Results for 'M. Muzi'

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  1. Dalla diade al triangolo primario. Una svolta nello studio della communicazione preverbale.M. Muzi - 2002 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 35:457-486.
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  2. La genitorialità. Funzione materna, funzione paterna.M. Muzi - 2003 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 36:221-240.
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    Trt türk sanat müzi̇ği̇ repertuvarinda bulunan segâh makamindaki̇ di̇nî eserleri̇n çeşi̇tli̇ deği̇şkenler açisindan anali̇zi̇.Ferdi Karaönçel - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):146-161.
    Religious songs have an important place in Turkish Classical Music in terms of maqam, usul, form, composers, and songwriters. The main purpose of this study is to examine the religious songs in Segâh Maqam in the TRT Turkish Classical Music Repertoire in terms of form, usul, composers, and songwriters. The data of the research were obtained through literature and document review. In this context, the musical notes of religious songs in Segâh Maqam were analyzed through content analysis. As a result (...)
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  4. Refounding of the activity concept? Towards a federative paradigm for modeling and simulation.Alexandre Muzy, Franck Varenne, Bernard P. Zeigler, Jonathan Caux, Patrick Coquillard, Luc Touraille, Dominique Prunetti, Philippe Caillou, Olivier Michel & David R. C. Hill - 2013 - Simulation - Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 89 (2):156-177.
    Currently, the widely used notion of activity is increasingly present in computer science. However, because this notion is used in specific contexts, it becomes vague. Here, the notion of activity is scrutinized in various contexts and, accordingly, put in perspective. It is discussed through four scientific disciplines: computer science, biology, economics, and epistemology. The definition of activity usually used in simulation is extended to new qualitative and quantitative definitions. In computer science, biology and economics disciplines, the new simulation activity definition (...)
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  5. Activity-Based Modeling and Simulation.Alexandre Muzy, David R. C. Hill & Bernard P. Zeigler (eds.) - 2010 - Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal.
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  6.  37
    Association of COMT and COMT-DRD2 interaction with creative potential.Shun Zhang, Muzi Zhang & Jinghuan Zhang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  7.  16
    Social media misuse explained by emotion dysregulation and self-concept: an ecological momentary assessment approach.Guyonne Rogier, Stefania Muzi & Cecilia Serena Pace - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (8):1261-1270.
    Studies suggested that emotion dysregulation and identity processes are involved in social media (SM) misuse, even if their proximal role has not been investigated. Previous studies rarely discriminated between specific activities or between types of SM. We recruited 50 young adults and implemented a momentary ecological assessment measurement. Four times by day, during seven days, we measured SM use, frequency of several activities on SM, emotion dysregulation, distress and clarity of self-concept. Daily time spent on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok were (...)
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  8.  17
    Agency and Communion From the Perspective of Self Versus Others: The Moderating Role of Social Class.Xiaochen Chen, Muzi Li & Qingwang Wei - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9.  9
    Family drawing for assessing attachment in children: Weaknesses and strengths.Cecilia Serena Pace, Stefania Muzi & Francesca Vizzino - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  10.  45
    (1 other version)“I Want It All, and I Want It Now”: Lifetime Prevalence and Reasons for Using and Abstaining from Controlled Performance and Appearance Enhancing Substances among Young Exercisers and Amateur Athletes in Five European Countries.Lambros Lazuras, Vassilis Barkoukis, Andreas Loukovitis, Ralf Brand, Andy Hudson, Luca Mallia, Michalis Michaelides, Milena Muzi, Andrea Petróczi & Arnaldo Zelli - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  11.  20
    Coronavirus Disease Stress Among Italian Healthcare Workers: The Role of Coping Humor.Carla Canestrari, Ramona Bongelli, Alessandra Fermani, Ilaria Riccioni, Alessia Bertolazzi, Morena Muzi & Roberto Burro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:601574.
    The study aimed to understand how coping strategies in general and humor-based coping strategies in particular modulate the perception of pandemic-related stress in a sample of Italian healthcare workers during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in Italy. A total of 625 healthcare workers anonymously and voluntarily completed a 10-min questionnaire, which included psychometrically valid measurements preceded by a set of questions aimed at determining workers’ exposure to COVID-19. The Perceived Stress Scale was used to measure healthcare workers’ stress levels, and (...)
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  12. "You Have Seen Their Faces": Gisèle Freund, Walter Benjamin and Margaret Bourke-White as Headhunters of the Thirties.M. Kay Flavell - manuscript
    “You Have Seen Their Faces”: Gisèle Freund, Walter Benjamin and Margaret Bourke-White as Headhunters of the Thirties -/- Abstract This paper concentrates on one work by each of three authors: Walter Benjamin’s Deutsche Menschen (Germans), an anthology of twenty-five 18th and 19th century German personal letters; Margaret Bourke-White and Erskine Caldwell’s You Have Seen Their Faces; and Gisèle Freund’s collection of photographic portraits of writers and artists, compiled between 1936 and 1939. The purpose of this paper is to compare the (...)
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  13.  22
    Türk makam müzi̇ği̇ ekseni̇nde hati̇p zâki̇rî Hasan efendi̇’ni̇n i̇ki̇ i̇lâhîsi̇ üzeri̇ne makamsal ve bi̇çi̇msel bi̇r i̇nceleme.Emre Akgün - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):162-174.
    Türk makam müziği, kökeni Orta Asya’ya dayanan, Çin, Hint, Fars ve Ortadoğu kültürüyle yoğurulmuş, çok kültürlü yapısıyla oldukça zenginleşmiş bir müziktir. İslâmiyetin kabulüyle Orta çağ İslâm dünyasının en önemli kuramcılarından olan Kındî, Farâbî ve İbn-î Sînâ yapmış oldukları çalışmalarla Türk makam müziğinin gelişimine büyük katkı sağlamışlardır. Türk mûsikîsi en büyük gelişimini Osmanlı devleti zamanında göstermiştir. Padişahların birçoğunun mevlevî tarikatına mensup olması bu bağlamda mûsikî ve edebiyata hâkim olmaları gelişimi sağlayan en önemli etkenlerdendir. Türk makam müziğinin gelişiminde Doğu coğrafyası ile olan (...)
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  14.  13
    İnanç müzi̇ği̇ etnoloji̇si̇ perspekti̇fi̇nde bi̇r şehri̇n i̇lâhi̇si̇ "ya hannân ya Mennan".Mustafa Dağdevi̇ren - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (15):84-98.
    Faith music has existed with the emergence of belief since the archaic period and has been a tool in showing devotion to the sacred in almost all beliefs. Music is sometimes used individually, sometimes together with collective rituals, sometimes only with human voices, sometimes only with instruments and sometimes with musical accompaniment, in order to spread the belief, convey religious information and reinforce the teachings, purify, communicate with the spirits and present their devotion to them. In the study, the hymn (...)
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  15.  18
    My Philosophical Development. [REVIEW]G. M. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 13 (2):360-360.
    Russell tries to give an account of influences that have shaped his philosophy, though there is no mention of the development of his ethical or social views. The last chapter is devoted to the replies to criticisms. As might be expected, a most readable book.--M. G.
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  16.  6
    The Anatomy of. [REVIEW]M. H. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):758-758.
    McNeilly presents an interesting if not altogether convincing analysis of Hobbes' Leviathan. He argues in introductory chapters that the different accounts of human nature given in The Elements of Law, De Corpore, and Leviathan reveal a development parallel to the development in the Hobbesian notion of science. More particularly, he claims that the theory of science presented in Leviathan is a conventionalist one, taking mathematics as its model. This is in contrast to the self-evidence theory of mathematics and the hypothetico-deductive (...)
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  17.  61
    The Coherence Theory of Truth. [REVIEW]W. L. M. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 17 (1):147-148.
    A massive series of meticulous clarifications and arguments is marshalled to attempt to refute, first, the doctrine that all relations are "internal", next, the claims that coherence is the sole criterion of the nature of truth, and finally, the theory of degrees of truth and falsity. The author's great familiarity with the literature of the coherence theorists proves almost a drawback: he prefers to cite texts extensively, but must then acknowledge important differences among them. There is little in the way (...)
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  18.  35
    La Nature du Fait dans les Sciences Humaines. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):375-375.
    The thesis of this work may be summarized in the words of its author: "... the Social Sciences, which heretofore have wavered between literature and an impossible positivism after the fashion of the Natural Sciences, could establish their own scientific statute if, aided by special techniques, they began discovering their hypotheses and interpreting their observations in the light of the partial overlapping of objective man and subjective man within the idea of Universal Man possessed by all". Parain makes use of (...)
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  19.  22
    The New Comparative Mythology. [REVIEW]M. A. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):372-372.
    Littleton's introduction for the American reader to the eminent founder of neocomparativism in cultural anthropology remedies the unjustifiable neglect in which the contributions of this school are held, both by anthropologists and philosophers of the social sciences. Many suggestions from generative semantics and functional sociology are so pointed and so well founded that without them our analytical research efforts on human action and even our ordinary language techniques seem somewhat arbitrary and individualistic. Whether suggestions from these rich bodies of knowledge (...)
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  20.  22
    Perspectives in Aesthetics. [REVIEW]M. E. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):386-386.
    This is an historically oriented textbook including selected writings from such varied thinkers as Plato, Kant, Hegel, Taine, Croce, Fry, Camus, etc. Richter presents an introduction designed to acquaint the student with the diversity of perspectives and problems that will be encountered in the course of the text. Aesthetics is here construed as a broader field in the 20th century than in the past. It is no longer to be defined as the philosophy of the beautiful or of art; it (...)
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  21.  17
    The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. [REVIEW]M. S. F. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):512-512.
    The final volume in the fine translation of Cassirer's central work deals with the problem of knowledge, "the structure and articulation of a theoretical world view." The analysis proceeds from perception and representation, through the function of signification and the idea of concept, to mathematics and the highest forms of natural science. Cassirer's introduction offers a concise discussion in historical context of the idea of symbolic form itself.--F. M. S.
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  22.  44
    Der Identitätsgedanke bei Feuerbach und Marx. [REVIEW]M. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):341-341.
    Dicke discusses the metamorphosis of Hegelianism in Feuerbach and Marx through an examination of the concept of identity in the three philosophers. He demonstrates the persistence of this concept as a decisive theme in both Feuerbach and Marx, and shows how Hegel's doctrine of identity is transformed and adulterated in the process of adaptation. A primary consequence of Marx's modification of this doctrine is the philosophical sacrifice of the individual to the collective, which has its practical consequences in contemporary communist (...)
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  23.  35
    The Ascent of Life: A Philosophical Study of the Theory of Evolution. [REVIEW]M. W. J. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):342-342.
    Combining an appreciation of recent analyses of "types" of scientific explanation with a detailed knowledge of contemporary biological investigations, Goudge examines the theory of evolution since Darwin. He argues that twentieth century evolutionary theory gives rise to philosophical questions whose importance rivals anything that physics has to offer. After showing how "modern selectionist theory" differs from Darwin's view of evolution, he asks: "Has evolutionary theory metaphysical implications?" The answer--a tentative "yes"--is so carefully qualified that one wonders whether new contributions to (...)
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  24.  21
    A Treatise on God as First Principle. [REVIEW]B. M. M. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (2):370-371.
    The body of this book consists of facing English and Latin versions of Scotus' treatise prepared by Father Wolter from study of existing manuscripts. Textual variants are marked in frequent notes, but, perhaps because he doubts that one correct or personally written version ever existed, inconsistencies in the argument or apparent errors in the text are unremarked by the editor. Included as a 30 page appendix is Wolter's translation of Scotus' commentary on Peter Lombard's work, Two Questions from Lectures on (...)
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  25.  18
    Protestant and Catholic, Religious and Social Interaction in an Industrial Community. [REVIEW]S. S. M. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):518-518.
    A detailed and scholarly study of an American city, with attention directed mainly to Catholic-Protestant relations within an urban community. The city is Holyoke, Massachusetts, chosen because of its interfaith problems, because of the occasion of the Sanger incident in 1940, and because Holyoke is a typical average-sized industrial community, well fitted to represent all such cities. Mr. Underwood, himself a Protestant, writes mainly as a sociologist of religion but also well understands that his personal commitment is a contributing factor (...)
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  26.  19
    Psyche: Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Seele. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):364-364.
    C. G. Carus was the last and perhaps—besides G. H. Schubert—the most important representative of late Romantic philosophical anthropology. The present book is a welcome reprint of his most popular writing, a fascinating, imaginative, more speculative than experimental treatise on the different psychic functions. Carus' main thesis—avowedly inspired by the Schellingian Naturphilosophie—is the living unity of the body and the soul, which is itself, however, only a superior manifestation of a life-penetrated Universe. Like the other Romantic "scientists" gravitating around Schelling, (...)
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  27.  61
    Reflexion und Erfahrung. Eine Interpretation der Früh- und Spätphilosophie Schellings. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (4):770-770.
    After the post-war insistence on Schelling's middle philosophy, his late speculation is becoming again the focus of Schelling-studies--but now from a genuinely transcendental viewpoint. The origin of this shift in perspective can be traced back to W. Schulz's celebrated work on Schelling's late philosophy as the culmination of German idealism. The present study unmistakably displays the mark of Schulz's influence. Its thesis is that the early and late philosophies, are similar in that both have a double structure. In Schelling's Early (...)
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  28.  52
    Substanz System Struktur. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):137-138.
    This is a monumental work. The author's aim is to follow the destiny of the self-explicitation [[sic]] of western thought from the concept of substance to that of structure. Authentic philosophical thinking has always been ontological, and structure, no less than substance is a form or species of being. System too is a species of being which leads from substance to structure. Structure is only an articulation and intensification of substance. The concept of structure is the central notion of contemporary (...)
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  29.  37
    The Hidden God. [REVIEW]W. M. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):379-379.
    An attempt to argue apodictically for the existence of a provident Creator in the spirit, but not the letter of Aquinas. Attempted proofs which depend on Platonic ontology, including Thomas' Fourth Way, are rejected outright, along with other considerations which are considered to have psychological, but not logical force, such as the widespread belief in God. Thomas' other four proofs, described as of the cosmological type, in distinction from the author's metaphysical proof, are criticized, not for being fallacious inferences, but (...)
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  30.  31
    Memory. [REVIEW]T. L. M. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):540-541.
    This book is primarily a survey of commonly accepted theories of memory. In the course of the book Locke attempts to show that the traditional theories of memory, that is the Representative and the Realist theories are inadequate because of certain mistaken assumptions adopted by the advocates of these views. For example, both of these theories’ proponents mistakenly assume that remembering is an occurrence, that this occurrence consists in a mental experience in the form of having mental images, and that (...)
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  31. The Nineteenth Century: Period of Systems--1800-1850. [REVIEW]B. M. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):124-125.
    This is a translation of another volume of the monumental history of philosophy published in the 1930s by Bréhier. The bibliography is brought up to date by the translator with help from Wesley Piersol. Bréhier writes history of philosophy in the broad sense, showing the social, literary, and political forms taken by philosophical trends of the period. Many of the writings treated in this volume will be unknown to students trained in the Anglo-American tradition. There are only fifteen pages on (...)
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  32.  19
    The Probable and the Provable. [REVIEW]A. F. M. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):131-133.
    Salutary reading for all philosophers, and not only for inductive logicians, philosophers of science and law, this important book presents an elaborate theory of inductive reasoning whose substantive features are as strikingly original as the approach is rare. First, the theory is based on concrete, real, actual, and significant instances of inductive reasoning, e.g., Karl von Frisch’s work on bees; that is, though its aim is genuinely theoretical in the sense that it engages in the proper amounts of idealization, abstraction, (...)
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  33.  48
    The Judicial Decision: Toward a Theory of Legal Justification. [REVIEW]M. W. S. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):347-347.
    An essay in normative jurisprudence where the author is concerned with delineating and evaluating legal decision procedures. The appeal to precedent and equity are critically examined and found to be deficient. Wasserstrom proposes as an improvement a two-level decision procedure, which is like precedent in appealing to a rule of law as a necessary condition for deciding a case, and like equity "in that considerations of justice are directly relevant to the justification of any decision." He frankly admits that this (...)
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  34. II—M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1997 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 71 (1):75-98.
  35. M. poincaré's science et hypothése.M. PoincarÉ - 1906 - Mind 15 (57):141-143.
  36. (1 other version)Setting Things before the Mind: M.G.F. Martin.M. G. F. Martin - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:157-179.
    Listening to someone from some distance in a crowded room you may experience the following phenomenon: when looking at them speak, you may both hear and see where the source of the sounds is; but when your eyes are turned elsewhere, you may no longer be able to detect exactly where the voice must be coming from. With your eyes again fixed on the speaker, and the movement of her lips a clear sense of the source of the sound will (...)
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  37. Mirovozzrenie M. A. Antonovicha.M. N. Peunova - 1960 - Izd-Vo Akademii Nauk Sssr.
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  38.  23
    M. Tulli Ciceronis Academica.M. Warren & James S. Reid - 1885 - American Journal of Philology 6 (3):355.
  39.  99
    Leibniz: Dissertation on Combinatorial Art. Translated with Introduction and Commentary: M. Mugnai, H. van Ruler, and M. Wilson, editors. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. x + 307 pp. £53. ISBN 978-0-19-883795-4.M. R. Antognazza - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):187-188.
    This volume offers the first-ever complete English translation of Leibniz’s Dissertatio De Arte Combinatoria together with a critical edition of the original Latin text on fa...
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  40.  35
    M.P.Drahomanov about freedom of conscience and social functionality of religion.M. I. Loboda - 1999 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 9:55-59.
    Our research is based on a rather large "library" of various works by M. Drahomanov, which contains his views on religion. Among them: Paradise and Progress, From the History of Relations Between Church and State in Western Europe, Faith and Public Affairs, Fight for Spiritual Power and Freedom of Conscience in the 16th - 17th Centuries,, "Church and State in the Roman Empire", "The Status and Tasks of the Science of Ancient History," "Evangelical Faith in Old England," "Populism and Popular (...)
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  41.  46
    M. STREVENSBigger Than Chaos: Understanding Complexity Through Probability. [REVIEW]M. Strevens - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (4):875-882.
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  42.  9
    La découverte des méthodes démonstratives des dogmes religieux: et l'exposé des ambiguïtés déviatrices et des innovations déroutantes résultant de l'interprétation de ces dogmes = (Kitāb al-Kashf ʻan manāhij al-adilla fī ʻaqāʼid al-milla wa taʻrīf mā waqaʻa fīhā bi-ḥasb al-taʼwīl min al-shubuh al-muzīgha wa-l-bidaʻ al-muẓilla). Averroës - 2016 - Carthage: Académie Tunisienne des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts, Beït al-Hikma. Edited by Abdelmajid El Ghannouchi & Mokdad Arfa-Mensia.
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  43.  25
    Ş'h Velî Ayınt'bî’nin el-Kev'kibü’l-Muzî’e fi’t-Tarîkati’l-Muhammediyye Adlı Ris'lesi ve Tahlili: Üç Hadis Üç Hakikat.Raşit Çavuşoğlu - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):355-355.
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  44. Richard M., Apo; fwnh'.M. Richard - 1950 - Byzantion 20:191-222.
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  45.  77
    M. Hofinger: Lexicon Hesiodeum cum Indice Inverso, Tome I . Pp. xi + 170. Leiden: Brill, 1975. Paper, fl.42.M. L. West - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (2):268-268.
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  46.  68
    M. Hofinger, D. Pinte: Lexicon Hesiodeum cum indice inverso. Supplementum. Pp. 67. Leiden: Brill, 1985. Paper, fl. 25.M. L. West - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (2):297-297.
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  47. J. M. ANDERSON, "The individual and the new worl".M. T. Antonelli - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (4/6):777.
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  48. M. MACDONALD, "Philosophy and Analysis".M. T. Antonelli - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (4/6):772.
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  49.  18
    Countryman, M. 179 Chomsky, N. 258 Craft, WD 136,140 Cutting, JE 190.M. A. Arbib, R. Arnheim, S. Appell, F. Attneave, R. Battison, U. Bellugi, B. Borghuis, E. Brunswik, K. Buhler & L. Burke - 2002 - In Liliana Albertazzi, Unfolding Perceptual Continua. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 283.
  50. Luntley, M.-Reason, Truth and Self.M. Baghramian - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:38-41.
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