Results for 'Martine Guyot-Bender'

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  1.  30
    Tracking the Global through the Local: Slon/Iskra’s Documentaries of Displacement.Martine Guyot-Bender - 2014 - Substance 43 (1):138-151.
    The French public has a distinct taste for realist representations of public crisis. Citing figures from the Centre National de la Cinématographie et de l’Image Animée (CNC), Sarah Cooper has shown that interest in documentary film is steadily on the rise in France (9), as attested to by the growing number of documentary festivals and documentary films recently released in theaters. Within this context, Martin O’Shaughnessy links the popularity of the social documentary genre to a series of political developments in (...)
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    How Does Functional Neurodiagnostics Inform Surrogate Decision-Making for Patients with Disorders of Consciousness? A Qualitative Interview Study with Patients’ Next of Kin.Leah Schembs, Maria Ruhfass, Eric Racine, Ralf J. Jox, Andreas Bender, Martin Rosenfelder & Katja Kuehlmeyer - 2020 - Neuroethics 14 (3):327-346.
    BackgroundFunctional neurodiagnostics could allow researchers and clinicians to distinguish more accurately between the unresponsive wakefulness syndrome and the minimally conscious state. It remains unclear how it informs surrogate decision-making.ObjectiveTo explore how the next of kin of patients with disorders of consciousness interpret the results of a functional neurodiagnostics measure and how/why their interpretations influence their attitudes towards medical decisions.Methods and SampleWe conducted problem-centered interviews with seven next of kin of patients with DOC who had undergone a functional HD-EEG examination at (...)
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    Informal Caregivers of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness: a Qualitative Study of Communication Experiences and Information Needs with Physicians.Karoline Boegle, Marta Bassi, Angela Comanducci, Katja Kuehlmeyer, Philipp Oehl, Theresa Raiser, Martin Rosenfelder, Jaco Diego Sitt, Chiara Valota, Lina Willacker, Andreas Bender & Eva Grill - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (3):1-19.
    Due to improvements in medicine, the figures of patients with disorders of consciousness (DoC) are increasing. Diagnostics of DoC and prognostication of rehabilitation outcome is challenging but necessary to evaluate recovery potential and to decide on treatment options. Such decisions should be made by doctors and patients’ surrogates based on medico-ethical principles. Meeting information needs and communicating effectively with caregivers as the patients´ most common surrogate-decision makers is crucial, and challenging when novel tech-nologies are introduced. This qualitative study aims to (...)
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Donald Melcer, Frederick B. Davis, Dennis J. Hocevar, Francis J. Kelly, Joseph L. Braga, Verne Keenan, Joseph C. English, Douglas K. Stevenson, James C. Moore, Paul G. Liberty, Thebon Alexander, Jebe E. Brophy, Ronald M. Brown, W. D. Halls, Frederick M. Binder, Jacob L. Susskind, David B. Ripley, Martin Laforse, Bernard Spodek, V. Robert Agostino, R. Mclaren Sawyer, Joseph Kirschner, Franklin Parker & Hilary E. Bender - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):212-225.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Henrietta Schwartz, Ronald D. Cohen, James J. Shields Jr, Mazoor Ahmed, Albert E. Bender, Paul J. Schafer, Charles S. Ungerleider, Andrew T. Kopan, Joseph Watras, George A. Letchworth, Ronald M. Brown, John H. Walker, Ralph B. Kimbrough, C. O. X. Roy L. & Raymond Martin - unknown
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    Martin Heideggers "Schwarze Hefte": eine philosophisch-politische Debatte.Marion Heinz, Sidonie Kellerer & Tobias Bender (eds.) - 2016 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    A response to Michael Clinton's On Bender's orientation to models: Towards a philosophical debate on covering laws, theory, emergence and mechanisms in nursing science.Miriam Bender - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (4):e12463.
    My purpose in this short response to Clinton's interesting article On Bender's orientation to models: Towards a philosophical debate on covering laws, theory, emergence and mechanisms in nursing science, which is published in this issue, is not to provide any counterargument to Clinton's interpretation of my own argument; readers are welcome to interrogate both articles at their leisure and make their own conclusions. What I will do instead is provide a brief critical assessment of my own (il)logic re bringing (...)
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  8. Pseudonormal vision.Martine Nida -Rümelin - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 82 (2):145-157.
  9.  7
    Un excellent colloque universitaire en Allemagne.Jean-Pierre Cotten - 2019 - Philosophique 22.
    (Avril 2015, publié en septembre 2016) À propos de : Martin Heideggers « Schwarze Hefte ». Eine philosophisch-politische Debatte. Herausgegeben von Marion Heinz und Sidonie Kellerer. Unter Mitwirkung von Tobias Bender. Suhrkamp, 1ère éd., 2016, « suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft, 2178 », 445 p. La publication de trois volumes de “Schwarze Hefte (Cahiers noirs)” en février-mars 2014, complétée par un quatrième volume début 2015, a suscité de très nombreuses réactions (bibliographie accessib...
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    Kenelm Digby on Quantity as Divisibility.Martine Pécharman - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (3):191-218.
    Kenelm Digby’s Two Treatises, of the Nature of Bodies and of the Nature of Mans Soule defends quite an idiosyncratic approach to mind-body dualism. In his use of the divisibility argument to prove that the human soul cannot be a material substance, Digby takes an uncompromising stand for merely potential material parts. In his Treatise of Bodies the present article focuses on the mode of construction of the definition of quantity as divisibility and on its links to two distinct fundamental (...)
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  11.  42
    Leibniz’ Metaphysik der Modalität.Sebastian Bender - 2016 - Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter.
    Im Alltag äußern wir nicht nur Aussagen darüber, wie die Welt tatsächlich beschaffen ist, sondern auch darüber, was notwendigerweise oder möglicherweise der Fall ist. Doch worin ist die Wahrheit solcher sogenannten Modalaussagen fundiert? Auf diese Frage gibt Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz bereits in der Frühen Neuzeit eine höchst interessante Antwort: Für ihn sind modale Wahrheiten im Intellekt Gottes fundiert. Diese Modalitätskonzeption analysiert Sebastian Bender in der vorliegenden Studie auf systematisch informierte Weise. Dabei kommt er zu folgenden Ergebnissen: Erstens vertritt Leibniz, (...)
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  12.  22
    Feeling Oneself Requires Embodiment: Insights From the Relationship Between Own-Body Transformations, Schizotypal Personality Traits, and Spontaneous Bodily Sensations.George A. Michael, Deborah Guyot, Emilie Tarroux, Mylène Comte & Sara Salgues - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:578237.
    Subtle bodily sensations such as itching or fluttering that occur in the absence of any external trigger may serve to locate the spatial boundaries of the body. They may constitute the normal counterpart of extreme conditions in which body-related hallucinations and perceptual aberrations are experienced. Previous investigations have suggested that situations in which the body is spontaneously experienced as being deformed are related to the ability to perform own-body transformations, i.e., mental rotations of the body requiring disembodiment. We therefore decided (...)
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    Maurice Pradines: ou, L'épopée de la raison: [choix de textes].Maurice Pradines, André Grappe & Roland Guyot (eds.) - 1976 - Paris: Ophrys.
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  14. Anthropology in Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender, Edwin Hutchins & Douglas Medin - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):374-385.
    This paper reviews the uneven history of the relationship between Anthropology and Cognitive Science over the past 30 years, from its promising beginnings, followed by a period of disaffection, on up to the current context, which may lay the groundwork for reconsidering what Anthropology and (the rest of) Cognitive Science have to offer each other. We think that this history has important lessons to teach and has implications for contemporary efforts to restore Anthropology to its proper place within Cognitive Science. (...)
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  15.  89
    Nature and culture of finger counting: Diversity and representational effects of an embodied cognitive tool.Andrea Bender & Sieghard Beller - 2012 - Cognition 124 (2):156-182.
  16.  33
    The Value of Diversity in Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):853-863.
    A recent article (Núñez et al., 2019) claims that cognitive science, while starting off as a multidisciplinary enterprise, has “failed to transition to a mature inter‐disciplinary coherent field.” Two indicators reported in support of this claim target one of the two journals of the Cognitive Science Society, Cognitive Science, depicting cognitive science as an increasingly monodisciplinary subfield which is dominated by psychology. With a focus on the society's other journal, Topics in Cognitive Science, the present commentary reveals a greater degree (...)
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  17.  73
    The Role of Culture and Evolution for Human Cognition.Andrea Bender - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1403-1420.
    Since the emergence of our species at least, natural selection based on genetic variation has been replaced by culture as the major driving force in human evolution. It has made us what we are today, by ratcheting up cultural innovations, promoting new cognitive skills, rewiring brain networks, and even shifting gene distributions. Adopting an evolutionary perspective can therefore be highly informative for cognitive science in several ways: It encourages us to ask grand questions about the origins and ramifications of our (...)
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  18.  52
    Cudworth on Self-Consciousness and the I Myself.Martine Pécharman - 2014 - Vivarium 52 (3-4):287-314.
    In the last two decades, Ralph Cudworth has been acknowledged as one of the paramount figures in the history of theories of consciousness. This paper discusses the interpretation defended by Udo Thiel and Vili Lähteenmäki. Both contend that, for Cudworth, the reflexivity defining consciousness does not constitute self-consciousness, which, they say, requires self-determination for practical ends. On the contrary, I argue that for Cudworth any degree of consciousness implies a species of self-perception that must be considered a degree of self-consciousness. (...)
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    Re‐conceptualizing the nursing metaparadigm: Articulating the philosophical ontology of the nursing discipline that orients inquiry and practice.Miriam Bender - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12243.
    Jacqueline Fawcett's nursing metaparadigm—the domains of person, health, environment, and nursing—remains popular in nursing curricula, despite having been repeatedly challenged as a logical philosophy of nursing. Fawcett appropriated the word “metaparadigm” (indirectly) from Margaret Masterman and Thomas Kuhn as a devise that allowed her to organize then‐current areas of nursing interest into a philosophical “hierarchy of knowledge,” and thereby claim nursing inquiry and practice as rigorously “scientific.” Scholars have consistently rejected the logic of Fawcett's metaparadigm, but have not yet proposed (...)
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  20.  55
    The role of philosophy in the development and practice of nursing: Past, present and future.Miriam Bender, Pamela J. Grace, Catherine Green, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Marit Kirkevold, Olga Petrovskaya, Esma D. Paljevic & Derek Sellman - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (4):e12363.
    This article summarizes a virtual live‐streamed panel event that occurred in August 2020 and was cosponsored by the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) and the University of California, Irvine's Center for Nursing Philosophy. The event consisted of a series of three self‐contained panel discussions focusing on the past, present and future of IPONS and was moderated by the current Chair of IPONS, Catherine Green. The first panel discussion explored the history of IPONS and the journal Nursing Philosophy. The second (...)
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  21.  44
    On facing one's students: The relevance of Emmanuel Levinas to teaching in times of Covid‐19.Martine Berenpas - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):649-664.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Sens et textualite.Martine Leonard & Francois Rastier - 1994 - Substance 23 (1):145.
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    Devant le pathos de la crise.Martine Béland - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (1):111-117.
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  24. Refugees: The politically oppressed.Felix Bender - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (5):615-633.
    Who should be recognized as a refugee? This article seeks to uncover the normative arguments at the core of legal and philosophical conceptions of refugeehood. It identifies three analytically dist...
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    Vedanā or Feeling Tone: A Practical and Contemporary Meditative Exploration.Martine Batchelor - 2018 - Contemporary Buddhism 19 (1):54-68.
    This paper will attempt to establish a framework for the term vedanā. Then it will present the range of the different feeling tones: pleasant, unpleasant and neutral. It will point out that ‘neutral’ feeling tone can be defined in different ways as either non-existing, indeterminate, indifference or the beginning of equanimity. Following this, vedanā will be discussed in the context of the five nāma factors: contact, feeling-tone, perception, intention and attention. This paper will suggest that mindfulness can be of benefit (...)
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    Contributions of emotional state and attention to the processing of syntactic agreement errors: evidence from P600.Martine W. F. T. Verhees, Dorothee J. Chwilla, Johanne Tromp & Constance T. W. M. Vissers - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Toward Greater Integration: Fellows Perspectives on Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender - 2022 - Topics in Cognitive Science 14 (1):6-13.
    Topics in Cognitive Science, Volume 14, Issue 1, Page 6-13, January 2022.
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    To scan a memory: On Anouk De Clercq’s LiDAR film Thing.Martine Beugnet - 2022 - Philosophy of Photography 13 (1):135-151.
    LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology. It needs no ambient light, nor the guidance of the human eye to capture and reproduce a likeness of the world around us. Although LiDAR generates a constant stream of technical literature, LiDAR images, once envisaged for their aesthetic and expressive value, seem to call for alternative modes of analysis. How do we approach the fast-expanding archive of scanner images? How do we adequately describe the intriguing, spectral visualizations that its (...)
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  29.  68
    Models versus theories as a primary carrier of nursing knowledge: A philosophical argument.Miriam Bender - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12198.
    Theories and models are not equivalent. I argue that an orientation towards models as a primary carrier of nursing knowledge overcomes many ongoing challenges in philosophy of nursing science, including the theory–practice divide and the paradoxical pursuit of predictive theories in a discipline that is defined by process and a commitment to the non‐reducibility of the health/care experience. Scientific models describe and explain the dynamics of specific phenomenon. This is distinct from theory, which is traditionally defined as propositions that explain (...)
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    Alienation and Attunement in the Zhuangzi.Jacob Bender - 2023 - Sophia 62 (1):179-193.
    In this study, I clarify and defend the critique of the ‘sages’ and ‘robbers’ that is found in the _Zhuangzi_. As detailed in Chapter 8 of the _Zhuangzi_, both the (non-Daoist) ‘sages’ and ‘robbers’ are equally responsible for society’s ills. This is because both the ‘sages’ and ‘robbers’ are perceptually alienated from nature. This perceptual alienation involves the inability to perceive nature as fundamentally indeterminate (_wu_, 無). The Daoist alternative to the ‘sages’ and ‘robbers’ is to cultivate awareness of our (...)
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  31.  12
    Exploring Students’ Use of a Mobile Application to Support Their Self-Regulated Learning Processes.Martine Baars, Sanyogita Khare & Léonie Ridderstap - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Being able to self-regulate one’s learning is essential for academic success but is also very difficult for students. Especially first year students can be overwhelmed with the high study load and autonomy in higher education. To face this challenge, students’ monitoring and self-regulated learning processes are crucial. Yet, often students are not aware of effective SRL strategies or how to use them. In this study, the use of a mobile application with gamification elements to support first-year university students’ SRL processes (...)
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  32.  12
    Mind is Deeper Than Matter.Martine Rothblatt - 2013 - In Max More & Natasha Vita-More (eds.), The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosophy of the Human Future. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 317-326.
    One's gender is merely an important subset of choosing one's form. By “form” I mean that which encloses our beingness – flesh for the life we are accustomed to, plastic for the robots of science fiction, mere data for the avatars taking over our computer screens.
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    What's Political about Political Refugeehood? A Normative Reappraisal.Felix Bender - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (3):353-375.
    What is political about political refugeehood? Theorists have assumed that refugees are special because their specific predicament as those who are persecuted sets them aside from other “necessitous strangers.” Persecution is a special form of wrongful harm that marks the repudiation of a person's political membership and that cannot—contrary to certain other harms—be remedied where they are. It makes asylum necessary as a specific remedial institution. In this article, I argue that this is correct. Yet, the connection between political membership, (...)
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    Meditation and mindfulness.Martine Batchelor - 2011 - Contemporary Buddhism 12 (1):157-164.
    In this article I share some of my experiences of practising Korean Zen meditation and how, without ever mentioning the word ‘mindfulness,’ this practice helps us to become mindful. This leads me to suggest that the main ingredients of Buddhist meditation are samatha (which I will translate here as ‘concentration’) and vipassanā (which I will call ‘experiential enquiry’). No matter which Buddhist tradition one follows, the practice of samatha and vipassanā will lead to the cultivation of mindfulness. I also intend (...)
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    The long goodbye: Hugo Grotius’ justification of Dutch expansion overseas, 1615–1645.Martine Julia van Ittersum - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):386-411.
    This article examines Grotius’ lifelong support for Dutch expansion overseas. As noted in other publications of mine, Grotius cooperated closely with the directors of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the years 1604–1615. Right up to his arrest for high treason in August 1618, he contributed towards Dutch government discussions about the establishment of a West India Company (WIC). Three years of imprisonment at Loevestein Castle and, following his escape, long years of exile could not weaken his dedication to (...)
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    The Path of Compassion: The Bodhisattva Precepts.Martine Batchelor (ed.) - 2010 - Yale University Press.
    This new and moving translation of the Brahma's Net Sutra also includes translations of ancillary materials not previously available. Translated and introduced by the well-known teacher and author Martine Batchelor, this should become a classic for all those who aspire to the compassion of the Buddha. "The Buddha gave clear instructions about how a boddhisattva should preserve and nurture the altruistic aspiration to enlightenment that are contained in the scriptures of the various Mahayana traditions. The Boddhisattva Precepts found in (...)
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  37.  10
    Hannah Arendt: la passion de comprendre.Martine Leibovici - 2000 - Paris: Desclée de Brouwer.
    Peut-on mieux caractériser autrement Hannah Arendt que par la passion de comprendre, par cette large appétence à saisir l'inédit du monde dans toute sa complexité? Introduite en France depuis une vingtaine d'années seulement, la philosophe, qui a toujours entretenu un rapport tumultueux avec la philosophie, y est considérée aujourd'hui comme un auteur majeur grâce à des ouvrages comme Les Origines du totalitarisme, La Crise de la culture ou La Condition de l'homme moderne. On ne cesse de la citer, de la (...)
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    Indeterminacy and Intelligibility.Brian John Martine - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    Continuing the investigation in his earlier Individuals and individuality, Martine (philosophy, U. of Alabama) demonstrates that indeterminacy in our experience is logically bound to the determinate dimensions of thought and practice.
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  39. Realism, supervenience, and irresolvable aesthetic disputes.John W. Bender - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (4):371-381.
  40.  40
    The Association between Motivation, Affect, and Self-regulated Learning When Solving Problems.Baars Martine, Wijnia Lisette & Paas Fred - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  41. The Practice of Strangeness: L'Intrus - Claire Denis (2004) and Jean-Luc Nancy (2000).Martine Beugnet - 2008 - Film-Philosophy 12 (1):31-48.
    A child of the era of decolonization, Claire Denis grew up in various regions of France’s subSaharan colonial lands, and was brought back to the ‘métropole’ as a teenager in the 1960s.She has thus had a double practice of foreignness, abroad, and in her ‘own’ country, whichshe did not know and where, in similar yet fundamentally different ways than in Africa, shefelt like an outsider again. As the daughter of a colonial administrator – a childhoodbeautifully evoked in her first feature, (...)
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  42. The terasem mind uploading experiment.Martine Rothblatt - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (01):141-158.
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    Words, ideas, and representation: the genesis of the definition of a sign in the Port-Royal Logique.Martine Pécharman - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    L’addition, dans la cinquième édition en 1683 de La Logique ou L’Art de penser, d’un chapitre consacré à la définition générale du signe et de plusieurs chapitres relevant spécifiquement d’une analyse des signes linguistiques, a été parfois interprétée comme une apparition tardive du “problème du langage” dans le traité d’Arnauld et Nicole. Parce que la plupart de ces chapitres supplémentaires sont la transposition de passages auparavant destinés dans la Perpétuité de la foi (1669-1674) à réfuter le sens calviniste de Ceci (...)
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    Enfranchising the disenfranchised: should refugees receive political rights in liberal democracies?Felix Bender - forthcoming - Citizenship Studies.
    Should refugees receive political rights in liberal democracies? I argue that they should. Refugees are special – at least when it comes to claims towards democratic inclusion. They lack exit options and are significantly impacted by decisions made in liberal democracies. Enfranchisement is a matter of urgency to them and should occur on a national level. But what justifies the democratic inclusion of refugees? I draw on the all-subjected principle in arguing that all those subjected to rule in a political (...)
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    Diversity as Asset.Andrea Bender, Sieghard Beller & Nancy J. Nersessian - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (4):677-688.
    We begin our commentary by summarizing the commonalities and differences in cognitive phenomena across cultures, as found by the seven papers of this topic. We then assess the commonalities and differences in how our various authors have approached the study of cognitive diversity, and speculate on the need for, and potential of, cross-disciplinary collaboration.
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    Probing the Cultural Constitution of Causal Cognition – A Research Program.Andrea Bender & Sieghard Beller - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    (1 other version)The Power of 2: How an Apparently Irregular Numeration System Facilitates Mental Arithmetic.Andrea Bender & Sieghard Beller - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):n/a-n/a.
    Mangarevan traditionally contained two numeration systems: a general one, which was highly regular, decimal, and extraordinarily extensive; and a specific one, which was restricted to specific objects, based on diverging counting units, and interspersed with binary steps. While most of these characteristics are shared by numeration systems in related languages in Oceania, the binary steps are unique. To account for these characteristics, this article draws on—and tries to integrate—insights from anthropology, archeology, linguistics, psychology, and cognitive science more generally. The analysis (...)
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  48. Supervenience and the justification of aesthetic judgments.John Bender - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 46 (1):31-40.
  49. Sensitivity, sensibility, and aesthetic realism.John W. Bender - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (1):73-83.
  50.  78
    The Cognitive Advantages of Counting Specifically: A Representational Analysis of Verbal Numeration Systems in Oceanic Languages.Andrea Bender, Dirk Schlimm & Sieghard Beller - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (4):552-569.
    The domain of numbers provides a paradigmatic case for investigating interactions of culture, language, and cognition: Numerical competencies are considered a core domain of knowledge, and yet the development of specifically human abilities presupposes cultural and linguistic input by way of counting sequences. These sequences constitute systems with distinct structural properties, the cross-linguistic variability of which has implications for number representation and processing. Such representational effects are scrutinized for two types of verbal numeration systems—general and object-specific ones—that were in parallel (...)
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