Results for 'Luka Budak'

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  1.  27
    Georg Lukács: selected correspondence, 1902-1920: dialogues with Weber, Simmel, Buber, Mannheim, and others.György Lukács - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Judith Marcus & Zoltán Tarr.
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    Lukács György válogatott művei.György Lukács - 1968 - Budapest,: Gondolat Kiadó. Edited by Ferenc Fehér.
    1. Művészet és társadalom; válogatott esztétikai tanulmányok.--2. Világirodalom; válogatott világirodalom tanulmányok 2 v.
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    The Econ within or the Econ above? On the plausibility of preference purification.Lukas Beck - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (3):423-445.
    Scholars disagree about the plausibility of preference purification. Some see it as a familiar phenomenon. Others denounce it as conceptually incoherent, postulating that it relies on the psychologically implausible assumption of an inner rational agent. I argue that different notions of rationality can be leveraged to advance the debate: procedural rationality and structural rationality. I explicate how structural rationality, in contrast to procedural rationality, allows us to offer an account of the guiding idea behind preference purification that avoids inner rational (...)
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    A Lukács-vita (1949-1951).György Lukács & János Ambrus (eds.) - 1985 - Budapest: Múzsák.
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    Conversations with Lukács.György Lukács - 1974 - London: Merlin Press. Edited by Hans Heinz Holz, Leo Kofler, Wolfgang Abendroth & Theodor Pinkus.
    Using the technique of prepared questions, Conversations with Lukacs is a brilliant gathering of thoughts and insights covering topics as ontology, the techniques of manipulative societies, the pitfalls of combating Stalinism with Stalinist methods, and the problems of intellectuals in advanced capitalist societies. Above all, there is the restatement of Lukacs unshaken conviction that the working class, with all the changes that have occurred in its way of life and composition, is still the historical carrier of social transformation. Lukacs's interlocutors (...)
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    Individual Expectations and Climate Justice.Lukas H. Meyer & Pranay Sanklecha - 2011 - Analyse & Kritik 33 (2):449-472.
    Many people living in highly industrialised countries and elsewhere emit greenhouse gases at a certain high level as a by-product of their activities, and they expect to be able to continue to emit at that level. This level is far above the just per capita level. We investigate whether that expectation is legitimate and permissible. We argue that the expectation is epistemically legitimate. Given certain assumptions, we can also think of it as politically legitimate. Also, the expectation is shown to (...)
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  7. Defending Joint Acceptance Accounts of Justification.Lukas Schwengerer - 2021 - Episteme (1):1-20.
    Jennifer Lackey (2016) challenged group acceptance accounts of justification by arguing that these accounts make the possession of evidence arbitrary and hence lead to illegitimate manipulation of the group's evidence. She proposes that the only way out is to rely on the epistemic propriety of the individual group members, which leads to a dilemma for group acceptance views: either they are wrong about justification, or they cease to rely only on group acceptances. I argue that there is a third option (...)
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  8. Gespräche mit Georg Lukács: Hans Heinz Holz, Leo Kofler, Wolfgang Abendroth.György Lukács - 1967 - [Reinbek bei Hamburg]: Rowohlt. Edited by Hans Heinz Holz & Theodor Pinkus.
    Vorrede, von T. Pinkus.--Sein und Bewusstsein, von G. Lukács und H.H.Holz.--Gesellschaft und Individuum, von G. Lukács und L. Kofler.--Grundlegendes zu einer wissenschaftlichen Politik, von G. Lukács und W. Abendroth.--Vorläufige Bilanz, von G. Lukács, W. Abendroth und H. H. Holz.--Bibliographie (p. 125-[128]).
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    How legitimate expectations matter in climate justice.Lukas H. Meyer & Pranay Sanklecha - 2014 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 13 (4):369-393.
    Expectations play an important role in how people plan their lives and pursue their projects. People living in highly industrialized countries share a way of life that comes with high levels of emissions. Their expectations to be able to continue their projects imply their holding expectations to similarly high future levels of personal emissions. We argue that the frustration or undermining of these expectations would cause them significant harm. Further, the article investigates under what conditions people can be thought to (...)
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  10. Law as an Artifact.Luka Burazin, Kenneth Einar Himma & Corrado Roversi (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Clarke's Rejection of Superadded Gravity in the Clarke-Collins Correspondence.Lukas Wolf - 2019 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 36 (3):237-255.
    In the past, experts have disagreed about whether Samuel Clarke accepted the idea that gravity is a power superadded to matter by God. Most scholars now agree that Clarke did not support superaddition. But the argumentation employed by Clarke to reject superaddition has not been studied before in detail. In this paper, I explicate Clarke's argumentation by relating it to an important discussion about the possibility of superadded gravity in the Clarke-Collins correspondence. I examine Clarke's responses to Collins and draw (...)
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    Geschichtlichkeit und Aktualität: Beiträge zum Werk und Wirken von Georg Lukács.György Lukács, Manfred Buhr & József Lukács (eds.) - 1987 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  13. Intergenerational justice.Lukas Meyer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Is it fair to leave the next generation a public debt? Is it defensible to impose legal rules on them through constitutional constraints? From combating climate change to ensuring proper funding for future pensions, concerns about ethics between generations are everywhere. In this volume sixteen philosophers explore intergenerational justice. Part One examines the ways in which various theories of justice look at the matter. These include libertarian, Rawlsian, sufficientarian, contractarian, communitarian, Marxian and reciprocity-based approaches. In Part Two, the authors look (...)
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  14. Past and Future.Lukas Meyer - 2003 - In Lukas H. Meyer, Stanley L. Paulson & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (eds.), Rights, culture, and the law: themes from the legal and political philosophy of Joseph Raz. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Nothing that is Completed Can Live: The Case of Suicide in Thomas Bernhard's Novels from the Perspective of Existential Philosophy.Hatice Budak - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:4):137-165.
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Thomas Bernhard’ın romanlarında yaşam, ölüm ve intihar üçgeninde insanın varoluşsal çabasını varoluşçuluk öğretisi ekseninde anlamaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda Bernhard’ın Bitik Adam ve Düzelti romanlarındaki intihar edimi, ana karakterler merkezinde tematik analiz ile çözümlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Anlamsız dünyada çetin bir varoluş imtihanından geçen insanın seçeneğine odaklanan Bernhard, insanın kendi varoluşu için dünyanın sonsuz uyumsuzluğunun gerekli olduğunu kabul etmesi gerektiğini savunur. Bu kabul, insanın pasifize olmasını değil biteviye başkaldırarak varoluşun alternatif imkânlarını temsil etmektedir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, romanlarda karakterleri intihara götüren temel (...)
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    The Conquests of Adrianople by the Turks: Reflections on the Ottoman Expansion in Thrace.Samet Budak - 2022 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 99 (2):552-583.
    This article is an attempt to construct a new approach to and narrative of early Ottoman conquests in Thrace in the 1360s and 1370s. It argues that the so-called second capital of the Ottomans, Adrianople (Edirne), was conquered three times through a detailed evaluation of known, neglected, or unknow sources. The second conquest was almost certainly by frontier lords who conquered the city for their own interests. At the same time, the article challenges the unilinear rise paradigm within the Ottoman (...)
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    Hempelove kritériá explanácie V kontexte modelu historickej explanácie.Lukáš Bielik - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (4):498-517.
    The so-called „Covering Law Model“ of explanation proposed by C. Hempel and R. Oppenheim was claimed to have been applied as an explanatory model in natural sciences as well as in humanities. Several objections were raised against this explanatory model during the second half of 20th century. This article considers the proposed criteria of adequacy of scientific explanation and, in particular, the possibilities and limitations connected with the idea of its applicability in the process of logical reconstruction of historical explanations. (...)
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  18.  10
    Osmanlı modernleşmesi, gazetecilik ve edebiyat.Ali Budak - 2014 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Bilge Kültür Sanat.
    Önsöz -- Giriş -- Osmanlı modernleşmesi -- Osmanlı gazeteciliği -- Edebiyat -- Kısaltmalar -- Dizin.
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    The Emergence oF Turkish Media The Gift of French Revolution for the Ottoman Empire: Journal.Ali Budak - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:663-681.
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  20. Basic Needs and Sufficiency: The Foundations of Intergenerational Justice.Lukas Meyer & Thomas Pölzler - 2021 - In Stephen M. Gardiner (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Intergenerational Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    This paper addresses a theory of intergenerational justice that we refer to as “needs-based sufficientarianism”. According to needs-based sufficientarianism, the present generation ought to enable future generations to meet their basic needs — for example, their needs for drinkable water, food and health care. Our aim is to explain and defend this theory in a programmatic way. First, we introduce what we regard as the most plausible variant of needs-based sufficientarianism. Then we argue that this variant is superior to several (...)
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  21.  17
    Der junge Hegel und die Probleme der kapitalistischen Gesellschaft.György Lukács - 1948 - Berlin,: Aufbau-Verlag.
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  22. Are the Irreversibly Comatose Still Here? The Destruction of Brains and the Persistence of Persons.Lukas J. Meier - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (2):99-103.
    When an individual is comatose while parts of her brain remain functional, the question arises as to whether any mental characteristics are still associated with this brain, that is, whether the person still exists. Settling this uncertainty requires that one becomes clear about two issues: the type of functional loss that is associated with the respective profile of brain damage and the persistence conditions of persons. Medical case studies can answer the former question, but they are not concerned with the (...)
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  23. A question of justice: Assessing nurse migration from a philosophical perspective.Lukas Kaelin - 2010 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (1):30-39.
    The intensified nurse migration leads to severe problems for the health care systems in many developing countries. Using the Philippines as an example, this paper will address the question of global nurse migration from a philosophical perspective. John Rawls' liberal and Michael Walzer's communitarian theory of justice will be examined in view of the ethical problem of nurse migration. In line with Rawls' A Theory of Justice, nurse migration undermines the ability of the people in developing countries to make use (...)
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    Význam kontextu.Lukáš Likavčan - 2013 - Pro-Fil 13 (2):93.
    V tejto kritickej stati sa zamýšľam nad poslednou knihou slovenského filozofa Mariána Zouhara Význam v kontexte (2011). Text je rozdelený na dve základné časti: opisnú, zameranú na expozíciu najdôležitejších momentov Zouharovho diela, a kritickú, v ktorej predkladám niekoľko pripomienok k autorovým záverom ohľadom kontextualizmu v sémantike.
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  25. Desire Theories of the Good.Mark Lukas - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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    Christiana religio absoluta et simplex: Eine Verbindung zwischen Ammianus Marcellinus und dem manichäischen Bischof Faustus von Mileve?Lukas J. Dorfbauer - 2011 - História 60 (3):328-342.
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    Systems of notations and the ramified analytical hierarchy.Joan D. Lukas & Hilary Putnam - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):243-253.
  28. Foi et savoir : religion, pluralisme et démocratie libérale.Lukas Sosoe - 2013 - In Robert Theis, Dietmar Hermann Heidemann & Raoul Weicker (eds.), Glaube und Vernunft in der Philosophie der Neuzeit. Festschrift für Robert Theis/Foi et raison dans la philosophie moderne. Recueil en hommage à Robert Theis (Studien und Materialien zur Geschichte der Philosophie 85). Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag.
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    Kantian Ethics and Socialism Harry van der Linden Indianapolis, IN, Hackett Publishing Company, 1988, xii, 370 p.Lukas K. Sosoe - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (2):337-.
  30. Philosophical reflexion on chaos theory.Lukas Zamecnik - 2012 - Filosoficky Casopis 60 (5).
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    The destruction of reason.György Lukács - 1980 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
  32.  43
    Marx’ Theorie der Entfremdung.Lukas Kübler - 2013 - In Rahel Jaeggi & Daniel Loick (eds.), Karl Marx - Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik. De Gruyter. pp. 47-66.
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  33. Climate justice and historical emissions.Lukas H. Meyer & Dominic Roser - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (1):229-253.
    Climate change can be interpreted as a unique case of historical injustice involving issues of both intergenerational and global justice. We split the issue into two separate questions. First, how should emission rights be distributed? Second, who should come up for the costs of coping with climate change? We regard the first question as being an issue of pure distributive justice and argue on prioritarian grounds that the developing world should receive higher per capita emission rights than the developed world. (...)
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    Superseding historical injustice? New critical assessments.Lukas H. Meyer & Timothy Waligore - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3):319-330.
  35. Online Intellectual Virtues and the Extended Mind.Lukas Schwengerer - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (3):312-322.
    The internet has become an ubiquitous epistemic source. However, it comes with several drawbacks. For instance, the world wide web seems to foster filter bubbles and echo chambers and includes search results that promote bias and spread misinformation. Richard Heersmink suggests online intellectual virtues to combat these epistemically detrimental effects . These are general epistemic virtues applied to the online environment based on our background knowledge of this online environment. I argue that these online intellectual virtues also demand a particular (...)
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    Lukács chi?: dicono di lui.Lelio La Porta & György Lukács (eds.) - 1949 - [Rome]: Bordeaux.
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  37. Enough for the Future.Lukas H. Meyer & Dominic Roser - 2009 - In Axel Gosseries & Lukas H. Meyer (eds.), Intergenerational Justice. Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
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    Informed Consent in Croatia.Luka Vučemilo & Ana Borovečki - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (3):356-360.
    As Croatia makes the transition from one political system and type of economy to another, there are inevitable social and political changes that have a profound affect on the healthcare system. This article charts some of the progress of change with respect to patients’ rights and informed consent.
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    Scalar implicatures of embedded disjunction.Luka Crnič, Emmanuel Chemla & Danny Fox - 2015 - Natural Language Semantics 23 (4):271-305.
    Sentences with disjunction in the scope of a universal quantifier, Every A is P or Q, tend to give rise to distributive inferences that each of the disjuncts holds of at least one individual in the domain of the quantifier, Some A is P & Some A is Q. These inferences are standardly derived as an entailment of the meaning of the sentence together with the scalar implicature that it is not the case that either disjunct holds of every individual (...)
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  40. Higher‐Order Being and Time.Lukas Skiba - forthcoming - Noûs.
    Higher‐order metaphysicians take facts to be higher‐order beings, i.e., entities in the range of irreducibly higher‐order quantifiers. In this paper, I investigate the impact of this conception of facts on the debate about the reality of tense. I identify two major repercussions. The first concerns the logical space of tense realism: on a higher‐order conception of facts, a prominent version of tense realism, dynamic absolutism, turns out to conflict with the laws of (higher‐order tense) logic. The second concerns our understanding (...)
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    The Unfair Burdens Argument Against Carbon Pricing.Lukas Tank - 2020 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (4):612-627.
    Carbon pricing is one of the most politically important approaches for the mitigation of climate change in the world today. Most political actors who are not committed to climate change denial favor carbon pricing, either as emissions trading or carbon taxation. In this article, I argue that carbon pricing should be considered unfair in most of its forms. I present a line of criticism called the Unfair Burdens Argument. It states that the most politically relevant ways to price carbon needlessly (...)
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    Remains Of The Old Turkish İn Erzurum Dialect.Dilek Akan Budak - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:629-646.
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    Využitie pojmu zhoda v hyperintenzionálnej dedukcii.Lukáš Bielik & František Gahér - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (2):98-111.
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    Stephen Gaukroger, The Emergence of a Scientific Culture: Science and the Shaping of Modernity, 1210–1685.Luka Borsic - 2008 - Prolegomena 7 (1):108-112.
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    An Extaordinary Poet In XVI.Th Century.Ali Budak - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:152-164.
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    Claudian und Prudentius: Verbale Parallelen und Datierungsfragen.Lukas J. Dorfbauer - 2012 - Hermes 140 (1):45-70.
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    Engagement and political institutions: the case of ombudsman.Luka Glušac - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):493-508.
    In this article, I examine the relationship between engagement and political institutions by using the example of the creation and development of the ombudsman institution. The article starts with the short introduction to key theoretical views about institutions, political institutions and institutionalization. Then, I concentrate on how political institutions change, i.e. whether they can be changed through social engagement and whether and when we can actually say that they are originally created by an engagement. By using the case of ombudsman, (...)
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    O fracasso idealizado: reescrevendo a Vita Anskarii no liber I das Gesta Hammaburgensis de Adam de Bremen.Lukas Gabriel Grzybowski - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (2):376-396.
    O presente artigo aborda o problema do fracasso da cristianização da Escandinávia nos séculos iniciais da missão, especialmente entre a segunda metade do século IX e início do século X, a partir da narrativa apresentada por Adam de Bremen. O trabalho parte de uma abordagem ligada à Vorstellungsgeschichte, uma proposta originada no contexto historiográfico alemão no intuito de incorporar as contribuições da reflexão antropológica nas análises históricas referentes ao troisième niveau. Nesse sentido, a narrativa de Adam é analisada primeiramente enquanto (...)
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  49. Zur Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins.György Lukács - 1971 - [Neuwied]: Luchterhand.
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    About the Editor.Lukás Novák - 2014 - In Lukáš Novák (ed.), Suárez's Metaphysics in its Historical and Systematic Context. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 329-330.
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