Results for 'Maren Jasmin Cordi'

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  1.  26
    No Evidence for Memory Decontextualization across One Night of Sleep.Katarzyna Jurewicz, Maren Jasmin Cordi, Tobias Staudigl & Björn Rasch - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2.  49
    The Fragments of the Disaster: Blanchot and Galeano on Decolonial Writing.Jasmine Wallace - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (3):292-302.
    Recordar: To remember; from the Latin re-cordis, to pass back through the heart.Forgetting is not secondary; it is not an improvised failing of what has first been constituted as memory. Forgetfulness is a practice.In his search for a community that does not rely upon the false unities of subjectivity or identity, Maurice Blanchot looks to literature and writing. To achieve the common in community, Blanchot argues for the development of unworking writing practices aimed at the silence anterior to language—a silence (...)
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  3. Being a body and having a body. The twofold temporality of embodied intentionality.Maren Wehrle - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):499-521.
    The body is both the subject and object of intentionality: qua Leib, it experiences worldly things and qua Körper, it is experienced as a thing in the world. This phenomenological differentiation forms the basis for Helmuth Plessner’s anthropological theory of the mediated or eccentric nature of human embodiment, that is, simultaneously we both are a body and have a body. Here, I want to focus on the extent to which this double aspect of embodiment relates to our experience of temporality. (...)
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  4.  16
    Emotion self-regulation.Maren Westphal & George A. Bonanno - 2004 - In Mario Beauregard (ed.), Consciousness, Emotional Self-Regulation and the Brain. John Benjamins. pp. 1--33.
  5.  14
    Jewish Exegesis and Homeric Scholarship in Alexandria.Maren R. Niehoff - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Systematically reading Jewish exegesis in light of Homeric scholarship, this book argues that more than 2000 years ago Alexandrian Jews developed critical and literary methods of Bible interpretation which are still extremely relevant today. Maren R. Niehoff provides a detailed analysis of Alexandrian Bible interpretation, from the second century BCE through newly discovered fragments to the exegetical work done by Philo. Niehoff shows that Alexandrian Jews responded in a great variety of ways to the Homeric scholarship developed at the (...)
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  6. Die Normativität der Erfahrung – Überlegungen zur Beziehung von Normalität und Aufmerksamkeit bei E. Husserl.Maren Wehrle - 2010 - Husserl Studies 26 (3):167-187.
    From a historico-cultural point of view the notion of normativity is closely tied to the apparently descriptive category of normality. This relation seems even tighter on the level of experience. As Husserl shows that normality, in the form of concordance and optimality, is a constitutive feature of experience itself. But in what sense can we speak of normativity in the realm of experience? Husserl himself saw no need to pose this question. But to explain the possibility of normal and coherent (...)
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    Mind wandering probes as a source of mind wandering depends on attention control demands.Maren Greve & Christopher A. Was - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 103 (C):103355.
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  8. What Is Intimacy?Jasmine Gunkel - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy 121 (8):425-456.
    Why is it more violating to grab a stranger’s thigh or stroke their face than it is to grab their forearm? Why is it worse to read someone’s dream journal without permission than it is to read their bird watching field notes? Why are gestation mandates so incredibly intrusive? Intimacy is key to understanding these cases, and to explaining many of our most stringent rights. -/- I present two ways of thinking about intimacy, Relationship-First Accounts and the Intimate Zones Account. (...)
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  9.  31
    ‘Bodies (that) matter’: the role of habit formation for identity.Maren Wehrle - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):365-386.
    This paper will interpret Judith Butler’s theory of performativity and materialization as a theory of identity, and so put it into dialogue with a phenomenological account of habit formation. The goal is to argue that identity is developed already at a bodily level and that this takes place via the processes of habit formation. The constitution of subjectivity, in other words, requires at the most basic level some kind of bodily performativity. What follows intends to draw out the concept of (...)
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    The Impact of Bilingualism on Executive Functions in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review Based on the PRISMA Method.Jasmine Giovannoli, Diana Martella, Francesca Federico, Sabine Pirchio & Maria Casagrande - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Perception of temporal asymmetries in dynamic facial expressions.Maren Reinl & Andreas Bartels - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  12.  33
    Exploring social‐based discrimination among nursing home certified nursing assistants.Jasmine L. Travers, Anne M. Teitelman, Kevin A. Jenkins & Nicholas G. Castle - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (1):e12315.
    Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) provide the majority of direct care to nursing home residents in the United States and, therefore, are keys to ensuring optimal health outcomes for this frail older adult population. These diverse direct care workers, however, are often not recognized for their important contributions to older adult care and are subjected to poor working conditions. It is probable that social‐based discrimination lies at the core of poor treatment toward CNAs. This review uses perspectives from critical social theory (...)
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    Evaluations Versus Expectations: Children's Divergent Beliefs About Resource Distribution.Jasmine M. DeJesus, Marjorie Rhodes & Katherine D. Kinzler - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):178-193.
    Past research reveals a tension between children's preferences for egalitarianism and ingroup favoritism when distributing resources to others. Here we investigate how children's evaluations and expectations of others' behaviors compare. Four- to 10-year-old children viewed events where individuals from two different groups distributed resources to their own group, to the other group, or equally across groups. Groups were described within a context of intergroup competition over scarce resources. In the Evaluation condition, children were asked to evaluate which resource distribution actions (...)
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  14.  18
    Trust and control dynamics in buyer–supplier relationships: The case of organic honey certification in Cuba.Maren Busch & Christian Herzig - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    The high complexity of international supply chain (SC) relationships requires mechanisms to build trust among stakeholders. Therefore, understanding the underlying mechanisms of developing and maintaining high trust levels in exchange relationships is essential to managing associated SC risks. Third-party certification (TPC) is a widely used, control-based governance mechanism in organic food production that aims to help build trust. Drawing on the concepts of trust and control, this article presents an analytical framework for assessing TPC's effects on trust–control dynamics within food (...)
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    Facts, Concepts and Patterns of Life—Or How to Change Things with Words.Jasmin Trächtler - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (4):58.
    In his last writings, Wittgenstein repeatedly addresses the question of how our concepts relate to general facts of nature or human nature and how they are embedded in our lives. In doing so, he uses the term “pattern of life”, characterizing the complicated relationship between concepts and our lives and how our concepts “are connected with what interests us, with what matters to us” (LWPP II, 46). But who is this “us”, and whose interests manifest in the concepts we use (...)
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  16.  61
    CSR Communication: An Impression Management Perspective.Jasmine Tata & Sameer Prasad - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (4):765-778.
    Organizations today recognize that it is not only important to engage in corporate social responsibility, but that it is also equally important to ensure that information about CSR is communicated to audiences. At times, however, the CSR image perceived by audiences is not an accurate portrayal of the organization’s CSR identity and is, therefore, incongruent with the desired CSR image. In this paper, we build upon the nascent work on organizational impression management by examining CSR communication from an impression management (...)
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  17.  37
    Feelings-of-Warmth Increase More Abruptly for Verbal Riddles Solved With in Contrast to Without Aha! Experience.Jasmin M. Kizilirmak, Violetta Serger, Judith Kehl, Michael Öllinger, Kristian Folta-Schoofs & Alan Richardson-Klavehn - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  18.  14
    Profiles of Parents’ Beliefs About Their Child’s Intelligence and Self-Regulation: A Latent Profile Analysis.Maren Stern & Silke Hertel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examined parents’ implicit theories of intelligence and self-regulation from a person-centered perspective using latent profile analysis. First, we explored whether different belief profiles exist. Second, we examined if the emergent belief profiles differ by demographic variables and are related to parents’ failure beliefs, goal orientation, and co-regulatory strategies. Data were collected from N = 137 parents of preschoolers who answered an online survey comprising their implicit theories about the malleability and relevance of the domains intelligence and self-regulation. We (...)
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  19. Gender Diversity in the Boardroom and Firm Performance: What Exactly Constitutes a “Critical Mass?”.Jasmin Joecks, Kerstin Pull & Karin Vetter - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (1):61-72.
    The under-representation of women on boards is a heavily discussed topic—not only in Germany. Based on critical mass theory and with the help of a hand-collected panel dataset of 151 listed German firms for the years 2000–2005, we explore whether the link between gender diversity and firm performance follows a U-shape. Controlling for reversed causality, we find evidence for gender diversity to at first negatively affect firm performance and—only after a “critical mass” of about 30 % women has been reached—to (...)
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  20. Born That Way? The Metaphysics of Queer Liberation.Maren Behrensen - 2013 - APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues 12 (2):2-7.
  21.  31
    Moving Images: Photography and the Japanese American Incarceration.Jasmine Alinder - 2009 - University of Illinois Press.
    Alinder provides calibrated readings of the photographs from this period, including works by Dorothea Lange, Ansel Adams, Manzanar camp inmate Toyo Miyatake (who constructed his own camera to document the complicated realities of camp life) ...
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  22. Vittorio BETTELON1 traduttore di Byron, Hammerling e Goethe.C. Cordie - 1954 - Paideia 9:193-199.
  23.  40
    Métodos de enseñanza y aprendizaje interdisciplinario.Jasmin Godemann - 2007 - Polis 16.
    Este documento provee un panorama de las posibilidades, pero también de la problemática de la colaboración inter y transdisciplinaria. La principal característica de la sustentabilidad es la complejidad y el entrelazamiento, por lo que el trabajo de adaptación en este ámbito es complejo y variado. Para las resoluciones de los problemas del contexto de un desarrollo sustentable no son suficientes simples causas–mecanismos de acción–descripciones. Son necesarios procedimientos que satisfagan la complejidad, que le den uso cotidiano, y que además no corran (...)
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  24.  23
    Indigenous Identity and the Coca Leaf.Jasmine Patricia Hafso - 2019 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 10 (2).
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  25. Science, Medicine, Society and Media.C. Jasmin - 1997 - International Journal of Bioethics 8:39-46.
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  26.  6
    Theorie und Praxis literarischer Wertung.Manon Maren-Grisebach & Manon Andreas-Grisebach - 1974 - München: A. Franke.
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  27.  37
    Waiting for the north to rise: Revisiting Barber and Rifkin after a generation of union financial activism in the U.s.Richard Marens - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1):109-123.
    A generation ago, Barber and Rifkin [The North Will Rise Again: Pensions, Politics and Power in 1980s (Beacon Press, Boston)] envisioned a new strategy for American Labor that would make extensive use of the capital in multi-employer and public pension plans. They argued that organized labor could influence how these funds were invested in order use this capital as both a weapon in struggles with recalcitrant management and as a tool to generate new union jobs. A number of union officials (...)
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  28.  58
    What Is to Be Done? Theory, Research, and Reforming American Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century - After Capitalism: From Managerialism to Workplace DemocracySeymour Melman New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. ISBN 0679418598 - Redefining the Corporation: Stakeholder Management and Organizational WealthJames E. Post, Lee E. Preston, and Sybille Sachs Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. 2002. ISBN 0804743045.Richard Marens - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (4):599-615.
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    Put that phone down and look around you! How recording events can affect witness memory.Jasmine Mourad & Mitchell Longstaff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  30. Harmony as virtue in Judaism.Maren R. Niehoff - 2022 - In Chenyang Li & Dascha Düring (eds.), The Virtue of Harmony. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  31.  16
    Measuring Spontaneous Focus on Space in Preschool Children.Jasmin Perez & Koleen McCrink - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  32. Response to Bernard E. Harcourt's "Post-Truth".Jasmine B. Gonzales Rose - 2021 - In Melissa Schwartzberg & Philip Kitcher (eds.), Truth and evidence. New York, N.Y.: NYU Press.
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    Konstitution des Sozialen oder soziale Konstitution?Maren Wehrle - 2013 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2013:301-317.
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    Heterodox underdetermination: Metaphysical options for discernibility and (non-)entanglement.Maren Bräutigam - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 103 (C):77-84.
    Broadly speaking, there are three views on whether Leibniz’s Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (PII) is violated in the case of similar particles. According to the earliest view, PII is always violated (call this the no discernibility view); according to the more recent weak discernibility view, PII is at least valid in a weak sense. No and weak discernibility have been referred to as orthodoxy. Steven French has argued that although PII is violated, similar particles can still be regarded (...)
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  35.  4
    Body.Maren Wehrle & Maxime Doyon - 2020 - In Daniele De Santis, Burt C. Hopkins & Claudio Majolino (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 123-137.
    This is a survey of some of the dominant ideas about 'the body' in the phenomenological literature.
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    Access and Mediation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention.Maren Wehrle, Diego D'Angelo & Elizaveta Solomonova (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This volume proposes an interdisciplinary framework that views attention from a particular angle: as a means of accessing, that is, disclosing the world in a practical and meaningful way. Moreover, it investigates how this access is concretely mediated. The book is structured in the following two parts: 1) Attention and Access The first section is concerned with attention as such. What is attention and what does it do? A common thread between the expected contributions addresses attention as a directional disclosing (...)
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  37. Internet Users’ Valuation of Enhanced Data Protection on Social Media: Which Aspects of Privacy Are Worth the Most?Jasmin Mahmoodi, Jitka Čurdová, Christoph Henking, Marvin Kunz, Karla Matić, Peter Mohr & Maja Vovko - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The feeling of choosing: Self-involvement and the cognitive status of things past.Jasmin Cloutier & C. Neil Macrae - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):125-135.
    Previous research has demonstrated that self-involvement enhances the memorability of information encountered in the past. The emergence of this effect, however, is dependent on guided evaluative processing and the explicit association of items with self. It remains to be seen, therefore, whether self-memory effects would emerge in task contexts characterized by incidental-encoding and minimal self-involvement. Integrating insights from work on source monitoring and action recognition, we hypothesized that the effects of self-involvement on memory function may be moderated by the extent (...)
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  39.  24
    Violations of expectation trigger infants to search for explanations.Jasmin Perez & Lisa Feigenson - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104942.
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    Subjectivity through the lens of Guattari: A key concept for nursing.Jasmine Lavoie, Annie-Claude Laurin & Patrick Martin - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    Félix Guattari, a French philosopher and psychotherapist often recognized for his collaboration with Gilles Deleuze, also published important work of his own. The way he conceptualizes subjectivity and schizoanalysis (later developed into institutional analysis) can incite us to interpret our social contexts differently and to help frame an emancipatory path in nursing. At La Borde, a psychiatric clinic, subjectivity was seen as the real power that lies within the institutions; invisible and flowing through all levels of the hierarchal structure—like waves—each (...)
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  41.  83
    Normative Embodiment. The role of the body in Foucault’s Genealogy. A Phenomenological Re-Reading.Maren Wehrle - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (1):56-71.
    ABSTRACTIn Foucault's later works, experience and embodiment become important for explaining the normative constitution of the subject: for norms to be effective, discourses are insufficient – they must be experienced and embodied. Practices of “discipline” inscribe power constellations and discourses into subjective experience and bodies. In his lectures on the Hermeneutics of the Subject, he turns this “violent” form of normative embodiment into an ethical perspective by referring to the Stoic tradition. Even though Foucault never developed a notion of experience (...)
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  42.  21
    (K)Information: Gamete Donation and Kinship Knowledge in Germany and Britain.Maren Klotz - 2014 - Campus Verlag.
    In (K)information, Maren Klotz presents a contemporary renegotiation of the values of privacy, information-sharing, and connectedness as they relate to the social, clinical, and regulatory management of kinship information.
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    Effects of language experience on domain-general perceptual strategies.Kyle Jasmin, Hui Sun & Adam T. Tierney - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104481.
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    Plasticity: a new materialist approach to policy and methodology.Jasmine B. Ulmer - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10):1096-1109.
    This article examines Catherine Malabou’s philosophical concept of plasticity as a new materialist methodology. Given that plasticity simultaneously maintains the ability to receive, give, and annihilate form, plasticity and plastic readings offer material-discursive possibilities for educational research. This article begins by discussing the evolution of plasticity, applications thereof, and its location within new materialist philosophy. To then demonstrate the possibilities of plasticity, this article takes the example of educational policy reform in relation to technology-centered models of education. A plastic reading (...)
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  45.  60
    The Role of Empathy in Alcohol Use of Bullying Perpetrators and Victims: Lower Personal Empathic Distress Makes Male Perpetrators of Bullying More Vulnerable to Alcohol Use.Maren Prignitz, Tobias Banaschewski, Arun L. W. Bokde, Sylvane Desrivières, Antoine Grigis, Hugh Garavan, Penny Gowland, Andreas Heinz, Jean-Luc Martinot, Marie-Laure Paillère Martinot, Eric Artiges, Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos, Luise Poustka, Sarah Hohmann, Juliane H. Fröhner, Lauren Robinson, Michael N. Smolka, Henrik Walter, Jeanne M. Winterer, Robert Whelan, Gunter Schumann, Frauke Nees, Herta Flor & on Behalf of the Imagen Consortium - 2023 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (13):6286.
    Bullying often results in negative coping in victims, including an increased consumption of alcohol. Recently, however, an increase in alcohol use has also been reported among perpetrators of bullying. The factors triggering this pattern are still unclear. We investigated the role of empathy in the interaction between bullying and alcohol use in an adolescent sample (IMAGEN) at age 13.97 (±0.53) years (baseline (BL), N = 2165, 50.9% female) and age 16.51 (±0.61) years (follow-up 1 (FU1), N = 1185, 54.9% female). (...)
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  46.  86
    What I Wish You Knew: Insights on Burnout, Inertia, Meltdown, and Shutdown From Autistic Youth.Jasmine Phung, Melanie Penner, Clémentine Pirlot & Christie Welch - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Burnout, inertia, meltdown, and shutdown have been identified as important parts of some autistic people’s lives. This study builds on our previous work that offered early academic descriptions of these phenomena, based on the perspectives of autistic adults.Objectives: This study aimed to explore the unique knowledge and insights of eight autistic children and youth to extend and refine our earlier description of burnout, inertia, and meltdown, with additional exploration of shutdown. We also aimed to explore how these youth cope (...)
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  47. Returning to Rawls: Social Contracting, Social Justice, and Transcending the Limitations of Locke.Richard Marens - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (1):63-76.
    A generation ago, the field of business ethics largely abandoned analyzing the broader issue of social justice to focus upon more micro concerns. Donaldson applied the social contract tradition of Locke and Rawls to the ethics of management decision-making, and with Dunfee, has advanced this project ever since. Current events suggest that if the field is to remain relevant it needs to return to examining social and economic fairness, and Rawl's approach to social contracting suggests a way to start. First, (...)
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  48. Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health of Senior High School Students: A Correlational Study.Jasmin Nerissa S. Yco, April Jasmin M. Gonzaga, Jessa Cervantes, Gian Benedict J. Goc-Ong, Haamiah Eunice R. Padios & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 11 (2):629-633.
    Mental health among students is one of the major concerns amidst the pandemic. Employing a correlational design, this study investigates the relationship between emotional intelligence and mental health among 152 senior high school students. Based on the statistical analysis, the r coefficient of 0.82 indicates a high positive correlation between the variables. The p-value of 0.00, which is less than 0.05, leads to the decision to reject the null hypothesis. Hence, a significant relationship exists between emotional intelligence and mental health (...)
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    Can the “real world” please stand up? The struggle for normality as a claim to reality.Maren Wehrle - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (2):151-163.
    In this paper, I show that a phenomenological concept of normality can be helpful to understand the experiential side of post-truth phenomena. How is one’s longing for, or sense of, normality related to what we deem as real, true, or objective? And to what extent is the sense for “what (really) is” related to our beliefs of what should be? To investigate this, I combine a phenomenological approach to lived normality with a genealogical account of represented normality that sheds light (...)
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    Laying the Foundation: Preparing the Field of Business and Society for Investigating the Relationship Between Business and Inequality.Richard Marens - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (6):1252-1285.
    With the growth in income inequality now regarded as a crucial social issue, business and society scholars need to prepare themselves for the ambitious task of studying how corporate practices, intentionally or not, contribute to this trend. This article offers starting points for scholars wishing to explore this topic but lacking the necessary background for doing so. First, it offers suggestions as to finding the extant empirical work necessary for informed analysis. This is followed by an examination of alternate methods (...)
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