Results for 'Marc Blondin'

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    Sartre et le dehors : Par-delà le circuit de l'être.Marc Blondin - 2006 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (1):69-90.
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  2. Species.Marc Ereshefsky - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    On the social and personal value of existence.Marc Fleurbaey & Alex Voorhoeve - 2015 - In . pp. 95-109.
    If a potential person would have a good life if he were to come into existence, can we coherently regard his coming into existence as better for him than his never coming into existence? And can we regard the situation in which he never comes into existence as worse for him? In this paper, we argue that both questions should be answered affirmatively. We also explain where prominent arguments to differing conclusions go wrong. Finally, we explore the relevance of our (...)
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    Ethics and the study of carnivores: Doing science while respecting animals.Marc Bekoff & Dale Jamieson - 2006 - In Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues: Reflections on Redecorating Nature. Temple University Press. pp. 232-261.
    The human relationship to nature is a deeply ambiguous one. Human animals are both a part of nature and distinct from it. They are part of nature in the sense that, like other forms of life, they were brought into existence by natural processes, and, like other forms of life, they are dependent on their environment for survival and success. Yet humans are also reflective animals with sophisticated cultural systems. Because of their immense power and their ability to wield it (...)
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    Hrabanus Maurus in Fulda: mit einer Hrabanus Maurus-Bibliographie (1979-2009).Marc-Aeilko Aris & Susana Bullido del Barrio (eds.) - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Knecht.
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    Die Theorie der Veränderung bei C. D. Broad.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1943 - Theoria 9 (2):91-123.
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  7. (1 other version)Métaphysique du beau.A. Marc - 1951 - Revue Thomiste 51 (1):112.
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    Gilles Deleuze's Transcendental Empiricism: From Tradition to Difference.Marc Rölli & Peter Hertz-Ohmes - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Peter Hertz-Ohmes.
    Deleuze's readings of Hume, Spinoza, Bergson and Nietzsche respond to philosophical critiques of classical and modern empiricism. However, Deleuze's arguments against those critiques - by Kant, Hegel, Husserl and Heidegger - consolidate the philosophy of immanence that can be called 'transcendental empiricism'. Marc Rolli offers us a detailed examination of Gilles Deleuze's philosophy of transcendental empiricism. He demonstrates that Deleuze takes up and radicalises the empiricist school of thought developing a systematic alternative to the mainstreams of modern continental philosophy.
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    Junger Kitsch: [nun zeigte sich, dass Kitsch erst im Auge des Betrachters entsteht].Marc Pfaff - 2008 - Berlin: Lit.
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    Hommage à : Jean Rouch . La ciné-transe, une pensée fertile.Marc Henri Piault - 2004 - Hermes 39:210.
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  11. The Melting and Mocking of Voices in Contemporary American Fiction.Marc Blanchard - 1992 - Semiotica 88 (3-4):341-351.
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  12. Principe et Méthode de la Métaphysique.A. Marc - 1934 - Archives de Philosophie 11:303-328.
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    Wahrheit und Lüge als Ideologie. Das Beispiel des „Machiavellismus “.Marc Schweska - 2004 - In Steffen Greschonig & Christine S. Sing (eds.), Ideologien zwischen Lüge und Wahrheitsanspruch. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag. pp. 5--26.
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    Self and Substance in Leibniz.Marc Elliott Bobro - 2004 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    "We are omniscient but confused," says Leibniz. He also says that we live in the best of all possible worlds, yet do not causally interact. So what are we? Leibniz is known for many things, including the ideality of space and time, calculus, plans for a universal language, theodicy, and ecumenism. But he is not known for his ideas on the self and personal identity. This book shows that Leibniz offers an original, internally coherent theory of personal identity, a theory (...)
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  15. Immodesty and permissivism.Marc-Kevin Daoust & David Montminy - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-21.
    What is the relationship between Immodesty and Permissivism? For permissivists, epistemically rational agents are sometimes permitted to take incompatible doxastic attitudes towards P. Immodesty is a requirement governing our estimations or beliefs about our own credences and standards. If agents believe that their standards and credences are not among the most truth-conducive ones available to them, they are not immodest. Some philosophers think that Immodesty is incompatible with Intrapersonal Permissivism :41–56, 2014, J Philos 116:237–262, 2019). Others think that Immodesty can (...)
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    Redecorating Nature: Reflections on Science, Holism, Community, Humility, Reconciliation, Spirit, Compassion, and Love.Marc Bekoff - 2000 - Human Ecology Review 7 (1):59-67.
    Numerous humans - in my opinion, far too many - continue to live apart from nature, rather than as a part of nature. In this personal essay I discuss various aspects of traditional science and suggest that holistic and heart-driven compassionate science needs to replace reductionist and impersonal science. I argue that creative proactive solutions drenched in deep caring, respect, and love for the universe need to be developed to deal with the broad range of problems with which we are (...)
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  17. Why Dennett cannot explain what it is to adopt the intentional stance.Marc Slors - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (182):93-98.
  18. Et ibidem vidi alias mulieres pendentes.... Avatars de la figure apocalyptique de la mauvaise mère.Marc Zillhardt - 2000 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (1):187-197.
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    Evolution of dynamin: Modular design of a membrane remodeling machine (retrospective on DOI 10.1002/bies.201200033).Marc Bramkamp - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (4):348-348.
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    La Caverne.Marc Chabot - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 9 (2):27-27.
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    La fatigue culturelle du Canada français.Marc Chabot - 1992 - Horizons Philosophiques 3 (1).
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    Charles Johnson: the novelist as philosopher.Marc C. Conner & William R. Nash (eds.) - 2007 - Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
    The essays explore virtually all of Johnson's writings: each of his novels, his numerous short stories, the range of his nonfiction essays, his many book ...
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    Le crédit de l'europe.Marc Crépon - 2014 - Rue Descartes 82 (3):39-42.
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    L'éternel retour et la pensée de la mort.Marc Crépon - 2005 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 73 (2):193.
    Dans « L’éternel retour et la pensée de la mort », la pensée nietzschéenne de la mort est interrogée dans l’horizon de sa promesse. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence comment la « prophétie » de l’éternel retour, si elle existe, n’est rien d’autre que l’annonce d’un autre rapport à la mort – d’une autre façon, plus qu’humaine, d’affronter simultanément l’expérience de la finitude et l’épreuve du deuil.In der folgenden Ueberlegung über « Ewige Wiederkiehr und Denken über den Tod » (...)
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  25. L'idée de Vérité et le Principe de Raison.A. Marc - 1949 - Archives de Philosophie 18:248.
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    The Lie of the Fox: Rousseau's Theory of Verbal, Monetary and Political Representation.Marc Shell - 1974 - Substance 4 (10):111.
  27. Methodological Classification of Innovative Engineering Projects.Marc Vries & Sjoerd Zwart - 2016 - In Anthonie W. M. Meijers, Peter Kroes, Pieter E. Vermaas & Maarten Franssen (eds.), Philosophy of Technology After the Empirical Turn. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    The Nature and Practice of Trust.Marc Cohen (ed.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Across the social sciences and even in philosophy, trust is most often characterized in terms of expectations and probabilities. This book defends an alternative conception of trust as a moral phenomenon. -/- When one person trusts another to do something, the first relies on the second’s commitment(s). So, trust reflects—and is a product of—agreement about the commitments and obligations that bind persons who live and work together. These commitments and obligations can be implicit, but building (or rebuilding) trust often requires (...)
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    The Invention of Singularity in School.Marc Crépon, D. J. S. Cross & Tyler M. Williams - 2020 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):467-483.
    This essay situates “singularity” at the heart of the power dynamics operative in contemporary pedagogy and the system supporting it. More than merely academic learning, indeed, “school” here denotes not only the range of disciplinary authorities at work within the classroom and the educational system at large but also discursive obedience to knowledge. Supported by close readings of Arendt and Derrida, this paper thus argues that nothing less than the formation of identity is at stake in “school.” What are the (...)
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    Paul Morand: The Paradoxes of "Revision".Marc Dambre & Roxanne Lapidus - 2003 - Substance 32 (3):43.
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    Objectifs et tâches de la théologie pratique.Marc Donzé - 1995 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 69 (3):292-302.
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    Bi-paradigmatic irony as a postmodern sign.Marc-Oliver Schuster - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (183):359-377.
    Since the late 1980s, the affinity between irony and postmodernity has been addressed in several studies that apply semiotic approaches to cultural postmodernity generally and to postmodern literature specifically. The following article contributes to the branch of semiotics of postmodern literature by proposing the notion of bi-paradigmatic irony as a special postmodern sign. Whereas mono-paradigmatic irony establishes its ironic contrast within the same paradigm, in bi-paradigmatic irony, said and meant meanings belong to two different paradigms. On the basis of two (...)
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    Nietzsches Vorstudien zur Geburt der Tragödie.Marc-Oliver Schuster & Christoph Landerer - 2002 - Nietzsche Studien 31 (1):114-133.
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    In Practice: What Doctors Fear Most.Marc Siegel - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (6):8.
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  35. What Inference to the Best Explanation Is Not: A Response to Roche and Sober's Screening-Off Challenge to IBE.Marc Lange - 2020 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 39:27-42.
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    Uniform semantic treatment of default and autoepistemic logics.Marc Denecker, Victor W. Marek & Mirosław Truszczyński - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 143 (1):79-122.
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    Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates Through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary.Marc Bekoff - 2012 - University of Utah Press.
    This thought-provoking collection sheds light on the plight of our nonhuman primate cousins--and what we can do to help.
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    The public lives of animals: A troubled scientist, pissy baboons, angry elephants, and happy hounds.Marc Bekoff - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (5):115-131.
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    ’Si vous allez derrière un thé'tre...’: La Bruyère’s moral gestures.Marc E. Blanchard - 1984 - Semiotica 51 (1-3).
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    Beyond cry and laugh: Toward a multilevel model of language production.Marc H. Bornstein & Gianluca Esposito - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6):548-549.
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    Gaining (on) momentum.Marc N. Branch - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):92-93.
    Nevin & Grace's approach is an interesting and useful attempt to find ways to measure “core” effects of a history of exposure to reinforcement. The momentum analogy makes intuitive sense, and the evidence for its utility is increasing. Several questions remain, however, about how the analogy will fare in the case of concurrent rather than sequential activities, about the use of extinction as a method to test resistance to change, and about the generality of some of the effects.
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  42. Fire, cloud, and deep darkness" (Deuteronomy 5:22) : Deuteronomy's recasting of revelation.Marc Zvi Brettler - 2008 - In George John Brooke, Hindy Najman & Loren T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), The significance of Sinai: traditions about Sinai and divine revelation in Judaism and Christianity. Boston: Brill.
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    Self-Efficacy: Now You See It, Now You Don’t. Reply to Snoek.Marc Lewis - 2017 - Neuroethics 10 (1):195-197.
    Snoek, like other commentators, conflates some of my neural claims with those of the Brain Disease Model of Addiction. But she sees other details of my modeling with precision and depth. I welcome her emphasis on individual and developmental differences in addicts' capacity to recognize and deploy their personal agency. In fact we agree that belief in personal agency is a critical first step to cultivating it. Yet I wish to steer away from the disease nomenclature, to give that belief (...)
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    On Being Linguistically At Sea Back To the Roots.Marc-André Béra - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (145):77-97.
    “Je doute qu'il y ait un dialogue de la chenille et du papillon”A. MatrauxThe most ordinary events astonish only those who think about them. What can be more natural than two people talking? They are from the same country, they speak the same language, they understand one another. They have things to say to each other and they say them. Anyone who would try to question such evident truisms would be seen as attempting to be a spinner of paradoxes. And (...)
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  45. CHAP. II. L'idée de l'Etre chez Suarez.A. Marc - 1933 - Archives de Philosophie 10:13-30.
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  46. Filosofin genom tiderna.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1967 - Stockholm,: Bonnier.
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  47. Logik för nybörjare.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1965 - Stockholm,: Liber.
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  48. Reply to Professor Llewelyn.Konrad Marc-Wogau - 1964 - Theoria 30 (2):143.
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  49. Sentential State Theories and Their State Languages.Marc K. Temin - 1973 - Dissertation, Princeton University
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    The Moral Claims of the Wanted Fetus.Marc Lappé - 1975 - Hastings Center Report 5 (2):11-13.
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