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John Beatty [44]John H. Beatty [1]John Henry Beatty [1]John W. Beatty [1]
  1.  60
    The Empire of Chance: How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Life.Gerd Gigerenzer, Zeno Swijtink, Theodore Porter, Lorraine Daston, John Beatty & Lorenz Kruger - 1990 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Empire of Chance tells how quantitative ideas of chance transformed the natural and social sciences, as well as daily life over the last three centuries. A continuous narrative connects the earliest application of probability and statistics in gambling and insurance to the most recent forays into law, medicine, polling and baseball. Separate chapters explore the theoretical and methodological impact in biology, physics and psychology. Themes recur - determinism, inference, causality, free will, evidence, the shifting meaning of probability - but (...)
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  2. The propensity interpretation of fitness.Susan K. Mills & John H. Beatty - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (2):263-286.
    The concept of "fitness" is a notion of central importance to evolutionary theory. Yet the interpretation of this concept and its role in explanations of evolutionary phenomena have remained obscure. We provide a propensity interpretation of fitness, which we argue captures the intended reference of this term as it is used by evolutionary theorists. Using the propensity interpretation of fitness, we provide a Hempelian reconstruction of explanations of evolutionary phenomena, and we show why charges of circularity which have been levelled (...)
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  3. Chance and natural selection.John Beatty - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (2):183-211.
    Among the liveliest disputes in evolutionary biology today are disputes concerning the role of chance in evolution--more specifically, disputes concerning the relative evolutionary importance of natural selection vs. so-called "random drift". The following discussion is an attempt to sort out some of the broad issues involved in those disputes. In the first half of this paper, I try to explain the differences between evolution by natural selection and evolution by random drift. On some common construals of "natural selection", those two (...)
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  4. Replaying Life’s Tape.John Beatty - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy 103 (7):336-362.
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  5. Optimal-design models and the strategy of model building in evolutionary biology.John Beatty - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (4):532-561.
    The prevalence of optimality models in the literature of evolutionary biology is testimony to their popularity and importance. Evolutionary biologist R. C. Lewontin, whose criticisms of optimality models are considered here, reflects that "optimality arguments have become extremely popular in the last fifteen years, and at present represent the dominant mode of thought." Although optimality models have received little attention in the philosophical literature, these models are very interesting from a philosophical point of view. As will be argued, optimality models (...)
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  6. Why do biologists argue like they do?John Beatty - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):443.
    "Theoretical pluralism" obtains when there are good evidential reasons for accommodating multiple theories of the same domain. Issues of "relative significance" often arise in connection with the investigation of such domains. In this paper, I describe and give examples of theoretical pluralism and relative significance issues. Then I explain why theoretical pluralism so often obtains in biology--and why issues of relative significance arise--in terms of evolutionary contingencies and the paucity or lack of laws of biology. Finally, I turn from explanation (...)
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  7.  82
    What’s Wrong with the Received View of Evolutionary Theory?John Beatty - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:397 - 426.
    Much if not most recent literature in philosophy of biology concerns the extent to which biological theories conform to what is known as the "received" philosophical view of scientific theories, a descendant of the logical-empiricist view of theories. But the received view currently faces a competitor--a very different view of theories known as the "semantic" view. It is argued here that the semantic view is more sensitive to the nature and limitations of evolutionary theory than is the received view. In (...)
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  8.  86
    What are narratives good for?John Beatty - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 58:33-40.
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  9. The proximate/ultimate distinction in the multiple careers of Ernst Mayr.John Beatty - 1994 - Biology and Philosophy 9 (3):333-356.
    Ernst Mayr''s distinction between ultimate and proximate causes is justly considered a major contribution to philosophy of biology. But how did Mayr come to this philosophical distinction, and what role did it play in his earlier scientific work? I address these issues by dividing Mayr''s work into three careers or phases: 1) Mayr the naturalist/researcher, 2) Mayr the representative of and spokesman for evolutionary biology and systematics, and more recently 3) Mayr the historian and philosopher of biology. If we want (...)
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  10.  73
    Narrative possibility and narrative explanation.John Beatty - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 62:31-41.
  11. Masking disagreement among experts.John Beatty - 2006 - Episteme 3 (1-2):52-67.
    There are many reasons why scientific experts may mask disagreement and endorse a position publicly as “jointly accepted.” In this paper I consider the inner workings of a group of scientists charged with deciding not only a technically difficult issue, but also a matter of social and political importance: the maximum acceptable dose of radiation. I focus on how, in this real world situation, concerns with credibility, authority, and expertise shaped the process by which this group negotiated the competing virtues (...)
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  12. Should We Aim for Consensus?Alfred Moore & John Beatty - 2010 - Episteme 7 (3):198-214.
    There can be good reasons to doubt the authority of a group of scientists. But those reasons do not include lack of unanimity among them. Indeed, holding science to a unanimity or near-unanimity standard has a pernicious effect on scientific deliberation, and on the transparency that is so crucial to the authority of science in a democracy. What authorizes a conclusion is the quality of the deliberation that produced it, which is enhanced by the presence of a non-dismissible minority. Scientists (...)
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  13.  40
    Weighing the risks: Stalemate in the classical/balance controversy.John Beatty - 1987 - Journal of the History of Biology 20 (3):289-319.
    The classical/balance controversy continued along these lines throughout the first half of the sixties. Then, at about the same time that the classical position lost its leading advocate, the balance position received striking new support from Harry Harris, and independently from Dobzhansky's former student Lewontin, and Lewontin's research partner, Jack Hubby.80 These developments served more to reorient the controversy than to end it — and the resulting “neoclassical”/balance controversy is different enough to be grist for another mill.Social policy considerations no (...)
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  14. Natural selection and history.John Beatty & Eric Cyr Desjardins - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (2):231-246.
    In “Spandrels,” Gould and Lewontin criticized what they took to be an all-too-common conviction, namely, that adaptation to current environments determines organic form. They stressed instead the importance of history. In this paper, we elaborate upon their concerns by appealing to other writings in which those issues are treated in greater detail. Gould and Lewontin’s combined emphasis on history was three-fold. First, evolution by natural selection does not start from scratch, but always refashions preexisting forms. Second, preexisting forms are refashioned (...)
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  15.  75
    The Creativity of Natural Selection? Part I: Darwin, Darwinism, and the Mutationists.John Beatty - 2016 - Journal of the History of Biology 49 (4):659-684.
    This is the first of a two-part essay on the history of debates concerning the creativity of natural selection, from Darwin through the evolutionary synthesis and up to the present. Here I focus on the mid-late nineteenth century to the early twentieth, with special emphasis on early Darwinism and its critics, the self-styled “mutationists.” The second part focuses on the evolutionary synthesis and some of its critics, especially the “neutralists” and “neo-mutationists.” Like Stephen Gould, I consider the creativity of natural (...)
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  16. Chance Variation: Darwin on Orchids.John Beatty - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):629-641.
    How, according to Darwin, does chance variation affect evolutionary outcomes? In his 1866 book, On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects, Darwin developed an argument that played an important role in his overall case for evolution by natural selection, as articulated in later editions of the Origin. This argument also figured significantly in Darwin's reflections on the theological dimensions of evolution by natural selection.
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  17. The Propensity Interpretation of ‘Fitness‘—No Interpretation is No Substitute.Robert Brandon & John Beatty - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (2):342-347.
  18.  34
    Masking Disagreement among Experts.John Beatty - 2006 - Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology 3 (1):52-67.
  19.  45
    The Creativity of Natural Selection? Part II: The Synthesis and Since.John Beatty - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4):705-731.
    This is the second of a two-part essay on the history of debates concerning the creativity of natural selection, from Darwin through the evolutionary synthesis and up to the present. In the first part, I focussed on the mid-late nineteenth century to the early twentieth, with special emphasis on early Darwinism and its critics, the self-styled “mutationists.” The second part focuses on the evolutionary synthesis and some of its critics, especially the “neutralists” and “neo-mutationists.” Like Stephen Gould, I consider the (...)
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  20.  18
    The synthesis and the synthetic theory.John Beatty - 1986 - In William Bechtel, Integrating Scientific Disciplines. University of Chicago Press. pp. 125--135.
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  21.  69
    Scientific collaboration, internationalism, and diplomacy: The case of the atomic bomb casualty commission.John Beatty - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (2):205-231.
  22. When What Had to Happen Was Not Bound to Happen: History, Chance, Narrative, Evolution.John Beatty & Isabel Carrera - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (3):471-495.
    What is it for history to matter? Stephen Gould argued that unpredictability is part of the answer. For example, the “fact“ that repeated replays of the history of life would end differently every time is a sign that history matters to the course of evolution. But there is a problem here: if a particular point in the past leaves open alternative possible futures, then in what sense does that point in the past matter with regard to which of the outcomes (...)
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  23.  62
    Remembering Richard Lewontin.Stuart A. Newman, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Daniel L. Hartl, Philip Kitcher, Diane B. Paul, John Beatty, Sahotra Sarkar, Elliott Sober & William C. Wimsatt - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (4):257-267.
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  24.  41
    What's in a word? Coming to terms in the Darwinian revolution.John Beatty - 1982 - Journal of the History of Biology 15 (2):215 - 239.
  25.  30
    The Insights and Oversights of Molecular Genetics: The Place of the Evolutionary Perspective.John Beatty - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:341 - 355.
    A general case about the insights and oversights of molecular genetics is argued for by considering two specific cases: the first concerns the bearing of molecular genetics on Mendelian genetics, and the second concerns the bearing of molecular genetics on the replicability of the genetic material. As in the first case, it is argued that Mendel's law of segregation cannot be explained wholly in terms of molecular genetics--the law demands evolutionary scrutiny as well. In the second case, it is argued (...)
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  26.  29
    Pluralism and Panselectionism.John Beatty - 1984 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1984:113 - 128.
    During the 1950s and 60s, evolutionary biologists began to attribute a greater and greater role to natural selection, and correspondingly less and less a role to alternative evolutionary agents. Empirical grounds cited in support of the change in attitude consisted primarily of selectionist reinterpretations of evolutionary changes originally attributed to other evolutionary agents. In order to distinguish the respects in which the increased emphasis on natural selection was justified and unjustified, two distinctions are relied on. These are, first, the distinction (...)
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  27. Masking disagreement among scientific experts.John Beatty - manuscript
  28. Darwin's cyclopean architect.John Beatty - 2014 - In R. Paul Thompson & Denis Walsh, Evolutionary biology: conceptual, ethical, and religious issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  29.  64
    Introduction: Between ecology and evolutionary biology.James P. Collins, John Beatty & Jane Maienschein - 1986 - Journal of the History of Biology 19 (2):169-180.
  30.  35
    Symposium: Are There Laws in Biology?John Beatty, Robert Brandon, Elliott Sober & Sandra D. Mitchell - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):S432 - S479.
    This is a collection of papers presented at the Symposium "Are There are Laws of Biology?", in the 1996 Biennial Meetings of the Philosophy of Science Association. It includes four separate papers: "Why Do Biologists Argue Like They Do?" by John Beatty, "Does Biology Have Laws? The Experimental Evidence" by Robert Brandon, "Two Outbreaks of Lawlessness in Recent Philosophy of Biology" by Elliott Sober, and "Pragmatic Laws" by Sandra D. Mitchell.
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  31.  55
    Ecology and evolutionary biology in the war and postwar years: Questions and comments.John Beatty - 1988 - Journal of the History of Biology 21 (2):245-263.
    Of all the scientists discussed by Mitman, Keller, and Taylor, Odum stands out most as the technocrat, the social engineer. But less obvious candidates, like Allee, also fancied themselves in this capacity: “Our task as biologists and as citizens of a civilized country, is a practical engineering job.” Allee had in mind the establishment of an international cooperative order based on his biological principles. He apparently did not recognize the extent to which his principles were themselves an engineering feat: he (...)
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  32.  41
    Rationality: putting the issue to the scientific community.John Beatty - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):355-356.
  33.  40
    Suffering Made Real: American Science and the Survivors at Hiroshima. M. Susan Lindee.John Beatty - 1996 - Isis 87 (2):390-391.
  34. The historicity of nature? Everything that is might have been different.John Beatty - 2002 - In R.E. Auxier & L.E. Hahn, The Philosophy of Marjorie Grene. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court. pp. 397--411.
  35.  11
    The Relation of Art to Nature.John W. Beatty & Bruce Rogers - 2016 - Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.
    In his very convincing and lucid treatise on the fundamental principles of art, John W. Beatty gives us a most absorbing theme to follow-the relation of art to nature, as expressed in their own words by artists themselves, of different times and creeds; with, too, the opinions of philosophers and men of letters.
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  36.  36
    The structure of biological science.John Beatty - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (2).
  37.  54
    Untangling the McClintock myths.John Beatty, Nicolas Rasmussen & Nils Roll-Hansen - 2002 - Metascience 11 (3):280-298.
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    Capra, Frank 136 Carpenter, Malinda 308.Royce Carroll, Toh-Kyeong Ahn, John H. Aldrich, John Allman, James E. Alt, Julia Annas, Kenneth J. Arrow, Nicholas Bardsley, Jon Barwise & John Beatty - forthcoming - Philosophy of the Social Sciences: Philosophical Theory and Scientific Practice.
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  39. Book notices-thinking about evolution. Historical, philosophical and political perspectives.Rama S. Singh, Costas B. Krimbas, Diane B. Paul & John Beatty - 2001 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):327.
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    Changes in social behavior of Macaca fuscata yakui in relation to unfamiliar objects.Ethel Tobach, Kiyoko Murofushi, John Beatty & Junichi Takahashi - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (2):106-108.
  41.  92
    Evolutionary anti-reductionism: Historical reflections. [REVIEW]John Beatty - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (2):199-210.
  42.  41
    A History of Embryology. T. J. Horder, J. A. Witkowski, C. C. Wylie. [REVIEW]John Beatty - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (1):174-177.
  43.  40
    Applications of Inductive Logic: Proceedings of a Conference at the Queen's College, Oxford, 21-24 August 1978. L. Jonathan Cohen, Mary Hesse. [REVIEW]John Beatty - 1981 - Isis 72 (4):653-654.
  44.  44
    Book review: The Wright stuff. [REVIEW]John Beatty - 1988 - Biology and Philosophy 3 (2):275-283.
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    Evolution: The History of an Idea by Peter J. Bowler. [REVIEW]John Beatty - 1985 - Isis 76:383-384.