Results for 'Ludolf Müller'

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  1.  8
    Das Thema Kleidung in den Etymologien Isidors von Sevilla und im Summarium Heinrici 1.Mechthild Müller, Malte-Ludolf Babin & Jörg Riecke (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Isidor von Sevilla sammelte in seinen Etymologien um 600 vorhandenes Wissen aus historischen und zeitgenössischen Quellen. Rund 300 Wörter aus dem Arbeitsbereich Textil werden mit Kurzkommentaren erläutert. Ca. 1050 findet sich dieses Wissen überarbeitet im Summarium Heinrici 1. Am Beispiel des Komplexes "Kleidung" liefert der Band neben den Quellen und hervorragenden Übersetzungen zum ersten Mal auch ausführlicheKommentare und Überblicksdarstellungen, die eine Fülle von Informationen bringen. Dazu gehören u. a. neue Erkenntnisse über Herstellung der griechischen, bombycina genannten, Seide oder die Beschreibung (...)
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  2. Schellings Einfluß in Rußland.Ludolf Müller - 1949 - Archiv für Philosophie 3 (1):53-81.
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    Zur Kritik Meiner Verbesserungsvorschlage Durch Jurgen v. Kempski.Ludolf Müller - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 2 (1-4):186-186.
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    Materialien zu einem russisch-deutschen Wörterbuch der philosophischen Terminologie Vladimir Solovʹevs: zusammengestellt vor allem aufgrund der "Rechtfertigung des Guten".Ludolf Müller - 1987 - Tübingen: Slavisches Seminar der Universität Tübingen. Edited by Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov.
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    Der Sinn der Liebe.Vladimir Solov'ev, Elke Kirsten, Ludolf Müller, Ludwig Wenzler & Arsenij Gulyga - 2013 - Meiner, F.
    Solov'ev (1853-1900) gilt als "der erste christliche Denker, der den individuellen und nicht nur den Gattungssinn der Liebe zwischen Mann und Frau anerkannte" (Berdjajev). Der bedeutendste russische Philosoph des 19. Jahrhunderts sieht in der Unbedingtheit des leidenschaftlichen Verlangens der sinnlichen Liebe ein Geschehen der unbedingten Anerkennung des geliebten Menschen - das Fundament der Ethik.
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    Non-standard Analysis.Gert Heinz Müller - 2016 - Princeton University Press.
    Considered by many to be Abraham Robinson's magnum opus, this book offers an explanation of the development and applications of non-standard analysis by the mathematician who founded the subject. Non-standard analysis grew out of Robinson's attempt to resolve the contradictions posed by infinitesimals within calculus. He introduced this new subject in a seminar at Princeton in 1960, and it remains as controversial today as it was then. This paperback reprint of the 1974 revised edition is indispensable reading for anyone interested (...)
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  7. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.Vincent C. Müller - 2020 - In Edward N. Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encylopedia of Philosophy. pp. 1-70.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are digital technologies that will have significant impact on the development of humanity in the near future. They have raised fundamental questions about what we should do with these systems, what the systems themselves should do, what risks they involve, and how we can control these. - After the Introduction to the field (§1), the main themes (§2) of this article are: Ethical issues that arise with AI systems as objects, i.e., tools made and used (...)
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  8. Practical and Productive Thinking in Aristotle.Jozef Müller - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (2):148-175.
    I argue that on Aristotle’s account practical thinking is thinking whose origin (archē) is a desire that has as its object the very thing that one reasons about how to promote. This feature distinguishes practical from productive reasoning since in the latter the desire that initiates it is not (unless incidentally) a desire for the object that one productively reasons about. The feature has several interesting consequences: (a) there is only a contingent relationship between the desire that one practically reasons (...)
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  9. The deep Black sea: Observability and modality afloat.F. A. Muller - 2005 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (1):61-99.
    In the spirit of B. C. van Fraassen's view of science called Constructive Empiricism, we propose a scientific criterion to decide whether a concrete object is observable, as well as a coextensive scientific-philosophical definition of observability, and we sketch a rigorous account of modal language occurring in science. We claim that our account of observability solves three problems to which current accounts of observability, notably van Fraassen's own accounts, give rise. We further claim that our account of modal propositions (subjunctive (...)
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  10. How to Defeat Wüthrich’s Abysmal Embarrassment Argument against Space-Time Structuralism.F. A. Muller - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):1046-1057.
    In his 2009 PSA Recent Ph.D. Award winning contribution to the bi-annual PSA Conference at Pittsburgh in 2008, C. Wu ̈thrich mounted an argument against struc- turalism about space-time in the context of the General Theory of Relativity, to the effect that structuralists cannot discern space-time points. An “abysmal embarrass- ment” for the structuralist, Wu ̈thrich judged. Wu ̈thrich’s characterisation of space-time structuralism is however incorrect. We demonstrate how, on the basis of a correct char- acterisation of space-time structuralism, it (...)
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    Should Manual Driving be (Eventually) Outlawed?Julian F. Müller & Jan Gogoll - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1549-1567.
    In recent years, tech evangelists have made headlines predicting that in the future manual driving will be outlawed. This essay will investigate the question whether a ban of human driven cars can be defended on moral grounds in a future scenario in which autonomous cars are going to be significantly safer than manually driven cars. This article will argue that in such a future scenario manually driven cars, for moral reasons, indeed should be banned from participating in regular traffic. Since (...)
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  12. Innocentism: Preferring the Innocent Over the Culpable.Nico Dario Müller - forthcoming - Journal of Value Inquiry:1-17.
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  13. Which Emotional Behaviors are Actions?Jean Moritz Müller & Hong Yu Wong - 2023 - In Andrea Scarantino (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Emotion Theory. Routledge.
    There is a wide range of things we do out of emotion. For example, we smile with pleasure, our voices drop when we are sad, we recoil in shock or jump for joy, we apologize to others out of remorse. It is uncontroversial that some of these behaviors are actions. Clearly, apologizing is an action if anything is. Things seem less clear in the case of other emotional behaviors. Intuitively, the drop in a sad person’s voice is something that happens (...)
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    Democracy and disrespect.Jan-Werner Müller - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1208-1221.
    The essay takes the widespread complaint that societies today are deeply divided and polarized as a starting point. Affirming that there is no democracy without division, it asks what it means for conflict and disagreement to be dealt with in a respectful and civil manner. As an illustration of the main argument, the way that liberals (in the broadest sense) have engaged with populist leaders is criticized on both a strategic and normative level. An alternative to existing strategies of dealing (...)
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    The weight of Wittgenstein's standard metre.Thomas Müller - 2023 - Philosophical Investigations 46 (2):164-179.
    Paragraph 50 of Wittgenstein'sPhilosophical Investigationsfamously says that there is one thing of which one can neither state that it is 1 m long nor that it isn't: the standard metre in Paris. Consensus appears to be that (1) exegetically speaking, Wittgenstein affirms this claim, and (2) systematically, whether or not one agrees with it, the practice of using a material artefact as a measurement standard has important philosophical consequences. In this paper, in contrast, we show that (1') Wittgenstein does not (...)
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    „Are we doing alright?“ Die Komplexität ethisch-verantwortlicher Forschung zu sexueller Orientierung, geschlechtlicher Identität und Gesundheit im südlichen und östlichen Afrika.Alex Müller - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):293-299.
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    On the Origins of Constitutional Patriotism.Jan-Werner Müller - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):278-296.
    Political theorists tend to dismiss the concept of constitutional patriotism for two main reasons. On the one hand, constitutional patriotism — understood as a post-national, universalist form of democratic political allegiance — is rejected on account of its abstract quality. On the otherhand, it is argued that constitutional patriotism, while apprearing universalist, is in fact particular through and through. According to this genealogical critique, it is held that constitutional patriotism might have been appropriate in the context when it originated — (...)
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    EvoDevo Shapes the Extended Synthesis.Gerd B. Müller - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (2):119-121.
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  19. Lacan and Language. A Reader's Guide to Ecrits.J. P. MULLER - 1982
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    Perceptualism and the epistemology of normative reasons.Jean Moritz Müller - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3557-3586.
    According to much recent work in metaethics, we have a perceptual access to normative properties and relations. On a common approach, this access has a presentational character. Here, ‘presentational’ specifies a characteristic feature of the way aspects of the environment are apprehended in sensory experience. While many authors have argued that we enjoy presentations of value properties, thus far comparatively less effort has been invested into developing a presentational view of the apprehension of normative reasons. Since it appears that this (...)
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  21. Emotional labour: a case of gender-specific exploitation.Mirjam Müller - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (7):841-862.
  22. The reality of spirits? A historiography of the Akan concept of 'Mind'.Louise Muller - 2008 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 22 (1-2):163-184.
    The reality of spirits? A historiography of the Akan concept of 'mind' (La réalité des esprits: Vers une historiographie de la conception akan de l'esprit). In this article the following thesis is considered: the classifications used to define African Indigenous Religions are 'inventions' of Western scholars of religion who employ categories that are entirely "non-indigenous". The author investigates the presumptions of this statement and discusses the work of scholars of religion studying the Akan and in particular the Akan concept of (...)
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    Nuel Belnap on Indeterminism and Free Action.Thomas Müller (ed.) - 2014 - Wien, Austria: Springer.
    This volume seeks to further the use of formal methods in clarifying one of the central problems of philosophy: that of our free human agency and its place in our indeterministic world. It celebrates the important contributions made in this area by Nuel Belnap, American logician and philosopher. Philosophically, indeterminism and free action can seem far apart, but in Belnap’s work, they are intimately linked. This book explores their philosophical interconnectedness through a selection of original research papers that build forth (...)
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    Personality and autonomy in light of neuroscience.Sabine Müller - unknown
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    Probabilities in branching structures.Thomas Müller - 2011 - In Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao Gonzalo, Thomas Uebel, Stephan Hartmann & Marcel Weber (eds.), Explanation, Prediction, and Confirmation. Springer. pp. 109--121.
  26.  13
    On the Formal Structure of Continuous Action.T. Müller - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 191-209.
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  27. The Unaccommodated Calvin: Studies In the Foundation of a Theological Tradition.Richard A. Muller - 2000
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    Ethical, legal, and social aspects of symptom checker applications: a scoping review.Regina Müller, Malte Klemmt, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Tanja Henking, Angelina Kuhnmünch, Christine Preiser, Roland Koch & Robert Ranisch - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):737-755.
    Symptom Checker Applications (SCA) are mobile applications often designed for the end-user to assist with symptom assessment and self-triage. SCA are meant to provide the user with easily accessible information about their own health conditions. However, SCA raise questions regarding ethical, legal, and social aspects (ELSA), for example, regarding fair access to this new technology. The aim of this scoping review is to identify the ELSA of SCA in the scientific literature. A scoping review was conducted to identify the ELSA (...)
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    A Medieval View of Practical Intentionality.Jörn Müller - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):156-176.
    Intentio is a widespread concept in the writings of Thomas Aquinas (1224/5–1274). This article focuses on its use in the description and explanation of human action because Aquinas is the first author to elaborate a coherent conception of practical intentionality in the history of Western philosophy. The analysis shows that his account is characterized by five distinctive features: Practical intentionality is (1) an active striving toward a causally relevant intentional object (i. e., a goal), which is not ‘in the mind’, (...)
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    Formwerdung und Formlosigkeit der Form: Die Beiträge von Ernst Cassirer und Nishida Kitarō zur Lebensphilosophie.Ralf Müller - 2018 - In Stefan Niklas & Thiemo Breyer (eds.), Ernst Cassirer in Systematischen Beziehungen: Zur Kritisch-Kommunikativen Bedeutung Seiner Kulturphilosophie. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 195-216.
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    Natural Religion.F. Max Müller - 2016 - Longmans.
    Natural Religion is an unchanged, high-quality reprint of the original edition of 1892. Hansebooks is editor of the literature on different topic areas such as research and science, travel and expeditions, cooking and nutrition, medicine, and other genres.As a publisher we focus on the preservation of historical literature.Many works of historical writers and scientists are available today as antiques only. Hansebooks newly publishes these books and contributes to the preservation of literature which has become rare and historical knowledge for the (...)
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    Nietzsche-Interpretationen.Wolfgang Müller-Lauter - 1999 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Band I der zweibändigen Nietzsche-Interpretationen enthält sowohl bisher unveröffentlichte wie auch ergänzte und stark erweiterte Abhandlungen zu dieser zentralen Thematik in Nietzsches Philosophie. In ihnen werden die wichtigsten Schritte der vom Verfasser vertretenen und viel diskutierten Interpretation des "Willens zur Macht" sichtbar. Die Prozesse "der" Willen zur Macht konstituieren den "absoluten Fluß" des Werdens; im Ja-sagen zu dessen ewiger Wiederkunft vollendet sich auch Nietzsches "Philosophie der Macht". Die Deutung des Werdens als "Wille zur Macht" ist entscheidend von der Nachlaß-Kompilation der (...)
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    Participation in Practice: A Case Study of a Collaborative Project on Sexual Offences in South Africa.Alex Müller, Hayley Galgut, Talia Meer & Lillian Artz - 2017 - Feminist Review 115 (1):79-96.
    In this article we critically reflect on ‘feminist research methods’ and ‘methodology’, from the perspective of a feminist research unit at a South African university, that explicitly aims to improve gender-based violence service provision and policy through evidence-based advocacy. Despite working within a complex and inequitable developing country context, where our feminist praxis is frequently pitted against seemingly intractable structural realities, it is a praxis that remains grounded in documenting the stories of vulnerable individuals and within a broader political project (...)
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  34. The Science of thought.F. Max Müller - 1888 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 25:95-103.
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    Leibniz and Ludolf on Things Linguistic: Excerpts from Their Correspondence, 1688-1703.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Hiob Ludolf & John T. Waterman - 1978 - Univ of California Press.
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    Private Romantik, öffentlicher Pragmatismus? Richard Rortys transformative Neubeschreibung des Liberalismus.Martin Müller - 2014 - Transcript.
  37. Goethes größte wissenschaftliche Entdeckung. Über eine verblüffende Symmetrie bei den Spektralfarben.Olaf L. Müller - 2017 - In Magnus Schlette, Thomas Fuchs & Anna Maria Kirchner (eds.), Anthropologie der Wahrnehmung. Universitatsverlag Winter. pp. 269-317.
    Goethes Protest gegen Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben ist besser, als man gemeinhin denkt. Man kann diesem Protest in den wichtigsten Elementen folgen, ohne Newton in der physikalischen Sache unrecht zu geben. Laut meiner Interpretation hat Goethe in Newtons wissenschaftsphilosophischer Selbsteinschätzung eine entscheidende Schwäche aufgedeckt: Newton glaubte, mithilfe prismatischer Experimente beweisen zu können, dass das Licht der Sonne aus Lichtstrahlen verschiedener Farben zusammengesetzt sei. Goethe zeigt, dass dieser Übergang vom Beobachtbaren zur Theorie problematischer ist, als Newton wahrhaben wollte. (...)
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    “Redirect the Hate”: Plato, Powerviolence, and the Metaphysics of Anger.Fabien Muller - 2024 - Popular Music and Society 48 (1):41-56.
    Powerviolence is a subgenre of hardcore music characterized by fast-paced rhythms, chaotic sound, and austere esthetics. Despite its seminal function for extreme music, there has been a notable lack of scholarly exploration into the genre. In this paper I draw on Comparative Philosophy to fill this gap. I argue that the powerviolence music and lyrics are fueled by anger. In Plato, anger serves as a tool for the irascible soul to support rational thinking and oppose injustice. Accordingly, I call for (...)
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  39. Hate and Happiness in Aristotle.Jozef Müller - 2022 - In Noell Birondo (ed.), The Moral Psychology of Hate. Lanham and London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 2-21.
    Aristotle tells us that in order to develop virtue, one needs to come to love and hate the right sorts of things. However, his description of the virtuous person clearly privileges love to hate. It is love rather than hate that is the main driving force of a good life. It is because of her love of knowledge, truth and beauty that the virtuous person organizes her life in a certain way and pursues these rather than other things (such as (...)
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    Was heißt "Praktisches Wissen"? Probleme um einen Schlüsselbegriff in Anscombes Handlungstheorie.Anselm W. Müller - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 45 (4):545 - 557.
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    Carl Schmitt, Hans Freyer and theradical conservative critique of liberal democracy in the Weimar republic.Jerry Z. Muller - 1991 - History of Political Thought 12 (4):695-715.
    In the case of Schmitt, much of recent scholarship in English has overlooked or even denied the radical conservatism of his Weimar writings. The approach pursued here will, I hope, put his works into more historically accurate perspective. In the case of both Freyer and Schmitt, their intellectual and rhetorical gifts helped undermine support for liberal democracy in Germany, and indeed were intended to do so; this paper, however, focuses on their social and political thought rather than on their influence.
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    Kashmir Shaivaism.Paul E. Muller-Ortega & J. C. Chatterji - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (4):642.
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  43. Die Diebe der Freiheit. Libet und die Neurophysiologen vor dem Tribunal der Metaphysik.Olaf L. Müller - 2007 - In Jan-Christoph Heilinger (ed.), Naturgeschichte der Freiheit. de Gruyter. pp. 335-364.
    Ich möchte den Neurowissenschaftlern, die glauben, mit empirischen Mitteln etwas über menschliche Freiheit herausfinden zu können, eine philosophische Herausforderung entgegensetzen. Meine These lautet: Die Frage nach der menschlichen Freiheit ist ein metaphysisches Problem, das sich empirischer Naturforschung entzieht. Um das zu begründen, werde ich ein extremes Gedankenexperiment durchführen. Ich werde zuerst hypothetisch die Situation eines Subjektes beschreiben, dessen Naturwissenschaft berechtigterweise einen durchgängigen kausalen Determinismus im Gehirn postuliert und dessen Libet-Experimente für all seine Handlungen fatal ausgehen (nicht nur für unbedeutende Handbewegungen). (...)
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    Book Forum.Staffan Müller-Wille - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):120-122.
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  45. Goethes philosophisches Unbehagen beim Blick durchs Prisma.Olaf L. Müller - 2007 - In Jakob Steinbrenner & Stefan Glasauer (eds.), Farben: Betrachtungen aus Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. pp. 64-101.
    Goethes Protest gegen Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben ist besser, als man gemeinhin denkt. Man kann diesem Protest in den wichtigsten Elementen folgen, ohne Newton in der physikalischen Sache unrecht zu geben. Laut meiner Interpretation hat Goethe in Newtons wissenschaftsphilosophischer Selbsteinschätzung eine entscheidende Schwäche aufgedeckt: Newton glaubte, mithilfe prismatischer Experimente beweisen zu können, dass das Licht der Sonne aus Lichtstrahlen verschiedener Farben zusammengesetzt sei. Goethe zeigt, dass dieser Übergang vom Beobachtbaren zur Theorie problematischer ist, als Newton wahrhaben wollte. (...)
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  46. Lob des Schönheitssinns.Olaf L. Müller - 2023 - In Marco Tamborini (ed.), Die Ästhetik der Technowissenschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts. wbg. pp. 47-78.
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  47. (1 other version)Dietrich von Hildebrand.Jean Moritz Müller - 1920 - In Thomas Szanto & Hilge Landweer (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 114-122.
    It is sometimes alleged that the study of emotion and the study of value are currently pursued as relatively autonomous disciplines. As Kevin Mulligan notes, “the philosophy and psychology of emotions pays little attention to the philosophy of value and the latter pays only a little more attention to the former.” (2010b, 475). Arguably, the last decade has seen more of a rapprochement between these two domains than used to be the norm (cf. e.g. Roeser & Todd 2014). But there (...)
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  48. Lichte Nacht der Iris. Zur Installation des Wiener Künstlers Ingo Nussbaumer im neueröffneten Deutschen Romantik-Museum.Olaf L. Müller - 2022 - Neue Zeitung Für Einsiedler. Magazin der Internationalen Arnim-Gesellschaft 16:260-269.
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    Utopia inverted: Günther Anders, technology and the social.Christopher John Müller & David Mellor - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 153 (1):3-8.
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  50. Newton, Goethe und die Entdeckung neuer Farbspektren am Ende des Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts.Olaf L. Müller - 2013 - In André Karliczek & Margrit Vogt (eds.), Erkenntniswert Farbe. pp. 45-82.
    Als Goethe in seiner monumentalen Farbenlehre einen Angriff auf Newtons Theorie des Lichts und der Farben lancierte, setzte er eine Methode ein, die er als Vermannigfachung der Erfahrungen bezeichnete: Er variierte verschiedene Parameter der newtonischen Experimente, um neuen Spielraum für Alternativen zur Theorie Newtons zu gewinnen. Dabei erzielte er durchaus Erfolge. U.a. entdeckte er das Komplement zum newtonischen Spektrum (das aussieht wie dessen Farbnegativ und durch Vertauschung der Rollen von Licht und Finsternis entsteht). Kürzlich hat der Wiener Maler Ingo Nussbaumer (...)
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