Results for 'Maternal and child health services. '

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  1.  35
    Determinants of use of maternalchild health services in rural ghana.Isaac Addai - 2000 - Journal of Biosocial Science 32 (1):1-15.
    This study uses data from the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey of 1993 to examine factors determining the use of maternalchild health services in rural Ghana. The MCH services under study are: use of a doctor for prenatal care; soliciting four or more antenatal check-ups; place of delivery; participation in family planning. Bivariate and multivariate techniques are employed in the analyses. The analyses reveal that the use of MCH services tends to be shaped mostly by level (...)
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  2.  5
    Ethical Challenges in Information Disclosure and Decision-making in Prenatal Testing: A Focus Group Study of Chinese Health Professionals in Maternal and Child Health Services.Yuqiong Zhong, Tianchi Hao, Xing Liu, Xin Zhang, Ying Wu, Xiaomin Wang & Dan Luo - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-15.
    The international community has proposed a comprehensive strategy to prevent congenital abnormalities. And China, with a high incidence of congenital diseases, has implemented measures including prenatal screening and diagnosis to reduce the morbidity of congenital abnormalities. However, ethical challenges arise in the practice of prenatal screening and diagnosis among healthcare professionals. Five focus group discussions were conducted with twenty-four health professionals working in maternal and child health services in Hunan Province, China, to explore the ethical challenges (...)
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    Urban poverty and utilization of maternal and child health care services in india.Ravi Prakash & Abhishek Kumar - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (4):433-449.
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    Understanding the association between maternal education and use of health services in Ghana: Exploring the role of health knowledge.Emily Smith Greenaway, Juan Leon & David P. Baker - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (6):733-747.
    SummaryThis paper examines the role of health knowledge in the association between mothers' education and use of maternal and child health services in Ghana. The study uses data from a nationally representative sample of female respondents to the 2008 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey. Ordered probit regression models evaluate whether women's health knowledge helps to explain use of three specific maternal and child health services: antenatal care, giving birth with the supervision (...)
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  5. Maternal mental health: An ethical base for good practice.James Wilson & Michael Göpfert - unknown
    In this chapter we argue that the four principles of medical ethics -- beneficence, non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice (Beauchamp & Childress, 2001; Gillon, 1985), a new Family Interest Principle (introduced below) and a consideration of ‘capacity’ provide a reasoned practice guide for work with mothers experiencing health problems, focussing here on mental health when a parent is a patient. Our concern is the relationship of the clinician with a parent and through the parent their child. (...)
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  6.  58
    What Does the Epidemic of Childhood Obesity Mean for Children with Special Health Care Needs?Paula M. Minihan, Sarah N. Fitch & Aviva Must - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):61-77.
    Although the obesity epidemic appears to have affected all segments of the U.S. population, its impact on children with special health care needs has received little attention. “Children with special health care needs” is a term used in the U.S. to describe children who come to the attention of health care providers and policy makers because they need different services and supports than other children. Government, at both the federal and state levels, has long felt a particular (...)
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  7.  24
    Analysis of health services use for respiratory illness in indonesian children: Implications for policy.Amardeep Thind - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (2):129-142.
    Respiratory illness continues to be a leading cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. The Indonesian government is moving towards a more managed care-based approach as it reforms its health care system following the 1997 financial crisis. In order to better design contractual relationships between the payor and different providers, there needs to be a better understanding of the patterns and predictors of health services utilization for respiratory illness. This study uses the Indonesia Demographic and Health (...)
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    Narrative inquiry in a nursing practicum.Gail M. Lindsay & Faith Smith - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (2):121-129.
    Narrative inquiry in a nursing practicum One approach to creating research‐based nursing education is to think and write narratively about the daily life of a BScN program student and her teacher in diverse settings and over time. Gail, as a nurse‐teacher, and Faith, as a nursing student and now Public Health Nurse, reconstruct their teaching–learning experiences in an integrated practicum in maternalchild health services as a narrative inquiry. After presenting this reconstruction of experience at a conference (...)
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  9.  44
    Ethical Considerations for Assessing Parent Mental Health during Child Assessment Services.Stephen J. Molitor & Melissa R. Dvorsky - 2019 - Ethics and Behavior 29 (2):87-100.
    Parents play an integral role in the mental health service provision of children and adolescents, and they can have significant effects on the outcomes of youth. A growing body of research has linked parents’ own mental health status to numerous outcomes for their children, and recent guidelines have emerged recommending the assessment of parent psychopathology when treating child patients. However, these recommendations present a range of ethical considerations. Mental health professionals must determine if the assessment of (...)
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  10.  14
    Heidegger, Reproductive Technology, & The Motherless Age.Dana S. Belu - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Dana S. Belu combines Heidegger's phenomenology of technology with feminist phenomenology in order to make sense of the increased technicization of women's reproductive bodies during conception, pregnancy, and birth.
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  11.  26
    Utilization of maternal health services and its determinants: a cross-sectional study among women in rural Uttar Pradesh, India.Ranjana Singh, Sutapa B. Neogi, Avishek Hazra, Laili Irani, Jenny Ruducha, Danish Ahmad, Sampath Kumar, Neelakshi Mann & Dileep Mavalankar - 2019 - Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 38 (1):13.
    Proper utilization of antenatal and postnatal care services plays an important role in reducing the maternal mortality ratio and infant mortality rate. This paper assesses the utilization of health care services during pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery among rural women in Uttar Pradesh and examines its determinants. Data from a baseline survey of UP Community Mobilization project was utilized. A cross-sectional sample of currently married women who delivered a baby 15 months prior to the survey was included. Information was (...)
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  12. The public health implications of maternal care trade-offs.A. Magdalena Hurtado, Carol A. Lambourne, Kim R. Hill & Karen Kessler - 2006 - Human Nature 17 (2):129-154.
    The socioeconomic and ethnic characteristics of parents are some of the most important correlates of adverse health outcomes in childhood. However, the relationships between ethnic, economic, and behavioral factors and the health outcomes responsible for this pervasive finding have not been specified in child health epidemiology. The general objective of this paper is to propose a theoretical approach to the study of maternal behaviors and child health in diverse ethnic and socioeconomic environments. The (...)
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  13.  52
    Some ethical issues that arise from working with families in the National Health Service.M. Paul, K. Newns & K. V. Creedy - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (2):76-81.
    Through a case study, this paper addresses ethical issues and dilemmas faced by a Family Therapist working in a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) in the National Health Service. When there are legal and societal obligations on parents/carers to ensure that the needs of children and young people are met within a family context, working with a young person in a health care setting oriented to the individual raises ethical dilemmas around consent. When the (...)
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  14.  47
    Why it is unethical to charge migrant women for pregnancy care in the National Health Service.Arianne Shahvisi & Fionnuala Finnerty - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (8):489-496.
    Pregnancy care is chargeable for migrants who do not have indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Women who are not ‘ordinarily resident’, including prospective asylum applicants, some refused asylum-seekers, unidentified victims of trafficking and undocumented people are required to pay substantial charges in order to access antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal services as well as abortion care within the National Health Service. In this paper, we consider the ethical issues generated by the exclusion of pregnancy care from the raft (...)
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  15.  8
    Clinical Research Involving Pregnant Women.Françoise Baylis & Angela Ballantyne (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book discusses 'how' to respectfully and responsibly include pregnant women in clinical research. In sharp contrast, the existing literature predominantly focuses on the reasons 'why' the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical research is necessary - viz., to develop effective treatments for women during pregnancy, to promote fetal safety, to reduce harm to women and fetuses from suboptimal care, and to allow access to the benefits of research participation. This book supports the shift to a new default position, whereby (...)
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  16.  15
    Barriers to Learning: The Case for Integrated Mental Health Services in Schools.Debra S. Lean, Vincent A. Colucci & Michael Fullan - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book presents a unique classification and review of various mental health and learning issues. The authors link current education and child and youth mental health reforms to make the case for improving services to address barriers to learning.
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  17. Identifying Risk and Resilience Factors in the Intergenerational Cycle of Maltreatment: Results From the TRANS-GEN Study Investigating the Effects of Maternal Attachment and Social Support on Child Attachment and Cardiovascular Stress Physiology.Anna Buchheim, Ute Ziegenhain, Heinz Kindler, Christiane Waller, Harald Gündel, Alexander Karabatsiakis & Jörg Fegert - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionChildhood maltreatment is a developmental risk factor and can negatively influence later psychological functioning, health, and development in the next generation. A comprehensive understanding of the biopsychosocial underpinnings of CM transmission would allow to identify protective factors that could disrupt the intergenerational CM risk cycle. This study examined the consequences of maternal CM and the effects of psychosocial and biological resilience factors on child attachment and stress-regulatory development using a prospective trans-disciplinary approach.MethodsMother-child dyads participated shortly after (...)
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  18.  29
    Team process in community‐based participatory research on maternity care in the Dominican Republic.Jennifer Foster, Fidela Chiang, Rebecca C. Hillard, Priscilla Hall & Annemarie Heath - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (4):309-316.
    FOSTER J, CHIANG F, HILLARD RC, HALL P and HEATH A. Nursing Inquiry 2010; 17: 309–316 Team process in community‐based participatory research on maternity care in the Dominican RepublicA cross‐cultural team consisting of US trained academic midwife researchers, Dominican nurses, and Dominican community leaders have partnered in this international nursing and midwifery community‐based participatory research (CBPR) project in the Dominican Republic to understand the community experience with publicly funded maternity services. The purpose of the study was to understand community perceptions (...)
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  19.  70
    Assessing the utilization of maternal and child health care among married adolescent women: evidence from India.Lucky Singh, Rajesh Kumar Rai & Prashant Kumar Singh - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 44 (1):1.
  20.  34
    Young People Who Meaningfully Improve Are More Likely to Mutually Agree to End Treatment.Julian Edbrooke-Childs, Luís Costa da Silva, Anja Čuš, Shaun Liverpool, Catarina Pinheiro Mota, Giada Pietrabissa, Thomas Bardsley, Celia M. D. Sales, Randi Ulberg, Jenna Jacob & Nuno Ferreira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Symptom improvement is often examined as an indicator of a good outcome of accessing mental health services. However, there is little evidence of whether symptom improvement is associated with other indicators of a good outcome, such as a mutual agreement to end treatment. The aim of this study was to examine whether young people accessing mental health services who meaningfully improved were more likely to mutually agree to end treatment.Methods: Multilevel multinomial regression analysis controlling for age, gender, (...)
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  21.  20
    Maternal immunisation : Ethical issues.Marcel Verweij, Philipp Lambach, Justin R. Ortiz & Andreas Reis - unknown
    There has been increased interest in the potential of maternal immunisation to protect maternal, fetal, and infant health. Maternal tetanus vaccination is part of routine antenatal care and immunisation campaigns in many countries, and it has played an important part in the reduction of maternal and neonatal tetanus. Additional vaccines that have been recommended for routine maternal immunisation include those for influenza and pertussis, and other vaccines are being developed. Maternal immunisation is controversial (...)
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  22.  32
    Health mental services within educational process.Ximena Cecilia Macaya Sandoval, Claudio Enrique Bustos Navarrete, Silverio Segundo Torres Pérez, Pablo Andrés Vergara-Barra & Benjamín de la Cruz Vicente Parada - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):47-64.
    RESUMEN Introducción: Son escasos los servicios en salud mental dentro del contexto escolar que permitan una integración intersectorial para superar la brecha de falta de asistencia en salud mental en la población infanto - juvenil, aun cuando, es en la escuela donde se detectan mayoritariamente los problemas de salud mental. Objetivo: Comentar el uso de servicios de salud mental en el ambiente escolar en relación con los trastornos mentales y trastornos subumbrales. Método: El presente resultado se obtiene a partir del (...)
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  23.  17
    Intergenerational Transmission of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences on Next Generation’s Development: A Mini-Review.Keita Ishikawa, Natsuko Azuma & Mai Ohka - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    have extremely harmful impacts on an individual’s physical, social and mental health throughout their life-span. Recently, it has been reported that maternal ACEs increase the risk of developmental delay in the offspring across generations. This mini review focuses on the direct relationship between maternal ACEs and child developmental delay, and potential mediators/moderators that associate their relationship. Six studies were identified using three search engines. The results indicated that four out of six studies reported at least one (...)
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  24.  16
    The implementation of child rights in healthcare services.Cagla Yigitbas & Fadime Ustuner Top - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (7):1517-1528.
    Background: Hospitalized children have the right to “partake in practices related to their treatment and care.” Midwives and nurses have important roles and responsibilities regarding the protection and enforcement of these rights, such as providing information and advocating for children. Objectives: This study aims to determine the attitudes of midwives and nurses toward their roles and responsibilities in the implementation of child rights in healthcare services and the factors affecting their attitudes. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 122 midwives (...)
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  25.  39
    Midwives’ experience of respectful maternity care (RMC) globally: A meta-synthesis.Simin Haghdoost, Mina Iravani, Ali Hassan Rahmani & Simin Montazeri - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (5):951-979.
    Background Respectful maternity care (RMC) emphasizes the social and relational elements of maternity care and is a crucial part of initiatives to improve service accessibility and quality. Women's perceptions have influenced much of what we know about RMC and contempt in the labor ward. In order to understand midwives' perspectives of RMC, this meta-synthesis focused on them. Method For this inquiry, the databases PubMed/Medline, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus were searched to find studies on midwives' perceptions of RMC written (...)
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  26.  27
    Culturally appropriate consent processes for community-driven indigenous child health research: a scoping review.Cindy Peltier, Sarah Dickson, Viviane Grandpierre, Irina Oltean, Lorrilee McGregor, Emilie Hageltorn & Nancy L. Young - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Current requirements for ethical research in Canada, specifically the standard of active or signed parental consent, can leave Indigenous children and youth with inequitable access to research opportunities or health screening. Our objective was to examine the literature to identify culturally safe research consent processes that respect the rights of Indigenous children, the rights and responsibilities of parents or caregivers, and community protocols. Methods We followed PRISMA guidelines and Arksey and O’Malley’s approach for charting and synthesizing evidence. We (...)
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  27.  45
    Mothers, Babies, and the Colonial State: The Introduction of Maternal and Infant Welfare Services in Nigeria, 1925-1945.Deanne van Tol - 2007 - Spontaneous Generations 1 (1):110.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century the high mortality rates of both mothers and babies during childbirth became a predominant concern in Britain and its empire, provoking outcries from medical and nursing professionals as well as politicians and the wider public. Infant mortality became the new marker of the vitality of the nation and a widely used indicator of general standards of health. Efforts to improve maternal and infant welfare were part of a broader shift in Britain (...)
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  28.  40
    Unmet need for additional medical care for sick children in mother's view in rural bangladesh: Implications for improving child health services.Nurul Alam - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (5):769-778.
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  29.  42
    When the law makes doors slightly open: ethical dilemmas among abortion service providers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.Emily McLean, Dawit Nima Desalegn, Astrid Blystad & Ingrid Miljeteig - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-10.
    In 2005, Ethiopia changed its abortion law to curb its high maternal mortality. This has led to a considerable reduction in deaths from unsafe abortions. Abortion is now legal if the woman’s pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, if her health is endangered, if the fetus has a serious deformity, if she suffers from a physical or mental deficiency, or if she is under 18 years of age. The word of the woman, if in compliance with (...)
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  30.  21
    Development of a standardized social service pathway for children with complex cerebral palsy.Louise Bøttcher, Ole Christensen, Charlotte R. Pedersen & Derek John Curtis - 2021 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 22 (1):103-137.
    From a cultural-historical perspective, the impairments of a child with a condition like cerebral palsy have biological origins, but the disability evolves from the mismatch between the child and his/her social conditions for development. One example of this dialectical production of disability can be seen in the challenge of the 21st-century welfare state: How to provide economically feasible health and educational services anchored in evidence-based methods and practices. Standardized social service pathways for children with CP illustrates an (...)
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  31.  35
    Regulating migrant maternity: Nursing and midwifery’s emancipatory aims and assimilatory practices.Ruth DeSouza - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):293-304.
    In contemporary Western societies, birthing is framed as transformative for mothers; however, it is also a site for the regulation of women and the exercise of power relations by health professionals. Nursing scholarship often frames migrant mothers as a problem, yet nurses are imbricated within systems of scrutiny and regulation that are unevenly imposed on ‘other’ mothers. Discourses deployed by New Zealand Plunket nurses (who provide a universal ‘well childhealth service) to frame their understandings of migrant (...)
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  32.  41
    Maternal Education and Child Health: A Feminist Dilemma.Sonalde Desai - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (2):425-446.
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  33. Measurement of maternal and child mortality morbidity and health care: interdisciplinary approaches.J. Ties Boerma, S. Meyer, E. Schulze, K. M. Cleaver, G. A. Schreiber, J. A. Adetunji, G. Kaufmann, J. Cleland, E. Garrett & A. Wear - 1994 - Journal of Biosocial Science 26 (4):469-77.
  34.  36
    Examining inter-generational differentials in maternal health care service utilization: Insights from the indian demographic and health survey.Prashant Kumar Singh & Lucky Singh - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (3):1-20.
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  35.  54
    Why the UK National Health Service Should be Privatised.Danny Frederick - manuscript
    It is an article of almost religious faith in the United Kingdom that the National Health Service is far superior to a competitive market in health care services. In this brief and informal paper I show that the opposite is true. In contrast to market provision, the existence of the National Health Service entails the following. First, consumer sovereignty is virtually destroyed, since what services the consumer receives and how much he pays (through taxation) are determined by (...)
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  36.  54
    Evaluation of Health Service Quality in City Hospitals.Mehmet Yorulmaz - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    In Turkey, city hospitals play a significant role in the provision of healthcare services. This survey looked at the level of satisfaction with various hospitals. In the study, social media was one of the tools. The hospitals' websites were used to compile satisfaction ratings. After that, content analysis was used to look at the hospitals' indicators for technological, communicative, and physical quality. The study considered hospitals with 1200 beds or greater as a sampling factor in hospital selection. Hospitals are classified (...)
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  37.  46
    Involuntary Commitment as “Carceral-Health Service”: From Healthcare-to-Prison Pipeline to a Public Health Abolition Praxis.Rafik Wahbi & Leo Beletsky - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):23-30.
    Involuntary commitment links the healthcare, public health, and legislative systems to act as a “carceral health-service.” While masquerading as more humane and medicalized, such coercive modalities nevertheless further reinforce the systems, structures, practices, and policies of structural oppression and white supremacy. We argue that due to involuntary commitment’s inextricable connection to the carceral system, and a longer history of violent social control, this legal framework cannot and must not be held out as a viable alternative to the criminal (...)
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  38. The health service as civil association.Andrew Edgar - 1999 - In Dr Michael Parker & Michael Parker, Ethics and Community in the Health Care Professions. New York: Routledge. pp. 15.
  39. Mental health services in a diverse, 21st-century university.James Lyda & Norian Caporale-Berkowitz - 2017 - In Stephen Michael Kosslyn, Ben Nelson & Robert Kerrey, Building the intentional university: Minerva and the future of higher education. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
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  40.  51
    Health service research: the square peg in human subjects protection regulations.L. S. Gittner, M. J. Roach, G. Kikano, S. Grey & N. V. Dawson - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (2):118-122.
    Protection of human participants is a fundamental facet of biomedical research. We report the activities of a health service research study in which there were three institutional review boards (IRBs), three legal departments and one research administration department providing recommendations and mandating changes in the study methods. Complying with IRB requirements can be challenging, but can also adversely affect study outcomes. Multiple protocol changes mandated from multiple IRBs created a research method that was not reflective of how substance use (...)
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  41.  51
    Why health services research needs bioethics.Lucy Frith - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (10):655-656.
    It is nearly 20 years since Tony Hope wrote an editorial in this journal on Empirical Medical Ethics,1 arguing for both a recognition of the increasing amount of work being done in ‘empirical ethics’ and for its importance as a new direction for medical ethics research. Since then empirical ethics has flourished, with debates over the role of ‘empirical’ data in ethical reasoning producing a growing body of literature and the JME and other bioethics journals regularly publishing empirical studies. While (...)
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  42.  49
    National Health Service Rationing: Implications for the Standard of Care in Negligence.Christian Witting - 2001 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 21 (3):443-471.
    In this paper it is argued that courts must, where appropriate, take into account the fact that National Health Service hospitals are under‐funded when they determine the standard of care owed by such hospitals and their professional staff to patients. Although this suggestion is inconsistent with the traditional view of the courts, its adoption would bring negligence cases into harmony with judicial review decisions. It would also cohere with a new understanding of accident causation within complex organisations, which suggests (...)
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  43.  19
    Mental Health Services for ‘Difficult’ Women: Reflections on Some Recent Developments.Sue Waterhouse, Sara Scott & Jennie Williams - 2001 - Feminist Review 68 (1):89-104.
    The provision of mental health services to women has come sharply into focus for providers of secure psychiatric services in the UK. Women's services are being developed in response to the known risks of mixed-sex provision, and a growing appreciation of the ways that women in secure services can be further disadvantaged by their minority status. Our intention here is to present evidence and reflections to help inform this development. The evidence is drawn from our recent work in this (...)
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    The British National Health Service: A Tarnished MoralVision? [REVIEW]Len Doyal & Lesley Doyal - 1999 - Health Care Analysis 7 (4):363-376.
    Last year (1998) saw the celebration of the 50th Anniversaryof the British National Health Service (NHS). One ofthe few completely nationalised systems of health carein the world, the NHS is seen by many as a moralbeacon of what it means to provide equitable medicaltreatment to all citizens on the basis of need andneed alone. However, others argue that it has failedto achieve the overall goals for which it was created.Because of scarce resources, some urgently needed careis not available (...)
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    What would a socialist health service look like?Bob Brecher - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (3):217-225.
    A socialist health service cannot be a socialist island in a sea of capitalism, as the record of the British National Health Service shows. Nonetheless, since health is a basic need, it can be a key component of the advocacy of socialism. I propose two central socialist principles. On the basis of these I suggest that a socialist health system would emphasise care rather than service; insist on democratic structures and control of resources; and require the (...)
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    Caring for Indigenous families in the neonatal intensive care unit.Amy L. Wright, Marilyn Ballantyne & Olive Wahoush - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (2):e12338.
    Inequitable access to health care, social inequities, and racist and discriminatory care has resulted in the trend toward poorer health outcomes for Indigenous infants and their families when compared to non‐Indigenous families in Canada. How Indigenous mothers experience care during an admission of their infant to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit has implications for future health‐seeking behaviors which may influence infant health outcomes. Nurses are well positioned to promote positive health care interactions and improve (...) outcomes by effectively meeting the needs of Indigenous families. This qualitative study was guided by interpretive description and the Two‐Eyed Seeing framework and aimed to understand how Indigenous mothers experience accessing and using the health care system for their infants. Data were collected by way of interviews and a discussion group with self‐identifying Indigenous mothers of infants less than two years of age living in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Data underwent thematic analysis, identifying nursing strategies to support positive health care interactions and promote the health and wellness of Indigenous infants and their families. Building relationships, providing holistic care, and taking a trauma‐informed approach to the involvement of child protection services are three key strategies that nurses can use to positively impact health care experiences for Indigenous families. (shrink)
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    Global Health Careers: Serving the Navajo Community.Maricruz Merino, Jonathan Iralu & Sonya Shin - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):86-89.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Global Health Careers:Serving the Navajo CommunityMaricruz Merino, Jonathan Iralu, and Sonya ShinGallup Indian Medical Center (GIMC) sits on a hilltop in Gallup, New Mexico, a town of 20,000 in the four corners region of the Southwestern United States. From its third story windows one can see the red cliffs of the nearby Navajo Nation, a 27,000 square mile reservation that reaches into Arizona, northern New Mexico, and the (...)
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    Public Health Service Research in Guatemala: Toward New Scholarship.Kayte Spector-Bagdady - 2013 - Hastings Center Report 43 (4):3-3.
    A commentary on “‘Ever Vigilant’ in ‘Ethically Impossible’: Structural Injustice and Responsibility in PHS Research in Guatemala,” from the May‐June 2013 issue.
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    The delivery of health services as resistance.Ryan Essex - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (8):756-762.
    In this article, I will argue that the delivery of healthcare could be an act of resistance, that is, day‐to‐day, routine and perhaps mundane acts, undertaken in the course of the delivery of health services, which for many could also be considered otherwise routine care. I first consider how resistance has been conceptualised. How we understand resistance will determine if we believe healthcare could be conceptualised this way. I will show how resistance has been applied to day‐to‐day struggles elsewhere (...)
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    Past's Weight, Future's Promise: Reading Electra.William Junker - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):402-414.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 402-414 [Access article in PDF] Past's Weight, Future's Promise:Reading Electra William Junker I SOPHOCLES' Electrapresents as its main character a woman who is tortured by the remembrance of things past: Even my pitiful bed remembers, there in that dreadful house, my long night-watches grieving my unlucky father who found no foreign resting place in war but died when my mother and Aegisthus, her lover, (...)
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