Results for 'Living wills Law and legislation.'

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  1. Legislative hazard: keeping patients living, against their wills.L. L. Heintz - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (2):82-86.
    Natural death act legislation which is intended to assist patients who wish to refuse or limit medical treatment may actually erode patients' rights. By use of a 'living will' the legislation intends to extend the patients' role in decision-making to the time when patients can no longer speak for themselves. However, the legislation erodes and constricts the right of refusal. The erosion is the result of two sets of conditions found in the legislation. The first requires that the patient (...)
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    The future prospects for living wills.D. Greaves - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):179-182.
    Following the first enactment of living will legislation in California in 1976 the majority of the states of the USA have now passed similar laws. However, flaws have been identified in the way they work in practice and many states are considering reviewing their legislation. In Britain there is no legislation but the subject is currently commanding considerable interest. This paper assesses the future prospects for living wills in both the USA and Britain, analysing the different options (...)
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    Proposed legislation on enduring powers of attorney for healthcare decisions and living wills: A legal lifeboat in a sea of uncertainty?A. Strode, S. Bhamjee, S. Soni & C. Badul - 2019 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 12 (2):79.
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    Legislative Intent/Essays.Gerald Cushing MacCallum - 1993 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    In the last years of his life, Gerald C. MacCallum, Jr., defied illness to continue his work on the philosophy of law. This book is a monument to MacCallum’s effort, containing fourteen of his essays, five of them published here for the first time. Two of those previously published are widely admired and reprinted: “Legislative Intent,” certainly one of the best papers ever published on its topic, and “Negative and Positive Freedom,” which offered a new way of looking at a (...)
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    The Living Will from the Nurse's Perspective.Sarah D. Cohn - 1983 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 11 (3):121-124.
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    Can Genetic Nondiscrimination Laws Save Lives?Mark A. Rothstein - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 51 (1):6-7.
    Numerous state laws and the federal Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) have been enacted to prevent or redress genetic discrimination in employment and health insurance, but laws protecting against genetic discrimination in life insurance have been less common and weak. Consequently, some individuals with a genetic risk of a serious illness have declined presymptomatic genetic testing, thereby decreasing their prevention and treatment options and increasing their mortality risk. In 2020, Florida became the first state to prohibit life insurance companies from (...)
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    Can Complex Legislation Solve Our End-of-Life Problems?Brendan Minogue & James E. Reagan - 1994 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 3 (1):115.
    Over a 20-year period, the United States has developed a consensus of legal opinion concerning living wills and other advance directives. At the heart of this consensus are two interconnected principles. First, the state should minimally interfere with the wishes of patients and surrogates and the decisions of physicians about foregoing life-sustaining treatments. Second, state interference is permissible for the sake of protecting a compelling state interest. The overwhelming majority of states with advance directive laws have attained this (...)
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    Anticipated impacts of voluntary assisted dying legislation on nursing practice.Jessica T. Snir, Danielle N. Ko, Bridget Pratt & Rosalind McDougall - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1386-1400.
    Background: The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 passed into law in Victoria, Australia, on the 29 November 2017. Internationally, nurses have been shown to be intimately involved in patient care throughout the voluntary assisted dying process. However, there is a paucity of research exploring Australian nurses’ perspectives on voluntary assisted dying and, in particular, how Victorian nurses anticipate the implementation of this ethically controversial legislation will impact their professional lives. Objectives: To explore Victorian nurses’ expectations of the ethical and practical (...)
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    My Annotated Living Will.Norman L. Cantor - 1990 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 18 (1-2):114-122.
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  10. Legislative Terrorism: A Primer for the Non-Islamic State.Gwendolyn Yvonne Alexis - 2003 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    In industrial societies where civil law and state institutions have become well established secular vehicles for governing the populace, it is widely assumed that the state no longer has an interest in fortifying the religious sector as a complementary source of social control. Thus, a distinction is drawn between the Islamic state that is ruled by religious law and the secular state of Western industrial societies in which religion is deemed to have lost its influence in the public sphere. This (...)
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    Allegations of misuse of African DNA in the UK: Will data protection legislation in South Africa be sufficient to prevent a recurrence?Keymanthri Moodley & Anita Kleinsmidt - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (3):125-130.
    Concerns have been raised around the alleged commercialisation of South African genetic material by various research institutes nationally and abroad. We consider whether the Protection of Personal Information Act in South Africa will conflict with or complement existing protections in health law and research ethics. The Act is not applicable to de‐identified samples that cannot be re‐identified but we question whether genetic samples can ever be truly de‐identified. The research participants in this matter provided consent for use of their samples (...)
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    Physicians's reports on the impact of living wills at the end of life in Japan.Y. Masuda - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (4):248-252.
    Context: A growing number of Japanese people have completed advance directives, especially living wills, even though there is no legislation recognising such documents and little empirical research on their impact on clinical care at the end of life in Japan.Objectives: To investigate physicians’ attitudes about living wills and their experiences with patients who had completed a living will and later died.Design: Self administered survey and qualitative study using open question and content analysis.Setting: Japan.Participants: Physicians known (...)
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  13. A direct advance on advance directives.David Shaw - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (5):267-274.
    Advance directives (ADs), which are also sometimes referred to as ‘living wills’, are statements made by a person that indicate what treatment she should not be given in the event that she is not competent to consent or refuse at the future moment in question. As such, ADs provide a way for patients to make decisions in advance about what treatments they do not want to receive, without doctors having to find proxy decision-makers or having recourse to the (...)
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    Why I Don't Have a Living Will.Joanne Lynn - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (1-2):101-104.
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    Legislating clear-statement regimes in national-security law.Jonathan F. Mitchell & GMU Law School Submitter - unknown
    Congress's national-security legislation will often require clear and specific congressional authorization before the executive can undertake certain actions. The War Powers Resolution, for example, prohibits any law from authorizing military hostilities unless it "specifically authorizes" them. And the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 required laws to amend FISA or repeal its "exclusive means" provision before they could authorize warrantless electronic surveillance. But efforts to legislate clear-statement regimes in national-security law have failed to induce compliance. The Clinton Administration inferred congressional (...)
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    Courts as communicators: Can doctors learn from judges' decisions?: The doctor's question: ‘Will I be all right if I …? [REVIEW]Loane Skene - 2004 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 1 (1):49-56.
    The role of the courts in ‘communicating’ with those affected by their decisions is contentious. Some legal commentators maintain that courts and legislators are able to communicate decisions effectively and that attempts to ‘dumb down’ the law will not make such decisions more accessible to doctors and other professionals. Justice Michael Kirby, on the other hand, seems to share the present author's view that judges could improve their communication of their decisions to a wider audience: ‘In future, it seems inevitable (...)
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    The Ethics of Life Insurance Settlements: Investing in the Lives of Unrelated Individuals. [REVIEW]Hugo Nurnberg & Douglas P. Lackey - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (4):513 - 534.
    Life insurance settlements, or life settlements, are life insurance policies owned by investor-beneficiaries on the lives of unrelated individuals. With life settlements, investors make substantial payments to the insured individuals upon purchasing such policies, pay any remaining premius, and collect the death benefits upon the demise of the insured individuals. Transactions involving life settlements seem poised to become a major source of profits for investment banks, comparable in dollar amount to subprime mortgages. With life settlements, the insured individuals suffer no (...)
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    Sterbehilfe und die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit des Arztes.Helena Peterková - 2013 - Bern: Stämpfli.
    Das Thema Sterbehilfe gilt zu Recht als eines der typischen Themen im Medizinrecht, wird jedoch meistens vor allem unter dem Aspekt des Strafrechts analysiert. Das ist auch in dieser Arbeit nicht anders, in der die Autorin in erster Linie versucht, auf gewisse Schwächen der traditionellen de facto strafrechtlichen Systematik der Sterbehilfe zu verweisen, sowie auch deren üblicher Terminologie. Der Schwerpunkt der gesamten Arbeit liegt in der ausführlichen Analyse der strafrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit des Arztes bei der Realisierung von Sterbehilfe und Suizidbeihilfe. Vorgestellt (...)
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    Slaying the Hydra: Living Tree Constitutionalism and the Case for Judicial Review of Legislation.Tom Campbell - 2009 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (3):17-36.
    Common Law Theory of Judicial Review: The Living Tree, Wil Waluchow neatly sidesteps the critique of judicial review based on the con- tention that constitutional rights are unacceptably indeterminate by arguing that it is this very indeterminacy that makes a common law method of legal interpretation appropriate. However, his contention that judges are able to ‘discover’ the underlying ‘authentic’ moral views of citizens is insufficiently grounded to meet the objection that common law reasoning utilising such unspecific material will result (...)
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    Dying while living: a critique of allowing-to-die legislation.M. Lappe - 1978 - Journal of Medical Ethics 4 (4):195-199.
    Several US states are enacting 'right-to-die' laws, in the wake of the Karen Quinlan case. But the way such a law is drafted may cast doubt on a patient's existing common law right to control all aspects of his own treatment; it may give legal sanction to a lower standard of medical care that society at present expects from doctors; and it may lead to conflict between the patient's directive and his doctor's clinical judgement which cannot readily be resolved. The (...)
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  21. Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers' Brief.Kristin Andrews, Gary Comstock, G. K. D. Crozier, Sue Donaldson, Andrew Fenton, Tyler John, L. Syd M. Johnson, Robert Jones, Will Kymlicka, Letitia Meynell, Nathan Nobis, David M. Pena-Guzman & Jeff Sebo - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    In December 2013, the Nonhuman Rights Project (NhRP) filed a petition for a common law writ of habeas corpus in the New York State Supreme Court on behalf of Tommy, a chimpanzee living alone in a cage in a shed in rural New York (Barlow, 2017). Under animal welfare laws, Tommy’s owners, the Laverys, were doing nothing illegal by keeping him in those conditions. Nonetheless, the NhRP argued that given the cognitive, social, and emotional capacities of chimpanzees, Tommy’s confinement (...)
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  22. Philosophical debates about the definition of death: Who cares?Stuart J. Youngner & Robert M. Arnold - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (5):527 – 537.
    Since the Harvard Committees bold and highly successful attempt to redefine death in 1968 (Harvard Ad Hoc committee, 1968), multiple controversies have arisen. Stimulated by several factors, including the inherent conceptual weakness of the Harvard Committees proposal, accumulated clinical experience, and the incessant push to expand the pool of potential organ donors, the lively debate about the definition of death has, for the most part, been confined to a relatively small group of academics who have created a large body of (...)
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    Gay science as law : an outline for a Nietzschean jurisprudence.Jonathan Yovel - 2005 - In Peter Goodrich & Mariana Valverde, Nietzsche and legal theory: half-written laws. New York: Routledge.
    The question examined in this study is not merely how a Nietzschean critique of law would look had Nietzsche ever applied his genealogical method to the question of law, but also what positive function Nietzschean philosophy may ascribe to law, and how law must then be transformed. The methodological parable imagines a “post-genealogy” or “pot-ressentiment” phase of the human condition, akin to the Marxist “post-revolutionary” phase: how would law look for the person of power - overman or otherwise - who (...)
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    The dignity of legislation.Jeremy Waldron - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    0n a lucid, concise volume, Jeremy Waldron defends the role of legislation, presenting it as an important mode of governance. Aristotle, Locke and Kant emerge as proponents of the dignity of legislation. Waldron's arguments are of obvious importance and topicality, especially in countries that are considering the introduction of a Bill of Rights. The Dignity of Legislation is original in conception, trenchantly argued and very clearly presented, and will be of interest to a wide range of scholars and thinkers.
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    Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice?Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter & Will Kymlicka (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Animals do a wide range of work in our society, but they are rarely recognized as workers or accorded any labour rights, and their working conditions are often oppressive and exploitative. Drawing on law, ethics, and labour studies, the essays in this volume explore the potential and dangers of animal labour.
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    Yu xian zhi shi fa lü zhi du bi jiao yan jiu.Jiangao Lü - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she.
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  27. Self-legislation in Kant's moral philosophy.Patrick Kain - 2004 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 86 (3):257-306.
    Kant famously insisted that “the idea of the will of every rational being as a universally legislative will” is the supreme principle of morality. Recent interpreters have taken this emphasis on the self-legislation of the moral law as evidence that Kant endorsed a distinctively constructivist conception of morality according to which the moral law is a positive law, created by us. But a closer historical examination suggests otherwise. Kant developed his conception of legislation in the context of his opposition to (...)
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    Moral Legislation behind a Veil of Ignorance: Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino (1607–67) on the Procedure of Natural Law.Rudolf Schuessler - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):193-213.
    Abstractabstract:Cardinal Sforza Pallavicino, SJ (1607–67), conceived a procedure for determining natural moral laws by voting under a veil of ignorance. Behind this veil, imagined possible people who are ignorant of their social position, personal characteristics, nation, and the historical period in which they live vote as equals. These possible people are asked to establish a moral law in pursuit of their own and collective happiness, which they are obligated by God to follow. This article discusses Pallavicino's innovative approach to natural (...)
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    The Legislative Authority.M. E. Newhouse - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (4):531-553.
    This article develops an account of the nature and limits of the state’s legislative authority that closely attends to the challenge of harmonizing Kant’s ethical and juridical theories. It clarifies some key Kantian concepts and terms, then explains the way in which the state’s three interlocking authorities – legislative, executive, and judicial – are metaphysically distinct and mutually dependent. It describes the emergence of the Kantian state and identifies the preconditions of its authority. Then it offers a metaphysical model of (...)
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    Deontic meaning making in legislative discourse.Jian Li & Winnie le ChengCheng - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (209):323-340.
    Modality and negation, as two important linguistic features used to realise subjectivity, have been investigated within various disciplines, such as logic, linguistics and philosophy, and law. The interaction between modality and negation, as a relatively new and undeveloped domain, has however not been paid due attention in scholarship. This corpus-based study investigates three aspects of their interaction: the differentiation of the deontic value by negation, the categorization of deontic modality in Hong Kong legislation via negation, and distribution patterns of deontic (...)
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    Creating Barriers to Healthcare and Advance Care Planning by Requiring Hospitals to Ask Patients About Their Immigration Status.Cathy L. Purvis Lively - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-16.
    Florida is currently collecting data on the “costs of uncompensated care for aliens who are not lawfully present in the U.S.” (Statutes of Florida, 2023). The Florida data collection law, enacted in 2023, is part of aggressive anti-immigrant legislation. Hospitals accepting Medicaid must inquire about patients’ immigration status and submit de-identified reports. In August 2024, the Governor of Texas signed an Executive Order comparable to the Florida statute. Although presented as a data-collection measure, the legal requirements have far-reaching consequences. The (...)
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    The Legislator’s Educative Task In Rousseau’s Political Theory.Patrice Canivez - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:15-21.
    In Rousseau’s political theory, the Legislator’s task is to draft the best possible Constitution for a given people. His goal is to maintain the public liberties and to ensure the preservation and prosperity of the State. However, the main problem is “to put law above men” – that is: above the citizens in general and the members of the executive in particular. This paper examines how the Legislator takes up the problem by educating the citizens. The process of education implies (...)
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    Legislated Quantites.Nicholas Rescher - 2009 - Public Affairs Quarterly 23 (2):135-142.
    It would be unproblematically correct to say "the laws of Pennsylvania have it that a person is eligible to vote at age eighteen." But whether someone is actually mature enough to exercise his electoral franchise appropriately will very much depend on the individual. In setting the voting age by fiat, Society leaps in where Nature fears to tread. Many quantities that figure importantly in shaping our conduct of affairs are not specified by nature but are artifacts of human contrivance. At (...)
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    A legal orderʼs supreme legislative authorities.Cristina Redondo - 2016 - Revus 29.
    The first part of this article is about the rules that define a legal order’s supreme legislative authority. In this first part, the article also dwells on several distinctions such as those between norms and meta-norms, legislative and customary rules, and constitutive and regulative rules, all with the objective of determining which of these categories the aforementioned rules belong to. The conclusion is that the basic rules defining the supreme legislative authorities of every existing legal order are necessarily constitutive meta-norms (...)
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  35. Logically Private Laws: Legislative Secrecy in "The War on Terror".Duncan Macintosh - 2019 - In Claire Oakes Finkelstein & Michael Skerker, Sovereignty and the New Executive Authority. Oxford University Press. pp. 225-251.
    Wittgenstein taught us that there could not be a logically private language— a language on the proper speaking of which it was logically impossible for there to be more than one expert. For then there would be no difference between this person thinking she was using the language correctly and her actually using it correctly. The distinction requires the logical possibility of someone other than her being expert enough to criticize or corroborate her usage, someone able to constitute or hold (...)
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  36. Preambular Persuasion as Proleptic Engagement: The Legislative Strategy of Plato's Laws.Eric Solis - forthcoming - Classical Quarterly.
    In the Laws, Plato argues that legislation must not only compel, but also persuade. This is accomplished by prefacing laws with preludes. While this procedure is central to the legislative project of the dialogue, there is little interpretative agreement about the strategy of the preludes. This paper defends an interpretation according to which the strategy is to engage with citizens in a way that anticipates their progress toward a more mature evaluative outlook, and helps them grow into it. This paper (...)
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    Living wills--the issues examined.Action Research Christian - 1993 - Ethics and Medicine: A Christian Perspective on Issues in Bioethics 9 (1):6.
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    The living will.J. R. Wernow - 1993 - Ethics and Medicine: A Christian Perspective on Issues in Bioethics 10 (2):27-35.
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  39. Advance Directives in Spain. Perspectives From a Medical Bioethicist Approach.Pablo Simon-Lorda - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (6):346-354.
    Spain is one of the most advanced European countries in terms of the legislative and administrative development of ADs. Article 11 of Law 41/2002, concerning Patient Autonomy, regulates ‘advance directives’ and has prompted various Autonomous Regions to develop legislation in this area. Nevertheless, whilst the variety of legislations in different territories presents advantages, the disparity of criteria also presents problems.Despite significant legislative development, only 23,000 Spanish citizens have filled in an AD. Clearly, AD use is confined to a minority. Several (...)
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    Assessing contemporary legislative proposals for their compatibility with a natural law case for AI legal personhood.Joshua Jowitt - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    The question of the moral status of AI and the extent to which that status ought to be recognised by societal institutions is one that has not yet received a satisfactory answer from lawyers. This paper seeks to provide a solution to the problem by defending a moral foundation for the recognition of legal personhood for AI, requiring the status to be granted should a threshold criterion be reached. The threshold proposed will be bare, noumenal agency in the Kantian sense. (...)
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    Defending Aggregated Legislative Intent.David Tan - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (2):571-600.
    Theories of aggregated legislative intent posit that the legislative intent of parliament is what a significant enough proportion of legislators intended (e.g., legislative intent is p if a majority intend that p). After all, many think the same way about democracy (‘votes reveal the will of the people’) and about courts (‘a court decision is based on judicial voting’). The existing literature on aggregated legislative intent, however, tends to make two undefended assumptions: (i) Informed Assumption: all legislators have policy intentions; (...)
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    Living Freedom: The Heautonomy of the Judgement of Taste.Zhengmi Zhouhuang - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (1):81-102.
    Different from the autonomy of understanding in cognition and the autonomy of practical reason in praxis, the heautonomy in the judgement of taste is reflexive. The reflexivity consists not only in the fact that the power of judgement legislates to its own usage but also, and more importantly, it legislates to itself through its own operative process. This normativity, based on the self-referential structure of pure aesthetic judgement and the a priori principle of subjective, internal purposiveness, can be regarded as (...)
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    Medical-Legal Partnerships and Prevention: Caring for Unrepresented Patients Through Early Identification and Intervention.Cathy L. Purvis Lively - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (4):527-539.
    Caring for unrepresented patients encompasses legal, ethical, and moral challenges regarding decision-making, consent, the patient’s values, wishes, best interest, and the healthcare team’s professional integrity and autonomy. In this article, I consider the impact of the aging population and the effects of the social determinants of health and suggest that without preventive intervention, the number of unrepresented patients will continue to increase. The health, social, and legal risk factors for becoming unrepresented require a multidisciplinary response. Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) bring healthcare (...)
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    Voluntary assisted dying in Victoria: Why knowing the law matters to nurses.Jayne Hewitt, Ben White, Katrine Del Villar, Lindy Willmott, Laura Ley Greaves & Rebecca Meehan - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):221-229.
    In 2017, Victoria became the first state in Australia to pass legislation permitting voluntary assisted dying. Under this law, only those people who are near the end of their lives may access voluntary assisted dying, and because many of these people require nursing care to manage the progression of their illness or their symptoms, it will invariably have an impact on nursing practice. The Victorian law includes a series of procedural steps as safeguards to ensure that the law operates as (...)
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  45. Bail under Special Legislations.Deepa Kansra - 2019 - In Manoj Kr Sinha and Anuragdeep, Bail: Law and Practice in India. pp. 185-193.
    BAIL JURISPRUDENCE in India (as in other common law countries) has evolved laying emphasis on the right to liberty of the accused as opposed to the requirement of the State to keep him/her under custody...The mechanism for cancellation of bail is provided in law in order to ensure that justice will be done to the society by preventing the accused who had been set at liberty by the bail order from tampering with the evidence in a heinous crime. At the (...)
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    ‘To die, to sleep’ – assisted dying legislation in Victoria: A case study.Julia Gilbert & Jane Boag - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):1976-1982.
    Background: Assisted dying remains an emotive topic globally with a number of countries initiating legislation to allow individuals access to assisted dying measures. Victoria will become the first Australian state in over 13 years to pass Assisted Dying Legislation, set to come into effect in 2019. Objectives: This article sought to evaluate the impact of Victorian Assisted Dying Legislation via narrative view and case study presentation. Research design: Narrative review and case study. Participants and research context: case study. Ethical considerations: (...)
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    The problem of complex legislation.Lisa Burton Crawford - 2024 - Legal Theory 30 (1):1-21.
    It has long been said that legislation ought to be knowable: accessible, comprehensible, and so forth. This is often described as an essential element of the rule of law. But in many legal systems, legislation has become so voluminous and complex that few people know its content. Rather than admit that the rule of law has been compromised, some scholars take legislative complexity as a provocation to rethink what the rule of law requires—and conclude that, for various reasons, the rule (...)
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    Robotification & ethical cleansing.Marco Nørskov - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):425-441.
    Robotics is currently not only a cutting-edge research area, but is potentially disruptive to all domains of our lives—for better and worse. While legislation is struggling to keep pace with the development of these new artifacts, our intellectual limitations and physical laws seem to present the only hard demarcation lines, when it comes to state-of-the-art R&D. To better understand the possible implications, the paper at hand critically investigates underlying processes and structures of robotics in the context of Heidegger’s and Nishitani’s (...)
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    Ecosystem Vulnerability. New Semantics for International Law.Mariano Longo & Vincenzo Lorubbio - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1611-1628.
    The effects of climate change and increasing environmental pollution have clearly shown the vulnerability of individuals, local communities, and the natural environment, even in the Western context. However, despite such unquestionable data, International Law is still struggling to find adequate, unambiguous, effective solutions to the issue. Even the ‘human right to a healthy environment’, recognised by the UN General Assembly in 2022, is permeated by an anthropocentric idea of the world, which prevents it from fully dealing with ecosystem issues so (...)
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  50. The Patient Self-Determination Act.Elizabeth Leibold McCloskey - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (2):163-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Patient Self-Determination ActElizabeth Leibold McCloskey (bio)What are the ethics of extending the length of life? We know that we cannot artificially end life (Thou Shalt not Kill), but how about artificially extending life? Is that always good, sometimes good?... In ethics, is keeping people alive the highest good? Should our priority be to keep people breathing?... What does basic religious ethics say about this?(John C. Danforth, letter to (...)
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