Results for 'Massimo Borgbesi'

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  1. La salvezza è una storia: Ratzinger e Bonaventura.Massimo Borgbesi - 2009 - Studium 105 (2):225-233.
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    The School of Franz Brentano.Liliana Albertazzi, Massimo Libardi & Roberto Poli - 1995 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The central idea developed by the contributions to this book is that the split between analytic philosophy and phenomenology - perhaps the most impor tant schism in twentieth-century philosophy - resulted from a radicalization of reciprocal partialities. Both schools of thought share, in fact, the same cultural background and their same initial stimulus in the thought of Franz Brentano. And one outcome of the subsequent rift between them was the oblivion into which the figure and thought of Brentano have fallen. (...)
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    A new perspective on blame culture: an experimental study.Alessandra Gorini, Massimo Miglioretti & Gabriella Pravettoni - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):671-675.
  4.  19
    The Realist Wager: Challenging Rorty on His Home Ground.Massimo Dell’Utri - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (5):1431-1446.
    The paper is devoted to Richard Rorty’s thought, with the aim of exploiting a certain contention of his and directing it, as it were, against Rorty himself. Here is the contention: he thinks that – when it comes to metaphysical questions such as realism and anti-realism – the only kind of argument a pragmatist has at her disposal is rhetorical. Following the lines of the well-known wager Blaise Pascal laid on the belief in the existence of God, I will try (...)
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    Editorial: The Interface between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: the State of the Art.Massimo di Giannantonio, Georg Northoff & Anatolia Salone - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Mentalization, attachment, and subjective identity.Rossella Guerini, Massimo Marraffa & Claudio Paloscia - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:146341.
    In a life-span perspective, Baglio and Marchetti make the hypothesis of “the existence of multiple kinds of Theory of Mind” and urge the transition from a discrete to a dimensional approach in the study of mentalization (“ToM may vary along a quantitative and a qualitative continuum”). We resist such a plea and argue that we can stick to a discrete approach which posits just a single early-developing mindreading system, and then works out a “third-person first” perspective on mentalization, according to (...)
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    La crisi del Novecento: giuristi e filosofi nel crepuscolo di Weimar.Massimo La Torre - 2006 - Bari: Dedalo.
  8.  10
    La guerra dei mondi: scienza e senso comune.Andrea Lavazza & Massimo Marraffa (eds.) - 2016 - Torino: Codice edizioni.
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    Ephemeral Point-Events: Is There a Last Remnant of Physical Objectivity?Michele Vallisneri & Massimo Pauri - 2002 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 37 (79):263-304.
    For the past two decades, Einstein's Hole Argument (which deals with the apparent indeterminateness of general relativity due to the general covariance of the field equations) and its resolution in terms of "Leibniz equivalence" (the statement that pseudo-Riemannian geometries related by active diffeomorphisms represent the same physical solution) have been the starting point for a lively philosophical debate on the objectivity of the point-events of space-time. It seems that Leibniz equivalence makes it impossible to consider the points of the space-time (...)
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  10. Tyrants at work: philosophy and politics in Alexandre Kojève.Marco Filoni & Massimo Palma (eds.) - 2024 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Theories of Legal Argumentation and Concepts of Law: An Approximation.Massimo La Torre - 1998 - European University Institute.
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    L'asso pigliatutto: il caso dell'utilitarismo libertario.Fabio Massimo Nicosia - 2020 - Genova: De Ferrari.
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    Il Libro dei morti dell'antica Ugarit: Le più antiche testimonianze sull'Aldilà prima della BibbiaIl Libro dei morti dell'antica Ugarit: Le piu antiche testimonianze sull'Aldila prima della Bibbia.Ignacio Márquez Rowe, Massimo Baldacci & Ignacio Marquez Rowe - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):666.
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    The design of a collaborative interface for narration to support reconciliation in a conflict.Oliviero Stock, Massimo Zancanaro, Cesare Rocchi, Daniel Tomasini, Chaya Koren, Zvi Eisikovits, Dina Goren-Bar & Patrice L. Weiss - 2009 - AI and Society 24 (1):51-59.
    This paper is about the development of a face-to-face collaborative technology to support shifting attitudes of participants in conflict via a narration task. The work is based on two cultural elements: conflict resolution theory and the design of a collaboration enforcing interface designed specifically for the task. The general claim is that participants may achieve a greater understanding of and appreciation for the other’s viewpoint under conditions that support partaking in a tangible joint task and creating a shared narration. Specifically, (...)
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    Introduction.Liliana Albertazzi & Massimo Libardi - 1994 - Axiomathes 5 (1):5-11.
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    Tradizioni filosofiche e mutamenti scientifici.Stefano Poggi & Massimo Mugnai - 1990
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  17. Aspetti dell'argomentazione giuridica nello stato di eccezione.Simona C. Sagnotti & Massimo Mancini - 2005 - In Metodo e processo - Una riflessione filosofica. margiacchi. pp. 93-145.
    Si esamina, nell'esperienza giuridica, lo stato di eccezione nel senso più generale, come fenomeno straordinario, eventuale, ma che, una volta verificatosi, non possa rimanere giuridicamente ignorato né inspiegabile, analogamente al concetto del miracolo in teologia. Lo stato di eccezione non può essere neppure limitato alle sole condizioni di necessità; non può essere affrontato e risolto con le sole argomentazioni inerenti lo stato di costrizione, che rappresenta solo un aspetto della sua casistica, comprendente anche fattispecie create dall'esclusivo e libero esercizio della (...)
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    Mindreading, introspezione e metacognizione: implicazioni per la neuropsichiatria cognitiva.Rossella Guerini & Massimo Marraffa - 2013 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 4 (3):338-354.
    In questo articolo ci proponiamo di portare alla luce i netti confini che separano i concetti di mindreading, introspezione e metacognizione con l’obiettivo di dissipare alcuni fraintendimenti presenti nella letteratura clinica. A tal fine, iniziamo identificando due posizioni principali nell’odierno dibattito filosofico cognitivo sull’introspezione: da un lato le teorie che sostengono che “introspezione” è la denominazione impropria per un processo interpretativo; da un altro lato le teorie che continuano a ritenere che almeno in alcuni casi l’accesso alla propria mente sia (...)
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    Altri seminari di filosofia del diritto.Massimo La Torre - 2010 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino. Edited by Gianfrancesco Zanetti.
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    Two open questions in the reformist agenda of the philosophy of cognitive science.Aurora Alegiani, Massimo Marraffa & Tiziana Vistarini - 2023 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 14:59-73.
    _Abstract_: In this paper we carve out a _reformist_ agenda within the debate on the foundations of cognitive science, incorporating some important ideas from the 4E cognition literature into the computational-representational framework. We are deeply sympathetic to this reformist program since we think that, despite strong criticism of the concept of computation and the related notion of representation, computational models should still be at the core of the study of mind. At the same time, we recognize the need for a (...)
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  21.  31
    Commentary: The Role of the Parietal Cortex in the Representation of Task–Reward Associations.Elger L. Abrahamse & Massimo Silvetti - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  22. Democracy and Tensions Representation, Majority Principle, Fundamental Rights.Massimo La Torre - 1994 - European University Institute.
  23.  2
    Law and Power. Preface to a Non-prescrptivist Theory of Law.Massimo la Torre - 1997 - European University Institute.
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    Psychopathology, Dissociation and Somatic Symptoms in Adolescents Who Were Exposed to Traumatic Experiences.Chiara Luoni, Massimo Agosti, Sara Crugnola, Giorgio Rossi & Cristiano Termine - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Dynamical emergence of instantaneous 3-spaces in a class of models of general relativity.Luca Lusanna & Massimo Pauri - unknown
    The Hamiltonian structure of General Relativity (GR), for both metric and tetrad gravity in a definite continuous family of space-times, is fully exploited in order to show that: i) the "Hole Argument" can be bypassed by means of a specific "physical individuation" of point-events of the space-time manifold M^4 in terms of the "autonomous degrees of freedom" of the vacuum gravitational field (Dirac observables), while the "Leibniz equivalence" is reduced to differences in the "non-inertial appearances" (connected to gauge variables) of (...)
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    The title of Isocrates’ Antidosis.Pasquale Massimo Pinto - 2012 - Hermes 140 (3):362-368.
  27.  74
    (1 other version)Logic, Theory of Science and Metaphysics According to Stanislaw Lesniewski.Roberto Poli & Massimo Libardi - 1999 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 57 (1):183-219.
    Due to the current availability of the English translation of almost all of Lesniewski's works it is now possible to give a clear and detailed picture of his ideas. Lesniewski's system of the foundation of mathematics is discussed. In abrief ouüine of his three systems Mereology, Ontology and Protothetics his positions conceming the problems of the forms of expression, proper names, synonymity, analytic and synthetic propositions, existential propositions, the concept of logic, and his views of theory of science and metaphysics (...)
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    Alternating (In)Dependence-Friendly Logic.Dylan Bellier, Massimo Benerecetti, Dario Della Monica & Fabio Mogavero - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (10):103315.
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  29. Infinito.di Massimo Adinolfi - 2021 - In Massimo Adinolfi (ed.), Nova theoretica: manifesto per una nuova filosofia. Roma: Castelvecchi.
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    Lacan e la filosofia: soggetto, struttura, interpretazione.Domenico Cosenza & Massimo Recalcati (eds.) - 1992 - Milano: Arcipelago Edizioni.
  31. Cartographies of the Mind: The Interface between Philosophy and Cognitive Science.Francesco Ferretti, Massimo Marraffa & Mario De Caro (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
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    Backjumping for Quantified Boolean Logic satisfiability.Enrico Giunchiglia, Massimo Narizzano & Armando Tacchella - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 145 (1-2):99-120.
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    Defense mechanisms: From the individual to the collective level.Rossella Guerini & Massimo Marraffa - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (1):95-112.
    : In this article we shall deal with the construction and defense of subjective identity as a topic at the intersection of psychology and anthropology. In this perspective, defense mechanisms are seen as falling along a spectrum that stretches from the individual to the collective level. The individual mind is the sphere of the intrapsychic defenses and the interpersonal maneuvers to which each of us appeals, in the relationship with other people and with one’s own environment, to defend one’s own (...)
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  34. Utopia e pedagogia. Morelly & Massimo Baldini (eds.) - 1976 - Brescia: La scuola.
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    Strategies and prospects of Mediterranean co-operation: The industrial and financial issues.Massimo D'Angelo & Roberto Aliboni - 1985 - World Futures 20 (3):299-334.
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    Introduction: Ten Trips Around the Conceptual Galaxy of Otherness.Massimo Dell’Utri & Stefano Caputo - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 56:3-19.
    In introducing the present issue, we make clear that the concept of the other is susceptible to so multifarious declinations that it actually forms a conceptual galaxy. It is precisely this galaxy that the ten essays in the issue aim to shed light on. We then account for the basic ideas of each essay, and we stress the remarkable fact that they help to clarify how the concept of the other represents a useful means to undermine the purported divide between (...)
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  37. Emile BourRoux (1845-1921).par Massimo Ferrari - 2022 - In Andrea Bellantone, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron & Élisabeth Grimmer (eds.), Figures du spiritualisme: de Biran à Boutroux. Paris: Hermann.
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    Studi di letteratura greca.Fabio Massimo Giuliano - 2004 - Pisa: Giardini editori e stampatori.
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  39. «Bleak House» and Law as Despair.Massimo La Torre - 2018 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (3):315-327.
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  40. Two Essays on Liberalism and Utopia.Massimo La Torre - 1998 - European University Institute.
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    Monumenti d’autore e storie di testi.Pasquale Massimo Pinto - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (1).
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  42. Lettere a Bernardino Varisco (1867-1931): materiali per lo studio della cultura filosofica italiana tra Ottocento e Novecento.Francesco Bonatelli & Massimo Ferrari (eds.) - 1982 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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  43. Reply to Massimo Dell'Utri.Massimo Dell - forthcoming - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy Udk 101 Issn 1845-8475.
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    Hamletica di Massimo Cacciari.Massimo Donà, Claudio Ciancio, Vincenzo Vitiello & Federico Vercellone - 2010 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 23 (2):425-442.
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  45. on Massimo Cacciari's Hamletica.Massimo Donà, Claudio Ciancio, Vincenzo Vitiello & Federico Vercellone - 2011 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 3 (5):183-204.
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    Leibniz' theory of relations.Massimo Mugnai - 1992 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner. Edited by Aloysio Temmik.
  47. Leibniz' Theory of Relations.Massimo Mugnai - 1992 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 99 (1):110-111.
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    Massimo di Tiro: Dissertazioni -- Testo greco a fronte.Massimo di Tiro - 2019 - [Milan]: Bompiani. Edited by Selene I. S. Brumana & Maximus.
    Di Massimo di Tiro si conoscono pochi dettagli biografici. Le fonti antiche, concordi nel ritenerlo ‘filosofo’ e ‘filosofo platonico’, affermano che le sue dissertazioni o indagini filosofiche sono da ricondursi al suo primo soggiorno a Roma, al tempo dell’imperatore Commodo. Le quarantuno dissertazioni filosofiche di Massimo di Tiro offrono una visione privilegiata della cultura imperiale del secondo secolo, epoca in cui, dominante l’eleganza stilistica, anche la filosofia non disdegnava di dispiegare i propri contenuti mediante il bello stilo dello (...)
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    Algorithmic Decision-Making Based on Machine Learning from Big Data: Can Transparency Restore Accountability?Massimo Durante & Marcello D'Agostino - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):525-541.
    Decision-making assisted by algorithms developed by machine learning is increasingly determining our lives. Unfortunately, full opacity about the process is the norm. Would transparency contribute to restoring accountability for such systems as is often maintained? Several objections to full transparency are examined: the loss of privacy when datasets become public, the perverse effects of disclosure of the very algorithms themselves, the potential loss of companies’ competitive edge, and the limited gains in answerability to be expected since sophisticated algorithms usually are (...)
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    Political Self-Determination and Wars of National Defense.Massimo Renzo - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (6):706-730.
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