Results for 'Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville Mélanie Boly'

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  1. Auditory processing in severely brain injured patients: Differences between the minimally conscious state and the persistent vegetative state.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville & Philippe Peigneux - 2004 - Archives of Neurology 61 (2):233-238.
  2. Hypnotic regulation of consciousness and the pain neuromatrix.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville, Brent A. Vogt, Pierre Maquet & Laureys & Steven - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson, Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Hypnotic regulation of consciousness and the pain neuromatrix.Boly Mélanie, Faymonville Marie-Elisabeth, A. Vogt Brent, Maquet Pierre & Laureys Steven - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson, Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 15-27.
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    Hypnotic regulation of consciousness and the pain neuromatrix.Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville Mélanie Boly, A. Vogt Brent & Steven Laureys Pierre Maquet - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson, Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 15-27.
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    Behavioral Neuromodulation : Hypnosis.Vanhaudenhuyse Audrey, Gosseries Olivia, Bruno Marie-Aurélie, Demertzi Athena, Laureys Steven & Faymonville Marie-Elisabeth - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  6. Differences in brain metabolism between patients in coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state and locked-in syndrome.Steven Laureys, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville & M. Ferring - 2003 - European Journal of Neurology 10.
  7. Brain response to one's own name in vegetative state, minimally conscious state, and locked-in syndrome.Fabien Perrin, Caroline Schnakers, Manuel Schabus, Christian Degueldre, Serge Goldman, Serge Brédart, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville, Maurice Lamy, Gustave Moonen, André Luxen, Pierre Maquet & Steven Laureys - 2006 - Archives of Neurology 63 (4):562-569.
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    Cerebral processing in the minimally conscious state.Steven Laureys, Fabien Perrin & Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville - 2004 - Neurology 63 (5):916-918.
  9. Hypnosis, Meditation, and Self-Induced Cognitive Trance to Improve Post-treatment Oncological Patients’ Quality of Life: Study Protocol.Charlotte Grégoire, Nolwenn Marie, Corine Sombrun, Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville, Ilios Kotsou, Valérie van Nitsen, Sybille de Ribaucourt, Guy Jerusalem, Steven Laureys, Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse & Olivia Gosseries - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionA symptom cluster is very common among oncological patients: cancer-related fatigue, emotional distress, sleep difficulties, pain, and cognitive difficulties. Clinical applications of interventions based on non-ordinary states of consciousness, mostly hypnosis and meditation, are starting to be investigated in oncology settings. They revealed encouraging results in terms of improvements of these symptoms. However, these studies often focused on breast cancer patients, with methodological limitations. Another non-ordinary state of consciousness may also have therapeutic applications in oncology: self-induced cognitive trance. It seems (...)
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  10. La bioéthique selon Van Rensselaer Potter : une perspective pertinente à la réflexion ergothérapique contemporaine.Marie-Josée Drolet & Mélanie Ruest - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (1):119.
    Ce commentaire présente trois arguments de la pensée potterienne à partir de la lunette ergothérapique afin de soutenir les réflexions relatives au développement des pratiques durables en ergothérapie. Il permet ainsi d’initier les ergothérapeutes à une perspective de bioéthique globale susceptible de les soutenir dans l’actualisation d’une approche écosystémique respectueuse de l’environnement.
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    Abstract representations of small sets in newborns.Lucie Martin, Julien Marie, Mélanie Brun, Maria Dolores de Hevia, Arlette Streri & Véronique Izard - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105184.
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  12. Jean Scot érigène premier lecteur du "de institutione musica" de boèce?Marie-Elisabeth Duchez - 1980 - In Werner Beierwaltes, Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen: Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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    Estrogens and relationship jealousy.David C. Geary, M. Catherine DeSoto, Mary K. Hoard, Melanie Skaggs Sheldon & M. Lynne Cooper - 2001 - Human Nature 12 (4):299-320.
    The relation between sex hormones and responses to partner infidelity was explored in two studies reported here. The first confirmed the standard sex difference in relationship jealousy, that males (n=133) are relatively more distressed by a partner’s sexual infidelity and females (n=159) by a partner’s emotional infidelity. The study also revealed that females using hormone-based birth control (n=61) tended more toward sexual jealousy than did other females, and reported more intense affective responses to partner infidelity (n=77). In study two, 47 (...)
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    Developing the CARE intervention to enhance ethical self-efficacy in dementia care through the use of literary texts.Sofie Smedegaard Skov, Marie-Elisabeth Phil, Peter Simonsen, Anna Paldam Folker, Frederik Schou-Juul & Sigurd Lauridsen - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundDementia care is essential to promote the well-being of patients but remains a difficult task prone to ethical issues. These issues include questions like whether manipulating a person with dementia is ethically permissible if it promotes her best interest or how to engage with a person who is unwilling to recognize that she has dementia. To help people living with dementia and their carers manage ethical issues in dementia care, we developed the CARE intervention. This is an intervention focused on (...)
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    IIT, half masked and half disfigured.Giulio Tononi, Melanie Boly, Matteo Grasso, Jeremiah Hendren, Bjorn E. Juel, William G. P. Mayner, William Marshall & Christof Koch - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    The target article misrepresents the foundations of integrated information theory and ignores many essential publications. It, thus, falls to this lead commentary to outline the axioms and postulates of IIT and correct major misconceptions. The commentary also explains why IIT starts from phenomenology and why it predicts that only select physical substrates can support consciousness. Finally, it highlights that IIT's account of experience – a cause–effect structure quantified by integrated information – has nothing to do with “information transfer.”.
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    Ethical Issues in Research: Perceptions of Researchers, Research Ethics Board Members and Research Ethics Experts.Marie-Josée Drolet, Eugénie Rose-Derouin, Julie-Claude Leblanc, Mélanie Ruest & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):269-292.
    In the context of academic research, a diversity of ethical issues, conditioned by the different roles of members within these institutions, arise. Previous studies on this topic addressed mainly the perceptions of researchers. However, to our knowledge, no studies have explored the transversal ethical issues from a wider spectrum, including other members of academic institutions as the research ethics board (REB) members, and the research ethics experts. The present study used a descriptive phenomenological approach to document the ethical issues experienced (...)
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  17.  19
    How do we interpret questions? Simplified representations of knowledge guide humans' interpretation of information requests.Marie Aguirre, Mélanie Brun, Anne Reboul & Olivier Mascaro - 2022 - Cognition 218 (C):104954.
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    Ethical issues in patient safety.Mari Kangasniemi, Mojtaba Vaismoradi, Melanie Jasper & Hannele Turunen - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):904-916.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss the ethical issues impacting the phenomenon of patient safety and to present implications for nursing management. Previous knowledge of this perspective is fragmented. In this discussion, the main drivers are identified and formulated in ‘the ethical imperative’ of patient safety. Underlying values and principles are considered, with the aim of increasing their visibility for nurse managers’ decision-making. The contradictory nature of individual and utilitarian safety is identified as a challenge in nurse management (...)
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    Knowledge in Sight: Toddlers Plan Efficient Epistemic Actions by Anticipating Learning Gains.Marie Aguirre, Mélanie Brun, Auriane Couderc, Anne Reboul, Philomène Senez & Olivier Mascaro - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13103.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2022.
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    Expectations of Processing Ease, Informativeness, and Accuracy Guide Toddlers’ Processing of Novel Communicative Cues.Marie Aguirre, Mélanie Brun, Olivier Morin, Anne Reboul & Olivier Mascaro - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (11):e13373.
    Discovering the meaning of novel communicative cues is challenging and amounts to navigating an unbounded hypothesis space. Several theories posit that this problem can be simplified by relying on positive expectations about the cognitive utility of communicated information. These theories imply that learners should assume that novel communicative cues tend to have low processing costs and high cognitive benefits. We tested this hypothesis in three studies in which toddlers (N = 90) searched for a reward hidden in one of several (...)
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  21. Detecting awareness in the conscious state.Adrian M. Owen, Martin R. Coleman, Melanie Boly, Matthew H. Davis, Steven Laureys, Dietsje Jolles & John D. Pickard - 2006 - Science 313:1402.
  22. Consciousness and the Fallacy of Misplaced Objectivity.Francesco Ellia, Jeremiah Hendren, Matteo Grasso, Csaba Kozma, Garrett Mindt, Jonathan Lang, Andrew Haun, Larissa Albantakis, Melanie Boly & Giulio Tononi - 2021 - Neuroscience of Consciousness 7 (2):1-12.
    Objective correlates—behavioral, functional, and neural—provide essential tools for the scientific study of consciousness. But reliance on these correlates should not lead to the ‘fallacy of misplaced objectivity’: the assumption that only objective properties should and can be accounted for objectively through science. Instead, what needs to be explained scientifically is what experience is intrinsically— its subjective properties—not just what we can do with it extrinsically. And it must be explained; otherwise the way experience feels would turn out to be magical (...)
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  23. Cuerpo, sexo y cultura : disidencias de género a través del cine.Piedad Lucía Bolívar Goez, Daniel Ignacio Garzón Luna, María Camila Balcer Ángel, Sara Carolina Martínez Román, Daniela Natalia Polo Rivas & Sandra Liliana Rocha Gutiérrez - 2019 - In Pinto Bustamante, Boris Julián, Gómez Córdoba & Ana Isabel, Conflictos, dilemas y paradojas: cine y bioética en el inicio de la vida. Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Response to comments on "detecting awareness in the vegetative state".Adrian M. Owen, Martin R. Coleman, Melanie Boly, Matthew H. Davis, Steven Laureys, Dietsje Jolles & John D. Pickard - 2007 - Science 315 (5816).
  25. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to detect Covert awareness in the vegetative state.Adrian M. Owen, Martin R. Coleman, Melanie Boly, Matthew H. Davis, Steven Laureys & John D. Pickard - 2007 - Archives of Neurology 64 (8):1098-1102.
  26. Integrated information theory (IIT) 4.0: Formulating the properties of phenomenal existence in physical terms.Larissa Albantakis, Leonardo Barbosa, Graham Findlay, Matteo Grasso, Andrew Haun, William Marshall, William G. P. Mayner, Alireza Zaeemzadeh, Melanie Boly, Bjørn Juel, Shuntaro Sasai, Keiko Fujii, Isaac David, Jeremiah Hendren, Jonathan Lang & Giulio Tononi - 2022 - Arxiv.
    This paper presents Integrated Information Theory (IIT) 4.0. IIT aims to account for the properties of experience in physical (operational) terms. It identifies the essential properties of experience (axioms), infers the necessary and sufficient properties that its substrate must satisfy (postulates), and expresses them in mathematical terms. In principle, the postulates can be applied to any system of units in a state to determine whether it is conscious, to what degree, and in what way. IIT offers a parsimonious explanation of (...)
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    Episodic thought distinguishes spontaneous cognition in waking from REM and NREM sleep.Benjamin Baird, Mariel Kalkach Aparicio, Tariq Alauddin, Brady Riedner, Melanie Boly & Giulio Tononi - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 97 (C):103247.
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    Identification performance across the life span: Lineups and the reaction time-based Concealed Information Test.Melanie Sauerland, Sera Wiechert, Elias Czarnojan, Elisabeth Deiman, Linda Dörr, Nick J. Broers & Bruno Verschuere - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105996.
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    Cognitive Remediation Interventions for Gambling Disorder: A Systematic Review.Gaëlle Challet-Bouju, Mélanie Bruneau, Caroline Victorri-Vigneau & Marie Grall-Bronnec - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Effects of a Normal Rate versus a Slow Intervalled Rate of Oral Nutrient Intake and Intravenous Low Rate Macronutrient Application on Psychophysical Function – Two Pilot Studies.Melanie Y. Denzer-Lippmann, Stephan Bachlechner, Jan Wielopolski, Marie Fischer, Andrea Buettner, Arndt Doerfler, Christof Schöfl, Gerald Münch, Johannes Kornhuber & Norbert Thürauf - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The Self-Awareness of Evil in Pure Land Buddhism: A Translation of Contemporary Kyoto School Philosopher Keta Masako.Melissa Anne-Marie Curley, Jessica L. Main & Melanie Coughlin - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (1):192-201.
    Membership in the Kyoto School of philosophy is defined by both formal and conceptual criteria. Keta Masako 氣多雅子 is a member in good standing in both senses. Formally speaking, she currently occupies the Chair in Religious Studies at Kyoto University.1 This chair, together with the Chair in Philosophy, constitutes the formal nexus of the Kyoto School.2 Keta is the first woman to hold the chair, constellating her in a network that radiates “from the rather substantial circle of students and professors (...)
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    The Effects of Different Isocaloric Oral Nutrient Solutions on Psychophysical, Metabolic, Cognitive, and Olfactory Function in Young Male Subjects.Stephan Bachlechner, Melanie Y. Denzer-Lippmann, Jan Wielopolski, Marie Fischer, Andrea Buettner, Arndt Doerfler, Christof Schöfl, Gerald Münch, Johannes Kornhuber & Norbert Thürauf - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  33. Quelques problèmes de la conception duale de la norme de l’action et de l’assertion. Réponse à Jacques-Henri Vollet.Marie van Loon & Melanie Sarzano - 2016 - In Jean-Marie Chevalier & Benoit Gaultier, La connaissance et ses raisons. Collège de France.
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    Development of nurses’ abilities to reflect on how to create good caring relationships with patients in palliative care: an action research approach.Elisabeth Bergdahl, Eva Benzein, Britt-Marie Ternestedt & Birgitta Andershed - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (2):111-122.
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    Co‐creating possibilities for patients in palliative care to reach vital goals – a multiple case study of home‐care nursing encounters.Elisabeth Bergdahl, Eva Benzein, Britt-Marie Ternestedt, Eva Elmberger & Birgitta Andershed - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):341-351.
    The patient’s home is a common setting for palliative care. This means that we need to understand current palliative care philosophy and how its goals can be realized in home‐care nursing encounters (HCNEs) between the nurse, patient and patient’s relatives. The existing research on this topic describes both a negative and a positive perspective. There has, however, been a reliance on interview and descriptive methods in this context. The aim of this study was to explore planned HCNEs in palliative care. (...)
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    Supporting each other towards independence: A narrative analysis of first‐year nursing students' collaborative process.Marie Stenberg, Mariette Bengtsson, Elisabeth Mangrio & Elisabeth Carlson - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (3):e12627.
    Collaboration for nursing is a core competence and therefore educational interventions are essentials for collaborative skills. To identify such interventions, we carried out a study to understand nursing students' collaborative process. A narrative inquiry method was used to explore the collaborative process of first‐year undergraduate nursing students. The analysis was conducted on field notes from 70 h of observation of 87 nursing students' collaboration during skills lab activities. It also included transcriptions of four focus group discussions with 11 students. The (...)
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    (1 other version)Temps de travail et temps sociaux à Beyrouth. Employés de banque et chauffeurs de taxi.Marie-Noëlle Abi Yaghi & Élisabeth Longuenesse - 2013 - Temporalités (15).
    C’est à partir de deux exemples concrets, celui des employés de banque et des chauffeurs de taxi collectif à Beyrouth que nous nous proposons d’interroger l’« absence » de la question du temps de travail dans les revendications sociales au Liban. Une absence qui serait l’indice de la prégnance d’un autre rapport au temps : on serait en présence de régimes de temporalités hétérogènes les uns aux autres, à la mesure de la fragmentation de la société entre des mondes sociaux (...)
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    Ethical climate in contemporary paediatric intensive care.Katie M. Moynihan, Lisa Taylor, Liz Crowe, Mary-Claire Balnaves, Helen Irving, Al Ozonoff, Robert D. Truog & Melanie Jansen - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):14-14.
    Ethical climate (EC) has been broadly described as how well institutions respond to ethical issues. Developing a tool to study and evaluate EC that aims to achieve sustained improvements requires a contemporary framework with identified relevant drivers. An extensive literature review was performed, reviewing existing EC definitions, tools and areas where EC has been studied; ethical challenges and relevance of EC in contemporary paediatric intensive care (PIC); and relevant ethical theories. We surmised that existing EC definitions and tools designed to (...)
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  39. Consciousness in schizophrenia: A metacognitive approach to semantic memory.Elisabeth Bacon, Jean-Marie Danion, Francoise Kauffmann-Muller & Agnès Bruant - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (4):473-484.
    Recent studies have shown that schizophrenia may be a disease affecting the states of consciousness. The present study is aimed at investigating metamemory, i.e., the knowledge about one's own memory capabilities, in patients with schizophrenia. The accuracy of the Confidence level (CL) in the correctness of the answers provided during a recall phase, and the predictability of the Feeling of Knowing (FOK) when recall fails were measured using a task consisting of general information questions and assessing semantic memory. Nineteen outpatients (...)
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    Metamemory knowledge and beliefs in patients with schizophrenia and how these relate to objective cognitive abilities.Elisabeth Bacon, Nathalie Huet & Jean-Marie Danion - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1315-1326.
    Subjective reports and theories about memory may have an influence on other beliefs and behaviours. Patients with schizophrenia suffer a wide range of deficits affecting their awareness of daily life, including memory. With the Metamemory Inventory in Adulthood we ascertained patients’ memory knowledge and thoughts about their own cognitive capacities and about several aspects of cognitive functioning: personal capacities, knowledge of processes, use of strategies, perceived change with ageing, anxiety, motivation and mastery. The participants’ ratings were correlated with their intellectual, (...)
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    Literary Silences in Rousseau, Pascal and Beckett.Elisabeth Marie Loevlie - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    To explore literary silence is to explore the relationships between literary texts and the silence of the ineffable. It is to enquire what dynamics texts develop as they strive to 'say the unsayable', and it is to think literature as a silence that speaks itself. This study describes these literary and silent dynamics through readings of Pascal's Pensées, Rousseau's Rêveries, and Beckett's trilogy Molloy, Malone meurt, and L'Innommable. It contributes to our understanding of three major writers and challenges our idea (...)
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  42. Easeful Death: Is There a Case for Assisted Dying?Mary Warnock & Elisabeth Macdonald - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Elisabeth Macdonald.
    Easeful Death sets out straightforwardly the arguments for and against the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Exploring the philosophical and legal debates as well as the medical practicalities of this sensitive issue, the authors ultimately conclude that the law should embrace a more compassionate approach to assisted dying.
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    Dissociation between the cognitive process and the phenomenological experience of TOT: Effect of the anxiolytic drug lorazepam on TOT states.Elisabeth Bacon, Bennett L. Schwartz, Laurence Paire-Ficout & Marie Izaute - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):360-373.
    TOT states may be viewed as a temporary and reversible microamnesia. We investigated the effects of lorazepam on TOT states in response to general knowledge questions. The lorazepam participants produced more commission errors and more TOTs following commission errors than the placebo participants . The resolution of the TOTs was unimpaired by the drug. Neither feeling-of-knowing accuracy nor recognition were affected by lorazepam. The higher level of incorrect recalls produced by lorazepam participants may be due to the fact that they (...)
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    Tips: The Child Voice.Mary Goetze, Terrence Bacon, Kristen Bugos, Shelley Cooper, Diana Dansereau, Elisabeth Etopio, Heather Gravelle, Lily Chen-Haftek, Deborah Hickel, Christina Hornbach, Yi-Ting Huang, James Jordan, Jooyoung Lee, Yu-Chen Lin, Sheryl May, Jennifer McDonel, Diane Persellin, Cynthia Lahr Timm, Lawrence Timm, Susan Waters, Wendy Valerio & Paula Van Houten (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    Packed with ideas designed to help children learn to sing, this booklet offers criteria for selecting songs, strategies to bring out the best in children's voices, and suggestions for games, ideas, and resources.
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    Literary Silences in Pascal, Rousseau, and Beckett.Elisabeth Marie Loevlie - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    To explore literary silence is to explore the relationships between literary texts and the silence of the ineffable. Philosophical and critical accounts tend to operate with a dualistic understanding of silence as the negative other of text. This study, however, seeks to place silence within the literary text. Central to this theoretical endeavour are thinkers like Blanchot, Derrida, Gadamer and Vattimo, and the result is a fundamental challenge to our ideas of silence and text. The study continues to draw on (...)
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  46. Facts or fiction: Reading and writing in early modern popular literature.Elisabeth Waghäll Nivre & Mary Lindemann - 2004 - In Mary Lindemann, Ways of knowing: ten interdisciplinary essays. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.
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  47. Population-level impact, herd immunity, and elimination after human papillomavirus vaccination: a systematic review and meta-analysis of predictions from transmission-dynamic models.Marc Brisson, Élodie Bénard, Mélanie Drolet, Johannes Bogaards, Iacopo Baussano, Simopekka Vänskä, Mark Jit, Marie-Claude Boily, Megan Smith, Johannes Berkhof & Others - 2016 - Lancet Public Health 1 (1):e8–e17.
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    Dignity Matters: Advance Care Planning for People Experiencing Homelessness.Dianne M. Bartels, Nancy Ulvestad, Edward Ratner, Melanie Wall, Mari M. Uutala & John Song - 2008 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 19 (3):214-222.
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    Meanings of Pain: Volume 2: Common Types of Pain and Language.Marc A. Russo, Joletta Belton, Bronwyn Lennox Thompson, Smadar Bustan, Marie Crowe, Deb Gillon, Cate McCall, Jennifer Jordan, James E. Eubanks, Michael E. Farrell, Brandon S. Barndt, Chandler L. Bolles, Maria Vanushkina, James W. Atchison, Helena Lööf, Christopher J. Graham, Shona L. Brown, Andrew W. Horne, Laura Whitburn, Lester Jones, Colleen Johnston-Devin, Florin Oprescu, Marion Gray, Sara E. Appleyard, Chris Clarke, Zehra Gok Metin, John Quintner, Melanie Galbraith, Milton Cohen, Emma Borg, Nathaniel Hansen, Tim Salomons & Grant Duncan - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Experiential evidence shows that pain is associated with common meanings. These include a meaning of threat or danger, which is experienced as immediately distressing or unpleasant; cognitive meanings, which are focused on the long-term consequences of having chronic pain; and existential meanings such as hopelessness, which are more about the person with chronic pain than the pain itself. This interdisciplinary book - the second in the three-volume Meanings of Pain series edited by Dr Simon van Rysewyk - aims to better (...)
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    Mélanie Fabre, Dick May, une femme à l’avant-garde d’un nouveau siècle (1859-1925).Marie-Ève Thérenty - 2020 - Clio 51.
    S’inscrivant dans un courant qui reconsidère aujourd’hui la place des femmes dans l’histoire, Mélanie Fabre publie une édifiante biographie de Dick May, une intellectuelle largement oubliée de la Belle Époque, fondatrice notamment du Collège libre des sciences sociales en 1895, de la première École supérieure de journalisme française en 1899 et de l’École libre des hautes études sociales en 1900. Elle a été aussi active dans la fondation du Musée social en 1894, dans la formation de l’univers...
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