Results for 'Lithuanian art'

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  1.  24
    Vytautas Raudeliūnas – Lithuanian Legal Historian.Vidmantė Giedraitytė & Antanas Šenavičius - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):129-144.
    Vytautas Raudeliūnas is Lithuanian law historian, expert of the history of the Great Duchy of Lithuania, pedagogue and Lithuanian patriot. He spent his youth in exile and finished his studies in Russia and in Vilnius. He worked as a fellow in Lithuanian Science Academy, in the Monument Defence Office, the Institute of Culture, Philosophy and Art. V. Raudeliūnas lectured at Vilnius Pedagogical University. He was one of the establishers and publishers of periodical publications “The monuments of (...) law”, “The studies of Lithuanian law history”. The article describes biography of V. Raudeliūnas, collects and disputes his bibliography and evaluates his contribution to the history of Lithuanian law. The article analyzes V.Raudeliūnas’ biography and scientific activity, as well as the main directions of his research: publications and transcriptions of Lithuanian Statutes; development of law institutes in the Great Duchy of Lithuania; peculiarities of development of Vilnius University. (shrink)
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    Totalitarianism and the problem of Soviet art evaluation: the Lithuanian case.Skaidra Trilupaityte - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (4):261-280.
    By taking into account dissident/political and art historical interpretations of Soviet art, I analyze how polemics about totalitarianism in the West, which generally corresponded with Cold War debates and Eastern European dissident thought, shaped the post-Soviet evaluations of national artistic legacies. It is argued that the political relationship with the totalitarian past, like in many post-socialist areas where the immediate past was subjected to radical re-evaluation, affected Lithuanian artists’ and critics’ attitude towards local Soviet art. Because of an obvious (...)
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  3. Nietzsche, postmodernism and the phenomenon of Arvydas Šliogeris in contemporary Lithuanian philosophy.Jūratė Baranova - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (1):53-69.
    This article is based on the presupposition that postmodern philosophy has been largely influenced by Nietzsche's writings. The author raises the question of how Nietzsche and postmodern philosophy are interpreted in the contemporary philosophical discourse in Lithuania. The conclusion drawn is that many philosophy critics in Lithuania are interested in Nietzsche's philosophy (Mickevižius, Sodeika, Šerpytytè, Sverdiolas, Baranova) and in the problems of postmodern philosophy (Keršytè, Rubavižius, Žukauskaité, Serpytytè, Šverdiolas, Baranova, Norkus). The article also raises a second crucial question: beyond the (...)
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    Guidelines for the Improvement of Legal Education in the Context of the Essential Quality Parameters of Higher Education (article in Lithuanian).Edita Gruodytė & Julija Kiršienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):1177-1194.
    Not only in Lithuania, but also in the other countries, there is a growing tendency among young people to choose a legal education. Law is a professional sphere of immense depth and breadth and it is evident that during several years in a school of higher education, designed to grant legal knowledge and skills, it is impossible to convey all aspects and nuances of the law. Legal education in a higher school is only the beginning of a lawyer’s education, while (...)
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    Art, Religion, and Ethics Post Mortem Dei: Levinas and Dostoyevsky.Peter Atterton - 2007 - Levinas Studies 2:105-132.
    Discussions of the sources for Levinas’s philosophy have tended to focus on Greece and the Bible to the neglect of his Russo-Lithuanian cultural heritage. Almost no work has been done examining the impact of Russian literature on Levinas’s thinking. The present essay seeks to overcome this neglect by examining the influence that Dostoyevsky in particular exerted on the development of Levinas’s philosophy. I am aware that the notion of “influence” is philosophically vague, and not something whose truth can easily (...)
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    Moral upbringing through the arts and literature.Paweł Kaźmierczak & Jolanta Rzegocka (eds.) - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Mark Twain, the great American writer of the South whose characters struggle with difficult choices, famously said: Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other. Taking Twains phrase as a starting point, this book considers how literature and art explore different systems of values and principles of conduct, and how they can teach us to cope at times of trial. Morality remains one of the most contested areas of thought and ethics in the (...)
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    The Problem of Truth in Van Gogh’s Painting: Some Different Theoretical Interpretations.Tautvydas Vėželis - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (3).
    The article raises the problem of the relationship between art and truth, reviewing the interpretations of V. Van Gogh’s famous painting A Pair of Shoes (1886–87) in the works of famous theorists and art critics. Raising the question of what truth is revealed in the artist’s painting, the most important disputes on this topic between M. Heidegger, M. Schapiro, J. Derrida and F. Jameson are briefly discussed. This artist’s painting also caught the attention of the famous Lithuanian philosopher A. (...)
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    A Value-Based Approach to Teaching Legal Ethics.Julija Kiršienė & Charles F. Szymanski - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1327-1342.
    Nowadays ethics plays a vital role in numerous professions. Due to social requirements and technical advances, changes in the accreditation rules in legal, economic, medical and engineering education have emerged in many countries, often requiring the inclusion of an ethics requirement in such professional programmes. In this work, the authors demonstrate that such changes are absolutely necessary in the legal profession in Lithuania. Specifically, the record low level of prestige of the judiciary and lawyers in the Lithuanian society and (...)
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  9. Grožis ir menas lietuvių estetikoje: 1918-1940.Alfonsas Andriuéskeviécius - 1989 - Vilnius: Mintis.
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    Grožis ir menas lietuvių estetikoje: 1918-1940.Alfonsas Andriuškevičius - 1989 - Vilnius: Mintis.
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    The Visual Turn in Academic Research and University Study Programs in Lithuania.Agnieška Juzefovič - 2016 - Cultura 13 (1):125-136.
    Visual turn and replacement of linear sequential communication with visual analogues cause growing variety of scopic regimes and interest in the topic of visuality. This interest is particularly apparent in Lithuanian academic magazines Santalka and Creativity Studies, which are devoted to the topics of philosophy, creative industries and communication within the creative society. The role of images in mass medias, creative industries, advertisement, urban planning, social mapping, various scopic regimes are often analyzed in Lithuanian academic discourse. Traditional university (...)
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    Szkotyzm w Polsce.Marek Gensler & Elżbieta Jung-Palczewska - 1998 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 12:17-27.
    During the 15th century the Cracow University had become a major intellectual centre in central Europe. It was especially important in educating lawyers and administrators for the Polish-Lithuanian state as well as the higher clergy: as a result, special stress was put on legal and theological studies. The faculty of Liberal Arts (Philosophy), though less prized, also took part in the intellectual life of the Latin Europe, becoming home to representatives of most philosophical schools of the late Middle Ages. (...)
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  13.  46
    Lessons of the First EU Court of Justice Judgments in Asylum Cases.Lyra Jakulevičienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):477-505.
    Starting from 2009, national courts of the EU Member States for the first time gained a “real” right to request the EU Court of Justice for preliminary rulings in asylum matters. First judgments of this Court demonstrate equivocal tendencies: some are blaming the Court for incompetence in asylum matters, others believe that the adoption of authoritative decisions at the European level will assist in developing consistent practice of applying asylum law in the European Union, something that failed at international level (...)
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  14.  20
    E. gendrolio bendruomeninės žmogaus raidos teorija.Gintautas Mažeikis - 2008 - Problemos 75.
    Straipsnyje analizuojami filosofo ir antropologo Edmundo Gendrolio filosofiniai ntropologiniai samprotavimai apie žmogaus savivokos, save suvokiančio mąstymo raidą. Gendrolis nuosekliai rėmėsi socialinės ir kultūrinės antropologijos teorijomis, empiriniais paleoantropologijos tyrinėjimais, etologijos prielaidomis. Straipsnio tikslas yra parodyti Gendrolio filosofinių antropologinių samprotavimų pecifiškumą, išskiriant jo bendruomeninės abstraktaus mąstymo kilmės teoriją, pabrėžiant solidarumo ir kultūros tvermės formų svarbą žmogaus raidai nuo seniausių Homo erectus laikų. Straipsnyje parodoma, kad Gendrolis nuosaikiai kritikavo marksistinę darbo teoriją, zoologinį individualizmą, linijinį evoliucionizmą, filosofinės antropologijos spekuliatyvumą, ir tvirtinama, kad jis savitai, (...)
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    Aesthetics As First Ethics: Levinas and the Alterity of Literary Discourse.Henry McDonald - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (4):15-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aesthetics As First EthicsLevinas and the Alterity of Literary DiscourseHenry McDonald (bio)1Notwithstanding the considerable amount of scholarly attention paid since the 1980s to Emmanuel Levinas’s ethical philosophy of “the other,” critics and theorists have generally approached the relation between ethics and aesthetics in his work warily. Although readings of poetry and fiction inspired by Levinas’s philosophy continue to grow at a rapid rate, arguments applying that philosophy to literary (...)
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  16.  26
    Historia filozofii na Litwie.Romanas Plečkaitis - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):166-166.
    The academic History of Philosophy in Lithuania in three volumes will be published by the Institute of Culture, Philosophy and Art. The first presented volume covers the development of Lithuanian philosophy from the 16th to the 18th centuries. It includes late medieval and Renaissance philosophy, the second scholasticism and modern philosophy. The first Lithuanians to be introduced to philosophy were young members of the gentry who studied in European universities at the end of the 14th century. The recently baptized (...)
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  17.  31
    History of Philosophy in Lithuania.Romanas Plečkaitis - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):159-166.
    The academic History of Philosophy in Lithuania in three volumes will be published by the Institute of Culture, Philosophy and Art. The first presented volume covers the development of Lithuanian philosophy from the 16th to the 18th centuries. It includes late medieval and Renaissance philosophy, the second scholasticism and modern philosophy. The first Lithuanians to be introduced to philosophy were young members of the gentry who studied in European universities at the end of the 14th century. The recently baptized (...)
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  18.  33
    Out of the experience of poetry.Richard Rojcewicz - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 7 (1):33-48.
    ABSTRACT This contribution to phenomenological aesthetics takes inspiration from Martin Heidegger’s idea that poetry arises out of the experience of thinking and thinking out of the experience of poetry. The mutual nourishment of philosophy and poetry is put into practice here through a presentation of three poems and the reflections they provoke. The poems are the work of a contemporary Lithuanian-American poet, Rita Malikonytė Mockus. The reflections derive their basic orientation from Heidegger’s phenomenological philosophy of art. This philosophy is (...)
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    Vaizdų tekstai - tekstų vaizdai.Lina Balaišytė, Erika Grigoravičienė & Giedrė Jankevičiūtė (eds.) - 2016 - Vilnius: Lietuvos kultūros tyrimų institutas.
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  20.  12
    Apglėbiantis mąstymo būdas.Viktorija Daujotytė-Pakerienė - 2006 - Problemos 69.
    Straipsnyje, remiantis moksline ir menine medžiaga, aptariama humanistikos metodų problema. Keliama mintis, kad vaisingiausi metodai yra susiję su bendresniu mąstymu, su teorija. Jei metodas tik perimamas, jis virsta įrankiu, metodologijos dažnai, ypač disertacijose, tik imituojamos. Pasiremiama A. J. Greimo mintimi apie „apglėbiantį mąstymo būdą“. Trumpai aptariant pirmą kartą lietuviškai pasirodžiusias E. Husserlio „Karteziškąsias meditacijas“, ieškoma ir fenomenologinio tako humanistikoje, ypač literatūros moksle. Pabrėžiamas filosofijos ir literatūros ryšys. Keliama mintis, kad humanistikos metodologinės nuostatos turėtų labiau remtis pačia kūryba. Reikšminiai žodžiai: metodas, (...)
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  21. Dialogue and universausm no. 1-2/2003.Lithuanian Humanists - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (1-5):95.
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    Lithuanian Philosophy of Culture and the Concept of Integral Democracy.Laurynas Peluritis - 2024 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 8 (4):193-223.
    This paper aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the development of Lithuanian philosophical thought and philosophy of culture in Lithuania, focusing specifically on the concept of integral democracy. The emergence of Lithuanian philosophy in the Lithuanian language, which dates back to the early twentieth century, coincided with the formation of the modern Lithuanian state (1918-1940). During this period, cultural progress was emphasized alongside economic development, and the philosophy of culture became the dominant paradigm. The article (...)
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  23. Arte classica ch 6900 lugano. Via peri 9-tel. 091 23 38 54.Bernheimer'S. Antique Arts & Antique Jewelry - 1991 - Minerva 2.
  24.  20
    Lithuanian Notary Practice in 1918–1940: Legal Regulation (text only in Lithuanian).Mindaugas Maksimaitis - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):7-22.
    Between the world wars, Lithuanian notary practice was based on the legal acts adopted from Russia, the Kingdom of Poland, and Germany. The most important was the Russian Notary Law of 1866, which was valid in the largest part of the Lithuanian territory. This law established the so-called approval system, in which the most important acts of the notary as indicated by civil law had to be approved by the senior notary, who worked under the supervision of the (...)
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    Semiotics of art literature• painting• film.Sémiotique des Arts - 1971 - In Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok, Essays in semiotics. The Hague,: Mouton. pp. 397.
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    Lithuanian Philosophy: Persons and Ideas.Jurate Baranova - 2000 - CRVP.
  27.  20
    The Descendants of Lithuanian Immigrants in Kazakhstan: Contours of Ethnic Identity.Jolanta Kuznecovienė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (4).
    Research on the forced migration of Lithuanians to the east of the former Soviet Union in the 1940s and early 1950s throws up a wide range of issues. Methodologically, most of such studies are similar in terms of the sample chosen, which consists of the former prisoners of gulags and exiles who have returned to Lithuania, but it usually disregards those who stayed. Accordingly, the Lithuanian diasporas that emerged in the east after the forced migration, including in Kazakhstan, have (...)
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    Kʻartʻvel pʻilosopʻostʻa lekʻsikoni: personalia.Tamaz Buachidze & Sak°Art°Velos P.°Ilosop°Iuri Sazogadoeba (eds.) - 2000 - Tʻbilisi: Gamomcʻemloba "Oazisi".
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  29. Artes plásticas.Laís Moura—Duas Artes Primitivas, Homem Comum, M. Silveira & Domingos Crippa—O. Humanismo Marxista - 1967 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 10.
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    The Recovery of Archaic Lithuanian Thinking: A Mythopoetic Worldview.Žilvinas Svigaris - 2017 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (1).
    This article argues that the recovery of the archaic Lithuanian tradition and the old way of life cannot be approached as the theoretical reconstruction of some artificially structured system; they can be recovered only insofar as they can be directly and naturally experienced. In other words, the very idea that the archaic tradition was a kind of an artificial system that can be reconstructed and preserved in a text today is limited and does not reveal the vitally important nuances (...)
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    The Echo of Historical Lithuanian Grand Duchy in Modern Law of Lithuania.Mindaugas Maksimaitis - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):843-858.
    Upon reinstitution of the Lithuanian state in the beginning of the twentieth century, some people reflected back to the times where Lithuanian law had European significance. However, it was concluded that the latter would not satisfy the needs of a modern state. The change in times made the continuation of the legal tradition impossible. Yet it was also impossible to put faith into fast creation of the essentially new Lithuanian legal system. Therefore, it was decided to accept (...)
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    Constitutional Status of Lithuanian as the Official Language: Basic Aspects (text only in Lithuanian).Milda Vainiutė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 122 (4):25-41.
    Article 14 Chapter I ‘The State of Lithuania’ of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania of 1992 reads as follows: ‘Lithuanian shall be the State language’. This principle is not new in the Lithuanian history of constitutionalization, as Lithuanian was the official language of the State in the interwar period but lost this status during the Soviet occupation. After 1988, when many political, economic and social changes crucial for further development of the State took place in (...)
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  33. Chapter Ten Art Constructs as Generators of the Meaning of the Work of Art Viktor F. Petrenko and Olga N. Sapsoleva.Art Constructs as Generators - 2007 - In Leonid Dorfman, Colin Martindale & Vladimir Petrov, Aesthetics and innovation. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  34. Bernheimer's antique arts.Antique Jewelry & Arte Classica - 1991 - Minerva 2.
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  35. What's morally wrong with eugenics.Art Caplan - 2004 - In Arthur L. Caplan, James J. McCartney & Dominic A. Sisti, Health, Disease, and Illness: Concepts in Medicine. Georgetown University Press.
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    Reflections on Business Ethics: What Is It? What Causes It? and, What Should A Course in Business Ethics Include?Art Wolfe - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (4):409-439.
    Business ethics courses have been launched with professors from business pulling on one oar, and professors of philosophy pulling on the other, but they lack a sense of direction. Let's begin with the basics: What is an ehtical decision? More fundamentally, why the interest in professional ethics in the first place?There are over 300 centers for the study of appIied ethics in this country-why? The events which face our society today are outside the business-oriented collection of shared beIiefs that set (...)
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    Lord Kelvin and the age-of-the-earth debate: a dramatization.Art Stinner & Jürgen Teichmann - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (2):213-228.
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    Going Far by Going Together: James M. Buchanan’s Economics of Shared Ethics.Art Carden, Gregory W. Caskey & Zachary B. Kessler - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (3):359-373.
    We explore themes in Nobel Prize–winning economist James M. Buchanan’s work and apply hisEthics and Economic Progressto problems facing individuals and firms. We focus on Buchanan’s analysis of the individual work ethic, his exhortations to “pay the preacher” of the “institutions of moral-ethical communication,” and his notion of law as “public capital.” We highlight several ways people with other-regarding preferences can contribute to social flourishing and some of the ways those who have “affected to trade for the public good” might (...)
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    becker, howard s., faulkner, robert r., and kirshenblatt-gimblett, barbara (eds). Art from Start to Finish. Jazz, Painting, and Other Improvisations. University of Chicago Press. 2006. pp. 248. 23 half. [REVIEW]Art Criticism - 2006 - British Journal of Aesthetics 46 (4).
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  40. Interpretation in Science and in the Arts.Art as Representation - 1993 - In George Levine, Realism and Representation. University of Wisconsin Press.
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  41. Art as the Measure of Man.Bruno Bettelheim, Irwin Edman, George Dinsmore Stoddard & National Committee on Art Education - 1964 - [Published by] the Museum of Modern Art for the National Committee on Art Education; Distributed by Doubleday, Garden City, N. Y.
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    Lithuanian Pilgrimage.Stratford Caldecott - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (4):572-575.
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    Lithuanian Political Thought in the Twentieth Century and its Reflections in Sajudis: What Kind of State Have Lithuanians Been Fighting For?Justinas Dementavicius - 2011 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 6 (1):89-110.
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    Analysis of Lithuanian Court Practice on Partitioning of Common Partial Divided Property.Vytautas Pakalniškis & Solveiga Cirtautienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):277-294.
    The recent Lithuanian court practice shows discrepancies in cases dealing with partitioning of common partial divided property. Moreover, no doctrinal research has been concluded on the limits and conditions of the co-owners‘ right to demand that his share should be partitioned from the common partial ownership in Lithuania. Taking into account that proper implementation of co-ownership rights is based on common agreement of co-owners, when no agreement is reached between co-owners regarding the fact and the mode of partitioning, a (...)
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    On Sartwell’s Thesis That Knowledge is Merely True Belief.Art Skidmore - 1997 - Southwest Philosophy Review 13 (1):123-127.
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    The Pursuit of Magnetic Shadows: The Formal-Empirical Dipole Field of Early-Modern Geomagnetism.Art R. T. Jonkers - 2008 - Centaurus 50 (3):254-289.
    Abstract…observations of skylfull pylotts is the onlye waye to bring it in rule; for it passeth the reach of naturall philosophy. – Michael Gabriel, 1576 (Collinson, 1867, p. 30)Abstract The tension between empirical data and formal theory pervades the entire history of geomagnetism, from the Middle Ages up to the present day. This paper explores its early-modern history (1500–1800), using a hybrid approach: it applies a methodological framework used in modern geophysics to interpret early-modern developments, exploring to what extent formal (...)
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    (1 other version)The Development of Lithuanian Civil Law before and after the Adoption of the Civil Code in 2000 (text only in French).Asta Dambrauskaitė - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):195-211.
    The article outlines some aspects of the civil law in Lithuania, an Eastern European country, which underwent an essential transformation in the last decades. The author outlines the development of the Lithuanian civil law from the oldest written sources up to the adoption of the new Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania in 2000. The author is critical about the denomination of Lithuania as a “new” state and draws attention to the history of Lithuanian law, which spans (...)
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    The Beginning of Lithuanian Roman Legal System Research and its Pioneer, A. Tamošaitis (article in Lithuanian).Mindaugas Maksimaitis & Stasys Vėlyvis - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):805-820.
    Based on archival documents, regulatory and other official materials, as well as the press of that time, the article attempts to shed some light on the complex beginning of Lithuanian Roman legal system research. Since the beginning of theUniversity law degree in 1922, the Roman law courses (then divided into history and dogma, the system) were taught with an exclusive focus. However, while assembling the faculty of professors at the Lithuanian university, in the beginning they had to content (...)
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    Private Copying Exception in Lithuanian Copyright Law: Compatibility with the European Union Law after Preliminary Ruling in Padawan Case.Antanas Rudzinskas & Ąžuolas Čekanavičius - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):125-141.
    Private copying exception is an exception to copyright which is present both in Lithuanian national law and law of the European Union. Recent jurisprudence of Court of Justice of the European Union interpreted legal regulation of private copying exception in the laws of the European Union. The mentioned jurisprudence raised concern whether Lithuanian copyright laws on private copying exception and their interpretation in case law of Supreme Court of Lithuania are compatible with the European Union law. This paper (...)
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    Domain Name Disputes in Lithuanian Courts: Silent Steps towards Fairness on the Net.Darius Sauliūnas - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):943-961.
    National <.lt> domain name disputes in Lithuania are the ones which courts must decide without having any specific legal regulation. In such cases courts shall apply analogy of law, customs and general principals of law. Last but not least, the courts must address international legal practice as regards the domain name disputes, i.e. take into account the famous ICANN Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy adopted in 1999 and mostly applied by the panels of WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre while (...)
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