Results for 'Marek Ν Jakubowski'

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  1. \"Filozofia na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego\", red. J. Pawlak, Toruń 2002, ss. 286.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2003 - Filo-Sofija 3 (1(3)).
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    Indywidualizm, wspólnotowość, polityka.Marek N. Jakubowski, Andrzej Szahaj & Abriszewski Krzysztof (eds.) - 2002 - Toruń: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.
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  3. The Meaning of Reality and the Meaninglessness of Its Criticism in Hegel's Philosophy.Marek N. Jakubowski - 1987 - Dialectics and Humanism 14 (2):135-145.
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  4. Heglowski ujęcie wojny jako środka racjonalizacji.Marek N. Jakubowski - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 262 (9).
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    Narodowe i uniwersalne: cztery studia o polskiej filozofii politycznej doby romantyzmu.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2002 - Toruń: Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika.
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  6. The Meaning of History in August Cieszkowski: Between Hegel and Romantic Historiosophy.Marek N. Jakubowski & Tomasz Przestępski - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (3):145-155.
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    On August Cieszkowski's.Marek N. Jakubowski & Anna Adamska - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):95-104.
  8. The State and Civil Society. Studies in Hegel\'s Political Philosophy Z.A. Pełczyński - Book Reviev.Marek Jakubowski - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17 (1):172-178.
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    Kantowskie inspiracje w filozofii Józefa Marii Hoene-Wrońskiego.Marek N. Jakubowski & Violetta Kamińska - 2004 - Filo-Sofija 4 (1(4)):47-64.
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    Cieszkowski i Hess: dwa ujęcia filozofii.Marek Nikodem Jakubowski - 1999 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 13:109-121.
    Autor stawia w centrum rozważań koncepcję historii Cieszkowskiego i Hessa. "Prolegomena…" Cieszkowskiego wywarły silne wrażenie na Hessie. Autor "Heiligen Geschichte" przejął koncepcję filozofii czynu Cieszkowskiego, która nie ograniczała się do spekulacji, lecz przenosiła nas do sfery społecznej praktyki.
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    Czyn, przyszłość, naród: poglądy filozoficzne Augusta Cieszkowskiego.Marek N. Jakubowski - 1989 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Ciągłość historii i historia ciągłości: polska filozofia dziejów.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2000 - Toruń: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
  13. Nieliberalny liberalizm Hegla.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2009 - Principia.
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    Hegel’s Non-Liberal Liberalism.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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    Making Sense of Polish History—From a History of Enquiry.Marek N. Jakubowski & Tomasz Voit - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3/4):133-148.
    Throughout 19th and the first half of 20th centuries, Polish thinkers largely supplanted political philosophy with the philosophy of history. Such an approach produced an essential continuum, despite marked differences of concepts in different political and theoretical contexts. This continuity finds a particular expression in two ideas, nascent already in the 15th and 16th century Polish political thought, i.e. the idea of Poland’s Historical Mission , and a notion of a specifically Polish Love of Freedom.The author approaches this phenomenon by (...)
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    Phenomenology and Marxism.Marek N. Jakubowski & Andrzej M. Kaniowski - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (3):185-188.
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    Z dziejów pytania o sens polskich dziejów.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2006 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 12:9-24.
    W wieku XIX i w I połowie XX filozofowie polscy zamiast filozofią polityczną zajęli się filozofią historii. Tego typu podejście stworzyło istotną kontynuację ideową, pomimo znacznych różnic uwarunkowanych odmiennymi kontekstami polityczno-teoretycznymi. Ta ciągłość wyraża się w dwóch ideach zrodzonych już w XV- i XVI-wiecznej polskiej myśli politycznej, tj. w idei polskiej misji historycznej jako „przedmurza” i w pojęciu specyficznie polskiego umiłowania wolności. Autor artykułu przybliża to zjawisko, prezentując zestaw trzech koncepcji: późnooświeceniową Staszica, romantyczną Cieszkowskiego oraz neoromantyczną Zdziechows- kiego.
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  18. Historiozofia jako filozofia praktyczna: Hegel a polska filozofia czynu.Marek N. Jakubowski - 1991 - Bydgoszcz: Wydawn. Uczelniane WSP w Bydgoszczy.
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    Wincentego Lutosławskiego koncepcja narodu i państwa.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2007 - Filo-Sofija 7 (1(7)):131-139.
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    Historia a filozofia historii w koncepcji Hegla.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2001 - Filo-Sofija 1 (1):169-177.
  21. Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Ludwig Siep, Hans-Ulrich Thamer, Norbert Waszek, Hegelianizm und Saint-Simonismus, mentis.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2010 - Ruch Filozoficzny 67 (1).
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  22. Tomasz Mróz, \"Wincenty Lutosławski 1863–1954. Jestem obywatelem utopii\", Polska Akademia Umiejętności, Kraków 2008, ss. 292 + 24 il. [REVIEW]Marek N. Jakubowski - 2009 - Filo-Sofija 9 (9).
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  23. Aktualność rozumu - aktualność Hegla (M. Buhr, J. D\'Hondt, H. Klenner, \"Aktuelle Vernuft. Drei Studien zur Philosophie Hegels\", Berlin 1985). [REVIEW]Marek N. Jakubowski - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 260 (7).
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    Marek N. Jakubowski: Czyn, Przyszlosc, Naród. Poglady Filozoficzne Augusta Cieszkowskiego , Warszawa; Poznan, 1989, ISBN: 83-01-08717-X; 175 pp. [REVIEW]Norbert Waszek - 1989 - Hegel Bulletin 10 (2):51-52.
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  25. Andrzej Szahaj, Marek N. Jakubowski, \"Filozofia polityki\", Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2005, ss. 215.Ryszard Mordarski - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (1(6)).
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  26. recenzja książki Andrzej Szahaj, Marek N. Jakubowski pt. "Filozofia polityki".Katarzyna Dąbrowska - 2006 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 4.
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  27. Krótki podręcznik filozofii polityki (Andrzej Szahaj, Marek N. Jakubowski: Filozofia polityki).Agnieszka Nogal - 2006 - Civitas 9 (9).
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  28. Najnowsze kompendium filozofii polityki [Andrzej Szahaj, Marek N. Jakubowski, Filozofia polityki, Warszawa 2005].Jakub Martewicz - 2007 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:220-222.
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    The representation of legal contracts.Aspassia Daskalopulu & Marek Sergot - 1997 - AI and Society 11 (1-2):6-17.
    The paper outlines ongoing research on logic-based tools for the analysis and representation of legal contracts, of the kind frequently encountered in large-scale engineering projects and complex, long-term trading agreements. We consider both contract formation and contract performance, in each case identifying the representational issues and the prospects for providing automated support tools.
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    Toward a reterritorialization of cultural theory.Marek Tamm & Kalevi Kull - 2016 - History of the Human Sciences 29 (1):75-98.
    This article argues that from a territorial perspective a certain coherence and continuity can be identified in the Estonian cultural-theoretical tradition – a discursive body based on common sources of influence and similar fundamental attitudes. We understand Estonian theory as a local episteme – a territorialized web of epistemological associations and rules for making sense of the world, which favours some premises while discouraging others. The article focuses on the older layers of Estonian theory, discussing the work of Karl Ernst (...)
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  31. Is the fact that other people believe in God a reason to believe? Remarks on the consensus gentium argument.Marek Dobrzeniecki - 2018 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 10 (3):133-153.
    According to The Consensus Gentium Argument from the premise: “Everyone believes that God exists” one can conclude that God does exist. In my paper I analyze two ways of defending the claim that somebody’s belief in God is a prima facie reason to believe. Kelly takes the fact of the commonness of the belief in God as a datum to explain and argues that the best explanation has to indicate the truthfulness of the theistic belief. Trinkaus Zagzebski grounds her defence (...)
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    The levels of perceptual processing and the neural correlates of increasing subjective visibility.Marek Binder, Krzysztof Gociewicz, Bert Windey, Marcin Koculak, Karolina Finc, Jan Nikadon, Monika Derda & Axel Cleeremans - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:106-125.
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    Historiografia Władysława Tatarkiewicza w kontekście sporów metodologicznych.Andrzej Marek Nowik - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Author: Nowik Andrzej Marek Title: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ’S HISTORIOGRAPHY FROM THE METHODOLOGICAL POLEMICS POINT OF VIEW (Historiografia Władysława Tatarkiewicza w kontekście sporów metodologicznych) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 497-503 Keywords: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, MODERN PHILOSOPHY, METHODOLOGY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The purpose of this article is to show the main trends in philosophy that influenced Władyslaw Tatarkiewicz’s science research, with special consideration of neo-Kantianism (the (...)
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    Posttraumatic stress and growth in adolescent childhood cancer survivors: Links to quality of life.Veronika Koutná, Marek Blatný & Martin Jelínek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Pediatric cancer can be considered an event potentially leading to posttraumatic stress symptoms as well as posttraumatic growth. While clinically significant levels of PTSS are rare in childhood cancer survivors, PTG is common in this population. However, the relationship of PTG to overall adaptation and quality of life in pediatric cancer patients is not clear. Therefore, our study aims to analyse the relationships of PTSS and PTG with QOL in childhood cancer survivors. In this study, 172 childhood cancer survivors completed (...)
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    The Normative Permission and Legal Utterances.Marek Zirk-Sadowski - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):194-202.
    The author proves that rejecting the existence of permissive norms and limitation of norms to prohibitions and commands alone is possible only with reducing the idea of a function. The essence of the function is then the ability of the expression to generate independently the universal norm formation. Such manipulation is easy on the level of logical analysis, but proves risky from other points of view. If we want the deontic logic, which we construct, to consider the fact that permission (...)
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    Archaeology of Cognitive Science: Michel Foucault’s Model of the Cognitive Revolution.Marek Hetmański - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (3):7-32.
    The article presents an epistemological and partially methodological analysis of cognitive science as a scientific discipline, created as a result of the transformations that took place in the philosophical and psychological concepts of the mind and cognition, which were carried out with the aid of tools and methods of modelling as well as through simulating human cognitive processes and consciousness. In order to describe this interdisciplinary science, and its positions, as well as the stages and directions of its development, it (...)
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    Science: Between Algorithm and Creativity.Jerzy Brzeziński, Francesco Coniglione & Tadeusz Marek - 1992
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    Counting proofs in propositional logic.René David & Marek Zaionc - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (2):185-199.
    We give a procedure for counting the number of different proofs of a formula in various sorts of propositional logic. This number is either an integer (that may be 0 if the formula is not provable) or infinite.
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    Considerations on Legal and Philosophical Problems in Experimental Botany: The case of plant in vitro cultures.Iwona Kleszcz & Marek Jakubiec - 2015 - Semina Scientiarum 14:92-119.
    The present paper consists of two parts. In the first, some issues related to the character of biological experiments conducted under in vitro cultures are portrayed. The relevant aspects of these procedures are explicated from the viewpoint of the experimental botanist. It is a case study for the considerations in the second part, which presents selected philosophical and legal issues involved in biological experiments from the general perspective of philosophical investigations concerning the problem of plants’ axiology. Obviously, the nature of (...)
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    Matter in Its 'Infinity'.T. J. Blakeley, Jiři Marek & L. E. Musberg - 1984 - Studies in Soviet Thought 27 (1):25-31.
    Consistent application of dialectical materialism leads Marxism-Leninism to the assertion that matter is infinite in its properties. However, the history of physics shows that the various levels of matter possess geometric dimensions that originate at the lowest level and continue through the others. The search for absolute natural constants -- which Planck called the most pleasant task of physics -- shows the conviction of the physicists that there is a limit to the parameters, a limit beyond which matter is no (...)
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    A note on the correctness of the causal ordering algorithm.Denver Dash & Marek J. Druzdzel - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (15):1800-1808.
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    (1 other version)On Some σ‐Algebras Containing the Projective Sets I.C. A. di Prisco & Wiktor Marek - 1982 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 28 (33‐38):525-538.
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    Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Tumors Based on Multi-Image Texture Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced CT. Selection of the Most Appropriate Texture Features.Dorota Duda, Marek Krętowski & Johanne Bézy-Wendling - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):49-70.
    In this work, a system for the classification of liver dynamic contest- enhanced CT images is presented. The system simultaneously analyzes the images with the same slice location, corresponding to three typical acquisition moments. At first, the texture features are extracted separately for each acquisition mo- ment. Afterwards, they are united in one “multiphase” vector, characterizing a triplet of textures. The work focuses on finding the most appropriate features that characterize a multi-image texture. At the beginning, the features which are (...)
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  44. 1. Praha.B. -Kuťakova Mouchova, E. Marek & V. Disco Latine - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    The Final Road.Marek Rudnicki & Rafael Scharf - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (9):227-230.
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    Predictors of Bribe-Taking: The Role of Bribe Size and Personality.Marek A. Vranka & Štěpán Bahník - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  47. Dedičstvo koronakrízy: Ako lepšie zvládnuť ďalšiu pandémiu.Petr Špecián & Marek Hudík (eds.) - 2021 - Bratislava, Slovensko:
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    Beyond the Philosophy of the Subject: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Post-Structuralist Reader, Volume I.Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    This first volume focuses on a collection of texts from the latter twenty years of Educational Philosophy and Theory, selected for their critical status as turning points or important awakenings in post-structural theory. In the last twenty years, the applications of the postmodern and poststructuralist perspectives have become less mono-focused, less narrowly concerned with technical questions and also less interested in epistemology, and more interested in ethics. This book covers questions of genealogy, ontology, the body and the institution, giving examples (...)
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  49. Fraktale: konstrukcja czy emergencja Cz.I.Fraktalne jednostki emergencji w klasycznym schemacie pojęciowym.Jarosław Pietrak, Marek Szydłowski & Paweł Tambur - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (183):43-64.
    W projekcie badawczym, który w zamyśle będzie składał się z dwóch merytorycznie i logicznie powiązanych artykułów, formułujemy taki schemat pojęciowy, w którym adekwatna staje się charakterystyka struktur fraktalnych w kategoriach filozoficznej koncepcji emergencji. W pracy pierwszej przedstawiamy główne idee filozofii emergencji oraz dokonujemy prób uchwycenia w procesie generowania fraktali jednostek emergentnych. Pozostajemy jednak w obrębie klasycznego rozumienia badanej relacji. W pracy drugiej, na podstawie zademonstrowanych słabości ujęć klasycznych, jako niewystarczających w specyficznym kontekście badanych struktur matematycznych, pokazujemy, że dyskurs nad emergencją (...)
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  50. Všeobecný základní příjem.Philippe Van Parijs, Marek Hrubec & Martin Brabec A. kol - 2008 - Filosoficky Casopis 56:303-305.
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