Results for 'Mariusz Klimas'

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  1. Człowiek jako wytwór siebie samego. Lem, transhumanizm i dwie koncepcje autentyczności.Jakub Gomułka, Mariusz Klimas & Jakub Palm - 2018 - Semina Scientiarum 17:55–83.
    Stanisław Lem, a philosopher and futurologist, in his many works devoted much attention to the condition of human and the relation between human and technology. He coined the term ‘autoevolution’ in the course of forecasting unlimited technological augmentation of human abilities. Nowadays, the term may be associated with the conceptions presented by transhumanism, a 20th-century-born philosophical movement which advocates radical transformation of Homo sapiens by means of the achievements of scientific and technological progress. Lem’s attitude towards such a transformation of (...)
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  2. G. Klima: Nulla virtus cognoscitiva circa proprium obiectum decipitur.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    Robert Pasnau’s paper presents a strong thesis, which it does not manage to substantiate. The thesis in question is that the Aristotelian doctrine of the identity of the knower and the known, as interpreted by St. Thomas, cannot possibly be used to fend off skepticism.
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    (1 other version)Consequences of a closed, token-based semantics: the case of John Buridan.Gyula Klima - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (2):95-110.
    This paper argues for two principal conclusions about natural language semantics based on John Buridan's considerations concerning the notion of formal consequence, that is, formally valid inference. (1) Natural languages are essentially semantically closed, yet they do not have to be on that account inconsistent. (2) Natural language semantics has to be token based, as a matter of principle. The paper investigates the Buridanian considerations leading to these conclusions, and considers some obviously emerging objections to the Buridanian approach.
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  4. The changing role ofentia rationis in mediaeval semantics and ontology: A comparative study with a reconstruction.Gyula Klima - 1993 - Synthese 96 (1):25 - 58.
  5. Three Myths of Intentionality Versus Some Medieval Philosophers.Gyula Klima - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (3):359-376.
    This paper argues that three characteristic modern positions concerning intentionality – namely, (1) that intentionality is ‘the mark of the mental’; (2) that intentionality concerns a specific type of objects having intentional inexistence; and (3) that intentionality somehow defies logic – are just three ‘modern myths’ that medieval philosophers, from whom the modern notion supposedly originated, would definitely reject.
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    Ockham's semantics and ontology of the categories.Gyula Klima - 1999 - In Paul Vincent Spade, The Cambridge Companion to Ockham. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 118--42.
  7. Being, Goodness and Truth.Gyula Klima (ed.) - 2019 - Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholar's Press.
  8.  11
    Natural Language and the Idea of a “Formal Syntax” in Buridan.Gyula Klima - 2009 - In John Buridan. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The fifth chapter provides a detailed discussion of Buridan’s strategy of identifying the conceptual structures discussed in the chapter 4 by means of the various “syntactical clues” provided by spoken and written natural languages. The chapter compares the Buridanian strategy of “regimentation” with the modern strategy of formalization, and argues that for the purposes of a “natural logic” the former is not inferior to the latter. But in order to bridge the conceptual gap between the two approaches, the chapter also (...)
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    Ontological Commitment.Gyula Klima - 2009 - In John Buridan. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter continues the discussion of the issues raised by the chapter 6, focusing on the issue of ontological commitment. The chapter argues that Buridan’s theory of ampliation, reconstructed in terms of quantification with restricted variables, provides a genuine third alternative to the opposing modern views of Quine and “the Meinongians.” Furthermore, the chapter argues that Buridan’s theory thus reconstructed says “all the right things” according to Quine in its object-language; however, it still seems to side with the Meinongians in (...)
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  10. Aquinas on the materiality of the human soul and the immateriality of the human intellect.Gyula Klima - 2009 - Philosophical Investigations 32 (2):163-182.
    This paper argues that Aquinas's conception of the human soul and intellect offers a consistent alternative to the dilemma of materialism and post-Cartesian dualism. It also argues that in their own theoretical context, Aquinas' arguments for the materiality of the human soul and immateriality of the intellect provide a strong justification of his position. However, that theoretical context is rather "alien" to ours in contemporary philosophy. The conclusion of the paper will point in the direction of what can be done (...)
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  11. Natural necessity and eucharistic theology in the late 13th century.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    cannot, cover the broad topic indicated in the title. Rather, it will concern itself only with some preliminary ideas leading the way to a larger project, which, however, should eventually bear an even broader title. As a matter of fact, here I will consider at some length only two authors from the beginning of the period indicated in the title, namely, Aquinas and Siger of Brabant. (Or perhaps three authors, provided the anonymous author of the..
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  12. PHRU 1000-006/010 philosophy of human nature.Gyula Klima - unknown
    This course covers paradigmatic accounts of human nature in ancient, medieval, and early modern philosophy, through a careful reading of selected primary texts and contemporary commentary. Major topics will include knowledge and opinion; body and soul; immortality, rationality, and freedom of the will; created being and goodness as emanations of divine perfection. The main focus of the discussions will be on the metaphysical foundations of moral value in the pre-modern tradition, and the conceptual changes shaking these metaphysical foundations with the (...)
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    Svět jako vědomí a nic.Ladislav Klíma - 1900 - Czechoslovakia: Súvislosti.
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  14. Yale lectures.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    The lectures presented here are the by-product of my teaching in Yale's Directed Studies program from 1991 through 1993 (hence the title, for want of a better). In fact, being what they are, lecture notes for an introductory philosophy course, they present rather elementary material. Yet, I flatter myself, they do not lack certain originality in the treatment of some of the basic questions of traditional metaphysics and epistemology. In any case, over the past couple of years they proved to (...)
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  15. Buridan's logic and the ontology of modes.Gyula Klima - 1999 - In Sten Ebbesen & Russell L. Friedman, Medieval analyses in language and cognition: acts of the symposium, the Copenhagen school of medieval philosophy, January 10-13, 1996 organized by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters and the Institute for Greek and Latin, University of Copenh. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. pp. 473-496.
    Summary: The aim of this paper is to explore the relationships between Buridan’s logic and the ontology of modes modi). Modes, not considered to be really distinct from absolute entities, could serve to reduce the ontological commitment of the theory of the categories, and thus they were to become ubiquitous in this role in late medieval and early modern philosophy. After a brief analysis of the most basic argument for the real distinction between entities of several categories (“the argument from (...)
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  16. Existence and reference in medieval logic.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    “The expression ‘free logic’ is an abbreviation for the phrase ‘free of existence assumptions with respect to its terms, general and singular’.”1 Classical quantification theory is not a free logic in this sense, as its standard formulations commonly assume that every singular term in every model is assigned a referent, an element of the universe of discourse. Indeed, since singular terms include not only singular constants, but also variables2, standard quantification theory may be regarded as involving even the assumption of (...)
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  17. The medieval problem of universals.Gyula Klima - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    “The problem of universals” in general is a historically variable bundle of several closely related, yet in different conceptual frameworks rather differently articulated metaphysical, logical, and epistemological questions, ultimately all connected to the issue of how universal cognition of singular things is possible. How do we know, for example, that the Pythagorean theorem holds universally, for all possible right triangles? Indeed, how can we have any awareness of a potential infinity of all possible right triangles, given that we could only (...)
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  18. ABSTRACT: The identity of knower and known.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    One often hears extravagant claims made for the Aristotelian doctrine that "what understands and what is understood are the same" De anima iii.4; 430a4). This identity between knower and what is known, or between percipient and what is perceived, is often said to offer a way out of the familiar skeptical arguments against the possibility of our having knowledge of the external world. Typically such claims are made by students of Thomas Aquinas, who in this way seek to render Aquinas's (...)
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  19. Ens multipliciter dicitur: The semantics and metaphysics of being in st. Thomas Aquinas.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    This paper examines the multiple semantic functions Aquinas attributes to the verb ‘est’, ranging from signifying the essence of God to acting as a copula of categorical propositions to expressing identity. A case will be made that all these apparently radically diverse functions are unified under Aquinas’s conception of the analogy of being, treating all predications as predications of being with or without some qualification (secundum quid or simpliciter). This understanding of the multiplicity of the semantic functions of this verb (...)
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  20. Philosophy among the artistae: A late-medieval picture of the limits of rational inquiry.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    It is a commonplace in the historiography of medieval philosophy that theology represents philosophy's culmination in the later Middle Ages, and specifically, that it is in the work of theologians and theologically-trained Arts Masters that we find philosophy in its purest and most advanced form. By comparison, the philosophy produced by thinkers who worked exclusively or primarily in the Faculty of Arts is seen as inferior -- by which is usually meant that it is shallow, unsophisticated, immature, and driven by (...)
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    Sophistaria sive summa communium distinctionum circa sophismata accidentium (review).Gyula Klima - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (2):272-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.2 (2003) 272-273 [Access article in PDF] Matthew of Orléans. Sophistaria sive summa communium distinctionum circa sophismata accidentium. Edited by Joke Spruyt. Leiden: Brill, 2001. Pp. ix + 581. Cloth, $151.00. Matthew of Orléans is not a famous author (indeed, even his name is given tentatively by the editor on the basis of the explicit of one manuscript). And the Sophistaria was apparently (...)
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  22. What can a scholastic do in the 21st century?Gyula Klima - manuscript
    "What can a scholastic do in the 20 th century?" - asks Katalin Vidrányi in the title of her article written in 1970. [1] If her characteristically systematic and pithy analysis can be summarized in a single sentence, the author's answer is this: many things, but not too much.
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  23. Medieval Themes, Medieval and Modern Volume 11: Proceedings of the Society for Medieval Logic and Metaphysics.Gyula Klima & Alexander Hall (eds.) - 2014 - Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
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    Peter of Spain.Gyula Klima - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 526–531.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The author of the Summulae The Summulae and the realism of Peter of Spain.
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    (1 other version)Thomas of Sutton.Gyula Klima - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 664–665.
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    The Various Kinds of Concepts and the Idea of a Mental Language.Gyula Klima - 2009 - In John Buridan. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Common representational content allows the Buridanian classification of human concepts discussed in the fourth chapter, which provides the first thoroughgoing, systematic survey of Buridan’s conception of a mental language. The chapter discusses the divisions of concepts into syncategorematic and categorematic, simple and complex, absolute and connotative, and singular and common concepts. Besides presenting these classifications, the chapter provides a detailed discussion of the idea of conceptual complexity as semantic compositionality, its role in Buridan’s nominalist program of “ontological reduction,” and his (...)
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  27. The Semantic Principles Underlying St. Thomas Aquinas's Metaphysics of Being.Gyula Klima - 1996 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 5 (1):87-141.
  28. Contemporary "essentialism" vs. aristotelian essentialism.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    Contemporary "essentialism", if we want to provide a succinct, yet sufficiently rigorous characterization, may be summarized in the thesis that some common terms are rigid designators. [1] By the quotation marks I intend to indicate that I regard this as a somewhat improper (though, of course, permitted) usage of the term (after all, nomina significant ad placitum [2]). In contrast to this, essentialism, properly so-called, is the Aristotelian doctrine summarizable in the thesis--as we shall see, no less rigorous in its (...)
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  29.  75
    John Buridan.Gyula Klima - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Buridan's life, works, and influence -- Buridan's logic and the medieval logical tradition -- The primacy of mental language -- The various kinds of concepts and the idea of a mental language -- Natural language and the idea of a formal syntax in Buridan -- Existential import and the square of opposition -- Ontological commitment -- The properties of terms (proprietates terminorum) -- The semantics of propositions -- Logical validity in a token-based, semantically closed logic -- The possibility of scientific (...)
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  30. Aquinas on One and Many.Gyula Klima - 2000 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 11:195-215.
    Lo studio intende mettere in evidenza l'ambiguità della nozione di unità, intesa come entità numerica, con la nozione di unità quale sinonimo di essere. Sul primo concetto verte la parte iniziale dello studio, alla quale segue l'esame del significato ontologico di «uno». Le considerazioni fatte guidano l'A. a valutare i rapporti di relazione fra le nozioni di essere e uno, e quelle di sostanzialità, identità e semplicità in Tommaso. La gerarchia ontologica che ha al vertice l'essere assoluto e l'assoluta unità (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Habits in Buridan.Gyula Klima - 2018 - In Nicolas Faucher & Magali Roques, The Ontology, Psychology and Axiology of Habits (Habitus) in Medieval Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 321-331.
    This paper presents John Buridan’s nominalist ontology of habits, as the acquired qualities of innate powers aiding or hampering their operations, against the background of a more traditional interpretation of Aristotle’s doctrine to be found in Boethius, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, and Cajetan. The paper argues that considerations of his late question commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics may have forced Buridan to rethink some of his earlier arguments for his parsimonious nominalist ontology of powers endorsed in such earlier works (...)
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  32. Aquinas vs. Buridan on Essence and Existence.Gyula Klima - 2012 - In Lukás Novák, Daniel D. Novotný, Prokop Sousedík & David Svoboda, Metaphysics: Aristotelian, Scholastic, Analytic. Ontos Verlag. pp. 30-44.
  33. Ontological alternatives vs alternative semantics in mediaeval philosophy.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    `Realism', `conceptualism' and `nominalism' are terms that one is most likely to come across in history of philosophy textbooks, presented as ones labeling three major ontological alternatives provided by mediaeval philosophy. The general inadequacy of these labels is perhaps best shown by the desperate efforts to provide further, modified labels , the well-known `moderate' and `extreme' or `exaggerated' versions of the above, in hopes of implying at least a lesser amount of falsehood in hanging..
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  34. On whether id quo nihil maius cogitari potest is in the understanding.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    In order to make this point, in the next section I will present a very simple, intuitive reconstruction of Anselm’s argument. Then, in the third section, I will show that since the argument thus reconstructed is obviously valid, and it would be foolish to challenge any other of its premises except the assumption that God does not exist in reality, it is a sound proof of God’s existence. Nevertheless, in the fourth section, I will argue further that despite its soundness, (...)
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  35. Quine, Wyman, and Buridan: Three approaches to ontological commitment.Gyula Klima - 2005 - Korean Journal of Logic 8 (1):1-22.
    This paper provides a comparison of three fundamentally different approaches to the issue of ontological commitment. It argues that despite superficial similarities on either side, Buridan’s approach provides an intriguing third alternative to the two commonly recognized modern approaches.
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  36. Semantic Complexity and Syntactic Simplicity in Ockham's Mental Language.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    In these comments I am going to argue that Yiwei Zheng's paper, by postulating an imaginary mental language in a proposed new interpretation of Ockham's conception of mental language, provides us with an imaginary solution to what turns out to be an imaginary problem. Having said this, however, I hasten to add that the paper has undeniable merits in pointing us in the right direction for revealing the imaginary character of the problem.
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  37. Teleology, Intentionality, Naturalism.Gyula Klima - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (2):114-122.
    After a brief analysis of the specifics of teleological explanations as opposed to causal explanations, the paper seeks to establish the irreducibility of the former to the latter by arguing that teleological explanations are inextricably tied to our notion of intentionality. Since this result undermines the very possibility of “a physicalist reduction” of the explanation of teleological phenomena, especially of human beha- vior, the rest of the paper develops an argument against the perceived need of any such reduction. According to (...)
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    The Properties of Terms.Gyula Klima - 2009 - In John Buridan. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Having seen the limitations of a reconstruction of Buridan’s semantics in terms of a modified quantification theory, this chapter begins engaging Buridan’s theory in its own terms, starting with a detailed discussion of the semantic properties of terms. The discussion moves from a brief discussion of Buridan’s distinction between immediate and ultimate signification, to Buridan’s theory of reference, namely, supposition, and oblique reference, namely, appellation. The chapter discusses suppositional descents as distinguishing quantifier-scopes, numerical quantification, and appellation in temporal and modal (...)
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  39. Thomistic “Monism” vs. Cartesian “Dualism”.Gyula Klima - 2007 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 10 (1):92-112.
    This paper contrasts the Thomistic and Cartesian interpretations of what the substantial unity of the body and mind can consist in. A detailed discussion of the Thomistic account of the substantial unity of body and soul identifies especially those principles of the presupposed hylomorphist metaphysical background of this account that Descartes abandoned. After arguing for the consistency of the Thomistic view, briefly outlines how certain developments in late-medieval scholasticism prepared the way for the abandonment of precisely these principles. Finally, the (...)
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    Universality and Immateriality.Gyula Klima - 2015 - Acta Philosophica 24 (1):31-42.
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  41. Artificial intelligence and its natural limits.Karl D. Stephan & Gyula Klima - 2021 - AI and Society (1):9-18.
    An argument with roots in ancient Greek philosophy claims that only humans are capable of a certain class of thought termed conceptual, as opposed to perceptual thought, which is common to humans, the higher animals, and some machines. We outline the most detailed modern version of this argument due to Mortimer Adler, who in the 1960s argued for the uniqueness of the human power of conceptual thought. He also admitted that if conceptual thought were ever manifested by machines, such an (...)
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    Conceptual closure in Anselm's proof: reply to Tony Roark.Gyula Klima - 2003 - History and Philosophy of Logic 24 (2):131-134.
    Let me begin my reply to Professor Roark’s objections in good old scholastic fashion, by a distinction. Philosophical objections can be good in two senses. In the first, trivial sense, a good objection is one that convincingly shows the presence of a genuine error in a position or reasoning. Such objections are useful, but uninspiring. In the second, non-trivial sense, a good philosophical objection broadens and deepens our understanding of the problems at issue, whether or not they manage to refute (...)
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  43. Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary.Gyula Klima, Fritz Allhoff & Anand Jayprakash Vaidya (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This collection of readings with extensive editorial commentary brings together key texts of the most influential philosophers of the medieval era to provide a comprehensive introduction for students of philosophy. Features the writings of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Boethius, John Duns Scotus and other leading medieval thinkers Features several new translations of key thinkers of the medieval era, including John Buridan and Averroes Readings are accompanied by expert commentary from the editors, who are leading scholars in the field.
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  44. The distinction of substance and accident and the analogy of being.Gyula Klima - manuscript
    Of those that exist, some are said of a subject, but are in no subject: as man is said of some subject, namely of some man, but is in no subject. Others, however, are in a subject, but are said of no subject. And I say that to be in a subject which, while it is in something not as a part, cannot exist apart from the thing in which it is. For example, some particular literacy is in a subject, (...)
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    The Metaphysics and Theology of the Eucharist: A Historical-Analytical Survey of the Problems of the Sacrament.Gyula Klima (ed.) - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume is about the most mind-boggling sacrament of the Christian faith, also referred to as the Sacrament of the Altar, the Eucharist: in its Roman Catholic interpretation, the conversion of the substance of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ for Holy Communion. The challenge of providing a rational interpretation of this doctrine of faith proved to be one of the most contentious issues in the Western history of ideas, apparently going against self-evident metaphysical principles (...)
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    (1 other version)Thomas of Sutton on the Nature of the Intellective Soul and the Thomistic Theory of Being.Gyula Klima - 2001 - In Jan A. Aertsen, Kent Emery & Andreas Speer, Nach der Verurteilung von 1277 / After the Condemnation of 1277: Philosophie und Theologie an der Universität von Paris im letzten Viertel des 13. Jahrhunderts. Studien und Texte / Philosophy and Theology at the University of Paris in the Last Quarter of. De Gruyter. pp. 436-455.
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    The Unexpected Merits of Oppression.Ivan Klima - 1990 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 2 (1):37-42.
  48.  40
    The European Cultural Tradition and the Limits of Growth.Ivan Klíma - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):77-83.
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    Producing Parenthood: Islamic Bioethical Perspectives & Normative Implications.Aasim I. Padela, Katherine Klima & Rosie Duivenbode - 2020 - The New Bioethics 26 (1):17-37.
    Biomedicine has opened up new possibilities for parenthood. Once resigned to remaining childless or pursuing adoption, infertile couples can now pursue options such as gamete donation, in-vitro fer...
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    Remembering in signs.Ursula Bellugi, Edward S. Klima & Patricia Siple - 1974 - Cognition 3 (2):93-125.
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