Results for 'Marx, Alexander'

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  1.  7
    Semantische Dimensionen: verhaltenstheoretische Konzepte einer psychologischen Semantik.Alexander von Eye, Wolfgang Marx & Roger Dixon (eds.) - 1984 - Göttingen: C.J. Hogrefe.
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    The practical methodology of reading in science and everyday life: Reading Althusser reading Marx.Alexander McHoul - 1980 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 10 (2):129-150.
  3. 13 On Habermas, Marx and the critical theory tradition.Alexander Anievas - 2010 - In Cerwyn Moore & Chris Farrands (eds.), International Relations Theory and Philosophy: Interpretive Dialogues. Routledge. pp. 80--144.
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  4. TORRALBA, Francesc (2006) Els mestres de la sospita. Marx, Nietzsche, Freud Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial, 155 p.Alexander Fidora - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 44:135.
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    Der absolute Idealismus Hegels und seine Kritik durch Marx.Alexander Kuzmin - 2015 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2015 (1):217-220.
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    Leopold, Pinchot, Marx, and the Ethics of Buffalo Hunting in the 21st Century.Alexander Simon - 2007 - Teaching Ethics 7 (2):63-94.
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  7. The Christian Significance of Karl Marx.Alexander Miller - unknown
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    Kategorie und Begriff in Marx’ dialektischer Methode.Alexander von Pechmann - 2024 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (3):363-368.
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    Recovering the primitive in the modern: The cultural turn and the origins of cultural sociology.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 165 (1):10-19.
    This essay provides an intellectual history for the cultural turn that transformed the human sciences in the mid-20th century and led to the creation of cultural sociology in the late 20th century. It does so by conceptualizing and contextualizing the limitations of the binary primitive/modernity. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, leading thinkers – among them Marx, Weber, Durkheim, and Freud – confined thinking and feeling styles like ritual, symbolism, totem, and devotional practice to a primitivism that would be (...)
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    Embracing liberatory alienation:AI will end us, but not in the way you may think.Alexander M. Sidorkin - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    This paper introduces the concept of "liberatory alienation" to explore the complex relationship between technological advancement, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), and human essence. Building upon and critiquing Marx's theory of alienation, we argue that the externalization of human abilities through technology, while potentially disorienting, can ultimately lead to societal liberation and a redefined conception of humanity. The paper examines how AI and automation are reshaping our understanding of labor, skills, and human nature, challenging traditional notions of what it means to (...)
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    (1 other version)Pragmatism Today VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, WINTER 2016.Alexander Kremer - 2016 - Pragmatism Today.
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Pragmatists in Venice Alexander Kremer... 5 I. Philosophy and human evolution Persons as Natural Artifacts Joseph Margolis... 8 II. Cultural politics and democracy Is Marx a Pragmatist? Tom Rockmore... 24 The waxing and waning of democracy as a way of life : Some of the economic underpinnings Jane Skinner... 33 Redefining the Meaning of 'Morality': A Chapter in the Cultural Politics of Capitalism Kenneth W. Stikkers... 42 Imperial Irony: Rorty, Richard Henry Pratt and the American (...)
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    Sur le rapport entre écologie et marxisme en RDA.Alexander Amberger & Jean Quétier - 2023 - Actuel Marx 74 (2):71-88.
    Après le rapport du « Club de Rome », le débat écologique a acquis une très grande audience à l’Ouest. Les « limites de la croissance » étaient discutées publiquement dans de nombreux ouvrages à succès et faisaient l’objet de débats dans le champ politique, culturel, économique et social. Un mouvement environnemental s’est constitué qui, par la suite, a donné naissance aux partis verts. En RDA, en revanche, la croissance n’a pas fait l’objet de discussions à cette époque. Le parti-État (...)
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    History and obstinacy.Alexander Kluge - 2014 - Brooklyn, NY: Zone Books. Edited by Oskar Negt.
    An epochal archaeology of the labor power that has been cultivated in the human body over the last two thousand years. If Marx's opus Capital provided the foundational account of the forces of production in all of their objective, machine formats, what happens when the concepts of political economy are applied not to dead labor, but to its living counterpart, the human subject? The result is Alexander Kluge and Oskar Negt's History and Obstinacy, a groundbreaking archaeology of the labor (...)
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  14.  43
    Phenomenology and social reality.Alfred Schutz & Maurice Alexander Natanson (eds.) - 1970 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    Values and the scope of scientific inquiry, by M. Farber.--The phenomenology of epistemic claims: and its bearing on the essence of philosophy, by R. M. Zaner.--Problems of the Life-World, by A. Gurwitsch.--The Life-World and the particular sub-worlds, by W. Marx.--On the boundaries of the social world, by T. Luckmann.--Alfred Schutz on social reality and social science, by M. Natanson.--Homo oeconomicus and his class mates, by F. Machlup.--Toward a science of political economics, by A. Lowe.--Some notes on reality-orientation in contemporary societies, (...)
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  15.  45
    The relevance of the eighteenth century to modern political theory.James Alexander - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (2):288-296.
    The eighteenth century is still the bottleneck of the history of political theory: the century that separates pre-economic theorists such as Machiavelli, Bodin and Hobbes from post-economic theorists such as Hegel, Mill and Marx. Political thinking became immeasurably much more complicated in the eighteenth century: and yet historians, after at least half a century of extremely judicious scholarship, still have difficulty explaining its significance for contemporary theory. Sagar's Adam Smith Reconsidered is an important contribution to the attempt to clarify just (...)
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    Du Bois on Double Life: Du Boisian and Marxist Alienation.Alexander Drusda - 2024 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 38 (3):336-347.
    ABSTRACT This article challenges the reception of W. E. B. Du Bois’s The Souls of Black Folk as a text consigned to his “early liberal” period, distinct from a later period in which he incorporates Marxist analysis. This periodization of Du Bois’s corpus risks obscuring a longstanding focus in Du Bois’s work: the alienation of Black life. In Souls, alienation consists not only in the alienated double-consciousness Black Americans suffer, but also in a material “double life” that grounds this consciousness. (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Oldenburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 2017/2018.Alexander Max Bauer & Nils Baratella (eds.) - 2019 - Oldenburg, Deutschland: BIS-Verlag.
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    Qu’est-ce que la question agraire?Alexander V. Tchaïanov & Guillaume Fondu - 2024 - Actuel Marx 75 (1):98-116.
    Dans ce texte de Tchaïanov daté de l’été 1917, qu’une traduction partielle rend ici pour la première fois accessible au lectorat francophone, l’agronome, économiste et spécialiste de l’économie paysanne russe défend un collectivisme fondé sur l’idée d’une résistance de la paysannerie au développement du capitalisme. Ce texte a joué un rôle décisif à la fois dans la polarisation des débats sur le collectivisme en Russie à partir de 1917 et dans l’histoire des réceptions du marxisme dans la sociologie rurale tout (...)
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    Is Communist China a New Type of Civilization? The Civilizational Argument in Contemporary Chinese Ideology.Alexander Lukin - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (207):7-37.
    ExcerptEvery new Chinese leader considers it his duty to make his contribution to state administration theory, which, while formally considered to be Marxist, is moving ever further away from the classical doctrines of Marx and Engels and from their Soviet, Leninist-Stalinist version. Chinese party theoreticians explain that it is the changing situation and specific nature of Chinese society, and not just the ambitions of the country’s leaders, that create the need for new theories. It is no coincidence that a whole (...)
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  20.  33
    Hegel’s Impact on Russian Constitutional and Social Development.Alexander S. Fesenko - 1998 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 5 (1):1-10.
    This essay argues that the thinker whose teaching played a key role in the formation of the Russian political and legal paradigm was not Marx but Hegel. It analyzes the impact of the Hegelian philosophy on the development of the Russian constitutional tradition, and examines its political implications.
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  21.  21
    The Ideal, Creative Activity, and Human Development.Alexander A. Sorokin - 2010 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 48 (4):76-91.
    The article discusses Ilyenkov's conception of the ideal, which has its roots in Marx's concept of human as a sociohistorical being, yet goes beyond Marx by developing a concrete understanding of human social activity. Defined dialectically as a form of the subjective activity of social man that has objective meaning and significance, the ideal in Ilyenkov is not simply a form of "social representation" , but it rather exists as man's ideal activity toward realization of his own goals, and as (...)
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  22.  36
    The classical tradition in sociology: the European tradition.Raymond Boudon, Mohamed Cherkaoui & Jeffrey C. Alexander (eds.) - 1997 - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    This four-volume set presents an unrivalled collection of the key literature in European sociology. The prestigious texts range across the European tradition from enlightenment to contemporary theory. The collection explodes the myth that the European tradition in sociology is a debate with the ghosts of Karl Marx and Max Weber, demonstrating that the tradition is far more deeply rooted and broadly based. Volume 1 is devoted to the emergence of European sociology. The contribution of classical political economy and the Enlightenment (...)
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  23.  16
    The Antinomies of Classical Thought: Marx and Durkheim, by J. C. Alexander.Isabel Emmett - 1987 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 18 (3):302-305.
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    Book Review:Theoretical Logic in Sociology. Vol. 1: Positivism, Presuppositions, and Current Controversies. Jeffrey Alexander; Theoretical Logic in Sociology. Vol. 2: The Antinomies of Classical Thought: Marx and Durkheim. Jeffrey Alexander ; Theoretical Logic in Sociology. Vol. 3: The Classical Attempt at Theoretical Synthesis: Max Weber. Jeffrey Alexander; Theoretical Logic in Sociology. Vol. 4: The Modern Reconstruction of Classical Thought: Talcott Parsons. Jeffrey Alexander[REVIEW]Karol Sołtan - 1985 - Ethics 95 (4):951-.
  25. Book Reviews : Theoretical Logic in Sociology, Volume 2: The Antinomies of Classical Thought: Marx and Durkheim. BY JEFFREY C. ALEXANDER. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983. Pp. 564. $39.50. [REVIEW]Stephen P. Turner - 1985 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 15 (2):211-216.
    The four volume work of which this book is a part has been praised as one of the great monuments of theoretical scholarship in sociology of the century. The praise has come largely from the older generation of students of Parsons and Merton. A great deal of dispraise has come from Alexander's own generation. Alan Sica's (1983) brilliant, biting review of Volume I speaks for many of Alexander's peers. Volume II is likely to be even more controversial. This (...)
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    The antinomies of neofunctionalism: A critical essay on Jeffrey Alexander.Hans Joas - 1988 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 31 (4):471 – 494.
    Since the beginning of the ?eighties of the present century, a circle of relatively young American sociologists who are followers of Jeffrey Alexander are making energetic and spectacular efforts to supply sociology with a uniform and comprehensive theoretical framework by continuing Talcott Parsons' lifework. The present article is an appreciation of Alexander's achievements in the justification of a general sociological theory (especially a theory of action and social order) while pointing to objections that can be raised against the (...)
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  27.  60
    Brecht Today: Interview with Alexander Kluge.Angelos Koutsourakis - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (1):220-228.
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    Ewa Mazierska and Lars Kristensen Marx at the Movies: Revisiting History, Theory and Practice, London: Palgrave Macmillan. 293 pp.Bruce Williams - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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    Handlist of Hebrew Manuscripts and Other Mss. and Documents Illustrating Jewish History and Literature in the Collection of C. Roth, Oxford.Cecil Roth - 1950 - Press of Maurice Jacobs.
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  30. Laruelle Qua Stiegler: On Non-Marxism and the Transindividual.Ekin Erkan - 2019 - Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture 16 (1-2).
    Alexander R. Galloway and Jason R. LaRiviére’s article “Compression in Philosophy” seeks to pose François Laruelle’s engagement with metaphysics against Bernard Stiegler’s epistemological rendering of idealism. Identifying Laruelle as the theorist of genericity, through which mankind and the world are identified through an index of “opacity,” the authors argue that Laruelle does away with all deleterious philosophical “data.” Laruelle’s generic immanence is posed against Stiegler’s process of retention and discretization, as Galloway and LaRiviére argue that Stiegler’s philosophy seeks to (...)
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    10 Kuhn, Naturalism, and the Social Study of Science.Alexander Bird - 2012 - In Vasō Kintē & Theodore Arabatzis (eds.), Kuhn's The structure of scientific revolutions revisited. New York: Routledge. pp. 205.
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    Quantum logic and probability theory.Alexander Wilce - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  33. Monastic Dispositional Essentialism.Alexander Bird - 2011 - In Alexander Bird, Brian David Ellis & Howard Sankey (eds.), Properties, Powers and Structures: Issues in the Metaphysics of Realism. New York: Routledge. pp. 35--41.
  34.  42
    The essence of yoga: a contribution to the psychohistory of Indian civilisation.Georg Feuerstein - 1974 - New York: Grove Press : distributed by Random House.
    Voyage is the first part of The Coast of Utopia , Tom Stoppard's long-awaited and monumental trilogy that explores a group of friends who came of age under the Tsarist autocracy of Nicholas I, and for whom the term intelligentsia was coined. Among them are the anarchist Michael Bakunin, who was to challenge Marx for the soul of the masses; Ivan Turgenev, author of some of the most enduring works in Russian literature; the brilliant, erratic young critic Vissarion Belinsky; and (...)
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  35. Secondary belief content, what is it good for?Alexander Sandgren - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (6):1467-1476.
    Some use the need to explain communication, agreement, and disagreement to argue for two-dimensional conceptions of belief content. One prominent defender of an account of this sort is David Chalmers. Chalmers claims that beliefs have two kinds of content. The second dimension of belief content, which is tied to what beliefs pick out in the actual world, is supposed to help explain communication, agreement, and disagreement. I argue that it does not. Since the need to explain these phenomena is the (...)
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    CROCUFID: A Cross-Cultural Food Image Database for Research on Food Elicited Affective Responses.Alexander Toet, Daisuke Kaneko, Inge de Kruijf, Shota Ushiama, Martin G. van Schaik, Anne-Marie Brouwer, Victor Kallen & Jan B. F. van Erp - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Expert Assertion and Knowledge.Alexander Bird & Alison Hills - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    Jennifer Lackey argues that knowing that p is not sufficient for being epistemically properly positioned to assert that p. Where that knowledge is entirely second-hand and the subject is an expert, the subject is not properly positioned to make such an assertion—since experts are held to higher epistemic standards. We reject Lackey’s argument. In particular, we argue that the division of labour in science makes isolated, second-hand assertions by experts both inevitable and frequent.
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    Medical Decision-making and the Right to Die after Cruzan.Alexander Morgan Capron - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (1-2):5-8.
  39.  41
    Stem cell politics: The new shape to the road ahead.Alexander M. Capron - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):35 – 37.
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    Globalization and Cosmopolitanism in the Context of Modernity.Alexander N. Chumakov - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):229-237.
    Globalization and cosmopolitanism, on the one hand, and autarchy and nationalism, on the other, are two extremes between which humankind is destined to balance constantly, due to diversity and the natural confrontation of various cultural and civilizational systems by which it is represented. At the same time, globalization and cosmopolitanism are natural phenomena and are the most important characteristics of social development. That is why we should not put obstacles in the way of their dissemination and rooting in social life, (...)
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  41. Benjamin R. Barber.Alexander Thumfart - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--28.
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  42. The Shadow of Scotus: Philosophy and Faith in Pre-Reformation Scotland.Alexander Broadie - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (189):545-547.
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    Thinking in the past tense: eight conversations.Alexander Bevilacqua - 2019 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Frederic Clark.
    Ann M. Blair -- Lorraine Daston -- Benjamin Elman -- Anthony Grafton -- Jill Kraye -- Peter N. Miller -- Jean-Louis Quantin -- Quentin Skinner.
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  44. Human Genome Research in an Interdependent World.Alexander Morgan Capron - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (3):247-251.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Genome Research in an Interdependent WorldAlexander Morgan Capron (bio)This has been the year of agenda-setting conferences for the ambitious ELSI (ethical, legal and social issues) program of the Human Genome Project (HGP). But of the dozen or more major meetings of this sort held across the country, the one held at the National Institutes of Heakh (NIH) in Bethesda, MD, June 2-4, 1991, was distinctive in several respects.1As (...)
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    Adam Ferguson on human nature and enlightened governance.Alexander Broadie - 2015 - In Kyriakos N. Dēmētriou & Antis Loizides (eds.), Scientific statesmanship, governance and the history of political philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 137-151.
    An account, based principally on Ferguson's Essay on the History of Civil Society, of his concept of enlightened governance, and of the relation between that concept and his concept of human nature.
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  46. Parsonnalité et relativité.J. Alexander - 1937 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 44:545-661.
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    The problem of the world cognition in the light of being and existence dialectics.Alexander Chuprov - 2019 - Sotsium I Vlast 2:82-95.
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    Der einfluss der berliner mathematischen schule auf D I E entwicklung der funktionentheorie.Alexander Dinghas - 1960 - In Georg Kotowski, Eduard Neumann & Hans Leussink (eds.), Studium Berolinense: Aufsätze Und Beiträge Zu Problemen der Wissenschaft Und Zur Geschichte der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Zu Berlin. De Gruyter. pp. 763-773.
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  49. Who sets the school budget.Alexander B. Holmes - 1983 - Journal of Thought 18 (3):101-106.
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  50. Der Satz vom Widerspruch: Der spezielle Satz vom Widerspruch.Alexander Pfänder - 1921 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 4:353.
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