Results for 'Luana Mara Diogo'

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  1.  17
    Hélder Câmara y la justicia: ideario.Hélder Câmara - 1981 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme. Edited by Benedicto Tapia de Renedo.
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  2. Śārīraka-catussūtrī-vicāra of Bellaṅkoṇḍā Rāmarāyakavi =.Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya - 2011 - Chennai: The Adi Sankara Advaita Research Centre. Edited by R. Balasubramanian, Gōḍā Veṅkaṭēśvara Śāstri, V. K. S. N. Raghavan & Bellaṅkoṇḍa Rāmarāya.
    Interpretation of first four sutras of Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa on the basis of Śaṅkarācārya's commentary on Vedanta.
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  3. Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building.Luana Poliseli, Jeferson G. E. Coutinho, Blandina Viana, Federica Russo & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (4):0-0.
    This article addresses the contributions of the literature on the new mechanistic philosophy of science for the scientific practice of model building in ecology. This is reflected in a one-to-one interdisciplinary collaboration between an ecologist and a philosopher of science during science-in-the-making. We argue that the identification, reconstruction and understanding of mechanisms is context-sensitive, and for this case study mechanistic modeling did not present a normative role but a heuristic one. We expect our study to provides useful epistemic tools for (...)
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  4. Quantum Dialogue: The Making of a Revolution.Mara Beller - 1999 - University of Chicago Press.
    "Science is rooted in conversations," wrote Werner Heisenberg, one of the twentieth century's great physicists. In Quantum Dialogue, Mara Beller shows that science is rooted not just in conversation but in disagreement, doubt, and uncertainty. She argues that it is precisely this culture of dialogue and controversy within the scientific community that fuels creativity. Beller draws her argument from her radical new reading of the history of the quantum revolution, especially the development of the Copenhagen interpretation. One of several (...)
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    Tell Me the Truth and I Will Not Be Harmed: Informed Consents and Nocebo Effects.Luana Colloca - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (6):46-48.
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    Norepinephrine ignites local hotspots of neuronal excitation: How arousal amplifies selectivity in perception and memory.Mara Mather, David Clewett, Michiko Sakaki & Carolyn W. Harley - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:1-100.
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    Canons and the Challenge of Gender.Mara Miller - 1993 - The Monist 76 (4):477-493.
    Examines the role of the gender of philosopher-contributors in the constitution of a philosophical canon. Effects of the inclusion of women's voices within the canon; Development of a Japanese philosophical canon as a case in point.
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  8. The conceptual and the anecdotal history of quantum mechanics.Mara Beller - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (4):545-557.
    The aim of this paper is to combine the intellectual and the psychosocial aspects. blurring the distinction between the conceptual and the anecdotal history of quantum mechanics. The full realization of the importance of such “anecdotal” factors leads to the revision of our understanding of the conceptual development itself. The paper concludes with the suggestion that a major part of numerous inconsistencies in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics are of a psychosocial origin.
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    Emergence of scientific understanding in real-time ecological research practice.Luana Poliseli - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-25.
    Scientific understanding as a subject of inquiry has become widely discussed in philosophy of science and is often addressed through case studies from history of science. Even though these historical reconstructions engage with details of scientific practice, they usually provide only limited information about the gradual formation of understanding in ongoing processes of model and theory construction. Based on a qualitative ethnographic study of an ecological research project, this article shifts attention from understanding in the context of historical case studies (...)
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    William Harvey e a circulação sanguínea: um diálogo com seus antecessores.Luana Beatriz Xavier Nunes - 2024 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 19 (1):45-63.
    William Harvey (1578-1656) presented his conceptions on blood circulation in Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis e sanguinis em animalibus (Anatomical study on the heart and blood movement in animals) in 1628. His most relevant work was the treatise De motu cordis, as it is better known, which resulted from more than nine years of observations and anatomical demonstrations in animals and humans. It greatly impacted the period's physicians, philosophers, and anatomists, generating several comments and criticisms. Harvey's ideas concerning blood circulation (...)
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    Informed Consent: Hints From Placebo and Nocebo Research.Luana Colloca - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (10):17-19.
  12. O Nacionalismo De Fichte E A Transformação Da Doutrina Da Ciência.Diogo Ferrer - 2000 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 9 (17):97-120.
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    Gardens as works of art: The problem of uniqueness.Mara Miller - 1986 - British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (3):252-256.
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    A Hipótese da Linguagem da Comunicação para a Evolução da Consciência.Diogo Fernando Massmann - 2024 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 69 (1):e46080.
    O presente artigo se ocupa do problema funcional da consciência referente às questões do porquê a consciência evoluiu e se é relevante para os organismos. A hipótese defendida é que a consciência tem a função comunicativa capaz de recrutar a memória de trabalho, especialmente, os seus subcomponentes especialistas em linguagem, e o sistema cognitivo-computacional, que tem, em seu núcleo, uma estrutura sintática para codificar simbolicamente a informação implícita no organismo. Aos organismos que possuem esses recursos, foi conferida uma vantagem adaptativa, (...)
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    Sobre a filosofia como investigação de questões existenciais.Diogo Bogéa - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e0240012.
    We start by problematizing the way in which philosophical practice is generally conceived in our academic environment. In this article, we address an understanding of Philosophy as a process of serious and sincere investigation of existential questions and creation of theory. With this, we intend to question some of the most common diagnoses and solutions for the underdevelopment of philosophical practice in Brazil, as well as provide our contribution to the propagation of a philosophical practice that risks the leap from (...)
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    Wittgenstein e a expressão de convicções.Diogo de França Gurgel - 2022 - Dissertatio 53:186-205.
    Em um artigo intitulado “Whether certainty is a form of life”, Elizabeth Wolgast ataca por duas vias diversas a concepção witgensteiniana de proposição gramatical desenvolvida no Da Certeza. Ela acusa Wittgenstein de contradizer certas teses centrais das Investigações Filosóficas, ao estabelecer como significativas proposições sem uso em nossos jogos de linguagem correntes, e denuncia a precariedade da tese, supostamente presente no Da Certeza, de que proposições gramaticais descrevem nosso sistema de crenças. Procuro refutar ambas as objeções por meio de uma (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Sobre O papel do juízo reflexivo em educação.Diogo Ferrer - 1995 - Philosophica 5:35-66.
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    MacIntyre contra MacIntyre.Luana Adriano Araújo, Renato José De Moraes & Arthur Cezar Alves De Melo - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e40175.
    Esta investigação, partindo do diagnóstico da modernidade empreendido por Alasdair MacIntyre, destina-se a avaliar a possibilidade de conciliação entre o discurso universalizante dos direitos humanos e a ética particularista sustentada pelo autor citado a partir do referencial ético aristotélico. A convergência entre os bens individuais, consubstanciados em direitos, e o bem comum, componente essencial da prática e do pensamento éticos, pode representar relevante contribuição teórica no campo de estudos dos direitos humanos. Neste trabalho, dada a limitação da sua natureza, intentou-se (...)
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    L’Union de la Gauche (1972-1978) nella “strettoia dell’Arcipelago”. Il risvolto politico dell’antitotalitarismo.Luana Maria Alagna - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):227-249.
    In 1972 the Socialist Party and the Communist French Party signed the Programme Commune du Gouvenement d'Union de la Gauche. Six years marked the electoral agenda of the two “historical enemies” in search of political convergence that remained an open debate, also animated by the current of antitotalitarian thought that increased public disrepute towards the pro-Soviet left and the PCF. Political and ideological differences between alternative government guidelines were amplified by the publication of Alexander Solgenitsin’s Gulag Archipelago which will significantly (...)
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    Um teto para a crítica genética: a teoria e o pesquisador da gênese.Luana Maria Andretta - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (1):341-364.
    O estudo de manuscritos literários pode se revelar como um terreno fecundo para a compreensão de movimentos criativos, a observação de hábitos redacionais e a reatualização de uma obra. Contudo, a crítica genética, ciência que embasa tal trabalho, vem disputando um espaço dentro do campo literário desde seu surgimento. A partir dessas considerações, o objetivo deste artigo é identificar os motivos que geram a marginalização da crítica genética e as perspectivas apresentadas por essa jovem ciência para a contemporaneidade. Para tanto, (...)
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    Natura semper in se curva: a vinculação a si e a possibilidade de desvinculação segundo duns escoto.Diogo Morais Barbosa - 2012 - Porto: Fundação Eng. António de Almeida.
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    Z. Swiechowski, A. Rizzi, R. Hamann-Mac Lean, Romanische Reliefs von venezianischen Fassaden.Mara Bonfioli - 1984 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 77 (2).
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  23. Was bringt die Rede vom Menschen "als auch einem Tier"? Zur Rolle von Naturalisierungsversuchen für eine pragmatische Anthropologie.Mara-Daria Cojocaru - 2016 - In Elif Özmen (ed.), Über Menschliches: Anthropologie zwischen Natur und Utopie. Münster: Mentis.
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    A Ideia de Sistema em Kant.Diogo Ferrer - 2005 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 61 (3/4):687 - 705.
    O presente artigo lida com a questão da compatibilidade entre duas exigências opostas da filosofia teorética de Kant: a crítica, por um lado, e a ideia de sistema, por outro. Enquanto a crítica assenta sobre uma divisão da razão em faculdades distintas, o sistema é um ideal de unidade sob um mesmo princípio. Uma apreciação do uso do termo "sistem" nas principais obras críticas de Kant mostra que o termo é equívoco, e que os seus diferentes sentidos só podem ser (...)
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  25. Filosofia Transcendental e Universidade. O Plano Dedutivo para um Instituto de Ensino Superior a Estabelecer em Berlim de Fichte.Diogo Ferrer - 2005 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 14 (28):275-300.
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    Considerações filosóficas sobre as entrevistas de solicitação de refúgio.Diogo Gurgel & Andressa Maciel Corrêa - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):44-60.
    In this paper, we intend to demonstrate that the asylum request process can have its semantic and politic structures evidenced from an access via philosophy of language. In order to elucidate the normative nature of this social practice and to take a critical stance in relation to the treatment given to the refuge interview as it has been done in our country, we resort to certain concepts developed by the so called later Wittgenstein. Looking for a more complete treatment of (...)
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  27.  14
    School Feeding and Food and Nutrition Security in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Northern Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Luana Silva Monteiro, Priscila Vieira Pontes, Naiara Sperandio & Ana Eliza Port Lourenço - 2021 - Food Ethics 6 (2).
    Due to the pandemic and the suspension of in-person school classes, there was an interruption in the meals served to approximately 40 million students who benefited from the Brazilian National School Feeding Program (PNAE). This article describes two case studies, comparing the strategies adopted by two municipalities for maintaining school feeding during the Covid-19 pandemic in the northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and discuss possible impacts of these strategies on food and nutrition security. These municipalities (...)
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  28.  22
    Interreligious Dialogue in the Renaissance: Cusanus, De Pace Fidei.Luana Rizzo - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 65 (1):71-82.
    The paper examines the Dialogue De pace fidei written by Nicolaus Cusanus in 1453 to settle disputes arising from events that triggered religious unrest, such as the fall of Constantinople in May 1453, the invasion and massacre of the Turks led by Sultan Mehmed II and the defeat of the Christians. Following the disintegration of medieval Christianity, Cusanus, instead of promoting a crusade, as Cardinal Bessarione did, proposed a more suitable way to make the major exponents of different religions interact (...)
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    Umanesimo e Rinascimento in Terra d'Otranto: il platonismo di Matteo Tafuri.Luana Rizzo - 2000 - Nardò: Salento Books.
  30.  6
    Michel Foucault, Le Discours philosophique, édition établie, sous la responsabilité de François Ewald, par Orazio Irrera et Daniele Lorenzini, Paris, EHESS/Gallimard/Seuil, 2023.Diogo Sardinha - 2024 - Cités 98 (2):197-199.
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    A realidade do Ensino Médio do campo no contexto da Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais.Luana Lima Bittencourt Silva & Mary Weinstein - 2019 - Odeere 4 (8):236.
    O racismo é um dos problemas sociais que mais interferem nas relações cotidianas do ser humano, principalmente, no que diz respeito à população negra. Esse problema implica em sérias consequências no convívio entre as pessoas, gerando a necessidade de que intervenções sejam realizadas em âmbitos sociais para consciência e respeito mútuo, reconhecendo e valorizando diferenças raciais. A Educação das Relações Étnico-Raciais, que tem como pilar a Lei 10.639/2003, é uma das bases para que a temática étnico-racial possa ser discutida na (...)
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    Interventions to Promote the Quality of Life and Psychological Well-being in Chronic and Developmental Psychopathologies.Luana Sorrenti & Pina Filippello - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  33. Philosophy of science in practice and weak scientism together apart.Luana Poliseli & Federica Russo - 2022 - In Moti Mizrahi Mizrahi (ed.), For and Against Scientism: Science, Methodology, and the Future of Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 0-0.
    The term ‘scientism’ has not attracted consensus about its meaning or about its scope of application. In this paper, we consider Mizrahi’s suggestion to distinguish ‘Strong’ and ‘Weak’ scientism, and the consequences this distinction may have for philosophical methodology. While we side with Mizrahi that his definitions help advance the debate, by avoiding verbal dispute and focussing on questions of method, we also have concerns about his proposal as it defends a hierarchy of knowledge production. Mizrahi’s position is that Weak (...)
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  34. A Liberdade em Epicteto.Diogo Luz - 2017 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 10 (22):11-28.
    A concepção de mundo estoica é fundamentada por uma rede causal de relações determinadas pela natureza. O destino faz parte dessas relações, problematizando a questão da liberdade num ambiente determinista. Levando em consideração esse legado teórico, Epicteto coloca a liberdade nas escolhas do indivíduo em relação a essas determinações, que ele atribui à providência divina.
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  35. The Sokal Hoax: At Whom Are We Laughing?Mara Beller - unknown
    The hoax perpetrated by New York University theoretical physicist Alan Sokal in 1996 on the editors of the journal Social Text quickly became widely known and hotly debated. (See Physics Today January 1997, page 61, and March 1997, page 73.) "Transgressing the Boundaries -- Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity," was the title of the parody he slipped past the unsuspecting editors. [1] Many readers of Sokal's article characterized it as an ingenious exposure of the decline of the intellectual (...)
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    Satisfying the needs and interests of stakeholders.Mara Schiff - 2007 - In Gerry Johnstone & Daniel W. Van Ness (eds.), Handbook of Restorative Justice. Taylor & Francis. pp. 228--246.
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  37. Relieving pain using dose-extending placebos.Luana Colloca, Paul Enck & David DeGrazia - 2016 - PAIN 157:1590-1598.
    Placebos are often used by clinicians, usually deceptively and with little rationale or evidence of benefit, making their use ethically problematic. In contrast with their typical current use, a provocative line of research suggests that placebos can be intentionally exploited to extend analgesic therapeutic effects. Is it possible to extend the effects of drug treatments by interspersing placebos? We reviewed a database of placebo studies, searching for studies that indicate that placebos given after repeated administration of active treatments acquire medication-like (...)
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    Sweet Little Lies: Social Context and the Use of Deception in Negotiation.Mara Olekalns, Carol T. Kulik & Lin Chew - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (1):13-26.
    Social context shapes negotiators’ actions, including their willingness to act unethically. We use a simulated negotiation to test how three dimensions of social context—dyadic gender composition, negotiation strategy, and trust—interact to influence one micro-ethical decision, the use of deception. Deception in all-male dyads was relatively unaffected by trust or the other negotiator’s strategy. In mixed-sex dyads, negotiators consistently increased their use of deception when three forms of trust were low and opponents used an accommodating strategy. However, in all-female dyads, negotiators (...)
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    Approaching virtuousness through organizational ethical quality: toward a moral corporate social responsibility.Michael O'Mara-Shimek, Manuel Guillén & Alexis J. Bañón Gomis - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):144-155.
    Today, in both theory and practice, the concepts of corporate social responsibility and ethics are not necessarily related. Organizations can demonstrate high levels of social proactivity in their CSR policies with or without having laudable levels of ethical quality or virtuousness. This article introduces the concepts of organizational ethical quality to evaluate the moral excellence of CSR actions and policies, identifying and categorizing varying levels ranging from the absence of ethical virtuousness, termed immoral CSR, to high levels of moral CSR, (...)
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    Developing transdisciplinary practices: an interplay between disagreement and trust.Luana Poliseli & Clarissa Machado Pinto Leite - 2021 - In David Ludwig & Inkeri Koskinen (eds.), Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science. New York: Routeldge. pp. 77-91.
    Inter- and transdisciplinary research arise as necessary conditions to address societal problems. These collaborations, by definition, encompass experts from distinct domains, demanding an epistemic dependence between researchers. In such cases where, additionally, an epistemic asymmetry exists, this might then lead to tensions and enhance epistemic disagreements. How should scholars behave when in peer disagreement? On the one hand, in philosophical literature on the epistemology of disagreement, normative accounts about how one should respond when facing an epistemic disagreement are usually built (...)
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    Aid-in-dying laws and the physician's duty to inform.Mara Buchbinder - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (10):666-669.
    On 19 July 2016, three medical organisations filed a federal lawsuit against representatives from several Vermont agencies over the Patient Choice and Control at End of Life Act. The law is similar to aid-in-dying laws in four other US states, but the lawsuit hinges on a distinctive aspect of Vermont's law pertaining to patients' rights to information. The lawsuit raises questions about whether, and under what circumstances, there is an ethical obligation to inform terminally ill patients about AID as an (...)
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    Doing Ethics or Changing for the Better?Mara-Daria Cojocaru - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (1):32-50.
    In this paper, classical pragmatism is used as a method, not as a substantial ethical theory, to develop “moral pragmatics.” Moral pragmatics offers a constructive approach for making progress where traditional ethical theories converge, and it innovates ethical deliberation. Assuming widespread agreement that real moral problems need practical solutions, the paper addresses two related problems: the missing link between ethical theories and moral practice, and the question of who is in charge of finding such solutions. It argues that “conscience” can (...)
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    Mutually Dependent: Power, Trust, Affect and the Use of Deception in Negotiation.Mara Olekalns & Philip L. Smith - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (3):347-365.
    Using a simulated two-party negotiation, we examined how trustworthiness and power balance affected deception. In order to trigger deception, we used an issue that had no value for one of the two parties. We found that high cognitive trust increased deception whereas high affective trust decreased deception. Negotiators who expressed anxiety also used more deception whereas those who expressed optimism also used less deception. The nature of the negotiating relationship (mutuality and level of dependence) interacted with trust and negotiators’ affect (...)
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    Spectres of Mises: controversial methodological claims reassessed.Diogo Lourenço & Mário Graça Moura - 2024 - Journal of Economic Methodology 31 (3):145-160.
    In this article, we reassess two of Mises’ core methodological claims. The first claim is that action is necessarily rational. The second claim is that all human minds share a logical structure. Neither claim can be unreservedly accepted but, we argue, both contain truth: Mises’ reflections remain important contributions to our understanding of action and the mind, hence to economics.
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    Body objectified? Phenomenological perspective on patient objectification in teleconsultation.Māra Grīnfelde - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):335-349.
    The global crisis of COVID-19 pandemic has considerably accelerated the use of teleconsultation (consultation between the patient and the doctor via video platforms). While it has some obvious benefits and drawbacks for both the patient and the doctor, it is important to consider—how teleconsultation impacts the quality of the patient-doctor relationship? I will approach this question through the lens of phenomenology of the body, focusing on the question—what happens to the patient objectification in teleconsultation? To answer this question I will (...)
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    Correction to: Philosophy of science in practice in ecological model building.Luana Poliseli, Jeferson G. E. Coutinho, Blandina Viana, Federica Russo & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (5):1-2.
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    Opening the Door: Rethinking “Difficult Conversations” about Living and Dying with Dementia.Mara Buchbinder & Nancy Berlinger - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S1):22-28.
    This essay looks closely at metaphors and other figures of speech that often feature in how Americans talk about dementia, becoming part of cultural narratives: shared stories that convey ideas and values, and also worries and fears. It uses approaches from literary studies to analyze how cultural narratives about dementia may surface in conversations with family members or health care professionals. This essay also draws on research on a notable social effect of legalizing medical aid in dying: patients may find (...)
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    Effects of Synergism of Mindfulness Practice Associated With Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation in Chronic Migraine: Pilot, Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial.Luana Dias Santiago Pimenta, Elidianne Layanne Medeiros de Araújo, Joyce Poláine dos Santos Silva, Jamyson Júnior França, Pedro Nascimento Araújo Brito, Ledycnarf Januário de Holanda, Ana Raquel Lindquist, Luiz Carlos Serramo Lopez & Suellen Marinho Andrade - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Chronic migraine is a difficult disease to diagnose, and its pathophysiology remains undefined. Its symptoms affect the quality of life and daily living tasks of the affected person, leading to momentary disability. This is a pilot, randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial study with female patients between 18 and 65 years old with chronic migraine. The patients underwent twelve mindfulness sessions paired with anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, with current intensity of 2 mA applied for 20 (...)
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    Moral Stress and Moral Distress: Confronting Challenges in Healthcare Systems under Pressure.Mara Buchbinder, Alyssa Browne, Nancy Berlinger, Tania Jenkins & Liza Buchbinder - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):8-22.
    Stresses on healthcare systems and moral distress among clinicians are urgent, intertwined bioethical problems in contemporary healthcare. Yet conceptualizations of moral distress in bioethical inquiry often overlook a range of routine threats to professional integrity in healthcare work. Using examples from our research on frontline physicians working during the COVID-19 pandemic, this article clarifies conceptual distinctions between moral distress, moral injury, and moral stress and illustrates how these concepts operate together in healthcare work. Drawing from the philosophy of healthcare, we (...)
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    Le lieu vide: democrazia e totalitarismo in Claude Lefort.Luana M. Alagna - 2020 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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