Results for 'Mariusz Błaszczyk'

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  1.  15
    Filozofia psychopatów.Mariusz Błaszczyk - 2022 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 27:7-16.
    Artykuł stanowi krytyczne omówienie książki Kevina Duttona zatytułowanej Mądrość psychopatów. Lekcja życia pobrana od świętych, szpiegów i seryjnych morderców. Celem pracy jest przybliżenie zasadniczych tez stawianych przez autora oraz zaproszenie do namysłu nad psychopatią – zarówno jako fenomenem naukowym, jak i egzystencjalnym.
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  2. Mariusz Grygianiec, Axiomatic Definitions of Genidentity.Mariusz Grygianiec - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (1):25.
  3. Logic And Cognition.Mariusz Urbański - 2011 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 20 (1-2):175-185.
    In this paper two concepts of psychologism in logic are outlined: the one which Frege and Husserl fought against and the new psychologism, or cognitivism, which underlies a cognitive turn in contemporary logic. Four issues such cognitively oriented logic should be interested in are indicated. They concern: new fields opened for logical analysis, new methods and tools needed to address these fields, neural basis of logical reasoning, and an educational problem: how to teach such logic? Several challenging questions, which arise (...)
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    Cantor on Infinitesimals. Historical and Modern Perspective.Piotr Błaszczyk & Marlena Fila - 2020 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 49 (2).
    In his 1887's Mitteilungen zur Lehre von Transfiniten, Cantor seeks to prove inconsistency of infinitesimals. We provide a detailed analysis of his argument from both historical and mathematical perspective. We show that while his historical analysis are questionable, the mathematical part of the argument is false.
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    Controversies in the Foundations of Analysis: Comments on Schubring’s Conflicts.Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Mikhail G. Katz & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (1):125-140.
    Foundations of Science recently published a rebuttal to a portion of our essay it published 2 years ago. The author, G. Schubring, argues that our 2013 text treated unfairly his 2005 book, Conflicts between generalization, rigor, and intuition. He further argues that our attempt to show that Cauchy is part of a long infinitesimalist tradition confuses text with context and thereby misunderstands the significance of Cauchy’s use of infinitesimals. Here we defend our original analysis of various misconceptions and misinterpretations concerning (...)
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    Toward a History of Mathematics Focused on Procedures.Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Semen S. Kutateladze & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):763-783.
    Abraham Robinson’s framework for modern infinitesimals was developed half a century ago. It enables a re-evaluation of the procedures of the pioneers of mathematical analysis. Their procedures have been often viewed through the lens of the success of the Weierstrassian foundations. We propose a view without passing through the lens, by means of proxies for such procedures in the modern theory of infinitesimals. The real accomplishments of calculus and analysis had been based primarily on the elaboration of novel techniques for (...)
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    Regular subalgebras of complete Boolean algebras.Aleksander Blaszczyk & Saharon Shelah - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):792-800.
    It is proved that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) there exists a complete, atomless, σ-centered Boolean algebra, which does not contain any regular, atomless, countable subalgebra, (b) there exists a nowhere dense ultrafilter on ω. Therefore, the existence of such algebras is undecidable in ZFC. In "forcing language" condition (a) says that there exists a non-trivial σ-centered forcing not adding Cohen reals.
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    Causation.Mariusz Tabaczek & John Henry - 2002 - In Gary B. Ferngren (ed.), Science and Religion: A Historical Introduction. Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 377-394.
    In theology there has never been any doubt that God can cause things to happen, but there has been a great deal of controversy about the precise nature of God’s causal activity in nature. The theory of divine concurrentism (both God, as primary cause, and creatures, as secondary causes, are engaged in causal processes), fostering the middle way between the anti-providential notion of natural causation and occasionalism (which attributes all causation to God), was questioned in the era of modern science (...)
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    The failure of drug repurposing for COVID-19 as an effect of excessive hypothesis testing and weak mechanistic evidence.Mariusz Maziarz & Adrian Stencel - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (4):1-26.
    The current strategy of searching for an effective treatment for COVID-19 relies mainly on repurposing existing therapies developed to target other diseases. Conflicting results have emerged in regard to the efficacy of several tested compounds but later results were negative. The number of conducted and ongoing trials and the urgent need for a treatment pose the risk that false-positive results will be incorrectly interpreted as evidence for treatments’ efficacy and a ground for drug approval. Our purpose is twofold. First, we (...)
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    Number of Clusters and the Quality of Hybrid Predictive Models in Analytical CRM.Mariusz Łapczyński & Bartłomiej Jefmański - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 37 (1):141-157.
    Making more accurate marketing decisions by managers requires building effective predictive models. Typically, these models specify the probability of customer belonging to a particular category, group or segment. The analytical CRM categories refer to customers interested in starting cooperation with the company, customers who purchase additional products or customers intending to resign from the cooperation. During building predictive models researchers use analytical tools from various disciplines with an emphasis on their best performance. This article attempts to build a hybrid predictive (...)
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    Critica della proprietà intellettuale in Locke.Cezary Błaszczyk - 2020 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 32 (63):161-186.
    Locke’s theory of property is irreconcilable with intellectual property. Property-like titles in ideal objects cannot be introduced within the framework of the natural law, because they could constrain others from acts necessary for their survival. Nevertheless, followers of Locke’s theory of politics choose to belittle this conclusion and even Locke himself supported early copyright legislation. The inconsistency is important, for it depicts the problem of legitimization of intellectual property as political and demonstrates liberal reification of various aspects of social life.
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  12. Eudoxos versus Dedekind.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    All through the XXth century it has been repeated that "there is an exact correspondence, almost coincidence between Euclid's definition of equal ratios and the modern theory of irrational numbers due to Dedekind". Since the idea was presented as early as in 1908 in Thomas Heath's translation of Euclid's Elements as a comment to Book V, def. 5, we call it in the paper Heath's thesis. Heath's thesis finds different justifications so it is accepted yet in different versions. In the (...)
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    Motywy egzystencjalne w Dwóch ludziach z szafą Romana Polańskiego.Marek Błaszczyk - 2022 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:65-87.
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    O absurdzie w twórczości Alberta Camusa.Marek Błaszczyk - 2020 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 15 (2):201-205.
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  15. O przedmiocie matematycznym.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2004 - Filozofia Nauki 2 (1):45-59.
    In this paper we show that the field of the real numbers is an intentional object in the sense specified by Roman Ingarden in his Das literarische Kunstwer and Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt. An ontological characteristics of a classic example of an intentional object, i.e. a literary character, is developed. There are three principal elements of such an object: the author, the text and the entity in which the literary character forms the content. In the case of (...)
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    O problemie relacji między filozofią a teologią. Preliminaria.Marek Błaszczyk - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (1):77-96.
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  17. V \"Elementów\" euklidesa.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2010 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 46.
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    Wobec pytania o sens ludzkiej egzystencji.Marek Błaszczyk - 2021 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (9):377-384.
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    W pułapce posthumanizmu.Marek Błaszczyk - 2020 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 15 (1):149-153.
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  20. Popes Benedict XVI and Francis on the sexual abuse of minors: Ecclesiological perspectives.Mariusz Biliniewicz - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (3):297.
    The wound inflicted by the clerical sexual abuse scandal and its cover-up runs so deep that it is sometimes deemed impossible to talk about the church at the beginning of the twenty-first century in a credible way without making at least some reference to this problem. This opinion is seemingly partially shared by current and previous pontiffs, who, on many occasions and in various contexts, have touched upon this issue. In the many interventions in which Benedict XVI and Francis have (...)
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  21. Fragments of Ingarden's Ontology. On Schematism of a Purely Intentional Object.Piotr Blaszczyk - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4):71.
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  22. Nauczanie filozofii w Gdańsku w okresie staropolskim (XIII-XVIII w.) (zarys).Mariusz Brodnicki - 2004 - Ruch Filozoficzny 1 (1).
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  23. Rytuał jako forma i narzędzie badania lekcji.Mariusz Dembiński - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 75 (2):179-196.
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  24. Kapitalizm panstwowy: postep czy regres?Mariusz Gulczyński - 1970 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (3):55-75.
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    Uniwersytet w stanie podejrzenia. Na marginesie Sprawozdania dla Akademii Franza Kafki.Mariusz Jochemczyk - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 59 (4):9-28.
    The idea of the university was never a significant context for researchers of Franz Kafka work. It was the other social institutions that became the natural source of allusive recognition of literary scholars. In this sketch – written on the margins of Kafka’s famous short story: Report for the Academy – we are trying to change it. The university here becomes a “central object of criticism”, an institution in ruins, a place where one does not practice research and does not (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Fenomenologia.Mariusz Moryń - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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    Ewolucja a dzieło stworzenia — odpowiedź na polemikę Michała Chaberka z teistycznym ewolucjonizmem.Mariusz Tabaczek - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (4):217-249.
    W odpowiedzi na tekst Michała Chaberka, będący polemiką z moim stanowiskiem w kwestii teistycznego ewolucjonizmu, zwracam uwagę na kilka kluczowych zagadnień dotyczących filozofii i teologii arystotelesowsko-tomistycznej w kontekście teorii ewolucji, oraz wykazuję pewne nieścisłości i błędy w argumentacji mojego adwersarza. Definiując kluczowe aspekty terminu „stworzenie” w ujęciu Tomasza z Akwinu podkreślam, że zmiany ewolucyjne należą do Boskiego gubernatio, a nie creatio. Przedstawiam także nieco bardziej wnikliwą analizę zagadnienia dotyczącego konieczności bezpośredniej Boskiej interwencji w powstaniu nowych gatunków. Przechodząc do zagadnień stricte (...)
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    Resolving empirical controversies with mechanistic evidence.Mariusz Maziarz - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9957-9978.
    The results of econometric modeling are fragile in the sense that minor changes in estimation techniques or sample can lead to statistical models that support inconsistent causal hypotheses. The fragility of econometric results undermines making conclusive inferences from the empirical literature. I argue that the program of evidential pluralism, which originated in the context of medicine and encapsulates to the normative reading of the Russo-Williamson Thesis that causal claims need the support of both difference-making and mechanistic evidence, offers a ground (...)
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  29. Ten Misconceptions from the History of Analysis and Their Debunking.Piotr Błaszczyk, Mikhail G. Katz & David Sherry - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):43-74.
    The widespread idea that infinitesimals were “eliminated” by the “great triumvirate” of Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass is refuted by an uninterrupted chain of work on infinitesimal-enriched number systems. The elimination claim is an oversimplification created by triumvirate followers, who tend to view the history of analysis as a pre-ordained march toward the radiant future of Weierstrassian epsilontics. In the present text, we document distortions of the history of analysis stemming from the triumvirate ideology of ontological minimalism, which identified the continuum (...)
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  30. Is Leibnizian calculus embeddable in first order logic?Piotr Błaszczyk, Vladimir Kanovei, Karin U. Katz, Mikhail G. Katz, Taras Kudryk, Thomas Mormann & David Sherry - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (4):73 - 88.
    To explore the extent of embeddability of Leibnizian infinitesimal calculus in first-order logic (FOL) and modern frameworks, we propose to set aside ontological issues and focus on pro- cedural questions. This would enable an account of Leibnizian procedures in a framework limited to FOL with a small number of additional ingredients such as the relation of infinite proximity. If, as we argue here, first order logic is indeed suitable for developing modern proxies for the inferential moves found in Leibnizian infinitesimal (...)
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    The Philosophy of Causality in Economics: Causal Inferences and Policy Proposals.Mariusz Maziarz - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Approximately one in six top economic research papers draws an explicitly causal conclusion. But what do economists mean when they conclude that A 'causes' B? Does 'cause' say that we can influence B by intervening on A, or is it only a label for the correlation of variables? Do quantitative analyses of observational data followed by such causal inferences constitute sufficient grounds for guiding economic policymaking? The Philosophy of Causality in Economics addresses these questions by analyzing the meaning of causal (...)
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    A rejoinder to Henschen: the issue of VAR and DSGE models.Mariusz Maziarz & Robert Mróz - 2020 - Journal of Economic Methodology 27 (3):266-268.
    Volume 27, Issue 3, September 2020, Page 266-268.
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    The Reinhart-Rogoff controversy as an instance of the ‘emerging contrary result’ phenomenon.Mariusz Maziarz - 2017 - Journal of Economic Methodology 24 (3):213-225.
  34. ragmenty ontologii Ingardena. O miejscach niedookreślenia przedmiotu czysto intencjonalnego.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (4).
    In this paper, we present a reinterpretation of Roman Ingarden's theory of intentional objects. There are four types of intentional objects in Ingarden's ontology, we offer a detailed analyses of an intentional object that is a correlate of a text. Such an object is characterised by Ingarden as a two-sided and schematised formation. We focus on the notion of schematism. We classify different interpretations of schematism and propose our own definition of schematism of a purely intentional object.
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    Conflicting Results and Statistical Malleability: Embracing Pluralism of Empirical Results.Mariusz Maziarz - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (6):701-728.
    Conflicting results undermine making inferences from the empirical literature. So far, the replication crisis is mainly seen as resulting from honest errors and questionable research practices such as p-hacking or the base-rate fallacy. I discuss the malleability (researcher degrees of freedom) of quantitative research and argue that conflicting results can emerge from two studies using different but plausible designs (e.g., eligibility criteria, operationalization of concepts, outcome measures) and statistical methods. I also explore how the choices regarding study design and statistical (...)
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    Argumenty na rzecz nieredukcyjnego ujęcia tożsamości osobowej.Mariusz Grygianiec - 2016 - Analiza I Egzystencja 34:5-28.
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  37. The metaphysics of downward causation: Rediscovering the formal cause.Mariusz Tabaczek - 2013 - Zygon 48 (2):380-404.
    The methodological nonreductionism of contemporary biology opens an interesting discussion on the level of ontology and the philosophy of nature. The theory of emergence (EM), and downward causation (DC) in particular, bring a new set of arguments challenging not only methodological, but also ontological and causal reductionism. This argumentation provides a crucial philosophical foundation for the science/theology dialogue. However, a closer examination shows that proponents of EM do not present a unified and consistent definition of DC. Moreover, they find it (...)
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    Bericht von der 21. Internationalen Arbeitstagung der GTA in Warschau (2019).Mariusz Mela - 2019 - Gestalt Theory 41 (3):323-335.
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    "Jak na to wpadłeś, Holmesie?”. Inferencyjna Logika Pytań w formalnym modelowaniu rozwiązywania problemów w dochodzeniach Sherlocka Holmesa.Mariusz Urbański & Piotr Pietruszewski - 2019 - Ruch Filozoficzny 75 (2):75.
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    Człowiek według Jeana-Paula Sartre’a.Marek Błaszczyk - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:39-52.
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    „Es gibt keine Exilliteratur mehr. Es gibt lediglich literarisch interessante Situationen” – über das Schaffen der polnischen Schriftsteller in Deutschland nach 1989.Karolina Błaszczyk - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    The article is an introduction to the issue of Polish literature written in Germany after 1989. The first part of the work focuses around the current literary discussions on defining and developing the terminology and methods enabling research into this new literature – written abroad after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Post­-emigration literature, migration literature, minority literature, multi­-, inter­-, trans­-cultural and diasporic literature – these are only a few of the suggested terms. The second part of the article refers (...)
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    Galileo’s paradox and numerosities.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2021 - Philosophical Problems in Science 70:73-107.
    Galileo's paradox of infinity involves comparing the set of natural numbers, N, and the set of squares, {n2 : n ∈ N}. Galileo sets up a one-to-one correspondence between these sets; on this basis, the number of the elements of N is considered to be equal to the number of the elements of {n2 : n ∈ N}. It also characterizes the set of squares as smaller than the set of natural numbers, since ``there are many more numbers than squares". (...)
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  43. Między oczywistością a dedukcją. Platon i Euklides o równości.Piotr Błaszczyk & Kazimierz Mrówka - 2011 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 48.
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  44. Odrzucenie tertium non datur.Piotr Błaszczyk - 2003 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 31 (1):17-37.
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    Psychologia I Emocje.Marek Błaszczyk - 2022 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 28:315-324.
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    Wprowadzenie do filozofii Karla Jaspersa.Marek Błaszczyk - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (10):295-300.
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  47. Problem pochodzenia czlowieka Z perspektywy ewolucjonizmu teistycznego.Mariusz Ciszek - 2008 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 44 (1):192-205.
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  48. An Eventistic Definition of a Thing in the Light of Adrian Kuzniar's Argument.Mariusz Grygianiec - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (1):53.
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    Ajdukiewicz przeciw reizmowi.Mariusz Grygianiec - 2013 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 88 (4):255-264.
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  50. 'Four-Dimensionalism' - analiza i interpretacja.Mariusz Grygianiec - 2007 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    There are several faces of Four-Dimensionalism. Sometimes 4D-ism is formulated as the thesis that the material world is composed of spatial as well as temporal parts. Another version of 4D-ism states that persisting objects are extended over time in the same way that they are extended over space. Some Four-Dimensionalists defend the thesis that all objects persist by perduring i.e. by having different temporal parts at different times. Sometimes 4D-ism means the same as eternalism - the thesis that past and (...)
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