Results for 'Manuel Ernesto Charry Bermúdez'

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  1.  28
    (1 other version)Totalidad y dialética. El concepto de totalidad en Adorno y Hegel.Manuel Ernesto Charry Bermúdez - 2017 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 56:119-135.
    El texto se propone exponer críticamente algunos contenidos fundamentales del concepto de totalidad y su importancia para el pensamiento dialéctico. Partiendo de una crítica de la concepción hegeliana de totalidad, busca sin embargo defender este concepto, aunque reconstruido desde un giro materialista a partir de la filosofía desarrollada por Theodor W. Adorno. El concepto de totalidad cambiaría su significado y función a partir de la crítica materialista, pasando de la idea de un todo determinado y definitivo, a un criterio epistemológico (...)
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    Psychological Factors Influencing Pro-environmental Behavior in Developing Countries: Evidence From Colombian and Nicaraguan Students.Manuel Francisco Díaz, Andrés Charry, Stefania Sellitti, Matteo Ruzzante, Karen Enciso & Stefan Burkart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Identifying the determinants of human behavior is useful to adjust interventions and lead the civil society toward a stronger commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives, achieving greater support for successfully implementing environmental policies. Existing research has largely focused on case studies of pro-environmental behaviors in developed economies but there is very little evidence for developing countries. This study provides estimations of the effect of internal factors, such as sociodemographic variables, and four psychological dimensions on PEBs. Data were obtained (...)
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    A vueltas con la ética escéptica: reflexiones desde la racionalidad escéptica.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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    ¿Algo nuevo en la eutanasia?Juan Manuel Alba Bermúdez - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 54:405-408.
    Recensión de Marco del Cano, Ana María y De la Torre, Javier (coords.). Y de nuevo la eutanasia. Una mirada nacional e internacional. Dykinson, Madrid, 2019, 217 páginas.
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    Grupo gorgias: Enseñar a debatir, ediciones de la universidad de murcia, 2013.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 62.
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    Intuiciones de criptojudaísmo en el Quod nihil scitur de Francisco Sánchez.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 13:285-294.
    RESUMENEn la obra del pensador gallego Francisco Sánchez (1551-1623), titulada Que nada se sabe, existen una serie de características que nos obligan a relacionarla directamente con el pensamiento judío. Entre estas cuestiones se hallan: las citas bíblicas recogidas por su autor, siendo la gran mayoría de ellas procedentes del Antiguo Testamento; la falta de la dedicatoria a la virgen María o la relación entre el alma y el cuerpo que recoge Sánchez y que es de claro origen judío.PALABRAS CLAVEESCEPTICISMO, PENSAMIENTO (...)
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    Just war in the classical world: Grece and Rome.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 53 (3):41.
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    La relación de Francisco Sánchez con dos importantes representantes del antiaristotelismo renacentista: Juan Luis Vives y Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15:65-83.
    ResumenEn el marco intelectual del Renacimiento hubo una serie de pensadores que se mostraron disconformes con el aristotelismo dominante. La variedad de sus posturas así como lo distinto de sus posicionamientos filosóficos ha podido actuar como obstáculo para poder ver las similitudes que, en torno a la crítica aristotélica, presentan. El caso de Juan Luis Vives y de Gianfrancesco Pico puede resultar paradigmático, a estos se suma con fuerza Francisco Sánchez, quien dedicó una parte importante de su obra Quod nihil (...)
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    El papel de la filosofía y las humanidades frente a la nueva barbarie.Manuel Bermúdez Vázquez - 2025 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 94:145-157.
    Las disciplinas humanísticas y, en concreto, la filosofía, están viendo reducidas su presencia en todos los niveles del sistema educativo. Orientados hacia la formación profesional, los itinerarios educativos siguen una agenda de maximización del beneficio. La educación es vista más como un gasto que como una inversión y se buscan los resultados inmediatamente. La necesidad de ofrecer una perspectiva distinta, que reivindique la presencia de los contenidos humanísticos en nuestra sociedad, es la única salida frente al auge de la nueva (...)
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    J. Hoffmann-Salz Die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der römischen Eroberung. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Provinzen Hispania Tarraconensis, Africa Proconsularis und Syria. ( Historia Einzelschriften 218.) Pp. 561, maps. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2011. Cased, €84. ISBN: 978-3-515-09847-2. [REVIEW]Juan Manuel Bermúdez Lorenzo - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (1):299-300.
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    Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Quality Management in SMEs: Benefits and Challenges.Miguel Giancarlo Ormaza Cevallos, Gustavo Alberto Lozano Jaramillo, José Luis Bernardo Vélez, Maritza Irinuska Ureta Zambrano, Lady Diana Zambrano Montesdeoca & Manuel Augusto Bermúdez Palomeque - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1489-1500.
    The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs) has emerged as a key strategy for improving quality management. This article discusses the main benefits and challenges of implementing AI in this context. A systematic review of the academic literature and relevant business reports was carried out, in order to collect and analyze empirical evidence on the application of AI in the quality management of SMEs, obtaining as results that the main benefits of the implementation of AI (...)
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  12. Fernando & Evangeline Alberto, Manuel Vicente Pangilinan; On Mentors and Protegees.Ernesto Alberto - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2 & 3):241-244.
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    Lizaola Monterrubio, Julieta; Gallardo León, Ernesto (coords.). La tradición humanista y Nueva España. México, FFyL-UNAM-Fides, 2023, 278 pp. [REVIEW]Juan Manuel González Hernández - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):701-703.
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    Papeletas para un diccionario. A propósito de unos documentos de la Biblioteca Cervelló del Museo del Prado y la historiografía del grabado español en el siglo XIX.José Manuel Matilla - 2006 - Arbor 182 (717):75-82.
    Entre los documentos relativos a artistas españoles conservados en la Biblioteca Cervelló del Museo del Prado se encuentra un conjunto de papeletas inéditas con información biográfica y artística sobre grabadores españoles activos a finales del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX. Las papeletas fueron redactadas hacia 1865-68 por Ramón Sanjuanena y Nadal, colaborador de la Revista El Arte en España, y suponen un intento de continuación del Diccionario de Ceán, quién no incluyó en su obra a los artistas vivos. (...)
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    Palabras del presidente de la sociedad de la enciclopedia iberoamericana de filosofía.Manuel Reyes Mate - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):13-14.
    Queremos pensar nuestro tiempo y pensamos a nosotros mismos. Queremos hablar y escuchar porque tenemos algo que decirnos. Queremos seguir reflexionando sobre lo que significa una comunidad cultural iberoamericana y, dentro de ella, qué significa pensar en español. Como dice Ernesto Garzón Valdés: "queremos pensar sin descuidar nuestra tradición filosófica y sin olvidar desde donde reflexionamos". A estas alturas del proceso ya sabemos lo que tenemos que evitar: el casticismo que lleva al provincianismo y lo abstractamente universal que esquiva (...)
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    Michel de Montaigne: la culminación del escepticismo en el Renacimiento. By Manuel Bermúdez Vásquez. [REVIEW]Luiz Eva - 2013 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 3 (2):145-149.
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    La herencia de Bacon en la doctrina spinocista del lenguaje.Juan Francisco Manrique Charry - 2010 - Universitas Philosophica 27 (54):121-130.
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    Aseguramiento del proceso de diseño y desarrollo en un taller metalmecánico.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Direma, semillero de investigación en diseño y reconversión de máquinas.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    The Grace of God and the Law of Christ.Ellen T. Charry - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (1):34-44.
    It is a mistake to oppose law and grace, for God's grace makes way for a radically transformed social and moral order. The law of Christ enables a new way of life that is obedient to God.
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  21. Sobre los polinomios ortogonales, las fracciones continuas y las medidas espectrales.Jairo A. Charris & Germán Preciado-López - 2002 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2:3.
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  22. By the Renewing of Your Minds: The Pastoral Function of Christian Doctrine.Ellen T. Charry - 1997
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    Christian jews and the law.Ellen T. Charry - 1995 - Modern Theology 11 (2):187-193.
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    John Paul II and the Jewish People: A Jewish‐Christian Dialogue – Edited by David G. Dalin and Matthew Levering.Ellen T. Charry - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (3):523-526.
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  25. Study as spiritual formation.Ellen T. Charry - 2019 - In David Fergusson, Bruce L. McCormack & Iain R. Torrance, Schools of faith: essays on theology, ethics and education in honour of Iain R. Torrance. New York, NY, USA: T & T Clark.
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    The case for concern: Athanasian christology in pastoral perspective.Ellen T. Charry - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (3):265-283.
  27.  24
    Psychological Well-Being and Youth Autonomy: Comparative Analysis of Spain and Colombia.Claudia Charry, Rosa Goig & Isabel Martínez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:564232.
    The construct of autonomy appears in the literature associated with individual psychological wellbeing. In Ryff's model, autonomy is presented as one of the dimensions of wellbeing, along with self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. The present study compared the levels of autonomy and psychological wellbeing between Spanish and Colombian young people. Ryff's Scale of Psychological Wellbeing and the Transition to Adulthood Autonomy (EDATVA according to its initials in Spanish) scales were used on a (...)
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    How Does Perceived Effectiveness Affect Adults’ Ethical Acceptance of Anti-obesity Threat Appeals to Children? When the Going Gets Tough, the Audience Gets Going.Karine Charry, Patrick De Pelsmacker & Claude L. Pecheux - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):243-257.
    Little is known on the appraisal of ethically questionable not- for-profit actions such as social marketing advertising campaigns. The present study evaluates the ethical acceptance by adults of anti-obesity threat appeals targeting children, depending on the claimed effectiveness of the campaign. An experiment conducted among 176 Belgian participants by means of an online survey shows that individuals’ acceptance of social marketing practices increases along with the claimed effectiveness of the campaign. As such it demonstrates that the audience adopts a pragmatic (...)
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    Loving Near—Loving Far.Ellen T. Charry - 2012 - Augustinian Studies 43 (1-2):89-107.
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    Academic Spin-offs through the Lens of Pragmatism and Mixed Methods.Alexander Romero-Sánchez, Geovanny Perdomo-Charry & Edy Lorena Burbano-Vallejo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:30-67.
    In conclusion, this paper explores the intricate dynamics of improper omission as an amplifying device within the Colombian legal context. A detailed analysis has demonstrated how improper omission allows the imputation and punishment of individuals who, without fulfilling the typical description of conduct, incur criminal liability when they abandon their role as guarantors in the absence of a nexus of avoidability. This occurs when they fail to prevent the typical results that, in the context of legal assets in their charge, (...)
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  31. Aktualisasi filsafat Islam di masa kini dan di masa depan.Achmad Charris Zubair - 1992 - In Musa Asyarie, Irma Fatimah & Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam, Filsafat Islam: kajian ontologis, epistemologis, aksiologis, historis, prospektif. Sleman, Yogyakarta: Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam.
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    Truth and Historicity. [REVIEW]Ellen Charry - 1995 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 69 (4):623-626.
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    E. M. de Melo e Castro e a “força sintetizadora da comunicação visual”.Francisco da Costa Espada - 2024 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 33 (66):331-344.
    Partindo do concretismo subjacente ao texto poético de Ernesto Manuel de Melo e Castro, e que está na origem do tratamento da linguagem a partir dos seus modos de materialização, o presente texto procura traçar um possível caminho interpretativo para a função da poesia visual determinada pelo autor, a saber: sintetizar a comunicação visual. Para tal, é explorado o percurso percorrido pelo cruzamento de sistemas sígnicos levado a cabo pela prática poética de Melo e Castro, especialmente aquela que (...)
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  34. (1 other version)A new philosophy of society: assemblage theory and social complexity.Manuel DeLanda - 2006 - New York: Continuum.
    Manuel DeLanda is a distinguished writer, artist and philosopher. In his new book, he offers a fascinating look at how the contemporary world is characterized by an extraordinary social complexity. Since most social entities, from small communities to large nation-states, would disappear altogether if human minds ceased to exist, Delanda proposes a novel approach to social ontology that asserts the autonomy of social entities from the conceptions we have of them.
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    Transition to Adulthood Autonomy Scale for Young People: Design and Validation.Teresita Bernal Romero, Miguel Melendro & Claudia Charry - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  36. Reforma del Estado y diversificación de la política: entrevista a Manuel A. Garretón.Antonella Attili & Manuel Antonio Garretón Merino - 1999 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14:167-183.
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    Aventuras da interpretação.Manuel Maria Carrilho - 1995 - Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
    Em 'Aventuras da Interpretação', Manuel Maria Carrilho propõe um diversificado conjunto de reflexões sobre a cultura contemporânea, que vão, entre outros temas, da ecologia à linguagem, da história à política, das justiça aos media. Nelas assume-se uma matriz filosófica que valoriza, por um lado, o modo como as ideias se transformam em articulação com os seus efeitos e, por outro, como elas são solidárias com os contextos históricos.
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    De la libertad del mundo: homenaje a Juan Manuel Navarro Cordón.Navarro Cordon & Juan Manuel - 2014 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores. Edited by García Norro, Juan José, Ramón Rodríguez, Callejo Hernanz & María José.
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  39. Tolstoy and the Critics Literature and Aesthetics [by] Holley Gene Duffield [and] Manuel Bilsky. --.Holley Gene Duffield & Manuel Bilsky - 1965 - Scott, Foresman.
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    Antike Griechische Philosophie.Manuel Knoll - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Manuel Knoll führt in diesem Studienbuch in die griechische Philosophie sowie deren kontroverse Interpretationen ein. Die Darstellung ist dabei klar und an der neuesten Forschung orientiert. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden die antike Ethik und politische Philosophie. Ausführlich behandelt werden jedoch auch die frühgriechische Philosophie, die Sophisten und Sokrates, Platons Ideentheorie und die Metaphysik, Theologie und Naturphilosophie des Aristoteles. Das Buch präsentiert zudem die Naturphilosophie und Ethik der Epikureer und der Stoiker. Die Serviceteile des Buchs informieren über Quellensammlungen, Nachschlagewerke und Literatur (...)
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  41. Comentario a la obra de José Manuel Cuenca Toribio" La oratoria parlamentaria española, una antología".José Manuel Ventura Rojas - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (1):313-317.
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    Pensar à frente: corporeidade, desporto, ética, cultura e cidadania: estudos sobre Manuel Sérgio.Manuel Sérgio, José Eduardo Franco & Miguel Real (eds.) - 2021 - Porto: Afrontamento.
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  43. RESEÑA de: Tirado San Juan, Víctor Manuel. Husserl et Zubiri: six etudes pour une controverse. Paris: l'Harmattan, 2005.Víctor Manuel Tirado San Juan - 2007 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 5:285-291.
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  44. An Introduction to Paraconsistent Logics.Manuel Bremer - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):447-451.
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    ‘Datafeudalism: The Domination of Modern Societies by Big Tech Companies’: A Commentary.Manuel Wörsdörfer - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-5.
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  46. The Paradox of Self-Consciousness: Representation and Mind.José Luis Bermúdez - 1998 - MIT Press.
    "The book presents in accessible fashion recent important work on the self and self-consciousness and also moves the issues forward with interesting new ideas. It provides a notably crisp and clear treatment of some extremely intriguing topics." -- Jane Heal, Department of Philosophy, University of Cambridge In this book, José Luis Bermú dez addesses two fundamental problems in the philosophy and psychology of self-consciousness: (1) Can we provide a noncircular account of fully fledged self-conscious thought and language in terms of (...)
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  47. Thinking without words.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thinking Without Words provides a challenging new theory of the nature of non-linguistic thought. Jose Luis Bermudez offers a conceptual framework for treating human infants and non-human animals as genuine thinkers. The book is written with an interdisciplinary readership in mind and will appeal to philosophers, psychologists, and students of animal behavior.
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    Nietzsche as Political Philosopher.Manuel Knoll & Barry Stocker (eds.) - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume establishes Nietzsche's importance as a political philosopher. The introduction and eighteen chapters cover Nietzsche's own political thought, its relation to ethics and morality, his methodology, the historical context, and his infl.
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    Teaching Energy Informed by the History and Epistemology of the Concept with Implications for Teacher Education.Manuel Bächtold & Muriel Guedj - 2014 - In Michael R. Matthews, International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching. Springer. pp. 211-243.
    In this article, we put forward a new strategy for teaching the concept of energy. In the first section, we discuss how the concept is currently treated in educational programmes at primary and secondary level (taking the case of France), the learning difficulties that arise as well as the main teaching strategies presented in science education literature. In the second section, we argue that due to the complexity of the concept of energy, rethinking how it is taught should involve teacher (...)
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    Effect of Acute Physical Exercise on Executive Functions and Emotional Recognition: Analysis of Moderate to High Intensity in Young Adults.Haney Aguirre-Loaiza, Jaime Arenas, Ianelleen Arias, Alejandra Franco-Jímenez, Sergio Barbosa-Granados, Santiago Ramos-Bermúdez, Federico Ayala-Zuluaga, César Núñez & Alexandre García-Mas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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