Results for 'Maréva Savary'

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  1.  44
    Reasoning and concurrent timing: a study of the mechanisms underlying the effect of emotion on reasoning.Charles Viau-Quesnel, Maréva Savary & Isabelle Blanchette - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (5):1020-1030.
    ABSTRACTNegative emotions typically have an adverse effect on reasoning, especially analytic or logical reasoning. This effect can be explained using an attentional framework in which emotion detracts limited-capacity cognitive resources which are required for reasoning. Another possibility is that the effect of emotion on reasoning is mediated by arousal, as previous research has shown that physiological arousal can be associated with decreased reasoning performance. In this research, we used a dual-task paradigm combining a syllogistic reasoning task and a time production (...)
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    La Révolution copernicienne: Freud et le géogentrisme médiéval.Claude Savary - 1969 - Dialogue 8 (3):417-432.
    On rencontre encore cette idée d'une triple révolution: Copernic, Darwin, Freud. La première phase fera l'objet de nos réflexions. Elle a été conçue par Freud comme une blessure au narcissisme humain. « Le narcissisme universel des hommes, leur amour d'eux-mêmes, nous dit Ricœur expliquant Freud, a, jusqu'à présent, subi trois sévères coups de la part de la science: ce fut d'abord la position centrale de la terre qui fut contesée par Copernic, puis … « Freud lui-même nous dit que pour (...)
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    Les sciences humaines et l'interprétation.Claude Savary - 1980 - Philosophiques 7 (2):267-299.
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    Narcisse et son médecin.Claude Savary - 1970 - Dialogue 9 (3):397-400.
    La révolution scientifique ou copernicienne apparait habituellement au penseur comme un événement imposant, complexe et problématique. Mais ce ne semble pas être le cas pour M. Raymond Montpetit. Vous n'avez, selon lui, qu'è y appliquer un regard dialectique on psychanalytique et le tour est joué. C'est ce que je retiens de l'allure et du biais de sa discussion de mon article sur la révolution en question.
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  5. Neo-Scholastic Refelection on Kant.L. A. Savari Raj - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25:267-274.
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    Teilhard de Chardin's The phenomenon of man explained.Louis M. Savary - 2020 - Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
    This book establishes the connection between the evolutionary scientific ideas of The Human Phenomenon and the Christian spirituality and theology of The Divine Milieu.
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  7. Pierre Thuillier, Les savoirs ventriloques ou comment la culture parle à travers la science Reviewed by.Claude Savary - 1984 - Philosophy in Review 4 (5):223-226.
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    Illusory inferences: a novel class of erroneous deductions.P. N. Johnson-Laird & Fabien Savary - 1999 - Cognition 71 (3):191-229.
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    About Aristotle and Evolutionism.Claude Savary - 1973 - New Scholasticism 47 (2):248-252.
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    Discovery and its logic: Popper and the "friends of discovery".Claude Savary - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (3):318-344.
    This article compares the features of a logic of discovery for the "friends of discovery" and for Karl Popper. It argues that the account given by Popper is the same as that of the "friends of discovery." The comparison will unsystematically exhibit that Popper proposes such a logic and will submit that the epistemological significance of a logic of discovery is to be sought in a configuration of ideas and transactions deemed regulated by or mirroring rationality rather than in creative (...)
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    Study Protocol on Ecological Momentary Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life Using a Smartphone Application.Silvana Mareva, David Thomson, Pietro Marenco, Víctor Estal Muñoz, Caroline V. Ott, Barbara Schmidt, Tobias Wingen & Angelos P. Kassianos - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    La conception kuhnienne de la science et le concept d'idéologie.Claude Savary - 1978 - Dialogue 17 (2):266-285.
    Il peut sembler incongru de supposer qu'il y a une identité entre l'histoire de la science et l'histoire d'une idéologie C'est pourtant ce que donne à penser, comme on le verra, une comparaison entre la notion kuhnienne de paradigme et la notion d'idéologie. Une relation a déjà été établie entre les deux notions. Nous croyons qu'elle reste superficielle et ne conduit qu'à une compréhension négative. On pose cette relation pour dire que chez Kuhn le paradigme détermine le comportement de la (...)
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    Teilhard de Chardin on love: evolving human relationships.Louis M. Savary - 2017 - Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. Edited by Patricia H. Berne.
    The authors offer a "first" summary of Teilhard's thoughts on love, a central element in his evolutionary spirituality, presented in accessible language for the ordinary reader. They explore the implications of Teilhard's evolutionary perspective on love as it affects friendships, marriages, parent-child relationships, and teams (larger groups).
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  14. L'idéologie Et les Stratégies de la Raison Approches Théoriques, Épistémologiques Et Anthropologiques.Claude Panaccio & Savary - 1984 - Hurtubise Hmh.
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    Cosmic Confidence in Interreligious Spirituality.Anthony Savari Raj - 2017 - Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series 66 (1).
    This paper presents and examines the interreligious philosopher-theologian Raimon Panikkar’s proposal of ‘Cosmic Confidence’ in interreligious spirituality and another dialogue theologian Paul Knitter’s critique on it. Their conversation is to be situated in a wider issue of the relation between pluralism and justice. The paper proceeds in three parts. The first part summarily presents the context and direction of Panikkar’s pluralistic vision, particularly with a focus on his central insight of cosmic confidence. The second part indicates a challenge to Panikkar’s (...)
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  16.  42
    Symbol-Experience, Metaphorical Expression and Cultural Revelation.L. Anthony Savari Raj - 2000 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 27 (1/2):99-104.
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    Comprendre les Ideologies par Michel Simon. Chronique Sociale de France, Lyon. Ed. du Cerf, Paris, 1978, Collection « Synthèses », 256 pages. [REVIEW]Claude Savary - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (4):693-695.
  18.  22
    La Tradition, Revelation-Écriture-Église Selon Saint Thomas d'Aquin. Par Ètienne Ménard, O.P. Collection Studia no 18, Bruges-Paris, Descleé de Brouwer, 1964. 272 pages. [REVIEW]Claude Savary - 1967 - Dialogue 5 (4):662.
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    Raymond Lulle, Philosophe de l'Action. Par Armand Llinarès, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1963. 510 pages. [REVIEW]Claude Savary - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (1):119.
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    Recherches sur la philosophie et la Kabbale dans la pensée juive du moyen age. Par Georges Vajda, Paris-La Haye, Mouton & Co. 1962. 420 pages. [REVIEW]Claude Savary - 1964 - Dialogue 3 (3):330-332.
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    Inculturation or Interculturation?L. Anthony Savari Raj - 2002 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 1:27-40.
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    La conviction idéologique par Colette Moreux Montréal, Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1978, 126 pages. [REVIEW]Claude Savary - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (4):632-642.
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  23. Raison et Culture. Actes du Colloque International Franco-Sovietique, Lille, 26-9 avril 1978. [REVIEW]Claude Savary - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2 (2/3):133-135.
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    Editorial: Advancing Methods for Psychological Assessment Across Borders.Kai Ruggeri, Lana Bojanić, Lindsey van Bokhorst, Hannes Jarke, Silvana Mareva, Olatz Ojinaga-Alfageme, David T. Mellor & Sam Norton - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  25.  13
    Claude-Etienne Savary: Orientalism and Fraudulence in Late Eighteenth-Century France.Alastair Hamilton - 2019 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 82 (1):283-314.
    Claude-Etienne Savary is known mainly as the translator of the Qurʾan into French and the author of the Lettres sur l’Egypte. Both his letters and his translation were im...
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  26. Claude Savary et Claude Panaccio,(dir.), L'idéologie et les stratégies de la raison.Josiane Boulad-Ayoub - 1985 - Philosophy in Review 5 (3):131-133.
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    Claude Savary et Claude Panaccio, . L’idéologie et les stratégies de la raison. Ville LaSalle, Éditions Hurtubise HMH, Collection Brèches, 1984, 236 p. [REVIEW]Maurice Lagueux - 1986 - Philosophiques 13 (1):170-177.
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  28. Immanuel Kant: Savary e le piramidi.P. Giordanetti - 2005 - In Piero Giordanetti (ed.), I luoghi del sublime moderno. Led. pp. 81--82.
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  29. Les contributions de F. Savary et J.-F. Demonferrand à l'électrodynamique (1822-1823).Robert Locqueneux & Jean-Marie Guillo - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (2).
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    Quelques contributions de Félix Savary et Jean-Firmin Demonferrand à l'électrodynamique (1822-1823)/Some contributions of Félix Savary and Jean-Firmin Demonferrand to electrodynamics (1822-1823). [REVIEW]Jean-Marie Guillo & Robert Locqueneux - 2005 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 58 (2):455-504.
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  31. The Merchant from Patristics to the Honnête Homme in the Writings of Savary.Christoph Strosetzki - 2019 - In Christoph Strosetzki & Christoph Lütge (eds.), The Honorable Merchant – Between Modesty and Risk-Taking: Intercultural and Literary Aspects. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    L'idéologie et les stratégies de la raisonClaude Savary et Claude Panaccio, éditeurs Collection Bréches Montreal: Editions Hurtubise HMH, 1984. 236 p. [REVIEW]Josiane Boulad-Ayoub - 1985 - Dialogue 24 (2):333-339.
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    Nas fronteiras do humano e do não humano: poéticas da natureza na literatura brasileira do século XXI.Maria Esther Maciel - 2021 - Aisthesis 70:531-532.
    Em que medida as alteridades não humanas se inscrevem na literatura brasileira contemporânea? Como alguns escritores brasileiros têm lidado com as relações paradoxais entre humanidade e animalidade, bem como com os problemas ecológicos do nosso tempo? Este artigo aborda a presença dos seres não humanos em obras de Nicanor Sena, Astrid Cabral, Olga Savary, Sérgio Medeiros e Josely Vianna Baptista, à luz de um referencial teórico transdisciplinar, que inclui pensadores como Ailton Krenak, Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Dominique Lestel e (...)
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    Beyond the planets: early nineteenth-century studies of double stars.Mari Williams - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (3):295-309.
    In 1837 the German-born astronomer F. G. W. Struve published his famous catalogue of double stars. For Struve this was the culmination of 12 years' detailed observation of a class of celestial objects lying exclusively beyond the solar system; for historians of astronomy it poses the problem of explaining why the study of double stars became a significant part of astronomical endeavour, as it did, during the 1820s and 1830s. For, although Struve's interest was extreme, it was shared to a (...)
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  35. Symmetry and its formalisms: Mathematical aspects.Brian Hepburn & Alexandre Guay - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (2):160-178.
    This article explores the relation between the concept of symmetry and its formalisms. The standard view among philosophers and physicists is that symmetry is completely formalized by mathematical groups. For some mathematicians however, the groupoid is a competing and more general formalism. An analysis of symmetry that justifies this extension has not been adequately spelled out. After a brief explication of how groups, equivalence, and symmetries classes are related, we show that, while it’s true in some instances that groups are (...)
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