Results for 'Louis Germain Lévy'

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  1. Germain-Levy, Louis, Maimonide. [REVIEW]H. Fels - 1934 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 47:127-128.
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    Maïmonide.Louis-Germain Lévy - 1932 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    Dans le domaine juridique, son commentaire de la Mishnah (1168), et le Mishnah Torah, " Répétition de la loi " (1180), classification et interprétation des traditions orale et écrite juives, font autorité. Maïmonide philosophe aborde, dans le Guide des égarés, " Moré Nébukhim ", de nombreux sujets - allégories bibliques ou talmudiques, doctrines philosophiques, prophétie, métaphysique... - et tente, parce qu'il ne saurait envisager une théologie non fondée sur une prémisse philosophique valide, de concilier les enseignements de la Torah et (...)
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    Confidence biases and learning among intuitive Bayesians.Louis Lévy-Garboua, Muniza Askari & Marco Gazel - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (3):453-482.
    We design a double-or-quits game to compare the speed of learning one’s specific ability with the speed of rising confidence as the task gets increasingly difficult. We find that people on average learn to be overconfident faster than they learn their true ability and we present an intuitive-Bayesian model of confidence which integrates confidence biases and learning. Uncertainty about one’s true ability to perform a task in isolation can be responsible for large and stable confidence biases, namely limited discrimination, the (...)
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    Sequential Perception and Bounded Rationality.Louis Lévy-Garboua - 2004 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 14 (1).
    Rational individuals who perceive information sequentially are confronted to cognitive dissonance and dynamic uncertainty in a way that sets a natural limit to the ex post efficiency of their choices. From the normative perspective which ignores this dynamic uncertainty, their rationality seems limited. Sequential perception is assumed in a model of Bayesian revision of the contingent preference in a repeated choice. This model predicts both the cognitive dissonance phenomenon studied by Festinger and the formation of stable habits. It also shows (...)
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  5. Œuvres, t. I et II.Maine de Biran, Pierre Tisserand, Louis Cazamian, Ad Levi & Xavier Léon - 1923 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 95:456-459.
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    Culture: A Guess at the Riddle.Albert William Levi - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 4 (2):299-329.
    It is necessary to realize first of all that the concept of culture is founded upon two closely related dichotomies: that between the natural and artificial and that between the chaotic and the orderly. In its most primitive signification, culture means simply the imposition of an exquisite order upon the raw givenness of experience. In this sense, nature represents the immediacy of need, culture its formalization. Man may be "a rational animal," as Aristotle said, but in possessing the rational potential (...)
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    (1 other version)Jean-Louis Krivine. Théorie axiomatique des ensembles. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris1969, 120 pp. - Jean-Louis Krivine. Introduction to axiomatic set theory. English translation of the preceding by David Miller. D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, and Humanities Press, New York, 1971, VII + 100 pp. [REVIEW]Azriel Levy - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (1):180-181.
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    Reflections on how the theatre teaches.Jonathan Levy - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):20-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on How the Theatre TeachesJonathan Levy (bio)PreambleTheatre is, famously, an imitation of an action. It presents the essence, the gist, of human experience, not a narration or recital of that experience. Therefore, any attempt to explain how the theatre works in words will be at best a translation or paraphrase. The real power of the theatre lies in our total experience of it before the mind begins to (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Charles Strickland, Nancy R. King, Alan H. Jones, Germaine M. Reed, Margaret Glllett, William J. Reese, Robert H. Bremner, Elizabeth Ihle, Geraldine Joncich Clifford, Louis R. Harlan, Frederick M. Binder, Harvey G. Neufeldt, Earle H. West, E. V. Johanningmeier & Harold J. Franz - 1982 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 13 (3&4):336-387.
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    Ethics, Science, and Democracy: The Philosophy of Abraham Edel.Irving Louis Horowitz & Horace Standish Thayer - 1987 - Routledge.
    This volume, modeled after those published in The Library of Living Philosophers, attempts to provide a coherent statement of the work of Abraham Edel in moral and political theory, and on the impact of his work on such diverse areas as education, law, and social science. The methodological element of Edel's work is to see ethical and social theory in the full context of human life; specifically how twentieth-century modes of analysis impact classical concerns about right and wrong, good and (...)
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    Recent French Thought at the Intersection of Culture, Subjectivity, and Psychopathology.Louis Sass - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):279-284.
    French thought no longer enjoys the kind of prominence in the Anglophone world that it did in most of the last half of the twentieth century, a time when Sartre and Camus, then Lévi-Strauss, Foucault, and Derrida exercised a decisive influence on innovative work in literary and cultural theory, the human and social sciences, and on social thought more generally. It would be a mistake, however, to exaggerate the degree to which this represents either a decline in the actual influence (...)
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    La Vocation de la Liberté Chez Louis Lavelle. Par G. Hardy, Louvain-Paris, Nauwelaerts, 1968. Pp. 128. F27,50.Germaine Cromp - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (1):110-111.
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    "De Interpretatione": Cognition and Context in the History of Ideas.Albert William Levi - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (1):153-178.
    One can sympathize with [Leo] Strauss' ultimate aim—to protect the validity of moral judgment against that form of relativism which would assess the value of great philosophic works simply in terms of how they satisfied the needs of the times for which they were written. But in believing that "historicism " meant "relativism," and that all attention to the temporal relevance of great doctrines in the history of ideas was somehow perverse, Strauss was profoundly mistaken. Hermeneutics is not axiology. Questions (...)
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    Computational Logic: Essays in Honor of Alan Robinson.Jean-Louis Lassez, G. Plotkin & J. A. Robinson - 1991 - MIT Press (MA).
    Reflecting Alan Robinson's fundamental contribution to computational logic, this book brings together seminal papers in inference, equality theories, and logic programming. It is an exceptional collection that ranges from surveys of major areas to new results in more specialized topics. Alan Robinson is currently the University Professor at Syracuse University. Jean-Louis Lassez is a Research Scientist at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Gordon Plotkin is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh. Contents: Inference. Subsumption, A (...)
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  15. “Eu sou, eu existo: isto é certo; mas por quanto tempo?”: o tempo, o eu e os outros eus.Lia Levy - 1997 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 2 (2):161-185.
    Ce texte propose une justification de la critique que Spinoza adresse à Descartes, par l’intermédiaire de Louis Meyer, dans la Préface des Principes de la Philosophie de Descartes ; plus particulièrement, il s’agit de reconstruire ses raisons pour affirmer qu’il n’a pas été prouvé, dans la Seconde Méditation, que la chose qui est désignée par le terme ‘je’ puisse être une substance. L’argument qui doit soutenir cette affirma- tion peut être schématisé de la façon suivante : Descartes ne peut (...)
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    The humanist controversy and other writings, 1966-67.Louis Althusser - 2003 - New York: Verso. Edited by François Matheron.
    The philosophical conjuncture and Marxist theoretical research -- On Lévi-Strauss -- Three notes on the theory of discourses -- On Feuerbach -- The historical task of Marxist philosophy -- The humanist controversy.
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    Poussin, la mort ou l'immortalité.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 2009 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 134 (2):231-236.
    L’ouvrage récent de Marcel Hénaff, Lévi-Strauss, le passeur de sens, nous découvre des aspects inconnus ou méconnus de la pensée du grand anthropologue. Le livre est publié à l’occasion des cent ans de celui-ci. En particulier, le structuralisme assumé par Lévi-Strauss, et façonné sur le modèle linguistique, n’a rien d’un formalisme. Ce qui..
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    ARTICLE RETIRÉ : Plotin en mouvement.Jean-Louis Chrétien - 2001 - Archives de Philosophie 64 (2):243-258.
    Contrairement à l’apparence, Plotin est un philosophe du mouvement et de la genèse. Tout être, même éternel, est pensé à partir des actes qui l’engendrent. Même ce qui n’a pas de genèse est décrit génétiquement. L’article étudie quelques unes des figures de ce mouvement (la course, la danse, la trace), et leurs prolongements au-delà de Plotin. Il établit que cette mobilité donne à Plotin son style unique, qui anticipe à certains égards celui de l’idéalisme allemand. Loin d’être une caractéristique générale (...)
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  19. [book review] Sylvain Lévi, La dottrina del sacrificio nei Brāhmaṇa. Con tre saggi di Roberto Calasso, Charles Malamoud e Louis Renou, traduzione di Silvia D’Intino. Adelphi, Milano 2009, 224 pp.Krishna Del Toso - 2009 - AION 69 (1/4):245-252.
    book review: Sylvain Lévi, "La dottrina del sacrificio nei Brāhmaṇa. Con tre saggi di Roberto Calasso, Charles Malamoud e Louis Renou", traduzione di Silvia D’Intino. Adelphi, Milano 2009, 224 pp.
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    Sophie Germain: An Essay in the History of the Theory of Elasticity. Louis L. Bucciarelli, Nancy Dworsky.Judith Grabiner - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):448-449.
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    Destouches Jean-Louis. La théorie physique et ses principes fondamentaux. With discussion by Bauer, Bayer, Julien Benda, Bouligand, Bréhier, Cazin, Césari, Mme. Destouches-Février, Hyppolite, Mme. Lévy-Strauss, Metz, Ullmo, Wolff, and the author. Bulletin de la Société française de Philosophie vol. 42 no. 1–2 , pp. 1–32. [REVIEW]Frederic B. Fitch - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):144-144.
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    Louis Althusser et quelques autres: notes de cours 1958-1959: Hyppolite, Badiou, Lacan, Hegel, Marx, Alain, Wallon.Emile Jalley - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    LA PHILOSOPHIE A L'ECOLE NATIONALE AVANT 1960 : LOUIS ALTHUSSER. Louis Althusser (1918-1990) : psychologie. Louis Althusser (1918-1990) : philosophie politique. LA PHILOSOPHIE A L'ECOLE NATIONALE AVANT 1960 : JEAN HYPPOLITE. Jean Hyppolite (1907-1968) : Aristote, Spinoza, Hume. Jean Hyppolite (1907-1968) : Aristote, Spinoza, Hume, Comte. Jean Hyppolite (1907-1968) : Descartes, Hume, Hegel, Comte, Marx, Husserl, Heidegger, psychanalyse. AUTRES REPERES DE L'EPOQUE 1960-2000. Le dossier Althusser cinquante ans après. L'aventure de la philosophie française depuis les années 1960. (...)
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    Structural Analysis in Contemporary Social Thought. A comparison of the theories of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Louis Althusser, par Miriam Glucksmann. London/Boston, Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1974, 197 pages. [REVIEW]J. N. Kaufmann - 1976 - Dialogue 15 (1):184-186.
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    Germaine de Staël, Daughter of the Enlightenment: The Writer and Her Turbulent Era.Sergine Dixon - 2007 - Humanity Books.
    One of the most fascinating and influential women in French history was Germaine de Staël. Raised in a stimulating intellectual environment by parents connected to the court of Louis XVI, she became an internationally known writer, intellectual, and political activist. As the engaging, intelligent host of a popular salon in Paris and through frequent travels, she met some of the leading Enlightenment figures of the day, many of whom became her friends and confidants: William Pitt the Younger, Benjamin Constant, (...)
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    Le Roi-Soleil J. P. Néraudau: L'Olympe du Roi-Soleil, ou comment la mythologie et l'Antiquité furent mises au service de l'idéologie monarchique sous Louis XIV à travers la littérature, la peinture, la musique, les fêtes, la sculpture, l'architecture et les jardins, à Vaux-le-Vicomte, Meudon, St Cloud, Sceaux, Marly, St Germain et Versailles. (Nouveaux Confluents.) Pp. 283. Paris: Les Belles Lettres. 1986. Paper, 110 frs. [REVIEW]Richard Parish - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (01):87-88.
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    Mécanique quantique Louis Marchildon Bruxelles, De Boeck Université, 2000, 524 p.Yvon Gauthier - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (2):401-.
    Il est plutôt rare qu’on rende compte dans une revue philosophique d’un manuel de physique théorique. Dans le cas du présent ouvrage, la chose n’est pas si incongrue puisque l’auteur, physicien québécois, n’est pas étranger aux questions philosophiques et s’est souvent mêlé des débats épistémologiques. En plus, son traité comporte plusieurs chapitres qui intéressent l’épistémologie de la physique tout en étant un manuel d’une envergure comparable aux classiques du genre en langue française, ceux de Cohen-Tannoudji, Messiah, Omnès ou Lévy-Leblond. (...)
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    Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de Staël.Susanne Hillman - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2):231-254.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Men with Muskets, Women with Lyres: Nationality, Citizenship, and Gender in the Writings of Germaine de StaëlSusanne HillmanOn 23 May 1812 Germaine de Staël (1766–1817), Europe’s best-known enemy of Napoleon Bonaparte, set out from her estate on Lake Geneva to escape to England. In her reminiscences, she reflected on the pivotal event as follows:[A]fter ten years of ever-increasing persecutions [...] I was obliged to leave two homelands as a (...)
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    Reviewing women’s philosophical works during the French revolution: the case of P.-L. Roederer.Sandrine Bergès - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (8):1332-1344.
    This paper looks at selected reviews of women’s philosophical (and literary) works by Revolutionary author and politician Pierre-Louis Roederer. This study occasions the following remarks. Women’s works, when they raised political radical and sometimes feminist agendas were not only read and reviewed, but considered part of the general Revolutionary effort to relieve social and political inequalities. Secondly Roederer appears, from these reviews, as committed to convincing the French intellectual community that works by women ought to be taken as seriously (...)
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    Probability and Inference: Essays in Honour of Henry E. Kyburg, Jr.William Harper & Gregory Wheeler (eds.) - 2007 - College Publications.
    Recent advances in philosophy, artificial intelligence, mathematical psychology, and the decision sciences have brought a renewed focus to the role and interpretation of probability in theories of uncertain reasoning. Henry E. Kyburg, Jr. has long resisted the now dominate Bayesian approach to the role of probability in scientific inference and practical decision. The sharp contrasts between the Bayesian approach and Kyburg's program offer a uniquely powerful framework within which to study several issues at the heart of scientific inference, decision, and (...)
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    L'anarchie rythmique des Nuer.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Extrait de P. Michon, Rythmes, pouvoir, mondialisation, Paris, PUF, 2005, p. 81-88. Dans son introduction à la réédition des Nuer, Louis Dumont a fait envers Evans-Pritchard une double opération analogue à celle que Lévi-Strauss avait effectuée en 1950 vis-à-vis de Mauss : il a cherché à montrer, d'une part, qu'Evans-Pritchard aurait anticipé le structuralisme, mais que, d'autre part, cette anticipation ne se serait pas réalisée de manière totalement pure - Anthropologie.
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    A Pound of Flesh: Lacan's Reading of The Visible and the Invisible.Charles Shepherdson - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (4):70-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Pound of Flesh: Lacan’s Reading of The Visible and the InvisibleCharles Shepherdson (bio)This cut in the signifying chain alone verifies the structure of the subject as discontinuity in the real.—Lacan, “Subversion of the Subject”This moment of cut is haunted by the form of a bloody scrap—the pound of flesh that life pays in order to turn it into the signifier of signifiers, which it is impossible to restore, (...)
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    Heidegger et la question de l'humanisme: faits, concepts, débats.Bruno Pinchard & Thierry Gontier (eds.) - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Le débat qui partage les partisans et les détracteurs de l'humanisme n'est pas seulement dicté par l'ampleur des événements planétaires. La question de l'humanisme est d'abord l'héritière de toute l'histoire de la pensée. Qu'il ait cependant appartenu à Martin Heidegger, à peine arraché à un temps d'inhumanité radicale, de transformer, dans sa fameuse Lettre sur l'humanisme de 1947, le simple recours aux " valeurs ", de l'humanisme en l'affaire par excellence de la pensée, constitue une énigme sur laquelle il valait (...)
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    Anti-humanism and the Deconstruction of the Liberal Subject.James Heartfield - 2019 - In Angus Kennedy & James Panton (eds.), From Self to Selfie: A Critique of Contemporary Forms of Alienation. Springer Verlag. pp. 147-165.
    France saw a great intellectual upsurge in a variety of different academic fields in the 1970s, principally in philosophy, but also in the social sciences, linguistics, anthropology, history, and psychiatry. Different strands of thinking, from the linguistic school of structuralists, Lévi-Strauss’ structuralist anthropology, Louis Althusser’s reconsiderations of the basis of Marxism, Derrida’s philosophical critique of phenomenology and structuralism, Lacan’s of Freud and the unconscious, and Michel Foucault’s historical genealogy, all seemed to be coalescing in a reconsideration of the centrality (...)
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    The Art of "Reading-To" and the Post-Holocaust Suicide in Schlink's The Reader.Michael Lackey - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (1):145-164.
    The post-Holocaust suicide of a concentration camp survivor is particularly unsettling. One thinks, for instance, of Cliff Stern's devastated response to Professor Louis Levy's death in Woody Allen's movie Crimes and Misdemeanors. Loosely based on Primo Levi, Allen's professor provides in short documentary clips an astute analysis of the contradictions of a loving God in the Old Testament and stoically counsels embracing life despite the indifference and occasional cruelty of the universe. Having experienced, understood, and accepted the absurdity and (...)
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    Naming the multiple: poststructuralism and education.Michael Peters (ed.) - 1998 - Westport, Conn.: Bergin & Garvey.
    Poststructuralism--as a name for a mode of thinking, a style of philosophizing, a kind of writing--has exercised a profound influence upon contemporary Western thought and the institution of the university. As a French and predominantly Parisian affair, poststructuralism is inseparable from the intellectual milieu of postwar France, a world dominated by Alexandre Kojève's and Jean Hyppolite's interpretations of Hegel, Jacques Lacan's reading of Freud, Gaston Bachelard's epistemology, George Canguilhem's studies of science, and Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism. It is also inseparable from (...)
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    La modernité manquée du structuralisme.Maxime Parodi - 2004 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Le structuralisme a été le grand espoir de modernisation des sciences humaines. Sous la houlette, principalement, de Claude Lévi-Strauss en ethnologie, de Jacques Lacan en psychanalyse, de Roland Barthes en sémiologie, de Louis Althusser en sociologie et de Michel Foucault en histoire et en philosophie, ce mouvement intellectuel prend, dans la France des années 1950-1960, une ampleur telle qu'il bouleverse le paysage intellectuel et remanie en profondeur l'Université française. Puis, à partir des années 1970, l'ambitieux programme s'effondre, plus rapidement (...)
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    Ethics, Science, and Democracy: The Philosophy of Abraham Edel.Douglas Butler - 1987 - Transaction Publishers.
    This volume, modeled after those published in The Library of Living Philosophers, attempts to provide a coherent statement of the work of Abraham Edel in moral and political theory, and on the impact of his work on such diverse areas as education, law, and social science. The methodological element of Edel's work is to see ethical and social theory in the full context of human life; specifically how twentieth-century modes of analysis impact classical concerns about right and wrong, good and (...)
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    (1 other version)La voix des femmes. Une réception américaine.Sharon Farmer - 1998 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:11-11.
    Le projet de Georges Duby sur l’histoire des femmes au Moyen Âge repose dans une large mesure sur l’anthropologie structurale de Claude Lévi Strauss et le marxisme structuraliste de Louis Althusser : les femmes de l’aristocratie médiévale, selon Duby, étaient des gages dans un système de parenté contrôlé par et pour les hommes ; elles formaient leurs subjectivités propres à partir de l’idéologie dominante que façonnaient les hommes. Les sources, pour Duby, ne révèlent jamais de voix féminines indépendantes. Les (...)
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    Structuralism and poststructuralism for beginners.Donald Palmer - 1997 - Danbury, CT: For Beginners LLC.
    “In its less dramatic versions,” writes author Dan Palmer, “structuralism is just a method of studying language, society, and the works of artists and novelists. But in its most exuberant form, it is a philosophy, an overall worldview that provides an account of reality and knowledge.” Poststructuralism is a loosely knit intellectual movement, comprised mainly of ex-structuralists who either became dissatisfied with the theory or felt they could improve it. Structuralism and Poststructuralism For Beginners is an illustrated tour through the (...)
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    Panorama de la philosophie française contemporaine.Jean Lacroix - 1966 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Omhandler en række franske filosoffer : Jean Nabert, Gabriel Madinier, Amédée Ponceau, Paul Ricæur, Louis Lavelle, Alain (Émile Chartier), Ferdinand Alquié, Pierre Lachièze-Rey, Eric Weil, Henry Duméry, Nicolas Berdiaeff, Emmanuel Mounier, Maurice Nédoncelle, Emmanuel Levinas, Gabriel Marcel, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Jean-Paul Sartre, Michel Henry, Jean Wahl, Alphonse de Waelhens, André Lalande, Gaston Bachelard, François Dagognet, Michel Faoucault, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Maurice Pradines, Georges Gurvitch.
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    The Structuralists. [REVIEW]G. W. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):533-534.
    Structuralism, in so far as its essence can be pinned down, seems to be the view that the surface aspects of social phenomena are best explained in terms of complex, elusive, below-the-surface "structures," patterns, or model systems. Examples of such underlying structures are the unconscious motivation schemes of individuals, a taken-for-granted economic order, customs of social strata, ingrained moral philosophies, and religious institutions. The De Georges’ pioneer sourcebook [[sic]] presents selections, infused with the structuralist viewpoint, from the writings of Marx, (...)
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    La leçon d'Althusser.Jacques Rancière - 1974 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    En 1974 Jacques Rancière examinait la leçon de marxisme donné par le philosophe Louis Althusser à un collègue anglais et en faisait l'occasion d'un bilan sur l'althussérisme lui-même. Althusser avait imposé dans les années 1960 l'idée d'un retour à la vraie pensée de Marx, en phase avec les formes nouvelles de la pensée structuraliste (ethnologie de Lévi-Strauss, psychanalyse lacanienne, archéologie du savoir de Foucault) mais aussi avec les nouveaux espoirs révolutionnaires qui secouaient la planète à l'heure des luttes de (...)
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    Critical Fanonism. Gates - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):457-470.
    One of the signal developments in contemporary criticism over the past several years has been the ascendancy of the colonial paradigm. In conjunction with this new turn, Frantz Fanon has now been reinstated as a global theorist, and not simply by those engaged in Third World or subaltern studies. In a recent collection centered on British romanticism, Jerome McGann opens a discussion of William Blake and Ezra Pound with an extended invocation of Fanon. Donald Pease has used Fanon to open (...)
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  44. Cancer cells and adaptive explanations.Pierre-Luc Germain - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (6):785-810.
    The aim of this paper is to assess the relevance of somatic evolution by natural selection to our understanding of cancer development. I do so in two steps. In the first part of the paper, I ask to what extent cancer cells meet the formal requirements for evolution by natural selection, relying on Godfrey-Smith’s (2009) framework of Darwinian populations. I argue that although they meet the minimal requirements for natural selection, cancer cells are not paradigmatic Darwinian populations. In the second (...)
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  45. Junk or functional DNA? ENCODE and the function controversy.Pierre-Luc Germain, Emanuele Ratti & Federico Boem - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):807-831.
    In its last round of publications in September 2012, the Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) assigned a biochemical function to most of the human genome, which was taken up by the media as meaning the end of ‘Junk DNA’. This provoked a heated reaction from evolutionary biologists, who among other things claimed that ENCODE adopted a wrong and much too inclusive notion of function, making its dismissal of junk DNA merely rhetorical. We argue that this criticism rests on misunderstandings concerning (...)
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    Two approaches to the humanities.Tzvetan Todorov - 2017 - Sign Systems Studies 45 (3/4):302-316.
    This article compares two different approaches to the humanities in general and to anthropology in particular, represented by two renowned French scholars, Claude Levi-Strauss (1908–2009) and Germaine Tillion (1907–2008). While Levi-Strauss emphasized the importance of an objective stance in the humanities and wanted to eliminate all subjectivity, Tillion desired to reserve an exclusive role for subjectivity, preferring human individuals to abstractions. The article suggests looking for the reason for these opposite positions within the disparate experiences the two scholars had during (...)
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    The Grotte du Renne, Leroi-Gourhan and Flaubert's La Légende de Saint Julien l'Hospitalier (1877): The Question of ‘Préhistoire(s)’ to Delimit the Human.Mary Orr - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (3):334-348.
    This article reconsiders the important work of Leroi-Gourhan through the lens of Christopher Johnson's ‘Leroi-Gourhan and the Limits of the Human’ by returning to the context of French prehistory of the 1860s that lies behind Leroi-Gourhan's discoveries and interpretations of hominid remains and artefacts in the Grotte du Renne. The Exposition universelle of 1867 and French publications of the period capture the importance of ‘préhistoire’ for Second Empire France materialized in Napoleon III's establishment at Saint-Germain-en-Laye of the first national (...)
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    Hope and Memory: Lessons From the Twentieth Century.David Bellos (ed.) - 2003 - Princeton University Press.
    Both a political history and a moral critique of the twentieth century, this is a personal and impassioned book from one of Europe's most outstanding intellectuals. Identifying totalitarianism as the major innovation of the twentieth century, Tzvetan Todorov examines the struggle between this system and democracy and its effects on human life and consciousness.Totalitarianism managed to impose itself because, more than any other political system, it played on people's need for the absolute: it fed their hope to endow life with (...)
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    Droit et morale.Dominique Bureau, France Drummond, Dominique Fenouillet & Olivier Descamps (eds.) - 2011 - [Paris]: Dalloz.
    Droit et morale Sous la direction de Dominique Bureau, France Drummond et Dominique Fenouillet Véritable « pont aux ânes de la pédagogie juridique », la question des relations qu'entretiennent Droit et Morale appelle une réponse doctrinale presque invariable: la séparation de principe n'exclurait pas l'influence réciproque. Le droit contemporain semble pourtant traversé par deux courants a priori antinomiques: ici, la référence morale est invoquée comme une sorte de « tabou » qui justifierait le retrait du droit, alors que, là, elle (...)
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  50. Against consequentialism.Germain Grisez - 2000 - In Christopher Robert Kaczor (ed.), Proportionalism: for and against. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press. pp. 21-72.
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