Results for 'Manfred Löwenstein'

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  1.  19
    Dialectics and Interpretation in Hegel’s Philosophy of Art.Manfred Posani Loewenstein - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):44-48.
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  2. Tips of the moralist. Reason of state and psychological analysis and between 1500s and 1600s.Manfred Posani Loewenstein - 2010 - Rinascimento 50:451-476.
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  3. Neuroeconomics: cross-currents in research on decision-making.Alan G. Sanfey, George Loewenstein, Samuel M. McClure & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (3):108-116.
  4.  25
    Analogical Encoding Fosters Ethical Decision Making Because Improved Knowledge of Ethical Principles Increases Moral Awareness.Jihyeon Kim & Jeffrey Loewenstein - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (2):307-324.
    The current paper examines whether knowledge of an ethical principle influences moral awareness and ethical decision making. Using hypothetical scenarios and a behavioral task, three experiments examine the effects of deepening people’s knowledge of ethical principles. In each study, an analogical encoding learning intervention led to greater knowledge of an ethical principle, which in turn resulted in a greater likelihood of moral awareness and making ethical decisions. These findings suggest that moral awareness is partly a matter of the depth of (...)
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    Attributive concept descriptions with complements.Manfred Schmidt-Schauß & Gert Smolka - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 48 (1):1-26.
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    Thanking, apologizing, bragging, and blaming: Responsibility exchange theory and the currency of communication.Shereen J. Chaudhry & George Loewenstein - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (3):313-344.
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    The role of first impression in operant learning.Hanan Shteingart, Tal Neiman & Yonatan Loewenstein - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2):476.
  8.  38
    Toward discovering a national identity for millennials: Examining their personal value orientations for regional, institutional, and demographic similarities or variations.James Weber, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Patsy Lewellyn, Dawn R. Elm, Vanessa Hill & Jessica McManus Warnell - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (3):301-323.
    Millennials are a powerful workforce group and are quickly becoming established business leaders, consumers, and investors. Yet, millennials are often described as a uniformly homogeneous generation, despite mounting evidence of variances across their private and workplace behaviors, attitudes and preferences, and personal values. This article examines the personal value orientations of millennials in the Unites States, reporting consistencies, variations, and contrasts based on a large sample drawn from seven diverse universities. Results of this article suggest more similarities across a national (...)
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  9. Non-objectal subjectivity.Manfred Frank - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (5-6):152-173.
    The immediate successors of Kant in classical German philosophy considered a subjectivity irreducible to objecthood as the core of personhood. The thesis of an irreducible subjectivity has, after the German idealists, been advocated by the phenomenological movement, as well as by analytical philosophers of self-consciousness such as Hector-Neri Castaneda and Sydney Shoemaker. Their arguments together show that self-consciousness cannot be reduced to a relation whereby a subject grasps itself as an object, but that there must be a core of subjectivity (...)
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  10. Fragments of a history of the theory of self-consciousness from Kant to Kierkegaard.Manfred Frank - 2004 - Critical Horizons 5 (1):53-136.
    In the development of modern philosophy self-consciousness was not generally or unanimously given important consideration. This was because philosophers such as Descartes, Kant and Fichte thought it served as the highest principle from which we can 'deduce' all propositions that rightly claimed validity. However, the Romantics thought that the consideration of self-consciousness was of the highest importance even when any claim to foundationalism was abandoned. In this respect, Hölderlin and his circle, as well as Novalis and Schleiermacher, thought that self-consciousness, (...)
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    Negated antonyms: Creating and filling the gap.Manfred Krifka - 2007 - In Uli Sauerland & Penka Stateva (eds.), Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 163--177.
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    Der aristotelische gryllos antilogisch.Manfred Lossau - 1974 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 118 (1):12-21.
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    Arbeiterklasse und Intelligenz in der Dialektik von wissenschaftlich-technischem, ökonomischem und sozialem Fortschritt.Manfred Lötsch - 1985 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 33 (1):31.
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    Burckhardt’s Silence and Nietzsche.Manfred Posani Löwenstein - 2021 - Nietzsche Studien 50 (1):25-46.
    The first part of this article questions the authenticity of one of the most quoted and allegedly reliable sources in the Burckhardt-Nietzsche debate. After having pointed out who was interested in manipulating this source and why, it will go back to the original issue of Burckhardt’s “silence.” This time, though, the question is going to be tackled from a different angle: not what Burckhardt thought about Nietzsche; rather, what did Nietzsche think about Burckhardt’s silence. The claims I will raise in (...)
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  15. Great laughter was in heaven" : roots and repercussions of a literary motif.Manfred Malzahn - 2010 - In Hans-Georg Moeller & Günter Wohlfart (eds.), Laughter in eastern and western philosophies: proceedings of the Académie du Midi. Freiburg im Breisgau: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  16. Argumentation in Germany and Austria: An Overview of the Recent Literature.Manfred Kienpointner - 1991 - Informal Logic 13 (3):129-136.
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  17. Library science and information science: Broad or narrow.Manfred Kochen - 1983 - In Fritz Machlup (ed.), The Study of Information: Interdisciplinary Messages. Wiley. pp. 371--377.
  18.  7
    An Ethical Right to Life: A Formulation From a Buberian Dialogical Perspective.Manfred H. Vogel - 2004 - Hamilton Books.
    This work focuses on the issue of an ethical right to life. Its aim is to formulate a persuasive answer the question: What attribute can endow an entity with an ethical right to not have its existence terminated? The issue of an ethical right to life is heavily politicized and divisive in Western societies. The reflections and analyses offered in An Ethical Right to Life contribute a much-needed clarification to the on-going discussion.
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  19. Brill Online Books and Journals.Manfred Voigts, Christian Wiese, Alexander Böhlig, Heinrich Ott, Hans-Joachim Klimkeit, Gerd-Wolfgang Essen, Rudolf Kremers & Seung Chul Kim - 1994 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 46 (3).
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  20. Das» Ontologische «und das» Epistemologische «.Manfred Wetzel - 2004 - In Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep (eds.), Hegels Erbe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. pp. 401.
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    Dialektik als Ontologie auf der Basis selbstreflexiver Erkenntniskritik: neue Grundlegung einer "Wissenschaft der Erfahrung des Bewusstseins" und Prolegomena zu einer Dialektik in systematischer Absicht.Manfred Wetzel - 1986
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    Versuch einer Ontologie der Persönlichkeit.Manfred Thiel - 1950 - Berlin,: Springer.
    1. Bd. Die Kategorie des Seinszusammenhanges und die Einheit des Seins.
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    Max Scheler.Manfred S. Frings - 1965 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University Press.
    The central theme is a hitherto unknown explanation of the “temporality” of the person as proposed by the late Max Scheler. The first part deals with the meaning of “absolute time” in general. The second part shows how the temporality of the person is to be seen as “absolute” time on the basis of two opposing principles in man: the “life-center” or impulsion, and “mind” which, without the former, remains powerless, but conjoined with it “become” personal in absolute time.
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    Emerson, Fechner, Feuerbach.Manfred Thiel - 1982 - Elpis.
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    Marcus Tullius Cicero, oder, Über das Verhältnis von Philosophie und Politik.Manfred Thiel - 2007 - [Germany]: Elpis Verlag.
  26.  22
    Diskurse als Wege zur Dialektik. Handlungsformationen philosophischen Denkens im Diskurs.Manfred Wetzel - 1989 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 43 (2):213 - 240.
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    Lebens-poietische Philosophie.Manfred Wetzel - 2008 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Bd. 1. Gesamtansatz, Grundlinien : Leben, Dasein und Reflexion ; Psychoanalyse und Sublimation ; Lebensgeschichte und Identität -- Bd. 2. Das sinnkonstitutive Subjekt : Kunst ; Religion ; Philosophie.
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  28. Nur ein Gemisch - noch keine Synthese.Manfred Wetzel - 1990 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 1 (2):251.
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  29. Prinzip Subjektivität: Spezielle Theorie.Manfred Wetzel - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (1):208-208.
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  30. A tableau calculus for partial functions.Manfred Kerber Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    Even though it is not very often admitted, partial functions do play a significant role in many practical applications of deduction systems. Kleene has already given a semantic account of partial functions using a three-valued logic decades ago, but there has not been a satisfactory mechanization. Recent years have seen a thorough investigation of the framework of many-valued truth-functional logics. However, strong Kleene logic, where quantification is restricted and therefore not truthfunctional, does not fit the framework directly. We solve this (...)
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    Die Wiener Gruppe – Publikationsmöglichkeiten der Avantgarde.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 441-455.
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    Lessing als Herausgeber von Gleims Kriegsliedern und von Gleims Bearbeitung seines Philotas.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 144-153.
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    Mit Werken, Werkchen und Gesammelten Schriften auf der „BuchhändlerBörse“.:,Freundschaft‘ und Geschäft in den Beziehungen Jean Pauls zu seinen Verlegern.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 215-225.
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  34. Quantification across bantu languages.Manfred Krifka & Sabine Zerbian - manuscript
    to appear in Lisa Matthewson (ed.), Cross-linguistic perspectives on the semantics of quantification, Elsevier.
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    Interpreting KantMoltke S. Gram, editor Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 1982. Pp. 149.Manfred Kuehn - 1986 - Dialogue 25 (4):797-800.
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    Empathy gaps in emotional perspective taking.Leaf Van Boven & George Loewenstein - 2005 - In Bertram F. Malle & Sara D. Hodges (eds.), Other Minds: How Humans Bridge the Gap Between Self and Others. Guilford.
  37. Über die Schwierigkeiten vergleichender Völkermordforschung oder Kann man das deutsche Holocaust-Regime mit anderen Demozid-Regimes vergleichen?Manfred Henningsen - 2005 - In Ulrich Diehl & Gabriele von Sivers (eds.), Wege zur Politischen Philosophie. Königshausen und Neumann. pp. 235.
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    Der Tod als Verstehen.Manfred Holzleitner - 1990 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 19 (1):44-58.
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  39. El momento-milagro de Friedrich Schiller.Manfred Kerkhoff - 2006 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 41 (87):143-156.
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  40. La hora de filosofar.Manfred Kerkhoff - 2000 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 35 (75):85-110.
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    Special Section on Argumentation and Paradoxes. Introduction.Manfred Kienpointner - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (1):43-45.
  42.  12
    „Eya herre got, wer hat dis buoch gemachet?‘: Zum Umgang von Editoren und Redaktoren mit der,Autorin‘ Mechthild von Magdeburg.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 18-34.
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    Georg Wickram als Editor.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 35-41.
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    Korrekturen, Entblößungen, Säuberungen: Leonhard Franks Arbeit an seiner Novellensammlung Der Mensch ist gut.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 353-368.
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    Selbstherausgaben: Autoren als Editoren ihres Lebenswerkes.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 369-376.
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    „Ums Himmels willen, vergiß nicht, daß du der Pfarrer von Lützelflüh bist“: Jeremias Gotthelf als Autor und Editor des Neuen Berner-Kalenders.Manfred A. Koltes & Jochen Golz - 2008 - In Koltes Manfred A. & Golz Jochen (eds.), Autoren Und Redaktoren Als Editorenauthors and Writers as Editors: Internationale Fachtagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition Und des Sonderforschungsbereiches 482 'Ereignis Weimar-Jena: Kultur Um 1800' der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag. pp. 261-272.
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    Humes verborgener Rationalismus.Manfred Kuehn - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (2):110-113.
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    Das systematische Lehrbuch: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Wissenschaft in der Antike.George Kennedy & Manfred Fuhrmann - 1962 - American Journal of Philology 83 (2):218.
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    Untergräbt der Relativismus die Autorität der Moral und die regulative Funktion ihrer Wahrheit?Manfred Harth - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (2):291-322.
    In this article, various objections will be discussed that have been put forward against ethical relativism, but which haven’t been considered seriously enough on the part of relativists and have been overrated on the part of their opponents. The objections will be concentrated into three arguments: the action-theoretic, the epistemological and the truth-theoretic argument. The article will discuss whether they can be rebutted by proponents of the two main types of relativism: indexical relativism and truth-relativism. The conclusion will be as (...)
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    Counting configurations.Manfred Krifka - unknown
    The sentence With these three shirts and four pairs of pants, one can make twelve different outfits does not entail that one can dress twelve persons. The article proposes an analysis of “configurational” entities like outfits as individual concepts. It investigates the interaction of noun phrases based on such nouns with temporal and modal operators and in collective and cumulative interpretations. It also discusses a generalization from tokens to types, as in with the seven pieces of a tan- gram set, (...)
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