Results for 'Malgorzata Haladewicz-Grzelak'

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  1.  7
    Saussure's équivalence sémiologique in the case study of Czech sonants.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (204):361-390.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 204 Seiten: 361-390.
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    The segmentation of phenomenological space in Licheń as an example of double binds.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (200):275-312.
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    Культурные коды в иконографии санта-клауса. Резюме.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (1):144-144.
    This paper examines some aspects of the cultural codes implied in the iconography of St Nicholas. The argument posits the iconography of St Nicholas as a vessel for capturing meanings and accumulating them in the construction of public culture. The discussion begins from the earliest developments of the Christian era and proceeds to contemporary depictions. The study is conducted on the basis of a representative selection of renditions of Saint Nicholas, including 350 pictures of medieval representations, folk extensions and secular (...)
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    Cultural codes in the iconography of Saint Nicholas (Santa Claus).Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2011 - Sign Systems Studies 39 (1):105-144.
    This paper examines some aspects of the cultural codes implied in the iconography of St Nicholas (Santa Claus). The argument posits the iconography of St Nicholas as a vessel for capturing meanings and accumulating them in the construction of public culture. The discussion begins from the earliest developments of the Christian era and proceeds to contemporary depictions (imagology). The study is conducted on the basis of a representative selection of renditions of Saint Nicholas, including 350 pictures of medieval representations (Western (...)
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    Crowning, rotating, and emanating hierophanies with elevatio aspect in wayside shrines.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (244):81-114.
    My aim in this paper is to investigate the variants of directionality implied in visual hieratic texts as religious markers in the sacrosphere, which are substantially expressed in the form of a wayside shrine/cross. The methodological underpinnings for this project rely on the proposed semiotactics : the investigative perspective modeled after phonotactics – a branch of phonology investigating the restrictions on and the possibilities of phoneme combinations in languages. The study draws on digital documentation of wayside shrines, crosses, and sacrality (...)
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    Dynamic modeling of visual texts: A relational model.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (190).
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    Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Peter Lang.
    In the volume, to locate the science of language and communication in the most recent philosophical and methodological context that science offers today, we have proposed reconciling two avenues of the scientific process, i.e. the "third-person observation-experiment-algorithm method being the traditional method of doing science; and the inner, first-person insights of contemplative science, in a sense of phenomenological flânerie through unexplored cultural landscapes". The present book targets research addressing the phenomenological aspect of communication and the methodology of linguistic research. The (...)
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  8. Semiotactic mapping of selected hieratic markers of Judaism in the institutional sacrosphere.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska, Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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  9. Semiotactic mapping of selected hieratic markers of Judaism in the institutional sacrosphere.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2021 - In Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Marta Boguslawska-Tafelska, Intersubjective plateaus in language and communication. New York: Peter Lang.
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  10. Semiotic value in the advertisements in Silesian Catholic press of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Joanna Lubos-Kozieł - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (191):381-426.
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    Semiotic value in advertisements in Silesian Catholic periodicals from the second half of the nineteenth to early twentieth centuries.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Joanna Lubos-Kozieł - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (192):381-425.
    The paper studies semiotic values in advertisements appearing in German Catholic periodicals in Silesia in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The study is grounded in the Tartu School of Semiotics and shows shifts and hierarchies in the semiotic valuations of particular commodities. Collected advertisements were classified into four main groups: (1) books, (2) church art, (3) church and devotional accessories, (4) everyday life commodities. We motivate the claim that the group (2) of the advertisements in (...)
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    The mythopoeia in Stalinist propaganda of post-war Poland.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):175-213.
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    Visual syntax in the iconography of Saint Nicholas.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (176):131-164.
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  14. An epistemological study of Chomsky's transformational grammar.Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2008 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38 (2):211-246.
    The article traces interpretative mechanisms hidden in Chomsky's Transformational Model. The framework is that of epistemological criticism, investigating the intertwining of interpretation, context and intuition. My hypothesis is that the Transformational Model is an example of a quasi-axiomatic, intuition-based grammar. It is not a scientific model of Competence but a scientistic description of Performance (teleological corpora). The scientistic décor is thus an eristic stratagem to hide arbitrary interpretation. The discussion is empirically substantiated by analyzing the notion of grammaticality, the tectonics (...)
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    Hermeneutical narratives in art, literature and communication.Malgorzata Haladewicz-Grzelak & Paula García-Ramírez (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Exploring the relationship between hermeneutics and the arts, including painting, music, and literature, this book builds on hermeneutics from a practical perspective, connecting this area of critical research with others to reveal how it is viewed from different perspectives. International and interdisciplinary in scope, this edited volume draws on the work of scholars and practitioners working across a variety of subject areas, themes and topics, including philosophy, literature, religious paintings, musical oeuvres, Chinese urbanscapes, Moroccan proverbs, and Ukrainian internet blogs. Focusing (...)
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    Boundary mechanisms in adverts from Silesian Catholic periodicals from the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. [REVIEW]Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak & Joanna Lubos-Kozieł - 2013 - Sign Systems Studies 41 (1):42-68.
    The paper provides an empirical study of semiotic mechanisms of culture. We apply the methodology developed by the Tartu-Moscow School of Semiotics, building also on the criteria of boundary-work dynamics to examine a collected corpus of adverts appearing in Silesian Catholic periodicals (in Germanand in Polish) from the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. We discuss the cultural implications of the differences and similarities in German and Polish ads and propose functional explanations of the results in terms (...)
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  17.  31
    Sports utility semiotics: A semantic differential study of symbolic potential in automobile design.Andrew Wilson & Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (207):1-29.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 207 Seiten: 1-29.
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    The analysis of Licheń's Holy Icon as a case study in semiotic fortition.Joanna Lubos-Kozieł & Małgorzata Haładewicz-Grzelak - 2013 - Semiotica 2013 (195):197-248.
    Journal Name: Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique Volume: 2013 Issue: 195 Pages: 197-248.
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    Automatic proof generation in an axiomatic system for $\mathsf{CPL}$ by means of the method of Socratic proofs.Aleksandra Grzelak & Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion - 2018 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (1):109-148.
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    Plinij Starejši in Nikolaj Poljski o pripravkih iz kač in njihovi uporabi v medicini.Adriana Grzelak-Krzymianowska - 2023 - Clotho 5 (2):33-54.
    Članek se osredotoča na to, kako sta Plinij Starejši v svojem delu Hi­storia Naturalis in Nikolaj Poljski v njemu pripisanem medicinskem traktatu Experimenta predstavila in opisala načine za pripravo kač v medicinske namene. Razprava razišče povezave in stične točke med obema besediloma, predvsem v smislu njunih navodil za uporabo pripravkov iz kač ter učinkov njihove rabe na zdravje ljudi, ter obrav­nava vrsto bolezni, znanih že v antiki, ki so pestile tudi Nikolajeve sodobnike.
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  21. Konwencja o swobodzie sumienia.Edward Grzelak - 1968 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 6 (6):68-83.
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  22. Z problematyki rozdziału Kościoła od państwa.Edward Grzelak - 1970 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (2):87-100.
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  23. Związki wyznaniowe w Polsce.Edward Grzelak - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (4):90-93.
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  24. Dobry podręcznik religioznawstwa ( W.K.Tanczer, Osnowi naukowo ateizma, Wydawnictwo Kijowskiego Uniwersytetu, 1968 r. s.487). [REVIEW]Edward Grzelak - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (6):110-115.
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  25. Zmiany otwierające drogę do dialogu ( Louis Janssens, Wolność sumienia i wolność religijna, Warszawa, Instytut Wydawniczy PAX, 1970, s.156). [REVIEW]Edward Grzelak - 1970 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 2 (11):132-136.
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    Fairness in trade II: Export subsidies and the fair trade movement.Malgorzata Kurjanska & Mathias Risse - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (1):29-56.
    Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA, mathias_risse{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> It is a widespread view that support for Fair Trade is called for, whereas agricultural subsidies are pegged as unjustifiable. Though one supports farmers in developing countries while the other does the same for those in already developed ones, there are, nonetheless, similarities between both scenarios. Both are economically `inefficient', upholding production beyond what the market would sustain. In both cases, supportive arguments (...)
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    Erotic subset for the Nencki Affective Picture System : cross-sexual comparison study.Małgorzata Wierzba, Monika Riegel, Anna Pucz, Zuzanna Leśniewska, Wojciech Ł Dragan, Mateusz Gola, Katarzyna Jednoróg & Artur Marchewka - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Musical Phenomenology: Artistic Traditions and Everyday Experience.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2018 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (2):141-155.
    The work begins by asking the questions of how contemporary phenomenology is concerned with music, and how phenomenological descriptions of music and musical experiences are helpful in grasping the concreteness of these experiences. I then proceed with minor findings from phenomenological authorities, who seem to somehow need music to explain their phenomenology. From Maurice Merleau-Ponty to Jean-Luc Nancy and back to Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, there are musical findings to be asserted. I propose to look at phenomenological studies of (...)
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  29. O co chodzi w problemie reprezentowania?Małgorzata Czarnocka - 1995 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    Małgorzata Czarnocka tries to clarify the problem of representation, by the reconstruction of its historical roots.
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    Sztuka Inna. O sztuce prymitywnej, naiwnej i surowej.Małgorzata Bogaczyk - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (1(6)):239-256.
    Author: Bogaczyk Małgorzata Title: THE DIFFERENT ART. ON THE PRIMITIVE ART, NAÏVE ART AND ART BRUT (Sztuka Inna. O sztuce prymitywnej, naiwnej i surowej) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2006, vol:.6, number: 2006/1, pages: 239-256 Keywords: DIFFERENT ART, PRIMITIVE ART, ART BRUT, NAÏVE ART Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail:In the sketch I show some similarities in the artist’s way of perceiving the work of art, the process of artistic creativity, and the fate (...)
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  31. O miłości i Erosie rozmawiają Tadeusz Gadacz, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska i Piotr Nowak.Tadeusz Gadacz, Małgorzata Grzegorzewska & Piotr Nowak - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (22).
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    Types of Anxiety and Depression: Theoretical Assumptions and Development of the Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire.Małgorzata Fajkowska, Ewa Domaradzka & Agata Wytykowska - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Structure of Character Strengths: Variable- and Person-Centered Approaches.Małgorzata Najderska & Jan Cieciuch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Relational autonomy, care, and Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany.Małgorzata Rajtar - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (3):184-192.
    Drawing from an ethics of care, relational approaches to autonomy have recently emerged in bioethics. Unlike individual autonomy with its emphasis on patients’ rights, choice, and self-determination which has been the hallmark of bioethics consistent with the ideology of individualism in neoliberal democracies in Western countries, relational autonomy highlights the relatedness, interdependency, and social embeddedness of patients. By examining the mediating role that male Hospital Liaison Committee members in Germany play in facilitating care that supports Jehovah's Witnesses’ refusal of blood (...)
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    Attentional processing of emotional material in types of anxiety and depression.Małgorzata Fajkowska, Ewa Domaradzka & Agata Wytykowska - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (7):1448-1463.
    ABSTRACTThe present study was designed to address the hypothesis that differences and similarities in patterns of attentional processing in recently proposed types of anxiety and depression are connected with the dominant function they play in stimulation processing and their structural components. Participants filled out the Anxiety and Depression Questionnaire, which assesses types of anxiety and depression, and completed the Emotional Faces Attentional Test one week later. The obtained results confirmed our prediction and suggested that the proposed typology of anxiety and (...)
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    From Threat to Relief: Expressing Prejudice toward Atheists as a Self-Regulatory Strategy Protecting the Religious Orthodox from Threat.Małgorzata Kossowska, Paulina Szwed, Aneta Czernatowicz-Kukuczka, Maciek Sekerdej & Miroslaw Wyczesany - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Models and symbolic nature of knowledge.Malgorzata Czarnocka - 1995 - In William Herfel et al , Theories and Models in Scientific Processes. Rodopi. pp. 44--27.
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    Disease Acceptance and Eudemonic Well-Being Among Adults With Physical Disabilities: The Mediator Effect of Meaning in Life.Małgorzata Szcześniak, Agata H. Świątek, Małgorzata Cieślak & Daria Świdurska - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  39. Metafora w doświadczeniu dzieła muzycznego: wokół koncepcji Rogera Scrutona.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2008 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 32:27-40.
    Metaphor in Experience of Musical Work. Account of Roger Scruton's Theory Author analyses Roger Scruton's theory of metaphorical transfer outlined in his The Aesthetics of Music. Tone and a special kind of listening constitute the main elements of music in Scruton's music aesthetics. It is through the listening experience, one in which physical sound changes into musical tone, that music comes into being. The change - Scruton argues - takes place when spatial and time metaphors are employed to describe and (...)
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    A. Schoot, Kivy i Langer o ekspresyjności w muzyce (a translation).Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2016 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 1 (48).
    a translation of A. Schoot "Kivy and Langer on Expressivity in Music".
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    Uwagi o fenomenologii, polityce i etyce obcości.Małgorzata Kowalska - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):152-174.
    W artykule analizuję znaczenia, jakie można przypisać pojęciu i doświadczeniu obcości.Najpierw przypominam dwa opisy fenomenologiczne tego doświadczenia, z których wynika, iż już na tym abstrakcyjnym poziomiedoświadczenie obcości ma sens ambiwalentny: obcy może być doświadczany jako zagrożeniedla mojej podmiotowości, ale również jako wezwanie do jej pogłębienia. Następnie przyglądamsię bardziej empirycznym sposobom doświadczania obcości w świecie społeczno-politycznym,stawiając tezę, iż kryje się za nimi polityczna konstrukcjaobcości. Wreszcie pytam o moralny sens doświadczenia obcości, konkludując, że również natym poziomie jest to sens ambiwalentny: chociaż słuchanie (...)
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    O 'widzeniu aspektu' w estetyce współczesnej.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2007 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 31:14-23.
    A Few Notes on Aspect Seein g in Contemporar y Aesthetics In this paper author examines the problem of aspect seeing in reference to works of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Virgil C. Aldrich posing the question of whether they are applicable to experience of musical works. Drawing on examples from Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, author maintains that hearing a melody as solemn, sad, et cetera is neither universal nor unequivocal. Musical work, author suggests, does not present itself spontaneously to the listener. Conversely (...)
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  43. The Singing Voice’s Charms. Aesthetic and Transformative Aspects of Singing in Literature, Art, and Philosophy.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2022 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 6 (2):26-36.
    Music, as sung and listened to, has been described in many a tale as powerful and transformative. Yet, the important question is not so much if that claim is true or whether it may be verified, but what kind of power and transformation are alluded to in those mythical and literary sources? Taking these symbolic claims and elaborating on their possible meaning, alongside thinkers such as Carolyne Abbate or Roland Barthes, proceeds to find ways in which these claims may suggest (...)
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  44. Die theoretische Grundlage für den Phonetikunterricht im Germanistikstudium an polnischen Hochschulen.Małgorzata Żytyńska - 2009 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 5:169-196.
    Niniejszy artykuł traktuje o możliwościach i powinnościach procesu nauczania fonetyki na polskich uczelniach wśród studentów germanistyki. Zważywszy na bardzo dobrą podstawę poprawnej wymowy, jaką jest korzystna baza artykulacyjna Polaków, jak też rónorodność metod, które powinny być stosowane podczas uczenia fonetyki, nie ulega wątpliwości, że studenci są w stanie sprostać bardzo wysokim wymaganiom stawianym przez wykładowców. Zawarta w artykule baza pojęciowa jest jedną z metod, które winno się wykorzystywać, aby osiągnąć rzeczony cel. A zatem obok nader świadomej artykulacji niemieckich głosek na (...)
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  45. “Notes on Improvisation and Freedom. Transgressing Self in Musical Performance”.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2018 - Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology 1 (18/2018):97-106.
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  46. o wartościach moralnych, dziełach muzycznych i możliwości ich korelacji w nawiązaniu do filozofii Romana Ingardena.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2015 - Miscellanea Anthropologica Et Sociologica 3 (16):115-127.
    Autorka rozważa relacje między wartościami, szczególnie moralnymi, a dziełem muzycznym. Przedstawiając najpierw rozumienie wartości w filozofii Romana Ingardena, a następnie przywołując przykładowe sformułowania moralizmu w odniesieniu do muzyki (autorstwa Rogera Scrutona, Platona i Petera Kivy’ego), autorka pyta, czy możemy uważać dzieło muzyczne za nośnik wartości moralnych. Następnie badając, w jaki inny sposób dzieło muzyczne może być związane z wartościami moralnymi, autorka dochodzi do wniosku, że relacje między wartościami moralnymi a dziełem muzycznym należą do stosunków subtelnych i być może tym, co (...)
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  47. Gest ekspresyjny jako element estetycznej analizy dzieła muzycznego.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2003 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) (22-23):262-280.
    This paper presents gesture as an element of aesthetic experience of musical work. It focuses on specific dialectics of gesture in musical works as that which is visual or highlighted and at the same that which speaks to the listener. The difficulty in describing what constitute musical expressive gesture is there to guide us. The gesture stands in way of recognizing meaning and providing communication but at the same time that, which speaks to the listener is the most secluded, intimate (...)
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    Deleuze’s Conception of Virtuality Versus Virtual Computer Objects.Małgorzata Czarnocka & Mariusz Mazurek - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (4):871-883.
    Is Gilles Deleuze’s concept of virtuality sufficiently close to the concept of virtuality used in informatics and the philosophy of information for computer-created objects and virtual reality to justify the latter’s explanation by means of the former? This question is the main objective of the present paper. We aim to show that, contrary to its most widespread interpretations, the Deleuzian conception of virtuality is epistemological and not ontological, and that this invalidates the belief that Deleuze’s virtuality and that of computer (...)
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  49. The Listening Eye: Jean-Francois Lyotard and the Rehabilitation of Listening.Malgorzata Szyszkowska - 2016 - International Journal of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture 1 (1):39-58.
    The author points out to the rehabilitation of listening which occurs in Lyotard's philosophy in the field of his aesthetic analysis. The philosophical grasping of time and especially the instant is being explained in Lyotard through the listening mode and in invoking the aural experiences and the experiences of sound. The author suggests that the category of listening is often used in place of the category of aesthetic and as metaphor of the aesthetic perception. In contrast to seeing, listening can (...)
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  50. Aspekty słyszenia dźwięku w doświadczeniu estetycznym dzieła muzycznego.Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2010 - In M. Ostrowicki, Materia muzyki.
    Author refers to theories of mater and form, trying to find a way to establish the material grounds for musical sound. From Aristotle basic definition of physis author turns to Roger Scruton and his doubts whether what listeners hear as music, tone and even sound may be found among the physical things.
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