Results for 'Manolito Gallegos'

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  1.  82
    What are Emotions For? From Affective Epistemology to Affective Ethics.Francisco Gallegos - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 1 (1):123-134.
    What would it mean for an emotion to successfully “recognize” something about an object toward which it is directed? Although the notion of "emotional recognition" is central to Rick Furtak’s _Knowing Emotions_, the text does not provide an account of this concept that enables us to assess the extent to which a given emotional response is recognitive. This article draws from the text to articulate a novel account of emotional recognition. According to this account, emotional recognition can be assessed not (...)
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  2. Moods Are Not Colored Lenses: Perceptualism and the Phenomenology of Moods.Francisco Gallegos - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (4):1497-1513.
    Being in a mood—such as an anxious, irritable, depressed, tranquil, or cheerful mood—tends to alter the way we react emotionally to the particular objects we encounter. But how, exactly, do moods alter the way we experience particular objects? Perceptualism, a popular approach to understanding affective experiences, holds that moods function like "colored lenses," altering the way we perceive the evaluative properties of the objects we encounter. In this essay, I offer a phenomenological analysis of the experience of being in a (...)
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    Bergson y el problema de la creación: conciencia y plano trascendental.Antonio Dopazo Gallego - 2018 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
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  4. (1 other version)El pensamiento mexicano en los siglos XVI y XVII.Gallegos Rocafull & José Manuel - 1951 - [México]: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos.
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  5. Seriousness, Irony, and Cultural Politics: A Defense of Jorge Portilla.Francisco Gallegos - 2013 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 13 (1):11-18.
    This essay discusses Jorge Portilla’s phenomenological analysis of values and freedom in his essay, “The Phenomenology of Relajo.” Portilla argues that genuine freedom requires seriousness and sincerity; it requires wholehearted participation in cultural practices that one finds truly valuable. To support his argument, Portilla examines the ways that values and freedom are undermined when cultural practices are disrupted and break down as a result of the antics of the so-called "relajiento," a kind of “class clown” figure in Mexican culture who (...)
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  6. La didáctica del derecho en Francisco de Vitoria.Eduardo Carrasco Gallego - 1949 - [Valladolid]: Univ. de Valladolid.
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    Editorial: Psychodidactic Variables and Academic Performance in Physical Education.Antonio Granero-Gallegos, Raúl Baños & Antonio Baena-Extremera - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  8. The Explanatory Role of Abstraction Processes in Models: the Case of Aggregations.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56:161-167.
    Though it is held that some models in science have explanatory value, there is no conclusive agreement on what provides them with this value. One common view is that models have explanatory value vis-à-vis some target systems because they are developed using an abstraction process. Though I think this is correct, I believe it is not the whole picture. In this paper, I argue that, in addition to the well-known process of abstraction understood as an omission of features or information, (...)
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    Implicación del enfoque restaurativo en el sistema de responsabilidad penal para adolescentes: El caso del centro de atención especializada Carlos Lleras Restrepo.Carlos Mauricio Agudelo Gallego - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (25):117-130.
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    Las decoraciones murales en la planta principal del Palacio Real de Madrid.Carmen Díaz Gallegos - 2001 - Arbor 169 (665):59-81.
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  11. Andrés Bello as a Prefiguration of Richard Rorty.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2019 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 55 (2):161-174.
    The present paper argues that the Venezuelan-Chilean philosopher Andrés Bello constitutes an important but heretofore neglected prefiguration of Richard Rorty. I argue for this thesis by articulating first an Inter-American philosophical narrative (based on previous work by Alex Stehn and Carlos Sanchez) that enables me to highlight certain common characteristics in philosophical projects that flourished across the Americas. Having done this, I show that Rorty’s anti-representationalism and anti-foundationalism are prefigured in Bello’s most important philosophical treatise, Filosofía del Entendimiento, to the (...)
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  12. Liberal arts and mixing methods: Good reasons to educate citizens and poor pilgrims as free men.José Andrés-Gallego - 2019 - Arbor 195 (794):1-11.
    Mixing methods is a well-known innovative meth- odologic proposal for research in the second half of the 20th century social sciences. Reading literature about it, I observed the aspect that justifies this paper: Authors of theoretical contributions on mixing methods recognized that this was known to be a practice already in use many centuries ago. Some of them even have re-examined the whole history of the scientific method to search precedents. They are however individual and theoretical precedents. I add in (...)
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    Analysis of the Relationship Between Psychological Well-Being and Decision Making in Adolescent Students.Javier Páez-Gallego, José Alberto Gallardo-López, Fernando López-Noguero & María Pilar Rodrigo-Moriche - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14. Measurement and Metaphysics in van Fraassen’s Scientific Representation.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2015 - Axiomathes 25 (1):117-131.
    Van Fraassen has presented in Scientific Representation an attractive notion of measurement as an important part of the empiricist structuralism that he endorses. However, he has been criticized on the grounds that both his notion of measurement and his empiricist structuralism force him to do the very thing he objects to in other philosophical projects—to endorse a controversial metaphysics. This paper proposes a defense of van Fraassen by arguing that his project is indeed a ‘metaphysical’ project, but one which is (...)
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  15. Why Privileged Self-Knowledge and Content Externalism are compatible.Sergio Armando Gallegos - 2015 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 19 (2):197-216.
    In the last twenty-five years, several authors have raised problems to the thesis that privileged self-knowledge is compatible with content externalism. In particular, the 'slow-switching' argument, which was originally put forth by Paul Boghossian (1989), aims to show that there is no satisfactory account of how we can have privileged knowledge about our own thoughts given content externalism. Though many philosophers have found ways to block the argument, no one has worried to address a major worry that Boghossian had when (...)
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    La radiodifusión V la formación de ciudadanos: Colombia 1920-1950.Alejandro Alvarez Gallego - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (5):109-115.
    El artículo muestra ei papel que jugó la radio en Colombia desde el momento de su aparición en el escenario social, su papel educativo y sus vínculos con el desarrollo industrial, con la configuración de las ciudades y com la necesidad de formar una identidad nacional. Hace énfasis en la forma corno desde allí se cuestionó la educación formal irnpartida desde la escuela y en la aparición de un nuevo paradigma para la educación, relacionado con el surgimento de la sociedad (...)
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    Editorial: Personality and Cognition in Economic Decision Making.Aurora García-Gallego, Manuel I. Ibáñez & Nikolaos Georgantzis - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  18. A critical reappraisal of the evidence for unconscious abstraction of deterministic rules in complex experimental situations.Pierre Perruchet, J. Gallego & I. Savy - 1990 - Cognitive Psychology 22:493-516.
  19. Models as signs: extending Kralemann and Lattman’s proposal on modeling models within Peirce’s theory of signs.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2019 - Synthese 196 (12):5115-5136.
    In recent decades, philosophers of science have devoted considerable efforts to understand what models represent. One popular position is that models represent fictional situations. Another position states that, though models often involve fictional elements, they represent real objects or scenarios. Though these two positions may seem to be incompatible, I believe it is possible to reconcile them. Using a threefold distinction between different signs proposed by Peirce, I develop an argument based on a proposal recently made by Kralemann and Lattman (...)
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    Égotopie et allotopie.Antonio Gallego & Roberto Martínez - 2008 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 1 (1):59-65.
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    Filiaciones escotistas ante el Concilio de Trento. Fray Juan Fautista de Viseo: Advertencias para los Confesores.(1600).Verónica Murillo Gallegos - 2010 - Cuyo 27:91-113.
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  22. Affective injustice and fundamental affective goods.Francisco Gallegos - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (2):185-201.
    Although previous treatments of affective injustice have identified some particular types of affective injustice, the general concept of affective injustice remains unclear. This article proposes a novel articulation of this general concept, according to which affective injustice is defined as a state in which individuals or groups are deprived of “affective goods” which are owed to them. On this basis, I sketch an approach to the philosophical investigation of affective injustice that begins by establishing which affective goods are fundamental, and (...)
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  23. Epistemic Injustice and the Struggle for Recognition of Afro-Mexicans: A Model for Native Americans?Sergio A. Gallegos - 2018 - APA Newsletter on Native American and Indigenous Philosophy 18 (1):35-42.
  24.  15
    Herejía, confesión e inquisición en el gobierno eclesiástico medieval. La dimensión política del juicio pastoral.Cristina Catalina Gallego - 2020 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 80:7-20.
    El artículo pretende evidenciar la dimensión política –en un sentido amplio– de la confesión y la inquisición en su emergencia como procedimientos para sentenciar el pecado oculto. Lo hace al insertar ambos en las formas duales, pastorales y jurídicas, que desarrolla el gobierno eclesiástico plenomedieval para la condena de la inobediencia a la nueva ortodoxia y ortopraxis romana. A este respecto, los dispositivos confesional e inquisitorial se comprenden en relación con la emergencia de lo herético como impugnación obstinada al gobierno (...)
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    Reflections on the Social Foundations of Education.Bernardo Gallegos - 2018 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 54 (1):56-61.
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  26. Todoli, José: Filosofia Del Trabajo.J. Gallego & Staff - 1954 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 13 (51):689.
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    El panóptico de Foucault en la sociedad actual: nuevos enfoques en el arte.Gloria Lapena Gallego - 2013 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 2 (2).
    Desde los inicios de la humanidad hasta finales de la Edad Media, la imagen del universo reflejaba una visión teológica, para girar en torno al hombre en el siglo XVI. Con la llegada de la revolución industrial, de la concepción cíclica del tiempo propugnada por el Humanismo se pasa a la idea moderna de progreso. Por último, se produce la evolución de la sociedad disciplinaria organizada en torno a la fábrica como lugar cerrado y en la que el individuo sabe (...)
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  28.  11
    Las palabras del discurso: Nueva España, hombre y humanismo.Verónica Murillo Gallegos - 2020 - Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.
    Filosofía y cultura novohispana -- Un tema de antropología filosófica : los indígenas americanos son seres humanos -- Humanismo novohispano -- Colofón : "Indio".
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    Fray Tomás Cámara: La época.José Andrés Gallego - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (3):677-696.
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  30. The oblivion of human rights (g. Agamben, R. esposito).Agustin Gonzalez Gallego - 2008 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 21:83-97.
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    Negotiation with Reality: The Discursive Elements of the Dramatised Dissemination Documentary.Almudena Muñoz Gallego & Pedro Quintino de Sousa - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):73-86.
    The documentary genre is one of the audiovisual mechanisms with the greatest media efficiency in the transmission of reality. However, depending on the nature of the story, the construction of the textual and audiovisual discourse is altered. In this article, we consider the following questions: Is the documentary a format that is faithful to reality? What modifications does the discourse undergo so that the story is enhanced? To go deeper into this aspect, we intend to analyse the different elements that (...)
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  32. La doctrina política del P. Francisco Suárez.Gallegos Rocafull & José Manuel - 1948 - México,: Editorial Jus.
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  33. Was There a Scientific ’68? Its Repercussion on Action Research and Mixing Methods.José Andrés-Gallego - 2018 - Arbor 194 (787):436: 1-10.
    The author asks whether there was a “scientific ‘68”, and focuses on aspects of two specific methodological proposals defined in the 1940s and 50s by the terms “action research” and “mixing methods”, applied particularly to social sciences. In the first, the climate surrounding the events of 1968 contributed to heightening the participative element to be found –by definition– in “action research”; that is: the importance of making the research subjects themselves participants in the design, execution and application of the study (...)
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  34. The racial legacy of the Enlightenment in Simón Bolívar's political thought.Sergio Armando Gallegos-Ordorica - 2018 - Critical Philosophy of Race 6 (2):198-215.
    This article offers a critical complement to Diego von Vacano’s differential characterization of Bolívar’s political thought and his understanding of race through a comparative analysis between Bolívar’s views and those of certain philosophers of the Enlightenment. Indeed, von Vacano argues that Bolívar’s contributions to republican theory have been traditionally ignored by the Anglo-American tradition. Though von Vacano is right in underscoring that Bolívar’s political thought deserves more attention since it contains valuable contributions that stand in “contradistinction to prevalent discourses in (...)
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  35. Consciousness, Creativity, and Freedom: On the Creative and Free Nature of Consciousness in the Bohm-Biederman Correspondence.Manuel Bejar Gallego - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (241):447-471.
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  36. Geometry, biophysics, and neuroscience: On the quantum nature of life and consciousness in the confluence of the thoughts of Erwin Schrodinger and Hermann Weyl.Manuel Béjar Gallego - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (246):959-986.
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  37. The Bohm-Penrose-Hameroff model for consciousness and free will theoretical foundations and empirical evidences.Manuel Bejar Gallego - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (254):661-674.
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    Unconscious Racial Prejudice as Psychological Resistance: A Limitation of the Implicit Bias Model.Lori Gallegos de Castillo - 2018 - Critical Philosophy of Race 6 (2):262-279.
    Studies have shown that a person can consciously believe that they value racial equality and desire not to perpetuate racial stigmas, but unwittingly exhibit racist attitudes and beliefs. In order to explain this discrepancy between conscious beliefs and behavior, scholars have turned their attention to unconscious racial prejudice. One approach that is gaining wide acceptance is the Implicit Bias Model, which appeals to distinct implicit and explicit cognitive processes, coupled with an account of the ways in which people unconsciously internalize (...)
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  39. Consideraciones geriátricas de nuestras mascotas.Eulalia Gallego - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani, Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 228--32.
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  40. Cultura, interculturalidad y educación.José Duván Marín Gallego - 2007 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana. Universidad Santo Tomas 28 (97):81.
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    Del sujeto abstracto al ciudadano: apertura y clausura de la ciudadanía en la modernidad.Enrique G. Gallegos - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 7 (2):67-94.
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  42. El mundo es cosa de los Homo sapiens.Agustín González Gallego - 2006 - Ludus Vitalis 14 (25):239-242.
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  43. Las raíces del anticlericalismo español.Juan María Laboa Gallego - 2010 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 60 (965):22-27.
    Una explosión tan violenta y sangrienta como la producida en los primeros meses de la guerra civil o una manifestación tan radical de rechazo del significado eclesial como el que encontramos en parte de nuestra sociedad actual no resulta explicable si no volvemos nuestra mirada a la historia, repasamos algunos hitos fundamentales de los dos últimos siglos y reflexionamos sobre sus posibles causas.
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    unidad sistemática de la razón en la Crítica de la Razón Pura y la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar.Martin Obreque-Gallegos - 2024 - Resonancias Revista de Filosofía 18:23-48.
    La unidad sistemática de la razón para Immanuel Kant es una cuestión de todo o nada. Este artículo tiene el objeto de analizar la noción de unidad sistemática de la razón en la Crítica de la razón pura y su reformulación en la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar para dar unidad a la razón en sus usos teórico y práctico. Primero, revisamos la unidad sistemática según la Doctrina Trascendental del Método. Segundo, revisamos el Apéndice a la dialéctica trascendental como (...)
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    Reflexiones sobre educación, ética y política.Beatriz Restrepo Gallego - 2014 - Medellín, Colombia: Fondo Editorial, Universidad EAFIT.
  46.  27
    Representaciones, imaginarios y mitologías.Óscar Basulto-Gallegos & Ignacio Riffo-Pavón - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-14.
    El objetivo del artículo es operacionalizar teóricamente la complementariedad significativa, de tres niveles de significación social (representaciones sociales, imaginarios y mitologías), a través de la construcción discursiva en la prensa alternativa digital chilena. A nivel metodológico, se aplica el análisis de contenido cualitativo, analizando dos notas de prensa pertenecientes a El Desconcierto y El Mostrador, haciendo alusión a la temática de la Marcha más Grande de Chile acaecida durante el Estallido Social de 2019. En términos de hallazgos y conclusiones se (...)
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    Agonistic Racial Politics and Anti-Racism Strategies.Sergio A. Gallegos - 2018 - Radical Philosophy Review 21 (2):333-338.
  48. El hombre y los límites de la ciencia. El dominio de'Homo faber'sobre'Homo sapiens'e.A. González Gallego - 2002 - Ludus Vitalis 10 (18):111-125.
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  49. La Madre Isabel, religiosa Clarisa de Ocaña, la gran mística del siglo XIX.F. Lara Gallego - 1994 - Verdad y Vida 52 (205-06):419-435.
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    Corporate Governance and Codes of Ethics.Luis Rodriguez-Dominguez, Isabel Gallego-Alvarez & Isabel Maria Garcia-Sanchez - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):187-202.
    As a result of recent corporate scandals, several rules have focused on the role played by Boards of Directors on the planning and monitoring of corporate codes of ethics. In theory, outside directors are in a better position than insiders to protect and further the interests of all stakeholders because of their experience and their sense of moral and legal obligations. Female directors also tend to be more sensitive to ethics according to several past studies which explain this affirmation by (...)
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