Results for 'Malihe Karbassian'

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  1. The meaning and etymology of Barzakh in Illuminationist philosophy.Malihe Karbassian - 2018 - In Hossein Ziai, Ahmed Alwishah, Ali Gheissari & John Walbridge, Illuminationist texts and textual studies: essays in memory of Hossein Ziai. Boston: Brill.
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  2. The trace of pragmatism in Niels Bohr's interpretation of quantum mechanics.Reza Malih & Afsaneh Ashekari - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
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    The Islamic Revolution and the Management of the Iranian Economy.Akbar Karbassian - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67.
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  4. Two rival approaches to problem of irreversibility.Reza Malih Seyyed & Zahra Shojaei - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
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    Attitudes of Iranian students about organ donation: a qualitative study.Parisa Parsa, Malihe Taheri, Forouzan Rezapur-Shahkolai & Samane Shirahmadi - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):36.
    Organ donation is a life-saving process for patients suffering from an advanced organ failure. A disparity between donated organs and required organs for transplantation is one of the major problems in Iran. Since personal attitudes about organ donation is a main factor influencing willingness to donate organ, the present study sought to provide a deeper understanding of the attitudes of university students in Iran regarding organ donation. This qualitative study was conducted in 2016. Semi-structured interviews were held for collecting data (...)
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    Investigating the relationship between moral sensitivity and attitude towards euthanasia in nursing students of Birjand University of Medical Sciences.Elnaz Yazdanparast, Malihe Davoudi, Seyed Hasan Ghorbani, Amirhossein Akbarian & Hadi Ahmadi Chenari - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (2):205-210.
    Euthanasia is one of the most controversial issues in medical ethics and one of the ten major ethical challenges in medicine and health sciences. The present study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between moral sensitivity and attitudes toward euthanasia among nursing students at Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2020. Birjand University of Medical Sciences has four nursing schools. Cluster sampling method was used for selection of samples. After sampling Ferdows nursing school was selected. Nursing students of Ferdows School (...)
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    Souveränität, pseudo-souveränität, protektionat: am beispiel der staaten im ehemaligen Jugoslawien.Petar Bojanic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (1):141-149.
    Was ist vom Begriff der "Souver?nit?t" geblieben, mit anderen Worten: ist es nach der Schaffung einer Vielzahl kleiner souver?ner Staaten in Osteuropa noch m?glich,?ber die Figur des Souver?ns zu sprechen? Was ist ein Staat sofern er kein Souver?n ist bzw. sofern er nur teilweise ein Souver?n ist? Wieviel Souver?nit?t bedarf es damit ein Staat wirklich souver?n ist? Verhandelt der Internationale Gerichtshof f?r Kriegsverbrechen, die innerhalb des ehemaligen Jugoslawien begangen wurden, de facto die Folgen jener Verbrechen, die die Grundlage der Souver?nit?t (...)
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    The "narcissism of minor differences" theory: Can it explain ethnic conflict?Pål Kolstø - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (2):153-171.
    U mnogim etnickim konfliktima i gradjanskim ratovima u XX veku kulturne razlike izmedju sukobljenih strana su bile veoma male. Krvavi sukobi Srba, Hrvata i Bosnjaka tokom raspada Jugoslavije su jedan takav slucaj. Ovaj uvid je neke istrazivace vodio zakljucku da nedostatak objektivnih kulturnih markera izmedju grupa moze pogodovati izbijanju nasilja: kada se clanovi dve grupe tesko razlikuju, pribegava se nasilju da bi se stvorile identitetske granice medju njima. Jedna posebna verzija ove teorije poznata je pod imenom "narcizam malih razlika". Taj (...)
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    Dewey kao Rortyjev filozofski i demokratski orijentir.Danko Plevnik - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (1):11-16.
    Dewey, kućni prijatelj i politički istomišljenik njegova oca, inspirirao je Rortyja od malih nogu, ostajući uzor kojemu bi se na svakom spoznajnom raskrižju uvijek vraćao. Njegov pragmatizam poslužio mu je u odbacivanju filozofskih, društvenih i kulturnih dogmi, a njegov demokratizam poticao na oduševljenje američkim patriotizmom, koji je obojici važio za esencijalnu komponentu građanstva, što su im kritičari predbacivali kao crtu naiviteta. No i ta se »naivistička« Deweyjeva načela Rortyjevog zagovaranja slobode pravednije jednakosti, temelje na baštini njegove prosvjetiteljski katarzične socijalne etike, (...)
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