Results for 'Macklin Smith'

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  1.  71
    Ethics.P. H. Nowell-Smith - 1954 - Harmondsworth: Pelican Books.
  2. Signal, Decision, Action.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 1991 - Journal of Philosophy 88 (12):709.
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  3. Neutral and relative value after Moore.Michael Smith - 2003 - Ethics 113 (3):576-598.
  4. Rational Capacities.Michael Smith - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet (eds.), Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 17-38.
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  5. To Take Place: Toward Theory in Ritual.Jonathan Z. Smith - 1987
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  6. Gestalt-Switching and the Evolutionary Transitions.Peter Godfrey-Smith & Benjamin Kerr - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (1):205-222.
    Formal methods developed for modeling levels of selection problems have recently been applied to the investigation of major evolutionary transitions. We discuss two new tools of this kind. First, the ‘near-variant test’ can be used to compare the causal adequacy of predictively equivalent representations. Second, ‘state-variable gestalt-switching’ can be used to gain a useful dual perspective on evolutionary processes that involve both higher and lower level populations.
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    Signals: Evolution, Learning, and Information, by Brian Skyrms.P. Godfrey-Smith - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):1288-1297.
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    Varieties of Subjectivity.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (5):1150-1159.
    In human conscious experience, many features are present in combination: objects are presented through the senses, information from different sensory modalities is integrated, events are marked wit...
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  9. The replicator in retrospect.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2000 - Biology and Philosophy 15 (3):403-423.
    The history and theoretical role of the concept of a ``replicator''is discussed, starting with Dawkins' and Hull's classic treatmentsand working forward. I argue that the replicator concept is still auseful one for evolutionary theory, but it should be revised insome ways. The most important revision is the recognition that notall processes of evolution by natural selection require thatsomething play the role of a replicator.
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    Complexity revisited.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (3):467-479.
    I look back at my 1996 book Complexity and the Function of Mind in Nature, responding to papers by Pamela Lyon, Fred Keijzer and Argyris Arnellos, and Matt Grove.
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  11. Improving australian universities.Peter Godfrey-Smith - manuscript
    Published as "Useful Lessons from California" in Quadrant Magazine, Volume 50, October 2006. An edited version appears in the Australian newspaper's Higher Education Supplement, as "The Model of Achievement," November 1, 2006.
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    Grandmother Zofia’s Table.Teresa Halikowska-Smith - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (7):789-796.
    In the entrance hall of our family house in Leamington Spa stands a slender Regency style table of noble wood and fine proportions. It suits the house, which dates from 1828, perfectly. Few visitor...
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    Application of the strain invariant failure theory to metals and fiber–polymer composites.L. J. Hart-Smith - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (31-32):4263-4331.
  14. Adaptationism and the power of selection.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (2):181-194.
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    Alternative strategies of categorization.Edward E. Smith, Andrea L. Patalano & John Jonides - 1998 - Cognition 65 (2-3):167-196.
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    Thoughts of Objects.William Godfrey-Smith - 1979 - The Monist 62 (2):223-237.
    Could Mark Antony have had all the properties of Julius Caesar and vice versa? This is a puzzle which was raised by N. L. Wilson, and I shall be concerned with it in Part I of this paper. The answer which we give to this puzzle has important implications for our notion of an identifiable individual. In Part II I examine some important consequences of accepting the coherence of a complete exchange of properties between two individuals—which we might call a (...)
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    Co-design and implementation research: challenges and solutions for ethics committees.Felicity Goodyear-Smith, Claire Jackson & Trisha Greenhalgh - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-5.
    BackgroundImplementation science research, especially when using participatory and co-design approaches, raises unique challenges for research ethics committees. Such challenges may be poorly addressed by approval and governance mechanisms that were developed for more traditional research approaches such as randomised controlled trials.DiscussionImplementation science commonly involves the partnership of researchers and stakeholders, attempting to understand and encourage uptake of completed or piloted research. A co-creation approach involves collaboration between researchers and end users from the onset, in question framing, research design and delivery, (...)
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  18. Travelling in Time: [Analysis "Problem" no. 18].William Godfrey-Smith - 1980 - Analysis 40 (2):72 - 73.
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    Great Thinkers: (III) Aristotle (Part II).J. A. Smith - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (37):15 - 26.
    When we from what may be called Aristotle's Cosmology turn to his work traditionally called the Metaphysics, we are faced with something—an inquiry or doctrine—of a surprisingly different character. There what we find is the exposition of a sort or degree of knowledge superior to that of the Sciences. This is what we call his metaphysics, but he does not so name it; he names it Wisdom, or Theoretical Wisdom. At times he calls it First Philosophy, or, again, Theology. It (...)
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  20. Antonio Gramsci's proposal for the political education of the proletariat.Robert W. G. Smith - unknown
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    Philosophy of revolution.Charles L. Smith - unknown
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  22. Studies of uncertainty monitoring and metacognition in animals and humans.J. David Smith - 2005 - In Herbert S. Terrace & Janet Metcalfe (eds.), The Missing Link in Cognition: Origins of Self-Reflective Consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Language of "Political Science" in Early Modern Europe.Sophie Smith - 2019 - Journal of the History of Ideas 80 (2):203-226.
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    Using biomarkers in acute medicine to prevent hearing loss: should this require specific consent?Peta Coulson-Smith & Anneke Lucassen - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (8):536-537.
    In this round table response, we discuss some of the problems inherent in insisting on specific consent for an activity that needs to happen rapidly as part of a package of care. The Human Tissue Authority (the UK regulator for human tissue and organs) consider that specific consent is mandatory to assess which antibiotics are appropriate on the neonatal unit, but this insistence may actually limit the autonomy which consent aims to promote. While genetic testing to determine which child will (...)
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  25.  26
    Functional connectivity associated with five different categories of Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) triggers.Stephen D. Smith, Beverley Katherine Fredborg & Jennifer Kornelsen - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103021.
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    Political Philosophy and the Republican Future: Reconsidering Cicero.Gregory Bruce Smith - 2018 - Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press.
    Reflections on the tradition of Republicanism -- Initial reflections on political philosophy -- Who was Cicero? -- Cicero on the nature of philosophy -- Cicero on cosmology and natural philosophy -- Cicero on natural theology -- Cicero on ethics -- Cicero on oratory and the language arts -- Cicero on politics -- A brief reflection on Nietzsche -- Political philosophy and the Republican future.
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    Simulating Emotions: An Active Inference Model of Emotional State Inference and Emotion Concept Learning.Ryan Smith, Thomas Parr & Karl J. Friston - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Senders, receivers, and genetic information: comments on Bergstrom and Rosvall.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (2):177-181.
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    European vision and the south Pacific.Bernard Smith - 1950 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 13 (1/2):65-100.
  30. Self-deception facilitates interpersonal persuasion.Megan Smith, Robert Trivers & William von Hippel - 2017 - Journal of Economic Psychology 63:93–101.
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  31.  52
    Green intentions under the blue flag: Exploring differences in EU consumers’ willingness to pay more for environmentally-friendly products.Diana Gregory-Smith, Danae Manika & Pelin Demirel - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (3):205-222.
    Recent research on consumer social responsibility highlights the need to examine psychological drivers of environmentally‐friendly consumption choices in a global context. This article investigates consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) more for environmentally‐friendly products across 28 European Union (EU) countries, using a sample of 21,514 consumers. A multigroup structural equation modeling analysis reveals significantly different patterns and relationships, in how (a) subjective knowledge about the product's environmental impact, (b) environmental product attitudes, and (c) the perceived importance of the products’ environmental impact (...)
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  32.  27
    When Time Is Not a River.Nancy A. Barta-Smith - 1997 - International Philosophical Quarterly 37 (4):423-440.
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    From 100 sonnets.Robert Smith - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (1):189-191.
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    Cosmopolitan Citizenship: Virtue, Irony and Worldliness.William Smith - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):37-52.
    In this article, it is argued that cosmopolitans should elucidate the qualities and dispositions, or ‘virtues’, associated with the ideal of cosmopolitan citizenship. Bryan Turner's suggestion that cosmopolitan virtue should be identified as a type of ‘Socratic irony’, which enables individuals to achieve distance from their homeland or way of life, is explored. While acknowledging the attractions of his account, certain limitations which indicate the need to generate a richer theory of cosmopolitan virtue are identified. To that end, an alternative (...)
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  35. IMAGES RE-READ: the method of georges didi-huberman.Laura Katherine Smith, Stijn De Cauwer, Jorge Rodriguez Solorzano, Elise Woodard & Jacques Rancière - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (4):11-18.
    In this text, Jacques Rancière critically discusses the work of Georges Didi-Huberman on images. He disagrees with various claims seemingly made by Didi-Huberman about images, such as that they can “take position” or that they are “active.” Rancière argues that Didi-Huberman adds another form of dialectics to the simpler form of dialectics adopted by Bertolt Brecht and Harun Farocki in their works, namely one that also involves a layering of different temporalities. However, both in Brecht’s War Primer and in Didi-Huberman’s (...)
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  36. Dewey, continuity, and McDowell.Peter Godfrey-Smith - 2010 - In Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.), Naturalism and Normativity. Cambridge University Press.
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  37.  14
    Morals, Materials, and Technoscience: The Energy Security Imaginary in the United States.Jessica M. Smith & Abraham S. D. Tidwell - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (5):687-711.
    This article advances recent scholarship on energy security by arguing that the concept is best understood as a sociotechnical imaginary, a collective vision for a “good society” realized through technoscientific-oriented policies. Focusing on the 1952 Resources for Freedom report, the authors trace the genealogy of energy security, elucidating how it establishes a morality of efficiency that orients policy action under the guise of security toward the liberalizing of markets in resource states and a robust program of energy research and development (...)
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  38.  53
    Evolutionary aesthetics: rethinking the role of function in art and design.Graham Coulter-Smith - 2010 - Technoetic Arts 8 (1):85-91.
    In the first half of the twentieth century there was a remarkable convergence of art and design in De Stijl, Constructivism and the Bauhaus. But in the second half of the twentieth century fine art relinquished its liaison with design due to the influence of Dada and Surrealism's postromantic antagonism to practical-functionalism. Dada and Surrealism and postmodern fine art are characterized by a critique of the dominant social discourse of functionalism and the demand for a sublime poetics to be brought (...)
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    Some Recent School Books.S. J. Freebairn-Smith - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (02):367-.
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  40. Is there a Lockean argument against expressivism?M. Smith & D. Stoljar - 2003 - Analysis 63 (1):76-86.
    It is sometimes suggested that expressivism in meta-ethics is to be criticized on grounds which do not themselves concern meta-ethics in particular, but which rather concern philosophy of language more generally. Frank Jackson and Philip Pettit (1998; see also Jackson and Pettit 1999, and Jackson 2001) have recently advanced a novel version of such an argument. They begin by noting that expressivism in its central form makes two claims—that ethical sentences are not truth evaluable, and that to assert an ethical (...)
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    Metal Polish.R. Shaw-Smith - 1981 - Classical Quarterly 31 (02):469-.
    Part of the baths regulations preserved on a bronze plaque, engraved more or less identically on each side, from the copper mine at Vipasca, Lusitania. The manager is to wash, clean and grease the waterheating vats once a month. Such vats, as mentioned by Vitruvius in his discussion of public baths , were three in number: aena supra hypocausim tria sunt componenda. They were sizeable articles: Propertius seems to see himself tortured in one: Veneris torrebar aeno. The greasing was to (...)
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    Catholic Social thought and modern Liberal Democracy.Thomas W. Smith - 2008 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 11 (1):15-48.
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  43. Chomsky, Zinn, Nader & the Quadrennial Farce.Michael K. Smith & Howard Zinn - unknown
    Chomsky, meanwhile, has long expressed great reluctance even to recommend reading material to his audiences, let alone how they ought to vote, on the basis that they shouldn’t be substituting his judgment for their own. At the same time he has equally consistently maintained that elections are an elaborate PR charade unworthy of more than the briefest attention, a stance he somehow considers consistent with the petition’s call to put the presidential elections at the top of our list of concerns (...)
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  44. Hegel's Comedy.Daniel J. Smith - 2013 - Pli 24:182-198.
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    Howard Mumford Jones: O Strange New WorldO Strange New World.Henry Nash Smith & Howard Mumford Jones - 1965 - Journal of the History of Ideas 26 (3):435.
  46.  14
    Controlling backward inference.David E. Smith - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 39 (2):145-208.
  47.  41
    Hermeneutics and human finitude: toward a theory of ethical understanding.P. Christopher Smith - 1991 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Having thought out the Enlightenment project of individualism, privacy, and autonomy to its end, Anglo-American ethical theory now finds itself unable to respond to the collapse of community in which the practices justified by this project have resulted. In the place of reasonable deliberation about the goals to be chosen and the means to them, we now, it seems, have only what MacIntyre has aptly called “interminable debate” among “rival” positions, debate in which each party merely contends with the others (...)
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  48. On Sinnott-Armstrong’s Case Against Moral Intuitionism.Jonathan Smith - 2010 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (1):75-88.
    Walter Sinnott-Armstrong has argued against moral intuitionism, according to which some of our moral beliefs are justified without needing to be inferred from any other beliefs. He claims that any prima facie justification some non-inferred moral beliefs might have enjoyed is removed because many of our moral beliefs are formed in circumstances where either (1) we are partial, (2) others disagree with us and there is no reason to prefer our moral judgement to theirs, (3) we are emotional in a (...)
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  49. An orbiter is a simp, a foid is a foid.Nevada S. Drollinger-Smith - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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  50. The Syllogism in Posterior Analytics I.Robin Smith - 1982 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 64 (2):113-135.
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