Results for 'M. Freundlieb'

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  1.  51
    (1 other version)Hermeneutics and semantics.Dieter Freundlieb - 1987 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 18 (1-2):110-133.
    Die vorliegende Studie unternimmt den Versuch, Gadamers Ideen zur Begriffsbildung und Textbedeutung einer rationalen Rekonstruktion im Licht neuerer Entwicklungen in der linguistischen und philosophischen Semantik zu unterziehen. Anschließend an eine Kritik gewisser auf Heidegger zurückgehender Annahmen in Gadamers Wahrheit und Methode werden seine Begriffe der Applikation und der Geschichtlichkeit von Textbedeutungen reformuliert. Dies geschieht unter Bezugnahme auf J. J. Katz' Bedeutungs- und Referenztheorie, H. Putnams Theorie der Stereotypen und J. M. E. Moravcsiks Begriff der 'aitiational frames'. Es wird im besonderen (...)
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  2.  72
    Hermeneutics, deconstruction, and linguistic theory.Dieter Freundlieb - 1990 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 21 (1):183-203.
    This paper is an exposition as well as a critical examination of M. Frank's response to the Derrida/Searle debate. It argues that Frank's critique of Derrida and Searle is partly justified but suffers from a number of shortcomings. The author agrees with Frank's argument that Derrida fails to explain how linguistic meaning is possible on the basis of purely differential relations between signs (différance) and supports his view that the human subject, in spite of its lack of complete self-transparency, is (...)
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  3.  20
    Dieter Henrich and Contemporary Philosophy: The Return to Subjectivity.Dieter Freundlieb - 2003 - Routledge.
    Dieter Henrich is one of the most respected and frequently cited philosophers in Germany today. His extensive and highly innovative studies of German Idealism and his systematic analyses of subjectivity have significantly impacted on advanced German philosophical and theological debates. Dieter Henrich and Contemporary Philosophy presents a comprehensive analysis of Henrich's work on subjectivity, evaluating it in the context of contemporary debates in both continental and analytic traditions. Familiarising the non-German reader with an important development in contemporary German philosophy, this (...)
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    Rethinking Critical Theory: Weaknesses and New Directions.Dieter Freundlieb - 2000 - Constellations 7 (1):80-99.
  5. Why subjectivity matters: Critical theory and the philosophy of the subject.Dieter Freundlieb - 2000 - Critical Horizons 1 (2):229-245.
    In this paper it is argued that Habermas' critique of German Idealism is misguided and that his rejection of the philosophy of the subject is unjustified. Critical Theory needs to recognise the importance of subjectivity for all social philosophy if its theoretical aims are to be achieved. In order to demonstrate the relevance of subjectivity to Critical Theory the essay draws on analytic philosophy of mind and on the work of Manfred Frank and Dieter Henrich.
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  6. The Myth of the Given, Coherentism, and the Justification of Empirical Knowledge Claims.Dieter Freundlieb - 2003 - Idealistic Studies 33 (1):39-56.
    In this paper I make some critical comments on John McDowell’s Mind and World and offer suggestions as to how it might be possible to solve John McDowell’s problem of finding a safe passage between the Scylla of the “Myth of the Given” (Sellars) and the Charybdis of a Davidsonian linguistic coherentism. McDowell’s defense of a minimal empiricism depends on the largely unargued and ultimately untenable assumption that epistemic justification can only operate at the level of conceptual or propositional entities. (...)
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  7. Has Derrida Deconstructed Speech Act Theory?Dieter Freundlieb - 2001 - Idealistic Studies 31 (2-3):81-103.
    I argue that Derrida's critique of speech act theory is largely unsustainable because of its reliance on a questionable and insufficiently explicatedconception of philosophy as negative metaphysics8 and its attendant misconception of scientific theory construction in general and speech act theory in particular.
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  8.  18
    Critical Theory After Habermas: Encounters and Departures.Dieter Freundlieb, Wayne Hudson & John F. Rundell (eds.) - 2004 - Brill.
    The essays in this book engage with the broad range of Jürgen Habermas' work including politics and the public sphere, nature, aesthetics, the linguistic turn and the paradigm of intersubjectivity.
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  9. Convergence and its limits: Relations between analytic and continental philosophy.Dieter Freundlieb & Wayne Hudson - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (1):28 – 42.
    In this article, it is argued that a convergence between the analytic and continental traditions in philosophy is unlikely. Both traditions have fundamentally different approaches to questions concerning consciousness and subjectivity. They also differ in their conception of the role of philosophy, if we are to become autonomous and reflective humans beings.To illustrate this, a comparison is made between the work of the continental philosopher Dieter Henrich and the 'post- analytic ' philosopher Thomas Nagel, who is often seen as a (...)
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  10.  55
    Deconstructionist Metaphysics and the Interpretation of Saussure.Dieter Freundlieb - 1990 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 4 (2):105 - 131.
  11.  42
    Epistemological realism and the indeterminacy of meaning. Is systematic interpretation possible?Dieter Freundlieb - 1991 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 22 (2):245-261.
    Summary This paper tries to show how the irreducible indeterminacy of textual meanings can be reconciled with epistemological realism which normally presupposes independently existing but determinate objects of knowledge. E.D. Hirsch's project of objective interpretation, including his most recent attempts to show that meanings, in spite of their openness to future modifications, are historically determined objects of knowledge, is being criticized. The paper argues that his use of the semantics and the reference theories of Kripke, Putnam, and others forces him (...)
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  12.  69
    Paul de Man’s (Mis-)Reading of Nietzsche.Dieter Freundlieb - 1999 - New Nietzsche Studies 3 (3-4):13-27.
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  13.  35
    Philosophie, Grammatik und Rhetorik bei Paul de Man.Dieter Freundlieb - 1992 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 40 (6):627-642.
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  14.  7
    Reason and its other: rationalty in modern German philosophy and culture.Dieter Freundlieb & Wayne Hudson (eds.) - 1993 - Oxford: Berg.
    For centuries debates about reason and its Other have animated and informed philosophy, art, science, and politics throughout Western civilization but nowhere, arguably, as deeply and turbulently as in Germany. This book explores the myriad issues surrounding these debates.
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  15.  61
    Rationalismv.Irrationalism? Habermas's response to foucault.Dieter Freundlieb - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):171-192.
    This paper has two aims, as an exposition of Jürgen Habermas's response to the work of Michel Foucault, and to engage in and assess this debate between two influential contemporary schools of Continental philosophy. Habermas locates Foucault's project in the history of several attempts at a totalizing critique of reason, attempts which are trapped in a performative self?contradiction. Habermas also argues that Foucault is still caught up in the conceptual straitjacket of the philosophy of the subject which his theory was (...)
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  16.  56
    The Return to Subjectivity As a Challenge to Critical Theory.Dieter Freundlieb - 2002 - Idealistic Studies 32 (2):171-189.
    : In this paper I argue that the return to subjectivity in certain areas of continental and analytic philosophy poses a serious challenge to Habermas’s postmetaphysical conception of communicative rationality. Drawing on the work of Dieter Henrich and Manfred Frank as well as arguments advanced by a number of analytic philosophers I attempt to show that Habermas’s critique of the philosophy of subjectivity is unjustified, that subjectivity takes priority over intersubjectivity, and that rationality needs to be grounded in epistemically normative (...)
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  17.  44
    (1 other version)Zur problematik einer diskurstheorie der wahrheit.Dieter Freundlieb - 1975 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 6 (1):82-107.
    Habermas' nicht ausreichend begründeter Versuch, über Referenz und Prädikation hinaus die Erhebung von Geltungsansprüchen auf der Ebene von Sprechakten zur Bedingung von Wahrheitsfähigkeit zu machen und Wahrheit mit der Einlösbarkeit dieser Ansprüche zu identifizieren, führt mit der Kritik der Korrespondenztheorie, für die unerfüllbare Sinnbedingungen gefordert werden, zu einem 'sprachlogischen' Tatsachenbegriff. Habermas glaubt damit das Wahrheitsproblem auf der sprachimmanenten Ebene konsensfähiger, rational motivierender Argumentationsregeln und den 'kategorialen Sinn' von Begriffssystemen konstituierender sowie deren Angemessenheit begründender praktischer Interessen lösen zu können. Das Ergebnis (...)
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  18.  13
    Zur Wissenschaftstheorie der Literaturwissenschaft: eine Kritik der transzendentalen Hermeneutik.Dieter Freundlieb - 1978
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  19. Zur Wissenschaftstheorie der Literaturwissenschaft.Dieter Freundlieb, Eike von Savigny & Harald Fricke - 1980 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 11 (2):385-387.
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  20. Review Article : Reassessing Cultural Criticism. [REVIEW]Dieter Freundlieb - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 42 (1):117-129.
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  21.  39
    On the Rogatio Livia de Latinis.M. O. B. Caspari - 1911 - Classical Quarterly 5 (02):115-.
    Was the above-named bill, which was brought forward in 122 b.c. by the tribune M. Liuius Drusus, and provided that the Latins should under all circumstances be exempt from the penalty of scourging, duly passed by the Roman Assembly and entered upon the statute-book?
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  22.  15
    Hume's Philosophy in Historical Perspective.M. A. Stewart - 2022 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    David Hume was a highly original thinker. Nevertheless, he was a writer of his time and place in the history of philosophy. In this book, M. A. Stewart puts Hume’s writing in context, particularly that of his native Scotland, but also that of British and European philosophy more generally. Through meticulous research Stewart brings to life the circumstances by means of which we can get a deeper understanding of Hume’s writings on the nature and reach of human reason, the foundation (...)
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  23.  31
    Scheler's Phenomenology of Community. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):576-577.
    The philosophy of Max Scheler is hardly of the type that can stand compendious presentation. Obsessed by such clear distinctions as the analytic vs. the synthetic, mind vs. matter, and metaphysics vs. science, Scheler proposed still further ontological distinctions which often presented more problems than the distinctions they were designed to replace. Moreover, having renounced any diagnostic use of scientific materials, Scheler had to resort to tedious descriptions that would allow him to bridge the gap between common sense and rational (...)
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  24.  26
    The Problem of Relation in Contemporary Philosophy. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):121-122.
    Originally prepared as a doctoral thesis which was presented in 1940, the present work ranges over the major figures in British idealism, and in the Angloamerican schools of neorealism and logical atomism. What is understood here as the problem of relations is, of course, the controversy regarding the internality or externality of relations. This controversy begins with some issues involved in the definition and classification of relations, issues which affect the definition and classification of other categories such as individual, quality, (...)
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  25.  12
    Patterns of a New Philosophy. [REVIEW]M. C. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):365-365.
    A rather elementary survey of the tasks of the philosopher in the modern world. American philosophers, the authors claim, by withdrawing from the social and moral concerns of our age, have failed to exert their influence where it is most required, in education.--C. M.
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  26.  28
    Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought. [REVIEW]M. Z. E. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):384-385.
    A book which might well become a classic on Heidegger. Richardson discusses most of Heidegger's works in chronological order, offering a close analysis of each. Most chapters include a general exposition of the argument of the work discussed, a detailed analysis of the problems of Thought, Being and Dasein in the work, and a résumé. While maintaining very high standards of scholarly precision in the rendering of Heidegger's ideas and terminology, Richardson yet succeeds in making his book very readable and (...)
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  27.  20
    A Treatise on God as First Principle. [REVIEW]B. M. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):370-371.
    The body of this book consists of facing English and Latin versions of Scotus' treatise prepared by Father Wolter from study of existing manuscripts. Textual variants are marked in frequent notes, but, perhaps because he doubts that one correct or personally written version ever existed, inconsistencies in the argument or apparent errors in the text are unremarked by the editor. Included as a 30 page appendix is Wolter's translation of Scotus' commentary on Peter Lombard's work, Two Questions from Lectures on (...)
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  28.  31
    From Affluence to Praxis. [REVIEW]J. D. M. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (1):127-128.
    Markovic draws upon the Zagreb school of Marx-interpretation, as well as on the data of the historical development of socialism in Yugoslavia in his attempt to develop a critical social theory. He constantly opposes the use of Marxian theory as an ideological orthodoxy simply legitimating political practice. And he points out how Marxian social thought may be a means of critically comprehending social processes, as well as a self-critical theory developing in relation to the historical data at whose evaluation it (...)
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  29.  16
    Mill and Liberalism. [REVIEW]W. M. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (4):626-626.
    Mill's defense of the open society is interpreted as the means toward a closed one. Mill himself is treated as the apostle of cultural solidarity--hostile to Christianity and the clergy which once provided it, and a militant advocate of the Religion of Humanity. The interpretation is defended with some force, but the vehement critique of Mill's position is launched from a fideistic position so radical that its relativism undercuts not only Mill, but Cowling himself. Carelessness of organization and style fit (...)
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  30.  19
    Mérleg. Digest in Hungarian. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (1):142-143.
    Mérleg is an interesting quarterly selection of articles of general interest translated from the major Western languages into Hungarian. It is a Catholic publication for a general intellectual public and it contains besides the longer studies review articles, reviews, interviews and also short summaries. The most important articles of the two issues we are reviewing: A. Greeley, "The Sacred and the Psychedelic"; A. Plé, "The affective life of the consecrated celibate"; K. Franke, "Apology for the protection of the unborn life"; (...)
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  31.  21
    Metafisica e revelazione nella filosofia positiva di Schelling. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (4):747-747.
    It becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with studies of Schelling, or more generally of the history of German Idealism, without being conversant with the rapidly growing Italian literature in this field. This book appears twenty-five years after that of Horst Furrmans, and ten years after that of Walter Schulz—the two major studies to date of Schelling's later philosophy. Although Bausola's study does not display the depth and extent of scholarly penetration to be found in Furrmans or Schulz, neither does (...)
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  32.  29
    Memory. [REVIEW]T. L. M. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):540-541.
    This book is primarily a survey of commonly accepted theories of memory. In the course of the book Locke attempts to show that the traditional theories of memory, that is the Representative and the Realist theories are inadequate because of certain mistaken assumptions adopted by the advocates of these views. For example, both of these theories’ proponents mistakenly assume that remembering is an occurrence, that this occurrence consists in a mental experience in the form of having mental images, and that (...)
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  33.  44
    Ortega y Gasset, J. The Origin of Philosophy, trans by J. Toby Talbot. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1967. 125 pp. $4.00. [REVIEW]M. B. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):374-375.
    This posthumous and unfinished book by the author of The Revolt of the Masses is in the continental tradition of philosophy as literature. The theme of this historical and etymological essay is the justification of that tradition. Ortega's writing is graceful, and includes aphorisms intended to evoke in the reader the philosophical frame of mind, and a sense of wonder. He finds that philosophy so far has provided no system which is adequately true for us; it is dialectical, revealing the (...)
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  34. II—M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1997 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 71 (1):75-98.
  35. M. poincaré's science et hypothése.M. PoincarÉ - 1906 - Mind 15 (57):141-143.
  36. (1 other version)Setting Things before the Mind: M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:157-179.
    Listening to someone from some distance in a crowded room you may experience the following phenomenon: when looking at them speak, you may both hear and see where the source of the sounds is; but when your eyes are turned elsewhere, you may no longer be able to detect exactly where the voice must be coming from. With your eyes again fixed on the speaker, and the movement of her lips a clear sense of the source of the sound will (...)
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  37.  97
    Leibniz: Dissertation on Combinatorial Art. Translated with Introduction and Commentary: M. Mugnai, H. van Ruler, and M. Wilson, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. x + 307 pp. £53. ISBN 978-0-19-883795-4.M. R. Antognazza - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):187-188.
    This volume offers the first-ever complete English translation of Leibniz’s Dissertatio De Arte Combinatoria together with a critical edition of the original Latin text on fa...
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  38. Mirovozzrenie M. A. Antonovicha.M. N. Peunova - 1960 - Izd-Vo Akademii Nauk Sssr.
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  39.  22
    M. Tulli Ciceronis Academica.M. Warren & James S. Reid - 1885 - American Journal of Philology 6 (3):355.
  40.  34
    M.P.Drahomanov about freedom of conscience and social functionality of religion.M. I. Loboda - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:55-59.
    Our research is based on a rather large "library" of various works by M. Drahomanov, which contains his views on religion. Among them: Paradise and Progress, From the History of Relations Between Church and State in Western Europe, Faith and Public Affairs, Fight for Spiritual Power and Freedom of Conscience in the 16th - 17th Centuries,, "Church and State in the Roman Empire", "The Status and Tasks of the Science of Ancient History," "Evangelical Faith in Old England," "Populism and Popular (...)
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  41.  45
    M. STREVENSBigger Than Chaos: Understanding Complexity Through Probability. [REVIEW]M. Strevens - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (4):875-882.
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  42.  21
    Əli Əsgər Məmmədovun “Ərəb dili” kitabına dair.Vüsalə Məmmədova - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (3):119-123.
    Dünyada müxtəlif dillər mövcuddur. Hal-hazırda əlavə xarici dil öyrənməyə maraq artmaqdadır. Təbii ki bu hər bir şəxsin öz istəyinə və seçiminə bağlıdır. Yəni hər kəs, hər hansı bir dili öyrəndiyi zaman, qarşısında iki məqsəd dayanır; ya o dili sevir, ya da o dili öyrənmək onun üçün lazımdır. Hər bir vətəndaşın borcudur ki, əvvəlcə öz ana dilini mükəmməl şəkildə öyrənsin. Lakin elm və texnologiyanın yüksək inkişaf etdiyi bir zamanda yalnız ana dilini bilmək kifayət etmir. İnsanın hər bir sahədə inkişafı üçün bacardığı (...)
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  43.  76
    M. Hofinger: Lexicon Hesiodeum cum Indice Inverso, Tome I . Pp. xi + 170. Leiden: Brill, 1975. Paper, fl.42.M. L. West - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (2):268-268.
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  44.  64
    M. Hofinger, D. Pinte: Lexicon Hesiodeum cum indice inverso. Supplementum. Pp. 67. Leiden: Brill, 1985. Paper, fl. 25.M. L. West - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (2):297-297.
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  45. J. M. ANDERSON, "The individual and the new worl".M. T. Antonelli - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (4/6):777.
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  46. M. MACDONALD, "Philosophy and Analysis".M. T. Antonelli - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (4/6):772.
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  47.  17
    Countryman, M. 179 Chomsky, N. 258 Craft, WD 136,140 Cutting, JE 190.M. A. Arbib, R. Arnheim, S. Appell, F. Attneave, R. Battison, U. Bellugi, B. Borghuis, E. Brunswik, K. Buhler & L. Burke - 2002 - In Liliana Albertazzi (ed.), Unfolding Perceptual Continua. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 283.
  48. Luntley, M.-Reason, Truth and Self.M. Baghramian - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:38-41.
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  49. BEVIR, M.-The Logic of the History of Ideas.M. Bevir, K. Dodson, J. Gracia & T. S. Gendler - 2001 - Philosophical Books 42 (3):161-195.
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  50.  12
    M. Pacifico, "Immagini e rappresentazioni di una professione non realizzata".M. Brazzoduro - 1997 - Polis 11 (1):137-140.
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