Results for 'Lykke Guanio-Uluru'

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  1.  93
    Monsters, Goddesses and Cyborgs: Feminist Confrontations with Science, Medicine and Cyberspace.Nina Lykke & Rosi Braidotti - 1996
    It is divided into four sections covering science as a whole, the new technologies of the postmodern era, bio-medical discourses, and nature. A distinguished cast of contributors explores the central feminist concerns in each arena, through the central metaphors of monster, mother goddess and cyborg. They look at the consequences of gynogenesis, postmodern eco-buddhism in heathcare, sexual violence in cyberspace, the postmodernization of menopause, the dolphin as androgyne and feminist environmentalism.
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    Vibrant death: a posthuman phenomenology of mourning.Nina Lykke - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Vibrant Death links philosophy and poetry-based, corpo-affectively grounded knowledge seeking. It offers a radically new materialist theory of death, critically moving the philosophical argument beyond Christian and secular-mechanistic understandings. The book's ethico-political figuration of vibrant death is shaped through a pluriversal conversation between Deleuzean philosophy, neo-vitalist materialism and the spiritual materialism of decolonial, queerfeminist poet and scholar Gloria Anzaldua. The book's posthuman deexceptionalizing of human death unfurls together with a collection of poetry, and autobiographical stories. They are analysed through the (...)
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    Feminist technoscience studies.Nina Lykke & Cecilia Åsberg - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):299-305.
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    Animal Performances: An Exploration of Intersections between Feminist Science Studies and Studies of Human/animal Relationships.Nina Lykke, Mette Bryld & Lynda Birke - 2004 - Feminist Theory 5 (2):167-183.
    Feminist science studies have given scant regard to non-human animals. In this paper, we argue that it is important for feminist theory to address the complex relationships between humans and other animals, and the implications of these for feminism. We use the notion of performativity, particularly as it has been developed by Karen Barad, to explore the intersections of feminism and studies of the human/animal relationship. Performativity, we argue, helps to challenge the persistent dichotomy between human/culture and animals/nature. It emphasizes, (...)
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    Manifestaciones soberanas de vida ¿un elemento fundamental de la existencia o un milagro?Kristian-Alberto Lykke Cobos - 2013 - Thémata Revista de Filosofía 48:75-84.
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    Lesbian Studies, Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Voices.Nina Lykke - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (3):275-279.
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    Ritualizing the Use of Coins in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries.Anne Lykke - 2017 - Journal of Ancient History 5 (2):205-227.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Journal of Ancient History Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 2 Seiten: 205-227.
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    Queer Death Studies: Death, Dying and Mourning from a Queerfeminist Perspective.Marietta Radomska, Tara Mehrabi & Nina Lykke - 2020 - Australian Feminist Studies 35 (104):81-100.
    This introduction to the Queer Death Studies special issue explores an emerging transdisciplinary field of research. This field critically, reflexively and affirmatively investigates and challenges conventional normativities, assumptions, expectations, and regimes of truths that are brought to life and made evident by current planetary scale necropolitics and its framing of death, dying and mourning in the contemporary world. It is set against the background of traditional engagements with the question of death, often grounded in Western hegemonic and normative ideas of (...)
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    List of referees 2010.Nina Lykke & Cecilia Åsberg - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (4):443-444.
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    Dialektisk pædagogik: en personlig indføring.Karen-Lykke Poulsen - 1978 - [København]: [Gyldendal].
  11. What do we talk about when we talk about queer death? Theories and definitions.Patricia MacCormack, Marietta Radomska, Nina Lykke, Ida Hillerup-Hansen, Phillip R. Olson & Nicholas Manganas - 2021 - Whatever: A Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theories and Studies 4:573-598.
    This is part 1 of 6 of the dossier What Do We Talk about when We Talk about Queer Death?, edited by M. Petricola. The contributions collected in this article sit at the crossroads between thanatology and queer theory and tackle questions such as: how can we define queer death studies as a research field? How can queer death studies problematize and rethink the life-death binary? Which notions and hermeneutic tools could be borrowed from other disciplines in order to better (...)
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    Æstetik, køn og kultur: arbejdspapir fra ad hoc symposium--kvinders æstetiske udtryksformer i hverdagslivet, april 1985.Christa Lykke Christensen (ed.) - 1985 - Aalborg: Nordisk sommeruniversitet.
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  13.  26
    1/ Theories and definitions.Patricia MacCormack, Marietta Radomska, Nina Lykke, Ida Illerup Hansen, Philip R. Olson & Nicholas Manganas - 2021 - Whatever 4 (1).
    This is part 1 of 6 of the dossier What Do We Talk about when We Talk about Queer Death?, edited by M. Petricola. The contributions collected in this article sit at the crossroads between thanatology and queer theory and tackle questions such as: how can we define queer death studies as a research field? How can queer death studies problematize and rethink the life-death binary? Which notions and hermeneutic tools could be borrowed from other disciplines in order to better (...)
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  14.  37
    Extracting Legitimacy: An Analysis of Corporate Responses to Accusations of Human Rights Abuses.Rajiv Maher, Moritz Neumann & Mette Slot Lykke - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (4):609-628.
    We ask what type of neutralization techniques corporations apply to allegations of human rights abuses. We proceed by undertaking a Qualitative Content Analysis of 162 responses by ten extractives-sector firms over a period of 14 years. The firms were responding to accusations of human rights impacts documented by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre. We use Garrett et al.’s :507–520, 1989) framework of neutralization techniques consisting of denial, justification, concession and excuse to examine the responses. During our QCA, we (...)
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  15. Queer Death Studies: Coming to Terms with Death, Dying and Mourning Differently. An Introduction.Marietta Radomska, Tara Mehrabi & Nina Lykke - 2019 - Women, Gender and Research 2019 (3-4):3-11.
    Queer Death Studies (QDS) refers to an emerging transdisciplinary field of research that critically and (self) reflexively investigates and challenges conventional normativities, assumptions, expectations, and regimes of truths that are brought to life and made evident by death, dying, and mourning. Since its establishment as a research field in the 1970s, Death Studies has drawn attention to the questions of death, dying, and mourning as complex and multifaceted phenomena that require inter- or multi-disciplinary approaches and perspectives. Yet, the engagements with (...)
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  16.  50
    Situations of Choice: Configuring the Empowered Consumer of Hearing Technologies. [REVIEW]Anette Lykke Hindhede - 2015 - Health Care Analysis 23 (3):221-237.
    Focusing on the largest and, arguably, the least visible disability group, the hearing impaired, this paper explores present-day views and understandings of hearing impairment and rehabilitation in a Danish context, with particular focus on working-age adults with late onset of hearing impairment. The paper shows how recent changes in perception of the hearing impaired patient relate to the introduction of a new health care reform that turns audiological rehabilitation into a consumer issue. Ethnographic and interview data from hearing clinics provides (...)
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  17.  38
    The Societal Readiness Thinking Tool: A Practical Resource for Maturing the Societal Readiness of Research Projects.Michael J. Bernstein, Mathias Wullum Nielsen, Emil Alnor, André Brasil, Astrid Lykke Birkving, Tung Tung Chan, Erich Griessler, Stefan de Jong, Wouter van de Klippe, Ingeborg Meijer, Emad Yaghmaei, Peter Busch Nicolaisen, Mika Nieminen, Peter Novitzky & Niels Mejlgaard - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (1):1-32.
    In this paper, we introduce the Societal Readiness Thinking Tool to aid researchers and innovators in developing research projects with greater responsiveness to societal values, needs, and expectations. The need for societally-focused approaches to research and innovation—complementary to Technology Readiness frameworks—is presented. Insights from responsible research and innovation concepts and practice, organized across critical stages of project-life cycles are discussed with reference to the development of the SR Thinking Tool. The tool is designed to complement not only shortfalls in TR (...)
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  18.  64
    Frihed og lykke i Rousseaus retfærdiggørelse af staten.Rafeeq Hasan - 2014 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 3 (1):71-94.
    Political philosophers tend to think that Rousseau is significant because his contractarianism anticipates Kant. However, reading Rousseau in this way requires us to ignore his frequent and emphatic appeals to the role of happiness as collective flourishing in establishing the rational authority of justice. I offer a reading of Rousseau’s political theory which accounts for this eudaimonistic aspect of his thought. I argue that for Rousseau, as for Kant, obligations are structured by the autonomous willing of agents who bind themselves (...)
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    Nina Lykke. Vibrant Death: A Posthuman Phenomenology of Mourning.Joshua Jones - 2024 - Environmental Philosophy 21 (1):109-112.
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    Karen Lykke Syse and Martin Lee Mueller, eds. Sustainable Consumption and the Good Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Thomas Cheney - 2015 - Environmental Philosophy 12 (2):271-273.
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    Lykke og tid.Espen Lauritzen - 2024 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1:83-91.
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    Viten, virkelighet og lykke: filosofiske problemer fra oldtiden og middelalderen.Jan Brage Gundersen - 1978 - Oslo: Universitestforl..
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    Forholdet mellom moral og lykke - en systematisk tilnærming [The Relation Between Morality and Happiness – a Systematic Approach].Roe Fremstedal - 2016 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 51 (3-4):129-147.
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    Grušovnik, Tomaž, Reingard Spannring, and Karen Lykke Syse, eds. Environmental and Animal Abuse Denial: Averting Our Gaze. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021.Vicky Protopapadaki - 2024 - Conatus 9 (1):203-225.
    Environmental and Animal Abuse Denial: Averting Our Gaze edited by Tomaž Grušovnik, Reingard Spannring, and Karen Lykke Syse, stands as a groundbreaking work that delves into the intricate phenomenon of denialism, a critical barrier in addressing ecological crises and advancing animal rights. Through its compelling interdisciplinary lens, the book dissects the psychological, sociocultural, and political underpinnings of denial, challenging entrenched anthropocentric views. This review provides a critical analysis of the book and highlights its pivotal role in bridging theoretical ethics (...)
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    Niels Thomassen: Ulykke og lykke. Et livsfilosofisk udspil med stadigt hensyn til Søren Kierkegaard. København: Gyldendal, 2001. 488 sider. [REVIEW]Mogens Pahuus - 2002 - SATS 3 (1):140-144.
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    Book review: Nina Lykke Feminist Studies: A Guide to Intersectional Theory, Methodology and Writing, 1st edn New York: Routledge, 2010. 241 pp. ISBN 9780415874847. [REVIEW]Analía Inés Meo - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (1):101-104.
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    To Fill Academic Work with Political Passion: Nina Lykke's Cosmodolphins and Contemporary Post/academic Writing Strategies.Mona Livholts - 2012 - Feminist Review 102 (1):135-142.
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  28. Børge Kristiansen: At blive sig selv og at vaere sig selv. En undersøgelse af identitetsfolosofien I Henrik pontoppidans Roman lykke-per I lyset af luthers teologi, schopenhauers og nietzsches filosofi. Et bidrag til identitetsfilosofi.Erich Unglaub - 2008 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 89:287-297.
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  29. The gendered cyborg: a reader.Gill Kirkup (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge in association with the Open University.
    The Gendered Cyborg brings together material from a variety of disciplines that analyze the relationship between gender and technoscience, and the way that this relationship is represented through ideas, language and visual imagery. The book opens with key feminist articles from the history and philosophy of science. They look at the ways that modern scientific thinking has constructed oppositional dualities such as objectivity/subjectivity, human/machine, nature/science, and male/female, and how these have constrained who can engage in science/technology and how they have (...)
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    The Politics of Makarrata: Understanding Indigenous–Settler Relations in Australia.Adrian Little - 2020 - Political Theory 48 (1):30-56.
    In May 2017, the Uluru Statement from the Heart was released, providing an Indigenous response to debates on recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian constitution. The document advocated for a “Makarrata Commission,” which would oversee truth telling and agreement making. This essay analyzes the concept of Makarrata as it has emerged in the context of Indigenous–settler relations in Australia and argues for a deeper engagement of non-Indigenous people with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander concepts (...)
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    Chemical Castration of Danish Sex Offenders.Lise Aagaard - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (2):117-118.
    Surgical castration of sex offenders has been used in several countries to prevent sexual recidivism and is still practiced in several states in the United States. In Europe, it has remained in limited use in Germany and in the Czech Republic (Douglas et al. 2013). Since the 1960s, most jurisdictions have replaced irreversible surgical castration of sex offenders with reversible chemical castration with anti-androgen drugs. In Denmark, use of surgical castration was stopped in 1970, and since the late 1980s, serious (...)
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  32.  14
    Kosmos: fra Pythagoras til Pontoppidan.Preben Lilhav - 2022 - [Risskov]: Internetakademiet.
    For eller imod Naturen? Naturen er traditionelt blevet opfattet som noget skidt, man kunne behandle, som man ville; som noget lavt, man har kunnet udnytte; endog som noget "syndigt", man skulle undertrykke! I denne bog vil Naturen blive skrevet med stort, og heri vil man møde en tradition, der som en understrøm, eller måske rettere overstrøm, har været til stede som alternativet til den herskende naturfjendske tænkemåde. Denne tradition har man forsøgt at undertrykke på alle måder! Man har gjort Platon (...)
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    Musik som en mystisk rejse: en kalden fra sjælen og det hinsides.Daniel Gilbert Perret - 2013 - København: Books on Demand.
    Sibiriske shamaner siger, at lyden af deres tromme er hesten der bærer dem til det hinsides. Min erfaring er, at nogen former for musik kan gøre dette med os. Hvordan er det muligt? "Musik som en Mystisk rejse" udforsker dette. Bogen handler om spirituel transformation og vores søgen efter lykke og harmoni. I dag er der musik alle vegne omkring os, og vi er alle blevet dybt bevæget af musik. Kun få mennesker indser hvordan en sådan dyb følelsesoplevelse kan (...)
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    Forligelsen: om teologien i Søren Kierkegaards altergangstaler.Niels Jørgen Cappelørn - 2021 - Frederiksberg: Eksistensen.
    Bogen indeholder en gennemgang af Søren Kierkegaards altergangstaler, og det er forfatteren Niels Jørgen Cappelørns bærende tanke, at netop altergangstalerne er helt centrale for forståelsen af Kierkegaards kristendomsopfattelse. Med forfatterens egne ord, så lyder bogens tese således: Skal det lykkes at trænge ind i Kierkegaards teologi, er der kun én vej. Og den går gennem altergangsprædikenerne.
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    Idealer og virkelighed i Filosofi med børn.Cæcilie Ketil Hejl & Caroline Schaffalitzky de Muckadell - 2020 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 9 (1).
    Filosofi med børn har siden 80’erne været kendt i Danmark som en stærkt dialogisk undervisningsform med fokus på elevernes evne til at reflektere sammen og argumentere selvstændigt. Feltets idealer kan dog være vanskelige at leve op til i praksis. Denne caseanalyse undersøger en rapport, hvor de dialogiske idealer for Filosofi med børn beskrives sammen med praksiseksempler, og analysen viser, at den faktiske undervisning ikke lever op til idealerne. Casen illustrerer dermed nogle af udfordringerne ved at bryde med en klassisk lærercentreret (...)
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    Climb.Robert Melchior Figueroa & Gordon Waitt - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 7 (2):135-163.
    Recent decades have brought environmental justice studies to a much broader analysis and new areas of concern. We take this increased depth and breadth of environmental justice further by considering restorative justice, with a particular emphasis on reconciliation efforts between indigenous and non-indigenous citizens. Our focus is on the reconciliation efforts taken by the indigenous/non-indigenous jointmanagement structure of Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. Usinga framework of restorative justice within a bivalent environmental justice approach, we consider the current management policies at the (...)
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    Sacred Texts and Historical Context: How Interpretations Shape Religious Practices and Beliefs.Lena Bauer - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):344-359.
    People have believed in the spiritual aspect of existence from the beginning of time. Many human cultures have left historical traces of their belief systems, such as knowledge of good and evil, sun worship, and the holy. Spirituality can be experienced in several sites, including Stonehenge, the Bamiyan Buddhas, the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid, Uluru in Alice Springs, the Bahá'í Gardens of Haifa, Fujiyama, Japan's holy mountain, the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia, and the Golden Temple in Amritsar. These websites (...)
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    Rita Gross as Colleague and Collaborator.Nancy Auer Falk - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:63-67.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rita Gross as Colleague and CollaboratorNancy Auer FalkWhen this panel in honor of Rita was first listed in the AAR Annual Meeting program, I found myself listed as Rita's "colleague." This was accurate only in the broadest sense of the term "colleague." I have never worked on the same faculty as Rita or watched her teaching her students. A more appropriate description of my relationship to her would be (...)
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    Editorial Preface.Robert Melchior Figueroa & Gordon Waitt - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 7 (2):5-8.
    Recent decades have brought environmental justice studies to a much broader analysis and new areas of concern. We take this increased depth and breadth of environmental justice further by considering restorative justice, with a particular emphasis on reconciliation efforts between indigenous and non-indigenous citizens. Our focus is on the reconciliation efforts taken by the indigenous/non-indigenous jointmanagement structure of Uluṟu-Kata Tjuṯa National Park. Usinga framework of restorative justice within a bivalent environmental justice approach, we consider the current management policies at the (...)
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