Results for 'Mathias Hildebrandt'

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  1. (Dis-)solving the puzzle of the arrow of radiation.Mathias Frisch - 2000 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 51 (3):381-410.
    I criticize two accounts of the temporal asymmetry of electromagnetic radiation - that of Huw Price, whose account centrally involves a reinterpretation of Wheeler and Feynman's infinite absorber theory, and that of Dieter Zeh. I then offer some reasons for thinking that the purported puzzle of the arrow of radiation does not present a genuine puzzle in need of a solution.
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    Who Needs Stories if You Can Get the Data? ISPs in the Era of Big Number Crunching.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (4):371-390.
    Who Needs Stories if You Can Get the Data? ISPs in the Era of Big Number Crunching Content Type Journal Article Category Special Issue Pages 371-390 DOI 10.1007/s13347-011-0041-8 Authors Mireille Hildebrandt, Institute of Computer and Information Sciences (ICIS), Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, the Netherlands Journal Philosophy & Technology Online ISSN 2210-5441 Print ISSN 2210-5433 Journal Volume Volume 24 Journal Issue Volume 24, Number 4.
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    Teaching Rationality—Sustained Shared Thinking as a Means for Learning to Navigate the Space of Reasons.Frauke Hildebrandt & Kristina Musholt - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (3):582-599.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Coming from a world without objects.Frauke Hildebrandt, Ramiro Glauer & Gregor Kachel - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (2):159-176.
    While research on object individuation assumes that even very young children are able to perceive objects as particulars, we argue that the results of relevant studies can be explained in terms of feature discrimination. We propose that children start out navigating the world with a feature‐based ontology and only later become able to individuate objects spatiotemporally. Furthermore, object individuation is a cognitively demanding achievement resting on a uniquely human form of enculturation, namely the acquisition of deictic demonstratives. We conclude by (...)
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  5. Causal Reasoning in Physics.Mathias Frisch - 2014 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Much has been written on the role of causal notions and causal reasoning in the so-called 'special sciences' and in common sense. But does causal reasoning also play a role in physics? Mathias Frisch argues that, contrary to what influential philosophical arguments purport to show, the answer is yes. Time-asymmetric causal structures are as integral a part of the representational toolkit of physics as a theory's dynamical equations. Frisch develops his argument partly through a critique of anti-causal arguments and (...)
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    Privacy as Protection of the Incomputable Self: From Agnostic to Agonistic Machine Learning.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2019 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20 (1):83-121.
    This Article takes the perspective of law and philosophy, integrating insights from computer science. First, I will argue that in the era of big data analytics we need an understanding of privacy that is capable of protecting what is uncountable, incalculable or incomputable about individual persons. To instigate this new dimension of the right to privacy, I expand previous work on the relational nature of privacy, and the productive indeterminacy of human identity it implies, into an ecological understanding of privacy, (...)
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    Next Speakers Plan Their Turn Early and Speak after Turn-Final “Go-Signals”.Mathias Barthel, Antje S. Meyer & Stephen C. Levinson - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  8. On the Morality of Immigration.Mathias Risse - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (1):25–33.
    This essay makes a plea for the relevance of moral considerations in debates about immigration. It offers a standpoint that demonstrates why one should think of immigration as a moral problem that must be considered in the context of global justice.
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    Mathias Risse replies.Mathias Risse - 2008 - Ethics and International Affairs 22 (3):254-259.
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    Strategic Ambiguity: The Pragmatic Utopianism of Daniel Callahan’s “Bioethics as a Discipline”.Mathias Schütz - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):167-173.
    This article highlights the continuing relevance of a classic bioethical text, “Bioethics as a Discipline,” published by the Hastings Center’s cofounder Daniel Callahan in 1973. Connecting the text’s programmatic recommendations with later reflections and interventions Callahan wrote about the development of bioethics illuminates how the vision Callahan established and the reality this vision helped create were interrelated—just not in the way Callahan had hoped for. Although this portrait relies on an individual perception of the development of bioethics, it might nevertheless, (...)
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    Competing Against the Unknown: The Impact of Enabling and Constraining Institutions on the Informal Economy.B. D. Mathias, Sean Lux, T. Russell Crook, Chad Autry & Russell Zaretzki - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):251-264.
    In addition to facing the known competitors in the formal economy, entrepreneurs must also be concerned with rivalry emanating from the informal economy. The informal economy is characterized by actions outside the normal scope of commerce, such as unsanctioned payments and gift-giving, as means of influencing competition. Scholars and policy makers alike have an interest in mitigating the impacts of such informal activity in that it might present an obstacle for legitimate commerce. Received theory suggests that country institutions can enable (...)
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    Platon: Logos und Mythos.Kurt Hildebrandt - 2019 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Platon" verfügbar.
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  13. Autonomic and autonomous "thinking": preconditions for criminal accountability.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2011 - In Mireille Hildebrandt & Antoinette Rouvroy (eds.), Law, human agency, and autonomic computing: the philosophy of law meets the philosophy of technology. New York, NY: Routledge.
  14. Causality and dispersion: A reply to John Norton.Mathias Frisch - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (3):487 - 495.
    Classical dispersion relations are derived from a time-asymmetric constraint. I argue that the standard causal interpretation of this constraint plays a scientifically legitimate role in dispersion theory, and hence provides a counterexample to the causal skepticism advanced by John Norton and others. Norton ([2009]) argues that the causal interpretation of the time-asymmetric constraint is an empty honorific and that the constraint can be motivated by purely non-causal considerations. In this paper I respond to Norton's criticisms and argue that Norton's skepticism (...)
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    Why Not Just Features? Reconsidering Infants’ Behavior in Individuation Tasks.Frauke Hildebrandt, Jan Lonnemann & Ramiro Glauer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  16. How semantic memory structure and intelligence contribute to creative thought: a network science approach.Mathias Benedek, Yoed N. Kenett, Konstantin Umdasch, David Anaki, Miriam Faust & Aljoscha C. Neubauer - 2017 - Thinking and Reasoning 23 (2):158-183.
    The associative theory of creativity states that creativity is associated with differences in the structure of semantic memory, whereas the executive theory of creativity emphasises the role of top-down control for creative thought. For a powerful test of these accounts, individual semantic memory structure was modelled with a novel method based on semantic relatedness judgements and different criteria for network filtering were compared. The executive account was supported by a correlation between creative ability and broad retrieval ability. The associative account (...)
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    On Justice: Philosophy, History, Foundations.Mathias Risse - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Though much attention has been paid to different principles of justice, far less has been done reflecting on what the larger concern behind the notion is. In this work, Mathias Risse proposes that the perennial quest for justice is about ensuring that each individual has an appropriate place in what our uniquely human capacities permit us to build, produce, and maintain, and is appropriately respected for the capacity to hold such a place to begin with. Risse begins by investigating (...)
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  18. Nietzsches Wettkampf Mit Sokrates Und Plato.Kurt Hildebrandt - 1922 - Sibyllen-Verlag.
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    Acknowledgments.Mathias Risse - 2012 - In On global justice. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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  20. Legal and Technological Normativity.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2008 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 12 (3):169-183.
    Within science technology and society studies the focus has long been on descriptive microanalyses. Several authors have raised the issue of the normative implications of the findings of research into socio-technical devices and infrastructures, while some claim that material artifacts have moral significance or should even be regarded as moral actors. In this contribution the normative impact of technologies is investigated and compared with the normative impact of legal norms, arguing that a generic concept of normativity is needed that does (...)
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  21. Psychophysischer Parallelismus, psychophysisches Problem und die Gegenstandbestimmung der Psychologie.H. Hildebrandt - 1985 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 29:147-181.
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    Singular Reference.Frauke Hildebrandt & Ramiro Glauer - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (2):159-185.
    The ability to refer to objects – singular reference – is arguably the decisive innovation on the way to human propositional cognition. This article argues that object individuation requires singular reference because basic singular terms, namely spatial indexicals, provide a symbolic frame of reference for object individuation. The authors suggest that singular reference is intrinsically connected to essential characteristics of propositionality: among other things, it guarantees the situation-independence of meaning, allows for the distinction between truth and falsehood, and enables us (...)
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    23 Eccentric Positionality as a Precondition for the Criminal Liability Of Artificial Life Forms.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2014 - In Jos Mul (ed.), Plessner's Philosophical Anthropology: Perspectives and Prospects. Amsterdam University Press. pp. 407-424.
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    On global justice.Mathias Risse - 2012 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    The grounds of justice -- "Un pouvoir ordinaire": shared membership in a state as a ground of -- Justice -- Internationalism versus statism and globalism: contemporary debates -- What follows from our common humanity? : the institutional stance, human rights, and nonrelationism -- Hugo Grotius revisited : collective ownership of the Earth and global public reason -- "Our sole habitation" : a contemporary approach to collective ownership of the earth -- Toward a contingent derivation of human rights -- Proportionate use (...)
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  25. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to Enforce in Cyberspace. Bodin, Schmitt, Grotius in Cyberspace.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2013 - University of Toronto Law Journal 63 (2):196-224.
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    Defining the Construct of Synthetic Androgen Intoxication: An Application of General Brain Arousal.Tom Hildebrandt, Ashley Heywood, Daniel Wesley & Kurt Schulz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  27. From Luther to Wesley.Franz Hildebrandt - 1951
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    Goethes Naturerkenntnis.Kurt Hildebrandt - 1950 - Stromverlag.
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    II. Zu bekannten Stellen.R. Hildebrandt - 1911 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 70 (1-4):52-78.
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    Platon.Kurt Hildebrandt - 1933 - Berlin,: G. Bondi.
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    Phenotypic Plasticity in Animals Exposed to Osmotic Stress – Is it Always Adaptive?Jan-Peter Hildebrandt, Amanda A. Wiesenthal & Christian Müller - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (11):1800069.
    Hyperplasia and hypertrophy are elements of phenotypic plasticity adjusting organ size and function. Because they are costly, we assume that they are beneficial. In this review, the authors discuss examples of tissue and organ systems that respond with plastic changes to osmotic stress to raise awareness that we do not always have sufficient experimental evidence to conclude that such processes provide fitness advantages. Changes in hydranth architecture in the hydroid Cordylophora caspia or variations in size in the anal papillae of (...)
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    XIX. Rhetorische Hydraulik.R. Hildebrandt - 1906 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 65 (1-4):425-463.
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    Zum Goethejubiläum: Goethe und Darwin.Kurt Hildebrandt - 1932 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 41 (1-2):57-79.
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    Comment on ‘Paying People to Act in Their Own Interests: Incentives versus Rationalisation in Public Health’ by Jonathan Wolff.Mathias Kifmann - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (1):31-33.
    This article comments on Jonathan Wolff’s contribution ‘Paying People to Act in Their Own Interests: Incentives versus Rationalisation in Public Health ’ from an economics perspective. The role of incentives in public health is discussed from both a neoclassical and behavioural economics viewpoint. Jonathan Wolff contributes to this discussion by outlining a new mechanism. He demonstrates that incentives may matter in a different way than has been considered so far. In particular, Wolff shows that we should not view individuals in (...)
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    Preface.Mathias Risse - 2012 - In On global justice. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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    Inconsistency, asymmetry, and non-locality: a philosophical investigation of classical electrodynamics.Mathias Frisch - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Mathias Frisch provides the first sustained philosophical discussion of conceptual problems in classical particle-field theories. Part of the book focuses on the problem of a satisfactory equation of motion for charged particles interacting with electromagnetic fields. As Frisch shows, the standard equation of motion results in a mathematically inconsistent theory, yet there is no fully consistent and conceptually unproblematic alternative theory. Frisch describes in detail how the search for a fundamental equation of motion is partly driven by pragmatic considerations (...)
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    (1 other version)Mechanisms, principles, and Lorentz's cautious realism.Mathias Frisch - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (4):659-679.
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    Life and the law in the era of data-driven agency.Mireille Hildebrandt & Kieron O'Hara (eds.) - 2020 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    This ground-breaking and timely book explores how big data, artificial intelligence and algorithms are creating new types of agency, and the impact that this is having on our lives and the rule of law. Addressing the issues in a thoughtful, cross-disciplinary manner, the authors examine the ways in which data-driven agency is transforming democratic practices and the meaning of individual choice. Leading scholars in law, philosophy, computer science and politics analyse the latest innovations in data science and machine learning, assessing (...)
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    Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law. Novel entanglements of Law and Technology.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2015 - Aberdeen: Edward Elgar.
    This timely book tells the story of the smart technologies that reconstruct our world, by provoking their most salient functionality: the prediction and preemption of our day-to-day activities, preferences, health and credit risks, criminal intent and spending capacity. Mireille Hildebrandt claims that we are in transit between an information society and a data-driven society, which has far reaching consequences for the world we depend on. She highlights how the pervasive employment of machine-learning technologies that inform so-called ‘data-driven agency’ threaten (...)
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  40. What to Say About the State.Mathias Risse - 2006 - Social Theory and Practice 32 (4):671-698.
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    Chapter 8. Proportionate Use: Immigration and Original Ownership of the Earth.Mathias Risse - 2012 - In On global justice. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 152-166.
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  42. Balance or Trade-off? Online Security Technologies and Fundamental Rights.Mireille Hildebrandt - 2013 - Philosophy and Technology 26 (4):357-379.
    In this contribution, I will argue that the image of a balance is often used to defend the idea of a trade-off. To understand the drawbacks of this line of thought, I will explore the relationship between online security technologies and fundamental rights, notably privacy, nondiscrimination, freedom of speech and due process. After discriminating between three types of online security technologies, I will trace the reconfiguration of the notion of privacy in the era of smart environments. This will lead to (...)
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  43. Laws and initial conditions.Mathias Frisch - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):696-706.
    I discuss two case studies from classical electrodynamics challenging the distinction between laws that delineate physically possible words and initial conditions. First, for many reasonable initial conditions there exist no global solutions to the Maxwell‐Lorentz equations for continuous charge distributions. Second, in deriving an equation of motion for a charged point particle one needs to invoke an asymptotic condition that seems to express a physically contingent fact even though it is mathematically necessary for the derivation.
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    Privacy, due process and the computational turn.Mireille Hildebrandt & Katja de Vries (eds.) - 2013 - Abingdon, Oxon, [England] ; New York: Routledge.
    Privacy, Due process and the Computational Turn: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology engages with the rapidly developing computational aspects of our world including data mining, behavioural advertising, iGovernment, profiling for intelligence, customer relationship management, smart search engines, personalized news feeds, and so on in order to consider their implications for the assumptions on which our legal framework has been built. The contributions to this volume focus on the issue of privacy, which is often equated with data (...)
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  45. Arguing for majority rule.Mathias Risse - 2004 - Journal of Political Philosophy 12 (1):41–64.
    ALTHOUGH majority rule finds ready acceptance whenever groups make decisions, there are surprisingly few philosophically interesting arguments in support of it.1 Jeremy Waldron’s The Dignity of Legislation contains the most interesting recent defense of majority rule. Waldron combines his own argument from respect with May’s influential characterization of majority rule, tying both to a reinterpretation of a well-known passage from Locke’s Second Treatise (“the body moves into the direction determined by the majority of forces”). Despite its impressive resourcefulness, Waldron’s defense (...)
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    Critical notice of Aaron James, Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy.Mathias Risse & Gabriel Wollner - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):382-401.
    Nobody has offered such a comprehensive philosophical approach to trade. Nonetheless, James's approach does not succeed. First, we explore James's constructivist method, which does less work than he suggests. The second topic is James's take on the different ‘grounds’ of justice. We explore the shortcomings of approaches that focus exclusively on trade. Our third topic is why James thinks trade is such a ground. The fourth topic is how James argues for his proposed ‘structural equity.’ This proposal remains under-argued. Our (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Common ownership of the earth as a non-parochial standpoint: A contingent derivation of human rights.Mathias Risse - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 17 (2):277-304.
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    Law, human agency, and autonomic computing: the philosophy of law meets the philosophy of technology.Mireille Hildebrandt & Antoinette Rouvroy (eds.) - 2011 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Law, Human Agency and Autonomic Computing interrogates the legal implications of the notion and experience of human agency implied by the emerging paradigm of autonomic computing, and the socio-technical infrastructures it supports. The development of autonomic computing and ambient intelligence âe" self-governing systems âe" challenge traditional philosophical conceptions of human self-constitution and agency, with significant consequences for the theory and practice of constitutional self-government. Ideas of identity, subjectivity, agency, personhood, intentionality, and embodiment are all central to the functioning of modern (...)
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  49. «Éclaircir les conceptions»: Peirce et Whewell, 1869.Mathias Girel - 2017 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3 (3):35-44.
    Si l’intérêt de Peirce pour l’historien des sciences William Whewell est bien connu, l’influence de ce dernier sur la première formulation du pragmatisme peircien a moins été étudiée. Le présent article s’appuie sur une conférence, consacrée à Whewell et donnée par Peirce en 1869, pour analyser plus en détail ce que Peirce pouvait alors entendre par « éclaircissement des conceptions ». Les repères décisifs sont ici fournis par le triple rapport au kantisme, à l’histoire des sciences et aux controverses scientifiques.
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    On the conditional independence implication problem: A lattice-theoretic approach.Mathias Niepert, Marc Gyssens, Bassem Sayrafi & Dirk Van Gucht - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 202:29-51.
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