Results for 'Lorenz Krueger'

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  1.  44
    Psychophysical law: Keep it simple.Lester E. Krueger - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):299-320.
  2. The brute within: appetitive desire in Plato and Aristotle.Hendrik Lorenz - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Hendrik Lorenz presents a comprehensive study of Plato's and Aristotle's conceptions of non-rational desire. They see this as something that humans share with animals, and which aims primarily at the pleasures of food, drink, and sex. Lorenz explores the cognitive resources that both philosophers make available for the explanation of such desires, and what they take rationality to add to the motivational structure of human beings. In doing so, he finds conceptions of the mind that are coherent and (...)
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  3. Merleau-Ponty on shared emotions and the joint ownership thesis.Joel Krueger - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (4):509-531.
    In “The Child’s Relations with Others,” Merleau-Ponty argues that certain early experiences are jointly owned in that they are numerically single experiences that are nevertheless given to more than one subject (e.g., the infant and caregiver). Call this the “joint ownership thesis” (JT). Drawing upon both Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological analysis, as well as studies of exogenous attention and mutual affect regulation in developmental psychology, I motivate the plausibility of JT. I argue that the phenomenological structure of some early infant–caregiver dyadic exchanges (...)
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    Coherent adequate forcing and preserving CH.John Krueger & Miguel Angel Mota - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 15 (2):1550005.
    We develop a general framework for forcing with coherent adequate sets on [Formula: see text] as side conditions, where [Formula: see text] is a cardinal of uncountable cofinality. We describe a class of forcing posets which we call coherent adequate type forcings. The main theorem of the paper is that any coherent adequate type forcing preserves CH. We show that there exists a forcing poset for adding a club subset of [Formula: see text] with finite conditions while preserving CH, solving (...)
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    Towards a balanced social psychology: Causes, consequences, and cures for the problem-seeking approach to social behavior and cognition.Joachim I. Krueger & David C. Funder - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):313-327.
    Mainstream social psychology focuses on how people characteristically violate norms of action through social misbehaviors such as conformity with false majority judgments, destructive obedience, and failures to help those in need. Likewise, they are seen to violate norms of reasoning through cognitive errors such as misuse of social information, self-enhancement, and an over-readiness to attribute dispositional characteristics. The causes of this negative research emphasis include the apparent informativeness of norm violation, the status of good behavior and judgment as unconfirmable null (...)
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  6. Schizophrenia and the Scaffolded Self.Joel Krueger - 2020 - Topoi 39 (3):597-609.
    A family of recent externalist approaches in philosophy of mind argues that our psychological capacities are synchronically and diachronically “scaffolded” by external resources. I consider how these “scaffolded” approaches might inform debates in phenomenological psychopathology. I first introduce the idea of “affective scaffolding” and make some taxonomic distinctions. Next, I use schizophrenia as a case study to argue—along with others in phenomenological psychopathology—that schizophrenia is fundamentally a self-disturbance. However, I offer a subtle reconfiguration of these approaches. I argue that schizophrenia (...)
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    On Aggression.Konrad Lorenz - 2002 - Routledge.
    Hugely controversial on publication, this is an insightful and characteristically entertaining survey of animal behaviour and the evolution of aggression throughout the animal world.
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    Nietzschean recurrence as a cosmological hypothesis.Joe Krueger - 1978 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 16 (4):435-444.
  9.  15
    Dialogisches Handeln: eine Festschrift für Kuno Lorenz.Kuno Lorenz, Michael Astroh, Dietfried Gerhardus & Gerhard Heinzmann - 1997
    "Dialogisches Handeln" ist eine Sammlung von philosophischen BeitrAgen zum dialogischen Konstruktivismus im Sinne von Kuno Lorenz, der Philosophie als eine Kommunikation mit Selbstreflexion versteht. Dabei umfaAt der Dialog in diesem Buch verschiedene Disziplinen der Philosophie - von der Anthropologie A1/4ber die Grundlagen von Logik und Sprachphilosophie bis hin zur Wissenschafts- und Erkenntnistheorie. Die Reflexion auf die kommunikativen Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Austauschs schlieAt dabei Denkperspektiven verschiedener Wissenschaften - von der Psychologie bis zu Physik und Chemie - ebenso ein wie die philosophischen (...)
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  10. An ecological approach to affective injustice.Joel Krueger - 2023 - Philosophical Topics 51 (1):85-111.
    There is growing philosophical interest in “affective injustice”: injustice faced by individuals specifically in their capacity as affective beings. Current debates tend to focus on affective injustice at the psychological level. In this paper, I argue that the built environment can be a vehicle for affective injustice — specifically, what Wildman et al. (2022) term “affective powerlessness”. I use resources from ecological psychology to develop this claim. I consider two cases where certain kinds of bodies are, either intentionally or unintentionally, (...)
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  11. Real Feeling and Fictional Time in Human-AI Interactions.Krueger Joel & Tom Roberts - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3).
    As technology improves, artificial systems are increasingly able to behave in human-like ways: holding a conversation; providing information, advice, and support; or taking on the role of therapist, teacher, or counsellor. This enhanced behavioural complexity, we argue, encourages deeper forms of affective engagement on the part of the human user, with the artificial agent helping to stabilise, subdue, prolong, or intensify a person’s emotional condition. Here, we defend a fictionalist account of human/AI interaction, according to which these encounters involve an (...)
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  12. Agency, environmental scaffolding, and the development of eating disorders.Joel Krueger & Lucy Osler - 2020 - In Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)Dialogspiele als Semantische Grundlage von Logikkalkülen.Kuno Lorenz - 1968 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 11 (3-4):73-100.
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  14. Ontological Deprivation and the Dark Side of Fūdo.Joel Krueger - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (1):203-209.
  15. Selves beyond the skin: Watsuji, “betweenness”, and self-loss in solitary confinement and dementia.Joel Krueger - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (5-6):127-150.
    I develop Tetsurō Watsuji’s relational model of the self as “betweenness”. I argue that Watsuji’s view receives support from two case studies: solitary confinement and dementia. Both clarify the constitutive interdependence between the self and the social and material contexts of “betweenness” that define its lifeworld. They do so by providing powerful examples of what happens when the support and regulative grounding of this lifeworld is restricted or taken away. I argue further that Watsuji’s view helps see the other side (...)
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  16. Varieties of extended emotions.Joel Krueger - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (4):533-555.
    I offer a preliminary defense of the hypothesis of extended emotions (HEE). After discussing some taxonomic considerations, I specify two ways of parsing HEE: the hypothesis of bodily extended emotions (HEBE), and the hypothesis of environmentally extended emotions (HEEE). I argue that, while both HEBE and HEEE are empirically plausible, only HEEE covers instances of genuinely extended emotions. After introducing some further distinctions, I support one form of HEEE by appealing to different streams of empirical research—particularly work on music and (...)
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  17.  26
    Adding a club with finite conditions, Part II.John Krueger - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (1-2):161-172.
    We define a forcing poset which adds a club subset of a given fat stationary set S⊆ω2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${S \subseteq \omega_2}$$\end{document} with finite conditions, using S-adequate sets of models as side conditions. This construction, together with the general amalgamation results concerning S-adequate sets on which it is based, is substantially shorter and simpler than our original version in Krueger :119–136, 2014).
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    Music-animated body. Interview with Joel Krueger.Joel Krueger - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (1):211-216.
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  19. Reconciling Fechner and Stevens: Toward a unified psychophysical law.Lester E. Krueger - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):251-267.
  20. Knowing through the body: The Daodejing and Dewey.Joel W. Krueger - 2009 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 36 (1):31-52.
  21.  21
    Effect of bracketing lines on speed of "same"-"different" judgment of two adjacent letters.Lester E. Krueger - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):324.
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    Design-Based Research in Relation to Science-Based Research.Ted Krueger & Ute C. Besenecker - 2019 - In Thomas Fischer & Christiane M. Herr (eds.), Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New. Springer Verlag. pp. 137-151.
    How might a design approach be applied to Research? Following Glanville’sGlanville, Ranulph observation that design and researchResearch are fundamentally related and that design methodsDesignmethods may be applied across domains, we framed a case study of the perceptual effects of alternate contemporary lighting technologies at an architectural scale to show how a designer/researcher could approach this kind of investigation. Design proceeds in complex domains with incomplete data and open questions. It is often concerned with the singular or unique solution rather than (...)
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    Expectations and Decisions in the Volunteer’s Dilemma: Effects of Social Distance and Social Projection.Joachim I. Krueger, Johannes Ullrich & Leonard J. Chen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  24. M. Wentscher, Ueber den Pessimismus und seine Wurzeln.F. Krueger - 1899 - Kant Studien 3:460.
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    Sentence-picture comparison: A test of additivity of processing time for feature matching and negation coding.Lester E. Krueger - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):275.
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    Wanted: A reconciliation of rationality with determinism.Joachim I. Krueger - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):168-169.
    In social dilemmas, expectations of reciprocity can lead to fully determined cooperation concurrent with the illusion of choice. The choice of the dominant alternative (i.e., defection) may be construed as being free and rational, but only at the cost of being incompatible with a behavioral science claiming to be deterministic.
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  27. Studies in Animal and Human Behaviour.Konrad Lorenz & Robert Martin - 1971 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 22 (1):81-82.
  28. Emotions and the Social Niche.Joel Krueger - 2014 - In Christian von Scheve & Mikko Salmella (eds.), Collective Emotions. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 156-171.
  29. Consequences of arithmetic for set theory.Lorenz Halbeisen & Saharon Shelah - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (1):30-40.
    In this paper, we consider certain cardinals in ZF (set theory without AC, the axiom of choice). In ZFC (set theory with AC), given any cardinals C and D, either C ≤ D or D ≤ C. However, in ZF this is no longer so. For a given infinite set A consider $\operatorname{seq}^{1 - 1}(A)$ , the set of all sequences of A without repetition. We compare $|\operatorname{seq}^{1 - 1}(A)|$ , the cardinality of this set, to |P(A)|, the cardinality of (...)
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  30.  42
    Strongly adequate sets and adding a club with finite conditions.John Krueger - 2014 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 53 (1-2):119-136.
    We continue the study of adequate sets which we began in (Krueger in Forcing with adequate sets of models as side conditions) by introducing the idea of a strongly adequate set, which has an additional requirement on the overlap of two models past their comparison point. We present a forcing poset for adding a club to a fat stationary subset of ω 2 with finite conditions, thereby showing that a version of the forcing posets of Friedman (Set theory: Centre (...)
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  31. Affordances and absence in psychopathology.Joel Krueger - 2022 - In Zakaria Djebbara (ed.), Affordances in Everyday Life - A Multidisciplinary Collection of Essays,. Springer Nature. pp. 141-147.
    Affordances are action-possibilities, ways of relating to and acting on our world. A theory of affordances helps us understand how we have bodily access to our world and what it means to enjoy such access. But what happens to bodies when this access is somehow ruptured or impeded? This question is relevant to psychopathology. People with psychiatric disorders often describe feeling as though they’ve lost access to affordances that others take for granted. Focusing on schizophrenia, depression, and autistic spectrum disorder, (...)
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    The Cinematic Gaze as ‘A Long Loving Look at the Real’: Andrei Tarkovsky and Walter Burghardt’s Theology of Contemplation.James Lorenz - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (3):425-437.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 3, Page 425-437, May 2022.
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  33. Towards a wide approach to improvisation.Joel Krueger & Alessandro Salice - 2021 - In J. McGuirk, S. Ravn & S. Høffding (eds.), Improvisation: The Competence(s) of Not Being in Control. Routledge.
    This paper pursues two main aims. First, it distinguishes two kinds of improvisation: expert and inexpert. Expert improvisation is a (usually artistic) practice that the agent consciously sets as their goal and is evaluated according to (usually artistic) standards of improvisation. Inexpert improvisation, by contrast, supports and structures the agent’s action as it moves them towards their (usually everyday life) goals and is evaluated on its success leading the agent to the achievement of those goals. The second aim is to (...)
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  34. Musicing, Materiality, and the Emotional Niche.Joel Krueger - 2015 - Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 14 (3):43-62.
    Building on Elliot and SilvermanÕs (2015) embodied and enactive approach to musicing, I argue for an extended approach: namely, the idea that music can function as an environmental scaffolding supporting the development of various experiences and embodied practices that would otherwise remain inaccessible. I focus especially on the materiality of music. I argue that one of the central ways we use music, as a material resource, is to manipulate social spaceÑand in so doing, manipulate our emotions. Acts of musicing, thought (...)
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    Ethical Analysis and Challenges of Two International Firms in China.David A. Krueger & Bocheng Ding - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S2):167 - 182.
    This ethical analysis compares two mid-size Asian-based multinational corporations (Japanese and Taiwanese) that have established extensive operations in China. We describe and analyze ethically relevant dimensions of each corporation's culture and practices, including their corporate cultures and the ethical issues they face. We argue that these companies add value to China's social and economic transformation in several important ways, including their development of human capital – the enhanced skill sets, work experiences, and values acquired by their workers. We conclude by (...)
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  36. Seeing mind in action.Joel Krueger - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (2):149-173.
    Much recent work on empathy in philosophy of mind and cognitive science has been guided by the assumption that minds are composed of intracranial phenomena, perceptually inaccessible and thus unobservable to everyone but their owners. I challenge this claim. I defend the view that at least some mental states and processes—or at least some parts of some mental states and processes—are at times visible, capable of being directly perceived by others. I further argue that, despite its initial implausibility, this view (...)
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    Psychophysical law: Taming the cognitive and chaotic aspects.Lester E. Krueger - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):193-199.
  38.  26
    Will the real stimulus please step forward?Lester E. Krueger - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (3):570-572.
  39. Music as Affective Scaffolding.Joel Krueger - forthcoming - In Clarke David, Herbert Ruth & Clarke Eric (eds.), Music and Consciousness II. Oxford University Press.
    For 4E cognitive science, minds are embodied, embedded, enacted, and extended. Proponents observe that we regularly ‘offload’ our thinking onto body and world: we use gestures and calculators to augment mathematical reasoning, and smartphones and search engines as memory aids. I argue that music is a beyond-the-head resource that affords offloading. Via this offloading, music scaffolds access to new forms of thought, experience, and behaviour. I focus on music’s capacity to scaffold emotional consciousness, including the self-regulative processes constitutive of emotional (...)
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    Search time in a redundant visual display.Lester E. Krueger - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (3p1):391.
  41. (1 other version)Seeing subjectivity: defending a perceptual account of other minds.Joel Krueger & Søren Overgaard - 2012 - ProtoSociology (47):239-262.
    The problem of other minds has a distinguished philosophical history stretching back more than two hundred years. Taken at face value, it is an epistemological question: it concerns how we can have knowledge of, or at least justified belief in, the existence of minds other than our own. In recent decades, philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, anthropologists and primatologists have debated a related question: how we actually go about attributing mental states to others (regardless of whether we ever achieve knowledge or rational (...)
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    Structure and Being: A Theoretical Framework for a Systematic Philosophy.Lorenz B. Puntel - 2008 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Presents, and in part develops, a systematic philosophy as the universal science, or the theorization of the unrestricted universe of discourse, explicitly including being as such and as a whole. Argues that complete exploration of the theoretical domain requires such a science"--Provided by publisher.
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    Logic-Sensitivity and Bitstring Semantics in the Square of Opposition.Lorenz Demey & Stef Frijters - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1703-1721.
    This paper explores the interplay between logic-sensitivity and bitstring semantics in the square of opposition. Bitstring semantics is a combinatorial technique for representing the formulas that appear in a logical diagram, while logic-sensitivity entails that such a diagram may depend, not only on the formulas involved, but also on the logic with respect to which they are interpreted. These two topics have already been studied extensively in logical geometry, and are thus well-understood by themselves. However, the precise details of their (...)
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  44.  54
    Internal approachability and reflection.John Krueger - 2008 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 8 (1):23-39.
    We prove that the Weak Reflection Principle does not imply that every stationary set reflects to an internally approachable set. We show that several variants of internal approachability, namely, internally unbounded, internally stationary, and internally club, are not provably equivalent.
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    Elemente der Sprachkritik.Kuno Lorenz - 1970 - Frankfurt am Main]: Suhrkamp.
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  46. Extended cognition and the space of social interaction.Joel Krueger - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):643-657.
    The extended mind thesis (EM) asserts that some cognitive processes are (partially) composed of actions consisting of the manipulation and exploitation of environmental structures. Might some processes at the root of social cognition have a similarly extended structure? In this paper, I argue that social cognition is fundamentally an interactive form of space management—the negotiation and management of ‘‘we-space”—and that some of the expressive actions involved in the negotiation and management of we-space (gesture, touch, facial and whole-body expressions) drive basic (...)
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    Erlebnis, Verstehen, Erkenntnis.Lorenz Funderburk - 1971 - Bonn,: Bouvier Verlag.
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    21. ’υπάτη.Ed Krueger - 1867 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 26 (1-4):366-369.
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    A Mongolian Living Buddha: Biography of the Kanjurwa Khutughtu.John R. Krueger, Paul Hyer & Sechin Jagchid - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):876.
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    (1 other version)Eine neue Sozialphilosophie auf Kantischer Basis.Felix Krueger - 1901 - Kant Studien 6 (1-3):284-298.
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