Results for 'Lucas Rocha Medeiros'

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  1. Maquiavel E o chamado de cícero.Lucas Eugênio Rocha Medeiros - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 3 (6):60-69.
    Este artigo aborda a influência do republicanismo ciceroniano no pensamento de Nicolau Maquiavel e pretende demonstrar como este renova a tradição do pensamento político ocidental. Tendo como fio condutor a análise do regime misto e da virtude cívica como elemento comum aos dois autores, pretendemos estabelecer, ao final do texto, a inovação maquiaveliana do elogio dos conflitos frente à valorização da concórdia apregoada pelo republicanismo clássico.
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    Interconexões geohistóricas: um estudo de caso da formação socioespacial no território brasileiro.Jean Lucas Vinhas Medeiros de Carvalho - 2024 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 26 (1):06-23.
    Este artigo oferece uma análise abrangente da geohistória brasileira, explorando suas raízes, desde a colonização portuguesa até o cenário contemporâneo. Destaca-se a influência da colonização na construção da identidade nacional, examinando as implicações geohistóricas desse período. A expansão territorial é examinada criticamente, considerando suas ramificações geohistóricas. O texto também investiga as complexidades resultantes da industrialização e urbanização, destacando os reflexos nas desigualdades regionais. Aborda-se o projeto decolonial no Brasil, enfatizando abordagens geohistóricas para promover a justiça social. Ao contextualizar o Brasil (...)
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    Para Além Das Explicações Biológicas: Reflexões Filosóficas Acerca da Depressão e Do Sofrimento Do Sujeito Do Desempenho.Artur Junior Santos Cardoso & Lucas Rocha Gonçalves - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 2 (3):22.
    O presente artigo tem como pretensão oferecer um olhar outro acerca da depressão. Nossa análise sobre tal fenômeno encontra na filosofia, sobretudo, de Byung-Chul Han, uma possibilidade interessante de ir além das explicações psiquiátricas. Entretanto, são nelas que esse texto inicia sua discussão: a hipótese serotoninérgica da depressão é apresentada, mas também, problematizada, pois, muito embora a psiquiatria encontre nela ainda hoje a sua tese nuclear acerca do comportamento depressivo, é mostrado aqui que, além de ser uma teoria ausente de (...)
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    Entrevista com profissionais da filosofia que atuam em projetos (bloco I).Lucas Dilacerda, Paulo Jorge Leandro, Paulo W. Lima, Raquel R. Rocha, Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa & Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):360-377.
    ENTREVISTA COM PROFISSIONAIS DA FILOSOFIA QUE ATUAM EM PROJETOS – BLOCO ICom: Lucas Dilacerda, Paulo Jorge Leandro, Paulo W. Lima, Raquel R. RochaPor: Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa, Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima.
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    Social and institutional presence of the Heads of Government of the Americas on Social Media.Lucas Dejard Moreira Mendonça, Adriano Madureira dos Santos, Harold Dias de Mello Junior, Rita de Cássia Romeiro Paulino, Karla Figueiredo, Fernando Augusto Ribeiro Costa & Marcos César da Rocha Seruffo - 2021 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (1):104-129.
    This article examined the personal profiles of the Heads of Government of countries in South/North America and how they communicated with their audiences on institutional measures to contain COVID-19. Analyses were carried out on data collected from Twitter from November-2019 to November-2020. This study includes: i)quantitative analysis, measuring categories and emphases in the communication of tweets, retweets, likes, and comments on matters relevant to the pandemic; ii)qualitative analysis that allowed evaluating speeches to identify political interference and the effectiveness of communication (...)
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    Os Limites Regulamentadores da Propaganda Eleitoral No Âmbito Das Redes Sociais a Partir da Teoria Dos Sistemas Autopoiéticos.Leonel Severo Rocha, Eduardo Hoffmann & Lucas Paulo Orlando de Oliveira - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (1):155.
    Diante do contexto complexo da globalização, a formatação dogmática jurídica da modernidade, que legitimava o Estado-nação como detentor do monopólio de produção regulatória, já mais corresponde à necessidade de estruturação das relações sociais. Tem-se na Teoria dos Sistemas Sociais Autopoiéticos uma forma de compreensão da atual realidade contingente e complexa, que pode servir de balizamento para as relações entre o direito e as redes sociais, especialmente no âmbito da propaganda eleitoral nas redes sociais, como o Facebook e o Twitter.
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    Episodic memory training in elderly: A systematic review.André Rocha Mendonça, Lucas Machado Loureiro, Carlos Eduardo Nórte & Jesus Landeira-Fernandez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Introduction:Episodic memory is a cognitive process that allows the recall of experiences, learning, and the pursuit of future goals. During the aging process, episodic memory declines negatively, impacting social and psychological aspects in the elderly. Such intervention strategies as cognitive training are non-pharmacological ways of reducing these losses.ObjectiveWe systematically reviewed studies of the cognitive training of episodic memory in healthy elderly individuals and elderly individuals with clinical conditions.MethodWe systematically searched the PubMed, PsycNET, Web of Science, and SciELO databases using the (...)
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    Deus: Da revelação bíblica à identidade trinitária, O desenvolvimento de Uma identidade libertadora.Adilson Cristiano Habowski & Lucas Luiz Abreu Rocha - 2018 - Revista de Teologia 11 (20):13-29.
    The purpose of the following text is to analyze the development of the understanding of God in the theological-biblical imaginery, as well as the formulations that allow us to understand the development of Transcendent identity in history and in the construction of the talk and about God. Starting from a brief synopsis of the biblical Old Testament design of elements present in the theological imagination of the identity of the God of Israel, from liberating perception present in the image of (...)
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    A Proposal in Creating a Semantic Repository for Digital 3D Replicas: The Case of Modernist Sculptures in Public Spaces of Rio De Janeiro.Danielle do Carmo, Luciana Conrado Martins, Asla Medeiros E. Sá, Dalton Lopes Martins & Daniela Lucas da Silva Lemos - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 49 (3):151-171.
    The demand for integrating and sharing heterogeneous data online has attracted the interest of cultural institutions in making information access and retrieval more effective via Semantic Web technologies. The present study proposes a digital repository for 3D scans of modernist sculptures in public spaces in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with a view to ensuring access, use, reuse and preservation of this information. This is a qualitative exploratory experimental study based on the scientific literature and specific empirical material. (...)
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    A paróquia: da progênie judaico-helenístico-cristã ao Concílio Vaticano II.Adilson Cristiano Habowski, Daniel Felipe Jacobi & Lucas Luiz Abreu Rocha - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (18):18-33.
    A gênese histórica da paróquia e seu desenvolvimento estrutural em relação à história da Igreja é a problemática central à qual este texto está subordinado. Por esta razão, o texto parte da etimologia do termo paróquia à compreensão de suas origens e matrizes dentro da concepção do cristianismo nascente e em suas raízes bíblicas, sem a pretensão de apresentar críticas e reformulações da estrutura paroquial. O respectivo trabalho toma como alicerce os decorrentes períodos e fatos históricos da Igreja para caracterizar (...)
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    Testing the METUX Model in Higher Education: Interface and Task Need–Satisfaction Predict Engagement, Learning, and Well-Being.Lucas M. Jeno, Åge Diseth & John-Arvid Grytnes - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:631564.
    The main aim of this study is to test the validity of the Motivation, Engagement, and Thriving in User Experience (METUX) model (Peters et al., 2018) in higher education. We propose a process model in which we investigate how the need-satisfaction of digital learning tools within the interface sphere and task sphere accounts for engagement, learning, and well-being. A total of 426 higher education students drawn from two subsamples participated in this cross-sectional study. A structural equation model shows that interface (...)
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    The Alternative Sex.J. R. Lucas - 1984 - Philosophy 59 (227):111 - 115.
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    Parts of a Whole: Distributivity as a Bridge Between Aspect and Measurement.Lucas Champollion - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book uses mathematical models of language to explain why there are certain gaps in language: things that we might expect to be able to say but can't. For instance, why can we say I ran for five minutes but not *I ran to the store for five minutes? Why is five pounds of books acceptable, but *five pounds of book not acceptable? What prevents us from saying *sixty degrees of water to express the temperature of the water in a (...)
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  14. Física I & II (Preliminar, 2002).Lucas Angioni - 2002 - Campinas, Brazil: Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade de Campinas.
  15. XVI Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011).Walter Carnielli, Renata de Freitas & Petrucio Viana - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):150-151.
    This is the report on the XVI BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE (EBL 2011) held in Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between May 9–13, 2011 published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic Volume 18, Number 1, March 2012. -/- The 16th Brazilian Logic Conference (EBL 2011) was held in Petro ́polis, from May 9th to 13th, 2011, at the Laboratório Nacional de Computação o Científica (LNCC). It was the sixteenth in a series of conferences that started in 1977 with the aim of (...)
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  16. A Noção Aristotélica de Ousia.Lucas Angioni - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Campinas, Brazil (Unicamp)
    This PhD thesis is a careful discussion of Aristotle's Metaphysics VII (Zeta) almost line by line (or at least argument by argument). It might be interesting to know that a revised and shortened version of it was published as a book in Portuguese, "As Noções Aristotélicas de Substância e Essência", Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2008. Actually, I believe the original version of the PhD thesis has been superseded by the book.
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    Contraction, Infinitary Quantifiers, and Omega Paradoxes.Lucas Rosenblatt & Bruno Ré - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (4):611-629.
    Our main goal is to investigate whether the infinitary rules for the quantifiers endorsed by Elia Zardini in a recent paper are plausible. First, we will argue that they are problematic in several ways, especially due to their infinitary features. Secondly, we will show that even if these worries are somehow dealt with, there is another serious issue with them. They produce a truth-theoretic paradox that does not involve the structural rules of contraction.
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  18. Editorial: The Hobbesian Revolution.Gustavo Castel de Lucas & Diego A. Fernández Peychaux - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):9-29.
    Proponemos una lectura de la obra de Hobbes como revolución, como ruptura radical con el pensamiento de la tradición dominante: ruptura, que lo es en casi todos los ámbitos, pero sobre todo en el del pensamiento político, moral y jurídico. Sugerimos, además, que esa radical ruptura sigue manteniendo elementos vivos y útiles para pensar la política hoy.
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    Loneliness and appearance: Toward a concept of ontological agency.Sarah Drews Lucas - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):709-722.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Philosophy and the Problem of Beauty in Heidegger’s Translation of “Justice”.Lucas Fain - 2018 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 39 (1):39-75.
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    Leibniz: Discourse on Metaphysics.Peter G. Lucas & Leslie Grint - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (3):441-444.
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    Globalization as a Symbolic Form: Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Form as the Basis for a Theory of Globalization.Lucas von Ramin - 2018 - In Johannes Rohbeck, Daniel Brauer & Concha Roldán (eds.), Philosophy of Globalization. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 379-394.
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    A contribuição da teoria das sínteses a priori para uma reflexão sem'ntica e pragmática: o problema da congruência entre os elementos materiais da representação.Lucas Vollet - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:6-28.
    A neo-Kantian debate within analytic philosophy, in our reading, would evaluate thevalue of the following question: how the codification of the elements of a representation creates spaces of identification to theorize the possibilities oftruth, in two fields, the analytical and in the synthetic? In the analytic, the theory involves theability to conceptually interpret relations of possibility and impossibility; in the synthetic, thetheory involves the extra-conceptual supplementation of the alignment with the verifiers,providing a measure to encode the semantic contribution of both (...)
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    On structural contraction and why it fails.Lucas Rosenblatt - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2695-2720.
    The goal of the paper is to discuss whether substructural non-contractive accounts of the truth-theoretic paradoxes can be philosophically motivated. First, I consider a number of explanations that have been offered to justify the failure of contraction and I argue that they are not entirely compelling. I then present a non-contractive theory of truth that I’ve proposed elsewhere. After looking at some of its formal properties, I suggest an explanation of the failure of structural contraction that is compatible with it.
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  25. Social perspective-taking influences on metacognition.Lucas Battich, Elisabeth Pacherie & Julie Grèzes - 2025 - Cognition 254:105966.
    We often effortlessly take the perceptual perspective of others: we represent some aspect of the environment that others currently perceive. However, taking someone's perspective can interfere with one's perceptual processing: another person's gaze can spontaneously affect our ability to detect stimuli in a scene. But it is still unclear whether our cognitive evaluation of those judgements is also affected. In this study, we investigated whether social perspective-taking can influence participants' metacognitive judgements about their perceptual responses. Participants performed a contrast detection (...)
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  26. IΣOnomia.J. R. Lucas - unknown
    Equality is one of the great issues of our age, but few people stop to wonder at its being an issue in politics at all. Yet it is surprising that a concept which has its natural habitat in the mathematical sciences should have taken root in our thinking about how we should be governed. We do not naturally think of society in terms of group theory, or rings or fields, and have long been aware of the difficulties in establishing any (...)
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    Sur le déclic.Lucas Pun - 1968 - Dialectica 22 (3-4):260-271.
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  28. (1 other version)The Freedom of the Will.J. R. LUCAS - 1970 - Philosophy 47 (180):180-181.
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  29. Nsa Management Directive #424: Secrecy and Privacy in the Aftermath of Edward Snowden.George R. Lucas - 2014 - Ethics and International Affairs 28 (1):29-38.
    Whatever else one might say concerning the legality, morality, and prudence of his actions, Edward Snowden, the former U.S. National Security Agency contractor, is right about the notion of publicity and informed consent, which together constitute the hallmark of democratic public policy. In order to be morally justifiable, any strategy or policy involving the body politic must be one to which it would voluntarily assent when fully informed about it. This, in essence, was Snowden's argument for leaking, in June 2013, (...)
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    Consciousness: A Philosophic Study of Minds and Machines.J. R. Lucas & Kenneth M. Sayre - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (2):241.
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    The Kant Dictionary.Lucas Thorpe - 2014 - Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Chinese Lyric Sequence. By Joseph R. Allen.Lucas Rambo Bender - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4).
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    Liturgy as a Practical Cosmology: Jenkins and Lonergan in Conversation.Lucas Briola - 2021 - New Blackfriars 102 (1100):534-549.
    New Blackfriars, Volume 102, Issue 1100, Page 534-549, July 2021.
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    The Integral Ecology of Laudato Si’ and a Seamless Garment.Lucas Briola - 2018 - The Lonergan Review 9:31-48.
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    A escuta do amor, de orelha a orelha.Lucas Cyrino - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):364-394.
    Este ensaio propõe uma análise multissensorial a partir das representações do amor como tema central da poesia, observados na obra Escuta (2015), do poe-ta carioca Eucanaã Ferraz. Tomando por base a fenomenologia de Merleau-Ponty sistematizada por Alckmar Luiz dos Santos (2016), procuramos observar que os caminhos por onde o amor se desdobra nas superfícies dos poemas vão desde o ser amado até a própria poesia, incidindo sempre na escuta pro-funda dos sentimentos e na representação das sensações relacionadas aos cinco sentidos (...)
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  36. Design cp the california aqueduct for effects of subsidence.Clifford V. Lucas - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 1.
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  37. Faith in action: Hammondcare [Book Review].Brian Lucas - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (1):119.
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    (1 other version)Moore's Influence on Russell.B. J. Lucas - 1981 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 1:9.
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    Marxismo e Fenomenologia nos pensamentos de Paulo Freire.Lucas Boeira Michels & Gildo Volpato - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 122.
    Este artigo, procurou verificar a presença e a influência das correntes filosóficas Marxismo e Fenomenologia em pensamentos do educador Paulo Freire. Neste estudo pôde-se refletir e compreender melhor essas correntes filosóficas e identificar como elas influenciaram o autor na elaboração dos conceitos sobre humanismo e educação. Na Fenomenologia a influência maior está na relação entre mundo/sujeito/coisas, e a busca pela cientificidade da filosofia, afirmando que essa ciência seria capaz de dar as respostas e definitivas aos problemas do conhecimento. No Marxismo (...)
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  40. La quimera fértil: (el despropósito de la teoría de la historia).Félix Ovejero Lucas - 1994 - Barcelona: Icaria.
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    (1 other version)Bilateralism and invalidities.Lucas Rosenblatt - forthcoming - Tandf: Inquiry:1-30.
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  42. O léxico filosófico de Aristóteles : Comentários a metafísica V.9-17.Lucas Angioni - 2017 - Dissertatio 46:184-215.
    Eu examino cada meandro do esforço de Aristóteles identificar vários usos de termos filosóficos essenciais em sua Metafísica, V.9-17.
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  43. O Problema da Compatibilidade entre a Teoria da Ciência e as Ciências Naturais em Aristóteles.Lucas Angioni - 2002 - Primeira Versão 112:1-30.
    Este artigo é um 'ancestral' de vários argumentos que desenvolvi depois em múltiplos outros artigos. Defendo que a teoria da ciência dos Segundos Analíticos não é incompatível com as ciências naturais tais como desenvolvidos nos tratados científicos de Aristóteles.
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    The Freedom of the Will.J. R. Lucas - 1970 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The author, who pioneered this argument in 1961, here places it in the context of traditional discussions of the problem, and answers various criticisms that have been made.
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  45. Chapter 10 points of view.J. R. Lucas - manuscript
    x10.1 Locality Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation was always open to the complaint that it involved \Action at a Distance", contrary to the Principle of Locality. But it was very well established empirically, and had to be accepted. Similarly in contemporary quantum me- chanics we seem to have correlations between measurements that defy the Principle of Locality, but have to be accepted none the less.1 Although locality is a characteristic mark of causal con- nexion, it is not, as Hume supposed,2 (...)
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    Mapping Bioethics in Latin America: History, Theoretical Models, and Scientific Output.Lucas F. Garcia, Marcia S. Fernandes, Jonathan D. Moreno & Jose R. Goldim - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):323-331.
    Objective: To present a narrative review of the history of bioethics in Latin America and of scientific output in this interdisciplinary field. Methods: This was a mixed-methods study. Results: A total of 1458 records were retrieved, of which 1167 met the inclusion criteria. According to the Web of Science classification, the predominant topics of study were medical ethics, social sciences and medicine, and environmental and public health topics. Four themes of bioethics output in the Latin American literature have emerged: issues (...)
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    Immanuel Kant. Ontologie und Wissenschaftstheorie.P. G. Lucas - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (9):374.
  48. A century of time.John R. Lucas - 1999 - In Jeremy Butterfield (ed.), The Arguments of Time. New York: Oup/British Academy. pp. 1--20.
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  49. On the Meaning of Screens: Towards a Phenomenological Account of Screenness.Lucas D. Introna & Fernando M. Ilharco - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (1):57-76.
    This paper presents a Heideggerian phenomenological analysis of screens. In a world and an epoch where screens pervade a great many aspects of human experience, we submit that phenomenology, much in a traditional methodological form, can provide an interesting and novel basis for our understanding of screens. We ground our analysis in the ontology of Martin Heidegger's Being and Time [1927/1962], claiming that screens will only show themselves as they are if taken as screens-in-the-world. Thus, the phenomenon of screen is (...)
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  50. (3 other versions)Responsibility.J. R. Lucas - 1993 - Ethics 105 (2):404-407.
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