Results for 'Alexandre Muzy'

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  1. Refounding of the activity concept? Towards a federative paradigm for modeling and simulation.Alexandre Muzy, Franck Varenne, Bernard P. Zeigler, Jonathan Caux, Patrick Coquillard, Luc Touraille, Dominique Prunetti, Philippe Caillou, Olivier Michel & David R. C. Hill - 2013 - Simulation - Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International 89 (2):156-177.
    Currently, the widely used notion of activity is increasingly present in computer science. However, because this notion is used in specific contexts, it becomes vague. Here, the notion of activity is scrutinized in various contexts and, accordingly, put in perspective. It is discussed through four scientific disciplines: computer science, biology, economics, and epistemology. The definition of activity usually used in simulation is extended to new qualitative and quantitative definitions. In computer science, biology and economics disciplines, the new simulation activity definition (...)
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  2. Activity-Based Modeling and Simulation.Alexandre Muzy, David R. C. Hill & Bernard P. Zeigler (eds.) - 2010 - Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal.
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  3. Dalla diade al triangolo primario. Una svolta nello studio della communicazione preverbale.M. Muzi - 2002 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 35:457-486.
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  4. La genitorialità. Funzione materna, funzione paterna.M. Muzi - 2003 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 36:221-240.
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    Alexandre Lefebvre interviews Paul Patton.Alexandre Lefebvre - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (3):206-214.
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    Pensando bem: estudos de sociologia e antropologia da moral.Alexandre Werneck & Luís R. Cardoso de Oliveira (eds.) - 2014 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Casa da Palavra.
    Este livro é o resultado de três anos de debates entre estudiosos interessados em entender o modo como diferentes dimensões da vida podem ser lidas sob a perspectiva da moral. Afinal, embora este tenha sido sempre um tema importante para a sociologia e a antropologia, raros têm sido os esforços brasileiros para a realização de pesquisas empíricas nessa área. Considerando essa lacuna, os autores dos 22 ensaios que fazem parte de Pensando bem se concentram na discussão prática da moral tomada (...)
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    Humanity Civilizational Catastrophe and its Basic Categories.Alexandr Zakharov - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 24:63-70.
    The paper covers the origins, development, perspectives and solutions of the civilizational catastrophe of humanity. Humanity is defined as the restricted number of ideal, material, and temporal qualities of human beings. Its civilizational catastrophe is the contingent evolution of the specific element of human consciousness implementing rationality and technique, knowing no limits and no purposes, progressing outside ideal, material, and temporal boundaries of humanity, overcoming on its way limitations of human savagery and transcendental elements. Due to the particular quality of (...)
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    Una discusión sobre anarquismo cristiano: Entrevista a Alexandre Christoyannopoulos.Alexandre Christoyannopoulos & Pedro García-Guirao - 2013 - Erosión: Revista de Pensamiento Anarquista 3 (2):111-123.
    De origen francés y griego, el Dr. Alexandre Christoyanno-poulos creció en Bruselas aunque lleva viviendo en Reino Unido casi desde 1997. En University of Kent estudióEconomía, Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Europeos, y por último, Ciencias Políticas y Religión. Comenzó a trabajar en University of Kent y en Canterbury Christ Church University. Desde septiembre de 2010 es profesor de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales en la Loughborough University. Ha publicado Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel (2010); en 2014 (...)
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  9. Metaphysics and measurement.Alexandre Koyré - 1968 - Langhorne, Pa.: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
    This collection of six essays centers on Professor Koyre;'s great theme: the relative importance of metaphysics and observation, with controlled experiment a kind of marriage between the two. Professor Koyre;'s thesis might be summed up as a claim that when one is seeking to explain the scientific revolution, attention must be concentrated on the philosophical outlook of the scientist and away from speculative theories. At the time of his death, Alexandre Koyre; was a professor at the Ecole Pratique des (...)
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  10. From the closed world to the infinite universe.Alexandre Koyré - 1957 - New York,: Harper.
    Alexandre Koyré. of the fixed stars is infinite commit a contradiction in adjecto. In truth, an infinite body cannot be comprehended by thought. For the concepts of the mind concerning the infinite are either about the meaning oftheterm "infinite,"  ...
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    Individu et communauté chez Spinoza.Alexandre Matheron - 1969 - Paris,: Editions de Minuit.
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    Etude par microscopie électronique des dislocations dans le tellure déformé.Par Alexandre Broniatowski & Gabriel Faivre - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (4):765-775.
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    In praise of weakness.Alexandre Jollien - 2017 - New York: Upper West Side Philosophers.
    Too many somersaults -- The strange creature that I am -- Giving meaning to reality -- The sincerity of true kindness -- Embracing our condition -- Drawing strength from our weakness -- Pity anesthetizes -- The other's gaze -- The joy of being alive -- They talked and analyzed -- Culture shock -- Conditional happiness -- A man of God -- A craving for learning -- Genuine friends -- Marginal.
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  14. Does consciousness entail subjectivity? The puzzle of thought insertion.Alexandre Billon - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (2):291 - 314.
    (2013). Does consciousness entail subjectivity? The puzzle of thought insertion. Philosophical Psychology: Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 291-314. doi: 10.1080/09515089.2011.625117.
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    Demain, l'épistocratie?Alexandre Viala & Paul Amselik (eds.) - 2022 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
    L'épistocratie est un idéal de gouvernement au sein duquel le pouvoir est confié aux savants, même s'il n'est pas formellement reconnu dans la typologie classique des régimes constitutionnels. Il existe pourtant, depuis longtemps, en amont des décisions politiques, de nombreux comités d'experts qui livrent leur éclairage dans de multiples domaines qu'ils soient juridique, économique ou climatologique. La crise mondiale liée à l'épidémie de Covid-19, pendant laquelle les experts du monde médical ont été mobilisés par les gouvernants, a jeté une lumière (...)
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  16. Outline of a Phenomenology of Right.Alexandre Kojève - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Alexandre Koj_ve offers a systematic discussion of key themes such as right, justice, law, equality, and autonomy in which he presages our contemporary world of economic globalization and international law. Edited and translated by Bryan-Paul Frost, this is the authoritative English language edition of a monumental work in political philosophy.
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  17. Assessing the effectiveness of a large database of emotion-eliciting films: A new tool for emotion researchers.Alexandre Schaefer, Frédéric Nils, Xavier Sanchez & Pierre Philippot - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (7):1153-1172.
    Using emotional film clips is one of the most popular and effective methods of emotion elicitation. The main goal of the present study was to develop and test the effectiveness of a new and comprehensive set of emotional film excerpts. Fifty film experts were asked to remember specific film scenes that elicited fear, anger, sadness, disgust, amusement, tenderness, as well as emotionally neutral scenes. For each emotion, the 10 most frequently mentioned scenes were selected and cut into film clips. Next, (...)
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  18. Epistemic issues in computational reproducibility: software as the elephant in the room.Alexandre Hocquet & Frédéric Wieber - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (2):1-20.
    Computational reproducibility possesses its own dynamics and narratives of crisis. Alongside the difficulties of computing as an ubiquitous yet complex scientific activity, computational reproducibility suffers from a naive expectancy of total reproducibility and a moral imperative to embrace the principles of free software as a non-negotiable epistemic virtue. We argue that the epistemic issues at stake in actual practices of computational reproducibility are best unveiled by focusing on software as a pivotal concept, one that is surprisingly often overlooked in accounts (...)
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    Introduction.Alexandre Feron et Vincent Houillon - 2022 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 29:7-10.
    L’idée d’articuler la phénoménologie et le marxisme peut sembler aujourd’hui quelque peu dépassée, comme elle a pu autrefois apparaître contingente et artificielle. Pourtant, la récurrence et l’insistance avec laquelle, depuis près d’un siècle, ce projet a été réactivé sont peut-être le signe d’une affinité insoupçonnée entre ces deux courants de pensée. Si Husserl n’a pas accordé d’intérêt particulier au marxisme et si Heidegger ne l’a fait qu’assez tardivement, certains de leurs élèves et m...
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    Les communs négatifs planétaires.Alexandre Monnin - 2021 - Multitudes 4:117-125.
    Cet article examine la place qu’occupent les réflexions sur la Planétarité en les situant par rapport à deux autres attracteurs, le Terrestre et le Global. Un certain nombre de positions idéologiques contemporaines sont ainsi comparées en fonction de leur situation vis-à-vis de ces trois opérateurs. L’élément central permettant de les distinguer n’est autre que leur rapport aux techniques. Nous proposons de dépasser la difficulté à politiser les enjeux techniques et planétaires en ayant recours au concept de communs négatifs.
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    À propos de quelques lettres inédites d’Alexandre Louria à Kurt Goldstein.Alexandre Frisch Métraux - 2024 - Philosophia Scientiae 28-3 (28-3):167-174.
    The analysis of the circumstances in which Alexander Luria came to send letters to Kurt Goldstein sheds some light on the historical context of their existence. The documents show how strongly Luria and some of his colleagues were interested in Goldstein’s works in the early 1930s. These documents dating from the post Second World War years also testify to the beginning of the more than purely professional relationship between the two recognized neurologists (or neuropsychologists).
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    (1 other version)Pertinence de l'approche éliasienne en histoire de la médecine.Alexandre Wenger - 2003 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 25 (4):515-529.
    Norbert Elias has notably influenced the historiography of the Early Modern Period since the 1970s. In the course of the borrowing of his concepts by different disciplines, the uniqueness of these concepts was nevertheless altered. This article aims to show that Elias' 'Sociology of configurations' proposed an original point of view on Longue Durée in history. It thus suggests: 1) to re-evaluate the historical dimension of Elias' sociology; 2) to question eventual contributions to present-day research to the history of medicine (...)
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    Alterscience: postures, dogmes, idéologies.Alexandre Moatti - 2013 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    Remise en cause de la théorie d’Einstein, de celle de Darwin, créationnisme et fondamentalismes, cosmologies païennes, mouvements technofascistes, idéologies radicales anti-science… Pourquoi des personnes formées à la science en viennent-elles à adopter une attitude en opposition virulente à la science de leur époque? Comment mobilisent-elles leur capacité de raisonnement au service de dogmes et d’idéologies sans rapport avec la science? Peut-on tirer un fil historique entre ces postures depuis la naissance de la science moderne au XVIe siècle? De nos jours, (...)
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    La philosophie de la joie.Alexandre Jollien - 2008 - Bry-sur-Marne: Institut national de l'audiovisuel. Edited by Bernard Campan.
    " Alexandre est la joie. Celui qui n'a pas rencontré la joie, n'a pas rencontré Alexandre ", écrit Bernard Campan en ouverture de ce livre. A travers des extraits d'entretiens radiophoniques menés avec notamment Albert Jacquard et d'une conférence sur le thème de la résilience, Alexandre Jollien, tel un Socrate du XXIe siècle, fait part de son approche de la philosophie et met en œuvre son talent de passeur. Exégète des textes anciens, amoureux de la dialectique et (...)
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    Petit traité de l'abandon: Pensées pour accueillir la vie telle qu'elle se propose.Alexandre Jollien - 2012 - [Paris]: Éditions du Seuil.
    Alexandre Jollien poursuit sa quête philosophique d’une sagesse qui nous apporte la paix intérieure. Si la joie est le but, la voie royale pour la vivre, thème directeur de ces Pensées, est l’abandon ou, en termes bouddhistes, la « non-fixation ». Ne pas « fixer », c’est se débarrasser des représentations, étiquettes qui figent les autres, le monde en des identités immuables, et par là même laisser la vie être ce qu’elle est, ne rien vouloir changer, ne pas s’obstiner (...)
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    Etudes sur Spinoza et les philosophies de l'âge classique.Alexandre Matheron - 2011 - Lyon: ENS.
    Les travaux d'Alexandre Matheron sur Spinoza et sur la philosophie de l'âge classique représentent un des points forts de l'école française d'histoire de la philosophie. Après Individu et Communauté chez Spinoza et Le Christ et le salut des ignorants, ces études complètent la vision du spinozisme et de son contexte, de ses racines et de sa signification historique. Elles traitent de tous les domaines du rationalisme classique : métaphysique, théorie de la connaissance, analyse des passions, éthique, politique et religion. (...)
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  27. Does Memory Modification Threaten Our Authenticity?Alexandre Erler - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (3):235-249.
    One objection to enhancement technologies is that they might lead us to live inauthentic lives. Memory modification technologies (MMTs) raise this worry in a particularly acute manner. In this paper I describe four scenarios where the use of MMTs might be said to lead to an inauthentic life. I then undertake to justify that judgment. I review the main existing accounts of authenticity, and present my own version of what I call a “true self” account (intended as a complement, rather (...)
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  28. Character and Personality in Seventeenth-Century German Literature.Alexandre Mikhaïlov - 1974 - Diogenes 22 (86):73-93.
    In seventeenth-century Germany art and reality stood in a contradictory relationship to one another, and this contradiction was a fruitful one: it contained, in an undeveloped and indistinct form, the paths that art was to take in the centuries that followed. From the point of view of the history of culture, it is important to feel the basic contradiction of this period, the pledge of the developments of the future, even though the period itself perhaps suffered from this contradiction. We (...)
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    No vazio de uma dist'ncia tomada: Althusser e a Prática da Filosofia.Alexandre Pinto Mendes - 2011 - Cadernos Espinosanos 25:89.
    Nosso objetivo é discutir as condições e implicações do deslocamento realizado por Althusser entre a definção da filosofia como “teoria da prática teórica” e a definição da filosofia como luta e tomada de posição sobre o vazio. Levantamos a hipótese sobre se seria adequado aplicar à obra de althusser o conceito de ruptura ou corte epistemológico, o que nos permitiria compreender a passagem do materialismo dialético ao materialismo dos encontros ou aleatório como “revolução teórica” do próprio Althusser.
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    Educação continuada de professores: diálogos emergentes a partir da visão de Gert Biesta // Teacher’s lifelong learning: emerging dialogies from Gert Biesta’s philosophical views.Alexandre Anselmo Guilherme, Bettina Steren dos Santos & Carla Spagnolo - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020025.
    A Educação Continuada de professores é reconhecida como indispensável e fundamental para a qualificação dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Para tanto, neste estudo, levaremos em consideração alguns aspectos dessa temática. Em primeiro lugar, precisamos ter conhecimento das diretrizes que tratam da Educação Continuada de professores, ou seja, compreender de onde viemos e qual é a proposta das legislações nacional e internacional. Em segundo lugar, explanaremos e discutiremos conceitos teóricos que tratam da temática, em especial a visão de Gert Biesta, (...)
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    Seven prophets and the culture war: undoing the philosophies of a world in crisis.Alexandre Havard - 2024 - New York: Scepter Publishers. Edited by Anthony T. Salvia.
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    Commentary: The Impact of Digital Technology on Psychological Treatments and Their Dissemination.Alexandre Heeren - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  33. Perspektywy dla historii nauki.Alexandre Koyré - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:131-138.
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  34. Réflexions sur le mensonge.Alexandre Koyré - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (2):232-233.
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    Editorial: Stigma's Impact on People With Mental Illness: Advances in Understanding, Management, and Prevention.Alexandre Andrade Loch, Alexandre Paim Diaz, Antonio Pacheco-Palha, Milton L. Wainberg, Antonio Geraldo da Silva & Leandro Fernandes Malloy-Diniz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Le pessimisme est un humanisme: Schopenhauer et la raison juridique.Alexandre Viala - 2017 - [Paris]: Mare & Martin.
    Demeuré longtemps dans l'ombre de Hegel dont il est le contemporain, Arthur Schopenhauer ne bénéficiera que d'une gloire posthume et influencera, à la fin du XlXème siècle, des penseurs importants à l'instar de Nietzsche ou Freud. Son apport majeur, qui est loin d'être dérisoire, est d'avoir renversé la perspective à partir de laquelle la philosophie occidentale pensait jusqu'à présent l'individu. Considéré comme un être libre et doué de raison, voici que l'homme est regardé, avec Schopenhauer, comme l'otage de la Volonté, (...)
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  37. Pricing Carbon for Climate Justice.Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh - 2019 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (2):109-130.
    This paper focuses on one particular case that connects climate justice and climate economics. Its contribution is twofold. First, it aims at providing a sound normative foundation for carbon pricing mechanisms around the notions of a ‘right to energy’, the ‘duty not-to-harm’ and an argument for ‘restricted compensation’. Second, it identifies the normative elements from theories of climate justice that should guide the design of market-based instruments for climate change mitigation. This will cast light on the particular moral relevance of (...)
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    5G Security Features, Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Data Protection in IoT and Mobile Devices: A Systematic Review.Alexandre Sousa & Manuel J. C. S. Reis - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:414-427.
    The evolution of wireless communications, from the first to the fifth generation, has driven Internet of Things (IoT) advancements. IoT is transforming sectors like agriculture, healthcare, and transportation, but also presents challenges like spectrum bandwidth demand, speed requirements, and security issues. IoT environments, with embedded sensors and actuators, connect to other devices to transmit and receive data over the internet. These data are processed locally or in the cloud, enabling decision-making and automation. Various wireless technologies, including Bluetooth, Zigbee, LoRa, and (...)
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    Modeling Mitigation and Adaptation Policies to Predict Their Effectiveness: The Limits of Randomized Controlled Trials.Alexandre Marcellesi & Nancy Cartwright - 2018 - In Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Eric Winsberg, Climate Modelling: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues. Springer Verlag. pp. 449-480.
    Policies to combat climate change should be supported by evidence regarding their effectiveness. But what kind of evidence is that? And what tools should one use to gather such evidence? Many argue that randomized controlled trials are the gold standard when it comes to evaluating the effects of policies. As a result, there has been a push for climate change policies to be evaluated using RCTs. We argue that this push is misguided. After explaining why RCTs are thought to be (...)
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  40. Über Denis Diderots Physiologisch Interpretierten Spinoza.Alexandre Métraux - 1994 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 10:121-134.
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  41. Petit rapport des oeuvres de Jules Verne aux idées des stoïciens.Alexandre Tarrieu - 2005 - Iris 28:39-44.
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    Galileo Studies.Alexandre Koyré - 1978 - Humanities Press.
  43. Galileo and the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century.Alexandre Koyre - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (4):333-348.
  44. (1 other version)Right out of the box: how to situate metaphysics of science in relation to other metaphysical approaches.Alexandre Guay & Thomas Pradeu - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):1847-1866.
    Several advocates of the lively field of “metaphysics of science” have recently argued that a naturalistic metaphysics should be based solely on current science, and that it should replace more traditional, intuition-based, forms of metaphysics. The aim of the present paper is to assess that claim by examining the relations between metaphysics of science and general metaphysics. We show that the current metaphysical battlefield is richer and more complex than a simple dichotomy between “metaphysics of science” and “traditional metaphysics”, and (...)
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  45. AI Successors Worth Creating? Commentary on Lavazza & Vilaça.Alexandre Erler - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-5.
    This is a commentary on Andrea Lavazza and Murilo Vilaça's article "Human Extinction and AI: What We Can Learn from the Ultimate Threat" (Lavazza & Vilaça, 2024). I discuss the potential concern that their proposal to create artificial successors to "insure" against the tragedy of human extinction might mean being too quick to accept that catastrophic prospect as inevitable, rather than single-mindedly focusing on avoiding it. I also consider the question of the value that we might reasonably assign to such (...)
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    Resenha de BAEHR, J. (Ed.). Intellectual Virtues and Education: Essays in Applied Virtue Epistemology. New York: Routledge, 2017. 272p. [REVIEW]Alexandre Ziani - 2019 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):219-224.
    Resenha de BAEHR, J. (Ed.). Intellectual Virtues and Education: Essays in Applied Virtue Epistemology. New York: Routledge, 2017. 272p, por Alexandre Ziani Review of BAEHR, J. (Ed.). Intellectual Virtues and Education: Essays in Applied Virtue Epistemology. New York: Routledge, 2017. 272p, by Alexandre Ziani.
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    La métaphore diabolique.Alexandre Ganoczy - 2001 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):511-525.
    Qu'est-ce que parler du diable ? Psychologues, sociologues, écrivains ou philosophes se sont emparés de la question et y répondent diverse­ment. Mais plus précisément, que peut et doit dire la théologie scientifi­que dont la compétence se rapporte à une interprétation de la tradition biblique en tant que source et fondement d'énoncés dogmatiques, y compris ceux du Magistère ecclésiastique ? Après avoir examiné les écrits bibliques, et plus largement ceux du Nouveau Testament, après avoir interrogé l'enseignement dogmatique de l'Église qui, en (...)
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  48. Ethical Cultures in Large Business Organizations in Brazil, Russia, India, and China.Alexandre Ardichvili, Douglas Jondle, Brenda Kowske, Edgard Cornachione, Jessica Li & Thomas Thakadipuram - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):415-428.
    This study focuses on comparison of perceptions of ethical business cultures in large business organizations from four largest emerging economies, commonly referred to as the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), and from the US. The data were collected from more than 13,000 managers and employees of business organizations in five countries. The study found significant differences among BRIC countries, with respondents from India and Brazil providing more favorable assessments of ethical cultures of their organizations than respondents from China and (...)
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  49. Lagrangian possibilities.Alexandre Guay & Quentin Ruyant - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-22.
    Natural modalities are often analysed from an abstract point of view where they are associated with putative laws of nature. However, the way possibilities are represented in physics is more complex. Lagrangian mechanics, for instance, involves two different layers of modalities: kinematical and dynamical possibilities. This paper examines the status of these two layers, both in the classical and quantum case. The quantum case is particularly problematic: we identify four possible interpretive options. The upshot is that a close inspection of (...)
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  50. A recipe for complete non-wellfounded explanations.Alexandre Billon - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    In a previous article on cosmological arguments, I have put forward a few examples of complete infinite and circular explanations, and argued that complete non-wellfounded explanations such as these might explain the present state of the world better than their well-founded theistic counterparts (Billon, 2021). Although my aim was broader, the examples I gave there implied merely causal explanations. In this article, I would like to do three things: • Specify some general informative conditions for complete and incomplete non-wellfounded causal (...)
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