Results for 'Maria Ramas'

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  1.  17
    Regional Analysis of Poverty in Ecuador: Sensitivity to the Choice of Equivalence Scales.Diego F. García-Vélez, Leidy D. Quezada-Ruiz, María del Cisne Tituaña-Castillo & María de la Cruz del Río-Rama - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Economies of scale and equivalent consumption units, which are present in households, must be considered in the measurement of monetary poverty, in order to obtain indicators that approximate the reality of each household. Therefore, in this research, monetary poverty in Ecuador is measured and analyzed at the provincial level for the period 2009–2016. It works with data from the National Survey of Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment and the INEC methodology is used to measure poverty, but per-capita income is replaced by (...)
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    (1 other version)Regulación de la tecnología informática al servicio de la rama judicial: Necesidad, realidad o ilusión.Ana María Mesa Elneser - 2011 - Ratio Juris 6 (13):99-111.
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    Il n’y a pas progrès Vueltas y revueltas de Louis-Auguste Blanqui.José María de Luelmo Jareño - 2017 - Co-herencia 14 (27):111-127.
    Aunque política y ciencia constituyen hoy en día ramas casi antagónicas del conocimiento humano -acaso combinables en ámbitos ficcionales como el cine y la literatura-, la relación entre filosofía política y astronomía es una constante histórica que alcanza especial fuerza en el pensamiento emancipatorio del siglo xix. El presente artículo sitúa en ese marco La eternidad por los astros y, asimismo, somete a contraste la peculiaridad retórica e ideológica de esta obra, en donde Louis-Auguste Blanqui propone una contigüidad entre (...)
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    Mariano Rojas (Coordinador), La Medición del Progreso y del Bienestar. Propuestas desde América Latina, Foro Consultivo Científico y Tecnológico. AC, México DF, 2011, 377 p. [REVIEW]María Gabriela Córdova - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    “Podemos escoger entre responsabilidad e irresponsabilidad, pero no podemos salirnos de la disyuntiva. O nos hacemos responsables del globo globalizado, o estamos involucrados en su destrucción” Franz HinkelammertHinkelammert (2001) emplea la metáfora de “cortar la rama del árbol en la cual se está sentado” para referirse a las consecuencias de la consolidación de la globalización en todos los ámbitos de la vida. Esta tendencia suicida, entendida a partir de la “crisis general de la conviven..
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  5. EL RELATIVISMO FILOSÓFICO.Miguel Acosta & José María Garrido (eds.) - 2005 - Madrid, Spain: Instituto de Humanidades Ángel Ayala-CEU (Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU).
    Esta obra compila los estudios presentados en las I Jornadas de Filosofía del Instituto CEU de Humanidades Ángel Ayala y está prologada por Abelardo Lobato, O. P. Los filósofos tienen el deber de buscar y alcanzar la verdad apelando a las fuerzas de la razón, la cual, por cierto, no impide otras vías genuinas de conocimiento, como la fe. La búsqueda intelectual exige un trabajo de análisis que debe afinarse ante las obcecaciones que a menudo se interponen en el horizonte (...)
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    Reducción y estructuralismo.María de las Mercedes O’Lery - 2019 - Perspectivas 3 (2):121-137.
    El fenómeno de que una rama relativamente autónoma de la ciencia sea absorbida por, o “reducida” a, otra disciplina es innegable y es una característica recurrente de la historia de la ciencia moderna, y no hay razón para suponer que dicho fenómeno no continuará teniendo lugar en el futuro. Esto afirmaba Ernest Nagel hace exactamente setenta años en el intento por justificar la necesidad de esclarecer la reducción científica (NAGEL, 1949, p. 100). Incluso varios años antes reclamaba el que no (...)
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    History of the microscope and its repercussion on Microbiology.Rita María Sánchez Lera & Oliva García - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (2):355-372.
    El microscopio constituye un instrumento de vital importancia para la Microbiología y para muchas otras ramas de la Medicina. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de profundizar los conocimientos sobre el microscopio, sobre la historia de este en el período comprendido desde su creación hasta la actualidad a nivel mundial y más brevemente en Cuba. El trabajo aborda también, con una corta descripción, los diferentes tipos existentes, así como algunas de las aplicaciones más importantes en la Microbiología. (...)
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    La conjetura de Poincaré. Un problema de topología.María Teresa Lozano Imízcoz - 2004 - Arbor 178 (704):691-707.
    El gran matemático Henri Poincaré fue el creador de la Topología. Sólo un científico con su manera peculiar de pensar e investigar, novedosa para la época (su intuición geométrica era extraordinaria), podía imaginar y abstraer el contenido cualitativo de los objetos geométricos como él lo hizo. La Topología, que Poincaré denominó «Analysis situs», es una rama de las Matemáticas que se ocupa de caracterizar algunas propiedades cualitativas de los objetos. Aquellas que permanecen tras una deformación continua sin roturas ni pegados.….
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    Bergson y su relación con las imágenes.Fernando Alexis Sánchez Mendoza & María del Rosario Guerra González - 2022 - Otrosiglo 6 (1):72-100.
    El presente trabajo explora la postura bergsoniana en torno a la imagen, toda vez que es constituida, de fondo, por la pregunta ¿qué se puede conocer? A propósito del tema Bergson se ubica en un punto intermedio entre el idealismo y el realismo, considera que la imagen es aquello que es más que una representación pero menos que la cosa en sí que el realismo pretende mostrar como objeto de conocimiento. La comprensión de la imagen no sólo lleva a escenarios (...)
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    Percepción de la ciencia y la tecnología en la adolescencia madrileña.Eulalia Pérez Sedeño, Isabel Sánchez Balmaseda, María José Miranda Suárez & Silvia García Dauder - 2008 - Arbor 184 (733):949-966.
    La ciencia y la tecnología tienen cada vez más importancia en nuestra vida cotidiana. Sin embargo los datos referentes a las opciones que toma el alumnado, en los últimos años, muestran una tendencia a la baja alarmante. Dado el descenso de alumnado en estas ramas de la Enseñanza Secundaria, en especial la disminución de chicas en la opción científico-técnica e incluso en la biosanitaria, es necesario examinar las causas que provocan el alejamiento de las opciones de ciencia y tecnología (...)
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  11. Bauddha darśana, saṃskr̥ti, evaṃ sāhitya, Mahāpaṇḍita Rāhula Saṅkr̥tyāyana kā yogadāna: Akhila Bhāratīya parisaṃvāda goshṭhī meṃ paṭhita nibandhoṃ kā saṅkalana.Rama Shankar Tripathi & Vijayaśaṅkara Caube (eds.) - 1997 - Sāranātha, Vārāṇasī: Kendrīya Ucca Tibbatī Śikshā Saṃsthāna.
    Seminar papers; on the contribution of Rāhula Sāṅkr̥tyāyana, 1893-1963 to Buddhist philosophy and literature.
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    Studies in Vedānta: essays in honour of Professor S.S. Rama Rao Pappu.Rama Rao Pappu, S. S., P. George Victor & V. V. S. Saibaba (eds.) - 2006 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Containing Both Intellectually Stimulating And Academically Entertaining Essays And Papers Presented At The Fifteenth International Congress Of Vedanta In The United States, This Book Honours The Congress Founder, Professor Rama Rao Pappu. This Volume Analytically Discusses The Ideologies Of Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva, Vallabha, Tyagaraja And Satya Sai Baba.
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  13. Social Entrepreneurship: A Well-Being Based Approach.Rama Krishna Reddy Kummitha, Benson Honig & David Urbano - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-41.
    We systematically review social entrepreneurship literature to analyse how the notion of well-being is perceived. We found that well-being in social entrepreneurship is accounted for in two forms: self-oriented and other-oriented. Our review indicates that both hedonic and eudaimonic well-being have received significant research attention, although the latter has gained more prominence. We found that negative well-being resulting from social entrepreneurial interventions is a matter of concern. Apart from critically synthesizing the literature, this paper offers a number of avenues for (...)
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    Yoga.Rama Polderman - 1959 - Amsterdam,: De Driehoek.
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  15. (1 other version)Swami Rama Tirtha.Shripad Rama Sharma - 1921 - Mangalore,: Dharma Prakash Press.
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  16. The Explanatory Role of Umwelt in Evolutionary Theory: Introducing von Baer's Reflections on Teleological Development.Tiago Rama - 2024 - Biosemiotics 1:1-26.
    Abstract: This paper argues that a central explanatory role for the concept of Umwelt in theoretical biology is to be found in developmental biology, in particular in the effort to understand development as a goal-directed and adaptive process that is controlled by the organism itself. I will reach this conclusion in two (interrelated) ways. The first is purely theoretical and relates to the current scenario in the philosophy of biology. Challenging neo-Darwinism requires a new understanding of the various components involved (...)
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  17. Is a Cognitive Revolution in Theoretical Biology Underway?Tiago Rama - 2024 - Foundations of Science 1:1-22.
    The foundations of biology have been a topic of debate for the past few decades. The traditional perspective of the Modern Synthesis, which portrays organisms as passive entities with limited role in evolutionary theory, is giving way to a new paradigm where organisms are recognized as active agents, actively shaping their own phenotypic traits for adaptive purposes. Within this context, this article raises the question of whether contemporary biological theory is undergoing a cognitive revolution. This inquiry can be approached in (...)
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  18. Evolutionary Causation and Teleosemantics.Tiago Rama - 2023 - In José Manuel Viejo & Mariano Sanjuán (eds.), Life and Mind - New Directions in the Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences. Springer.
    Disputes about the causal structure of natural selection have implications for teleosemantics. Etiological, mainstream teleosemantics is based on a causalist view of natural selection. The core of its solution to Brentano’s Problem lies in the solution to Kant’s Puzzle provided by the Modern Synthesis concerning populational causation. In this paper, I suggest that if we adopt an alternative, statisticalist view on natural selection, the door is open for two reflections. First, it allows for setting different challenges to etiological teleosemantics that (...)
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    CSR Implementation: Developing the Capacity for Collective Action.Rama Dasaratha, Milano Bernard, Salas Silvia & Liu Che-Hung - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):463-477.
    This article examines capacity development for collective action and institutional change through the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. We integrate Hargrave and Van de Ven’s (2006, Academy of Management Review31(4), 864–888) Collective Action Model with capacity development literature to develop a framework that can be used to clarify the nature of CSR involvement in capacity development, help identify alternative CSR response options, consider expected impacts of these options on stakeholders, and highlight trade-offs across alternative CSR investments. Our framework (...)
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    Sri Aurobindo and the theories of evolution.Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1968 - Varanasi,: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office.
  21. Agential Teleosemantics.Tiago Rama - 2022 - Dissertation, Autonomous University of Barcelona
    The field of the philosophy of biology is flourishing in its aim to evaluate and rethink the view inherited from the previous century ---the Modern Synthesis. Different research areas and theories have come to the fore in the last decades in order to account for different biological phenomena that, in the first instance, fall beyond the explanatory scope of the Modern Synthesis. This thesis is anchored and motivated by this revolt in the philosophy of biology. -/- The central target in (...)
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  22. [Trimśacchalokī: Paṭṭābhirāmaṭīkāsahitā] = Trimśacchlokī with Paṭṭābhirāma's ṭīkā.Rama Pisharoti, V. Subrahmanya Sastri, Pattabhirama Sastri & N. P. (eds.) - 1937 - Annamalainagar: Annamalai University journal.
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    Corporate Governance and Corruption: Ethical Dilemmas of Asian Business Groups.Marie Dela Rama - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):501-519.
    This study looks at how the corporate governance of family-owned business groups, the most dominant form of private sector organising in Asia, deals with different forms of corruption during the course of common business transactions. As a part of an ethnographic study conducted in 2007 to look at the impact of corporate governance reforms in the Philippines, one of the emergent themes from the study was the presence of significant corruption in the business environment of the country. A total of (...)
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  24. Biosemiotics at the bridge between Eco-Devo and representational theories of mind.Tiago Rama - 2021 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio 15 (2):59-92.
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  25. Doctor Of Mind.Rama Reddy Jaggavarapu (ed.) - 2003 - RRJ Institute of Spiritual Science.
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    3. the question of history in precolonial india.Rama Mantena - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (3):396–408.
    This essay considers an important and enduring problem in the writing of Indian history: how do we historians approach precolonial narratives of the past? A rich and suggestive new study of South Indian modes of historiography, Textures of Time: Writing History in South India 1600–1800, by Velcheru Narayana Rao, David Shulman, and Sanjay Subrahmanyam, has positioned itself at the center of this debate. For a variety of reasons, precolonial narratives have been demoted to the status of mere information, and genres (...)
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    CSR Implementation: Developing the Capacity for Collective Action.Dasaratha Rama, Bernard J. Milano, Silvia Salas & Che-Hung Liu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):463-477.
    This article examines capacity development for collective action and institutional change through the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. We integrate Hargrave and Van de Ven's, 864-888) Collective Action Model with capacity development literature to develop a framework that can be used to clarify the nature of CSR involvement in capacity development, help identify alternative CSR response options, consider expected impacts of these options on stakeholders, and highlight trade-offs across alternative CSR investments. Our framework encompasses CSR program investments in the (...)
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  28. Trnn-Aras strategy for multi-attribute group decision-making (Magdm) in trapezoidal neutrosophic number environment with unknown weight.Rama Mallick & Surapati Pramanik - 2020 - In Harish Garg (ed.), Decision-making with neutrosophic set: theory and applications in knowledge management. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    Daśarūpaka-paddhati by Kuravi RāmaDasarupaka-paddhati by Kuravi Rama.Ludo Rocher, T. Venkatacharya, Kuravi Rāma & Kuravi Rama - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):818.
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  30. Sight seeing from the hill of Vedanta.Rama Tirtha - 1942 - [Lucknow,: Rama Tirtha Publication League].
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    Advaitavedānta meṃ ātma-tattva: Svānubhavadarśa ke pariprekshya meṃ.Ramā Dube - 2010 - Vārāṇasī: Kiśora Vidyā Niketana.
    Comprehensive study of Advaita philosophy of self-realization in Svānubhavadarśa of Mādhavāśrama, fl. 1740.
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    Técnica, modernidad y metafísica. Heidegger sobre Jünger.Clara Ramas San Miguel - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico 47 (3):539-566.
    En este artículo presentamos, a partir de ciertos escritos heideggerianos inéditos en castellano, un diálogo o discusión entre Martin Heidegger y Ernst Jünger, diálogo desde el cual podemos plantear la cuestión de la crítica a la Modernidad en el delicado momento de la experiencia de la Primera Guerra Mundial como escenario privilegiado de un mundo dominado por la técnica y el trabajo. Se trataría, para Heidegger, de pensar lo que vio y lo que no vio Jünger: el fundamento metafísico de (...)
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  33. Explanatory Domains and Reciprocal Causation: How (not) integrate development and evolution.Tiago Rama - manuscript
    A common explanatory error in science concerns the conflation of the epistemological roles between two domains. Here we will address a specific case: when explanations of development replace evolutionary explanations or vice versa. Ernst Mayr famously distinguished between proximate and ultimate causal explanations in biology. His view was central to the Modern Synthesis’ exclusion of development from evolutionary theory. Nonetheless, the explanatory role of developmental processes in evolution is a central theme in current theoretical biology which has prompted several revisions (...)
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  34. The Phylogeny Fallacy and Teleosemantics: Types, Tokens, and the Explanatory Gap in the Naturalization of Intentionality.Tiago Rama - manuscript
    The use of evolutionary explanations to explain phenomena at the individual level has been described by various authors as an explanatory error, the so-called Phylogeny Fallacy. In this paper, this fallacy will be analyzed in the context of teleosemantics, a central project of the philosophy of mind whose main aim is to naturalize intentional systems by appealing to their biological teleofunctions. I will argue that those teleosemantics projects that invoke evolutionary functions generally commit the fallacy. First, I will point to (...)
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    Indian philosophy: past and future.Rama Rao Pappu, S. S. & R. Puligandla (eds.) - 1982 - Delhi: Motila Banarsidass.
    The main aim of this book is to enquire about the traditions, goals and future of Indian philosophy. The contributors are Indian scholars teaching in the universities in India itself and also in the United Kingdom, Canada and the United states. Seven of the contributors concern themselves primarily, though not exclusively, with the tradition of Indian philosophy; seven others deal with the modern approach to the Indian tradition and six contributors look at the future of Indian philosophy.
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  36. Function and Selection Beyond Externalism.Tiago Rama - manuscript
    Explanatory Externalism states that the only adaptive force in evolution is natural selection. Explanatory Externalism is a central thesis of the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis. The etiological theory of natural selected-effect functions also advocates Explanatory Externalism. According to this theory, natural selection is the process responsible for determining the proper natural functions of traits. However, I will point out several challenges to Explanatory Externalism that are proposed primarily by developmental biology and its various subfields. Based on these challenges, this paper will (...)
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  37. Sunya Sampadana.Rama Ghose - 2005 - In Bettina Baumer & John R. Dupuche (eds.), Void and fullness in the Buddhist, Hindu, and Christian traditions: Sunya-Purna-Pleroma. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld. pp. 201.
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    Quantified in duality.Rama Sastri - 2016 - New Delhi, India: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt..
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    Studies in the fundamentals of induction.Rama Chandra Pal - 2000 - Calcutta: Rabindra Bharati University.
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  40. Svāmī Rāmatīrtha samagra darśana.Rama Tirtha - 2000 - Kolhāpūra: Mahārāshṭra Grantha Bhāṇḍāra. Edited by Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji.
    Complete discourses on Vedanta, by a Hindu philosopher.
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    Spinoza in the Light of the Vedanta.Rama Kanta Tripathi - 1962 - Philosophy East and West 11 (4):261-265.
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  42. The Phylogeny Fallacy and Evolutionary Causation.Tiago Rama - manuscript
    Abstract: The use of evolutionary explanations to account for proximate phenomena has been labeled by various authors as an explanatory error, the so-called phylogeny fallacy. In this paper, this fallacy will be analyzed in the context of teleosemantics. I will discuss whether teleosemantics projects that rely on the Selected-Effect Theory of Functions (i.e., mainstream teleosemantics) generally commit the fallacy. To frame the discussion, I will present two desiderata that, as argued here, every teleosemantic project must fulfill. The actuality desideratum, motivated (...)
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    The Explanatory Role of Umwelt in Evolutionary Theory: Introducing von Baer’s Reflections on Teleological Development.Tiago Rama - 2024 - Biosemiotics 17 (2):361-386.
    This paper argues that a central explanatory role for the concept of _Umwelt_ in theoretical biology is to be found in developmental biology, in particular in the effort to understand development as a goal-directed and adaptive process that is controlled by the organism itself. I will reach this conclusion in two (interrelated) ways. The first is purely theoretical and relates to the current scenario in the philosophy of biology. Challenging neo-Darwinism requires a new understanding of the various components involved in (...)
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  44. Guruvaṃsakāvyaṃ.Rama Sastrigal & Kunigal[From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1926
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    Male sex drive and the masculinization of the genome.Rama S. Singh & Rob J. Kulathinal - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (5):518-525.
    Charles Darwin remarked that “males, with their superior strength, pugnacity, armaments, unwieldly passion and love songs, are almost always the more active and most often, the initiators of sexual interactions”.1 Here, we propose that such male sex drive directly impacts the genome by leading to its progressive masculinization—genes that possess sex-specific effects on male fitness accumulate to a much greater extent and are generally more diverged.2,3 The larger proportion of male versus female fitness modifiers in combination with stronger sexual selection (...)
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    The Philosophy of Dr. B. L. Atreya.Rama Shanker Srivastava, Shanti Prakash Atreya & J. P. Atreya (eds.) - 1977 - New Delhi: Oriental Publishers & Distributors.
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  47. Mathematics and Vedanta (Vedanta practicised).Rama Tirtha - 1948 - [Lucknow,: Rama Tirtha Publication League].
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    Knowledge, language and learning.Rama Kant Agnihotri & Hriday Kant Dewan (eds.) - 2010 - Delhi: Macmillan Publishers India.
    Papers presented at the International Seminar on Construction of Knowledge, held at Vidya Bhawan Society, Udaipur during 16-18 April 2004.
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  49. Book notices-thinking about evolution. Historical, philosophical and political perspectives.Rama S. Singh, Costas B. Krimbas, Diane B. Paul & John Beatty - 2001 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):327.
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    Contemporary Indian philosophy.Rama Shanker Srivastava - 1965 - Delhi,: Munshi Ram Manohar Lal.
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