Results for 'Luca Sorbi'

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  1.  23
    Word problems and ceers.Valentino Delle Rose, Luca San Mauro & Andrea Sorbi - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (3):341-354.
    This note addresses the issue as to which ceers can be realized by word problems of computably enumerable (or, simply, c.e.) structures (such as c.e. semigroups, groups, and rings), where being realized means to fall in the same reducibility degree (under the notion of reducibility for equivalence relations usually called “computable reducibility”), or in the same isomorphism type (with the isomorphism induced by a computable function), or in the same strong isomorphism type (with the isomorphism induced by a computable permutation (...)
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    Aristotele: la logica comparativa.Luca Sorbi - 1999 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki.
    [1] [without special title] -- 2. La distribuzione del bene negli enti.
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  3. Trial and error mathematics: Dialectical systems and completions of theories.Luca San Mauro, Jacopo Amidei, Uri Andrews, Duccio Pianigiani & Andrea Sorbi - 2019 - Journal of Logic and Computation 1 (29):157-184.
    This paper is part of a project that is based on the notion of a dialectical system, introduced by Magari as a way of capturing trial and error mathematics. In Amidei et al. (2016, Rev. Symb. Logic, 9, 1–26) and Amidei et al. (2016, Rev. Symb. Logic, 9, 299–324), we investigated the expressive and computational power of dialectical systems, and we compared them to a new class of systems, that of quasi-dialectical systems, that enrich Magari’s systems with a natural mechanism (...)
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    Primitive recursive equivalence relations and their primitive recursive complexity.Luca San Mauro, Nikolay Bazhenov, Keng Meng Ng & Andrea Sorbi - forthcoming - Computability.
    The complexity of equivalence relations has received much attention in the recent literature. The main tool for such endeavour is the following reducibility: given equivalence relations R and S on natural numbers, R is computably reducible to S if there is a computable function f:ω→ω that induces an injective map from R-equivalence classes to S-equivalence classes. In order to compare the complexity of equivalence relations which are computable, researchers considered also feasible variants of computable reducibility, such as the polynomial-time reducibility. (...)
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  5. The category of equivalence relations.Luca San Mauro, Valentino Delle Rose & Andrea Sorbi - 2021 - Algebra and Logic 5 (60):295-307.
    We make some beginning observations about the category Eq of equivalence relations on the set of natural numbers, where a morphism between two equivalence relations R and S is a mapping from the set of R-equivalence classes to that of S-equivalence classes, which is induced by a computable function. We also consider some full subcategories of Eq, such as the category Eq(Σ01) of computably enumerable equivalence relations (called ceers), the category Eq(Π01) of co-computably enumerable equivalence relations, and the category Eq(Dark*) (...)
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    Universal computably enumerable equivalence relations.Uri Andrews, Steffen Lempp, Joseph S. Miller, Keng Meng Ng, Luca San Mauro & Andrea Sorbi - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (1):60-88.
  7.  23
    Classifying equivalence relations in the Ershov hierarchy.Nikolay Bazhenov, Manat Mustafa, Luca San Mauro, Andrea Sorbi & Mars Yamaleev - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (7-8):835-864.
    Computably enumerable equivalence relations received a lot of attention in the literature. The standard tool to classify ceers is provided by the computable reducibility \. This gives rise to a rich degree structure. In this paper, we lift the study of c-degrees to the \ case. In doing so, we rely on the Ershov hierarchy. For any notation a for a non-zero computable ordinal, we prove several algebraic properties of the degree structure induced by \ on the \ equivalence relations. (...)
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    Trial and error mathematics II: Dialectical sets and quasidialectical sets, their degrees, and their distribution within the class of limit sets.Jacopo Amidei, Duccio Pianigiani, Luca San Mauro & Andrea Sorbi - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):810-835.
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    Trial and error mathematics I: Dialectical and quasidialectical systems.Jacopo Amidei, Duccio Pianigiani, Luca San Mauro, Giulia Simi & Andrea Sorbi - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):299-324.
  10.  33
    Harmony and Paradox: Intensional Aspects of Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Luca Tranchini - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book investigates the role played by identity of proofs in proof-theoretic semantics. It develops a conception of proof-theoretic semantics as primarily concerned with the relationship between proofs (understood as abstract entities) and derivations (the linguistic representations of proofs). It demonstrates that identity of proof is a key both to clarify some —still not wholly understood— notions at the core of proof-theoretic semantics, such as harmony; and to broaden the range of the phenomena which can be analyzed using (...)
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  11.  77
    Conceptions of Set and the Foundations of Mathematics.Luca Incurvati - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Sets are central to mathematics and its foundations, but what are they? In this book Luca Incurvati provides a detailed examination of all the major conceptions of set and discusses their virtues and shortcomings, as well as introducing the fundamentals of the alternative set theories with which these conceptions are associated. He shows that the conceptual landscape includes not only the naïve and iterative conceptions but also the limitation of size conception, the definite conception, the stratified conception and the (...)
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  12.  48
    About cut elimination for logics of common knowledge.Luca Alberucci & Gerhard Jäger - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1):73-99.
    The notions of common knowledge or common belief play an important role in several areas of computer science , in philosophy, game theory, artificial intelligence, psychology and many other fields which deal with the interaction within a group of “agents”, agreement or coordinated actions. In the following we will present several deductive systems for common knowledge above epistemic logics –such as K, T, S4 and S5 –with a fixed number of agents. We focus on structural and proof-theoretic properties of these (...)
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  13. Conditional Intentions.Luca Ferrero - 2009 - Noûs 43 (4):700 - 741.
    In this paper, I will discuss the various ways in which intentions can be said to be conditional, with particular attention to the internal conditions on the intentions’ content. I will first consider what it takes to carry out a conditional intention. I will then discuss how the distinctive norms of intention apply to conditional intentions and whether conditional intentions are a weaker sort of commitments than the unconditional ones. This discussion will lead to the idea of what I call (...)
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  14.  35
    Insegnare filosofia: modelli di pensiero e pratiche didattiche.Luca Illetterati & Enrico Berti (eds.) - 2007 - [Turin, Italy]: UTET università.
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  15. Subjectivity and violence : a Hegelian perspective.Luca Illetterati - 2022 - In Marjan Ivković, Adriana Zaharijević & Gazela Pudar Draško (eds.), Violence and Reflexivity: The Place of Critique in the Reality of Domination. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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  16. Sulla posizione di Hegel nei confronti dela Naturphilosophie romantica.Luca Illetterati - 1992 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 21 (4):413-452.
  17.  35
    Labelled non-classical logics.Luca Viganò - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The subject of Labelled Non-Classical Logics is the development and investigation of a framework for the modular and uniform presentation and implementation of non-classical logics, in particular modal and relevance logics. Logics are presented as labelled deduction systems, which are proved to be sound and complete with respect to the corresponding Kripke-style semantics. We investigate the proof theory of our systems, and show them to possess structural properties such as normalization and the subformula property, which we exploit not only to (...)
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  18. Rejection and valuations.Luca Incurvati & Peter Smith - 2010 - Analysis 70 (1):3 - 10.
    Timothy Smiley’s wonderful paper ‘Rejection’ (1996) is still perhaps not as well known or well understood as it should be. This note first gives a quick presentation of themes from that paper, though done in our own way, and then considers a putative line of objection – recently advanced by Julien Murzi and Ole Hjortland (2009) – to one of Smiley’s key claims. Along the way, we consider the prospects for an intuitionistic approach to some of the issues discussed in (...)
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  19. Wright, Okasha and Chandler on transmission failure.Luca Moretti - 2012 - Synthese 184 (3):217-234.
    Crispin Wright has given an explanation of how a first time warrant can fall short of transmitting across a known entailment. Formal epistemologists have struggled to turn Wright’s informal explanation into cogent Bayesian reasoning. In this paper, I analyse two Bayesian models of Wright’s account respectively proposed by Samir Okasha and Jake Chandler. I argue that both formalizations are unsatisfactory for different reasons, and I lay down a third Bayesian model that appears to me to capture the valid kernel of (...)
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    Il logos sensibile di María Zambrano.Pina De Luca - 2004 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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  21. Politik als Moral.Luca Fonnesu - 2017 - In Massimo Mori (ed.), Vom Naturzustand zur kosmopolitischen Gesellschaft : Souveränität und Staat bei Kant. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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  22.  10
    La filosofia come esperienza del pensiero e scienza della libertà: un approccio a Hegel.Luca Illetterati - 2009 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    Manoscritti greci dimenticati della Biblioteca Vallicelliana.Santo Lucà - 1988 - Augustinianum 28 (3):661-702.
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  24. Depicting Motion in a Static Image: Philosophy, Psychology and the Perception of Pictures.Luca Marchetti - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (3):353-371.
    This paper focuses on whether static images can depict motion. It is natural to say that pictures depicting objects caught in the middle of a dynamic action—such as Henri Cartier-Bresson’s (1932) Behind the Gare St. Lazare—are pictures of movement, but, given that pictures themselves do not move, can we make sense of such an idea? Drawing on results from experimental psychology and cognitive sciences, I show that we can. Psychological studies on implicit motion and representational momentum indicate that motion is (...)
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  25. Il secondo dopoguerra in germania. La chiesa cattolica ed il processo di rinascita democratica.Luca Lecis - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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    Zombies, the Uniformity of Nature, and Contingent Physicalism: A Sympathetic Response to Boran Berčić.Luca Malatesti - 2013 - Prolegomena 12 (2):245-259.
    Boran Berčić, in the second volume of his recent book "Filozofija" , offers two responses to David Chalmers’s conceivability or modal argument against physicalism. This latter argument aims at showing that zombies, our physical duplicates who lack consciousness, are metaphysically possible, given that they are conceivable. Berčić’s first response is based on the principle of the uniformity of nature that states that causes of a certain type will always cause effects of the same type. His second response is based on (...)
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  27.  12
    La negatività naturale. Riflessioni sull’ontologia della carne nella filosofia di Merleau-Ponty.Luca Vanzago - unknown
    In this paper I intend to demonstrate how Merleau-Ponty develops in his late thought an insightful account of reality. In opposition to the ontological primacy Husserl and Heidegger bestow to man, Merleau-Ponty’s late perspective is based on a dynamic ontology, namely on a philosophical understanding of the strict relation between nature and consciousness. With this respect, Merleau- Ponty approaches the problem of negativity, in order to explain the differences within reality without adopting an Hegelian account of dialectic and, on the (...)
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  28.  20
    Vast Amounts of Encoded Items Nullify but Do Not Reverse the Effect of Sleep on Declarative Memory.Luca D. Kolibius, Jan Born & Gordon B. Feld - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Sleep strengthens memories by repeatedly reactivating associated neuron ensembles. Our studies show that although long-term memory for a medium number of word-pairs benefits from sleep, a large number does not. This suggests an upper limit to the amount of information that has access to sleep-dependent declarative memory consolidation, which is possibly linked to the availability of reactivation opportunities. Due to competing processes of global forgetting that are active during sleep, we hypothesized that even larger amounts of information would enhance the (...)
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  29.  17
    The Relationship of Reading Abilities With the Underlying Cognitive Skills of Math: A Dimensional Approach.Luca Bernabini, Paola Bonifacci & Peter F. de Jong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Math and reading are related, and math problems are often accompanied by problems in reading. In the present study, we used a dimensional approach and we aimed to assess the relationship of reading and math with the cognitive skills assumed to underlie the development of math. The sample included 97 children from 4th and 5th grades of a primary school. Children were administered measures of reading and math, non-verbal IQ, and various underlying cognitive abilities of math. We also included measures (...)
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    Pertinence in music.Luca Marconi - 1995 - In Eero Tarasti (ed.), Musical signification: essays in the semiotic theory and analysis of music. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 121--209.
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    Prospettiva e geometria dello spazio.Luca Scarantino - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    An Old Melody in a New Song: Aesthetics and the Art of Psychology.Luca Tateo (ed.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book explores the relationship between cultural psychology and aesthetics, by integrating the historical, theoretical and phenomenological perspectives. It offers a comprehensive discussion of the history of aesthetics and psychology from an international perspective, with contributions by leading researchers from Serbia, Austria, Portugal, Norway, Denmark, and Brazil. The first section of the book aims at summarizing the debate of where the song comes from. It discusses undeveloped topics, methodological hints, and epistemological questions in the different areas of contemporary psychological sciences. (...)
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  33.  4
    « Nombre des hommes » et « populatio » à la fin de la Renaissance : notes sur la généalogie des savoirs démographiques.Luca Paltrinieri - 2024 - Astérion 31 (31).
    In one of his lectures at the Collège de France, Foucault observed that, prior to the eighteenth century, ‘population’ was a ‘present-absent’ object in the theories and practices of government. In this paper, I have attempted to reconstruct the genealogical history of proto-demographic thought as reflected in the works of three major Renaissance political theorists: Niccolò Machiavelli, Jean Bodin, and Giovanni Botero. While all three thinkers address the question of how to cultivate a large and flourishing population, the primary obstacle (...)
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    ‘Activists in a Suit’: Paradoxes and Metaphors in Sustainability Managers’ Identity Work.Luca Carollo & Marco Guerci - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):249-268.
    Both sustainability and identity are said to be paradoxical issues in organizations. In this study we look at the paradoxes of corporate sustainability at the individual level by studying the identity work of those managers who hold sustainability-dedicated roles in organizations. Analysing 26 interviews with sustainability managers, we identify three main tensions affecting their identity construction process: the business versus values oriented, the organizational insider versus outsider and the short-term versus long-term focused identity work tensions. When dealing with these tensions, (...)
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  35.  10
    Utopian Relations: A Literary Perspective on International Law and Justice.Kelly De Luca - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 27 (2):521-534.
    This article posits an interpretation of Thomas More’sUtopiathat focuses on the ways in which the nature of justice within a putatively ideal state is illuminated by references to international relations and the law of nations. Like Plato’sRepublic,Utopiauses differences of scale to provide a lens through which to examine the operation in one context of a unitary concept that is more visible elsewhere. Justice is constructed as a single concept; thus, in the same way that Plato uses the justice of thekallipolisto (...)
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  36. A convention or (tacit) agreement betwixt us: on reliance and its normative consequences.Luca Tummolini, Giulia Andrighetto, Cristiano Castelfranchi & Rosaria Conte - 2013 - Synthese 190 (4):585-618.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify what kind of normativity characterizes a convention. First, we argue that conventions have normative consequences because they always involve a form of trust and reliance. We contend that it is by reference to a moral principle impinging on these aspects (i.e. the principle of Reliability) that interpersonal obligations and rights originate from conventional regularities. Second, we argue that the system of mutual expectations presupposed by conventions is a source of agreements. Agreements stemming (...)
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  37.  88
    Dynamic cooperation and competition between brain systems during cognitive control.Luca Cocchi, Andrew Zalesky, Alex Fornito & Jason B. Mattingley - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (10):493-501.
  38.  26
    I compiti di una teoria critica della società. Il percorso intellettuale di Jürgen Habermas.Luca Corchia - 2017 - Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia 58 (1):5-30.
    The text examines the attempt by Jürgen Habermas to renew the tasks of critical theory. The systematic reconstruction of his writings reveals a system of typical functions: a) the rationalization of instrumental and strategic action in the material reproduction of social systems (social technology); b) the analysis of the pathologies in the symbolic reproduction of the world of life; c) the clarification of the cognitive, value and expressive models in the public sphere; d) the unveiling of false representations that dominate (...)
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  39.  3
    The truth of the artwork From the artistic object to the artwork as a Loop.PhD Luca Romano - 2024 - Discusiones Filosóficas 25 (44):15-32.
    Through the interpretations of artwork provided by Hegel, Kant, and Heidegger, the artwork presents itself as complex and often irreducible. The reading offered by Harman, grounded in Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO), constructs a historically significant interpretation but does not exhaust the problematic nature of artwork represents. Through this article, I have attempted to demonstrate the functionality of the concept of loop applied to artwork, providing general connotations and linguistic tools for interpreting artwork as a loop.
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  40. Paul Feyerabend, the Flippant Dadaist.Luca Sciortino - 2024 - Prometeo: Quarterly Magazine of History and Sciences 42 (166):100-108.
    Paul Feyerabend, one of the most original and nonconformist epistemologists of the 20th century, is known for describing science as an essentially anarchic enterprise characterized by different, sometimes contradictory, methods, approaches and ways of reasoning. But it was through his reflections on art and myth that he developed an even more radical view: there are different forms of human thought, each characterized by a different rationality and reality, and science is only one of them. And in intellectual history there is (...)
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  41.  9
    La forma dell'arte nella filosofia di Giovanni Gentile.Luca Canapini - 2014 - Lanciano: Carabba.
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  42. Furio Cerutti's Global Challenges for Leviathan.Luca Fonnesu, Giacomo Marramao & Vittorio Emanuele Parsi - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (3):257-271.
  43.  27
    Cross-validation of the reduced form of the Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait using confirmatory factor analysis.Luca Iani, Claudio Barbaranelli & Caterina Lombardo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Hegel, Heidegger e la questione della romanitas: atti del Convegno, Verona, 16-17 maggio 2003.Luca Illetterati & Antonio Moretto (eds.) - 2004 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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    Platone e la sapienza antica: matematica, filosofia e armonia.Roberto Luca - 2014 - Venezia: Marsilio.
  46.  10
    Hannah Arendt: filosofia e politica dopo Auschwitz.Luca Mori - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
  47. ¿Cómo se siente ser un objeto? La problemática política del objeto.Luca Romano - 2024 - Revista Ethika+ 10:169-186.
    La posibilidad de entender al otro pasa de manera decisiva por la posibilidad de ser otro, de convertirse en otro. Pero ¿podemos nosotros, los animales humanos, entender lo que siente un murciélago, lo que siente una planta o, llevando el argumento al extremo, lo que siente un objeto? ¿Podemos nosotros, los seres humanos, empezar a entender los hiperobjetos a la luz de la imposibilidad de ser otro? Este artículo analiza la imposibilidad de la relación deleuziana del devenir- y la relación (...)
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  48. Cognition, Joint Action and Collective Intentionality.Luca Tummolini & Cristiano Castelfranchi - unknown
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    Antinaturalistische Strategien in Jenseits von Gut und Böse.Luca Guerreschi - 2023 - Nietzsche Studien 52 (1):124-147.
    Antinaturalistic Strategies in Beyond Good and Evil. Naturalistic interpretations of Nietzsche’s thought ultimately appeal to two arguments. On the one hand, when tracing various human phenomena back to processes sufficiently explicable by the natural sciences, it would appear that Nietzsche was pursuing a de facto naturalization program. On the other hand, in BGE 230, the need for the naturalization of human beings as a whole is often interpreted as an argument de jure. After outlining some basic features of contemporary naturalism (...)
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    La sillogistica di Alessandro di Afrodisia: sillogistica categorica e sillogistica modale nel commento agli Analitici Primi di Aristotele.Luca Gili - 2011 - New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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