Results for 'Marie Hume'

941 found
  1.  48
    Mary Shepherd's An essay upon the relation of cause and effect.Mary Shepherd - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Don Garrett.
    Mary Shepherd's An Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect, first published in 1824, was a pioneering work in metaphysics and epistemology. Together with her 1827 Essays on the Perception of an External Universe, they make her one of the most important philosophers of her era. Although widely neglected by the history of philosophy in the decades after her death, her works have recently begun to attract the attention and sustained study they deserve. In the course of her writings, (...)
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    Mary Shepherd's Essays on the perception of an external universe.Mary Shepherd - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first modern edition of the works of Lady Mary Shepherd, one of the most important women philosophers of the early modern period. Shepherd has been widely neglected in the history of philosophy, but her work engaged with the dominant philosophers of the time - among them Hume, Berkeley, and Reid. In particular, her 1827 volume Essays on the Perception of an External Universe outlines a theory of causation, perception, and knowledge which Shepherd presents as an alternative (...)
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  3. National abuse free contact campaign.Marie Hume & South Australia - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    Hume on Human Excellence.Marie A. Martin - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):383-399.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume on Human Excellence Marie A. Martin Hume was, in important respects, still verymuch a part ofthe classical ethical tradition. This is something we tend to overlook because we come out of a distinctly modern moral tradition, and we normally approach Hume looking for answers to a set of questions that are distinct, and often far removed, from the central questions of the classical tradition. (...)
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  5. Debunking, supervenience, and Hume’s Principle.Mary Leng - 2019 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 49 (8):1083-1103.
    Debunking arguments against both moral and mathematical realism have been pressed, based on the claim that our moral and mathematical beliefs are insensitive to the moral/mathematical facts. In the mathematical case, I argue that the role of Hume’s Principle as a conceptual truth speaks against the debunkers’ claim that it is intelligible to imagine the facts about numbers being otherwise while our evolved responses remain the same. Analogously, I argue, the conceptual supervenience of the moral on the natural speaks (...)
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  6. Hume and the Paradox of Taste.Mary Mothersill - 1977 - In G. Dickie, Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology. St. Martin's.
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  7.  63
    The rational warrant for Hume's general rules.Marie Martin - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (2):245-257.
  8. Studies in the Eighteenth-Century Background of Hume's Empiricism.Mary Shaw Kuypers - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (22):266-266.
  9. Misunderstanding and Understanding Hume's Moral Philosophy: An Essay on Hume's Place in Moral Philosophy, by Nicholas Capaldi.Marie A. Martin - 1992 - Interpretation 19 (2):169-183.
  10.  86
    Utility and Morality: Adam Smith's Critique of Hume.Marie A. Martin - 1990 - Hume Studies 16 (2):107-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Utility and Morality: Adam Smith's Critique of Hume Marie A. Martin Reading Smith's Theory ofMoral Sentiments one cannot help but note that, in spite ofthe obvious similarities between Smith and Hume and the equally obvious borrowings and adaptions Smith makesofportions of Hume's theory, the two differ substantially on the role of utility in morality. The difference is, in fact, practically diametrical opposition. Hume believed (...)
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  11.  19
    Imagination.Mary Warnock - 1976 - University of California Press.
    _Imagination_ is an outstanding contribution to a notoriously elusive and confusing subject. It skillfully interrelates problems in philosophy, the history of ideas and literary theory and criticism, tracing the evolution of the concept of imagination from Hume and Kant in the eighteenth century to Ryle, Sartre and Wittgenstein in the twentieth. She strongly belies that the cultivation of imagination should be the chief aim of education and one of her objectives in writing the book has been to put forward (...)
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  12.  52
    A Guide to Parallel Paragraph and Page References in Oxford University Press Editions of Hume's Treatise and Abstract.Mary Norton - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):319-325.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 28, Number 2, November 2002, pp. 319-325 A Guide to Parallel Paragraph and Page References in Oxford University Press Editions of Hume's Treatise and Abstract This guide enables readers to locate in the Oxford Philosophical Texts (OPT) edition of Hume's Treatise those book, part, section, and paragraph numbers (the universal references) that correspond to the page numbers of the edition of this work (...)
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  13. The importance of Hume in the history of western aesthetics.Mary Carman Rose - 1976 - British Journal of Aesthetics 16 (3):218-229.
  14. David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature (Two-volume set).David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton (eds.) - 2007 - Clarendon Press.
    David and Mary Norton present the definitive scholarly edition of Hume's Treatise, one of the greatest philosophical works ever written. This set comprises the two volumes of texts and editorial material, which are also available for purchase separately. -/- David Hume (1711 - 1776) is one of the greatest of philosophers. Today he probably ranks highest of all British philosophers in terms of influence and philosophical standing. His philosophical work ranges across morals, the mind, metaphysics, epistemology, religion, and (...)
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  15.  34
    Hume as Classical Moralist.Marie A. Martin - 1994 - International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (3):323-334.
  16. In defense of Hume and the causal theory of taste.Mary Mothersill - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (3):312-317.
  17.  49
    A Guide to Parallel Paragraph and Page References in Oxford University Press Editions of Hume's Enquiry concerning Human Understanding.Mary Norton - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):327-328.
  18.  66
    Studies in the eighteenth century background of Hume's empiricism.Mary Shavy Kuypers - 1930 - Minneapolis,: The University of Minnesota press.
    Studies in the Eighteenth Century Background of Hume's Empiricism was first published in 1930. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. A scholarly review of the influence of contemporary science and thought on the various phases of Hume's philosophy. The chapter headings are as follows: I. Introduction. II. Interpretations of Newtonian Science in the Eighteenth Century. III. Reverberations of the New (...)
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  19.  33
    Studies in the Eighteenth Century Background of Hume's Empiricism.Marie Shaw Kuypers - 1931 - The Monist 41:313.
  20.  47
    A Guide to Parallel Paragraph and Page References in Oxford University Press Editions of Hume's Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals.Mary Norton - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):329-330.
  21.  51
    Substantive Differences between Two Texts of Hume's Treatise.Mary J. Norton - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (2):245-277.
  22. Studies in the eighteenth century background of Hume's empiricism.Mary Kuypers - 1958 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
  23.  43
    (1 other version)David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature: Volume 1: Texts.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton (eds.) - 2007 - Clarendon Press.
    David and Mary Norton present the definitive scholarly edition of Hume's Treatise, one of the greatest philosophical works ever written. The first volume contains the critical text of David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature , followed by the shortin which Hume set out the key arguments of the larger work; the volume concludes with A Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend in Edinburgh , Hume's later defence of the Treatise.
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  24.  48
    Hutcheson and Hume on Explaining the Nature of Morality: Why It Is Mistaken to Suppose Hume Ever Raised the "Is-Ought" Question.Marie A. Martin - 1991 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3):277 - 289.
  25.  18
    Leve de goede dood. Een gesprek tussen Kant en Hume.Cees Maris - 2022 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 114 (2):172-178.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  26.  20
    David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature: Two-Volume Set.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    David and Mary Norton present the definitive scholarly edition of Hume's Treatise, one of the greatest philosophical works ever written. This set comprises the two volumes of texts and editorial material, which are also available for purchase separately.
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  27.  23
    (1 other version)David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature: Volume 2: Editorial Material.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton (eds.) - 2007 - Clarendon Press.
    David and Mary Norton present the definitive scholarly edition of Hume's Treatise, one of the greatest philosophical works ever written. This second volume contains their historical account of how the Treatise was written and published; an explanation of how they have established the text; an extensive set of annotations which illuminate Hume's texts; and a comprehensive bibliography and index.
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  28.  21
    A Treatise of Human Nature: A Treatise of Human Nature.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press UK.
    David and Mary Norton present the definitive scholarly edition of Hume's Treatise, one of the greatest philosophical works ever written. This set comprises the two volumes of texts and editorial material, which are also available for purchase separately.
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  29.  15
    Hume as philosopher of society, politics, and history.Donald W. Livingston & Marie Martin (eds.) - 1991 - Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester Press.
    The idea of Hume as a philosopher of culture has only recently gained general acceptance; yet as far back as 1941 the Journal of the History of Ideas was publishing essays on Hume which reflected this aspect of his work. The essays selected for this volume range back as far as 1941, but they may be viewed as more timely than ever, given the recent interest in Hume as a philosopher of society, politics and history.
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  30.  32
    An introduction to historical epistemology: the authority of knowledge.Mary Tiles - 1993 - Cambridge, USA: Blackwell. Edited by J. E. Tiles.
    This introduction to the theory of knowledge argues for the continuing relevance of philosophical debates about knowledge by connecting them to issues of authority. The discussion takes the form of an essay in historical epistemology which treats the philosopher-politician Frnacis Bacon as its pivotal figure. This affords a non-Cartesian perspective on the transition to modern philosophy from which the distinctive configurations of the Cartesian framework can be discerned. The strategy is to use history as a route to a critical appraisal (...)
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  31.  70
    Educating the Imagination.Mary Warnock - 1977 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 11:44-60.
    My topic may seem a bizarre mixture of epistemology and value theory; and perhaps it is best to acknowledge this oddity at once. I should also, perhaps, confess that such a mixture has always seemed something to aspire to. Any philosopher who has made it seem that feeling strongly about something, valuing it highly, is an inevitable consequence of the nature of human understanding , that from the facts of knowledge or perception one can derive the inescapable facts of emotion (...)
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  32.  8
    From Plato to Wittgenstein: Essays by G. E. M. Anscombe.Mary Geach & Luke Gormally (eds.) - 2011 - Imprint Academic.
    More treasures from the archive of papers left by philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe, edited by her daughter and son-in-law, philosophers Mary Geach and Luke Gormally.This volume collects a number of published and unpublished papers by Elizabeth Anscombe in which she engages with the thought of major philosophers of the past. Philosophers featured include Plato, Anselm, Aquinas, Descartes, Hume, Spinoza, and Wittgenstein.
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  33.  62
    Symposium: The Justification of Emotions.Mary Warnock & A. C. Ewing - 1957 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 31 (1):43 - 74.
  34.  28
    Het voordeel van de twijfel. Sextus Empiricus' scepticisme uitgelegd aan postmodernen.C. W. Maris - 1998 - Nexus 20:164-182.
    Het antieke sceptische oeuvre van Sextus Empiricus werd in de tijd van het humanisme herontdekt en verder ontwikkeld. De Engelse denken Hume nam de draad op in de achttiende eeuw en sindsdien is het scepticisme in het Europese denken een rol blijven spelen. Wittgenstein heeft dit rationalistisch scepticisme van richting doen veranderen en het de weg van postmoderne pluraliteit opgedreven.
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  35.  62
    Rediscovering Eudaimonistic Teleology.Mary Hayden - 1992 - The Monist 75 (1):71-83.
    The continuing clash of ethical titans resounds with the cries of utilitarianism, virtue ethics, hedonism, rational egoism, emotivism, deontology, universal prescriptivism, rational contractarianism, and non-cognitivism. This fray is predicated upon each combatant assuming that his truth is complete and exclusive of all others and that his predecessors have been refuted. But are these assumptions true? Is it not possible that each has indeed grasped something true: the necessity of pursuing the greatest good for the greatest number in political action; the (...)
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  36.  25
    Essai de commentaire critique sur l'Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding de David Hume.R. J. Marie-de-Lourdes - 1946 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 2 (2):58-78.
  37.  40
    Essays on Kant and Hume[REVIEW]Mary-Barbara Zeldin - 1979 - International Studies in Philosophy 11:228-229.
  38.  10
    A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning Into Moral Subjects.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton (eds.) - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    A Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume's comprehensive attempt to base philosophy on a new, observationally grounded study of human nature, is one of the most important texts in Western philosophy. It is also the focal point of current attempts to understand 18th-century western philosophy. The Treatise addresses many of the most fundamental philosophical issues: causation, existence, freedom and necessity, and morality. The volume also includes Humes own abstract of the Treatise, a substantial introduction, extensive annotations, a glossary, a (...)
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  39.  21
    Substantive Differences between Two Texts of Hume’s Treatise.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (2):245-278.
    Because our student edition of Hume’s Treatise has appeared before publication of our critical edition of the same work, scholars using the former will find it difficult to determine how and where the text of the Treatise found there differs substantively from other editions, and from, most importantly, the widely used version of the text edited by L. A. Selby-Bigge and revised by P. H. Nidditch. Fortunately, we now have this opportunity to report the substantive differences between the text (...)
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  40.  32
    La Critique et la Religion chez David Hume[REVIEW]Mary Shaw Kuypers - 1932 - Journal of Philosophy 29 (9):243-247.
  41.  49
    A Cultivated Reason: An Essay on Hume and Humeanism. [REVIEW]Mary Mothersill - 1999 - Hume Studies 25 (1):256-262.
    A Cultivated Reason is an intriguing book. Everyone who thinks she understands Hume or is pretty sure that she doesn't should read it. It is elegantly written, informal and illuminating. It does take patience however, partly because its organization is idiosyncratic and sometimes confusing. Williams combines exegesis of Humean texts—the Treatise, the two Enquiries, and the Essays—with the defense of a view that he calls "nonrationalism." This wide-ranging theory stakes claims in ontology, theory of knowledge, ethics, aesthetics, and in (...)
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  42. Studies in the Eighteenth Century Background of Hume's Empiricism. By C. W. Hendel. [REVIEW]Mary Shaw Kuypers - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 43:361.
  43.  56
    (2 other versions)Sympathy and Ethics: A Study of the Relationship between Sympathy and Morality with Special Reference to Hume's Treatise By Philip Mercer Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972, 138 pp., £2.40. [REVIEW]Mary Midgley - 1973 - Philosophy 48 (186):399-.
  44. Stephen Buckle: Natural Law and the Theory of Property: Grotius to Hume[REVIEW]Mary Gregor - 1994 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 2.
  45.  65
    V. M. Hope, "Virtue by Consensus: The Moral Philosophy of Hutcheson, Hume, and Adam Smith". [REVIEW]Marie Martin - 1991 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (2):314.
  46.  40
    Terence Penelhum, "David Hume: An Introduction to His Philosophical System". [REVIEW]Marie Martin - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (4):636.
  47.  45
    The Central Problem of David Hume's Philosophy. An Essay Towards a Phenomenological Interpretation of the First Book of the Treatise of Human Nature. [REVIEW]Mary E. Clarke - 1930 - Journal of Philosophy 27 (21):575-579.
  48.  28
    Reason and conduct in Hume's Treatise.Rachael Mary Kydd - 1964 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
  49. John B. Stewart, Opinion and Reform in Hume's Political Philosophy. [REVIEW]Marie A. Martin - 1993 - Philosophy in Review 13 (2):123-125.
  50.  17
    Hamann and the Tradition.Lisa Marie Anderson (ed.) - 2012 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of scholarly interest in the work of Johann Georg Hamann, across disciplines. New translations of work by and about Hamann are appearing, as are a number of books and ar­ticles on Hamann’s aesthetics, theories of language and sexuality, and unique place in Enlightenment and counter-Enlightenment thought. Edited by Lisa Marie Anderson, Hamann and the Tradition gathers estab­lished and emerging scholars to examine the full range of Hamann’s im­pact—be it on German Romanticism or on (...)
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