - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (5):1-22.
    This study critically reflects and assesses a recent debate over the nature of uniquely human cognition. The two standpoints in this debate are advocated by Michael Tomasello and Henrike Moll. Both agree that _shared intentionality_ is a key difference-maker, affording qualitatively new mental processes that support new forms of cooperative sociality and cumulative culture and thoroughly _transform_ human cognition. But Moll argues that Tomasello is infirm in his commitment to the transformative impact of shared intentionality on human cognition, flirting with (...)
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    Maturity of children to consent to medical research: the babysitter test.G. Koren, D. B. Carmeli, Y. S. Carmeli & R. Haslam - 1993 - Journal of Medical Ethics 19 (3):142-147.
    The age of maturity of children to consent for medical research is under debate, as different authorities regard the capacity of young teenagers as either satisfactory or not to grant consent without parental participation in the process. The present paper contrasts the generally accepted guideline for ethics in paediatric research in Canada with what the same children are allowed and expected to be able to do as babysitters. This comparison reveals deep incongruences in the way the maturity of the same (...)
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  11. Pravidlá: spoločnosť, jazyk a racionalita.Ladislav Koreň - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (4):591-615.
    Táto kritická štúdia sa zameriava na problematiku spolupráce a pravidiel, diskutovanú Jaroslavom Peregrinom v knihe Človek a pravidla. Okrem extenzívneho exkurzu do osnovy Peregrinových hlavných myšlienok a argumentov budú systematicky analyzované niektoré kľúčové otázky patriace do tejto interdisciplinárnej teoretickej oblasti, pričom sa kriticky posúdia niektoré prvky Peregrinovho špecifického prístupu. Konkrétne, budem argumentovať, že Peregrinom preferovaná koncepcia pravidla - ako propozičného poznania, že niečo by malo nejako byť - nemôže dobre slúžiť jeho zámerom, ak chce udržať jeho evolučný prístup k pravidlám.
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  12. Normatívnosť tvrdenia.Ladislav Koreň - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (1):25-52.
    Cieľom štúdie je vysvetliť motiváciu a podstatu filozofických koncepcií, podľa ktorých je tvrdenie normatívny fenomén. Začnem tým, že zmapujem kľúčové myšlienky k problematike tvrdenia, a lokalizujem typické normatívne prístupy. Potom rozoberiem, čo vlastne znamená povedať, že tvrdenie je normatívnym fenoménom špecifického druhu, a predložím špekulatívno-hypotetickú rekonštrukciu genézy tvrdiacej jazykovej hry - presnejšie, jej protoformy - ktorá by mala vyzdvihnúť jej charakteristické sociálno-normatívne aspekty. Na tomto základe postavím kritické porovnanie dvoch reprezentatívnych normatívnych prístupov k tvrdeniu: pragmatického inferencializmu Roberta Brandoma a Knowledge (...)
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    Correction to: Cultural intelligence, shared intentionality and human cognitive uniquenes.Ladislav Koreň - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 40 (1):1-2.
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    Hinge commitments vis-à-vis the transmission problem.Ladislav Koreň - 2015 - Synthese 192 (8):2513-2534.
    This study provides a critical appraisal of Duncan Pritchard’s argument to the effect that ability to preserve certain eminently plausible transmission and/or closure principles for knowledge serves as a powerful adequacy test on alternative accounts of so-called Wittgensteinian certainties or hinge commitments. I argue that Pritchard fails to establish this claim—the transmission test does not favour his favourite conception over alternative conceptions premised on the idea that hinge commitments are not supportable via evidential-cognitive routes.
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    The Evolution of Reason Giving and Confirmation Bias.Ladislav Koreň - 2022 - Philosophical Topics 50 (1):213-234.
    In their own way, inferentialists and interactionists both trace the roots of reflective reasoning to practices and skills for making, assessing, and responding to public performances in communicative practices of giving and asking for reasons. Inferentialists have developed the idea mostly on conceptual grounds. Interactionists ask, in a more empirical spirit, why and how such practices and skills might have evolved. Thus they promise complementary “anthropological” insights of foremost interest to inferentialists. But interactionist theories advance a number of controversial claims (...)
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  16.  51
    Groups, Norms and Practices: Essays on Inferentialism and Collective Intentionality.Ladislav Koreň, Hans Bernhard Schmid, Preston Stovall & Leo Townsend (eds.) - 2020 - Cham: Springer.
    This edited volume examines the relationship between collective intentionality and inferential theories of meaning. The book consists of three main sections. The first part contains essays demonstrating how researchers working on inferentialism and collective intentionality can learn from one another. The essays in the second part examine the dimensions along which philosophical and empirical research on human reasoning and collective intentionality can benefit from more cross-pollination. The final part consists of essays that offer a closer examination of themes from inferentialism (...)
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    Filosofie: Od hledání pravdy k teoriím pravdy?Ladislav Koreň - 2010 - Filosofie Dnes 1 (2):109-122.
    Akým druhom činnosti filozofia je, aký má zmysel, aké otázky si má klásť, a akým spôsobom ich má uchopiť? Mojím cieľom v článku nie je priamo odpovedať na tieto otázky, na ktoré nie je žiadna jednoduchá odpoveď. Chcem skôr kriticky preskúmať stále populárne poňatie filozofie: filozofia ako skúmanie usilujúce o pravdu či poznanie pravdy. O výroky v tomto duchu nie je vo filozofickej tradícii núdza. Otázka znie: hovoria nám tieto metafory niečo podstatné o filozofii?
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    Does discursive authorship justify user rights?Niva Elkin-Koren - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (1):174-178.
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    Tailoring Copyright to Social Production.Niva Elkin-Koren - 2011 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12 (1):309-347.
    The prevalence of social production and the increase in User Generated Content destabilize some of the fundamental premises of our current copyright law. Copyright law is primarily designed to regulate the relationships of a single owner with other non-owners and is focused on the sovereignty of the author/owner. Social production, by contrast, requires us to articulate a matrix of relationships between the individual, the facilitating platform and the communities and crowds involved in social production. The transition from industrial production to (...)
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    The privatization of information policy.Niva Elkin-Koren - 2000 - Ethics and Information Technology 2 (4):201-209.
    Copyright law in recent years has undergone a process of privatization. While weakening the enforceability of conventional legislation (copyright rules), cyberspace facilitates alternative types of regulation such as contracts and technical self-help measures. Regulation by the code is significantly different from traditional types of public ordering (copyright law) and private ordering (contracts). Norms that technically regulate the use of information are not merely self-made they are also self-enforced. Furthermore, the law was recruited to uphold the superiority of such technical self-help (...)
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  21.  15
    An introduction to the philosophy of nature.Henry J. Koren - 1960 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University.
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    An introduction to the philosophy of animate nature.Henry J. Koren - 1955 - St. Louis,: Herder.
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    An introduction to the science of metaphysics.Henry J. Koren - 1955 - St. Louis,: Herder.
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    Biobanking in Israel 2016–17; expressed perceptions versus real life enrollment.Gideon Koren, Daniella Beller, Daphna Laifenfeld, Iris Grossman & Varda Shalev - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):63.
    As part of the preparations to establish a population-based biobank in a large Israeli health organization, we aimed to investigate through focus groups the knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of insured Israelis, toward biobanking, and then, after input from focus groups’ participants, to empirically assess the impact of a revised recruitment process on recruitment rates. 1) Six Focus group discussions were conducted with individuals who had routine blood laboratory tests taken in the last 2 years. 2) After addressing the issues raised (...)
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    DNA replication timing: Coordinating genome stability with genome regulation on the X chromosome and beyond.Amnon Koren - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (10):997-1004.
    Recent studies based on next‐generation DNA sequencing have revealed that the female inactive X chromosome is replicated in a rapid, unorganized manner, and undergoes increased rates of mutation. These observations link the organization of DNA replication timing to gene regulation on one hand, and to the generation of mutations on the other hand. More generally, the exceptional biology of the inactive X chromosome highlights general principles of genome replication. Cells may control replication timing by a combination of intrinsic replication origin (...)
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  26. D. Wheller, Davidson.Ladislav Koreň - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (1):128-133.
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    Glasba kot jezik?Marija Koren-Bergamo (ed.) - 2003 - Ljubljana: Slovensko muzikološko društvo.
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    Healthy children as subjects in pharmaceutical research.Gideon Koren - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (2):149-159.
    Recruitment of healthy children for drugresearch has emerged due in part to several newAmerican laws and policies that have led to asurge in pharmaceutical research involvingchildren-subjects. In this paper, I review theethical and scientific issues and the argumentsin favor and against this new practice.
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  29. ha-Mistorin shel ha-Arets =.Israel Koren - 2005 - Ḥefah: Hotsaʼat ha-sefarim shel Universiṭat Ḥefah.
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  30. L. Wittgenstein, O Istote.Ladislav Koreň - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (3):405-411.
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    Marx and the authentic man.Henry J. Koren - 1973 - New York,: Humanities Press.
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    Mená & predikácia.Ladislav Koreň - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (1):3-25.
    This paper is a polemic response to the essay “The Semantics of Proper Names and Identity Theory of Predication” by L. Novák (SN 1–2/2004). In the first part of the article, the so-called descriptive theories of proper names and Kripke’s challenge to these views are briefly presented. It is pointed out that Novák’s exposition rests upon certain presuppositions in the theories of meaning and mind, which are controversial and which – without further argument – can hardly cast doubt on the (...)
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  33. Ot psevdorynka i "t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ionnykh razlomov"-k russkoĭ idee: ocherki dukhovno-sot︠s︡ialʹno-ėtnicheskoĭ filosofii v ėpistoli︠a︡rnom zhanre.R. V. Korenʹ - 1998 - Stavropolʹ: Izd-vo Stavropolʹskogo gos. tekhn. universiteta.
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  34. Predication and the semantic conception of truth.Ladislav Koren - 2009 - Filosoficky Casopis 57:103-138.
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  35. Paradoxes of Political Conflicts. Case Study: The Eclipse of the Belgium First Prime Minister.Varda Koren - 2016 - In Giovanni Scarafile & Leah Gruenpeter Gold, Paradoxes of Conflict. Cham: Springer.
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  36. Pour une éthique du discours: la prise en charge du vrai et du juste.Roselyne Koren - 2013 - In Charles Guérin, Gilles Siouffi & Sandrine Sorlin, Le rapport éthique au discours: histoire, pratiques, analyses. Bern: Peter Lang.
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    Rhétorique et éthique: du jugement de valeur.Roselyne Koren - 2019 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Les valeurs faisant sens pour le locuteur jouent un rôle central dans la justification des décisions. Le jugement de valeur est cependant suspect d'être prescriptif et inique. Sa réhabilitation est l'objet de cet ouvrage. On y démontre que rhétorique et rationalité axiologique sont indissociables.
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    Research in philosophy.Henry J. Koren - 1966 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
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  39. Research in Philosophy ; A Bibliographical Introduction to Philosophy and a Few Suggestions for Dissertations.Henry J. Koren - 1969 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 31 (1):169-169.
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    Readings in the philosophy of nature.Henry J. Koren - 1958 - Westminster, Md.: Newman Press.
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    The eutectic mixture of local anesthetics: changing the risk-benefit ratio in pediatric research.Gideon Koren - 1991 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 14 (2):4-6.
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    The mystery of the earth: mysticism and Hasidism in the thought of Martin Buber.Israel Koren - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    INTRODUCTION In this book I have set myself two primary goals. First, to examine the overall role of mysticism in the thought of Martin Buber: the part it ...
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  43. Tarski's Method of Truth Definition: Its Nature and Significance.Ladislav Koreň - 2010 - In Jaroslav Peregrin, Foundations of logic. Prague: Charles University in Prague/Karolinum Press.
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    Záverečné slovo.Ladislav Koreň - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (2):250-256.
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    Mená & predikácia: A Journal of Analytic Scholasticism.Jaroslav Koreň - 2005 - Studia Neoaristotelica 2 (1):3-25.
    This paper is a polemic response to the essay “The Semantics of Proper Names and Identity Theory of Predication” by L. Novák. In the first part of the article, the so-called descriptive theories of proper names and Kripke’s challenge to these views are briefly presented. It is pointed out that Novák’s exposition rests upon certain presuppositions in the theories of meaning and mind, which are controversial and which – without further argument – can hardly cast doubt on the so-called New (...)
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  46. Glock, Hans Johann (2018). Semantics: Why rules ought to matter. In: Beran, Ondrej; Kolman, Vojtech; Koren, Ladislav. From rules to meanings: New essays on inferentialism. London, 63-80.Hans Johann Glock, Ondrej Beran, Vojtech Kolman & Ladislav Koren (eds.) - 2018
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    Sir Leslie Stephen's Mausoleum Book.Leslie Stephen - 1977 - Oxford University Press UK.
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  48. An introduction to the Philosophy of animate Nature. [REVIEW]HENRY J. KOREN - 1955 - Sapientia 14 (54):316.
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    Human rights of children: Their right to information. [REVIEW]Marian Koren - 2001 - Human Rights Review 2 (4):54-76.
  50. Readings in the Philosophy of Nature. [REVIEW]Henry J. Koren - 1958 - Sapientia 13 (50):314.
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