Results for 'Marie-noëlle Polino'

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  1.  17
    How Organizations can Develop Solidarity in the Workplace? A Case Study.Marie-Noëlle Albert, Nadia Lazzari Dodeler & Asri Yves Ohin - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (2):327-346.
    The concept of community of persons, which focuses on both persons and the whole, helps understand solidarity. The latter is based on the social nature of persons. Community of persons and solidarity seems to be able to move away from the individualist perspective or the individualism-collectivism dichotomy. Using autopraxeography in a pragmatic constructivism epistemological paradigm, this article aims to explore how organizations can develop solidarity in a workplace. The experience presented takes place in a bank. It shows that communities of (...)
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    Dépôts de déchets métropolitains et justice environnementale.Marie-Noëlle Carré - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (1):101-122.
    Marie-Noëlle Carré | : Les dépôts contrôlés de déchets posent un défi à la gestion durable des métropoles, comprises comme des « traductions spatiales du global ». En effet, même s’ils génèrent de réels problèmes sanitaires et environnementaux, ils sont aussi des points d’appui du développement métropolitain. Cet article demande donc si le cadre de la justice environnementale est suffisant pour penser les problèmes de leur gouvernance métropolitaine, à la fois locale et mondiale. La démonstration suggère d’abord que (...)
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    A Portable World: The Notebooks of European Travellers (Eighteenth to Nineteenth Centuries).MarieNoëlle Bourguet - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):377-400.
    For the past three decades, notebooks and note?taking practices have elicited growing interest in various fields of research: anthropology, media and literature studies, history of the book, history of science. In this renewal, however, scientific travelers? notes have not received all the attention they deserve. To be sure, historians of discovery and exploration are used to considering travel diaries and field notes as a principal resource, on the basis of which they can assess a traveler?s accomplishment or document his itinerary. (...)
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    Computerized Symbol Digit Modalities Test in a Swiss Pediatric Cohort – Part 2: Clinical Implementation.Marie-Noëlle Klein, Ursina Jufer-Riedi, Sarah Rieder, Céline Hochstrasser, Michelle Steiner, Li Mei Cao, Anthony Feinstein, Sandra Bigi & Karen Lidzba - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundInformation processing speed is a marker for cognitive function. It is associated with neural maturation and increases during development. Traditionally, IPS is measured using paper and pencil tasks requiring fine motor skills. Such skills are often impaired in patients with neurological conditions. Therefore, an alternative that does not need motor dexterity is desirable. One option is the computerized symbol digit modalities test, which requires the patient to verbally associate numbers with symbols.MethodsEighty-six participants were examined, 38 healthy and 48 hospitalized for (...)
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    Le français écrit : transcription et édition. Le cas des textes scolaires.Marie-Noëlle Roubaud - 2017 - Corpus 16.
    Notre expérience de constitution d’une base de données orale (au sein du Groupe aixois de recherches en syntaxe) nous a servi à constituer, à la fin des années 90, une base de données d’écrits scolaires manuscrits (élèves de 5 à 11 ans). L’article rend compte des questions inhérentes à la constitution d’un tel corpus : du recueil de données à leur transcription et à leur édition. Si les méthodes d’analyse de l’oral peuvent résoudre certains des problèmes rencontrés, elles ne peuvent (...)
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    (1 other version)Temps de travail et temps sociaux à Beyrouth. Employés de banque et chauffeurs de taxi.Marie-Noëlle Abi Yaghi & Élisabeth Longuenesse - 2013 - Temporalités (15).
    C’est à partir de deux exemples concrets, celui des employés de banque et des chauffeurs de taxi collectif à Beyrouth que nous nous proposons d’interroger l’« absence » de la question du temps de travail dans les revendications sociales au Liban. Une absence qui serait l’indice de la prégnance d’un autre rapport au temps : on serait en présence de régimes de temporalités hétérogènes les uns aux autres, à la mesure de la fragmentation de la société entre des mondes sociaux (...)
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    Marc G asser- W ingate, Aristotle’s empiricism, New York-Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2021, xviii -256 p.Marie-Noëlle Ribas - 2023 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 120 (4):579-580.
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    Andrea Falcon, Aristotelismo.Marie-Noëlle Ribas - 2018 - Philosophie Antique 18:288-290.
    Dans cet ouvrage, A. Falcon propose une histoire de l’aristotélisme qui examine la présence et la fortune de la pensée d’Aristote dans le monde antique. L’originalité du livre ne réside pas dans son objet, comme le souligne l’auteur en mentionnant dès l’introduction le travail colossal publié en 1973 par Paul Moraux sur l’aristotélisme, d’Andronicos de Rhodes à Alexandre d’Aphrodise (Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen, von Andronikos bis Alexander von Aphrodisias, Berlin, 1973). Elle réside...
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    Le courage à l’épreuve de l’expérience.Marie-Noëlle Ribas - 2019 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:179-208.
    Cet article se propose d’étudier comment Platon, Aristote et Thucydide participent à la remise en question du rôle prépondérant accordé au courage dans le domaine militaire avant la guerre du Péloponnèse. Le courage n’est rien sans le savoir ni l’expérience. Telle est la thèse que ces trois auteurs déclinent chacun à leur manière, qu’il s’agisse pour Platon d’interroger la dimension intellectuelle du courage, pour Thucydide d’établir la complémentarité du courage et de l’expérience, ou, pour Aristote, de faire de la connaissance (...)
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    La valeur de la vérité.Marie-Noëlle Ribas - 2020 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 70 (2):41-54.
    Pourquoi voudrait-on encore connaître la vérité, pourquoi chercher à l’exprimer, si celle-ci est inconnaissable, si elle est incommunicable ou si son expression ne nous confère aucun pouvoir sur autrui? Telle est la difficulté que soulèvent les sophistes, qui nous détournent de la connaissance de la réalité et de l’expression de la vérité au profit d’un usage rhétorique du discours garantissant à qui le maîtrise tout pouvoir sur les hommes. Dans cet article, je montrerai que cette difficulté est au cœur des (...)
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    Pratiques journalistiques et enjeux de la communication scientifique et technique.Marie-noëlle Sicard - 1997 - Hermes 21.
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    Caractérisation des difficultés dans la vie quotidienne de personnes souffrant de schizophrénie en rapport avec les facteurs cognitifs et cliniques.Marie-Noëlle Levaux, Martial Van der Linden, Frank Larøi & Jean-Marie Danion - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (4):267-278.
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  13. Conférences sur l'éthique, coll. « Philosophie morale ».Ernst Tugendhat & Marie-noëlle Ryan - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (1):128-129.
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  14. Crises alimentaires et économiques en amérique, en afrique, au moyen-orient et en asie: Entre luttes et résignation.Marie-Noëlle Abi-Yaghi, Greg Albo, Kako Nubukpo, Rhina Roux & Young-Woo Son - 2010 - Actuel Marx 47 (1):12-26.
    Food Problems and Economic Problems in America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia : Struggles and Resignation What are the various dynamics of crisis, revolt, and resignation currently operating on the American and African continents, in the Middle East and in Asia. What effects do they have on the policies adopted to “get out of the crisis”? These are the issues which Greg Albo, Kako Nubukpo, Rhina Roux, Marie Noëlle Abiyaghi and Son Youg Woo address in this article. (...)
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    L'éducation sexuelle au collège et ses paradoxes.Florence Bécar & Marie-Noëlle Ader - 2002 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 155 (1):105.
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    Les coûts du handicap au Québec : que font les ménages et comment les soutenir équitablement?Lucie Dumais & Marie-Noëlle Ducharme - 2017 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 11 (2):99-112.
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    La scénographie thé'trale, un art contemporain.Marie-Noëlle Semet-Haviaras - 2018 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 20 (2):21-29.
    La condition de l’artiste réside dans sa liberté. Pour servir sans être asservi et proposer une vision, le scénographe compose. Son art de la trouvaille et de l’interprétation relève d’une heuristique et d’une herméneutique qui exigent une attitude réactive au sujet, au lieu et aux autres. Les incursions de plasticiens sur la scène contemporaine témoignent du dynamisme de la scénographie et de sa part créative, en tant qu’acteur majeur du fait théâtral.
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    Promoters are key organizers of the duplication of vertebrate genomes.Caroline Brossas, Bénédicte Duriez, Anne-Laure Valton & Marie-Noëlle Prioleau - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (10):2100141.
    In vertebrates, single cell analyses of replication timing patterns brought to light a very well controlled program suggesting a tight regulation on initiation sites. Mapping of replication origins with different methods has revealed discrete preferential sites, enriched in promoters and potential G‐quadruplex motifs, which can aggregate into initiation zones spanning several tens of kilobases (kb). Another characteristic of replication origins is a nucleosome‐free region (NFR). A modified yeast strain containing a humanized origin recognition complex (ORC) fires new origins at NFRs (...)
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    Les échelles de l’éthique. La philosophie politique et la ville : Introduction.Patrick Turmel, François Boucher & Marie-Noëlle Carré - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (1):49-54.
    Patrick Turmel,François Boucher,Marie-Noëlle Carré.
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    Computerized Symbol Digit Modalities Test in a Swiss Pediatric Cohort Part 1: Validation.Céline Hochstrasser, Sarah Rieder, Ursina Jufer-Riedi, Marie-Noëlle Klein, Anthony Feinstein, Brenda L. Banwell, Michelle Steiner, Li Mei Cao, Karen Lidzba & Sandra Bigi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to validate the computerized Symbol Digit Modalities Test in a Swiss pediatric cohort, in comparing the Swiss sample to the Canadian norms. Secondly, we evaluated sex effects, age-effects, and test–retest reliability of the c-SDMT in comparison to values obtained for the paper and pencil version of the Symbol Digit Modalities Test.MethodsThis longitudinal observational study was conducted in a single-center setting at the University Children’s Hospital of Bern. Our cohort consisted of 86 children aged from (...)
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    Les SociÉtÉS Industrielles et L’Économique.André Straus, Serge Chassagne, Jean-Marcel Goger, Jean-Yves Grenier, Jacques Marseille, Henry Rousso & Marie-Noëlle Bourguet - 1987 - Revue de Synthèse 108 (1):119-147.
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    Marie-Noëlle Ribas, La Querelle de l’expérience. Aristote, Platon, Isocrate.Marion Pollaert - 2021 - Philosophie Antique 21:281-284.
    Cet ouvrage, issu d’une thèse de doctorat, se présente comme une étude exhaustive du concept d’expérience chez Platon et Aristote ; M.-N. Ribas oppose la façon dont Platon réduit l’expérience à l’opinion et en limite la portée à une certaine utilité pratique, au rôle central que lui donne Aristote. La figure et les arguments d’Isocrate jouent un rôle circonscrit mais très utile pour mettre en exergue le socle commun rationaliste partagé par Platon et Aristote. Au fil des chapitres, Expérience...
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    Differing conceptions of personhood within the psychology and philosophy of Mary whiton Calkins.Dana Noelle McDonald - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (4):753 - 768.
    : This paper examines the ethical status of animals and nature within the thought of Mary Whiton Calkins. Though Calkins held that her self-psychology and absolute personalistic idealism were compatible in many ways, the two schools of thought offer different conceptions of personhood with respect to animals and nature. On the one hand, Calkins's self-psychology classified animals and nature as non-persons, due to the fact that self-psychology viewed animals and nature as physical entities bereft of the psychical qualities necessary for (...)
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  24. Marie-Noëlle Dumas: La pensée de la vie chez Leibniz. [REVIEW]FranÇois Duchesneau - 1977 - Studia Leibnitiana 9:133.
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    Déchiffrer la France: La statistique départementale à l'époque napoléonienne. Marie-Noëlle Bourguet.Lorraine Daston - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):588-589.
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    The Probabilistic Revolution, Volume 1.Lorenz Krüger, Lorraine J. Daston & Michael Heidelberger (eds.) - 1987 - Mit Press: Cambridge.
    Preface to Volumes 1 and 2 Lorenz Krüger xv Introduction to Volume 1 Lorraine J. Daston 1 I Revolution 1 What Are Scientific Revolutions? Thomas S. Kuhn 7 2 Scientific Revolutions, Revolutions in Science, and a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930 I. Bernard Cohen 23 3 Was There a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930? Ian Hacking 45 II Concepts 4 The Slow Rise of Probabilism: Philosophical Arguments in the Nineteenth Century Lorenz Krüger 59 5 The Decline of the Laplacian Theory of Probability: A Study (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Research: Perceptions of Researchers, Research Ethics Board Members and Research Ethics Experts.Marie-Josée Drolet, Eugénie Rose-Derouin, Julie-Claude Leblanc, Mélanie Ruest & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):269-292.
    In the context of academic research, a diversity of ethical issues, conditioned by the different roles of members within these institutions, arise. Previous studies on this topic addressed mainly the perceptions of researchers. However, to our knowledge, no studies have explored the transversal ethical issues from a wider spectrum, including other members of academic institutions as the research ethics board (REB) members, and the research ethics experts. The present study used a descriptive phenomenological approach to document the ethical issues experienced (...)
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  28. An unstable environment: The economic case for getting asylum decisions right first time.Marie Oldfield - 2022 - Pro Bono Economics 1 (1).
    Marie Oldfield, Pro Bono Economics & Refugee Council. Over half the total applications for asylum the UK receives each year are initially rejected, yet nearly a third of these initial rejections are subsequently overturned on appeal. This process that fails to get decisions right first time imposes significant costs, not just on the applicants themselves, but also more widely on UK taxpayers. Asylum seekers are not entitled to welfare benefits nor employment except in some limited cases, and are often (...)
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  29. The managerial relevance of ethical efficacy.Marie S. Mitchell & Noel F. Palmer - 2010 - In Marshall Schminke (ed.), Managerial Ethics: Managing the Psychology of Morality. Routledge. pp. 89--108.
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  30. Towards Pedagogy supporting Ethics in Analysis.Marie Oldfield - 2022 - Journal of Humanistic Mathematics 12 (2).
    Over the past few years we have seen an increasing number of legal proceedings related to inappropriately implemented technology. At the same time career paths have diverged from the foundation of statistics out to Data Scientist, Machine Learning and AI. All of these new branches being fundamentally branches of statistics and mathematics. This has meant that formal training has struggled to keep up with what is required in the plethora of new roles. Mathematics as a taught subject is still based (...)
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  31. Le fait fantastique et le fantastique conjectural chez Jean Ray.Marie-Neige Vives - 2004 - Iris 26:225-238.
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  32. Ethical funding for trustworthy AI: proposals to address the responsibilities of funders to ensure that projects adhere to trustworthy AI practice.Marie Oldfield - 2021 - AI and Ethics 1 (1):1.
    AI systems that demonstrate significant bias or lower than claimed accuracy, and resulting in individual and societal harms, continue to be reported. Such reports beg the question as to why such systems continue to be funded, developed and deployed despite the many published ethical AI principles. This paper focusses on the funding processes for AI research grants which we have identified as a gap in the current range of ethical AI solutions such as AI procurement guidelines, AI impact assessments and (...)
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  33. Analytical Modelling and UK Government Policy.Marie Oldfield - 2021 - AI and Ethics 1 (1):1-16.
    In the last decade, the UK Government has attempted to implement improved processes and procedures in modelling and analysis in response to the Laidlaw report of 2012 and the Macpherson review of 2013. The Laidlaw report was commissioned after failings during the Intercity West Coast Rail (ICWC) Franchise procurement exercise by the Department for Transport (DfT) that led to a legal challenge of the analytical models used within the exercise. The Macpherson review looked into the quality assurance of Government analytical (...)
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  34. Call for Written evidence - Risk Assessment and Risk Planning.Marie Oldfield - 2021 - UK Government Risk Enquiry.
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    Integration of predictions and afferent signals in body ownership.Marie Chancel, Birgit Hasenack & H. Henrik Ehrsson - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104722.
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  36. Between metaphysics and nonsense: Elucidation in Wittgenstein's tractatus.Marie McGinn - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (197):491-513.
    There are currently two readings of Tractatus, the metaphysical and the therapeutic. I argue that neither of these is satisfactory. I develop a third reading, the elucidatory reading. This shares the therapeutic interpretation’s emphasis on the idea that Wittgenstein’s remarks are intended to work on the reader, but instead of seeing these remarks as directed (problematically) at revealing their own nonsensical status, I take the remarks to be aimed at bringing a certain order to the reader’s perception of language. The (...)
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    Beyond the “Third Wave of Positive Psychology”: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Research.Marié P. Wissing - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The positive psychology landscape is changing, and its initial identity is being challenged. Moving beyond the “third wave of PP,” two roads for future research and practice in well-being studies are discerned: The first is the state of the art PP trajectory that will continue as a scientific discipline in/next to psychology. The second trajectory links to pointers described as part of the so-called third wave of PP, which will be argued as actually being the beginning of a new domain (...)
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    Theoretical and Methodological Considerations for Research on Eating Disorders and Gender.Marie-Luise Springmann, Jennifer Svaldi & Mechthild Kiegelmann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  39. Unequal sample sizes and the use of larger control groups pertaining to power of a study.Marie Oldfield - 2016 - Dstl 1 (1).
    To date researchers planning experiments have always lived by the mantra that 'using equal sample sizes gives the best results' and although unequal groups are also used in experimentation, it is not the preferred method of many and indeed actively discouraged in literature. However, during live study planning there are other considerations that we must take into account such as availability of study participants, statistical power and, indeed, the cost of the study. These can all make allocating equal sample sizes (...)
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  40. Identification-Free at Last. Semantic Relativism, Evans’s Legacy and a Unified Approach to Immunity to Error Through Misidentification.Marie Guillot - 2014 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (3):07-30.
    One broadly recognised characteristic feature of (a core subset of) the self-attributions constitutive of self-knowledge is that they are ‘immune to error through misidentification’ (hereafter IEM). In the last thirty years, Evans’s notion of “identification-freedom” (Evans 1982) has been central to most classical approaches to IEM. In the Evansian picture, it is not clear, however, whether there is room for a description of what may be the strongest and most interesting variant of IEM; namely what Pryor (1999) has first brought (...)
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  41. Reference, Kinds and Predicates.Marie La Palme Reyes, John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1994 - In John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes (eds.), The Logical Foundations of Cognition. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 91-143.
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    The Implementation of Assisted Dying in Quebec and Interdisciplinary Support Groups: What Role for Ethics?Marie-Eve Bouthillier, Catherine Perron, Delphine Roigt, Jean-Simon Fortin & Michelle Pimont - 2022 - HEC Forum 34 (4):355-369.
    The purpose of this text is to tell the story of the implementation of the _Act Respecting End-of-Life Care,_ referred to hereafter as _Law 2_ (Gouvernement du Québec, 2014) with an emphasis on the ambiguous role of ethics in the Interdisciplinary Support Groups (ISGs), created by Quebec's _Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux_ (MSSS). As established, ISGs provide “clinical, administrative and ethical support to health care professionals responding to a request for Medical aid in dying (MAiD)” (Gouvernement du (...)
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    ‘Psychedelics are no magic pill’: the narrative and embodied dimensions of psychedelic integration in Denmark.Sidsel Marie - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12226.
    Within recent years, an increasing number of people and researchers in the Global North have become interested in psychedelic substances and their therapeutic application. While much of the current media attention and research effort mainly concentrate on the therapeutic potential and actions of the individual's acute psychedelic experience, this article explores the user-perceived, therapeutic dynamics of psychedelics in a more long-term perspective by charting the lived experiences and practices of ‘integration’ among psychedelic users in Denmark. Based on ethnographic fieldwork from (...)
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    Adaptive memory: Source memory is positively associated with adaptive social decision making.Marie Luisa Schaper, Laura Mieth & Raoul Bell - 2019 - Cognition 186 (C):7-14.
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    Death Camp Survival and the Possibility of Hope.Marie Baird - 1997 - Philosophy and Theology 10 (2):385-419.
    This paper will argue that many survivors’ ability to take up their existence hopefully is rooted in the deeply visceral and unintegrable memory of “living the existence of a walking corpse” (Niederland 1968b, 12) that constitutes the ontic basis for their most fundamental presence to self, others, and God. I will show, secondly, that Karl Rahner’s theological formulation of witness as “an act of self transcendence in which the subject reaches up to the unsurpassable and sovereign Mystery which we call (...)
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    L’héroïsation du poète Hésiode en Grèce ancienne.Marie-Claire Beaulieu - 2004 - Kernos 17:103-117.
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    The Principle of Autonomy’s Enduring Validity.Marie Newhouse - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (2):545-551.
    Pauline Kleingeld has argued persuasively that Kant’s Principle of Autonomy draws an analogy between two relationships: 1) that between an individual agent and their maxim, and 2) that between a legislator and their legislation. She also suggests that Kant’s evolving views on the normative significance of popular elections made his analogy inapt, which explains its disappearance from his later writings. This comment concurs with Sorin Baiasu that the merits of Kant’s analogy were untouched by his evolving political views. The analogy (...)
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    Oldenburg and the art of Scientific Communication.Marie Boas Hall - 1965 - British Journal for the History of Science 2 (4):277-290.
    For fifteen years, from 1662 until his death in 1677, Henry Oldenburg served the Royal Society as second Secretary and was charged with almost the entire burden of its correspondence, domestic and foreign. During this time he acted as a centre for the communication of scientific news, searching out new sources of information, encouraging men everywhere to make their work public, acting as an intermediary between scientists and, through the Philosophical Transactions, providing a medium for the publication of short scientific (...)
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    Pierre Bourdieu: un philosophe en sociologie.Marie-Anne Lescourret (ed.) - 2009 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La renommée nationale et internationale de Pierre Bourdieu lui est venue de la sociologie, une sociologie un peu particulière, dite " des élites ", ou plus communément, " de la domination ", au fil de laquelle il ne se fit pas faute de fustiger les représentants de celle qu'il appelait " La discipline du couronnement ", la philosophie. C'était là pourtant son terroir d'origine, sa formation première, et la seule dans laquelle il possédât un diplôme. Mais il ne voyait dans (...)
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  50. Kierkegaard og pietismen.Marie Mikulová Thulstrup - 1967 - København,: Munksgaard.
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