Results for 'Mariella Combi'

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  1.  52
    The imaginary, the computer, artificial intelligence: A cultural anthropological approach. [REVIEW]Mariella Combi - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (1):41-49.
    The role of the cultural anthropologist in studying the results of information technology and artificial intelligence should be to contribute and reaffirm a sense of life which considers the human being in his or her totality, and to recognize the role of diversity and the imaginary. Technical revolutions have also proved to be cultural revolutions.The skills required by one culture, the identification and creation of problems and the solutions are interrelated. These interrelationships are worked out in a cultural context endowed (...)
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    A Psychoanalytical Perspective on the Co-therapeutic Relationship With a Group of Siblings of Children With Autism: An Observational Study of Communicative Behavior Patterns.Mariella Venturella, Xavier Carbonell, Víctor Cabré & Eulàlia Arias-Pujol - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. Is Teleparallel Gravity Really Equivalent to General Relativity?Luciano Combi & Gustavo E. Romero - 2017 - Analen der Physik 530 (1):1700175/1-11.
    An axiomatization of the so-called Teleparallel Equivalent to General Relativity is presented. A set of formal and semantic postulates are elaborated from where the physical meaning of various key concepts of the theory are clarified. These concepts include those of inertia, Lorentz and diffeomorphism invariance, and reference frame. It is shown that Teleparallel Gravity admits a wider representation of space-time than General Relativity, allowing to define properties of the gravitational field such as energy and momentum that are usually considered problematic. (...)
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    Loss of agency in apraxia.Mariella Pazzaglia & Giulia Galli - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:105809.
    The feeling of acting voluntarily is a fundamental component of human behavior and social life and is usually accompanied by a sense of agency. However, this ability can be impaired in a number of diseases and disorders. An important example is apraxia, a disturbance traditionally defined as a disorder of voluntary skillful movements that often results from frontal-parietal brain damage. The first part of this article focuses on direct evidence of some core symptoms of apraxia, emphasizing those with connections to (...)
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    Écolos, mais pas trop...: les classes sociales face à l'enjeu environnemental.Jean-Baptiste Comby - 2024 - [Paris]: Raisons d'agir éditions.
    Le capitalisme menace la vie sur terre. Aucune issue technique à ce constat. Les usages destructeurs des ressources naturelles sont inscrits au plus profond des structures sociales : école, travail, propriété, marché, etc. Ils forgent des conditions de classe écologiquement inégales et antagoniques. Ce livre montre qu'une écologie politique véritablement transformatrice doit avoir pour horizon la refonte des cadres fondamentaux de la vie sociale qu'exige l'invention d'une société respectueuse des limites planétaires."--Page 4 of cover.
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    Mobilisations écologiques.Jean-Baptiste Comby & Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: PUF.
    Les luttes autour de l'écologie sont-elles des combats politiques comme les autres? Longtemps perçues comme expertes et sectorisées, elles sont souvent décrites comme dépolitisées. En s'intéressant aux mobilisations écologiques, plutôt qu'à celles qui seraient le fait des seuls écologistes, cet ouvrage rend compte de leurs évolutions récentes. Aux côtés des mouvements portés par des militants des classes supérieures, se (re)déploient aujourd'hui des luttes environnementales menées par d'autres groupes sociaux - les femmes, les minorités ou les plus modestes. Ces mobilisations contemporaines, (...)
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  7. Non obliviscebamur illius urbis, quae sanguinem nostrum acceperat : Felix und Regula als Verteidiger ihres Märtyrerortes.Mariella Niers - 2019 - In Klaus Herbers, Andreas Nehring & Karin Steiner (eds.), Sakralität und Macht. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Une souveraineté mouvante et supracoloniale.Mariella Pandolfi - 2000 - Multitudes 3 (3):97-105.
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    Action and language grounding in the sensorimotor cortex.Mariella Pazzaglia - forthcoming - Language and Cognition.
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  10.  30
    Assisted Procreation and its Relationship to Genetics and Eugenics.Mariella Ricci - 2009 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 15 (1):9-29.
  11.  8
    Giurisprudenza e responsabilità morale: Il "Buon Giudice" Magnaud = Jurisprudence and moral responsibility: "The Good Judge" Magnaud.Mariella Robertazzi - 2018 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 28:85-112.
    RIASSUNTO: Paul Magnaud, magistrato e politico francese operante tra la fine del XIX e gli inizi del XX secolo e divenuto noto con l'appellativo di "bon juge", ci offre l'opportunità di riflettere su un nodo ineliminabile della teoria e della prassi giuridica: il rapporto tra legge ed equitá, tra certezza del diritto ed esigenze di giustizia. Nel saggio vengono ricostruiti i casi principali di cui egli si occupò quando era presidente del Tribunale di Chateâu-Thierry al fine di riportare alla luce (...)
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  12.  26
    Does what you hear predict what you will do and say?Mariella Pazzaglia - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):370 - 371.
    I evaluate the bottlenecks involved in the simulation mechanism underpinning superior predictive abilities for upcoming actions. This perceptual-motor state is characterized by a complex interrelationship designed to make predictions using a highly fine-tuned and constrained motor operation. The extension of such mechanisms to language may occur only in sensorimotor circuits devoted to the action domain.
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  13.  52
    Sobre la inconsistencia de la interpretación de Everett de la mecánica cuántica.Luciano Combi & Gustavo E. Romero - 2017 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 7:47--53.
    De las muchas interpretaciones de la mecánica cuántica (MC), pocas han sido tan divulgadas como la de Everett. Esta formulación se supone realista y libre de los problemas que aquejan a la interpretación de Copenhague. En el presente trabajo, mostramos los problemas semántico-ontológicos que implican las formulaciones actuales de esta interpretación y discutimos el problema que presenta con respecto a las cantidades conservadas y las simetrías subyacentes al modelo de espacio-tiempo adoptado. Concluimos que en sus expresiones usuales, la teoría de (...)
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    Fede e società: introduzione all'etica sociale.Ernesto Combi - 2005 - Milano: Centro ambrosiano. Edited by Eros Monti.
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  15.  16
    Abstraction still holds its feet on the ground.Mariella Pazzaglia & Erik Leemhuis - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    In view of current scientific knowledge, it seems premature to hypothesize a qualitative distinction between processes, networks, and structures involved in abstract processes from those based on perception, episodic, or procedural memories. Predictive thought and mental travel strongly rely, at different levels of consciousness, on past and ongoing sensory input, bodily information, and the results of perceptual elaboration.
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  16.  32
    Da Avicenna ad Averroé:" Questiones super librum del Anima".Mariella Gardinali - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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  17.  22
    Réponse à Claude Moncorgé.Mariella Pandolfi - 2001 - Multitudes 1 (1):209-211.
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  18.  56
    Les soins de fin de vie : « ordinaires » ou « extraordinaires »?1.Mariella Lombardi Ricci - 2009 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 83:115-130.
    L’alternative « soins ordinaires », « soins extraordinaires » en fin de vie nous place au cœur d’un débat très actuel de pratique et d’éthique médicales. L’article examine les difficultés de la médecine de fin de vie et met en évidence certaines insuffisances des analysesmises en œuvre pour prendre les décisions appropriées. La lecture des textes magistériels sur ces questions amènent pareillement à se demander si la science bioéthique n’est pas dans une impasse.
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  19.  29
    Towards multiple interactions of inner and outer sensations in corporeal awareness.Giuliana Lucci & Mariella Pazzaglia - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20. Rethinking Identity and Feminism: Contributions of Mapuche Women and Machi from Southern Chile.Ana Mariella Bacigalupo - 2003 - Hypatia 18 (2):32-57.
    I analyze how machi discourse and practice of gender and identity contribute to feminist debates about gendered indigenous Others, and the effects that Western notions of Self and Other and feminist rhetoric have on Mapuche women and machi: people who heal with herbal remedies and the help of spirits. Machi juggling of different worlds offers a particular understanding of the way identity and gender are constituted and of the relationship between Self and Other, theory and practice, subject and object, feminism (...)
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  21.  20
    Studying Mapuche Shaman/Healers in Chile from an Experiential Perspective: Ethical and Methodological Problems.Ana Mariella Bacigalupo - 1999 - Anthropology of Consciousness 10 (2-3):35-40.
    Anthropologists who "study" religious practitioners are always confronted with both an ethical and a methodological problem. Our traditional training asks us to remain detached from our "informants" and their beliefs in order to collect "data" whose content will be analyzed according to academic agendas and theoretical trends, translated into anthropological jargon and published in ethnographies that will be accepted, published, and read in the academic world. On the other hand, the purpose of our anthropological research is to gain a deeper (...)
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  22.  17
    The Gift of Life: Female Spirituality and Healing in Northern Peru.Ana Mariella Bacigalupo - 1999 - Anthropology of Consciousness 10 (1):60-62.
    The Gift of Life: Female Spirituality and Healing in Northern Peru. Bonnie GlassCoffin. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1998. 246 pp. $50.00 (cloth); $15.95 (paper).
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  23. New technologies for the promotion of social integration and communication of physically handicapped people.Broekaert Eric, Soree Viviane & Farricelli Mariella - 1995 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 28 (1):115-139.
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  24.  14
    Commentary: Cortical Plasticity and Olfactory Function in Early Blindness.Alessandra Fiore & Mariella Pazzaglia - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  25.  14
    Bioetica tra passato e futuro: da Van Potter alla società 5.0.Enrico Larghero & Mariella Lombardi Ricci (eds.) - 2020 - Cantalupa (Torino): Effatà editrice.
    Medical discoveries have led to an unprecedented level of competence in the field, but it is as if the patient is finding it increasingly difficult to get the right holistic care. Medicine must be put on a path towards being humanised.
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    Scienza e tecnica: quale potere?Mariella Lombardi Ricci, Giuseppe Zeppegno & Santo Lepore (eds.) - 2019 - Cantalupa (Torino): Effatà editrice.
    The new edition of this manual brings together a decade's teaching in bioethics. It confronts new questions and monitors the latest far reaching experiments, whose results and publications need to be properly understood.
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    Common Ground Information Affects Reference Resolution: Evidence From Behavioral Data, ERPs, and Eye-Tracking.Maria Richter, Mariella Paul, Barbara Höhle & Isabell Wartenburger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:565651.
    One of the most important social cognitive skills in humans is the ability to “put oneself in someone else’s shoes,” that is, to take another person’s perspective. In socially situated communication, perspective taking enables the listener to arrive at a meaningful interpretation of what is said (sentence meaning) and what is meant (speaker’s meaning) by the speaker. To successfully decode the speaker’s meaning, the listener has to take into account which information he/she and the speaker share in their common ground (...)
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  28. L'Islam tra noi, da Regensburg alla Carta dei valori: Fede e ragione, laicità e pluralismo religioso, dialogo e integrazione.Piersandro Vanzan Sj & Mariella Scatena - 2006 - Studium 102 (5):651-665.
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    The ‘lesbian’ muse in tragedy: Euripides meλ o∏ oioσ in aristoph. Ra. 1301–28.Mariella de Simone - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (2):479.
  30.  12
    Competencias del docente hospitalario, al servicio de la educación.Mariella Victoria Mendoza Carrasco - 2019 - Alétheia: Revista Académica de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón-Unifé 7:13-17.
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    The Exorcising Sounds of Warfare: The Performance of Shamanic Healing and the Struggle to Remain Mapuche.Ana Mariella Bacigalupo - 1998 - Anthropology of Consciousness 9 (2-3):1-16.
    Since the cessation of Mapuche guerrilla warfare against Chileans in 1881, machis who are predominantly women, have progressively incorporated aspects of traditional warring into their shamanic healing and performance of collective nguiUatun rituals. Guns, knives, war cries, and male pre‐war bonding acts are used by machis to "kill" or "defeat" illness, evil, and the effects of acculturation on their patients and the community. Acculturation is often seen by the Chilean Mapuche as the root of illness, evil, and alienation. All three (...)
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  32.  24
    Renouncing Shamanistic Practice: The Conflict of Individual and Culture Experienced by a Mapuche Machi.Ana Mariella Bacigalupo - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (3):1-16.
    This article analyzes the conflict between traditional beliefs, cultural roles, and the search for individuality through the study of Fresia, a young Mapuche woman who renounced shamanistic practice. Her case demonstrates that the social transmission of traditional beliefs and symbols is not in itself enough to ensure the commitment of shaman/healers who must also internalize their cultural beliefs and attach personal meaning to them through their dreams, visions, and ritual practices. If this does not occur, as in Fresia's case, individuality (...)
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    Organizational Culture and Pedagogical Management in Peru.Lucia-Viviana Patiño-García, Juan Carlos Zapata Ancajima, Priscila E. Luján-Vera, Lucy Mariella García Vilela, Richard Alejandro Aguirre Camarena, Ivett Violeta Aguilar Soto & Raquel Silva Juárez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):259-267.
    The purpose of the article was to determine the relationship between the organizational culture and the institutional management of the "Enrique López Albújar" Educational Institution, Piura. Work is worked under a quantitative approach, descriptive and correlational scope, 40 teachers participated as a sample. Among the results, it was found that there is no significant relationship between organizational culture and institutional management, which did not allow validating the research hypothesis; However, a significant relationship between norms and customs with institutional management was (...)
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    Enhancing behavioral change with motivational interviewing: a case study in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit.Giada Pietrabissa, Martina Ceccarini, Maria Borrello, Gian Mauro Manzoni, Annamaria Titon, Ferruccio Nibbio, Mariella Montano, Gianandrea Bertone, Luca Gondoni & Gianluca Castelnuovo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  35.  17
    Sleep-Related Problems in Night Shift Nurses: Towards an Individualized Interventional Practice.Valentina Alfonsi, Serena Scarpelli, Maurizio Gorgoni, Mariella Pazzaglia, Anna Maria Giannini & Luigi De Gennaro - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Rotating shifts are common among nurses to ensure continuity of care. This scheduling system encompasses several adverse health and performance consequences. One of the most injurious effects of night-time shift work is the deterioration of sleep patterns due to both circadian rhythm disruption and increased sleep homeostatic pressure. Sleep problems lead to secondary effects on other aspects of wellbeing and cognitive functioning, increasing the risk of errors and workplace accidents. A wide range of interventions has been proposed to improve the (...)
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  36.  8
    Editorial: Presenteeism in the Aftermath of COVID-19: New Trends and Contributions Regarding Sickness Presence at Work.Aristides I. Ferreira, Merce Mach, Luis F. Martinez & Mariella Miraglia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Sickness Presenteeism in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Is Presenteeism Remote-Work Behavior the New (Ab)normal?Aristides I. Ferreira, Merce Mach, Luis F. Martinez & Mariella Miraglia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Due to the confinement imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic situation, companies adopted remote work more than ever. The rapid rise of remote work also affected local life and many employers introduced or extended their telework activities because of the associated advantages. However, despite the evident positive benefits, some employees were pressured to work remotely while ill. This evidence brought new challenges to the presenteeism literature. This article investigates how individual, economic/societal, and organizational/sectorial/supervisory-related variables can moderate the role of a contagious (...)
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  38.  10
    The role of arousal and motivation in emotional conflict resolution: Implications for spinal cord injury.Anna Pecchinenda, Adriana Patrizia Gonzalez Pizzio, Claudia Salera & Mariella Pazzaglia - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:927622.
    Under many conditions, emotional information is processed with priority and it may lead to cognitive conflict when it competes with task-relevant information. Accordingly, being able to ignore emotional information relies on cognitive control. The present perspective offers an integrative account of the mechanism that may underlie emotional conflict resolution in tasks involving response activation. We point to the contribution of emotional arousal and primed approach or avoidance motivation in accounting for emotional conflict resolution. We discuss the role of arousal in (...)
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  39.  19
    Unmet Needs for Family Caregivers of Elderly People With Dementia Living in Italy: What Do We Know So Far and What Should We Do Next?C. De Cola Maria, Lo Buono Viviana, Mento Agata, Foti Mariella, Marino Silvia, Bramanti Placido, Manuli Alfredo & S. Calabrò Rocco - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801771370.
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  40.  12
    Editorial: Embodying Tool Use: From Cognition to Neurorehabilitation.Giulia Galli, Yusuf Ozgur Cakmak, Jan Babič & Mariella Pazzaglia - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  41.  35
    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Xiaodan Huang, Michael Vavrus, Deron R. Boyles, Abra N. Feuerstein, Cheryl T. Desmond, Kathleen Hermsmeyer, Helena Mariella-Walrond, Ignacio L. Götz & Robert R. Sherman - 1996 - Educational Studies 27 (2):163-202.
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    COMBY, Jean, Deux mille ans d'évangélisation. Histoire de l'expansion chrétienneCOMBY, Jean, Deux mille ans d'évangélisation. Histoire de l'expansion chrétienne.Raymond Lemieux - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (1):148-149.
  43.  23
    A Book Review of Mariella Greil's (2021) Being in Contact: Encountering a Bare Body Published by De Gruyter. [REVIEW]Rebecca Lloyd - 2022 - Phenomenology and Practice 17 (1).
    Review of Mariella Greil's (2021) Being in Contact: Enountering a Bare Body, published by De Gruyter.
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    Réponse à Mariella Pandolfi.Claude MoncorgÉ - 2000 - Multitudes 3 (3):106-112.
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    COMBY, Jean, dir., L'Itinéraire mystique d'une femme. Marie de l'Incarnation, ursulineCOMBY, Jean, dir., L'Itinéraire mystique d'une femme. Marie de l'Incarnation, ursuline. [REVIEW]Hermann Giguère - 1995 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 51 (3):684-686.
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    Many-Colored Fleece, Edited by Sister Mariella Gable, O.S.B. [REVIEW]Riley Hughes - 1951 - Renascence 3 (2):195-197.
  47.  40
    This Is Catholic Fiction. By Sister Mariella Gable, O.S.B. [REVIEW] Gardiner - 1949 - Renascence 2 (1):56-58.
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    (1 other version)Sex and status in Scottish Enlightenment social science: John Millar and the sociology of gender roles.Richard Olson - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (5):73-100.
    John Millar's Origin of the Distinction of Ranks contains one of the first extensive and systematic discussions of the status of women in different societies. In this paper I attempt to show first that a combi nation of circumstances associated with the teaching of moral philos ophy at Glasgow and with the reform of Scots law undertaken by Lord Kames made the status of women a critical problem for Millar. Second, I attempt to demonstrate that Millar drew heavily upon (...)
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  49.  22
    L'expérience américaine du P.P.B.S. et ses leçons.M. L. Morissens - 1970 - Res Publica 12 (2):125-158.
    Résumé : Le PPBS a été conçu comme un instrument destiné à ceux qui décident de l'allocation des ressources publiques : il doit leur permettre de prendre de meilleures décisions. S'il est très difficile de repérer et de juger les choix que le développement du système a inspirés aux Etats-Unis, il n'en est pas mains certain que ses résultats tangibles sant maigres car la masse des anciens programmes, principale source potentielle de moyens nouveaux, n'a guère été remise en question.La valeur (...)
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    Embodiment and Ontologies of Inequality in Medicine: Towards an Integrative Understanding of Disease and Health Disparities.M. Austin Argentieri - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (3):125-152.
    In this article, I draw on my fieldwork creating protein models of hepatitis B at a biotech laboratory to think through how to approach the body and disease from ontological and phenomenological perspectives. I subsequently draw on Mariella Pandolfi’s work on how bodies can be made to suffer history and Paul Farmer’s work on global tuberculosis disparities to explore ways of analysing embodied activity as a means of identifying and clinically addressing enactments of social inequality and disease. I also (...)
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