Results for 'Martijn Wackers'

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  1. II—Martijn Blaauw: Epistemic Value, achievements, and Questions.Martijn Blaauw - 2008 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 82 (1):43-57.
    A central intuition many epistemologists seem to have is that knowledge is distinctively valuable. In his paper 'Radical Scepticism, Epistemic Luck and Epistemic Value', Duncan Pritchard rejects the virtue-theoretic explanation of this intuition. This explanation says that knowledge is distinctively valuable because it is a cognitive achievement. It is maintained, in the first place, that the arguments Pritchard musters against the thesis that knowledge is a cognitive achievement are unconvincing. It is argued, in the second place, that even if the (...)
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  2. Kierkegaard's Concepts: Psychological Experiment.Martijn Boven - 2015 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, William McDonal & Jon Stewart (eds.), Kierkegaard's Concepts. Tome V: Objectivity to Sacrifice. Ashgate. pp. 159-165.
    For Kierkegaard the ‘psychological experiment’ is a literary strategy. It enables him to dramatize an existential conflict in an experimental mode. Kierkegaard’s aim is to study the source of movement that animates the existing individual (this is the psychological part). However, he is not interested in the representation of historical individuals in actual situations, but in the construction of fictional characters that are placed in hypothetical situations; this allows him to set the categories in motion “in order to observe completely (...)
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  3. Subject sensitive invariantism: In memoriam.Martijn Blaauw - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (231):318–325.
    Subject sensitive invariantism is the view that whether a subject knows depends on what is at stake for that subject: the truth-value of a knowledge-attribution is sensitive to the subject's practical interests. I argue that subject sensitive invariantism cannot accept a very plausible principle for memory to transmit knowledge. I argue, furthermore, that semantic contextualism and contrastivism can accept this plausible principle for memory to transmit knowledge. I conclude that semantic contextualism and contrastivism are in a dialectical position better than (...)
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    What Corporate Governance Can Learn from Catholic Social Teaching.Martijn Cremers - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 145 (4):711-724.
    This reflection focuses on what insights Catholic Social Teaching can provide for corporate governance. I argue that the ‘standard’ agency theory is overly reductionist and insufficiently incorporates important economic limitations as well as human frailty. As a result, such agency theory insufficiently distinguishes firms from markets, which can easily relativize how we treat others and facilitate rationalization of unethical behavior. I then explore how three pillars of CST—human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity—can help overcome these limitations. CST proposes a vision of (...)
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  5. Alignment in Interactive Reference Production: Content Planning, Modifier Ordering, and Referential Overspecification.Martijn Goudbeek & Emiel Krahmer - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (2):269-289.
    Psycholinguistic studies often look at the production of referring expressions in interactive settings, but so far few referring expression generation algorithms have been developed that are sensitive to earlier references in an interaction. Rather, such algorithms tend to rely on domain-dependent preferences for both content selection and linguistic realization. We present three experiments showing that humans may opt for dispreferred attributes and dispreferred modifier orderings when these were primed in a preceding interaction (without speakers being consciously aware of this). In (...)
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    Women Know Better What Other Women Think and Feel: Gender Effects on Mindreading across the Adult Life Span.Renata Wacker, Sven Bölte & Isabel Dziobek - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  7. Towards a Theory of the Imaginative Dialogue: Four Dialogical Principles.Martijn Boven - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (6):653–672.
    This paper seeks to initiate a theory of “imaginative dialogues” by articulating four dialogical principles that enable such a dialogue to occur. It is part of a larger project that takes the Socratic dialogue, a widely utilized conversation technique in philosophy education, as a starting point and aims to reinterpret it by shifting emphasis to the pre-reflective, pre-linguistic, and multimodal aspects of dialogues, involving both their verbal and embodied dimensions. To integrate the verbal dimensions of a dialogue with its more (...)
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  8. Proclus on the order of philosophy of nature.Marije Martijn - 2010 - Synthese 174 (2):205 - 223.
    In this paper I show that Proclus is an adherent of the Classical Model of Science as set out elsewhere in this issue (de Jong and Betti 2008), and that he adjusts certain conditions of the Model to his Neoplatonic epistemology and metaphysics. In order to show this, I develop a case study concerning philosophy of nature, which, despite its unstable subject matter, Proclus considers to be a science. To give this science a firm foundation Proclus distills from Plato’s Timaeus (...)
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  9. A Theater of Ideas: Performance and Performativity in Kierkegaard’s Repetition.Martijn Boven - 2018 - In Eric Ziolkowski (ed.), Kierkegaard, Literature, and the Arts. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University press. pp. 115-130.
    In this essay, I argue that Søren Kierkegaard’s oeuvre can be seen as a theater of ideas. This argument is developed in three steps. First, I will briefly introduce a theoretical framework for addressing the theatrical dimension of Kierkegaard’s works. This framework is based on a distinction between“performative writing strategies” and “categories of performativity.” As a second step, I will focus on Repetition: A Venture in Experimenting Psychology, by Constantin Constantius, one of the best examples of Kierkegaard’s innovative way of (...)
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    Differential effects of theta/beta and SMR neurofeedback in ADHD on sleep onset latency.Martijn Arns, Ilse Feddema & J. Leon Kenemans - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  11.  5
    Incommensurability and its Implications for Practical Reasoning, Ethics and Justice.Martijn Boot - 2017 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This highly original book sheds new light on aspects of incommensurability of values and its implications for ethics and justice. It provides original and innovative analysis of the characteristics of incommensurability in relation to values, and explores the implications of incommensurability for ethics, justice and public decision-making.
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    Contrastive Belief.Martijn Blaauw - 2013 - In Contrastivism in philosophy. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 39--88.
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    Increasing the Reproducibility of Science through Close Cooperation and Forking Path Analysis.Wacker Jan - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  14. The Sublime in the Pedestrian: Figures of the Incognito in Fear and Trembling.Martijn Boven - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (3):500-513.
    This article demonstrates a novel conceptualization of sublimity: the sublime in the pedestrian. This pedestrian mode of sublimity is exemplified by the Biblical Abraham, the central figure of Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous Fear and Trembling. It is rooted in the analysis of one of the foundational stories of the three monotheistic religions: Abraham’s averted sacrifice of his son Isaac. The defining feature of this new, pedestrian mode of sublimity is that is remains hidden behind what I call a total incognito. It is (...)
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  15. Reinforcing the knowledge account of assertion.Martijn Blaauw - 2012 - Analysis 72 (1):105-108.
    Many philosophers are building a solid case in favour of the knowledge account of assertion (KAA). According to KAA, if one asserts that P one represents oneself as knowing that P. KAA has recently received support from linguistic data about prompting challenges, parenthetical positioning and predictions. In this article, I add another argument to this rapidly growing list: an argument from what I will call ‘reinforcing parenthesis’.
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  16. The Subtle Art of Plagiarizing God: Augustine’s Dialogue with Divine Otherness.Martijn Boven - 2020 - In A. P. DeBattista, J. Farrugia & H. Scerri (eds.), Non Laborat Qui Amat. pp. 51-68.
    From the beginning, Augustine's "Confessions" presents itself as a dialogue with God. Taking a cue from Ludwig Feuerbach’s "The Essence of Christianity [Das Wesen des Christentums]," this dialogue can easily be dismissed as a projection of the self. This would imply that the divine otherness is nothing more than a mirror of one’s own fears and preferences. “Does this critique,” I asked myself in this piece, “really do justice to a position like that of Augustine?” For a long time, I (...)
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    Worship me! A reply to brown and Nagasawa.Martijn Blaauw - 2007 - Ratio 20 (2):236–240.
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    Charles Travis on Truth and Perception.Martijn Wallage - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (7):878-889.
    Charles Travis has developed a distinction between “the historical” and “the conceptual”, which underlies his influential contributions to the philosophy of language and perception. The distinction is based on the observation that there are, for any thought, indefinitely many different circumstances that would render it true. The generality of thoughts and concepts contrasts with the particularity of the sensible world. I challenge the assumption that what exhibits such generality cannot belong to the sensible world. I also defend a version of (...)
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    The Unassertability of Contextualism.Martijn Blaauw & Jeroen de Ridder - 2018 - Quaestiones Disputatae 8 (2):68-86.
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    Living in the Present.Martijn Wallage - 2020 - Philosophy 95 (3):285-307.
    This essay examines two conceptions of the ancient ideal of ‘living in the present’, one that may be called ‘Platonic’, suggested by a remark of Ludwig Wittgenstein, and one that may be called ‘Stoic’, developed by Pierre Hadot. On both conceptions, a life lived and considered in the right way is complete in the present, so that nothing is wanting. I introduce a problem concerning the coherence of this concept: Life involves movement, and movement is aimed at some completion in (...)
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    Hoe de auteur verdween uit Wittgensteins Tractatus.Martijn Wallage - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (2):153-165.
    How the Author Disappeared from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus In this essay, I investigate the status of the written word in the (early, mostly) work of Wittgenstein. In the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Wittgenstein tends to imagine language as written rather than spoken. This focus on writing goes together with a sense that the author is absent from the text. I argue that the problem is not with writing in general but specifically with books, and more specifically with the fantasy of a book of (...)
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    Een verdediging Van de mogelijkheid Van wonderen.Martijn Blaauw - 2003 - Bijdragen 64 (2):165-178.
    In this paper I defend biblical miracles against the popular objection that they are impossible. Doing this requires three stages of development. First, we need to know what miracles are: if we do not know this, how can we then argue that miracles are not impossible? I start out by distinguishing between two categories of miracles: subjective miracles and objective miracles. Then I go on to point out that there are two types of subjective miracles as well as two types (...)
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    Incommensurability of Values and its Implications for Justice.Martijn Boot - 2017 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This highly original book sheds new light on aspects of incommensurability of values and its implications for ethics and justice. It provides original and innovative analysis of the characteristics of incommensurability in relation to values, and explores the implications of incommensurability for ethics, justice and public decision-making.
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  24. Assessing the Moral Legitimacy Market Decisions.Martijn Cremers - 2021 - In Daniel K. Finn (ed.), Business ethics and Catholic social thought. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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    Meaning and Expression: Toward a Sociology of Art.Jeanne C. Wacker - 1974 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (2):234-235.
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    Evolution of specialization and ecological character displacement: metabolic plasticity matters.Martijn Egas - 2005 - In Thomas A. C. Reydon & Lia Hemerik (eds.), Current Themes in Theoretical Biology : A Dutch Perspective. Springer. pp. 281--304.
  27.  17
    The Inadequate Heirs of Theodosius. Ancestry, merit and divine blessing in the representation of Arcadius and Honorius.Martijn Icks - 2014 - Millennium 11 (1):69-100.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Millennium Jahrgang: 11 Heft: 1 Seiten: 69-100.
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    US Financial Power in Crisis.Martijn Konings & Leo Panitch - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (4):3-34.
  29.  22
    Are health professionals' perceptions of patient safety related to figures on safety incidents?Lucie Martijn, Mirjam Harmsen, Sander Gaal, Dirk Mettes, Simone Dulmen & Michel Wensing - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):944-947.
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    Colloquium 3: Why Beauty is Truth in All We Know: Aesthetics and Mimesis in Neoplatonic Science1.Marije Martijn - 2010 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 25 (1):69-108.
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    Order from disorder. Proclus' doctrine of evil and its roots in ancient platonism.Marije Martijn - 2008 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (2):229-232.
  32.  33
    Oscillatory mechanisms related to (pre-)reflective decision-making.Wokke Martijn & Ridderinkhof K. Richard - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Studere debemus eam viriliter et humiliter.Martijn Schrama - 1992 - Bijdragen 53 (2):135-151.
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    Vergeten verloskunde.Martijn Visser - 2020 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 112 (4):390-393.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Der dialektische Mythos: fragmentarische Dokumentation zur Hermeneutik des trinitarischen Denkmodells.Peter Wacker - 1976 - Bern: Herbert Lang.
    Die Methode der Dialektik im modernen Sinne stammt von Hegel. Woher aber hat er diese Methode bezogen? Die nachfolgende Theorie heisst: Hegel logisiert das trinitarische Geheimnis Gottes (Mythos) und stilisiert dieses zur Weltformel, die fur Marx bis Marcuse und Sartre gleichermassen verbindlich ist.".
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    Digital phenotyping – Editorial.Ger Wackers & Lukas Engelmann - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
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    Die Transzendentalität nach Maréchal und die thomistische Analektik.Peter Wacker - 1964 - [Freiburg i. Br.,: Rota-Druck, J. Krause].
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  38. Feeling in Art and Formalism in Aesthetics.Jeanne Wacker - 1955 - Dissertation, New York University
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    Onarigami: Holy Women in the Twentieth Century.Monika Wacker - 2003 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 30 (3-4):339-359.
  40.  8
    Philosophische Lösungen menschlicher Lebensprobleme.Peter Wacker - 1979 - Las Vegas: Lang.
    Seit Jahrtausenden haben Menschen über die Probleme des menschlichen Lebens nachgedacht. Ein guter Teil dieses Denkens ist in philosophischen Lehren gesammelt. Diese Weisheit soll für die Aufgabe der eigenen Lebensbewältigung nutzbar gemacht werden. Deshalb will dieses Buch hinführen zu den Quellen der Philosophie, die dem Menschen sein bewusst erkanntes oder heimliches Defizit deuten helfen und damit auch zu seiner Überwindung beitragen können.
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    If, then, therefore? Neoplatonic Exegetical Logic between the Categorical and the Hypothetical.Marije Martijn - 2021 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 24 (1):3-43.
    In late antiquity, logic developed into what Ebbesen calls the LAS, the Late Ancient Standard. This paper discusses the Neoplatonic use of LAS, as informed by epistemological and metaphysical concerns. It demonstrates this through an analysis of the late ancient debate about hypothetical and categorical logic as manifest in the practice of syllogizing Platonic dialogues. After an introduction of the Middle Platonist view on Platonic syllogistic as present in Alcinous, this paper presents an overview of its application in the syllogizing (...)
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  42. Contesting pyrrhonian contrastivism.Martijn Blaauw - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (232):471–477.
  43. An Invitation to Think: Three Entangled Problems in Plato's Sophist [Een uitnodiging tot denken: Plato's Sofist als kluwen van problemen].Martijn Boven - 2023 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 63 (4):6-15.
    -/- In Plato's work the "Sophist", Socrates, who typically occupies a central position in Plato's dialogues, is assigned a supporting role. This has led some scholars to argue for a shift in Plato's oeuvre, where he distances himself from Socrates and introduces a new main protagonist. However, this new protagonist remains unnamed and is only identified by his social position as Xenos, indicating that he is an outsider and a stranger whose identity is ambiguous. In this article, I argue that (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction: Privacy, secrecy and epistemology.Martijn Blaauw - 2013 - Episteme 10 (2):99-99.
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    4 Contrastive Belief.Martijn Blaauw - 2013 - In Contrastivism in philosophy. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 39--88.
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    Re-thinking the Liquid Core of Capitalism with Hyman Minsky.Martijn Konings & Lisa Adkins - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (5):43-60.
    While Minsky’s work is often identified with the critique of financial speculation, this paper argues that there is a different side to his work. We argue that Minsky can be read as offering a post-foundational perspective on political economy that recognizes the speculative dimension of all economic activity. This post-foundational reading allows for an understanding of neoliberal policymaking in terms of the provision of liquidity to too-big-to-fail constituencies. The article discusses how some segments of Western societies have been able to (...)
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    Conflict in the kitchen: Contextual modulation of responsiveness to affordances.Martijn E. Wokke, Sarah L. Knot, Aisha Fouad & K. Richard Ridderinkhof - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 40:141-146.
  48. Reversing Platonism Gilles Deleuze and Paul Ricoeur on the genetic power of events and actions.Martijn Boven - manuscript
    [Presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP), University of Oregon, 24-26 October. Part of the panel Events, Actions and the Problem of Agency in the Wake of Deleuze’s Logic of Sense, organized in collaboration with Sean Bowden and James Williams.] In this paper I will bring the positions of Gilles Deleuze and Paul Ricoeur into proximity with each other in order to draw out points of conflict. I do not aim to solve (...)
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  49. The Epistemic Account of Privacy.Martijn Blaauw - 2013 - Episteme 10 (2):167-177.
    Privacy is valued by many. But what it means to have privacy remains less than clear. In this paper, I argue that the notion of privacy should be understood in epistemic terms. What it means to have (some degree of) privacy is that other persons do not stand in significant epistemic relations to those truths one wishes to keep private.
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    Network hubs in the human brain.Martijn P. van den Heuvel & Olaf Sporns - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):683-696.
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