Results for 'Logical Analysis'

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  1. A logical analysis of burdens of proof.Henry Prakken & Giovanni Sartor - 2008 - In Hendrik Kaptein (ed.), Legal Evidence and Proof: Statistics, Stories, Logic. Ashgate.
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    Logical Analysis, Reduction, and Philosophical Understanding.Danielle Macbeth - 2007 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):475-485.
    Russell’s theory of descriptions in “On Denoting” has long been hailed as a paradigm of the sort of analysis that is constitutiue of philosophical understanding. It is not the only model of logical analysis available to us, however. On Frege’s quite different view, analysis provides not a reduction of some problematic notion to other, unproblematic ones -- as Russell’s analysis does -- but instead a deeper, clearer articulation of the very notion with which we began. (...)
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  3. Logical analysis and later mohist logic: Some comparative reflections.Marshall D. Willman - 2010 - Comparative Philosophy 1 (1):53-77.
    Any philosophical method that treats the analysis of the meaning of a sentence or expression in terms of a decomposition into a set of conceptually basic constituent parts must do some theoretical work to explain the puzzles of intensionality. This is because intensional phenomena appear to violate the principle of compositionality, and the assumption of compositionality is the principal justification for thinking that an analysis will reveal the real semantical import of a sentence or expression through a method (...)
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    A Logical Analysis of the Anselm’s Unum Argumentum.Jean-Pierre Desclés - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):105-119.
    Anselm of Cantorbery wrote Proslogion, where is formulated the famous ‘Unum argumentum’ about the existence of God. This argument was been disputed and criticized by numerous logicians from an extensional view point. The classical predicate logic is not able to give a formal frame to develop an adequate analysis of this argument. According to us, this argument is not an ontological proof; it analyses the meaning of the “quo nihil maius cogitari posit”, a characterization of God, and establish, by (...)
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    Logical Analysis of Natural Language as an Organic Part of Logic.Pavel Materna - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (2):74-85.
    There are two kinds of logical errors. Either you use a non-valid scheme of an argument or your analysis of the premises is mistaken. No extensional or intensional theory can solve the following problem connected with analyzing NL expressions: The Leibniz principle of substituting identical for identical contains the condition a = b. Extensional as well as intensional systems (at least if intensions are defined as functions from possible worlds) analyzing this condition as formulated in natural language are (...)
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  6. Logical analysis of the psychophysical problem.Herbert Feigl - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (4):420-45.
    The mind-body problem is—despite appearances—still the inevitable basic issue of unending discussions in recent philosophy. Various types of epistemologies and metaphysics, European and American, have offered their widely divergent “solutions” of the dreaded Cartesian tangle. Is there any hope of reaching a universally acceptable view?
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    III. Logical analysis and its ontological consequences: Rise, fall and resurgence of intensional objects in contemporary philosophy.Bruno Leclercq - 2011 - In Petrov V. (ed.), Ontological Landscapes: Recent Thought on Conceptual Interfaces between Science and Philosophy. Ontos. pp. 53.
    The aim of this paper will be to show how significant the logical theories of judgement which were worked out at the end of the nineteenth century have been for the ontological thought during the twentieth century. Against the classical - Aristotelian and Scholastic - analysis of predicative judgement, Franz Brentano on one hand and Gottlob Frege on the other hand have leveled two different criticisms, which then generated two radically divergent ontological paradigms. On one side, despite Brentano’s (...)
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  8. The Logical Analysis of Plurals and Mass Terms: A Lattice-Theoretic Approach.Godehard Link - 2002 - In Paul H. Portner & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Formal Semantics - the Essential Readings. Blackwell. pp. 127--147.
  9. Definition, Logical Analysis, and Educational Theory.J. Popp - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    A Logical Analysis of the Main Argument in Chapter 2 of the Proslogion by Anselm of Canterbury.Peter Hinst - 2014 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 17 (1):22-44.
    The primary aim is the reconstruction of the main argument of the second chapter of Anselm’s Proslogion. To be proved is the statement that God, or something than which nothing greater can be thought, exists in reality. I proceed by a piecemeal analysis of every sentence of the Latin original and its subsequent translation into a formal second-order language with choice operator. Reconstructing Anselm’s reasoning demands interpretative input and additions. For example, the formula ‘quod maius est’ has to be (...)
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    The Logical Analysis of Colour Statements in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Bradford F. Blue - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (2):107-129.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 2, Page 107-129, April 2022.
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    (1 other version)The Logical Analysis of Quantum Mechanics.Edward MacKinnon - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (4):352-358.
  13. From logical analysis to conceptual history.Stephen Toulmin - 1969 - In Peter Achinstein & Stephen Francis Barker (eds.), The Legacy of Logical Positivism: Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Baltimore,: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 25--52.
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  14. A logical analysis of the theory of relativity.Håkan[From Old Catalog] Törnebohm - 1952 - Stockholm,: Almqvist & Wiksell.
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    Logical Analysis of "Gestalt" as "Functional Whole.".Kurt Grelling & Paul Oppenheim - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):169-170.
  16. (1 other version)A logical analysis of some value concepts.Frederic Fitch - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):135-142.
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    A logical analysis of instrumentality judgments: means-end relations in the context of experience and expectations.Kees van Berkel, Timothy Lyon & Matteo Pascucci - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (5):1475 - 1516.
    This article proposes the use of temporal logic for an analysis of instrumentality inspired by the work of G.H. von Wright. The first part of the article contains the philosophical foundations. We discuss von Wright’s general theory of agency and his account of instrumentality. Moreover, we propose several refinements to this framework via rigorous definitions of the core notions involved. In the second part, we develop a logical system called Temporal Logic of Action and Expectations (TLAE). The logic (...)
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    Primer of Logical Analysis: For the Use of Composition Students (Classic Reprint).Josiah Royce - 2017 - San Francisco, CA, USA: Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Primer of Logical Analysis: For the Use of Composition Students To be sure, then, that we understand a sentence, we must be able to say, when any new and equally well-understood sentence is put beside the first, whether the new sentence is in meaning equivalent to the first, or consistent with the first, or deducible from the first, or opposed to the first. Yet other questions may be asked about the relative force of two sentences; but (...)
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  19. Logical analysis of gestalt concepts.Nicholas Rescher & Paul Oppenheim - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6 (August):89-106.
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    Logical analysis.Richard J. Connell - 1973 - [Winona, Minn.,: Printed at St. Mary's College Press.
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    Logical Analysis : a new Approach.Duane H. Berquist - 1975 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 31 (1):85.
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    Dialectical Logic Analysis of the Main Social Contradictions in China from the Perspective of Marxism.姗姗 顾 - 2022 - Advances in Philosophy 11 (4):466-471.
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    A Logical Analysis of Mathematical Structure.Saunders MacLane - 1935 - The Monist 45 (1):118-130.
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    A logical analysis of the relationship between commitment and obligation.Churn-Jung Liau - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (2):237-261.
    In this paper, we analyze the relationship between commitment and obligation from a logical viewpoint. The principle of commitment implying obligation is proven in a specific logic of action preference which is a generalization of Meyer 's dynamic deontic logic. In the proposed formalism, an agent's commitment to goals is considered as a special kind of action which can change one's deontic preference andone's obligation to take some action is based on the preference and the effects of the action. (...)
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    Logical Analysis and Contemporary Theism.John Donnelly - 1972 - New York, NY, USA: Fordham University Press.
    In theology, by W.L. Rowe.--Divine foreknowledge and human freedom, by A. Kenny.--Some puzzles concerning omnipotence, by G.I. Mavrodes.--The paradox of the stone, by C.W. Savage.--Creation ex nihilo, by J. Donnelly.--The miraculous, by R.F. Holland.--On miracles, by P.J. Dietl.--The tacit structure of religious knowing, by J.H. Gill.--On the observability of the self, by R.M. Chisholm.--Re-examining Kierkegaard's "Teleological suspension of the ethical," by J. Donnelly.
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  26. (2 other versions)The logical analysis of psychology.Carl Hempel - 1980 - In Ned Joel Block (ed.), Readings in Philosophy of Psychology: 1. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 1--14.
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    A logical analysis of mathematical structure.Saunders Mac Lane - 1935 - The Monist 45 (1):118 - 130.
  28. The logical analysis of time and the problem of indeterminism.J. -P. van Bendegem - 1993 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 26 (2):209-230.
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    A Logical Analysis of Slippery Slope Arguments.Georg Spielthenner - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (2):148-163.
    This article offers a logical analysis of Slippery Slope Arguments. Such arguments claim that adopting a certain act or policy would take us down a slippery slope to an undesirable bottom and infer from this that we should refrain from this act or policy. Even though a logical assessment of such arguments has not received much careful attention, it is of vital importance to their overall assessment because if the premises fail to support the conclusion an argument (...)
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    Logical Analysis and Predication.Neil L. Wilson - 1966 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):100-100.
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    The Logical Analysis of Quantum Mechanics. Erhard Scheibe, J. B. Sykes.Aage Petersen - 1975 - Isis 66 (2):293-294.
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    Logical analysis of binary data with missing bits.Endre Boros, Toshihide Ibaraki & Kazuhisa Makino - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 107 (2):219-263.
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  33. Logical Analysis of Symbolic Conception Representation in Terminological Systems.Farshad Badie - 2022 - Логико-Философские Штудии 20 (4):360-370.
    Cognitive, or knowledge, agents, who are in some way aware of describing their own view of the world (based on their mental concepts), need to become concerned with the expressions of their own conceptions. My main supposition is that agents’ conceptions are mainly expressed in the form of linguistic expressions that are spoken, written, and represented based on e.g. letters, numbers, or symbols. This research especially focuses on symbolic conceptions (that are agents’ conceptions that are manifested in the form of (...)
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  34. A logical analysis of the epistemological basis of religious argumentation: Application to ultimate features of corresponding world views.Ismail Latif Hacinebioglu - 2007 - In B. K. Dalai (ed.), Ultimate reality and meaning. Pune: Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune. pp. 244-258.
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    Logical analysis of concepts in selected systems of theology..Duncan Elliot Littlefair - 1942
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  36. ""Is" logical analysis of natural language" possible?P. Materna - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53 (2):267-276.
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    Logical Analysis and Cognitive Intuition.Richard Cobb-Stevens - 1988 - Études Phénoménologiques 4 (7):3-32.
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  38. The Logical Analysis of Universal Conditionals.Keene Gb - 1976 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 6 (3-4):427-433.
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  39. Logical analysis of fictionalism with respect to the theory of truth..Ricardo Roque Pascual - 1939 - Dissertation, University of Chicago
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    A logical analysis of graphical consistency proofs.Atsushi Shimojima - 2002 - In L. Magnani, N. J. Nersessian & C. Pizzi (eds.), Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 93--115.
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    Logical Analysis in Historical Application.Nicholas Rescher - 1960 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 25 (4):346-346.
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    Interpretation: Logical Analysis of a Method of Historical Research.Heinrich Gomperz - 1939 - The Hague, Netherlands: W.P. Van Stockum and Zoon.
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    Information Theory and Logical Analysis in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.Felipe Oliveira Araújo Lopes - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (1):217-253.
    The present article proposes an Informational-Theoretic interpretation of logical analysis applied to natural language in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Natural language is characterized by descriptive definitions in order to compress information according to empirical regularities. However, notations fitted to empirical patterns do not explicitly reflect the logical structure of language that enables it to represent those very patterns. I argue that logical analysis is the process of obtaining incompressible and uniformly distributed codes, best fitted to express the (...)
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    Reflective Equilibrium and the Principles of Logical Analysis: Understanding the Laws of Logic.Jaroslav Peregrin & Vladimír Svoboda - 2017 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Vladimír Svoboda.
    This book offers a comprehensive account of logic that addresses fundamental issues concerning the nature and foundations of the discipline. The authors claim that these foundations can not only be established without the need for strong metaphysical assumptions, but also without hypostasizing logical forms as specific entities. They present a systematic argument that the primary subject matter of logic is our linguistic interaction rather than our private reasoning and it is thus misleading to see logic as revealing "the laws (...)
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  45. Logical analysis versus Phenomenological Descriptions.Denis Fisette - 2004 - In Feist R. (ed.), Husserl and the Sciences. University of Ottawa Press. pp. 69-98.
    Husserl and Frege on the analysis of the concept of number and primitive logical concepts.
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    A Logical Analysis of Monty Hall and Sleeping Beauty.Allen L. Mann & Ville Aarnio - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (6):1123-1162.
    Hintikka and Sandu’s independence-friendly logic is a conservative extension of first-order logic that allows one to consider semantic games with imperfect information. In the present article, we first show how several variants of the Monty Hall problem can be modeled as semantic games for IF sentences. In the process, we extend IF logic to include semantic games with chance moves and dub this extension stochastic IF logic. Finally, we use stochastic IF logic to analyze the Sleeping Beauty problem, leading to (...)
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    Overcoming “Overcoming Metaphysics Through Logical Analysis of Language” Through Logical Analysis of Language.Jaakko Hintikka - 1991 - Dialectica 45 (2‐3):203-218.
    SummaryCarnap tried to overcome metaphysics through a distinction between empirical and conceptual truths. The distinction has since been challenged, but not on the basis of a systematic logical analysis of language. It is suggested here that the logical theory of identifiability based on the author's interrogative model will provide the tools for such a systematic analysis. As an example of what the model can do, a criticism is offered of Quine's and Chomsky's implicit assumption that language (...)
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    Existential graphs as an instrument of logical analysis: Part I. alpha.Francesco Bellucci & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):209-237.
    Peirce considered the principal business of logic to be the analysis of reasoning. He argued that the diagrammatic system of Existential Graphs, which he had invented in 1896, carries the logical analysis of reasoning to the furthest point possible. The present paper investigates the analytic virtues of the Alpha part of the system, which corresponds to the sentential calculus. We examine Peirce’s proposal that the relation of illation is the primitive relation of logic and defend the view (...)
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    A logical analysis of the debate on Hao River.Xudong Hao - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (4):439-447.
    The debate between Zhuangzi and Huizi has profound epistemological significance, however, the main body of their debate comprises logical inferences and refutations. Therefore, this paper mainly focuses on the logical aspects of the debate. Some scholars have suggested that Huizi’s argument is self-contradictory; however, in fact, based on such evaluations of Huizi’s argument, we can conclude that Zhuangzi’s logic is also self-contradictory. By utilizing modern logical analysis tools, this study reveals what and how the propositions and (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Interpretation. Logical Analysis of a Method of Historical Research.Heinrich Gomperz - 1953 - Synthese 9 (6A):502-503.
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