Results for 'Luisa Amaya'

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  1.  44
    Obtención del aceite de las semillas de luffa cylindrica y evaluación de su potencial uso en la industria cosmética.Luisa Amaya, Fabio Díaz, Martha Moncada, Natalia García & Gloria Edith Guerrero - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  2. Slips.Santiago Amaya - 2011 - Noûs 47 (3):559-576.
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  3. Justification, coherence, and epistemic responsibility in legal fact-finding.Amalia Amaya - 2008 - Episteme 5 (3):pp. 306-319.
    This paper argues for a coherentist theory of the justification of evidentiary judgments in law, according to which a hypothesis about the events being litigated is justified if and only if it is such that an epistemically responsible fact-finder might have accepted it as justified by virtue of its coherence in like circumstances. It claims that this version of coherentism has the resources to address a main problem facing coherence theories of evidence and legal proof, namely, the problem of the (...)
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    Cannibalism and Formation of the State in Nueva Granada.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya - 2006 - International Studies in Philosophy 38 (4):29-58.
  5.  13
    Acordar la paz en Colombia o ‘la cosa misma’ de la filosofía.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya - 2018 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 57:35-57.
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    Educar para el año 2000: reflexiones críticas sobre educación prospectiva familiar y escolar.Jorge Ortiz Amaya - 1982 - Bogotá, Colombia: Ediciones Tercer Mundo.
  7. Comunicar a ciência: o papel dos media e os problemas científico-ambientais.Luísa Schmidt - 2008 - In Luísa Schmidt & João de Pina-Cabral (eds.), Ciência e cidadania: homenagem a Bento de Jesus Caraça. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. pp. 85--112.
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  8. (1 other version)Formation of character and practical reasoning. [Spanish].Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya & Ximena Vallejo Álvarez - 2008 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 8:10-65.
    En este artículo se sostiene que existe una primacía de la práctica y la acción sobre el conocimiento intelectual y la contemplación. Si esta tesis fuese falsa, no resulta comprensible por qué la prudencia y el hombre prudente son la virtud suprema y el modelo de la vida buena en Aristóteles. La cuestión inicial es 1) ¿Cómo entender la racionalidad del deseo o qué significa deseo razonado?, y esto implica dos cuestiones adicionales: 2) ¿Qué es el silogismo práctico y qué (...)
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    Cupid and psyche in renaissance painting before Raphael.Luisa Vertova - 1979 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 42 (1):104-121.
  10.  6
    Judith Butler fuera de sí: espectros, diálogos y referentes polémicos.Ariel Martínez, María Luisa Femenías & Rolando Casale (eds.) - 2017 - Rosario, Argentina: Prohistoria Ediciones.
  11.  14
    Una aproximación teórica al análisis de la Cultura de la Salud.Mercedes Mayoral Olazábal, Luisa Serrano González & Ubaldo de la Fé López - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (1):0-0.
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    Women in Philosophical Counseling: The Anima of Thought in Action.Natasa Radovanovic, Silvia Bakirdjian, Luisa Sesino, Heidi Salaverría, Ora Gruengard, Marianne Vahl, Camilla Angeltun, Rayda Guzmán González, Narelle Arcidiacono, Marie-France Lebouc, Marleen Moors, Helen Douglas & Peter Raabe (eds.) - 2015 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This multi-faceted collection of women's perspectives on the renaissance in philosophical practices provides an international overview on the professional practice of philosophical counseling as rooted in the ancient philosophical discipline of life and its essential difference from modern mainstream philosophy.
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    Alice in Wonderland: experimental jurisprudence on the internal point of view.Corrado Roversi, Michele Ubertone, Caterina Villani, Stefania D’Ascenzo & Luisa Lugli - 2022 - Jurisprudence 14 (2):143-170.
    Humans have this extraordinary cognitive ability: They imagine inexistent objects, they treat them as if they were real, and by doing so they make them real. They thus give rise to a shared institutional reality that enables them to cooperate in ways that would be impossible otherwise. In this paper, we would like to revisit the account that HLA Hart gives of the practice of collective acceptance that makes a legal system possible. We try to provide an explanation of what (...)
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    Geografia em perspectiva: ensino e pesquisa.Nídia Nacib Pontuschka, Ariovaldo Umbelino de Oliveira & Amélia Luisa Domiani (eds.) - 2002 - São Paulo, SP: Contexto.
    Este livro, escrito por vários autores, apresenta e discute os resultados das pesquisas de geógrafos conceituados sobre problemas e temáticas da Geografia em evidência na atualidade. Visa atender tanto os profissionais da área, como pesquisadores e professores, como os alunos em processo de formação intelectual e profissional. Dividido em cinco partes, o livro apresenta um conjunto variado de análises sobre questões diversas como - temas emergentes na geografia, pesquisa e prática de ensino, geografia e interdisciplinaridade, formação de professores, metodologia de (...)
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    What is a number? The interplay between number and continuous magnitudes.Rosa Rugani, Umberto Castiello, Konstantinos Priftis, Andrea Spoto & Luisa Sartori - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  16. Legal Justification by Optimal Coherence.Amalia Amaya - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (3):304-329.
    This paper examines the concept of coherence and its role in legal reasoning. First, it identifies some problem areas confronting coherence theories of legal reasoning about both disputed questions of fact and disputed questions of law. Second, with a view to solving these problems, it proposes a coherence model of legal reasoning. The main tenet of this coherence model is that a belief about the law and the facts under dispute is justified if it is “optimally coherent,” that is, if (...)
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    Cues to intention: The role of movement information.Luisa Sartori, Cristina Becchio & Umberto Castiello - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):242-252.
  18. Virtue and reason in law.Amalia Amaya - 2011 - In Maksymilian Del Mar (ed.), New waves in philosophy of law. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
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  19.  44
    Living with Robots.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    "Cover " -- "Title Page " -- "Copyright " -- "Contents " -- "Preface to the English Edition" -- "Introduction" -- "1. The Substitute" -- "2. Animals, Machines, Cyborgs, and the Taxi " -- "3. Mind, Emotions, and Artificial Empathy " -- "4. The Other Otherwise " -- "5. From Moral and Lethal Machines to Synthetic Ethics " -- "Notes" -- "Works Cited" -- "Acknowledgments" -- "Credits.
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    Decálogo del hombre político.Julio de Amaya - 1962 - [Bogotá]: Ediciones Paulinas.
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    Stephentoulmin.Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 25:159-168.
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    Quiénes somos "nosotros"?,: o, cómo (no)hablar en primera persona del plural.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya, G. van Roermund & Wilson Herrera Romero (eds.) - 2015 - Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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  23. A evocaçáo do mundo infantil na Ilíada.Luísa Da Nazare Ferreira - 2000 - Humanitas 52:53-76.
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  24.  16
    The tapestry of reason: an inquiry into the nature of coherence and its role in legal argument.Amalia Amaya - 2015 - Oxford: Hart Publishing.
    In recent years coherence theories of law and adjudication have been extremely influential in legal scholarship. These theories significantly advance the case for coherentism in law. Nonetheless, there remain a number of problems in the coherence theory in law. This ambitious new work makes the first concerted attempt to develop a coherence-based theory of legal reasoning, and in so doing addresses, or at least mitigates these problems. The book is organized in three parts. The first part provides a critical analysis (...)
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  25. Two kinds of intentions: a new defense of the Simple View.Santiago Amaya - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (7):1767-1786.
    This paper defends a version of the Simple View, the claim that someone intentionally φs only if the person intends to φ. To do this, I raise a problem for Bratman’s classic argument (1984, 1987) against it. The problem brings into focus an evaluative dimension behind the View, whose recognition allows for an improved version of it. With this improved version, I then go on to answer other criticisms that have been raised to it.
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    Aspects of Reason.Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 26:347-353.
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  27. No Excuses: Performance Mistakes in Morality.Santiago Amaya & John M. Doris - 2014 - In Jens Clausen & Neil Levy (eds.), Springer Handbook of Neuroethics. Dordrecht. pp. 253-272.
    Philosophical accounts of moral responsibility are standardly framed by two platitudes. According to them, blame requires the presence of a moral defect in the agent and the absence of excuses. In this chapter, this kind of approach is challenged. It is argued that (a) people sometimes violate moral norms due to performance mistakes, (b) it often appears reasonable to hold them responsible for it, and (c) their mistakes cannot be traced to their moral qualities or to the presence of excuses. (...)
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    Emotions in Relation. Epistemological and Ethical Scaffolding for Mixed Human-Robot Social Ecologies.Luisa Damiano & Paul Gerard Dumouchel - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    In this article we tackle the core question of machine emotion research – “Can machines have emotions?” – in the context of “social robots”, a new class of machines designed to function as “social partners” for humans. Our aim, however, is not to provide an answer to the question “Can robots have emotions?” Rather we argue that the “robotics of emotion” moves us to reformulate it into a different one – “Can robots affectively coordinate with humans?” Developing a series of (...)
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  29. Basic Actions Reloaded.Santiago Amaya - 2017 - Philosophy Compass 12 (9):e12435.
    In this article, I examine recent debates concerning the existence and the nature of basic actions. The discussion is structured around four theses, with which Arthur Danto introduced basic actions to contemporary theorists. The theses concern (i) the relationship between agency and causality, (ii) the distinction between basic and complex actions, (iii) the regress argument for basic actions, and (iv) the structure of practical knowledge in the light of these actions.
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    The Symbolic Order of the Mother.Luisa Muraro, Francesca Novello & Alison Stone - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    Argues that affirming the irreducible differences between men and women can lead to more transformative politics than the struggle for abstract equality between the sexes. In The Symbolic Order of the Mother Luisa Muraro identifies the bond between mother and child as ontologically fundamental to the development of culture and politics, and therefore as key to achieving truly emancipatory political change. Both corporeal development and language acquisition, which are the sources of all thinking, begin in this relationship. However, Western (...)
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  31.  32
    Un livre et ses présents : corps et paroles de femmes dans la théologie Occidentale.Luisa Muraro - 2000 - Clio 12.
    Venant de Belgique, où elle poursuit des recherches comparatives de longue durée sur les femmes dans les mouvements mystiques médiévaux, dans lesquels les béguines anversoises ont joué un rôle décisif, Luisa Muraro s’est arrêtée à Paris et le séminaire qu’elle a donné à la Maison des sciences de l’Homme, le 25 mars 1999, fut l’occasion d’une rencontre avec une personnalité exceptionnelle, dont l’itinéraire, l’expérience, le non-conformisme, la recherche inquiète soucieuse de prendre à bras-l...
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    Sobre la noción de “información” en la filosofía de Gilbert Simondon.Mateo Jaramillo Amaya - 2023 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 68:69-101.
    En el presente trabajo se esclarece la noción de “información” según Gilbert Simondon, para lo cual se presenta el contexto histórico-epistemológico desde el cual surge y qué soluciones ofrece a la problemática de la época. Se hace especial énfasis en las conceptualizaciones realizadas por la teoría matemática de la información, la cibernética, y la biología. Luego, se analiza el devenir conceptual de la noción de “información” en el pensamiento de Simondon siguiendo tres momentos de su trabajo académico (clasificados por Juan (...)
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    Law’s Judgment and Virtuous Judgement.Amalia Amaya - 2019 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:17-22.
    EspañolEl libro de Lucy conecta magistralmente las tesis jurídicas y filosóficas en discusión con un sólido conocimiento de las áreas doctrinales, mostrando cómo las reivindicaciones presentadas inciden en los problemas reales y urgentes que enfrenta la práctica jurídica. El libro también proporciona una discusión refrescantemente amplia de algunos valores jurídicos fundamentales.InglésLucy’s book stands out as an exception to this state of affairs in that it masterfully connects the legal and philosophical theses under discussion with a solid knowledge of doctrinal areas, (...)
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    Silogismo Teórico, Razonamiento Práctico y Raciocinio Retórico-Dialéctico.Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya & Ximena Vallejo Álvarez - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 24:79-114.
    El silogismo práctico o razonamiento de la acción (EN VI, 12, 1144ª 31, “oigar sillogismoi tvn praktvn”) es presentado por muchos estudiososde la obra aristotélica como un esquema de explicación, que intenta darcuenta del movimiento que realiza el alma humana desde el apetito o deseopuro hasta la acción concreta. El punto de vista que aquí se argumentapuede ser presentado en dos tesis articuladas: 1) el razonamiento prácticono es un silogismo, comprende muchos más aspectos que son irreductiblesa la estructura formal de (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Heráclito e heraclitismo no crátilo de platão.Luisa Severo Buarque - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
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  36. Unarticulated constituents revisited.Luisa Martí - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (2):135 - 166.
    An important debate in the current literature is whether “all truth-conditional effects of extra-linguistic context can be traced to [a variable at; LM] logical form” (Stanley, ‘Context and Logical Form’, Linguistics and Philosophy, 23 (2000) 391). That is, according to Stanley, the only truth-conditional effects that extra-linguistic context has are localizable in (potentially silent) variable-denoting pronouns or pronoun-like items, which are represented in the syntax/at logical form (pure indexicals like I or today are put aside in this discussion). According to (...)
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  37.  35
    Epistemic ambivalence in law.Amalia Amaya - 2021 - Philosophical Issues 31 (1):7-23.
    Philosophical Issues, Volume 31, Issue 1, Page 7-23, October 2021.
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    Virtudes, argumentación jurídica y ética judicial.Amalia Amaya - 2011 - Dianoia 56 (67):135-142.
    Según Manuel Atienza, la teoría de la argumentación jurídica se tiene que ocupar de responder tres preguntas: cómo analizar una argumentación, cómo evaluarla y cómo argumentar. Esta concepción de la teoría de la argumentación jurídica es, sin embargo, demasiado restrictiva. Además de proporcionar una respuesta adecuada a estas preguntas, una teoría de la argumentación jurídica debe ocuparse también de la cuestión de qué virtudes debe tener un juez para hacer buenas argumentaciones. La teoría de la argumentación jurídica está, por ello, (...)
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    ¿Por Qué No Hay Ninguna Lógica Deductiva de la Razón Práctica?Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya & Henry David Pinto - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 32:271-291.
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    El lenguaje de los discursos "del" derecho y "sobre" el derecho.Lucidia Amaya Osorio - 2017 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    Considerar el Derecho como" objeto de estudio" no parece comportar ninguna novedad, sobre todo si nos ubicamos en un ambiente académico. De hecho, se da por sentado que, en efecto, el Derecho puede ser ese "objeto" por todos aquellos que escogen como área de formación profesional lo jurídico. El ejercicio que se lleva a cabo sobre él se torna casi siempre repetitivo y memorístico, pero pronto se aprende que, en la práctica, el resultado de erudición que ello produce rendirá buenos (...)
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  41.  9
    El Pragmaticismo en el análisis de los Collected Papers de C. S. Peirce con Provalis Research.Julián Fernando Trujillo Amaya - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 45:231-258.
    Este artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos a través del uso de herramientas informáticas (Provalis Research), también conocidas como CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software), para el análisis de los escritos de Peirce, las bases estadísticas de una cronología para su último periodo intelectual y la justificación de una posible periodización del Pragmaticismo, además de la descripción de ciertos descubrimientos realizados en nuestro trabajo de archivo sobre los documentos y manuscritos originales de Peirce. Este trabajo es una parte de nuestra (...)
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  42. Introducción a la filosofía de las ciencias cognitiva.Santiago Amaya (ed.) - forthcoming
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  43.  11
    La diferencia interna.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (74):37-75.
    This article explores the sources of the concept of difference advanced by Deleuze and, in particular, the idea of a non-phenomenological difference, understood as internal difference. In the first part, Deleuze’s appropriation of the concepts of memory and duration proposed by Bergson is explored, as if it corresponded with a response to Heidegger’s systematization of Nietzsche, thus opening the concept of forces to others such as heterogeneity, relativity, and multiplicity. The second part contains a dicussion of the hypothesis according to (...)
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  44.  21
    Regimes of Cannibality.Adolfo C. Amaya - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 6 (15):1-17.
    The present article aims at postulating cannibalism as a fundamental axis for the analysis of the processes of subjectivation of Spanish America since the 15th century. The hypothesis is that this process has gone through three stages, which allow for the delimitation of the differences of what I shall refer to, for now, as regimes of cannibalism understood as subjectivation processes:(i) Anthropophagic or of ritual war.(ii) Mimetic or of colonial incorporation(iii) Iconic or of mediatic absorption, at a global level.In order (...)
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  45. Realismo fenomenologico e diritto: per una lettura di Edith Stein.Luisa Avitabile - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (1):45-57.
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    La inscripción de la literatura en la máquina social. El clivaje arguedas/vargas llosa en la mirada de Mabel Morana Y cornejo polar.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte:192-221.
    RESUMEN En este artículo propongo revisar las aproximaciones de Mabel Moraña y Antonio Cornejo Polar al clivaje paradigmático entre las figuras de José María Arguedas y Mario Vargas Llosa en la cultura latinoamericana. En ese marco, tanto Cornejo Polar como Mabel Moraña desarrollan, en su propio lenguaje, preguntas por los dispositivos de poder y por las estrategias de resistencia que derivan de las relaciones entre literatura y máquinas sociales planteadas por Deleuze y Guattari, en una perspectiva decolonial. Este será el (...)
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    Online disagreement in WhatsApp groups: A comparative study of Spanish family members and work colleagues.Lucía Fernández-Amaya - 2021 - Discourse and Communication 15 (5):542-558.
    The purpose of this paper is to compare disagreement in two different WhatsApp groups: one for members of the same family, and another for work colleagues. After the analysis, 427 instances of disagreement were identified in the family group, and 161 in the interactions between work colleagues. The most common strategy in both corpora is ‘Giving opposite opinions’. Nevertheless, the rest of the results present very significant dissimilarities, most notably the higher presence of disagreement in the family WhatsApp group. This (...)
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    Relaciones ciencia y religión en el siglo XXI: ¿fracaso de la llamada “razón secular”?José Manuel Giménez-Amaya - 2013 - Scientia et Fides 1 (1):53.
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    Gain‐of‐Function Effects of N‐Terminal CEBPA Mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.Luisa Schmidt, Elizabeth Heyes & Florian Grebien - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (2):1900178.
    Mutations in the CEBPA gene are present in 10–15% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. The most frequent type of mutations leads to the expression of an N‐terminally truncated variant of the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer‐binding protein alpha (C/EBPα), termed p30. While initial reports proposed that p30 represents a dominant‐negative version of the wild‐type C/EBPα protein, other studies show that p30 retains the capacity to actively regulate gene expression. Recent global transcriptomic and epigenomic analyses have advanced the understanding of the distinct (...)
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  50. Damaris Cudworth Masham: una Lady della Repubblica delle Lettere.Luisa Simonutti - 1987 - In Gian Carlo Garfagnini (ed.), Scritti in Onore di Eugenio Garin. Scuola Normale Superiore. pp. 141-165.
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