Michael Saward [13]Mark Douglas Saward [3]M. Saward [1]Mark Saward [1]
  1. The Representative Claim.Michael Saward - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    The Representative Claim is set to transform our core assumptions about what representation is and can be. At a time when political representation is widely believed to be in crisis, the book provides a timely and critical corrective to conventional wisdom on the present and potential future of representative democracy.
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  2. The Representative Claim.Michael Saward - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):297-318.
    Recent work on the idea of political representation has challenged effectively orthodox accounts of constituency and interests. However, discussions of representation need to focus more on its dynamics prior to further work on its forms. To that end, the idea of the representative claim is advanced and defended. Focusing on the representative claim helps us to: link aesthetic and cultural representation with political representation; grasp the importance of performance to representation; take non-electoral representation seriously; and to underline the contingency and (...)
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    Authorisation and authenticity: Representation and the unelected.Michael Saward - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 17 (1):1-22.
  4. Molinism and divine prophecy of free actions.Graham Oppy & Mark Saward - 2014 - Religious Studies 50 (2):1-10.
    Among challenges to Molinism, the challenge posed by divine prophecy of human free action has received insufficient attention. We argue that this challenge is a significant addition to the array of challenges that confront Molinism.
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  5. Representation.Michael Saward - 2006 - In Andrew Dobson & Robyn Eckersley (eds.), Political theory and the ecological challenge. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  6. Trajectories of green political theory.Andrew Dobson, Sherilyn MacGregor, Douglas Torgerson & Michael Saward - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (3):317-350.
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    The problem of invoking infinite polytheisms: a response to Raphael Lataster and Herman Philipse.Mark Douglas Saward - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 82 (3):289-298.
    Raphael Lataster and Herman Philipse present an argument which they think decisively demonstrates polytheism over monotheism, if theism is assumed. Far from being decisive, the argument depends on very controversial and likely false assumptions about how to treat infinities in probability. Moreover, these problems are well known. Here, we focus on three objections. First, the authors rely on both countable additivity and the Principle of Indifference, which contradict each other. Second, the authors rely on a particular way of dividing up (...)
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    In Place of 'Global Democracy'.Michael Saward - 2008 - Ethical Perspectives 15 (4):507-526.
    In his “In place of 'global democracy'”, Michael Saward points at the many unknowns on the path towards a democratization of the international political order. According to Saward, this makes it a priori impossible to anticipate what a possible global democratic practice will look like.
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    Fragments of equality in representative politics.Michael Saward - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (3):245-262.
    Deploying a broadly interpretive approach, the article explores the extent to which, and the ways in which, equality is enacted in non-elective as well as elective representation. It argues that the fleeting and fragmentary equalities evident in non-elective representation are democratically significant, and that examining them can enhance understanding of the democratic promise and limits of different modes of representation.
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  10. Collins' core fine-tuning argument.Mark Douglas Saward - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 76 (2):209-222.
    Collins (The Blackwell companion to natural theology, 2009) presents an argument he calls the ‘core fine-tuning argument’. In this paper, I show that Collins’ argument is flawed in at least two ways. First, the structure, depending on likelihoods, fails to establish anything about the posterior probability of God’s existence given fine-tuning. As an argument for God’s existence, this is a serious failing. Second, his analysis of what is appropriately restricted background knowledge, combined with the credences of a specially chosen ‘alien’, (...)
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    (1 other version)A conversation with Benjamin Barber.Michael Saward - 2009 - Contemporary Political Theory 8 (2):224-236.
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    Democracy and Citizenship: Expanding Domains.Michael Saward - 2006 - In John S. Dryzek, Bonnie Honig & Anne Phillips (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Theory. Oxford University Press.
    This article analyses some key recent threads in the debate about the meaning and scope of democracy and citizenship in contemporary political theory. It uses the frame of expanding domains to link the two concepts together in order to determine the impact that different innovations in democratic thinking have on the conception of citizenship. It also explores the ways which elements of contemporary innovative conceptions of democracy seek to reconstruct and reconstruct the concept of citizens and citizenship.
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    Democratic Distributive Justice.Michael Saward - 2002 - Contemporary Political Theory 1 (2):245-246.
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    Liminal representation.Michael Saward - 2018 - In Dario Castiglione & Johannes Pollak (eds.), Creating political presence : the new politics of democratic representation. The University of Chicago Press.
    After elaborating the idea of liminality and briefing defending an understanding of representation as practice, the chapter will focus on four distinctions often deployed to divide up and map conceptually the field of political representation. Representation’s liminal character presses us to question the neatness and the realism of many such distinctions. For each of the four distinctions I focus on the transitional or intermediate nature of representation, and the consequences that follow for theoretical analysis. Finally, I show how these four (...)
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    Performative representation.Michael Saward - unknown
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    Slow theory: taking time over transnational democratic representation.Michael Saward - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (1):1-18.
    The possibility for transnational democratic representation is a huge topic. This article is restricted to exploring two unconventional aspects. The first concerns ‘the representative claim’, extending one critical part of previous analysis of the assessment of such claims, especially by largely unelected transnational actors. The second, which strongly conditions the account of the first, concerns ‘slow theory’ as the way to approach building democratic models and, in particular, to approach transnational democratic representation. Keywords: slow politics; slow theory; transnational representation; democracy (...)
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  17. Fine-tuning as evidence for a multiverse: why White is wrong. [REVIEW]Mark Douglas Saward - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 73 (3):243-253.
    Roger White (God and design, Routledge, London, 2003) claims that while the fine-tuning of our universe, $\alpha $ , may count as evidence for a designer, it cannot count as evidence for a multiverse. First, I will argue that his considerations are only correct, if at all, for a limited set of multiverses that have particular features. As a result, I will argue that his claim cannot be generalised as a statement about all multiverses. This failure to generalise, I will (...)
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