Results for 'Lydia Campos'

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  1.  47
    Object recognition and content.Lydia Sánchez & Manuel Campos - 2011 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 2 (2):207-226.
    Puzzles concerning attitude reports are at the origin of traditional theories of content. According to most of these theories, content has to involve some sort of conceptual entities, like senses, which determine reference. Conceptual views, however, have been challenged by direct reference theories and informational perspectives on content. In this paper we lay down the central elements of the more relevant strategies for solving cognitive puzzles. We then argue that the best solution available to those who maintain a view of (...)
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    Content and sense.Lydia Snchez & Manuel Campos - 2009 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 1 (1):75-90.
    In this paper we position ourselves against idealist presuppositions so frequent in the humanities and social sciences, and, particularly, in communication theory. We argue that a realist approach to the study of communication avoiding such implausible assumptions is not only possible, but has already been exemplified in proposals that take communication to be a phenomenon with a biological origin. We argue that this sort of perspective can account for the variety of communicative functions we encounter in human experience, including the (...)
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    Los derechos humanos y la ingeniería genética: la dignidad como clave.Lydia Feito Grande - 2002 - Isegoría 27:151-165.
    Las tecnologías genéticas están poniendo a disposición del ser humano posibilidades de intervención nunca antes imaginadas. La magnitud de las aplicaciones potenciales nos obliga a una reflexión rigurosa desde el campo de la bioética, en la que se analicen los retos a que nos enfrentamos. Una parte de esta reflexión se refiere a lo que la biotecnología puede afectar a los derechos humanos, de ahí que haya documentos internacionales que se refieran a esta cuestión. En la base de todos ellos (...)
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    Ideologías empresariales y postfeminismo: Un diálogo interdisciplinar.Maria Medina-Vicent - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 8 (2):123.
    Resumen: Este texto es una respuesta abierta a las apreciaciones planteadas por las profesoras María Ávila Bravo-Villasante y Lydia de Tienda Palop, y los profesores Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez y David Muñoz Rodríguez a la obra Mujeres y discursos gerenciales. Hacia la autogestión feminista. A lo largo de las presentes páginas se busca articular un diálogo entre miradas procedentes de diferentes disciplinas que contribuya a enriquecer la reflexión elaborada en dicha obra y abrir nuevos interrogantes sobre la misma. A (...)
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  5. The imaginary museum of musical works: an essay in the philosophy of music.Lydia Goehr - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the difference between a performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony and the symphony itself? What does it mean for musicians to be faithful to the works they perform? To answer this question, Goehr combines philosophical and historical methods of enquiry. She describes how the concept of a musical work emerged as late as 1800, and how it subsequently defined the norms, expectations, and behavior characteristic of classical musical practice. Out of the historical thesis, Goehr draws philosophical conclusions about the (...)
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    Humor and the Good Life in Modern Philosophy: Shaftesbury, Hamann, Kierkegaard.Lydia Amir - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    _An exploration of philosophical and religious ideas about humor in modern philosophy and their secular implications._.
  7. Signs, Toy Models, and the A Priori.Lydia Patton - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 40 (3):281-289.
    The Marburg neo-Kantians argue that Hermann von Helmholtz's empiricist account of the a priori does not account for certain knowledge, since it is based on a psychological phenomenon, trust in the regularities of nature. They argue that Helmholtz's account raises the 'problem of validity' (Gueltigkeitsproblem): how to establish a warranted claim that observed regularities are based on actual relations. I reconstruct Heinrich Hertz's and Ludwig Wittgenstein's Bild theoretic answer to the problem of validity: that scientists and philosophers can depict the (...)
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  8.  42
    The Mass Ornament: Weimar EssaysCritical Realism: History, Photography, and the Work of Siegfried Kracauer.Lydia Goehr, Siegfried Kracauer, Thomas Y. Levin & Dagmar Barnouw - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (4):397.
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  9. New Water in Old Buckets: Hypothetical and Counterfactual Reasoning in Mach’s Economy of Science.Lydia Patton - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler, Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag.
    Ernst Mach’s defense of relativist theories of motion in Die Mechanik involves a well-known criticism of Newton’s theory appealing to absolute space, and of Newton’s “bucket” experiment. Sympathetic readers (Norton 1995) and critics (Stein 1967, 1977) agree that there’s a tension in Mach’s view: he allows for some constructed scientific concepts, but not others, and some kinds of reasoning about unobserved phenomena, but not others. Following Banks (2003), I argue that this tension can be interpreted as a constructive one, springing (...)
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  10. Artificial Intelligence Systems, Responsibility and Agential Self-Awareness.Lydia Farina - 2022 - In Vincent C. Müller, Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2021. Berlin: Springer. pp. 15-25.
    This paper investigates the claim that artificial Intelligence Systems cannot be held morally responsible because they do not have an ability for agential self-awareness e.g. they cannot be aware that they are the agents of an action. The main suggestion is that if agential self-awareness and related first person representations presuppose an awareness of a self, the possibility of responsible artificial intelligence systems cannot be evaluated independently of research conducted on the nature of the self. Focusing on a specific account (...)
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  11. Incommensurability and the Bonfire of the Meta-Theories: Response to Mizrahi.Lydia Patton - 2015 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 4 (7):51-58.
    Scientists working within a paradigm must play by the rules of the game of that paradigm in solving problems, and that is why incommensurability arises when the rules of the game change. If we deny the thesis of the priority of paradigms, then there is no good argument for the incommensurability of theories and thus for taxonomic incommensurability, because there is no invariant way to determine the set of results provable, puzzles solvable, and propositions cogently formulable under a given paradigm.
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    Leveraging Spirituality and Religion in European For-profit-organizations: a Systematic Review.Lydia Maidl, Ann-Kathrin Seemann, Eckhard Frick, Harald Gündel & Piret Paal - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (1):23-53.
    This systematic review synthesises the available evidence regarding the European understanding of workplace spirituality (definitions), the importance of spirituality and religion (evidence) as well as spiritual leadership (meaning and practice) in for-profitorganizations. The search for eligible studies was conducted in OPAC Plus, SCOPUS, Science Direct, JSTOR, EBSCO, and Google Scholar from 2007/01 to 2017/07. Three independent scholars extracted the data. Twenty studies were included (two mixed-methods, eight quantitative, ten qualitative) for the final quality assessment. A study quality assessment and thematic (...)
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  13.  87
    Bayes Factors All the Way: Toward a New View of Coherence and Truth.Lydia McGrew - 2016 - Theoria 82 (4):329-350.
    A focus on the conjunction of the contents of witness reports and on the coherence of their contents has had negative effects on the epistemic clarity of the Bayesian coherence literature. Whether or not increased coherence of witness reports is correlated with higher confirmation for some H depends upon the hypothesis in question and upon factors concerning the confirmation and independence of the reports, not directly on the positive relevance of the contents to each other. I suggest that Bayesians should (...)
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  14.  38
    Evidential Diversity and the Negation of H: A Probabilistic Account of the Value of Varied Evidence.Lydia McGrew - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3.
    The value of varied evidence, I propose, lies in the fact that more varied evidence is less coherent on the assumption of the negation of the hypothesis under consideration than less varied evidence. I contrast my own analysis with several other Bayesian analyses of the value of evidential diversity and show how my account explains cases where it seems intuitively that evidential variety is valuable for confirmation.
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    Clinical Ethics Consultations during the COVID-19 Pandemic Surge at a New York City Medical Center.Lydia Dugdale, Kenneth M. Prager, Erin P. Williams, Joyeeta Dastidar, Gerald Neuberg & Katherine Fischkoff - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):212-218.
    The COVID-19 pandemic swept through New York City swiftly and with devastating effect. The crisis put enormous pressure on all hospital services, including the clinical ethics consultation team. This report describes the recent experience of the ethics consultants and Columbia University Irving Medical Center during the COVID-19 surge and compares the case load and characteristics to the corresponding period in 2019. By reporting this experience, we hope to supplement the growing body of COVID-19 scientific literature and provide details of the (...)
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  16.  48
    The Cybernetic Unconscious: Rethinking Lacan, Poe, and French Theory.Lydia H. Liu - 2010 - Critical Inquiry 36 (2):288-320.
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    The Summa Halensis: Sources and Context.Lydia Schumacher (ed.) - 2020
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  18. Experiment and theory building.Lydia Patton - 2012 - Synthese 184 (3):235-246.
    I examine the role of inference from experiment in theory building. What are the options open to the scientific community when faced with an experimental result that appears to be in conflict with accepted theory? I distinguish, in Laudan's (1977), Nickels's (1981), and Franklin's (1993) sense, between the context of pursuit and the context of justification of a scientific theory. Making this distinction allows for a productive middle position between epistemic realism and constructivism. The decision to pursue a new or (...)
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  19. Hilbert's Objectivity.Lydia Patton - 2014 - Historia Mathematica 41 (2):188-203.
    Detlefsen (1986) reads Hilbert's program as a sophisticated defense of instrumentalism, but Feferman (1998) has it that Hilbert's program leaves significant ontological questions unanswered. One such question is of the reference of individual number terms. Hilbert's use of admittedly "meaningless" signs for numbers and formulae appears to impair his ability to establish the reference of mathematical terms and the content of mathematical propositions (Weyl (1949); Kitcher (1976)). The paper traces the history and context of Hilbert's reasoning about signs, which illuminates (...)
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  20. Hermann von Helmholtz.Lydia Patton - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) participated in two of the most significant developments in physics and in the philosophy of science in the 19th century: the proof that Euclidean geometry does not describe the only possible visualizable and physical space, and the shift from physics based on actions between particles at a distance to the field theory. Helmholtz achieved a staggering number of scientific results, including the formulation of energy conservation, the vortex equations for fluid dynamics, the notion of free energy (...)
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  21. On Not Counting the Cost: Ad Hocness and Disconfirmation.Lydia McGrew - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (4):491-505.
    I offer an account of ad hocness that explains why the adoption of an ad hoc auxiliary is accompanied by the disconfirmation of a hypothesis H. H must be conjoined with an auxiliary a′, which is improbable antecedently given H, while ~H does not have this disability. This account renders it unnecessary to require, for identifying ad hocness, that either a′ or H have a posterior probability less than or equal to 0.5; there are also other reasons for abandoning that (...)
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  22.  30
    Hegel's Aesthetics: The Art of Idealism.Lydia L. Moland - 2019 - New York: Oup Usa.
    Hegel's Aesthetics is the first comprehensive interpretation of Hegel's philosophy of art in English in thirty years. It gives a new analysis of his notorious "end of art" thesis, shows the indispensability of his aesthetics to his philosophy generally, and argues for his theory's relevance today.
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  23. Methodological realism and modal resourcefulness: out of the web and into the mine.Lydia Patton - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3443-3462.
    Psillos, Kitcher, and Leplin have defended convergent scientific realism against the pessimistic meta-induction by arguing for the divide et impera strategy. I argue that DEI faces a problem more serious than the pessimistic meta-induction: the problem of accretion. When empirically successful theories and principles are combined, they may no longer make successful predictions or allow for accurate calculations, or the combination otherwise may be an empirical failure. The shift from classical mechanics to the new quantum theory does not reflect the (...)
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  24. Philosophy’s Attitude towards the Comic. A Reevaluation.Lydia B. Amir - 2013 - European Journal of Humor Research 1 (1):6-21.
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    Sven Nyholm, Humans and Robots; Ethics, Agency and Anthropomorphism.Lydia Farina - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (2):221-224.
    How should human beings and robots interact with one another? Nyholm’s answer to this question is given below in the form of a conditional: If a robot looks or behaves like an animal or a human being then we should treat them with a degree of moral consideration (p. 201). Although this is not a novel claim in the literature on ai ethics, what is new is the reason Nyholm gives to support this claim; we should treat robots that look (...)
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  26.  59
    Expanding theory testing in general relativity: LIGO and parametrized theories.Lydia Patton - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 69:142-53.
    The multiple detections of gravitational waves by LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), operated by Caltech and MIT, have been acclaimed as confirming Einstein's prediction, a century ago, that gravitational waves propagating as ripples in spacetime would be detected. Yunes and Pretorius (2009) investigate whether LIGO's template-based searches encode fundamental assumptions, especially the assumption that the background theory of general relativity is an accurate description of the phenomena detected in the search. They construct the parametrized post-Einsteinian (ppE) framework in response, (...)
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    Resistance in health and healthcare: Applying Essex conceptualisation to a multiphased study on the experiences of Australian nurses and midwives who provide abortion care to people victimised by gender‐based violence.Lydia Mainey, Cathy O'Mullan & Kerry Reid-Searl - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):199-207.
    In this article, we explore the act of resistance by nurses and midwives at the nexus of abortion care and gender-based violence. We commence with a brief overview of a multiphased extended grounded theory doctoral project that analysed the individual, situational and socio-political experiences of Australian nurses and midwives who provide abortion care to people victimised by gender-based violence. We then turn to Essex's conceptualisation of resistance in health and healthcare and draw upon these concepts to tell a unifying and (...)
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  28.  62
    Euthanasia: Promoter of Autonomy or Supporter of Biopower?Lydia Tsiakiri - 2022 - Conatus 7 (1):123-133.
    The medical developments and their subsequent influence on the duration of human life have brought in the limelight various moral questions. The pathological conditions do not constitute anymore the decisive causes of death, whereas an ascending number of people suffer more by being maintained in life. In this reality, the euthanasia debate seems more apropos than ever. The following article examines the aforementioned issue through the supportive argument of autonomy in contrast to a Foucauldian approach. In essence, based on the (...)
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  29. Taking the History of Philosophy on Humor and Laughter Seriously.Lydia B. Amir - 2014 - Israeli Journal of Humor Research: An International Journal 5:43-87.
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    Why Do Children Who Solve False Belief Tasks Begin to Find True Belief Control Tasks Difficult? A Test of Pragmatic Performance Factors in Theory of Mind Tasks.Lydia P. Schidelko, Michael Huemer, Lara M. Schröder, Anna S. Lueb, Josef Perner & Hannes Rakoczy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The litmus test for the development of a metarepresentational Theory of Mind is the false belief task in which children have to represent how another agent misrepresents the world. Children typically start mastering this task around age four. Recently, however, a puzzling finding has emerged: Once children master the FB task, they begin to fail true belief control tasks. Pragmatic accounts assume that the TB task is pragmatically confusing because it poses a trivial academic test question about a rational agent’s (...)
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  31. Political music and the politics of music.Lydia Goehr - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52 (1):99-112.
  32. San Maximiliano María Kolbe: Un hombre reconciliado y reconciliador en los campos de exterminio.Tomás Gálvez Campos - 1986 - Verdad y Vida 44 (174):283-290.
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  33. The critical philosophy renewed: The bridge between Hermann Cohen's early work on Kant and later philosophy of science.Lydia Patton - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (1):109 – 118.
    German supporters of the Kantian philosophy in the late 19th century took one of two forks in the road: the fork leading to Baden, and the Southwest School of neo-Kantian philosophy, and the fork leading to Marburg, and the Marburg School, founded by Hermann Cohen. Between 1876, when Cohen came to Marburg, and 1918, the year of Cohen's death, Cohen, with his Marburg School, had a profound influence on German academia.
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  34. Probability Kinematics and Probability Dynamics.Lydia McGrew - 2010 - Journal of Philosophical Research 35:89-105.
    Richard Jeffrey developed the formula for probability kinematics with the intent that it would show that strong foundations are epistemologically unnecessary. But the reasons that support strong foundationalism are considerations of dynamics rather than kinematics. The strong foundationalist is concerned with the origin of epistemic force; showing how epistemic force is propagated therefore cannot undermine his position. The weakness of personalism is evident in the difficulty the personalist has in giving a principled answer to the question of when the conditions (...)
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  35. The Art of Dying Well.Lydia Dugdale - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (6):22-24.
    The scenario is all too common: the elderly woman with end-stage dementia readmitted to the hospital for the fourth time in three months for anorexia, now static cancer progressing despite all proven chemotherapy now pursuing a toxic experimental treatment, or the patient with a rampant infection leading to multiple organ failure who requires machines, medications, and devices to filter the blood, pump the heart, exchange oxygen, facilitate clotting, and provide nutrition. Modern medical science is adept at sustaining life. The field (...)
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    The Nurse or Midwife at the Crossroads of Caring for Patients With Suicidal and Rigid Religious Ideations in Africa.Lydia Aziato, Joyce B. P. Pwavra, Yennuten Paarima & Kennedy Dodam Konlan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Nurses and midwives are the majority of healthcare professionals globally, including Africa, and they provide care at all levels of the health system including community levels. Nurses and midwives contribute to the care of patients with rigid or dogmatic religious beliefs or those with suicidal ideations. This review paper discusses acute and chronic diseases that have suicidal tendencies such as terminal cancer, diseases with excruciating pain, physical disability, stroke, end-stage renal failure, and diabetics who are amputated. It was reiterated that (...)
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    Accounting for Dependence: Relative Consilience as a Correction Factor in Cumulative Case Arguments.Lydia McGrew - 2017 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95 (3):560-572.
    I propose a measure of dependence that relates a set of items of evidence to an hypothesis H and to H's negation. I dub this measure relative consilience and propose a method for using it as a correction factor for dependence among items of evidence. Using RC, I examine collusion and testimonial independence, the value of diverse evidence, and the strengthening of otherwise weak or non-existent cases. RC provides a valuable tool for formal epistemologists interested in analyzing cumulative case arguments.
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    Finding the Means: Socrates in Dialogue with Simonides.Lydia Barry - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 78 (1):3-29.
    This article explores Socrates' long analysis of Simonides' "Ode to Scopas," found near the end of Plato's Protagoras. Socrates misinterprets the poem to suggest that virtue is akin to technical knowledge, whereas the poem suggests instead that a wholly virtuous life is impossible, and that the good life is divine, achievable only by the gods. The author argues that Socrates' exegesis dialectically opposes the idea that virtue is knowledge, along with his suggestion that the good life can be secured through (...)
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  39. Kantian Essentialism in the Metaphysical Foundations.Lydia Patton - 2017 - The Monist 100 (3):342-356.
    Ott (2009) identifies two kinds of philosophical theories about laws: top-down, and bottom-up. An influential top-down reading, exemplified by Ernst Cassirer, emphasized the ‘mere form of law’. Recent bottom-up accounts emphasize the mind-independent natures of objects as the basis of laws of nature. Stang and Pollok in turn focus on the transcendental idealist elements of Kant’s theory of matter, which leads to the question: is the essence of Kantian matter that it obeys the form of law? I argue that Kant (...)
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  40. The individuality of the state in Spinoza's political philosophy.Andre Santos Campos - 2010 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 92 (1):1-38.
    The place of the State in Spinoza's ontology has emerged in scholarly literature as one of the most complex issues involving Spinoza's political thought. At issue is whether Spinoza's State is an actual individual with its own conatus . Some consider it a completely real individual, others say that its individuality can only be metaphoric, whilst others point out the conceptual insufficiency of this polarity for explaining the ontological status of political aggregates and try to overcome it through new concepts, (...)
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    Afterwords: An introduction to Arthur Danto's philosophies of history and art.Lydia Goehr - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (1):1–28.
    This essay is written as an introductory essay to celebrate the third edition of Arthur Danto’s Analytical Philosophy of History, first printed in 1965. It raises questions about what it means to write an introduction given Danto’s own philosophical theses on history. What does it mean to write before a book but after the fact? The essay also pays special attention to the connections between Danto’s philosophy of history, philosophy of art, and the other areas of his philosophy that he (...)
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  42. (1 other version)Helmholtz’s Physiological Psychology.Lydia Patton - 2018 - In Sandra Lapointe, Philosophy of Mind in the Nineteenth Century: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 5. Routledge.
    Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894) established results both controversial and enduring: analysis of mixed colors and of combination tones, arguments against nativism, and the analysis of sensation and perception using the techniques of natural science. The paper focuses on Helmholtz’s account of sensation, perception, and representation via “physiological psychology”. Helmholtz emphasized that external stimuli of sensations are causes, and sensations are their effects, and he had a practical and naturalist orientation toward the analysis of phenomenal experience. However, he argued as well (...)
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  43. Probabilistic Issues Concerning Jesus of Nazareth and Messianic Death Prophecies.Lydia McGrew - 2013 - Philosophia Christi 15 (2):311-328.
    While one strand of ramified natural theology focuses on direct evidence for mira­cles, another avenue to investigate is the argument from prophecy. Events that appear to fulfill prophecy may not be miraculous in themselves, but they can provide confirmation, even substantial confirmation, for a supernatural hypothesis. I examine the details of a small set of passages from the Old Testament and evaluate the probabilistic impact of the occurrence of events surrounding the death of Jesus of Nazareth that appear to fulfill (...)
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    Testability, Likelihoods, and Design.Lydia McGrew - 2004 - Philo 7 (1):5-21.
    It is often assumed by friends and foes alike of intelligent design that a likelihood approach to design inferences will require evidenceregarding the specific motives and abilities of any hypothetical designer. Elliott Sober, like Venn before him, indicates that this information is unavailable when the designer is not human (or at least finite) and concludes that there is no good argument for design in biology. I argue that a knowledge of motives and abilities is not always necessary for obtaining a (...)
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    The Don Giovanni Moment: Essays on the Legacy of an Opera.Lydia Goehr & Daniel Alan Herwitz (eds.) - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    Mozart's _Don Giovanni_ is an operatic masterpiece full of iconic and mythical tensions that still resonate today. The work redefines the terms of power, seduction, and morality, and the resulting conflict between the aesthetic and the ethical is deeply rooted in the Enlightenment and romanticism. _The_ Don Giovanni _Moment_ is the first book to examine the aesthetic and moral legacy of Mozart's opera in the literature, philosophy, and culture of the nineteenth century. The prominent scholars in this collection address the (...)
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  46. Finitism in the Metaphysical Foundations.Lydia Patton - 2022 - In Michael Bennett McNulty, Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 119-137.
    In this paper, building on recent and longstanding work (Warren 2001, Friedman 2013, Glezer 2018), I investigate how the account of the essences or natures of material substances in the Metaphysical Foundations is related to Kant’s demand for the completeness of the system of nature. We must ascribe causal powers to material substances for the properties of those substances to be observable and knowable. But defining those causal powers requires admitting laws of nature, taken as axioms or principles of natural (...)
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    Ἀπορία in Action.Lydia Barry - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy 44 (1):33-58.
    This paper argues that Protagoras’ great myth depicts human nature as both Promethean and Epimethean: human foresight depends on the condition of oversight. If Protagoras’ praise of foresight betrays his desire to overcome this condition, Socrates embraces it. While Protagoras repeats Epimetheus’ mistake of forgetting his own nature by aiming to overcome the risks of oversight, Socrates’ foresight recognizes that oversight and perplexity are intrinsic to human nature.
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    Taking philosophy seriously.Lydia Amir - 2018 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Taking Philosophy Seriously initiates a meta-philosophical dialogue that challenges the division between academic and practical philosophy. In contradistinction to the perfectionist tradition of philosophy, it offers a melioristic view of philosophy that rethinks the approach to philosophy, reinvigorates its academic teaching and secures the respectability of its practitioners outside the academe. It addresses the neglected topic of philosophers education through a subtle analysis of the mentor-apprentice relationship and the remedies philosophers have found to its tensions. It reveals the problems inherent (...)
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    All Too Human: Laughter, Humor, and Comedy in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy.Lydia L. Moland (ed.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers an analysis of humor, comedy, and laughter as philosophical topics in the 19th Century. It traces the introduction of humor as a new aesthetic category inspired by Laurence Sterne’s "Tristram Shandy" and shows Sterne’s deep influence on German aesthetic theorists of this period. Through differentiating humor from comedy, the book suggests important distinctions within the aesthetic philosophies of G.W.F. Hegel, Karl Solger, and Jean Paul Richter. The book links Kant’s underdeveloped incongruity theory of laughter to Schopenhauer’s more (...)
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  50. "And Why Not?" Hegel, Comedy, and the End of Art.Lydia L. Moland - 2016 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane (1-2):73-104.
    Towards the very end of his wide-ranging lectures on the philosophy of art, Hegel unexpectedly expresses a preference for comedy over tragedy. More surprisingly, given his systematic claims for his aesthetic theory, he suggests that this preference is arbitrary. This essay suggests that this arbitrariness is itself systematic, given Hegel’s broader claims about unity and necessity in art generally and his analysis of ancient as opposed to modern drama in particular. With the emergence of modern subjectivity, tragic plots lose their (...)
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