Results for 'María Antοnia González Valerio'

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  1.  24
    Through the Scope of Life: Art and (Bio)Technologies Philosophically Revisited.María Antonia González Valerio & Polona Tratnik (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers intriguing philosophical inquiries into biotechnological art and the life sciences, addressing their convergences as well as their epistemic and functional divergences. Rooted on a thorough understanding of the history of philosophy, this work builds on critical and ontological thought to interpret the concept of life that underscores first-hand dealings with matter and experimentation. The book breaks new ground on the issue of animality and delivers fresh posthumanist perspectives on the topics addressed. The authors embark on a deep (...)
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    Martínez Ruiz, Rosaura. Eros. Más allá de la pulsión muerte. Ciudad de México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Siglo XXI, 2018. 169 pp. [REVIEW]María Antonia González Valerio - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68:204-207.
    RESUMEN Partiendo de algunas experiencias del presente, se retoma la interpretación nietzs cheana del resentimiento para explorar la complejidad y ambivalencia del fenómeno e iluminar cuestiones actuales. Así, se vinculan dos tendencias y sus implicaciones: cómo el resentimiento genera la fijación de una identidad amenazadora que lleva a la estigmatización de un otro, a la vez como una forma de rechazo de la contingencia histórica; y cómo el vínculo del resentimiento con la temporalidad, en particular con un tipo de memoria, (...)
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    Filosofía y poesía en el pensamiento de María Zambrano.Maria Antonia González Valerio - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 9:17-24.
    Since its beginning, philosophy has established various relationships with poetry which are sometimes strained, at times less so and sometimes almost from complete oblivion. From Greece poetry started to be denounced: however, from the so-called crisis of reason it became essential to reopen and..
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  4. Apuntes para pensar la publicidad como fenómeno estético.María Antonia González Valerio - 2007 - Estudios Filosóficos 56 (161):73-88.
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  5. Estética y hermenéutica. El problema de la referencia en el relato de ficción.María Antonia González Valerio - 2005 - Estudios Filosóficos 54 (156):313-332.
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  6. La angustia (entre la estética, el arte y el psicoanálisis).María Antonia González Valerio - 2012 - Estudios Filosóficos 61 (176):127-138.
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    Rememoración y tradición: La hermenéutica entre Heidegger y Gadamer.Maria Antonia González Valerio - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 10:87-102.
    The paper exhibits the relation between Heidegger’s idea of Andenken and one of the main concepts of Gadamer’s hermeneutics, viz., tradition, in the following way: tradition is interpreted from Andenken. In order to clarify this relation it was necessary to present the features of tradition pr..
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    Sobre las identidades narrativas.María Antonia González Valerio - 2009 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 34 (2):175-185.
    La interpretación narrativa es un modo de conectar la obra de arte con la historia y a partir de ahí configurar la identidad narrativa en términos dinámicos. La interpretación narrativa es un camino viable para el pensar cuando éste trata de dar cuenta de formas problemáticas de arte, como el arte actual, ya que tiene la ventaja de trabajar con el contexto de la obra en vez de tratarla aisladamente. Una obra es lo que es gracias a sus conexiones con (...)
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    El perdón Ante la violación de derechos humanos: Restricción política, posibilidad ética.María Del Rosario Guerra González & Sdelaque Parte - 2007 - In Jorge Martínez Contreras, Aura Ponce de León & Luis Villoro, El saber filosófico. México, D.F.: Asociación Filosófica de México. pp. 43.
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    "Per aurem intrat Christus in Mariam". Aproximación iconográfica a la "conceptio per aurem" en la pintura italiana del Trecento desde fuentes patrísticas y teológicas.José María Salvador González - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:193-230.
    La tesis mariológica de la conceptio per aurem, según la cual la Virgen María habría concebido a Jesucristo por el oído en el momento de escuchar del ángel el mensaje celestial anunciándole que, sin perder su virginidad, sería madre del Hijo de Dios encarnado, ha merecido hasta ahora muy pocos estudios académicos rigurosamente fundados en fuentes primarias. De hecho, en la literatura especializada son muy escasas las referencias a tal teoría y, cuando algún estudioso la evoca, casi siempre se (...)
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  11.  10
    El transfeminismo no es un humanismo: cruces entre animalidad y género.Anahí Gabriela González & María Belén Ballardo - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 33:106-133.
    En el presente trabajo pretendemos argumentar que el transfeminismo no es un humanismo, es decir, no puede consistir en una ampliación del proyecto humanista que conserve intactas las estructuras de exclusión que distribuyen privilegios. Antes bien, el transfeminismo ha de ser un antiespecismo y el antiespecismo ha de ser un transfeminismo, si ambos movimientos pretenden potenciar sus luchas contra toda forma de opresión. El artículo se despliega en los siguientes momentos: en primer lugar, sostenemos que el feminismo antiespecista clásico reproduce (...)
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  12.  19
    Entre las coreografías materiales del devenir: la escritura literaria en La memoria de las cosas de Gabriela Jáuregui.María Milagros González - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 76.
    Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación que, en el cruce entre materialidades estéticas latinoamericanas contemporáneas y reflexiones de diversas corrientes materialistas posthumanas, indaga las figuras que adquieren la materia humana y no humana, sus modos de existencia y sus interacciones posibles. El libro La memoria de las cosas (2015) de Gabriela Jáuregui articula, en ese sentido, un espacio de percepción y de sensibilidad ante la materia capaz de tensionar los binomios jerárquicos que rigen las distribuciones de lo existente: humanidad/no (...)
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  13.  16
    Los preparativos para la visita de Adriano a Hispania.Maria Pilar González-Conde Puente - 2022 - Klio 104 (1):293-333.
    Resumen En el año 2022 se celebra el 1900 aniversario de la visita del emperador Adriano a Hispania. La bibliografía científica ya ha estudiado este acontecimiento, aclarando muchos de los sucesos, la identidad de algunos de los personajes que pudieron venir con el Príncipe y las actuaciones de éste en la península Ibérica. En algunos casos, los testimonios conocidos no permiten una datación que los sitúe durante la presencia imperial en el territorio. Quedan también algunas incógnitas, como el verdadero recorrido (...)
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    Latin theological interpretations on templum Dei until the Second Council of Constantinople: A Mariological and Christological symbol.José María Salvador-González - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 49:115-133.
    This paper seeks to highlight the various interpretations that, before the Second Council of Constantinople, many Latin Church Fathers gave on several metaphorical expressions, such as “God’s temple,” “sanctuary,” “tabernacle,” “ark,” and other similar terms referring to spaces or containers reserved for deity. To address this issue, the author of this article structures his methodology on three strategies: the first consists in a profound tracking in Patristic and theological sources to detect some relevant statements by conspicuous Christian masters on the (...)
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    Percepción de la población frente al cambio climático en áreas naturales protegidas de Baja California Sur, México.Elizabeth Olmos Martínez, María Eugenia González Ávila & Marcela Rebeca Contreras Loera - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Este trabajo muestra la percepción de la población humana asentada en las siete áreas naturales protegidas federales de Baja California Sur, desde el punto de vista del conocimiento empírico sobre los cambios en el medio ambiente y recursos naturales ante efectos del Cambio Climático (CC). Se recolectaron datos a partir de la aplicación de 250 encuestas cualitativas en 2011. Los resultados muestran que la mayor parte de la población conoce el significado de CC y que los efectos que perciben son (...)
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  16. Las patentes farmaceúticas y biotecnológicas: generalidades.Agustín Alconada Rodríguez, María José Carrascosa Gómez, María García Prieto, Miguel Lorca Melton, Tomás Llamas González, Esther Martínez Bravo, Cristina Zabalo Corvi & Vicente González Díaz - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca, Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Dejar vivir. Marías y Lejeune en defensa de la vida.Enrique González Fernández - 2013 - Madrid: Rialp.
    Pocas veces ha habido mayor afinidad entre un filósofo y un científico. Este libro (de 191 páginas) descubre cómo Julián Marías conoció a Jérôme Lejeune en 1980, y ambos resultan muy afines: los dos afirman la unicidad (calidad de único) de cada persona, algo que durante la Edad Media se reservaba a muy pocos seres de este mundo: el Sol, la Luna o la Tierra, pero no se aplicaba a cada persona, considerada como miembro de una especie única porque se (...)
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  18.  26
    La Monarquía Española y América. Filosofía política de la Corona según la Legislación y el pensamiento de Las Casas, Vitoria y Julián Marías.Enrique González Fernández - 2021 - Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española.
    Ante la gravedad de la mentira, causante de todos los males, difundida desde hace muchas décadas en el Mundo Hispánico, este libro, con la fuerza del conocimiento de la verdad, pretende orientar a ese mismo mundo hacia su estabilidad, su concordia y su libertad, puestas hoy en peligro por tantas falsedades. Lo hace principalmente mostrando cómo la Corona Española, desde 1493, ordenaba tratar "muy bien y amorosamente a los indios", los cuales siempre encontraron en ella su principal bienhechora y, por (...)
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    Filosofía de la técnica. José Gaos. María Antonia González Valerio y Nicole C. Karafyllis (ed.). México: Herder, 2022. ISBN: 9788425449420. [REVIEW]Astrid Dzul Hori - 2023 - Arbor 199 (809):a719.
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  20.  27
    (1 other version)Mismidad y unicidad de la persona (frente al yo idéntico husserliano).Enrique González Fernández - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (3):593-606.
    Yo soy una realidad cambiante, no idéntica, pero yo soy _el mismo_ que antes y que después; hay, por tanto, una esencial _mismidad,_ que no es «identidad» en el sentido de las cosas o, más aún, de los objetos ideales. A diferencia del yo idéntico, estoy afectado por la circunstancialidad. Para el idealismo —desde Descartes hasta Husserl—, el ser del hombre es conciencia, _subjetividad,_ en la que el yo está encerrado, de modo que el gran problema es el acceso a (...)
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  21.  60
    La palabra y su universo de sentido.Maria Espar - 2005 - Dikaiosyne 14 (8).
    Objeto o sujeto de derechos Nature: Object or subject of rights Cartay, Belkis Acerca de la racionalidad científica: Feyerabend y los límites de la argumentación Scientific rationality, Feyerabend and the limits of the argument Castrejón, Gilberto El embrión es vida humana The embryo is human life Chacín, Ronald Ética y política: Las consecuencias prácticas de la modernización en la óptica de una acción comunicativa Ethics and politics: Practical consequences of modernization from the viewpoint of a comunicative act De La Vega, (...)
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    Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality- and Gender-Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip.Maria Kakarika, Shiva Taghavi & Helena V. González-Gómez - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):329-344.
    We conducted three studies to examine how the recipients of negative workplace gossip judge the gossip sender’s morality and how they respond behaviorally. Study 1 provided experimental evidence that gossip recipients perceive senders as low in morality, with female recipients rating the sender’s morality more negatively than male recipients. In a follow-up experiment (Study 2), we further found that perceived low morality translates into behavioral responses in the form of career-related sanctions by the recipient on the gossip sender. A critical (...)
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  23. La educación en la Constitución de Cádiz. Una revisión desde la perspectiva de Gramsci.María Antonia Ribón Seisdedos & Beatriz Pérez González - 2012 - Aposta 55:4.
    El artículo trata de aplicar las concepciones gramscianas al estudio de la primera constitución española. En el análisis se observan cuestiones relacionadas con la educación y los grupos hegemónicos intentando aportar nuevos datos tras la interpretación.
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    Technostress in Spanish University Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Maria Penado Abilleira, María-Luisa Rodicio-García, María Paula Ríos-de Deus & Maria José Mosquera-González - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:617650.
    One of the measures adopted by the government of Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the elimination of face-to-face classes in all universities, requiring that all teachers had to conduct their classes in an online mode. The objective of this article is to study how this adaptation among university teachers affected their job performance due to the technostress (objective and subjective) that they may have suffered. Based on the person-environment misfit theory (P-E fit theory), the sample consisted of 239 (...)
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  25.  29
    Technostress in Spanish University Students: Validation of a Measurement Scale.María Penado Abilleira, María Luisa Rodicio-García, María Paula Ríos-de-Deus & María José Mosquera-González - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mixed Methods Approach to Describe Social Interaction During a Group Intervention for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Carlota Alcover, Ma Ángeles Mairena, Marcela Mezzatesta, Neus Elias, María Díez-Juan, Gemma Balañá, Mireia González-Rodríguez, Jairo Rodríguez-Medina, M. Teresa Anguera & Eulàlia Arias-Pujol - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    La Justicia Procedimental Imperfecta de John Rawls, en la Conciencia Jurídica Material de Alf Ross.Gabriela González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 23.
    The unfinished imperfect procedural justice raised by John Rawls can be projected towards the theory of the jurisdictional function of Alf Ross, if we took in consideration the judge as an institution and citizen when he applies the law in the population that judges. The theory of the justice of the..
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    La Teoría Criminalística en la Individualización de la Pena.Gabriela González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2007 - Cinta de Moebio 29:167-178.
    The article briefly approaches some questions on the main penal theories that they turn around the determination of the penalty in the sentenced ones of codified legal systems, being jurisdictional processes, among them, the theory of the danger of Cesar Lombroso. The tendency of these criminal po..
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    La Teoría de los Sentimientos de Agnes Heller en la Función de los Jueces.Gabriela Beatriz González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 26.
    El texto aquí desarrollado aborda los principios más generales del realismo sociológico escandinavo, en particular de la teoría de la función jurisdiccional y del interés de Alf Ross, que sostiene a la objetividad y subjetividad como parte integrante de la actividad del juzgador, contrastán..
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    Acceptability of the Transitional Wearable Companion “+me” in Typical Children: A Pilot Study.Valerio Sperati, Beste Özcan, Laura Romano, Simone Scaffaro, Tania Moretta, Giada Turturo, Maria Nicoletta Aliberti, Vincenzo Guidetti & Gianluca Baldassarre - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Mood Disorder in Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy During the COVID-19 Outbreak.Valerio Nardone, Alfonso Reginelli, Claudia Vinciguerra, Pierpaolo Correale, Maria Grazia Calvanese, Sara Falivene, Angelo Sangiovanni, Roberta Grassi, Angela Di Biase, Maria Angela Polifrone, Michele Caraglia, Salvatore Cappabianca & Cesare Guida - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Novel coronavirus is having a devastating psychological impact on patients, especially patients with cancer. This work aims to evaluate mood disorders of cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy during COVID-19 in comparison with cancer patients who underwent radiation therapy in 2019.Materials and Methods: We included all the patients undergoing radiation therapy at our department in two-time points and during the COVID-19 outbreak. All the patients were asked to fulfill a validated questionnaire, the Symptom Distress thermometer, and the Beck Depression Inventory (...)
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    Infant-Directed Speech From a Multidimensional Perspective: The Interplay of Infant Birth Status, Maternal Parenting Stress, and Dyadic Co-regulation on Infant-Directed Speech Linguistic and Pragmatic Features.Maria Spinelli, Francesca Lionetti, Maria Concetta Garito, Prachi E. Shah, Maria Grazia Logrieco, Silvia Ponzetti, Paola Cicioni, Susanna Di Valerio & Mirco Fasolo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Infant-directed speech, the particular form of spontaneous language observed in interactions between parents and their infants, is a crucial aspect of the mother-infant interaction and an index of the attunement of maternal linguistic input to her infant communicative abilities and needs during dyadic interactions. The present study aimed to explore linguistic and pragmatic features of IDS during mother-infant interactions at 3-month of infant age. The effects of infant, maternal and dyadic factors on IDS were explored. Results evidenced few differences between (...)
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  33. Disease-mongering through clinical trials.María González-Moreno, Cristian Saborido & David Teira - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 51:11-18.
    Our goal in this paper is to articulate a precise concept of at least a certain kind of disease-mongering, showing how pharmaceutical marketing can commercially exploit certain diseases when their best definition is given through the success of a treatment in a clinical trial. We distinguish two types of disease-mongering according to the way they exploit the definition of the trial population for marketing purposes. We argue that behind these two forms of disease-mongering there are two well-known problems in the (...)
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  34.  7
    Escritos.Sônia Maria Viegas Andrade - 2009 - Belo Horizonte: Tessitura. Edited by Marcelo P. Marques.
    [1] Filosofia viva -- [2] Filosofia e arte -- [3] Vida filosófica.
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    Semblanza de María Teresa Román.María Luisa Romero González - 2018 - Endoxa 42:19.
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    Machiavellian Ways to Academic Cheating: A Mediational and Interactional Model.Claudio Barbaranelli, Maria L. Farnese, Carlo Tramontano, Roberta Fida, Valerio Ghezzi, Marinella Paciello & Philip Long - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:370835.
    Academic cheating has become a pervasive practice from primary schools to university. This study aims at investigating this phenomenon through a nomological network which integrates different theoretical frameworks and models, such as trait and social-cognitive theories and models regarding the approaches to learning and contextual/normative environment. Results on a sample of more than 200 Italian university students show that the Amoral Manipulation facet of Machiavellianism, Academic Moral Disengagement, Deep Approach to Learning and Normative Academic Cheating are significantly associated with Individual (...)
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  37. La relación filial-esponsal de María con Dios Padre.José María de Miguel González - 2005 - Salmanticensis 52 (3):529-557.
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    "O Virgo, templum Dei sanctum". Simbolismo del templo en imágenes de la Virgen María en los siglos XIV-XV según exégesis patrísticas y teológicas.José María Salvador González - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:359-398.
    Among the elements which have gradually been complicating the countless representations of the Virgin Mary throughout history, this paper seeks to highlight and interpret conceptually one of special doctrinal significance in some Marian images during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: the temple, in whose interior some artists place some actual or symbolic episodes of Mary, from her birth or her Annunciation to the Sacra Conversazione, to give a few examples. Even though at first sight it looks as a mere scenographic (...)
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    Being the Victim of Intimate Partner Violence in Virtual Reality: First- Versus Third-Person Perspective.Cristina Gonzalez-Liencres, Luis E. Zapata, Guillermo Iruretagoyena, Sofia Seinfeld, Lorena Perez-Mendez, Jorge Arroyo-Palacios, David Borland, Mel Slater & Maria V. Sanchez-Vives - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Non Experts: Which Ones Would Trust You?Saúl Pérez-González & María Jiménez-Buedo - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (5):610-625.
    Following Goldman’s seminal work, most contemporary philosophical contributions on the novice-expert relation have adopted a normative, expert-focused approach. In this paper, we aim to shift the focus of the philosophical analysis towards the characteristics of the novices, and how they might determine the choices that experts make. On the bases of recent empirical evidence from social psychology, we discuss how novices evaluate the messages that they receive and distinguish diverse kinds of novices according to their competence in message assessment. Building (...)
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  41. Creativity: Surprise and Abductive Reasoning.Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez & Willem Ferdinand Gerardus Haselager - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (153 - 1/4):325-342.
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    The advocacy role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Verónica Tíscar-González, Montserrat Gea-Sánchez, Joan Blanco-Blanco, María Teresa Moreno-Casbas & Elizabeth Peter - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):333-347.
    Background: The decision whether to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation may sometimes be ethically complex. While studies have addressed some of these issues, along with the role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, most have not considered the importance of nurses acting as advocates for their patients with respect to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Research objective: To explore what the nurse’s advocacy role is in cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the perspective of patients, relatives, and health professionals in the Basque Country (Spain). Research design: An exploratory critical (...)
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  43. Author's response to peer commentaries: Mexico's rule of law and MRTs.César Palacios-González & María de Jesús Medina-Arellano - 2017 - Journal of Law and the Biosciences 4 (3):623–629.
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    Multi-GPU Development of a Neural Networks Based Reconstructor for Adaptive Optics.Carlos González-Gutiérrez, María Luisa Sánchez-Rodríguez, José Luis Calvo-Rolle & Francisco Javier de Cos Juez - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
    Aberrations introduced by the atmospheric turbulence in large telescopes are compensated using adaptive optics systems, where the use of deformable mirrors and multiple sensors relies on complex control systems. Recently, the development of larger scales of telescopes as the E-ELT or TMT has created a computational challenge due to the increasing complexity of the new adaptive optics systems. The Complex Atmospheric Reconstructor based on Machine Learning is an algorithm based on artificial neural networks, designed to compensate the atmospheric turbulence. During (...)
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  45. Feminist Praxis Challenges the Identity Question: Toward New Collective Identity Metaphors.María Martínez González - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (3):22-38.
    The analysis of difference and identity questions brought Iris Marion Young to develop a metaphor of collective identity, the city, which included the diversity that characterizes all human groups. This article honors Iris Marion Young by challenging the question of identity in contemporary feminism and social sciences. María Martínez González argues that we need new identity and collective identity metaphors in order to understand the complexity of contemporary feminist praxis.
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    Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study.Irene González-Ceballos, Montserrat Palma, Josep Maria Serra & Moisès Esteban-Guitart - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:670886.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the lives of people all over the world. In particular, an unprecedented educational crisis has occurred due to the circumstances of physical distancing and remote learning. This article focuses specifically on the meaningful learning experiences in the everyday lives of adolescents during the pandemic. 72 meaningful learning experiences were identified from 11 participants who recorded their specific learning experiences for a week by a means of a journal recorded by themselves. A content analysis was (...)
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    Machine learning techniques for computer-based decision systems in the operating theatre: application to analgesia delivery.Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, Rafael Arnay, Juan Albino Mendez-Perez, Ana León, María Martín, Jose A. Reboso, Esteban Jove-Perez & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):236-250.
    This work focuses on the application of machine learning techniques to assist the clinicians in the administration of analgesic drug during general anaesthesia. Specifically, the main objective is to propose the basis of an intelligent system capable of making decisions to guide the opioid dose changes based on a new nociception monitor, the analgesia nociception index. Clinical data were obtained from 15 patients undergoing cholecystectomy surgery. By means of an off-line study, machine learning techniques were applied to analyse the possible (...)
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  48.  26
    The duality of poverty: a replication of Mani et al. (2013) in Colombia.Jhonathan Jared González, Juan Herrera-Santofimio, María Camila Contreras-González, María Angélica López-Ardila, Javier Corredor & Felipe González-Arango - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (1):39-73.
    Scarcity acts as a mental burden that disrupts how people process information and make decisions (Mullainathan and Shafir in Scarcity: Why having too little means so much. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2013; Mani et al. Science 342:976–980, 2013). In this study, we replicated Mani et al.’s (Science 342:976–980, 2013) experimental design to explore whether scarcity also taxes Colombian high school students’ mental bandwidth. In a lab-in-the-field experiment, we tested how 417 high school students from high and low socioeconomic status (SES) in Bogotá, (...)
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  49. Assessing the Risk of Stress in Organizations: Getting the Measure of Organizational-Level Stressors.Stephen Wood, Valerio Ghezzi, Claudio Barbaranelli, Cristina Di Tecco, Roberta Fida, Maria Luisa Farnese, Matteo Ronchetti & Sergio Iavicoli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  50. Cognitive Predictors of Word and Pseudoword Reading in Spanish First-Grade Children.María J. González-Valenzuela, Félix Díaz-Giráldez & María D. López-Montiel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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