Alfredo Marcos [37]José Luis Espinel Marcos [19]Jean-Pierre Marcos [18]João Marcos [16]
Moisés Pérez Marcos [6]Anselmo Manuel Suances Marcos [6]Moysés Marcos [5]Natalio Fernandez Marcos [4]

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  1. Formal inconsistency and evolutionary databases.Walter A. Carnielli, João Marcos & Sandra De Amo - 2000 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 8 (2):115-152.
    This paper introduces new logical systems which axiomatize a formal representation of inconsistency (here taken to be equivalent to contradictoriness) in classical logic. We start from an intuitive semantical account of inconsistent data, fixing some basic requirements, and provide two distinct sound and complete axiomatics for such semantics, LFI1 and LFI2, as well as their first-order extensions, LFI1* and LFI2*, depending on which additional requirements are considered. These formal systems are examples of what we dub Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFI) (...)
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    Nearly every normal modal logic is paranormal.Joao Marcos - 2005 - Logique Et Analyse 48 (189-192):279-300.
    An overcomplete logic is a logic that ‘ceases to make the difference’: According to such a logic, all inferences hold independently of the nature of the statements involved. A negation-inconsistent logic is a logic having at least one model that satisfies both some statement and its negation. A negation-incomplete logic has at least one model according to which neither some statement nor its negation are satisfied. Paraconsistent logics are negation-inconsistent yet non-overcomplete; paracomplete logics are negation-incomplete yet non-overcomplete. A paranormal logic (...)
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  3.  27
    Twist Structures and Nelson Conuclei.Manuela Busaniche, Nikolaos Galatos & Miguel Andrés Marcos - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):949-987.
    Motivated by Kalman residuated lattices, Nelson residuated lattices and Nelson paraconsistent residuated lattices, we provide a natural common generalization of them. Nelson conucleus algebras unify these examples and further extend them to the non-commutative setting. We study their structure, establish a representation theorem for them in terms of twist structures and conuclei that results in a categorical adjunction, and explore situations where the representation is actually an isomorphism. In the latter case, the adjunction is elevated to a categorical equivalence. By (...)
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  4. Logics of essence and accident.Joao Marcos - 2005 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34 (1):43-56.
    We say that things happen accidentally when they do indeed happen, but only by chance. In the opposite situation, an essential happening is inescapable, its inevitability being the sine qua non for its very occurrence. This paper will investigate modal logics on a language tailored to talk about essential and accidental statements. Completeness of some among the weakest and the strongest such systems is attained. The weak expressibility of the classical propositional language enriched with the non-normal modal operators of essence (...)
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  5.  75
    Limits for Paraconsistent Calculi.Walter A. Carnielli & João Marcos - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (3):375-390.
    This paper discusses how to define logics as deductive limits of sequences of other logics. The case of da Costa's hierarchy of increasingly weaker paraconsistent calculi, known as $ \mathcal {C}$n, 1 $ \leq$ n $ \leq$ $ \omega$, is carefully studied. The calculus $ \mathcal {C}$$\scriptstyle \omega$, in particular, constitutes no more than a lower deductive bound to this hierarchy and differs considerably from its companions. A long standing problem in the literature (open for more than 35 years) is (...)
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  6. Two's Company: The humbug of many logical values.Carlos Caleiro, Walter Carnielli, Marcelo Coniglio & João Marcos - 2005 - In Jean-Yves Béziau (ed.), Logica Universalis: Towards a General Theory of Logic. Boston: Birkhäuser Verlog. pp. 169-189.
    The Polish logician Roman Suszko has extensively pleaded in the 1970s for a restatement of the notion of many-valuedness. According to him, as he would often repeat, “there are but two logical values, true and false.” As a matter of fact, a result by W´ojcicki-Lindenbaum shows that any tarskian logic has a many-valued semantics, and results by Suszko-da Costa-Scott show that any many-valued semantics can be reduced to a two-valued one. So, why should one even consider using logics with more (...)
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  7.  45
    On negation: Pure local rules.João Marcos - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (1):185-219.
  8.  11
    Postmodern Aristotle.Alfredo Marcos - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The modern world was in part born as a reaction against Aristotelianism. However, the image of Aristotle to which modern philosophers reacted was partial, to say the least. Paradoxical though it may seem, today, more than twenty-three centuries on, we may now be in the most advantageous position for understanding the Stagirite's philosophy and applying it to contemporary problems. The present book contributes to the forming of an idea of Post-modern reason inspired by a constellation of Aristotelian concepts, such as (...)
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  9.  73
    What is a logical theory? On theories containing assertions and denials.Carolina Blasio, Carlos Caleiro & João Marcos - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5481-5504.
    The standard notion of formal theory, in logic, is in general biased exclusively towards assertion: it commonly refers only to collections of assertions that any agent who accepts the generating axioms of the theory should also be committed to accept. In reviewing the main abstract approaches to the study of logical consequence, we point out why this notion of theory is unsatisfactory at multiple levels, and introduce a novel notion of theory that attacks the shortcomings of the received notion by (...)
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    Possible-translations semantics for some weak classically-based paraconsistent logics.João Marcos - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (1):7-28.
    In many real-life applications of logic it is useful to interpret a particular sentence as true together with its negation. If we are talking about classical logic, this situation would force all other sentences to be equally interpreted as true. Paraconsistent logics are exactly those logics that escape this explosive effect of the presence of inconsistencies and allow for sensible reasoning still to take effect. To provide reasonably intuitive semantics for paraconsistent logics has traditionally proven to be a challenge. Possible-translations (...)
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  11. Nelson’s logic ????Thiago Nascimento, Umberto Rivieccio, João Marcos & Matthew Spinks - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (6):1182-1206.
    Besides the better-known Nelson logic and paraconsistent Nelson logic, in 1959 David Nelson introduced, with motivations of realizability and constructibility, a logic called $\mathcal{S}$. The logic $\mathcal{S}$ was originally presented by means of a calculus with infinitely many rule schemata and no semantics. We look here at the propositional fragment of $\mathcal{S}$, showing that it is algebraizable, in the sense of Blok and Pigozzi, with respect to a variety of three-potent involutive residuated lattices. We thus introduce the first known algebraic (...)
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  12. What is a Non-truth-functional Logic?João Marcos - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (2):215-240.
    What is the fundamental insight behind truth-functionality ? When is a logic interpretable by way of a truth-functional semantics? To address such questions in a satisfactory way, a formal definition of truth-functionality from the point of view of abstract logics is clearly called for. As a matter of fact, such a definition has been available at least since the 70s, though to this day it still remains not very widely well-known. A clear distinction can be drawn between logics characterizable through: (...)
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  13.  29
    The Impact of Emissions Reduction Awareness on Moral Self-Concept: Sustaining Climate-Friendly Behaviour in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic.Aitor Marcos, Patrick Hartmann & Jose M. Barrutia - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (3):337-370.
    Communication campaigns often highlight environmental progress to encourage further pro-environmental behaviour. Consequently, the drop in carbon emissions caused by the COVID-19 restrictions has been framed as a positive environmental outcome of the pandemic. We conducted an experimental study with a US-representative sample (N = 500) to show that raising awareness of emissions reduction has the contrary effect: an increase in moral self-concept facilitated a negative spillover, namely, it reduced climate-friendly behavioural intentions. Normative influence was able to prevent this negative spillover (...)
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  14.  10
    Ortega, filósofo de la historia: el influjo crítico de Hegel en la teoría de las creencias y las generaciones.Alonso Marcos & Valerio Rocco Lozano - 2023 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (181).
    El artículo expone la propuesta de filosofía de la historia de José Ortega y Gasset. Tras mostrar su constante interés por la historia en prácticamente todos sus escritos tanto de juventud como de madurez, pasa a exponer su proyecto de historiología. Para ello, centra la atención en dos conceptos clave: la teoría de las creencias y la teoría de las generaciones. Este recorrido se lleva a cabo en paralelo a un análisis del influjo crítico de Hegel, mostrando las continuidades y (...)
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    Philosophy of Science and Philosophy: The Long Flight Home.Alfredo Marcos - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (6):695-702.
    In this article, I argue that there is philosophy of science since philosophy existed. Thus, the idea that the philosophy of science was born with neopositivism is historically wrong and detrimental to the development of the philosophy of science itself. Neopositivism tried to found the philosophy of science as an anti-philosophical discipline, as a field of study that came to replace simple philosophy. The attempt was maintained for thirty years, but failed. Now, this does not mean that we cannot make (...)
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  16.  50
    Negative modalities, consistency and determinedness.Adriano Dodó & João Marcos - 2014 - Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 300:21-45.
    We study a modal language for negative operators—an intuitionistic-like negation and its paraconsistent dual—added to (bounded) distributive lattices. For each non-classical negation an extra operator is hereby adjoined in order to allow for standard logical inferences to be opportunely restored. We present abstract characterizations and exhibit the main properties of each kind of negative modality, as well as of the associated connectives that express consistency and determinedness at the object-language level. Appropriate sequent-style proof systems and adequate kripke semantics are also (...)
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  17.  30
    Cave 2.0. The dualistic roots of transhumanism.Alfredo Marcos & Moisés Pérez Marcos - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 7 (2):23-40.
    El transhumanismo es una moda intelectual que propone la transformación de los seres humanos mediante diversas tecnologías. Expondremos brevemente los rasgos más conspicuos del TH, así como las principales críticas que se le han hecho. Pero la intención de este artículo no es entrar en esta polémica; aportaremos tan solo las claves imprescindibles para poder seguir adelante. Y una de las claves más intrigantes del TH es que, por debajo de su pátina tecno-futurista, remite a ciertas ideas filosóficas tan viejas (...)
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  18.  25
    Desarrollo humano sostenible: una visión aristotélica.Luca Valera & Alfredo Marcos - 2014 - Isegoría 51:671-690.
    La sostenibilidad, por sí misma, no es un criterio útil para evaluar la adecuación y moralidad de un acto, dado que se trata de un concepto abierto, necesitado de conexión con diversos elementos heterogéneos. Por su parte, el concepto de desarrollo sostenible carece de concreción, pues se define en términos de necesidades futuras de muy difícil predicción. Como guía de nuestras acciones será más útil el concepto de desarrollo humano sostenible, formulado en términos de capacidades, fundamentado filosóficamente en un enfoque (...)
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    Sequent Systems for Negative Modalities.Ori Lahav, João Marcos & Yoni Zohar - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (3):345-382.
    Non-classical negations may fail to be contradictory-forming operators in more than one way, and they often fail also to respect fundamental meta-logical properties such as the replacement property. Such drawbacks are witnessed by intricate semantics and proof systems, whose philosophical interpretations and computational properties are found wanting. In this paper we investigate congruential non-classical negations that live inside very natural systems of normal modal logics over complete distributive lattices; these logics are further enriched by adjustment connectives that may be used (...)
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  20.  20
    Nulla Libertarian Poena Sine NAP: Reexamination of Libertarian Theories of Punishment.David Marcos & Eduardo Blasco - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (2):83-89.
    Libertarianism deals with what the law should be. In this article, we focus on what the appropriate law to punish criminals should be in a libertarian society; that is, one that respects the Non-Aggression Principle and property rights. We examine various theories of punishment and explain why some are incompatible with libertarianism. We contribute to the latest libertarian theory of punishment suggesting the necessity to take time preference into consideration. We conclude stating a limit and a limitation to libertarian punishment (...)
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    A Categorical Equivalence for Stonean Residuated Lattices.Manuela Busaniche, Roberto Cignoli & Miguel Andrés Marcos - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (2):399-421.
    We follow the ideas given by Chen and Grätzer to represent Stone algebras and adapt them for the case of Stonean residuated lattices. Given a Stonean residuated lattice, we consider the triple formed by its Boolean skeleton, its algebra of dense elements and a connecting map. We define a category whose objects are these triples and suitably defined morphisms, and prove that we have a categorical equivalence between this category and that of Stonean residuated lattices. We compare our results with (...)
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  22.  27
    Ética ambiental.Alfredo Marcos - 1999 - Universitas Philosophica 33:31-58.
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    Iamblichus’ epistles, fourth-century philosophical and political epistolography and the neoplatonic curricula at athens and alexandria.Moysés Marcos - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (1):275-291.
    As a literary genre and practice, philosophical and political epistolography seems to have been alive and well in the fourth-century Roman empire. We have fragments of twenty letters of the late third- and early fourth-centuryc.e. Platonist philosopher Iamblichus of Chalcis to former students and other contemporaries, some of whom appear to have been imperial officeholders ; theEpistle to Himeriusof Sopater the Younger to his brother Himerius on the latter's assumption of an unknown governorship in the East, probably sometime in the (...)
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  24.  42
    The Political Philosophy of Science and the Problem of Rationality.Alfredo Marcos - 2018 - Axiomathes 28 (6):653-664.
    The present article offers an introductory vision to the political philosophy of science. The political philosophy of science is a new field of study where the philosophy of science and political philosophy converge. We will see the main contents of this field. We will also note that it depends on the construction of a model of rationality where science and politics can meet each other. Finally, the article tries to outline such a model of rationality. In order to do so, (...)
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    Conill Sancho, J. (2021). Nietzsche frente a Habermas. Genealogías de la razón. Madrid: Tecnos.Iván Sanz Marcos - 2024 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 25:261-265.
  26.  6
    Técnica y Sentido.José Manuel Chillón & Alfredo Marcos - 2015 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 11:77-99.
    El ser humano precisa de la técnica para vivir y desarrollarse en todas sus dimensiones, biológicas, sociales y espirituales. La técnica, por su parte, cobra sentido cuando es puesta precisamente al servicio del desarrollo humano. Pero lo técnico ha ido desplegándose a lo largo de la historia en diversas modalidades: de la simple técnica hemos pasado a la tecnología, después a la tecnociencia, de ahí a la biotecnología y, en última instancia, a la antropotecnia. En los últimos años algunos pensadores (...)
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    Aristotelian perspectives for post-modern reason.Alfredo Marcos - 2001 - Epistemologia 24 (1):83-110.
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    filosofía de la ciencia en España durante el siglo XX.Alfredo Marcos - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 63:177-201.
    El presente artículo se propone servir como base para historiar el desarrollo de la filosofía de la ciencia en España durante el siglo XX. La institucionalización de la filosofía de la ciencia en España fue más tardía que en otros países occidentales. Se fragua a partir de los años setenta del siglo XX. Podemos decir que fue uno de los frutos del periodo de la Transición, durante el cual España se reintegró plenamente a la comunidad internacional, también en estos temas (...)
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  29.  12
    Ciencia y religión en Michael Ruse.Alfredo Marcos - 2024 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 13 (2):49-61.
    El tema de las relaciones entre ciencia y religión es central en la obra de Ruse. No se trata de una mera curiosidad o de una cuestión tratada tangencialmente, sino que está en el corazón de sus preocupaciones intelectuales e incluso vitales (sección 1). Hay que señalar, además, que la actividad de Ruse coincide con una cierta encrucijada histórica, en la cual se enfrentan dos posiciones extremas y mutuamente hostiles, el creacionismo, por una parte, y el nuevo ateísmo, por otra (...)
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    In Memoriam.María Angélica Fierro & Graciela Marcos - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 80.
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    A Paraconsistent Decagon.João Marcos, Diderik Batens & Walter Carnielli - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (1):1-5.
  32.  21
    Ética del dolor en Miguel de Unamuno.Arrate Aparicio Marcos - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):541-550.
    El presente artículo tiene por objeto desarrollar la ética del dolor que se nos presenta en el pensamiento de Miguel de Unamuno. Para este quehacer, basándonos en sus escritos fundamentales, nos adentramos en el impacto que tiene la muerte y el dolor en la conducta vital del ser humano, además de sumergirnos en su concepción del amor como consuelo sanador del sentimiento trágico de la vida. Por último, se analiza la influencia directa de Blaise Pascal en la ética del dolor (...)
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    Relación médico-paciente e inteligencia emocional, un reto en la educación médica.José Félix Marcos, David Cerdio, Elvia Del Campo, Rosalba Esther Gutiérrez, Leonel Antonio Castro & Alma Cristina Cedillo - 2021 - Medicina y Ética 32 (3):635-664.
    La sobre-tecnificación inhumana ha promovido una visión reduc- cionista que afecta la forma en que se ejerce la medicina, dañando gravemente la relación médico-paciente. La carencia de formación en competencias humanísticas determina una visión utilitarista y sociobiologista. La deficiencia en la comprensión con respecto a las emociones individuales y ajenas es determinante en las habilidades sociales que, como médicos, debemos promover en las próximas generaciones, de modo que logremos recentrar la atención médica y científica en una visión antropocentrista. La Inteligencia (...)
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  34. Aveux et désaveux des voeux inconscients / Confessions and Denials of Unconscious Wishes.Jean-Pierre Marcos - 2010 - Filozofski Vestnik.
    The reading that we propose of Freud's work here allows to join the issue of subjectivity and telling the truth from the perspective of confession such as can be differentiated and related to the question of Christian confession. Without being confused with a spiritual exercise, psychoanalysis, in reviving the ambition of bringing into being a subject freed from what haunts and persecutes him, the modern name of this being the "unconscious", does not erase its Western origin. Nevertheless, psychoanalysis modifies the (...)
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  35.  24
    Dialectic and Refutation in Plato. On the Role of Refutation in the Search for Truth.Graciela Marcos - 2022 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32:e03214.
    While refutation is usually related to Plato's early, Socratic, dialogues, this paper is aimed at exploring the link between refutation and dialectic in some of his middle and late dialogues. First, it argues that refutation assumes a constructive role in the Phaedo, where the best logos is the least refutable, and also in the Republic, where the philosopher is invited to fight his way through all elenchoi. Then, it tries to show that the gymnasia of Prm. 130a ff. is aimed (...)
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    Hacia una superación de la ontología fundamental.Jairo Marcos - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):827-839.
    La razón emancipadora, posible allí donde se descubre la opresión, es un primer paso hacia una razón liberadora, posible cuando se des-oculta el eurocentrismo de la Razón excluyente, esa fabricación del proceso de modernización como devenir del Occidente privilegiado. La razón no desaparece, sino que se abre hasta dejar espacio a la existencia de diferentes tipos de saberes o racionalidades. Esta descentralización de la Razón excluyente, que corre desiderativamente paralela a una descentralización del sujeto, alumbra heterotopías plurales hacia una superación (...)
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    Reshaping Spirituality: Indigenous Decolonial Struggles for Justice in Mexico.Sylvia Marcos - 2021 - CLR James Journal 27 (1-2):67-79.
    Departing from Christian spiritualities, even those emerging from feminist theologians and Latin American eco feminist liberation theologies, the indigenous women´s movements started to propose their own “indigenous spirituality.” In some key meetings like the “First Summit of Indigenous Women of the Americas” and at other later meetings, their basic documents, final declarations, collective proposals have a spiritual component that departs from the influences of the largely Christian Catholic background of the country. Their discourses, demands, and live presentations have also expressed (...)
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  38. El concepto teleológico y pampsiquista de la naturaleza en Thomas Nagel.Moisés Pérez Marcos - 2013 - Estudios Filosóficos 62 (180):333-354.
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    Filosofía vs. erística según platón Y aristóteles: Acerca de la distinción entre estar problematizado Y hablar Por el gusto de hablar.Graciela E. Marcos - 2020 - Argos 1 (38):7-29.
    En este artículo pretendo echar luz sobre la distinción entre filosofía y erística en Platón y Aristóteles, dirigiendo la atención a la noción de aporía. En la sección I, sobre la base de un examen de las ocurrencias de eristikós en Menón, intento mostrar que Sócrates aparece estrechamente conectado al erístico, quien suele ser presentado como su oponente más peligroso. En la sección II, analizo la taxonomía de Aristóteles de los opositores al principio de no-contradicción en Metafísica IV, con el (...)
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  40. Wittgenstein & Paraconsistência.João Marcos - 2010 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 14 (1):135-73.
    In classical logic, a contradiction allows one to derive every other sentence of the underlying language; paraconsistent logics came relatively recently to subvert this explosive principle, by allowing for the subsistence of contradictory yet non-trivial theories. Therefore our surprise to find Wittgenstein, already at the 1930s, in comments and lectures delivered on the foundations of mathematics, as well as in other writings, counseling a certain tolerance on what concerns the presence of contradictions in a mathematical system. ‘Contradiction. Why just this (...)
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  41. La base del desarrollo= The basis of development.Mariano Barbacid, Carlos Martínez Alonso, Manuel Toharia Cortés, Luis Rojas Marcos, Herwig Schooper, Margarita Salas Falgueras, Rafael Rebolo López, Pedro Duque, Francisco J. Carrillo Montesinos & Santiago Grisolía - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:141-148.
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    Soberanía y obediencia, o sobre el ejercicio de la violencia en Hobbes y Harrington.Cintia Caram & Dolores Marcos - 2022 - Tópicos 43:152-170.
    Soberanía y obediencia fueron dos nociones clave en las discusiones que se dieron en los albores de la modernidad. Parte de los debates se centró en la cuestión de la legitimidad del poder político y, en consecuencia, en por qué debemos obedecer, qué beneficios trae la obediencia y cuáles son sus límites. En todos estos casos, la noción de violencia aparece con diferentes rostros, y principalmente con la fisonomía de la guerra —punto de máxima expresión de la violencia explícita—, problema (...)
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  43. Acerca del alcance de la "Aísthesis " en "Teeteto" 184B-186C.María E. Díaz & Graciela E. Marcos - 2004 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 30 (1):165-173.
  44.  39
    The IASS Roundtable on Biosemiotics: A Discussion with Some Founders of the Field.Claus Emmeche, Jesper Hoffmeyer, Anton Marcos, Kalevi Kull, Frederik Stjernfelt & Donald Favareau - 2008 - American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3):1-21.
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    Acerca de los autores.Fernando Fernández-Llébrez, Dolores Marcos, Miguel Ángel Simón & Amaia Pérez Orozco - 2004 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 4 (1):153-154.
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    Correction to: Sequent Systems for Negative Modalities.Ori Lahav, João Marcos & Yoni Zohar - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (1):135-135.
    In the original publication, the corresponding author was indicated incorrectly. The correct corresponding author of the article should be Ori Lahav. The original article has been updated accordingly.
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  47. Young children's experience of referentiality and nonreferentiality in dialogue.Marine Le Mené, Anne Salazar Orvig, Christine da Silva-Genest & Haydée Marcos - 2024 - In Michael C. Ewing & Ritva Laury (eds.), (Non)referentiality in conversation. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    Algunos datos biográficos y testamento del maestro Pedro Martínez de Osma.Florencio Marcos - 1955 - Salmanticensis 2 (3):691-706.
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  49.  63
    Acerca de los conceptos de política y soberanía en Carl Schmitt y Thomas Hobbes.Dolores Marcos - 2004 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 4:45-58.
    This article provides a discussion of the concepts of politics, sovereignty and man in the thinking of CARL SCHMITT and THOMAS HOBBES, clarifying certain similarities and differences between the two authors. It attempts to understand the well-known theory of the German author concerning that which is political, as drawn from the struggle and distinction between friend/foe in light of the threat posed by the Hobbesian state of nature and the meaning of war. These ideas call for a State that does (...)
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  50.  55
    Aliseda : La Lógica como herramienta de la razón. Razonamiento ampliativo en la creatividad, la cognición y la inferencia.Alfredo Marcos - 2015 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 30 (1):145.
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