Results for 'Mach's principle'

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  1.  78
    Mach's principle.Parry Moon & Domina Eberle Spencer - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (2):125-134.
    Recession of the galaxies indicates a repulsive force and suggests that Newton's formulation of gravitation is not complete. A possible modification is proposed, and this Neo-Newtonian equation allows a quantitative treatment of Mach's principle. It also limits the velocity of matter to c and gives a correct prediction for the perihelion of Mercury.
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    Mach's principle and the relationGM=Rc 2.H. C. Corben - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (1-2):181-184.
    The relationGM=RC 2 is used as a definition ofG, withM andR defined by integrals of the energy-momentum and Einstein curvature tensors over a particular spacelike surface. Modified field equations then do not admit source-free solutions, in agreement with a strong form of Mach's principle.
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  3. Mach's principle: Micro- or macrophysical?James F. Woodward & Wolfgang Yourgrau - 1975 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):137-141.
  4. Mach's principle and the structure of dynamical theories.Julian B. Barbour & Bruno Bertotti - 1982 - Proceedings of the Royal Society, London:295--306.
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  5. Mach's Principle: From Newton's Bucket to Quantum Gravity.Julian B. Barbour & H. Pfister (eds.) - 1995 - Birkhäuser.
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    Mach's principle before Einstein.John D. Norton - 1995 - In Julian B. Barbour & H. Pfister (eds.), Mach's Principle: From Newton's Bucket to Quantum Gravity. Birkhäuser.
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  7. Mach's Principle Could Save the Gravitons.H. -H. V. Borzeszkowski & H. J. Treder - 1998 - Apeiron 5:135.
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  8. The Definition of Mach’s Principle.Julian Barbour - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1263-1284.
    Two definitions of Mach’s principle are proposed. Both are related to gauge theory, are universal in scope and amount to formulations of causality that take into account the relational nature of position, time, and size. One of them leads directly to general relativity and may have relevance to the problem of creating a quantum theory of gravity.
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    Einstein, Mach's Principle and the Origins of the General Theory of Relativity.John D. Norton - unknown
  10. Mach's principle and Mach's hypotheses.Jonathan Fay - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):58-68.
    We argue that the fundamental assertion underlying Mach's critique of Newton's first law is that inertial motion is not motion in the absence of causes; rather, it is motion whose cause lies in some homogeneous aspect of the environment. We distinguish this formal requirement (Mach's principle) from two hypotheses which Mach considers concerning the origin of inertia: that the distant stars play (1) a merely “collateral” or (2) a “fundamental” role in the causal determination of inertial motion. (...)
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    Mach's principle, relative motion, and fundamental numbers of physics.R. E. Eaves - 1976 - Foundations of Physics 6 (5):613-620.
    Mach's principle is discussed as a fundamental statement on kinematics, and an apparent contradiction is identified in the Lorentz-Minkowski form of the inertial metric. To resolve the incompatibility, length is redefined so that the speed of light is a field-dependent variable, although still constant for all inertial observers at a point in space-time. Gravitational theories with variableG are considered, and it is shown that a redefinition of length and time results in constantG and variablec.
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    Mach's principle and properties of local structure.Toivo Jaakkola - 1987 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 1:5-12.
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    Mach׳s principle as action-at-a-distance in GR: The causality question.Carl Hoefer - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 48 (2):128-136.
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    Mach's principle, mass, and the fine structure constant.Yukio Tomozawa - 1972 - Foundations of Physics 2 (1):27-34.
    A modified form of Mach's principle is proposed, and its consequences are discussed.
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    Mach’s Principle: From Newton’s Bucket to Quantum Gravity. [REVIEW]Michael Stöltzner - 1995 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 3:313-315.
    The relation between Ernst Mach and Albert Einstein is probably one of the most debated issues in the history of twentieth century physics. For many physicists general relativity is the paradigm ofhow a mature theory should look. This opinion was supported by philosophers, in particular logical empiricists, to whom general relativity was the main touchstone of their principles of theory formation. Mach’s principle penetrates all three domains. Einstein’s first formulation of it in 1918 read: “The G-field is without remainder (...)
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  16. Mach's principle within general relativity.Donald Lynden-Bell - 2015 - In James Ladyman, Stuart Presnell, Gordon McCabe, Michał Eckstein & Sebastian J. Szybka (eds.), Road to reality with Roger Penrose. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    Mach's principle, the equivalence principle and gravitation: A rejoinder to Newburgh.James F. Woodward & Wolfgang Yourgrau - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (3):264-270.
  18.  5
    Mach's Principle Revisited.James W. Felt - 1964 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 20 (1):35.
  19. Mach’s principle and hidden matter.H. -H. V. Borzeszkowski & H. -J. Treder - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (4):595-603.
    According to the Einstein-Mayer theory of the Riemanniann space-time with Einstein-Cartan teleparallelism, the local Lorentz invariance is broken by the gravitational field defining Machian reference systems. This breaking of symmetry implies the occurrence of “hidden matter” in the Einstein equations of gravity. The hidden matter is described by the non-Lorentz-invariant energy-momentum tensor $\hat \Theta _{ik}$ satisfying the relation $\hat \Theta _{i;k}^k = 0$ . The tensor $\hat \Theta _{ik}$ is formed from the Einstein-Cartan torsion field given by the anholonomy objects, (...)
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  20. The incompatibility of Mach's principle and the principle of equivalence in current gravitation theory.James F. Woodward & Wolfgang Yourgrau - 1972 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 23 (2):111-116.
  21.  21
    Spacetime quantization, generalized relativistic mechanics, and Mach's principle.A. Meessen - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (5-6):399-415.
    The introduction of an “elementary length”a representing the ultimate limit for the smallest measurable distance leads to a generalization of Einstein's energy-momentum relation and of the usual Lorentz transformation. The value ofa is left unspecified, but is found to be equal tohc/2E u, whereE u is the total energy content of our universe. Particles of zero rest mass can only move at the velocityc of light in vacuum, while material bodies can move slower or faster than light, whena≠0, without violating (...)
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    Zasada Macha [recenzja] Mach's Principle: From Newton's Bucket to Quantum Gravity, red. J. Barbour, H. Pfister, Birkhäuser, 1995. [REVIEW]Michał Heller - 1997 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 20.
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  23. Dark Matter versus Mach's Principle.H.-H. V. Borzeszkowski & H.-J. Treder - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2):273-290.
    Empirical and theoretical evidence show that the astrophysical problem of dark matter might be solved by a theory of Einstein-Mayer type. In this theory, up to global Lorentz rotations, the reference system is determined by the motion of cosmic matter. Thus, one is led to a “Riemannian space with teleparallelism” realizing a geometric version of the Mach-Einstein doctrine. The field equations of this gravitational theory contain hidden matter terms, where the existence of hidden matter is inferred solely from its gravitational (...)
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    Implications of Mach's Principle: Dark Matter and Observable Gravitons.H. H. von Borzeskowski - 2000 - In M. Scherfner, T. Chrobok & M. Shefaat (eds.), Colloquium on Cosmic Rotation. Wissenschaft Und Technik Verlag. pp. 175.
  25.  14
    Principles of the Theory of Heat: Historically and Critically Elucidated.Ernst Mach - 1986 - Springer.
    xi should hope for "first and foremost" from any historical investigation, including his own, was that "it may not be too tedious. " II That hope is generally realized in Mach's historical writings, most of which are as lively and interesting now as they were when they appeared. Mach did not follow any existing model of historical or philosophical or scientific exposition, but went at things his own way combining the various approaches as needed to reach the goals he (...)
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  26. Response selectivity, neuron doctrine, and Mach's principle in perception.Ken Mogi - 1997 - Austrian Soc. For Cognitive Science Tech Report.
    manner. The construction of the space-time structure that describes the dynamics of the neural network in a causal manner is a non-trivial problem. I critically review the idea of response selectivity as is applied to.
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    Comments on 'the incompatibility of Mach's principle and the principle of equivalence in current gravitation theory'.Ronald G. Newburgh - 1973 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 24 (3):263-264.
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    The Principle of the Conservation of Energy, from the Point of View of Mach's Phenomeno-Logical Conception of Nature.Hans Kleinpeter - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:85.
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  29. New Water in Old Buckets: Hypothetical and Counterfactual Reasoning in Mach’s Economy of Science.Lydia Patton - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag.
    Ernst Mach’s defense of relativist theories of motion in Die Mechanik involves a well-known criticism of Newton’s theory appealing to absolute space, and of Newton’s “bucket” experiment. Sympathetic readers (Norton 1995) and critics (Stein 1967, 1977) agree that there’s a tension in Mach’s view: he allows for some constructed scientific concepts, but not others, and some kinds of reasoning about unobserved phenomena, but not others. Following Banks (2003), I argue that this tension can be interpreted as a constructive one, springing (...)
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    Teleological principles in science.Lewis S. Feuer - 1978 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 21 (1-4):377 – 407.
    In the search for elementary particles, such principles are used as Gell?mann's that ?anything which is possible is compulsory?. This is an example of a teleological principle according to which the scientist tries to realize in science the kind of world that he desires on prior emotional grounds. Mendeleev's classical discovery of the Periodic Law and Table of Elements was thus guided by his mystical values. A mechanistic anti?teleologist such as Jacques Loeb was indeed a crypto?teleologist who wished science (...)
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    Aspects of the Mach–Einstein Doctrine and Geophysical Application (A Historical Review).W. Schröder & H. -J. Treder - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (6):883-901.
    The present authors have given a mathematical model of Mach's principle and of the Mach–Einstein doctrine about the complete induction of the inertial masses by the gravitation of the universe. The analytical formulation of the Mach–Einstein doctrine is based on Riemann's generalization of the Lagrangian analytical mechanics (with a generalization of the Galilean transformation) on Mach's definition of the inertial mass and on Einstein's principle of equivalence. All local and cosmological effects—which are postulated as consequences of (...)
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  32.  52
    Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge. [REVIEW]M. B. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):770-770.
    The Wadsworth series of Studies in Philosophical Criticism under the general editorship of Alexander Sesonske, presents collections of critical writings related to a single classical philosophical text for use in undergraduate teaching. Although others of Berkeley's writings are drawn upon by various authors, the selections in this volume are divided into five problem areas which are covered in the Principles. Many of the essays present strong points of view and should help involve students in the dialogue of philosophy. In some, (...)
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  33. Sounds Like Light: Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity and Mach's Work in Acoustics and Aerodynamics.Susan G. Sterrett - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (1):1-35.
    Ernst Mach is the only person whom Einstein included on both the list of physicists he considered his true precursors, and the list of the philosophers who had most affected him. Einstein scholars have been less generous in their estimation of Mach's contributions to Einstein's work, and even amongst the more generous of them, Mach's great achievements in physics are seldom mentioned in this context. This is odd, considering Mach was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics three (...)
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    (1 other version)Physics without Pictures?: The Ostwald-Boltzmann Controversy, and Mach’s Middle-Way.Matthias Neuber - 2002 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:185-198.
    It is a common view in cognitive psychology that there is a fundamental difference between what may be called descriptive information, on the one hand, and depictive information, on the other. While the first kind of information is — ideally spoken — non-pictorial and usually equated with the content of a proposition, the second kind of information is pictorial by defmition and accordingly equated with the content of a mental image. Granting the correctness of this distinction, cognitive scientists differ on (...)
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    At the Frontier of Spacetime: Scalar-Tensor Theory, Bells Inequality, Machs Principle, Exotic Smoothness.Torsten Asselmeyer-Maluga (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    In this book, leading theorists present new contributions and reviews addressing longstanding challenges and ongoing progress in spacetime physics. In the anniversary year of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, developed 100 years ago, this collection reflects the subsequent and continuing fruitful development of spacetime theories. The volume is published in honour of Carl Brans on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Carl H. Brans, who also contributes personally, is a creative and independent researcher and one of the founders of the (...)
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    Mach, Jerusalem and Pragmatism.Thomas Uebel - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag.
    Ernst Mach’s positivism, it is argued in this paper, may be regarded as a version of pragmatist philosophy of science. Already James’s biographer Perry detected such tendencies in Mach and this is confirmed here by close attention to Mach’s early works, esp. History and Root of the Principle of the Conservation of Energy and The Science of Mechanics. Both Mach’s principle of the economy of thought and his principle of scientific significance are shown to bear out his (...)
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  37. Mach and Hertz's mechanics.John Preston - unknown
    The place of Heinrich Hertz’s The principles of mechanics in the history of the philosophy of science is disputed. Here I critically assess positivist interpretations, concluding that they are inadequate.There is a group of commentators who seek to align Hertz with positivism, or with specific positivists such as Ernst Mach, who were enormously influential at the time. Max Jammer is prominent among this group, the most recent member of which is Joseph Kockelmans. I begin by discussing what Hertz and Mach (...)
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    Mach, Russell, and Scientific Philosophizing: Re-visiting the Realistic Empiricism of Evolutionary Culture.Majeda Ahmad Omar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:44-53.
    Ernst Mach’s and Bertrand Russell’s philosophical outlooks contributed to shaping the philosophy of science of the 20th century. Mach is a philosophical interpreter of science, a positivist, and a historian, considering the general principles of science as condensed economic descriptions of observed facts. Russell held a view of the nature and relation of philosophy to science and to logic that can be described as essentially consistent. In this article, the aim is to explore how both Mach and Russell defended the (...)
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  39. Phenomenology and Phenomenalism: Ernst Mach and the Genesis of Husserl’s phenomenology.Denis Fisette - 2012 - Axiomathes 22 (1):53-74.
    How do we reconcile Husserl’s repeated criticism of Mach’s phenomenalism almost everywhere in his work with the leading role that Husserl seems to attribute to Mach in the genesis of his own phenomenology? To answer this question, we shall examine, first, the narrow relation that Husserl establishes between his phenomenological method and Mach’s descriptivism. Second, we shall examine two aspects of Husserl’s criticism of Mach: the first concerns phenomenalism and Mach’s doctrine of elements, while the second concerns the principle (...)
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  40. Ernst Mach: Physicist and Philosopher. [REVIEW]G. L. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (1):145-145.
    Although Mach insisted that he was a scientist, not a philosopher, many of his ideas were genuinely philosophical. This collection of essays indicates, among other matters of mathematical and scientific interest, how such ideas grew from Mach's work and something of their philosophical significance. In particular, discussions of Mach's experiments in aerodynamics and psychology show how he made physical phenomena observable and applied "causal" concepts to sensory processes. Having done this, Mach felt that he could hold a phenomenalism (...)
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  41. Flux Capacitors and the Origin of Inertia.James F. Woodward - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (10):1475-1514.
    The explanation of inertia based on “Mach's principle” is briefly revisited and an experiment whereby the gravitational origin of inertia can be tested is described. The test consists of detecting a small stationary force with a sensitive force sensor. The force is presumably induced when a periodic transient Mach effect mass fluctuation is driven in high voltage, high energy density capacitors that are subjected to 50 kHz, 1.3 kV amplitude voltage signal, and threaded by an alternating magnetic flux (...)
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  42. The principle of least action as the logical empiricist's shibboleth.Michael Stöltzner - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (2):285-318.
    The present paper investigates why logical empiricists remained silent about one of the most philosophy-laden matters of theoretical physics of their day, the principle of least action (PLA). In the two decades around 1900, the PLA enjoyed a remarkable renaissance as a formal unification of mechanics, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, and relativity theory. Taking Ernst Mach's historico-critical stance, it could be liberated from much of its physico-theological dross. Variational calculus, the mathematical discipline on which the PLA was based, obtained a (...)
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    Critique of Wave-Particle Duality of Single-Photons.Varun S. Bhatta - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (4):501-521.
    A prominent way through which wave-particle duality has been ascribed to photons is by illustrating their “wave-like” behaviour in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer and “particle-like” behaviour in the anti-correlation experiment. This duality has been formulated in two ways. Some have based the claim on the complementarity principle. This formulation, however, has already been shown to be problematic. Others have made a much simpler duality claim by considering that single-photons are analogous to waves and particles in the above experiments. I criticise (...)
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  44.  21
    Interpreting Mach: Critical Essays.John Preston (ed.) - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume presents new essays on the work and thought of physicist, psychologist, and philosopher Ernst Mach. Moving away from previous estimations of Mach as a pre-logical positivist, the essays reflect his rehabilitation as a thinker of direct relevance to debates in the contemporary philosophies of natural science, psychology, metaphysics, and mind. Topics covered include Mach's work on acoustical psychophysics and physics; his ideas on analogy and the principle of conservation of energy; the correct interpretation of his scheme (...)
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    On the Foundation of the Principle of Relativity.Øyvind Grøn & Kjell Vøyenli - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (11):1695-1733.
    The relation of the special and the general principle of relativity to the principle of covariance, the principle of equivalence and Mach's principle, is discussed. In particular, the connection between Lorentz covariance and the special principle of relativity is illustrated by giving Lorentz covariant formulations of laws that violate the special principle of relativity: Ohm's law and what we call “Aristotle's first and second laws.” An “Aristotelian” universe in which all motion is relative (...)
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    Vienna indeterminism: Mach, Boltzmann, exner.Michael Stöltzner - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):85-111.
    The present paper studies a specific way of addressing the question whether the laws involving the basic constituents of nature are statistical. While most German physicists, above all Planck, treated the issues of determinism and causality within a Kantian framework, the tradition which I call Vienna Indeterminism began from Mach’s reinterpretation of causality as functional dependence. This severed the bond between causality and realism because one could no longer avail oneself of a priori categories as a criterion for empirical reality. (...)
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    Origines et fondements philosophiques de la relativité : les conceptions de Mach, Galilée et Einstein.Jacques Montminy - 1995 - Philosophiques 22 (1):21-34.
    RÉSUMÉ L'article qui suit se propose de montrer que le concept de « relativité » trouve, dans les conceptions de Mach, de Galilée et d'Einstein, une origine et un fondement philosophiques différents. En mettant ainsi en évidence les différences fondamentales qui séparent ces conceptions, il s'oppose en particulier à toute interprétation visant à faire de la théorie de la relativité d'Einstein, un « prolongement » de la philosophie positiviste de Mach et du principe galiléen de relativité. ABSTRACT The following paper (...)
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  48. How Hume and Mach helped Einstein find special relativity.John D. Norton - 2010 - In Michael Friedman, Mary Domski & Michael Dickson (eds.), Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Open Court. pp. 359--86.
    In recounting his discovery of special relativity, Einstein recalled a debt to the philosophical writings of Hume and Mach. I review the path Einstein took to special relativity and urge that, at a critical juncture, he was aided decisively not by any specific doctrine of space and time, but by a general account of concepts that Einstein found in Hume and Mach’s writings. That account required that concepts, used to represent the physical, must be properly grounded in experience. In so (...)
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    Einstein’s Conflicting Heuristics: The Discovery of General Relativity.John D. Norton - unknown
    Einstein located the foundations of general relativity in simple and vivid physical principles: the principle of equivalence, an extended principle of relativity and Mach's principle. While these ideas played an important heuristic role in Einstein's thinking, they provide a dubious logical foundation for his final theory. Einstein was also guided to his final theory, I argue, by a second tier of more prosaic heuristics. I trace one strand among them. The principle of equivalence guided Einstein (...)
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  50. Einstein’s 1905 ‘Annus Mirabilis’: Reconciliation of the Basic Research Traditions of Classical Physics.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (3):207-235.
    To make out in what way Einstein’s manifold 1905 ‘annus mirabilis’ writings hang together one has to take into consideration Einstein’s strive for unity evinced in his persistent attempts to reconcile the basic research traditions of classical physics. Light quanta hypothesis and special theory of relativity turn out to be the contours of a more profound design, mere milestones of implementation of maxwellian electrodynamics, statistical mechanics and thermodynamics reconciliation programme. The conception of luminiferous ether was an insurmountable obstacle for Einstein’s (...)
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