Results for 'Losif Davidowitsch Lewin'

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    Ich habe P. Florenski ein Mal gesehen..Losif Davidowitsch Lewin - 1999 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (6).
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    Kurt-Lewin-Werkausgabe: Psychologie der Entwicklung und Erziehung.Kurt Lewin & Carl Friedrich Graumann - 1981
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    Self-Interest and Public Interest in Western Politics.Leif Lewin - 1991 - Oxford University Press.
    Although Professor Lewin is not testing existing views that, for people in politics, 'egoism rules' on deep theoretical grounds, he strongly argues that empirical facts do not support such views and thus opens a new chapter in the debate on ...
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    A Note from Kurt Lewin.Kurt Lewin - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (2):259 -.
  5.  56
    Complexity: life at the edge of chaos.Roger Lewin - 1993 - New York: Maxwell Macmillan International.
    "Put together one of the world's best science writers with one of the universe's most fascinating subjects and you are bound to produce a wonderful book.... The subject of complexity is vital and controversial. This book is important and beautifully done."--Stephen Jay Gould "[Complexity] is that curious mix of complication and organization that we find throughout the natural and human worlds: the workings of a cell, the structure of the brain, the behavior of the stock market, the shifts of political (...)
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  6. Defining the 'field at a given time.'.K. Lewin - 1943 - Psychological Review 50 (3):292-310.
  7. A Dynamic Theory of Personality.K. Lewin, D. K. Adams & K. E. Zener - 1936 - Mind 45 (178):246-251.
  8.  63
    Der übergang Von der aristotelischen zur galileischen denkweise in biologie und psychologie.Kurt Lewin - 1930 - Erkenntnis 1 (1):421-466.
  9.  81
    Principles of Topological Psychology.Kurt Lewin - 1936 - Philosophy of Science 3 (4):545-548.
  10. Das System der Ideen. Zur perspektivistisch-metaphilosophischen Begründung der Vernunft im Anschluss an Kant und Fichte.Michael Lewin - 2021 - Freiburg / München: Alber.
    Michael Lewin geht es in seinem Buch um die Vernunft als ein wohlbegründetes und in zeitgenössischen Kontexten fortführbares Forschungsprogramm. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Theorienreihe zu vielfältigen Arten und Funktionen der Ideen, mit deren Hilfe die Vernunft das Verstehen und Wollen steuert und selbstreflexiv wird. Dazu entwickelt der Autor unter dem Stichpunkt „reflektierter Perspektivismus“ das Programm einer perspektivistischen Metaphilosophie, die den Hintergrundparametern forschungsprogrammatische Festlegungen (in Anlehnung an Imre Lakatos), Ansprüche und (Wissens-)Ziele hinter den philosophischen Positionierungen nachspürt und dadurch (...)
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  11. The Universe of Science. The Architectonic Ideas of Science, Sciences and Their Parts in Kant.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Kantian Journal 39 (2):26-45.
    I argue that Kant has developed a broad systematic account of the architectonic functionality of pure reason that can be used and advanced in contemporary contexts. Reason, in the narrow sense, is responsible for the picture of a well-ordered universe of science consisting of architectonic ideas of science, sciences and parts of sciences. In the first section (I), I show what Kant means by the architectonic ideas by explaining and interrelating the concepts of (a) the faculty of reason, (b) ideas (...)
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    Behold: Silence and Attention in Education.David Lewin - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (3):355-369.
    Educators continually ask about the best means to engage students and how best to capture attention. These concerns often make the problematic assumption that students can directly govern their own attention. In order to address the role and limits of attention in education, some theorists have sought to recover the significance of silence or mindfulness in schools, but I argue that these approaches are too simplistic. A more fundamental examination of our conceptions of identity and agency reveals a Cartesian and (...)
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    Between horror and boredom: fairy tales and moral education.David Lewin - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (2):213-231.
    Where do a child’s morals come from? Interactions with other human beings provide arguably the primary contexts for moral development: family, friends, teachers and other people. It is the artistic products of human activity that this essay considers: literature, film, art, music. Specifically, I will consider some philosophical issues concerning the influence of folk and fairy tales on moral development. I will discuss issues of representation and reduction: in particular, how far should stories for children elide the complexities inherent to (...)
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    Introduction to ‘Kant and Metaphilosophy’.Michael Lewin - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (3):7-16.
    There is a growing interest in both Kant’s conception of philosophy and contemporary metaphilosophy, understood as philosophical inquiry into philosophy, its aims, purpose, subjects, structure, practice and methods. Kant has not contributed to metaphilosophy qua contemporary discipline, but his direct analyses of what philosophy is and how it is to be done can be identified with general subjects and problems constituting the research field of metaphilosophy. Several aspects of Kant’s conception of philosophy and its metaphilosophical value are the subject of (...)
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    Technology and the philosophy of religion.David Lewin - 2011 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The last one hundred years has seen unimaginable technological progress transforming every aspect of human life. Yet we seem unable to shake a profound unease with the direction of modern technology and its ideological siblings, global capitalism and massive consumption. Philosophers such as Marcuse, Borgmann and especially Heidegger, have developed important analyses of technological society, however in this book David Lewin argues that their ideas have remained limited either by their secular context, or by the narrow conception of religion (...)
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    Eastern Philosophies of Education: Buddhist, Hindu, Daoist, and Confucian Readings of Plato’s Cave.David Lewin & Oren Ergas - 2018 - In Paul Smeyers (ed.), International Handbook of Philosophy of Education. Springer. pp. 479-497.
    This chapter provides readers with an understanding of some basic principles of selected Eastern traditions and their relation to philosophy of education. The attempt to characterize such diverse traditions and understandings of education raises numerous hermeneutical issues which can only be addressed through a pedagogical reduction as a vehicle for understanding. In this case, we have employed Plato’s cave allegory as that methodological and pedagogical vehicle. We explore aspects of the ontology, epistemology, and ethics of Buddhist, Hindu, Daoist, and Confucian (...)
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  17. Concerning the Inspired Revelation of FJ Fétis.David Lewin - 1987 - Theoria 2:1-12.
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    New perspectives in philosophy of education: ethics, politics and religion.David Lewin (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    New Perspectives in Philosophy of Education seeks to build a bridge between philosophical reflection and socio-political action by developing a range of critical discussions in the areas of ethics, politics and religion. This volume brings together established authorities and a new generation of scholars to ask whether philosophy of education can contribute to political and social discourse, or whether it is destined to remain the marginal gadfly of mainstream ideology. The philosophy of education stands in danger of becoming a neglected (...)
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    On free annotated algebras.Renato A. Lewin, Irene F. Mikenberg & Marı́a G. Schwarze - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 108 (1-3):249-259.
    In Lewin et al. 359–386) the authors proved that certain systems of annotated logics are algebraizable in the sense of Block and Rigozzi 396). Later in Lewin et al. the study of the associated quasi-varieties of annotated algebras is initiated. In this paper we continue the study of the these classes of algebras, in particular, we report some recent results about the free annotated algebras.
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  20. Kant and Analysis.Michael Lewin & Timothy Williamson - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (3):49-73.
    In the current dialogue between two authors with different views on analysis, philosophy, and the use of labels, the leading question is: How should one understand the expression ‘analytic philosophy’? Lewin argues that as there are no generally agreed tenets and methods of what is being called ‘analytic philosophy’, the name is to be replaced by a more specific one or abandoned. Williamson defends the use of this phrase, claiming that it is quite serviceable, as it relates to a (...)
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    Does CSR make better citizens? The influence of employee CSR programs on employee societal citizenship behavior outside of work.Lisa D. Lewin, Danielle E. Warren & Mohammed AlSuwaidi - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (3):271-288.
    While corporate social responsibility (CSR) is expected to benefit the firm and attract employees, few have examined the effects of CSR on employees outside of work. Extending the organizational citizenship literature, we conceptualize employee engagement in CSR at work and outside of work as a form of “societal citizenship behavior.” Across two studies of working adults, we examine the relationship between identification with an employer that engages in CSR and different forms of employee societal citizenship behaviors (e.g., donations, volunteering) outside (...)
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  22. Der Stachel der Selbsttätigkeit und das Ausschöpfen der Freiheit. Zur Vollständigkeit der fünf Weltansichten beim späten Fichte.Michael Lewin - 2020 - Fichte-Studien 48:204-219.
    In the later Fichte the reflection splits the world into a fivefoldness of its possible view. To get through all the a priori arranged levels from sensuality to the Doctrine of Science means to use up all the possibilities of the views of the world. I will examine whether Fichte can offer us a direct proof of completeness of the standpoints or at least show indirectly that there must be exactly five of them. Which answer would he give us if (...)
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    The Pharmakon of Educational Technology: The Disruptive Power of Attention in Education.David Lewin - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (3):251-265.
    Is physical presence an essential aspect of a rich educational experience? Can forms of virtual encounter achieve engaged and sustained education? Technophiles and technophobes might agree that authentic personal engagement is educationally normative. They are more likely to disagree on how authentic engagement is best achieved. This article argues that educational thinking around digital pedagogy unhelpfully reinforces this polarising debate by failing to recognise that digitalisation is, as Stiegler has argued, pharmacological: both a poison and a cure. I suggest that (...)
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  24. Psychologischer Skeptizismus. Nietzsches Kritik am Deutschen Idealismus.Michael Lewin - 2017 - Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für Europäische Geistesgeschichte 8:383-406.
    Eine Untersuchung zu Nietzsches Kritik am Deutschen Idealismus im Rahmen seiner allgemeinen Idealismuskritik und seiner Lehre vom Willen zur Macht.
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    (1 other version)"Dispersing the.Philip Lewin - 2001 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 34 (4):335-342.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 34.4 (2001) 335-342 [Access article in PDF] "Dispersing the Cogito: A Response to Vivian's Rhetorical Self" Philip Lewin Bradford Vivian ("The Threshold of the Self," Philosophy and Rhetoric 33. 4: 303-18), in seeking to disrupt the cogito, claims that acts of creative self-constitution by a "rhetorical self" become possible as subjectivity is dispersed across subject positions. However, the apparent ability of the rhetorical self to (...)
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    Practical Argumentation as Reasoned Advocacy.Marcin Lewiński - 2017 - Informal Logic 37 (2):85-113.
    The paper offers a theoretical investigation into the sources of normativity in practical argumentation. The chief question is: Do we need objectively-minded, unbiased arguers or can we count on “good” argumentative processes in which individual biases cancel each other out? I address this question by analysing a detailed structure of practical argument and its varieties, and by discussing the tenets of a comparative approach to practical reason. I argue that given the comparative structure proposed, reasoned advocacy in argumentative activity upholds (...)
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    Algebras and matrices for annotated logics.R. A. Lewin, I. F. Mikenberg & M. G. Schwarze - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (1):137-153.
    We study the matrices, reduced matrices and algebras associated to the systems SAT of structural annotated logics. In previous papers, these systems were proven algebraizable in the finitary case and the class of matrices analyzed here was proven to be a matrix semantics for them.We prove that the equivalent algebraic semantics associated with the systems SAT are proper quasivarieties, we describe the reduced matrices, the subdirectly irreducible algebras and we give a general decomposition theorem. As a consequence we obtain a (...)
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    Substitutional Accounting for Singular Terms: Some Problems and a Slightly More Kantian Solution for Brandom.Micah Lewin - 2022 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 3 (1):3-32.
    This article grapples with Robert Brandom’s account of singular terms. I argue that neither Brandom’s answer to the question “What are singular terms?” nor his answer to the question “Why are there any singular terms?” works as they currently stand. Brandom’s substitution-inferential semantic account of what singular terms are fails to distinguish between the semantic role of singular terms and indefinite descriptions, and Brandom’s “expressive transcendental deduction” for why there are any singular terms fails to deciseively show that singular terms (...)
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    Does a religious universalism haunt secular religious education?David Lewin - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    Contemporary theories of non-confessional religious education (RE) imagine the subject as inclusive and non-indoctrinatory. Any latent confessional tendencies towards universalism—encouraging or promoting a singular religious vision—have been exorcised within secular, liberal education systems. But can universalism be so easily avoided? In this article, I argue that some forms of universalism are unjustified, while others are educationally inevitable. The argument acknowledges that failures to distinguish between different forms of universalism lead to confusion about the purposes and justification of RE, and contribute (...)
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    Entrepreneurship and the Defense of Capitalism: An Examination of the Work of Israel Kirzner.Peter Lewin - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
    Israel Kirzner has spent a career in articulating and refining concept of entrepreneurship; His work is indispensable for anyone seeking an understanding of the role of the entrepreneur in the economy. This paper provides a critical appreciation of this work, and considers how Kirzner’s insights might feature in a defense of Capitalism in the post- Socialist world.Israel Kirzner a consacré sa carrière à articuler et affiner le concept d’esprit d’entreprise. Ses travaux sont indispensables pour quiconque cherche à comprendre le rôle (...)
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  31. Foreword.Aleksander Lewin & Ryszard Wasita - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (9-10):17-18.
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    Interpretations into monadic algebras.Renato A. Lewin - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (4):329 - 342.
    In [3], O. C. García and W. Taylor make an in depth study of the lattice of interpretability types of varieties first introduced by W. Neumann [5]. In this lattice several varieties are identified so in order to distinguish them and understand the fine structure of the lattice, we propose the study of the interpretations between them, in particular, how many there are and what these are. We prove, among other things, that there are eight interpretations from the variety of (...)
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    Technology and the Good Life.David Lewin - 2011 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 15 (2):82-95.
    This essay argues that a purely secular philosophy of technology omits an essential aspect of technical activity: the ultimate concern for which any action is undertaken. By way of an analysis of Borgmann and Hickman, I show that the philosophy of technology cannot articulate the nature of the good life without reference to an ultimacy beyond finite human goods. This paradoxically implies that human beings desire something infinite which they cannot name, a paradox that theologians have long understood in terms (...)
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    Nietzsche Was No Perspectivist.Michael Lewin - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):9.
    There is a widespread agreement that Nietzsche has developed a kind of position or doctrine called ‘perspectivism’. Scholars go on and develop metaphysical, semantic, epistemic, and psychobiological interpretations of the supposed Nietzschean perspectivism or even ‘perspectivisms’. They engage in debates about whether this perspectivism is relativistic, realistic, or anti-realistic and what the tenets of perspectivism are. In this paper, I suggest putting an end to this practice. I examine Nietzsche’s explicit mentions of the term ‘perspectivism’, the problems associated with the (...)
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    Der Übergang von der aristotelischen zur galileischen Denkweise in Biologie und Psychologie.Kurt Lewin - 1971 - Darmstadt,: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Vorsatz, wille und bedürfnis.Kurt Lewin - 1926 - Berlin,: J. Springer.
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    Who’s Afraid of Secularisation? Reframing the Debate Between Gearon and Jackson.David Lewin - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (4):445-461.
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    Mathematical constructs in psychology and sociology.Kurt Lewin & Karl Korsch - 1939 - Erkenntnis 8 (1):397-403.
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    Law and Experiment in Psychology.Kurt Lewin - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):385-416.
    The Copernican revolution with which Kant transformed the question of whether knowledge is possible into the query as to how knowledge is possible, constitutes one stage in the development of epistemology from a speculative to an observational science — i.e., one that proceeds from the investigation of concrete, existent objects rather than from a small number of presupposed concepts. This path, leading from speculation to examination of the concrete objects of research — for epistemology, to the investigation of the various (...)
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    The hermeneutics of religious understanding in a postsecular age.David Lewin - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (1):73-83.
    The argument of this article assumes that religious literacy is urgently needed in the present geopolitical context. Its urgency increases the more religion is viewed in opposition to criticality, as though religion entails an irrational and inviolable commitment, or leap of faith. This narrow view of religion is reinforced by certain rather dogmatic secular framings of religion, which require any and all forms of religious expression to be excluded from public life. Excluding religion from the public has the unfortunate effect (...)
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    Heidegger East and West: Philosophy as Educative Contemplation.David Lewin - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (2):221-239.
    Resonances between Heidegger's philosophy and Eastern religious traditions have been widely discussed by scholars. The significance of Heidegger's thinking for education has also become increasingly clear over recent years. In this article I argue that an important aspect of Heidegger's work, the relevance of which to education is relatively undeveloped, relates to his desire to overcome Western metaphysics, a project that invites an exploration of his connections with Eastern thought. I argue that Heidegger's desire to deconstruct the West implies the (...)
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    Women, race and place in US Agriculture.Ryanne Pilgeram, Katherine Dentzman & Paul Lewin - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1341-1355.
    Research on women in U.S. agriculture highlights how, despite real challenges, women have made and continue to make spaces for themselves in this male-dominated profession. We argue that, partly due to data accessibility limitations, this work has tended to use white women’s experiences in agriculture as universal. Analyzing micro-data from the 2017 Census of Agriculture, this paper offers descriptive statistics about women and race in U.S. agriculture. We examine numerous characteristics of U.S. farms, including their spatial distribution, the average number (...)
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    Ist die theoretische Vernunft selbst eine Idee?Michael Lewin - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 46:288-307.
    The object of this study is to examine the way in which the later Fichte handles Kantian ideas. In the first part Kant’s theory of principles will be investigated in order to find out how many types of ideas he uses. In the second part the ideas will be assigned to the basic moments of Fichte’s Outlines 1810. Not only the transcendental concepts and postulates play a key role in the Science of Knowledge, but also the methodological ideas of a (...)
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    ${\rm C}_1$ is not algebraizable.R. A. Lewin, I. F. Mikenberg & M. G. Schwarze - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (4):609-611.
  45. Philosophie zwischen Begriffsanalyse, Begriffsbildung, ‚Begriffsdichtung‘ und ‚Begriffsengineering‘. Wie die ‚Wortanalyse‘ das Vagheitsproblem lösen kann.Michael Lewin - 2024 - In Klassische Deutsche Philosophie: Wege in die Zukunft. Brill | Mentis. pp. 65-89.
    Philosophers conceptualize a lot, generate, analyze, and engineer concepts. They often either equate ‘words’ and ‘concepts’ or consider words only as means of expression of their ‘concepts’. I suggest that philosophers should learn to distinguish between ‘words’ and ‘concepts’. Philosophers’ terms are often incompatible or partially incompatible with philosophers’ ‘concepts’. Examples are ‘isms’ in philosophy and the conception of reason. If ‘talking about the same matter’ is a prerequisite for fruitful philosophical debates, words and their analysis should have at least (...)
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    The Faculty of Ideas. Kant’s Concept of Reason in the Narrower Sense.Michael Lewin - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):340-359.
    In the Transcendental Dialectic, Kant searched for a universal concept of reason different from the understanding and offered the short formula “the faculty of principles”. I will argue that this is only one and not the most pertinent and general mark of the concept of reason. There are more compelling short expressions in Kant’s Reflexionen, the third Critique and/or in the reception of Kant’s works: “the faculty of ideas” or reason in the narrower sense. The latter narrows down the logical (...)
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    Don't Go Along with Hopelessness.Victoria Lewin-Fetter - 1984 - Hastings Center Report 14 (6):48-49.
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    Deliberative Religiosity: Practicing a Postsecular Philosophy of Education.David Lewin - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:450-452.
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    East Asian Pedagogies.David Lewin & Karsten Kenklies (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This book opens up philosophical spaces for comparative discussions of education across ‘East and West’. It develops an intercultural dialogue by exploring the Anglo-American traditions of educational trans-/formation and European constructions of Bildung, alongside East Asian traditions of trans-/formation and development. Comparatively little research has been done in this area, and many questions concerning the commensurability of North American, European and East Asian pedagogies remain. Despite this dearth of theoretical research, there is ample evidence of continued interest in (self-)formation through (...)
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  50. Ethics: A Sociological View.P. Lewin - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (2):265-266.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Ethics: A Radical-constructivist Approach” by Andreas Quale. Upshot: While Quale’s radical constructivist intervention into ethics is novel and insightful, I advance four counterpoints that underscore the social as opposed to personal nature of ethics. I argue that (1) the social nature of being always integrates individual knowers into a moral order; (2) that cognitive and non-cognitive knowledge are mutually reinforcing rather than mutually exclusive; (3) that non-cognitive knowledge can be communicated just as cognitive knowledge (...)
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