Results for 'M. M. Olivetti'

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  1. Comment on J. Hintikka," Contemporary Philosophy and the Problem of Truth".M. M. Olivetti - 1996 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 61:41-48.
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    Algorithmic proof methods and cut elimination for implicational logics part I: Modal implication.Dov M. Gabbay & Nicola Olivetti - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (2):237-280.
    In this work we develop goal-directed deduction methods for the implicational fragment of several modal logics. We give sound and complete procedures for strict implication of K, T, K4, S4, K5, K45, KB, KTB, S5, G and for some intuitionistic variants. In order to achieve a uniform and concise presentation, we first develop our methods in the framework of Labelled Deductive Systems [Gabbay 96]. The proof systems we present are strongly analytical and satisfy a basic property of cut admissibility. We (...)
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    Abwesenheit als Weise der Gegenwart.Marco M. Olivetti - 1992 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 18:105-118.
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    Analogia del soggetto.Marco M. Olivetti - 1992 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Filosofia della rivelazione.Marco M. Olivetti (ed.) - 1994 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Filosofia della religione come problema storico: romanticismo e idealismo romantico.Marco M. Olivetti - 1974 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Intersubjectivité et théologie philosophique.Marco M. Olivetti (ed.) - 2001 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Le don et la dette.Marco M. Olivetti (ed.) - 2004 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    La Religion dans le Domaine de la Tolérance.Marco M. Olivetti - 2000 - Philosophica 66 (2).
  10.  10
    L'esito teologico della filosofia del linguaggio di Jacobi.Marco M. Olivetti - 1970 - Padova,: Cedam.
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  11. Nuovi studi di filosofia della religione.Marco M. Olivetti (ed.) - 1982 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  12. Philosophie de la Religion Entre 'Ethique Et Ontologie'.Marco M. Olivetti (ed.) - 1996 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Responsibility for Responsibility.Marco M. Olivetti - 1998 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 24:345-355.
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  14. Sich in seinem Namen versammeln, Kirche als Gottesnennung.Marco M. Olivetti - 1981 - In Emmanuel Levinas & Bernhard Casper (eds.), Gott nennen: phänomenologische Zugänge. München: Alber.
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  15.  17
    The Third Party.Marco M. Olivetti - 2005 - Philosophy Today 49 (4):362-368.
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    Zum Religions- und Offenbarungsverständnis beim jungen Fichte und bei Kant.Marco M. Olivetti - 2003 - Fichte-Studien 23:191-201.
    In diesem Beitrag möchte ich mich darauf beschränken, einige Aspekte von Fichtes Verhältnis zu Kant zu berücksichtigen, die mir sowohl für das Verständnis Fichtes als auch für das Verständnis Kants sehr lehrreich zu sein scheinen. Denn die Einsicht in die unterschiedlichen Auffassungen des alten und des jungen Denkers läßt um so mehr da, wo der zweite meint, den ersten bloß zu wiederholen, treu zu interpretieren oder allenfalls treu weiterzudenken, den Geist der beiden philosophischen Ansätze am deutlichsten zutage treten. Den manchmal (...)
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  17.  29
    ‎Proof Theory for Fuzzy Logics.George Metcalfe, Nicola Olivetti & Dov M. Gabbay - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Fuzzy logics are many-valued logics that are well suited to reasoning in the context of vagueness. They provide the basis for the wider field of Fuzzy Logic, encompassing diverse areas such as fuzzy control, fuzzy databases, and fuzzy mathematics. This book provides an accessible and up-to-date introduction to this fast-growing and increasingly popular area. It focuses in particular on the development and applications of "proof-theoretic" presentations of fuzzy logics; the result of more than ten years of intensive work by researchers (...)
  18. J. EL1ASSON Ultrapowers as sheaves on a category of ultrafilters 825 A. LEWIS Finite cupping sets 845.G. Metcalfe, N. Olivetti, D. Gabbay, H. Towsner, M. Dzamonja & S. Shelah - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (7):934.
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  19. Indici degli atti dei convegni romani sulla demitizzazione e l'ermeneutica (1961-1977).Enrichetta Valenziani & Marco M. Olivetti (eds.) - 1979 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  20. MARCO M. OLIVETTI, "Il tempio simbolo cosmico". [REVIEW]G. Giannini - 1968 - Aquinas 11 (2):278.
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  21.  10
    Marco M. Olivetti (Hg), La recezione italiana di Heidegger. [REVIEW]Thomas Sören Hoffmann - 1992 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 17 (3):71-75.
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  22. "Hinweise auf": Willi oelmüller : Philosophie und weisheit; M. Olivetti : La recezione italiana di Heidegger.André Laks - 1990 - Philosophische Rundschau 37:160.
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    L'analyse du langage théologique. Le nom de Dieu and Débats sur le langage théologique. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):761-761.
    Castelli has again managed to bring together in Rome some of the greatest specialists of mythology, biblical exegesis, of the different branches of linguistics, with a generous sprinkling of philosophers, theologians, and historians. From the very large number of contributions, especially important are E. Benveniste: Blasphemy and euphemy; K. Kerényi: The language of theology and the theology of language; D. McKinnon: The problem of "the system of projection" in reference to the Christian theological affirmations; R. Panikkar: Silence and word, The (...)
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    Surrealismo e simbolismo. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (4):746-746.
    The title of this collection of studies alludes to the revolt against formalism in modern art, as opposed to the various kinds of formalized analysis to which art is today subjected, both by the critic and by the aesthetician. Although the names of the contributors—Alquié, Zolla, Brun, Dufrenne, Giorgi, Olivetti—are all remembered in connection with outstanding materials in this field, the contributions to this volume are unequal in value. Those of Dufrenne and Giorgi make the book required reading for (...)
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    Praktische und angewandte Philosophie I: Beiträge zum vierten Kongress der Internationalen Johann-Gottlieb-Fichte-Gesellschaft in Berlin vom 03. – 08. Oktober 2000.Helmut Girndt & Hartmut Traub (eds.) - 2003 - BRILL.
    Inhalt: Rainer ADOLPHI: Weltbild und Ich-Verständnis. Die Transformation des >Primats der praktischen Vernunft< beim späteren Fichte. Jacinto RIVERA DE ROSALES: Das Absolute und die Sittenlehre von 1812. Sein und Freiheit. Marek J. SIEMEK: Fichtes und Hegels Konzept der Intersubjektivität. Ewa NOWAK-JUCHACZ: Das Anerkennungsprinzip bei Kant, Fichte und Hegel. Ronald MATHER: On the Concepts of Recognition. Makoto TAKADA: Verwandlung der Individuumslehre bei Fichte. Hans Georg von MANZ: Deduktion und Aufgabe des individuellen Ich in Fichtes Darstellungen der Wissenschaftslehre von 1810/11. Jürgen STAHL: (...)
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    Tableaux for łukasiewicz infinite-valued logic.Nicola Olivetti - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (1):81 - 111.
    In this work we propose a labelled tableau method for ukasiewicz infinite-valued logic L . The method is based on the Kripke semantics of this logic developed by Urquhart [25] and Scott [24]. On the one hand, our method falls under the general paradigm of labelled deduction [8] and it is rather close to the tableau systems for sub-structural logics proposed in [4]. On the other hand, it provides a CoNP decision procedure for L validity by reducing the check of (...)
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  27. Due saggi su R. G. Collingwood.Alessandra Greppi Olivetti - 1977 - Padova: Liviana. Edited by R. G. Collingwood.
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  28. Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 13.Nicola Olivetti & Rineke Verbrugge (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
  29. Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 11.Nicola Olivetti & Rineke Verbrugge (eds.) - 2020 - College Publications.
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  30. Advances in Modal Logic 13. Booklet of Short Papers.Nicola Olivetti, Rineke Verbrugge & Sara Negri (eds.) - 2020 - Helsinki:
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    Automated Reasoning for Conditional Logics: the Theorem Prover Condlean 3.1.Nicola Olivetti & Gian Luca Pozzato - 2007 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Alexandre Costa-Leite (eds.), Perspectives on Universal Logic. Milan, Italy: Polimetrica.
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    Democracy without political parties.Adriano Olivetti - 1951 - [Ivrea]: Community Movement.
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    Is mental imagery prominently visual?Marta Olivetti Belardinelli & Rosalia Di Matteo - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):204-205.
    Neuroimaging and psychophysiological techniques have proved to be useful in comprehending the extent to which the visual modality is pervasive in mental imagery, and in comprehending the specificity of images generated through other sensory modalities. Although further research is needed to understand the nature of mental images, data attained by means of these techniques suggest that mental imagery requires at least two distinct processing components.
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    La costruzione della realtà come problema psicologico.Marta Olivetti Belardinelli - 1974 - Torino: Boringhieri.
  35. Laura Giordano Iterated Belief Revision.Nicola Olivetti & Conditional Logic - 2002 - Studia Logica 70:23-47.
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    La nuova archeologia americana: aspetti epistemologici.Alessandra Greppi Olivetti - 1982 - Parma: Edizioni Zara.
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    N-prolog and equivalence of logic programs.Nicola Olivetti & Lea Terracini - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 (4):253-340.
    The aim of this work is to develop a declarative semantics for N-Prolog with negation as failure. N-Prolog is an extension of Prolog proposed by Gabbay and Reyle, which allows for occurrences of nested implications in both goals and clauses. Our starting point is an operational semantics of the language defined by means of top-down derivation trees. Negation as finite failure can be naturally introduced in this context. A goal-G may be inferred from a database if every top-down derivation of (...)
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  38. Nichilismo e anima bella in Jacobi.E. Olivetti - 1980 - Giornale di Metafisica 2 (1):11-36.
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    Società, Stato, comunità.Adriano Olivetti - 1952 - Milano,: Edizioni di comunità.
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    Theorem proving for conditional logics: CondLean and GOALD U CK.Nicola Olivetti & Gian Luca Pozzato - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (4):427-473.
    In this paper we focus on theorem proving for conditional logics. First, we give a detailed description of CondLean, a theorem prover for some standard conditional logics. CondLean is a SICStus Prolog implementation of some labeled sequent calculi for conditional logics recently introduced. It is inspired to the so called “lean” methodology, even if it does not fit this style in a rigorous manner. CondLean also comprises a graphical interface written in Java. Furthermore, we introduce a goal-directed proof search mechanism, (...)
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  41.  46
    The role of feedforward control in motor planning.Marta Olivetti Belardinelli & Demis Basso - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):896-897.
    In dynamical systems models feedforward is needed to guide planning and to process unknown and unpredictable events. Feedforward could help Theory of Event Coding (TEC) integrate control processes and could model human performance in action planning in a more flexible and powerful way.
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    A non-monotonic Description Logic for reasoning about typicality.L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, N. Olivetti & G. L. Pozzato - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):165-202.
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    Semantic characterization of rational closure: From propositional logic to description logics.L. Giordano, V. Gliozzi, N. Olivetti & G. L. Pozzato - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 226 (C):1-33.
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    Weak AGM postulates and strong Ramsey Test: A logical formalization.Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi & Nicola Olivetti - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 168 (1-2):1-37.
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    Conditional beliefs: From neighbourhood semantics to sequent calculus.Marianna Girlando, Sara Negri, Nicola Olivetti & Vincent Risch - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):736-779.
    The logic of Conditional Beliefs has been introduced by Board, Baltag, and Smets to reason about knowledge and revisable beliefs in a multi-agent setting. In this article both the semantics and the proof theory for this logic are studied. First, a natural semantics forCDLis defined in terms of neighbourhood models, a multi-agent generalisation of Lewis’ spheres models, and it is shown that the axiomatization ofCDLis sound and complete with respect to this semantics. Second, it is shown that the neighbourhood semantics (...)
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  46.  70
    Analytic Calculi for Product Logics.George Metcalfe, Nicola Olivetti & Dov Gabbay - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (7):859-889.
    Product logic Π is an important t-norm based fuzzy logic with conjunction interpreted as multiplication on the real unit interval [0,1], while Cancellative hoop logic CHL is a related logic with connectives interpreted as for Π but on the real unit interval with 0 removed (0,1]. Here we present several analytic proof systems for Π and CHL, including hypersequent calculi, co-NP labelled calculi and sequent calculi.
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  47.  50
    Intuitionistic Non-normal Modal Logics: A General Framework.Tiziano Dalmonte, Charles Grellois & Nicola Olivetti - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (5):833-882.
    We define a family of intuitionistic non-normal modal logics; they can be seen as intuitionistic counterparts of classical ones. We first consider monomodal logics, which contain only Necessity or Possibility. We then consider the more important case of bimodal logics, which contain both modal operators. In this case we define several interactions between Necessity and Possibility of increasing strength, although weaker than duality. We thereby obtain a lattice of 24 distinct bimodal logics. For all logics we provide both a Hilbert (...)
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  48.  18
    Empatía y ética ambiental.Oscar Abraham Olivetti Álvarez - 2015 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 5 (9):9.
    Este trabajo iba a tratar sobre por qué el antropocentrismo es un problemairrelevante para las discusiones de bioética, y deberíamos prescindir de él.El argumento era que sostener una actitud antropocéntrica, tanto moderadacomo dura, tenía las mismas consecuencias a nivel práctico. Un antropocentristaapelará a la utilidad del medio ambiente y de las especies queen él habitan para la vida humana; y por ello sería importante que cuidaradel ecosistema para mantener dichos beneficios. Por otro lado un no-antropocentrista,apelará a que los animales y (...)
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    Preferential semantics for the logic of comparative similarity over triangular and metric models.Régis Alenda & Nicola Olivetti - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 1--13.
  50. Iterated belief revision and conditional logic.Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi & Nicola Olivetti - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (1):23-47.
    In this paper we propose a conditional logic called IBC to represent iterated belief revision systems. We propose a set of postulates for iterated revision which are a small variant of Darwiche and Pearl''s ones. The conditional logic IBC has a standard semantics in terms of selection function models and provides a natural representation of epistemic states. We establish a correspondence between iterated belief revision systems and IBC-models. Our representation theorem does not entail Gärdenfors'' Triviality Result.
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