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  1.  34
    Limits of Teleology in Theophrastus' Metaphysics?Luciana Repici - 1990 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 72 (2):182-213.
  2.  4
    Aristotele e la conoscenza.Giuseppe Cambiano & Luciana Repici - 1993 - LED Edizioni Universitarie.
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  3. Andrea cesalpino e la botanica antica.Luciana Repici - 2005 - Rinascimento 45:47-87.
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  4. Gli stoici E la divinazione secondo cicerone. I: I Due volti di un problema.Luciana Repici - 1995 - Hermes 123 (2):175-192.
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  5. La biblioteca e la natura.Luciana Repici - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (24):108-111.
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  6. La Logica di Teofrasto: Studio Critico e Raccolta dei Frammenti e Delle Testimonianze.Luciana Repici - 1979 - Mind 88 (351):448-450.
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  7. La logica di Teofrasto: studio critico e raccolta dei frammenti e delle testimonianze.Luciana Repici - 1977 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  8.  20
    La natura e l'anima: saggi su Stratone di Lampsaco.Luciana Repici - 1988 - Torino: Tirrenia Stampatori.
  9.  11
    L'epiglottide nell'antichità tra medicina e filosofia.Luciana Repici - 1990 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 12 (1):67 - 104.
    In Antiquity, the epiglottis and the related question whether drink enters the lung is a problem embracing both differently organized philosophical strategies and differently developed medical competences. Over the centuries, the history of a physiological question gradually turns into a debate where we find philosophers disagreeing with philosophers and physicians with physicians. A peculiar feature of this debate is that from a certain time on it involves a division between those who defend Plato's view on the subject and those who (...)
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  10. The minimal requisites of life in Aristotle and Theophrastus.Luciana Repici - 2025 - In David Lefebvre, The science of life in Aristotle and the early Peripatos. Boston: Brill.
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    On stoic ethics - (m.) Lorenz Von pflanzen und pflichten. Zum naturalistischen ursprung Des stoischen kathēkon. (Schweizerische beiträge zur altertumswissenschaft 50.) pp. 210. Basel: Schwabe, 2020. Cased, chf48. Isbn: 978-3-7965-4148-3. [REVIEW]Luciana Repici - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):292-294.
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    Theophrastus' Logic (P.) Huby Theophrastus of Eresus. Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought and Influence. Commentary Volume 2: Logic. With Contributions on the Arabic Material by Dimitri Gutas. (Philosophia Antiqua 103.) Pp. xvi + 208. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2007. Cased, €89, US$120. ISBN: 978-90-04-15298-. [REVIEW]Luciana Repici - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):74-.